mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 14:10:39 +01:00
Merge pull request #3283 from BPplays/ipv6_auto
adds checking for if localhost resolves + JSDoc additions
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ import {
} from './src/util.js';
import { UPLOADS_DIRECTORY } from './src/constants.js';
import { ensureThumbnailCache } from './src/endpoints/thumbnails.js';
@ -247,28 +248,41 @@ app.use(compression());
/** @type {number} */
const server_port = cliArguments.port ?? process.env.SILLY_TAVERN_PORT ?? getConfigValue('port', DEFAULT_PORT);
/** @type {boolean} */
const autorun = (cliArguments.autorun ?? getConfigValue('autorun', DEFAULT_AUTORUN)) && !cliArguments.ssl;
/** @type {boolean} */
const listen = cliArguments.listen ?? getConfigValue('listen', DEFAULT_LISTEN);
/** @type {boolean} */
const enableCorsProxy = cliArguments.corsProxy ?? getConfigValue('enableCorsProxy', DEFAULT_CORS_PROXY);
const enableWhitelist = cliArguments.whitelist ?? getConfigValue('whitelistMode', DEFAULT_WHITELIST);
/** @type {string} */
const dataRoot = cliArguments.dataRoot ?? getConfigValue('dataRoot', './data');
/** @type {boolean} */
const disableCsrf = cliArguments.disableCsrf ?? getConfigValue('disableCsrfProtection', DEFAULT_CSRF_DISABLED);
const basicAuthMode = cliArguments.basicAuthMode ?? getConfigValue('basicAuthMode', DEFAULT_BASIC_AUTH);
const perUserBasicAuth = getConfigValue('perUserBasicAuth', DEFAULT_PER_USER_BASIC_AUTH);
/** @type {boolean} */
const enableAccounts = getConfigValue('enableUserAccounts', DEFAULT_ACCOUNTS);
const uploadsPath = path.join(dataRoot, UPLOADS_DIRECTORY);
/** @type {boolean | "auto"} */
let enableIPv6 = stringToBool(cliArguments.enableIPv6) ?? getConfigValue('protocol.ipv6', DEFAULT_ENABLE_IPV6);
/** @type {boolean | "auto"} */
let enableIPv4 = stringToBool(cliArguments.enableIPv4) ?? getConfigValue('protocol.ipv4', DEFAULT_ENABLE_IPV4);
/** @type {string} */
const autorunHostname = cliArguments.autorunHostname ?? getConfigValue('autorunHostname', DEFAULT_AUTORUN_HOSTNAME);
/** @type {number} */
const autorunPortOverride = cliArguments.autorunPortOverride ?? getConfigValue('autorunPortOverride', DEFAULT_AUTORUN_PORT);
/** @type {boolean} */
const dnsPreferIPv6 = cliArguments.dnsPreferIPv6 ?? getConfigValue('dnsPreferIPv6', DEFAULT_PREFER_IPV6);
/** @type {boolean} */
const avoidLocalhost = cliArguments.avoidLocalhost ?? getConfigValue('avoidLocalhost', DEFAULT_AVOID_LOCALHOST);
const proxyEnabled = cliArguments.requestProxyEnabled ?? getConfigValue('requestProxy.enabled', DEFAULT_PROXY_ENABLED);
@ -382,6 +396,16 @@ function getSessionCookieAge() {
return undefined;
* Checks the network interfaces to determine the presence of IPv6 and IPv4 addresses.
* @returns {Promise<[boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean]>} A promise that resolves to an array containing:
* - [0]: `hasIPv6` (boolean) - Whether the computer has any IPv6 address, including (`::1`).
* - [1]: `hasIPv4` (boolean) - Whether the computer has any IPv4 address, including (``).
* - [2]: `hasIPv6Local` (boolean) - Whether the computer has local IPv6 address (`::1`).
* - [3]: `hasIPv4Local` (boolean) - Whether the computer has local IPv4 address (``).
async function getHasIP() {
let hasIPv6 = false;
let hasIPv6Local = false;
@ -395,6 +419,7 @@ async function getHasIP() {
if (iface === undefined) {
for (const info of iface) {
if (info.family === 'IPv6') {
hasIPv6 = true;
@ -413,7 +438,12 @@ async function getHasIP() {
if (hasIPv6 && hasIPv4 && hasIPv6Local && hasIPv4Local) break;
return [hasIPv6, hasIPv4, hasIPv6Local, hasIPv4Local];
return [
@ -734,12 +764,16 @@ const preSetupTasks = async function () {
* Gets the hostname to use for autorun in the browser.
* @returns {string} The hostname to use for autorun
* @param {boolean} useIPv6 If use IPv6
* @param {boolean} useIPv4 If use IPv4
* @returns Promise<string> The hostname to use for autorun
function getAutorunHostname(useIPv6, useIPv4) {
async function getAutorunHostname(useIPv6, useIPv4) {
if (autorunHostname === 'auto') {
let localhostResolve = await canResolve('localhost', useIPv6, useIPv4);
if (useIPv6 && useIPv4) {
if (avoidLocalhost) return '[::1]';
if (avoidLocalhost || !localhostResolve) return '[::1]';
return 'localhost';
@ -752,6 +786,7 @@ function getAutorunHostname(useIPv6, useIPv4) {
return autorunHostname;
@ -759,11 +794,13 @@ function getAutorunHostname(useIPv6, useIPv4) {
* Tasks that need to be run after the server starts listening.
* @param {boolean} v6Failed If the server failed to start on IPv6
* @param {boolean} v4Failed If the server failed to start on IPv4
* @param {boolean} useIPv6 If the server is using IPv6
* @param {boolean} useIPv4 If the server is using IPv4
const postSetupTasks = async function (v6Failed, v4Failed, useIPv6, useIPv4) {
const autorunUrl = new URL(
(cliArguments.ssl ? 'https://' : 'http://') +
(getAutorunHostname(useIPv6, useIPv4)) +
(await getAutorunHostname(useIPv6, useIPv4)) +
(':') +
((autorunPortOverride >= 0) ? autorunPortOverride : server_port),
@ -777,11 +814,15 @@ const postSetupTasks = async function (v6Failed, v4Failed, useIPv6, useIPv4) {
let logListen = 'SillyTavern is listening on';
if (useIPv6 && !v6Failed) {
logListen += color.green(' IPv6: ' + tavernUrlV6.host);
logListen += color.green(
' IPv6: ' + tavernUrlV6.host
if (useIPv4 && !v4Failed) {
logListen += color.green(' IPv4: ' + tavernUrl.host);
logListen += color.green(
' IPv4: ' + tavernUrl.host
const goToLog = 'Go to: ' + color.blue(autorunUrl) + ' to open SillyTavern';
@ -793,16 +834,22 @@ const postSetupTasks = async function (v6Failed, v4Failed, useIPv6, useIPv4) {
console.log('\n' + getSeparator(plainGoToLog.length) + '\n');
if (listen) {
console.log('[::] or means SillyTavern is listening on all network interfaces (Wi-Fi, LAN, localhost). If you want to limit it only to internal localhost ([::1] or, change the setting in config.yaml to "listen: false". Check "access.log" file in the SillyTavern directory if you want to inspect incoming connections.\n');
'[::] or means SillyTavern is listening on all network interfaces (Wi-Fi, LAN, localhost). If you want to limit it only to internal localhost ([::1] or, change the setting in config.yaml to "listen: false". Check "access.log" file in the SillyTavern directory if you want to inspect incoming connections.\n'
if (basicAuthMode) {
if (perUserBasicAuth && !enableAccounts) {
console.error(color.red('Per-user basic authentication is enabled, but user accounts are disabled. This configuration may be insecure.'));
'Per-user basic authentication is enabled, but user accounts are disabled. This configuration may be insecure.'
} else if (!perUserBasicAuth) {
const basicAuthUser = getConfigValue('basicAuthUser', {});
if (!basicAuthUser?.username || !basicAuthUser?.password) {
console.warn(color.yellow('Basic Authentication is enabled, but username or password is not set or empty!'));
'Basic Authentication is enabled, but username or password is not set or empty!'
@ -855,6 +902,8 @@ function logSecurityAlert(message) {
* Handles the case where the server failed to start on one or both protocols.
* @param {boolean} v6Failed If the server failed to start on IPv6
* @param {boolean} v4Failed If the server failed to start on IPv4
* @param {boolean} useIPv6 If use IPv6
* @param {boolean} useIPv4 If use IPv4
function handleServerListenFail(v6Failed, v4Failed, useIPv6, useIPv4) {
if (v6Failed && !useIPv4) {
@ -876,6 +925,7 @@ function handleServerListenFail(v6Failed, v4Failed, useIPv6, useIPv4) {
* Creates an HTTPS server.
* @param {URL} url The URL to listen on
* @param {number} ipVersion the ip version to use
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the server is listening
* @throws {Error} If the server fails to start
@ -903,6 +953,7 @@ function createHttpsServer(url, ipVersion) {
* Creates an HTTP server.
* @param {URL} url The URL to listen on
* @param {number} ipVersion the ip version to use
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the server is listening
* @throws {Error} If the server fails to start
@ -923,6 +974,12 @@ function createHttpServer(url, ipVersion) {
* Starts the server using http or https depending on config
* @param {boolean} useIPv6 If use IPv6
* @param {boolean} useIPv4 If use IPv4
async function startHTTPorHTTPS(useIPv6, useIPv4) {
let v6Failed = false;
let v4Failed = false;
@ -957,12 +1014,19 @@ async function startHTTPorHTTPS(useIPv6, useIPv4) {
async function startServer() {
let useIPv6 = (enableIPv6 === true);
let useIPv4 = (enableIPv4 === true);
let hasIPv6, hasIPv4, hasIPv6Local, hasIPv4Local, hasIPv6Any, hasIPv4Any;
let hasIPv6 = false,
hasIPv4 = false,
hasIPv6Local = false,
hasIPv4Local = false,
hasIPv6Any = false,
hasIPv4Any = false;
if (enableIPv6 === 'auto' || enableIPv4 === 'auto') {
[hasIPv6Any, hasIPv4Any, hasIPv6Local, hasIPv4Local] = await getHasIP();
hasIPv6 = listen ? hasIPv6Any : hasIPv6Local;
if (enableIPv6 === 'auto') {
useIPv6 = hasIPv6;
@ -987,10 +1051,6 @@ async function startServer() {
console.log('IPv4 support detected (but disabled)');
} else {
console.log('Neither protocol: ipv6, nor ipv4 are set to auto, skipping detection');
if (enableIPv6 === 'auto' && enableIPv4 === 'auto') {
@ -1000,14 +1060,23 @@ async function startServer() {
} else {
console.log('Neither protocol: ipv6, nor ipv4 are set to auto, skipping detection');
if (!useIPv6 && !useIPv4) {
console.error('Both IPv6 and IPv4 are disabled,\nP.S. you should never see this error, at least at one point it was checked for before this, with the rest of the config options');
const [v6Failed, v4Failed] = await startHTTPorHTTPS(useIPv6, useIPv4);
handleServerListenFail(v6Failed, v4Failed, useIPv6, useIPv4);
postSetupTasks(v6Failed, v4Failed, useIPv6, useIPv4);
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import process from 'node:process';
import { Readable } from 'node:stream';
import { createRequire } from 'node:module';
import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
import { promises as dnsPromise } from 'node:dns';
import yaml from 'yaml';
import { sync as commandExistsSync } from 'command-exists';
@ -692,6 +693,11 @@ export function isValidUrl(url) {
* removes starting `[` or ending `]` from hostname.
* @param {string} hostname hostname to use
* @returns {string} hostname plus the modifications
export function urlHostnameToIPv6(hostname) {
if (hostname.startsWith('[')) {
hostname = hostname.slice(1);
@ -702,6 +708,49 @@ export function urlHostnameToIPv6(hostname) {
return hostname;
* Test if can resolve a dns name.
* @param {string} name Domain name to use
* @param {boolean} useIPv6 If use IPv6
* @param {boolean} useIPv4 If use IPv4
* @returns Promise<boolean> If the URL is valid
export async function canResolve(name, useIPv6 = true, useIPv4 = true) {
try {
let v6Resolved = false;
let v4Resolved = false;
if (useIPv6) {
try {
await dnsPromise.resolve6(name);
v6Resolved = true;
} catch (error) {
v6Resolved = false;
if (useIPv4) {
try {
await dnsPromise.resolve(name);
v4Resolved = true;
} catch (error) {
v4Resolved = false;
return v6Resolved || v4Resolved;
} catch (error) {
return false;
* converts string to boolean accepts 'true' or 'false' else it returns the string put in
* @param {string|null} str Input string or null
* @returns {boolean|string|null} boolean else original input string or null if input is
export function stringToBool(str) {
if (str === 'true') return true;
if (str === 'false') return false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user