Merge pull request #992 from Tony-sama/staging

Audio extension and RVC/Coqui UI updates/bugfixes
This commit is contained in:
Cohee 2023-08-25 14:18:42 +03:00 committed by GitHub
commit b01268ee8c
No known key found for this signature in database
18 changed files with 1548 additions and 148 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -32,3 +32,4 @@ public/movingUI/
public/QuickReplies/ public/QuickReplies/
content.log content.log
cloudflared.exe cloudflared.exe

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Put ambient audio files here.

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Put bgm audio files here

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
- Check failed install file (0kb size ?)
import { getRequestHeaders, callPopup } from "../../../script.js";
export { MODULE_NAME };
const MODULE_NAME = 'Assets';
const DEBUG_PREFIX = "<Assets module> ";
const extensionName = "assets";
const extensionFolderPath = `scripts/extensions/${extensionName}`;
// DBG
let availableAssets = {};
let currentAssets = {};
// Extension UI and Settings //
const defaultSettings = {
function downloadAssetsList(url) {
updateCurrentAssets().then(function () {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => {
availableAssets = {};
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Received assets dictionary", json);
for (const i of json) {
if (availableAssets[i["type"]] === undefined)
availableAssets[i["type"]] = [];
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Updated available assets to", availableAssets);
for (const assetType in availableAssets) {
let assetTypeMenu = $('<div />', { id: "assets_audio_ambient_div", class: "assets-list-div" });
for (const i in availableAssets[assetType]) {
const asset = availableAssets[assetType][i];
const elemId = `assets_install_${assetType}_${i}`;
let element = $('<button />', { id: elemId, type: "button", class: "asset-download-button menu_button" })
const label = $("<i class=\"fa-solid fa-download fa-xl\"></i>");
// assetUrl = assetUrl.replace("",""); // DBG
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Checking asset", asset["id"], asset["url"]);
const assetInstall = async function () {"click");
await installAsset(asset["url"], assetType, asset["id"]);
element.on("click", assetDelete);
element.on("mouseenter", function(){
}).on("mouseleave", function(){
const assetDelete = async function() {"click");
await deleteAsset(assetType, asset["id"]);
element.on("click", assetInstall);
if (isAssetInstalled(assetType, asset["id"])) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "installed, checked");
element.on("click", assetDelete);
element.on("mouseenter", function(){
}).on("mouseleave", function(){
else {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "not installed, unchecked")
element.prop("checked", false);
element.on("click", assetInstall);
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Created element for BGM", asset["id"])
.catch((error) => {
toastr.error("Problem with assets URL", DEBUG_PREFIX + "Cannot get assets list");
function isAssetInstalled(assetType, filename) {
for (const i of currentAssets[assetType]) {
if (i.includes(filename))
return true;
return false;
async function installAsset(url, assetType, filename) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Downloading ", url);
const category = assetType;
try {
const body = { url, category, filename };
const result = await fetch('/asset_download', {
method: 'POST',
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
body: JSON.stringify(body),
cache: 'no-cache',
if (result.ok) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Download success.")
catch (err) {
return [];
async function deleteAsset(assetType, filename) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Deleting ", assetType, filename);
const category = assetType;
try {
const body = { category, filename };
const result = await fetch('/asset_delete', {
method: 'POST',
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
body: JSON.stringify(body),
cache: 'no-cache',
if (result.ok) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Deletion success.")
catch (err) {
return [];
// API Calls //
async function updateCurrentAssets() {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Checking installed assets...")
try {
const result = await fetch(`/get_assets`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
currentAssets = result.ok ? (await result.json()) : {};
catch (err) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Current assets found:", currentAssets)
// Extension load //
// This function is called when the extension is loaded
jQuery(async () => {
// This is an example of loading HTML from a file
const windowHtml = $(await $.get(`${extensionFolderPath}/window.html`));
const assetsJsonUrl = windowHtml.find('#assets-json-url-field');
const connectButton = windowHtml.find('#assets-connect-button');
connectButton.on("click", async function () {
const confirmation = await callPopup(`Are you sure you want to connect to '${assetsJsonUrl.val()}'?`, 'confirm')
if (confirmation) {
try {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Confimation, loading assets...");
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
toastr.error(`Cannot get assets list from ${assetsJsonUrl.val()}`);
else {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Connection refused by user");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"display_name": "Assets",
"loading_order": 15,
"requires": [],
"optional": [],
"js": "index.js",
"css": "style.css",
"author": "Keij#6799",
"version": "0.1.0",
"homePage": ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#assets-json-url-field {
width: 85%;
#assets-connect-button {
width: 15%;
margin-left: 5px;
.assets-connect-div {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
padding: 5px;
.assets-list-div i {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: left;
padding: 5px;
.assets-list-div i span{
margin-left: 10px;
.asset-download-button {
position: relative;
width: 50px;
padding: 8px 16px;
border: none;
outline: none;
border-radius: 2px;
cursor: pointer;
.asset-download-button:active {
background: #007a63;
.asset-download-button-text {
font: bold 20px "Quicksand", san-serif;
color: #ffffff;
transition: all 0.2s;
.asset-download-button-loading .asset-download-button-text {
visibility: hidden;
opacity: 0;
.asset-download-button-loading::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
margin: auto;
border: 4px solid transparent;
border-top-color: #ffffff;
border-radius: 50%;
animation: asset-download-button-loading-spinner 1s ease infinite;
@keyframes asset-download-button-loading-spinner {
from {
transform: rotate(0turn);
to {
transform: rotate(1turn);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<div id="assets_ui">
<div class="inline-drawer">
<div class="inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header">
<div class="inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down"></div>
<div class="inline-drawer-content">
<label for="assets-json-url-field">Assets URL</label>
<div class="assets-connect-div">
<input id="assets-json-url-field" class="text_pole widthUnset flex1">
<i id="assets-connect-button" class="menu_button fa-solid fa-plug-circle-exclamation fa-xl redOverlayGlow"></i>
<div class="inline-drawer-content" id="assets_menu">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
- cross fading between bgm / start a different time
- Background based ambient sounds
- import option on background UI ?
- Allow background music edition using background menu
import { saveSettingsDebounced, getRequestHeaders } from "../../../script.js";
import { getContext, extension_settings, ModuleWorkerWrapper } from "../../extensions.js";
import { isDataURL } from "../../utils.js";
export { MODULE_NAME };
const extensionName = "audio";
const extensionFolderPath = `scripts/extensions/${extensionName}`;
const MODULE_NAME = 'Audio';
const DEBUG_PREFIX = "<Audio module> ";
const UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1000;
const ASSETS_BGM_FOLDER = "bgm";
const ASSETS_AMBIENT_FOLDER = "ambient";
const FALLBACK_EXPRESSION = "neutral";
const SPRITE_DOM_ID = "#expression-image";
let fallback_BGMS = null; // Initialized only once with module workers
let ambients = null; // Initialized only once with module workers
let characterMusics = {}; // Updated with module workers
let currentCharacterBGM = null;
let currentExpressionBGM = null;
let currentBackground = null;
let cooldownBGM = 0;
// Extension UI and Settings //
const defaultSettings = {
enabled: false,
bgm_muted: true,
ambient_muted: true,
bgm_volume: 50,
ambient_volume: 50,
bgm_cooldown: 30
function loadSettings() {
if ( === undefined) = {};
if (Object.keys( === 0) {
Object.assign(, defaultSettings)
if ( {
$("#audio_bgm").prop("muted", true);
$("#audio_bgm").prop("muted", false);
if ( {
$("#audio_ambient").prop("muted", true);
$("#audio_ambient").prop("muted", false);
$("#audio_debug_div").hide(); // DBG
async function onEnabledClick() { = $('#audio_enabled').is(':checked');
if ( {
if ($("#audio_bgm").attr("src") != "")
if ($("#audio_ambient").attr("src") != "")
} else {
async function onBGMMuteClick() { = !;
$("#audio_bgm").prop("muted", !$("#audio_bgm").prop("muted"));
async function onAmbientMuteClick() { = !;
$("#audio_ambient").prop("muted", !$("#audio_ambient").prop("muted"));
async function onBGMVolumeChange() { = ~~($("#audio_bgm_volume_slider").val());
$("#audio_bgm").prop("volume", * 0.01);
async function onAmbientVolumeChange() { = ~~($("#audio_ambient_volume_slider").val());
$("#audio_ambient").prop("volume", * 0.01);
//console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"UPDATED Ambient MAX TO",;
async function onBGMCooldownInput() { = ~~($("#audio_bgm_cooldown").val());
cooldownBGM = * 1000;
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "UPDATED BGM cooldown to",;
// API Calls //
async function getAssetsList(type) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "getting assets of type", type);
try {
const result = await fetch(`/get_assets`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
const assets = result.ok ? (await result.json()) : { type: [] };
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Found assets:", assets);
return assets[type];
catch (err) {
return [];
async function getCharacterBgmList(name) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "getting bgm list for", name);
try {
const result = await fetch(`/get_character_assets_list?name=${encodeURIComponent(name)}&category=${CHARACTER_BGM_FOLDER}`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
let musics = result.ok ? (await result.json()) : [];
return musics;
catch (err) {
return [];
// Module Worker //
- Update ambient sound
- Update character BGM
- Solo dynamique expression
- Group only neutral bgm
async function moduleWorker() {
const moduleEnabled =;
if (moduleEnabled) {
if (cooldownBGM > 0)
if (fallback_BGMS == null) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Updating audio bgm assets...");
fallback_BGMS = await getAssetsList(ASSETS_BGM_FOLDER);
fallback_BGMS = fallback_BGMS.filter((filename) => filename != ".placeholder")
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Detected assets:", fallback_BGMS);
if (ambients == null) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Updating audio ambient assets...");
ambients = await getAssetsList(ASSETS_AMBIENT_FOLDER);
ambients = ambients.filter((filename) => filename != ".placeholder")
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Detected assets:", ambients);
// 1) Update ambient audio
// ---------------------------
let newBackground = $("#bg1").css("background-image");
const custom_background = getContext()["chatMetadata"]["custom_background"];
if (custom_background !== undefined)
newBackground = custom_background
if (!isDataURL(newBackground)) {
newBackground = newBackground.substring(newBackground.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "").replaceAll("%20", "-").replaceAll(" ", "-"); // remove path and spaces
//console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Current backgroung:",newBackground);
if (currentBackground !== newBackground) {
currentBackground = newBackground;
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Changing ambient audio for", currentBackground);
const context = getContext();
if ( == 0)
let chatIsGroup =[0].is_group;
let newCharacter = null;
// 1) Update BGM (single chat)
// -----------------------------
if (!chatIsGroup) {
newCharacter = context.name2;
//console.log(DEBUG_PREFIX,"SOLO CHAT MODE"); // DBG
// 1.1) First time loading chat
if (characterMusics[newCharacter] === undefined) {
await loadCharacterBGM(newCharacter);
//currentCharacterBGM = newCharacter;
// 1.2) Switched chat
if (currentCharacterBGM !== newCharacter) {
currentCharacterBGM = newCharacter;
try {
await updateBGM();
cooldownBGM = * 1000;
catch (error) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Error while trying to update BGM character, will try again");
currentCharacterBGM = null
const newExpression = getNewExpression();
// 1.3) Same character but different expression
if (currentExpressionBGM !== newExpression) {
// Check cooldown
if (cooldownBGM > 0) {
//console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"(SOLO) BGM switch on cooldown:",cooldownBGM);
try {
await updateBGM();
cooldownBGM = * 1000;
currentExpressionBGM = newExpression;
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "(SOLO) Updated current character expression to", currentExpressionBGM, "cooldown", cooldownBGM);
catch (error) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Error while trying to update BGM expression, will try again");
currentCharacterBGM = null
// 2) Update BGM (group chat)
// -----------------------------
newCharacter =[ - 1].name;
const userName = context.name1;
if (newCharacter !== undefined && newCharacter != userName) {
// 2.1) First time character appear
if (characterMusics[newCharacter] === undefined) {
await loadCharacterBGM(newCharacter);
// 2.2) Switched chat
if (currentCharacterBGM !== newCharacter) {
// Check cooldown
if (cooldownBGM > 0) {
//console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"(GROUP) BGM switch on cooldown:",cooldownBGM);
try {
currentCharacterBGM = newCharacter;
await updateBGM();
cooldownBGM = * 1000;
currentCharacterBGM = newCharacter;
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "(GROUP) Updated current character BGM to", currentExpressionBGM, "cooldown", cooldownBGM);
catch (error) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Error while trying to update BGM group, will try again");
currentCharacterBGM = null
const newExpression = getNewExpression();
// 1.3) Same character but different expression
if (currentExpressionBGM !== newExpression) {
// Check cooldown
if (cooldownBGM > 0) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"BGM switch on cooldown:",cooldownBGM);
currentExpressionBGM = newExpression;
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Updated current character expression to",currentExpressionBGM);
// Case 3: Same character/expression or BGM switch on cooldown keep playing same BGM
//console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Nothing to do for",currentCharacterBGM, newCharacter, currentExpressionBGM, cooldownBGM);
async function loadCharacterBGM(newCharacter) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "New character detected, loading BGM folder of", newCharacter);
// 1.1) First time character appear, load its music folder
const audio_file_paths = await getCharacterBgmList(newCharacter);
//console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Recieved", audio_file_paths);
// Initialise expression/files mapping
characterMusics[newCharacter] = {};
for (const e of DEFAULT_EXPRESSIONS)
characterMusics[newCharacter][e] = [];
for (const i of audio_file_paths) {
//console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"File found:",i);
for (const e of DEFAULT_EXPRESSIONS)
if (i.includes(e))
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Updated BGM map of", newCharacter, "to", characterMusics[newCharacter]);
function getNewExpression() {
let newExpression;
// HACK: use sprite file name as expression detection
if (!$(SPRITE_DOM_ID).length) {
console.error(DEBUG_PREFIX, "ERROR: expression sprite does not exist, cannot extract expression from ", SPRITE_DOM_ID)
const spriteFile = $("#expression-image").attr("src");
newExpression = spriteFile.substring(spriteFile.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "");
// No sprite to detect expression
if (newExpression == "") {
//,"Warning: no expression extracted from sprite, switch to",FALLBACK_EXPRESSION);
if (!DEFAULT_EXPRESSIONS.includes(newExpression)) {, "Warning:", newExpression, " is not a handled expression, expected one of", FALLBACK_EXPRESSION);
return newExpression;
async function updateBGM() {
let audio_files = characterMusics[currentCharacterBGM][currentExpressionBGM];// Try char expression BGM
if (audio_files === undefined || audio_files.length == 0) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "No BGM for", currentCharacterBGM, currentExpressionBGM);
audio_files = characterMusics[currentCharacterBGM][FALLBACK_EXPRESSION]; // Try char FALLBACK BGM
if (audio_files === undefined || audio_files.length == 0) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "No default BGM for", currentCharacterBGM, FALLBACK_EXPRESSION, "switch to ST BGM");
audio_files = fallback_BGMS; // ST FALLBACK BGM
if (audio_files.length == 0) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "No default BGM file found, bgm folder may be empty.");
const audio_file_path = audio_files[Math.floor(Math.random() * audio_files.length)];
console.log(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Updating BGM");
console.log(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Checking file", audio_file_path);
try {
const response = await fetch(audio_file_path);
if (!response.ok) {
console.log(DEBUG_PREFIX, "File not found!")
else {
console.log(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Switching BGM to", currentExpressionBGM)
const audio = $("#audio_bgm");
if (audio.attr("src") == audio_file_path) {
console.log(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Already playing, ignored");
audio.animate({ volume: 0.0 }, 2000, function () {
audio.attr("src", audio_file_path);
audio.volume = * 0.01;
audio.animate({ volume: * 0.01 }, 2000);
} catch (error) {
console.log(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Error while trying to fetch", audio_file_path, ":", error);
async function updateAmbient() {
let audio_file_path = null;
for (const i of ambients) {
if (i.includes(currentBackground)) {
audio_file_path = i;
if (audio_file_path === null) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "No ambient file found for background", currentBackground);
const audio = $("#audio_ambient");
audio.attr("src", "");
//const audio_file_path = AMBIENT_FOLDER+currentBackground+".mp3";
console.log(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Updating ambient");
console.log(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Checking file", audio_file_path);
const audio = $("#audio_ambient");
audio.animate({ volume: 0.0 }, 2000, function () {
audio.attr("src", audio_file_path);
audio.volume = * 0.01;
audio.animate({ volume: * 0.01 }, 2000);
// Extension load //
// This function is called when the extension is loaded
jQuery(async () => {
// This is an example of loading HTML from a file
const windowHtml = $(await $.get(`${extensionFolderPath}/window.html`));
$("#audio_bgm").attr("loop", true);
$("#audio_ambient").attr("loop", true);
$("#audio_bgm_mute").on("click", onBGMMuteClick);
$("#audio_ambient_mute").on("click", onAmbientMuteClick);
$("#audio_enabled").on("click", onEnabledClick);
$("#audio_bgm_volume_slider").on("input", onBGMVolumeChange);
$("#audio_ambient_volume_slider").on("input", onAmbientVolumeChange);
$("#audio_bgm_cooldown").on("input", onBGMCooldownInput);
// Reset assets container, will be redected like if ST restarted
$("#audio_refresh_assets").on("click", function(){
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Refreshing audio assets");
fallback_BGMS = null;
ambients = null;
characterMusics = {};
currentCharacterBGM = null;
currentExpressionBGM = null;
currentBackground = null;
// DBG
$("#audio_debug").on("click", function () {
if ($("#audio_debug").is(':checked')) {
else {
const wrapper = new ModuleWorkerWrapper(moduleWorker);
setInterval(wrapper.update.bind(wrapper), UPDATE_INTERVAL);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"display_name": "Dynamic Audio",
"loading_order": 14,
"requires": [],
"optional": ["classify"],
"js": "index.js",
"css": "style.css",
"author": "Keij#6799 and Deffcolony",
"version": "0.1.0",
"homePage": ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.mixer-div {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: 5px;
.audio-mute-button {
padding: 5px;
width: 50px;
height: 30px;
.audio-mute-button-muted {
color: red;
#audio_refresh_assets {
width: 50px;
height: 30px;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<div id="audio_settings">
<div class="inline-drawer">
<div class="inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header">
<b>Dynamic Audio</b>
<div class="inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down"></div>
<div class="inline-drawer-content">
<label class="checkbox_label" for="audio_enabled">
<input type="checkbox" id="audio_enabled" name="audio_enabled">
<div id="audio_debug_div">
<label class="checkbox_label" for="audio_debug">
<input type="checkbox" id="audio_debug" name="audio_debug">
<label for="audio_refresh_assets">Refresh assets</label>
<div id="audio_refresh_assets" class="menu_button">
<i class="fa-solid fa-refresh fa-lg"></i>
<label for="audio_bgm_volume_slider">Music <span id="audio_bgm_volume"></span></label>
<div class="mixer-div">
<div id="audio_bgm_mute" class="menu_button audio-mute-button">
<i class="fa-solid fa-volume-high fa-lg" id="audio_bgm_mute_icon"></i>
<input type="range" class ="slider" id ="audio_bgm_volume_slider" value = "0" maxlength ="100">
<audio id="audio_bgm" controls src="">
<label for="audio_ambient_volume_slider">Ambient <span id="audio_ambient_volume"></span></label>
<div class="mixer-div">
<div id="audio_ambient_mute" class="menu_button audio-mute-button">
<i class="fa-solid fa-volume-high fa-lg" id="audio_ambient_mute_icon"></i>
<input type="range" class ="slider" id ="audio_ambient_volume_slider" value = "0" maxlength ="100">
<audio id="audio_ambient" controls src="">
<label for="audio_bgm_cooldown">Music update cooldown (in seconds)</label>
<input id="audio_bgm_cooldown" class="text_pole wide30p">
Create new folder in the
folder and name it as the name of the character.
Create a folder name <b>bgm</b> inside of it.
Put bgm music with expressions there. File names should follow the pattern:
By default one of the <it>neutral_[number].mp3</it> will play if classify module is not active.

View File

@ -992,7 +992,6 @@ async function setExpression(character, expression, force) {
}); });
} }
} }

View File

@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ const defaultSettings = {
} }
function loadSettings() { function loadSettings() {
if (extension_settings.rvc === undefined)
extension_settings.rvc = {};
if (Object.keys(extension_settings.rvc).length === 0) { if (Object.keys(extension_settings.rvc).length === 0) {
Object.assign(extension_settings.rvc, defaultSettings) Object.assign(extension_settings.rvc, defaultSettings)
} }
@ -174,9 +177,9 @@ async function onDeleteClick() {
saveSettingsDebounced(); saveSettingsDebounced();
} }
async function onClickUpload() { async function onChangeUploadFiles() {
const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); const url = new URL(getApiUrl());
const inputFiles = $("#rvc_model_upload_file").get(0).files; const inputFiles = $("#rvc_model_upload_files").get(0).files;
let formData = new FormData(); let formData = new FormData();
for (const file of inputFiles) for (const file of inputFiles)
@ -195,7 +198,7 @@ async function onClickUpload() {
throw new Error(`HTTP ${apiResult.status}: ${await apiResult.text()}`); throw new Error(`HTTP ${apiResult.status}: ${await apiResult.text()}`);
} }
alert('The file has been uploaded successfully.'); alert('The files have been uploaded successfully.');
} }
$(document).ready(function () { $(document).ready(function () {
@ -208,6 +211,7 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
<div class="inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down"></div> <div class="inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down"></div>
</div> </div>
<div class="inline-drawer-content"> <div class="inline-drawer-content">
<h4 class="center">Characters Voice Mapping</h4>
<div> <div>
<label class="checkbox_label" for="rvc_enabled"> <label class="checkbox_label" for="rvc_enabled">
<input type="checkbox" id="rvc_enabled" name="rvc_enabled"> <input type="checkbox" id="rvc_enabled" name="rvc_enabled">
@ -218,54 +222,103 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
placeholder="Voice map will appear here for debug purpose"></textarea> placeholder="Voice map will appear here for debug purpose"></textarea>
</div> </div>
<div> <div>
<label for="rvc_character_select">Character:</label> <div class="background_controls">
<select id="rvc_character_select"> <label for="rvc_character_select">Character:</label>
<!-- Populated by JS --> <select id="rvc_character_select">
</select> <!-- Populated by JS -->
<label for="rvc_model_select">Voice:</label> </select>
<select id="rvc_model_select"> <div id="rvc_delete" class="menu_button">
<!-- Populated by JS --> <i class="fa-solid fa-times"></i>
</select> Remove
<div> </div>
<label for="rvc_model_upload_file">Select models to upload (zip files)</label> </div>
<input <div class="background_controls">
type="file" <label for="rvc_model_select">Voice:</label>
id="rvc_model_upload_file" <select id="rvc_model_select">
accept=".zip,.rar,.7zip,.7z" multiple /> <!-- Populated by JS -->
<button id="rvc_model_upload_button"> Upload </button> </select>
<button id="rvc_model_refresh_button"> Refresh Voices </button> <div id="rvc_model_refresh_button" class="menu_button">
<i class="fa-solid fa-refresh"></i>
<!-- Refresh -->
<div id="rvc_model_upload_select_button" class="menu_button">
<i class="fa-solid fa-upload"></i>
accept=".zip,.rar,.7zip,.7z" multiple />
Upload one archive per model. With .pth and .index (optional) inside.<br/>
Supported format: .zip .rar .7zip .7z
<h4>Model Settings</h4>
<label for="rvc_pitch_extraction">
Pitch Extraction
<select id="rvc_pitch_extraction">
<option value="dio">dio</option>
<option value="pm">pm</option>
<option value="harvest">harvest</option>
<option value="torchcrepe">torchcrepe</option>
<option value="rmvpe">rmvpe</option>
<option value="">None</option>
Tips: dio and pm faster, harvest slower but good.<br/>
Torchcrepe and rmvpe are good but uses GPU.
<label for="rvc_index_rate">
Search feature ratio (<span id="rvc_index_rate_value"></span>)
<input id="rvc_index_rate" type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" value="0.5" />
Controls accent strength, too high may produce artifact.
<label for="rvc_filter_radius">Filter radius (<span id="rvc_filter_radius_value"></span>)</label>
<input id="rvc_filter_radius" type="range" min="0" max="7" step="1" value="3" />
Higher can reduce breathiness but may increase run time.
<label for="rvc_pitch_offset">Pitch offset (<span id="rvc_pitch_offset_value"></span>)</label>
<input id="rvc_pitch_offset" type="range" min="-20" max="20" step="1" value="0" />
Recommended +12 key for male to female conversion and -12 key for female to male conversion.
<label for="rvc_rms_mix_rate">Mix rate (<span id="rvc_rms_mix_rate_value"></span>)</label>
<input id="rvc_rms_mix_rate" type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" value="1" />
Closer to 0 is closer to TTS and 1 is closer to trained voice.
Can help mask noise and sound more natural when set relatively low.
<label for="rvc_protect">Protect amount (<span id="rvc_protect_value"></span>)</label>
<input id="rvc_protect" type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" value="0.33" />
Avoid non voice sounds. Lower is more being ignored.
</div> </div>
<span>Select Pitch Extraction</span> </br>
<select id="rvc_pitch_extraction">
<option value="dio">dio</option>
<option value="pm">pm</option>
<option value="harvest">harvest</option>
<option value="torchcrepe">torchcrepe</option>
<option value="rmvpe">rmvpe</option>
<option value="">None</option>
<label for="rvc_index_rate">
Index rate for feature retrieval (<span id="rvc_index_rate_value"></span>)
<input id="rvc_index_rate" type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" value="0.5" />
<label for="rvc_filter_radius">Filter radius (<span id="rvc_filter_radius_value"></span>)</label>
<input id="rvc_filter_radius" type="range" min="0" max="7" step="1" value="3" />
<label for="rvc_pitch_offset">Pitch offset (<span id="rvc_pitch_offset_value"></span>)</label>
<input id="rvc_pitch_offset" type="range" min="-100" max="100" step="1" value="0" />
<label for="rvc_rms_mix_rate">Mix rate (<span id="rvc_rms_mix_rate_value"></span>)</label>
<input id="rvc_rms_mix_rate" type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" value="1" />
<label for="rvc_protect">Protect amount (<span id="rvc_protect_value"></span>)</label>
<input id="rvc_protect" type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" value="0.33" />
<div id="rvc_status"> <div id="rvc_status">
</div> </div>
<div class="rvc_buttons"> <div class="rvc_buttons">
<input id="rvc_apply" class="menu_button" type="submit" value="Apply" /> <input id="rvc_apply" class="menu_button" type="submit" value="Apply" />
<input id="rvc_delete" class="menu_button" type="submit" value="Delete" />
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
@ -284,8 +337,11 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
$("#rvc_apply").on("click", onApplyClick); $("#rvc_apply").on("click", onApplyClick);
$("#rvc_delete").on("click", onDeleteClick); $("#rvc_delete").on("click", onDeleteClick);
$("#rvc_model_upload_file").show(); $("#rvc_model_upload_files").hide();
$("#rvc_model_upload_button").on("click", onClickUpload); $("#rvc_model_upload_select_button").on("click", function() {$("#rvc_model_upload_files").click()});
$("#rvc_model_upload_files").on("change", onChangeUploadFiles);
//$("#rvc_model_upload_button").on("click", onClickUpload);
$("#rvc_model_refresh_button").on("click", refreshVoiceList); $("#rvc_model_refresh_button").on("click", refreshVoiceList);
} }
@ -323,7 +379,7 @@ async function get_models_list(model_id) {
/* /*
Send an audio file to RVC to convert voice Send an audio file to RVC to convert voice
*/ */
async function rvcVoiceConversion(response, character) { async function rvcVoiceConversion(response, character, text) {
let apiResult let apiResult
// Check voice map // Check voice map
@ -341,8 +397,6 @@ async function rvcVoiceConversion(response, character) {
const voice_settings = extension_settings.rvc.voiceMap[character]; const voice_settings = extension_settings.rvc.voiceMap[character];
console.log("Sending tts audio data to RVC on extras server")
var requestData = new FormData(); var requestData = new FormData();
requestData.append('AudioFile', audioData, 'record'); requestData.append('AudioFile', audioData, 'record');
requestData.append("json", JSON.stringify({ requestData.append("json", JSON.stringify({
@ -352,9 +406,12 @@ async function rvcVoiceConversion(response, character) {
"indexRate": voice_settings["indexRate"], "indexRate": voice_settings["indexRate"],
"filterRadius": voice_settings["filterRadius"], "filterRadius": voice_settings["filterRadius"],
"rmsMixRate": voice_settings["rmsMixRate"], "rmsMixRate": voice_settings["rmsMixRate"],
"protect": voice_settings["protect"] "protect": voice_settings["protect"],
"text": text
})); }));
console.log("Sending tts audio data to RVC on extras server",requestData)
const url = new URL(getApiUrl()); const url = new URL(getApiUrl());
url.pathname = '/api/voice-conversion/rvc/process-audio'; url.pathname = '/api/voice-conversion/rvc/process-audio';
@ -405,11 +462,13 @@ async function moduleWorker() {
function updateCharactersList() { function updateCharactersList() {
let currentcharacters = new Set(); let currentcharacters = new Set();
for (const i of getContext().characters) { const context = getContext();
for (const i of context.characters) {
currentcharacters.add(; currentcharacters.add(;
} }
currentcharacters = Array.from(currentcharacters) currentcharacters = Array.from(currentcharacters);
if (JSON.stringify(charactersList) !== JSON.stringify(currentcharacters)) { if (JSON.stringify(charactersList) !== JSON.stringify(currentcharacters)) {
charactersList = currentcharacters charactersList = currentcharacters

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ export { CoquiTtsProvider }
const DEBUG_PREFIX = "<Coqui TTS module> "; const DEBUG_PREFIX = "<Coqui TTS module> ";
const UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1000; const UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1000;
let inApiCall = false;
let charactersList = []; // Updated with module worker let charactersList = []; // Updated with module worker
let coquiApiModels = {}; // Initialized only once let coquiApiModels = {}; // Initialized only once
let coquiApiModelsFull = {}; // Initialized only once let coquiApiModelsFull = {}; // Initialized only once
@ -40,6 +39,12 @@ const languageLabels = {
"ja": "Japanese" "ja": "Japanese"
} }
const defaultSettings = {
voiceMap: "",
voiceMapDict: {}
function throwIfModuleMissing() { function throwIfModuleMissing() {
if (!modules.includes('coqui-tts')) { if (!modules.includes('coqui-tts')) {
toastr.error(`Add coqui-tts to enable-modules and restart the Extras API.`, "Coqui TTS module not loaded.", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true }); toastr.error(`Add coqui-tts to enable-modules and restart the Extras API.`, "Coqui TTS module not loaded.", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
@ -54,11 +59,13 @@ function resetModelSettings() {
function updateCharactersList() { function updateCharactersList() {
let currentcharacters = new Set(); let currentcharacters = new Set();
for (const i of getContext().characters) { const context = getContext();
for (const i of context.characters) {
currentcharacters.add(; currentcharacters.add(;
} }
currentcharacters = Array.from(currentcharacters) currentcharacters = Array.from(currentcharacters);
if (JSON.stringify(charactersList) !== JSON.stringify(currentcharacters)) { if (JSON.stringify(charactersList) !== JSON.stringify(currentcharacters)) {
charactersList = currentcharacters charactersList = currentcharacters
@ -83,11 +90,13 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
// Extension UI and Settings // // Extension UI and Settings //
//#############################// //#############################//
settings static instance;
settings = {};
defaultSettings = { // Singleton to allow acces to instance in event functions
voiceMap: "", constructor() {
voiceMapDict: {} if (CoquiTtsProvider.instance === undefined)
CoquiTtsProvider.instance = this;
} }
get settingsHtml() { get settingsHtml() {
@ -145,8 +154,12 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
} }
loadSettings(settings) { loadSettings(settings) {
if (Object.keys(this.settings).length === 0) {
Object.assign(this.settings, defaultSettings)
// Only accept keys defined in defaultSettings // Only accept keys defined in defaultSettings
this.settings = this.defaultSettings this.settings = defaultSettings;
for (const key in settings) { for (const key in settings) {
if (key in this.settings) { if (key in this.settings) {
@ -156,7 +169,7 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
} }
} }
this.updateVoiceMap(); // Overide any manual modification CoquiTtsProvider.updateVoiceMap(); // Overide any manual modification
$("#coqui_api_model_div").hide(); $("#coqui_api_model_div").hide();
$("#coqui_local_model_div").hide(); $("#coqui_local_model_div").hide();
@ -167,24 +180,12 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
$("#coqui_api_model_install_status").hide(); $("#coqui_api_model_install_status").hide();
$("#coqui_api_model_install_button").hide(); $("#coqui_api_model_install_button").hide();
let that = this $("#coqui_model_origin").on("change", CoquiTtsProvider.onModelOriginChange);
$("#coqui_model_origin").on("change", function () { that.onModelOriginChange() }); $("#coqui_api_language").on("change", CoquiTtsProvider.onModelLanguageChange);
$("#coqui_api_language").on("change", function () { that.onModelLanguageChange() }); $("#coqui_api_model_name").on("change", CoquiTtsProvider.onModelNameChange);
$("#coqui_api_model_name").on("change", function () { that.onModelNameChange() }); $("#coqui_remove_char_mapping").on("click", CoquiTtsProvider.onRemoveClick);
$("#coqui_remove_char_mapping").on("click", function () { that.onRemoveClick() }); updateCharactersList();
// Load characters list
.append('<option value="none">Select Character</option>')
for (const charName of charactersList) {
$("#coqui_character_select").append(new Option(charName, charName));
// Load coqui-api settings from json file // Load coqui-api settings from json file
fetch("/scripts/extensions/tts/coqui_api_models_settings.json") fetch("/scripts/extensions/tts/coqui_api_models_settings.json")
@ -192,18 +193,6 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
.then(json => { .then(json => {
coquiApiModels = json; coquiApiModels = json;
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"initialized coqui-api model list to", coquiApiModels); console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"initialized coqui-api model list to", coquiApiModels);
.append('<option value="none">Select model language</option>')
for(let language in coquiApiModels) {
$("#coqui_api_language").append(new Option(languageLabels[language],language));
console.log(DEBUG_PREFIX,"added language",language);
}); });
// Load coqui-api FULL settings from json file // Load coqui-api FULL settings from json file
@ -212,49 +201,33 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
.then(json => { .then(json => {
coquiApiModelsFull = json; coquiApiModelsFull = json;
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"initialized coqui-api full model list to", coquiApiModelsFull); console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"initialized coqui-api full model list to", coquiApiModelsFull);
.append('<option value="none">Select model language</option>')
for(let language in coquiApiModelsFull) {
$("#coqui_api_full_language").append(new Option(languageLabels[language],language));
console.log(DEBUG_PREFIX,"added language",language);
}); });
} }
updateVoiceMap() { static updateVoiceMap() {
this.settings.voiceMap = ""; CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings.voiceMap = "";
for (let i in this.settings.voiceMapDict) { for (let i in CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings.voiceMapDict) {
const voice_settings = this.settings.voiceMapDict[i]; const voice_settings = CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings.voiceMapDict[i];
this.settings.voiceMap += i + ":" + voice_settings["model_id"]; CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings.voiceMap += i + ":" + voice_settings["model_id"];
if (voice_settings["model_language"] != null) if (voice_settings["model_language"] != null)
this.settings.voiceMap += "[" + voice_settings["model_language"] + "]"; CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings.voiceMap += "[" + voice_settings["model_language"] + "]";
if (voice_settings["model_speaker"] != null) if (voice_settings["model_speaker"] != null)
this.settings.voiceMap += "[" + voice_settings["model_speaker"] + "]"; CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings.voiceMap += "[" + voice_settings["model_speaker"] + "]";
this.settings.voiceMap += ","; CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings.voiceMap += ",";
} }
$("#tts_voice_map").val(this.settings.voiceMap); $("#tts_voice_map").val(CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings.voiceMap);
extension_settings.tts.Coqui = this.settings; //extension_settings.tts.Coqui = extension_settings.tts.Coqui;
} }
onSettingsChange() { onSettingsChange() {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Settings changes", this.settings); //console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Settings changes", CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings);
extension_settings.tts.Coqui = this.settings; CoquiTtsProvider.updateVoiceMap();
} }
async onApplyClick() { async onApplyClick() {
if (inApiCall) {
return; // TOdo block dropdown
const character = $("#coqui_character_select").val(); const character = $("#coqui_character_select").val();
const model_origin = $("#coqui_model_origin").val(); const model_origin = $("#coqui_model_origin").val();
const model_language = $("#coqui_api_language").val(); const model_language = $("#coqui_api_language").val();
@ -262,16 +235,15 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
let model_setting_language = $("#coqui_api_model_settings_language").val(); let model_setting_language = $("#coqui_api_model_settings_language").val();
let model_setting_speaker = $("#coqui_api_model_settings_speaker").val(); let model_setting_speaker = $("#coqui_api_model_settings_speaker").val();
if (character === "none") { if (character === "none") {
toastr.error(`Character not selected, please select one.`, DEBUG_PREFIX + " voice mapping character", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true }); toastr.error(`Character not selected, please select one.`, DEBUG_PREFIX + " voice mapping character", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
this.updateVoiceMap(); // Overide any manual modification CoquiTtsProvider.updateVoiceMap(); // Overide any manual modification
return; return;
} }
if (model_origin == "none") { if (model_origin == "none") {
toastr.error(`Origin not selected, please select one.`, DEBUG_PREFIX + " voice mapping origin", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true }); toastr.error(`Origin not selected, please select one.`, DEBUG_PREFIX + " voice mapping origin", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
this.updateVoiceMap(); // Overide any manual modification CoquiTtsProvider.updateVoiceMap(); // Overide any manual modification
return; return;
} }
@ -280,25 +252,25 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
if (model_name == "none") { if (model_name == "none") {
toastr.error(`Model not selected, please select one.`, DEBUG_PREFIX + " voice mapping model", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true }); toastr.error(`Model not selected, please select one.`, DEBUG_PREFIX + " voice mapping model", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
this.updateVoiceMap(); // Overide any manual modification CoquiTtsProvider.updateVoiceMap(); // Overide any manual modification
return; return;
} }
this.settings.voiceMapDict[character] = { model_type: "local", model_id: "local/" + model_id }; CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings.voiceMapDict[character] = { model_type: "local", model_id: "local/" + model_id };
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Registered new voice map: ", character, ":", this.settings.voiceMapDict[character]); console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Registered new voice map: ", character, ":", CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings.voiceMapDict[character]);
this.updateVoiceMap(); // Overide any manual modification CoquiTtsProvider.updateVoiceMap(); // Overide any manual modification
return; return;
} }
if (model_language == "none") { if (model_language == "none") {
toastr.error(`Language not selected, please select one.`, DEBUG_PREFIX + " voice mapping language", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true }); toastr.error(`Language not selected, please select one.`, DEBUG_PREFIX + " voice mapping language", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
this.updateVoiceMap(); // Overide any manual modification CoquiTtsProvider.updateVoiceMap(); // Overide any manual modification
return; return;
} }
if (model_name == "none") { if (model_name == "none") {
toastr.error(`Model not selected, please select one.`, DEBUG_PREFIX + " voice mapping model", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true }); toastr.error(`Model not selected, please select one.`, DEBUG_PREFIX + " voice mapping model", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
this.updateVoiceMap(); // Overide any manual modification CoquiTtsProvider.updateVoiceMap(); // Overide any manual modification
return; return;
} }
@ -327,13 +299,13 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
return; return;
} }
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Current voice map: ", this.settings.voiceMap); console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Current voice map: ", CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings.voiceMap);
this.settings.voiceMapDict[character] = { model_type: "coqui-api", model_id: model_id, model_language: model_setting_language, model_speaker: model_setting_speaker }; CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings.voiceMapDict[character] = { model_type: "coqui-api", model_id: model_id, model_language: model_setting_language, model_speaker: model_setting_speaker };
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Registered new voice map: ", character, ":", this.settings.voiceMapDict[character]); console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Registered new voice map: ", character, ":", CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings.voiceMapDict[character]);
this.updateVoiceMap(); CoquiTtsProvider.updateVoiceMap();
let successMsg = character + ":" + model_id; let successMsg = character + ":" + model_id;
if (model_setting_language != null) if (model_setting_language != null)
@ -352,7 +324,7 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
return output; return output;
} }
async onRemoveClick() { static async onRemoveClick() {
const character = $("#coqui_character_select").val(); const character = $("#coqui_character_select").val();
if (character === "none") { if (character === "none") {
@ -361,11 +333,11 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
} }
// Todo erase from voicemap // Todo erase from voicemap
delete (this.settings.voiceMapDict[character]); delete (CoquiTtsProvider.instance.settings.voiceMapDict[character]);
this.updateVoiceMap(); // TODO CoquiTtsProvider.updateVoiceMap(); // TODO
} }
async onModelOriginChange() { static async onModelOriginChange() {
throwIfModuleMissing() throwIfModuleMissing()
resetModelSettings(); resetModelSettings();
const model_origin = $('#coqui_model_origin').val(); const model_origin = $('#coqui_model_origin').val();
@ -378,6 +350,9 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
// show coqui model selected list (SAFE) // show coqui model selected list (SAFE)
if (model_origin == "coqui-api") { if (model_origin == "coqui-api") {
$("#coqui_local_model_div").hide(); $("#coqui_local_model_div").hide();
$('#coqui_api_language') $('#coqui_api_language')
.find('option') .find('option')
@ -400,6 +375,9 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
// show coqui model full list (UNSAFE) // show coqui model full list (UNSAFE)
if (model_origin == "coqui-api-full") { if (model_origin == "coqui-api-full") {
$("#coqui_local_model_div").hide(); $("#coqui_local_model_div").hide();
$('#coqui_api_language') $('#coqui_api_language')
.find('option') .find('option')
@ -427,7 +405,7 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
} }
} }
async onModelLanguageChange() { static async onModelLanguageChange() {
throwIfModuleMissing(); throwIfModuleMissing();
resetModelSettings(); resetModelSettings();
$("#coqui_api_model_settings").hide(); $("#coqui_api_model_settings").hide();
@ -460,7 +438,7 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
} }
} }
async onModelNameChange() { static async onModelNameChange() {
throwIfModuleMissing(); throwIfModuleMissing();
resetModelSettings(); resetModelSettings();
$("#coqui_api_model_settings").hide(); $("#coqui_api_model_settings").hide();
@ -551,8 +529,6 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
$("#coqui_api_model_install_status").text("Model not found on extras server"); $("#coqui_api_model_install_status").text("Model not found on extras server");
} }
const onModelNameChange_pointer = this.onModelNameChange;
$("#coqui_api_model_install_button").off("click").on("click", async function () { $("#coqui_api_model_install_button").off("click").on("click", async function () {
try { try {
$("#coqui_api_model_install_status").text("Downloading model..."); $("#coqui_api_model_install_status").text("Downloading model...");
@ -566,7 +542,7 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
if (apiResult["status"] == "done") { if (apiResult["status"] == "done") {
$("#coqui_api_model_install_status").text("Model installed and ready to use!"); $("#coqui_api_model_install_status").text("Model installed and ready to use!");
$("#coqui_api_model_install_button").hide(); $("#coqui_api_model_install_button").hide();
onModelNameChange_pointer(); CoquiTtsProvider.onModelNameChange();
} }
if (apiResult["status"] == "downloading") { if (apiResult["status"] == "downloading") {
@ -577,7 +553,7 @@ class CoquiTtsProvider {
} catch (error) { } catch (error) {
console.error(error) console.error(error)
toastr.error(error, DEBUG_PREFIX + " error with model download", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true }); toastr.error(error, DEBUG_PREFIX + " error with model download", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
onModelNameChange_pointer(); CoquiTtsProvider.onModelNameChange();
} }
// will refresh model status // will refresh model status
}); });

View File

@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ async function tts(text, voiceId, char) {
// RVC injection // RVC injection
if (extension_settings.rvc.enabled) if (extension_settings.rvc.enabled)
response = await rvcVoiceConversion(response, char) response = await rvcVoiceConversion(response, char, text)
addAudioJob(response) addAudioJob(response)
completeTtsJob() completeTtsJob()

View File

@ -317,7 +317,8 @@ const directories = {
instruct: 'public/instruct', instruct: 'public/instruct',
context: 'public/context', context: 'public/context',
backups: 'backups/', backups: 'backups/',
quickreplies: 'public/QuickReplies' quickreplies: 'public/QuickReplies',
assets: 'public/assets',
}; };
// CSRF Protection // // CSRF Protection //
@ -5011,3 +5012,242 @@'/delete_extension', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
return response.status(500).send(`Server Error: ${error.message}`); return response.status(500).send(`Server Error: ${error.message}`);
} }
}); });
* HTTP POST handler function to retrieve name of all files of a given folder path.
* @param {Object} request - HTTP Request object. Require folder path in query
* @param {Object} response - HTTP Response object will contain a list of file path.
* @returns {void}
*/'/get_assets', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
const folderPath = path.join(directories.assets);
let output = {}
//"Checking files into",folderPath);
try {
if (fs.existsSync(folderPath) && fs.statSync(folderPath).isDirectory()) {
const folders = fs.readdirSync(folderPath)
.filter(filename => {
return fs.statSync(path.join(folderPath, filename)).isDirectory();
for (const folder of folders) {
if (folder == "temp")
const files = fs.readdirSync(path.join(folderPath, folder))
.filter(filename => {
return filename != ".placeholder";
output[folder] = [];
for (const file of files) {
output[folder].push(path.join("assets", folder, file));
catch (err) {
finally {
return response.send(output);
function checkAssetFileName(inputFilename) {
// Sanitize filename
if (inputFilename.indexOf('\0') !== -1) {
console.debug("Bad request: poisong null bytes in filename.");
return '';
if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+$/.test(inputFilename)) {
console.debug("Bad request: illegal character in filename, only alphanumeric, '_', '-' are accepted.");
return '';
if (contentManager.unsafeExtensions.some(ext => inputFilename.toLowerCase().endsWith(ext))) {
console.debug("Bad request: forbidden file extension.");
return '';
if (inputFilename.startsWith('.')) {
console.debug("Bad request: filename cannot start with '.'");
return '';
return path.normalize(inputFilename).replace(/^(\.\.(\/|\\|$))+/, '');;
* HTTP POST handler function to download the requested asset.
* @param {Object} request - HTTP Request object, expects a url, a category and a filename.
* @param {Object} response - HTTP Response only gives status.
* @returns {void}
*/'/asset_download', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
const { Readable } = require('stream');
const { finished } = require('stream/promises');
const url = request.body.url;
const inputCategory = request.body.category;
const inputFilename = sanitize(request.body.filename);
const validCategories = ["bgm", "ambient"];
// Check category
let category = null;
for (i of validCategories)
if (i == inputCategory)
category = i;
if (category === null) {
console.debug("Bad request: unsuported asset category.");
return response.sendStatus(400);
// Sanitize filename
const safe_input = checkAssetFileName(inputFilename);
if (safe_input == '')
return response.sendFile(400);
const temp_path = path.join(directories.assets, "temp", safe_input)
const file_path = path.join(directories.assets, category, safe_input)
console.debug("Request received to download", url, "to", file_path);
try {
// Download to temp
const downloadFile = (async (url, temp_path) => {
const res = await fetch(url);
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected response ${res.statusText}`);
const destination = path.resolve(temp_path);
// Delete if previous download failed
if (fs.existsSync(temp_path)) {
fs.unlink(temp_path, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
const fileStream = fs.createWriteStream(destination, { flags: 'wx' });
await finished(Readable.fromWeb(res.body).pipe(fileStream));
await downloadFile(url, temp_path);
// Move into asset place
console.debug("Download finished, moving file from", temp_path, "to", file_path);
fs.renameSync(temp_path, file_path);
catch (error) {
* HTTP POST handler function to delete the requested asset.
* @param {Object} request - HTTP Request object, expects a category and a filename
* @param {Object} response - HTTP Response only gives stats.
* @returns {void}
*/'/asset_delete', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
const { Readable } = require('stream');
const { finished } = require('stream/promises');
const inputCategory = request.body.category;
const inputFilename = sanitize(request.body.filename);
const validCategories = ["bgm", "ambient"];
// Check category
let category = null;
for (i of validCategories)
if (i == inputCategory)
category = i;
if (category === null) {
console.debug("Bad request: unsuported asset category.");
return response.sendStatus(400);
// Sanitize filename
const safe_input = checkAssetFileName(inputFilename);
if (safe_input == '')
return response.sendFile(400);
const file_path = path.join(directories.assets, category, safe_input)
console.debug("Request received to delete", category, file_path);
try {
// Delete if previous download failed
if (fs.existsSync(file_path)) {
fs.unlink(file_path, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.debug("Asset deleted.");
else {
console.debug("Asset not found.");
// Move into asset place
catch (error) {
* HTTP POST handler function to retrieve a character background music list.
* @param {Object} request - HTTP Request object, expects a character name in the query.
* @param {Object} response - HTTP Response object will contain a list of audio file path.
* @returns {void}
*/'/get_character_assets_list', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
const name = sanitize(;
const inputCategory = request.query.category;
const validCategories = ["bgm", "ambient"]
// Check category
let category = null
for (i of validCategories)
if (i == inputCategory)
category = i
if (category === null) {
console.debug("Bad request: unsuported asset category.");
return response.sendStatus(400);
const folderPath = path.join(directories.characters, name, category);
let output = [];
try {
if (fs.existsSync(folderPath) && fs.statSync(folderPath).isDirectory()) {
const files = fs.readdirSync(folderPath)
.filter(filename => {
return filename != ".placeholder";
for (i of files)
return response.send(output);
catch (err) {
return response.sendStatus(500);

View File

@ -1,10 +1,87 @@
const fs = require('fs'); const fs = require('fs');
const path= require('path'); const path = require('path');
const config = require(path.join(process.cwd(), './config.conf')); const config = require(path.join(process.cwd(), './config.conf'));
const contentDirectory = path.join(process.cwd(), 'default/content'); const contentDirectory = path.join(process.cwd(), 'default/content');
const contentLogPath = path.join(contentDirectory, 'content.log'); const contentLogPath = path.join(contentDirectory, 'content.log');
const contentIndexPath = path.join(contentDirectory, 'index.json'); const contentIndexPath = path.join(contentDirectory, 'index.json');
const unsafeExtensions = [
function checkForNewContent() { function checkForNewContent() {
try { try {
if (config.skipContentCheck) { if (config.skipContentCheck) {
@ -85,4 +162,5 @@ function getContentLog() {
module.exports = { module.exports = {
checkForNewContent, checkForNewContent,
} }