mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 10:00:36 +01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/staging' into staging
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ openai:
# Will send a random user ID to OpenAI completion API
# Will send a random user ID to OpenAI completion API
randomizeUserId: false
randomizeUserId: false
# If not empty, will add this as a system message to the start of every caption completion prompt
# If not empty, will add this as a system message to the start of every caption completion prompt
# Example: "Perform the instructions to the best of your ability.\n\n" (for LLaVA)
# Example: "Perform the instructions to the best of your ability.\n" (for LLaVA)
# Not used in image inlining mode
# Not used in image inlining mode
captionSystemPrompt: ""
captionSystemPrompt: ""
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
<svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="176.000000pt" height="176.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 176.000000 176.000000"
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<g transform="translate(0.000000,176.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
fill="#ffffff" stroke="none">
<path d="M197 1670 c-16 -19 -32 -58 -43 -107 -19 -87 -16 -222 11 -422 21
-162 19 -218 -10 -306 -49 -144 -43 -332 14 -443 54 -106 160 -180 297 -207
164 -33 202 -44 270 -77 59 -28 80 -33 144 -33 66 0 84 4 154 38 53 25 110 43
170 53 122 21 177 38 241 74 158 90 225 282 180 515 -8 42 -21 90 -30 107 -20
41 -19 144 1 284 9 60 17 177 17 259 1 134 -1 156 -21 206 -31 77 -50 93 -104
85 -84 -13 -183 -89 -319 -243 l-54 -62 -75 19 c-100 26 -224 26 -321 0 l-74
-20 -54 63 c-95 109 -182 186 -244 217 -79 39 -117 39 -150 0z m1121 -897 c2
-18 -5 -52 -16 -76 -25 -55 -61 -73 -171 -83 l-84 -7 5 51 c7 74 45 114 138
146 8 3 40 4 70 3 54 -2 55 -2 58 -34z m-693 16 c24 -7 55 -27 78 -51 33 -34
37 -45 37 -88 0 -57 5 -56 -119 -40 -96 13 -136 48 -141 125 -5 64 -4 65 53
65 28 0 70 -5 92 -11z m391 -384 c21 -28 18 -33 -31 -63 -32 -19 -48 -36 -53
-57 -6 -23 -14 -30 -32 -30 -18 0 -26 7 -32 32 -6 24 -19 38 -48 53 -31 16
-40 26 -40 46 0 34 27 42 134 40 73 -2 91 -6 102 -21z"/>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.4 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
function $parcel$defineInteropFlag(a) {
Object.defineProperty(a, '__esModule', {value: true, configurable: true});
function $parcel$export(e, n, v, s) {
Object.defineProperty(e, n, {get: v, set: s, enumerable: true, configurable: true});
var $009ddb00d3ec72b8$exports = {};
$parcel$export($009ddb00d3ec72b8$exports, "default", () => $009ddb00d3ec72b8$export$2e2bcd8739ae039);
class $009ddb00d3ec72b8$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 extends Error {
constructor(filename, msg, lineno, column, css){
super(filename + ":" + lineno + ":" + column + ": " + msg);
this.reason = msg;
this.filename = filename;
this.line = lineno;
this.column = column;
this.source = css;
var $0865a9fb4cc365fe$exports = {};
$parcel$export($0865a9fb4cc365fe$exports, "default", () => $0865a9fb4cc365fe$export$2e2bcd8739ae039);
* Store position information for a node
*/ class $0865a9fb4cc365fe$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
constructor(start, end, source){
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.source = source;
var $b2e137848b48cf4f$exports = {};
$parcel$export($b2e137848b48cf4f$exports, "CssTypes", () => $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a);
var $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a;
(function(CssTypes) {
CssTypes["stylesheet"] = "stylesheet";
CssTypes["rule"] = "rule";
CssTypes["declaration"] = "declaration";
CssTypes["comment"] = "comment";
CssTypes["container"] = "container";
CssTypes["charset"] = "charset";
CssTypes["document"] = "document";
CssTypes["customMedia"] = "custom-media";
CssTypes["fontFace"] = "font-face";
CssTypes["host"] = "host";
CssTypes["import"] = "import";
CssTypes["keyframes"] = "keyframes";
CssTypes["keyframe"] = "keyframe";
CssTypes["layer"] = "layer";
CssTypes["media"] = "media";
CssTypes["namespace"] = "namespace";
CssTypes["page"] = "page";
CssTypes["supports"] = "supports";
})($b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a || ($b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a = {}));
// http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html
// https://github.com/visionmedia/css-parse/pull/49#issuecomment-30088027
// New rule => https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/syndata.html#comments
// [^] is equivalent to [.\n\r]
const $d708735ed1303b43$var$commentre = /\/\*[^]*?(?:\*\/|$)/g;
const $d708735ed1303b43$export$98e6a39c04603d36 = (css, options)=>{
options = options || {};
* Positional.
*/ let lineno = 1;
let column = 1;
* Update lineno and column based on `str`.
*/ function updatePosition(str) {
const lines = str.match(/\n/g);
if (lines) lineno += lines.length;
const i = str.lastIndexOf("\n");
column = ~i ? str.length - i : column + str.length;
* Mark position and patch `node.position`.
*/ function position() {
const start = {
line: lineno,
column: column
return function(node) {
node.position = new (0, $0865a9fb4cc365fe$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(start, {
line: lineno,
column: column
}, options?.source || "");
return node;
* Error `msg`.
*/ const errorsList = [];
function error(msg) {
const err = new (0, $009ddb00d3ec72b8$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options?.source || "", msg, lineno, column, css);
if (options?.silent) errorsList.push(err);
else throw err;
* Parse stylesheet.
*/ function stylesheet() {
const rulesList = rules();
const result = {
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).stylesheet,
stylesheet: {
source: options?.source,
rules: rulesList,
parsingErrors: errorsList
return result;
* Opening brace.
*/ function open() {
return match(/^{\s*/);
* Closing brace.
*/ function close() {
return match(/^}/);
* Parse ruleset.
*/ function rules() {
let node;
const rules = [];
while(css.length && css.charAt(0) !== "}" && (node = atrule() || rule()))if (node) {
return rules;
* Match `re` and return captures.
*/ function match(re) {
const m = re.exec(css);
if (!m) return;
const str = m[0];
css = css.slice(str.length);
return m;
* Parse whitespace.
*/ function whitespace() {
* Parse comments;
*/ function comments(rules) {
let c;
rules = rules || [];
while(c = comment())if (c) rules.push(c);
return rules;
* Parse comment.
*/ function comment() {
const pos = position();
if ("/" !== css.charAt(0) || "*" !== css.charAt(1)) return;
const m = match(/^\/\*[^]*?\*\//);
if (!m) return error("End of comment missing");
return pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).comment,
comment: m[0].slice(2, -2)
function findClosingParenthese(str, start, depth) {
let ptr = start + 1;
let found = false;
let closeParentheses = str.indexOf(")", ptr);
while(!found && closeParentheses !== -1){
const nextParentheses = str.indexOf("(", ptr);
if (nextParentheses !== -1 && nextParentheses < closeParentheses) {
const nextSearch = findClosingParenthese(str, nextParentheses + 1, depth + 1);
ptr = nextSearch + 1;
closeParentheses = str.indexOf(")", ptr);
} else found = true;
if (found && closeParentheses !== -1) return closeParentheses;
else return -1;
* Parse selector.
*/ function selector() {
const m = match(/^([^{]+)/);
if (!m) return;
// remove comment in selector;
let res = $d708735ed1303b43$var$trim(m[0]).replace($d708735ed1303b43$var$commentre, "");
// Optimisation: If there is no ',' no need to split or post-process (this is less costly)
if (res.indexOf(",") === -1) return [
// Replace all the , in the parentheses by \u200C
let ptr = 0;
let startParentheses = res.indexOf("(", ptr);
while(startParentheses !== -1){
const closeParentheses = findClosingParenthese(res, startParentheses, 0);
if (closeParentheses === -1) break;
ptr = closeParentheses + 1;
res = res.substring(0, startParentheses) + res.substring(startParentheses, closeParentheses).replace(/,/g, "\u200C") + res.substring(closeParentheses);
startParentheses = res.indexOf("(", ptr);
// Replace all the , in ' and " by \u200C
res = res/**
* replace ',' by \u200C for data selector (div[data-lang="fr,de,us"])
* Examples:
* div[data-lang="fr,\"de,us"]
* div[data-lang='fr,\'de,us']
* Regex logic:
* ("|')(?:\\\1|.)*?\1 => Handle the " and '
* Optimization 1:
* No greedy capture (see docs about the difference between .* and .*?)
* Optimization 2:
* ("|')(?:\\\1|.)*?\1 this use reference to capture group, it work faster.
*/ .replace(/("|')(?:\\\1|.)*?\1/g, (m)=>m.replace(/,/g, "\u200C"));
// Split all the left , and replace all the \u200C by ,
return res// Split the selector by ','
.split(",")// Replace back \u200C by ','
return $d708735ed1303b43$var$trim(s.replace(/\u200C/g, ","));
* Parse declaration.
*/ function declaration() {
const pos = position();
// prop
const propMatch = match(/^(\*?[-#/*\\\w]+(\[[0-9a-z_-]+\])?)\s*/);
if (!propMatch) return;
const propValue = $d708735ed1303b43$var$trim(propMatch[0]);
// :
if (!match(/^:\s*/)) return error("property missing ':'");
// val
const val = match(/^((?:'(?:\\'|.)*?'|"(?:\\"|.)*?"|\([^)]*?\)|[^};])+)/);
const ret = pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).declaration,
property: propValue.replace($d708735ed1303b43$var$commentre, ""),
value: val ? $d708735ed1303b43$var$trim(val[0]).replace($d708735ed1303b43$var$commentre, "") : ""
// ;
return ret;
* Parse declarations.
*/ function declarations() {
const decls = [];
if (!open()) return error("missing '{'");
// declarations
let decl;
while(decl = declaration())if (decl) {
if (!close()) return error("missing '}'");
return decls;
* Parse keyframe.
*/ function keyframe() {
let m;
const vals = [];
const pos = position();
while(m = match(/^((\d+\.\d+|\.\d+|\d+)%?|[a-z]+)\s*/)){
if (!vals.length) return;
return pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).keyframe,
values: vals,
declarations: declarations() || []
* Parse keyframes.
*/ function atkeyframes() {
const pos = position();
const m1 = match(/^@([-\w]+)?keyframes\s*/);
if (!m1) return;
const vendor = m1[1];
// identifier
const m2 = match(/^([-\w]+)\s*/);
if (!m2) return error("@keyframes missing name");
const name = m2[1];
if (!open()) return error("@keyframes missing '{'");
let frame;
let frames = comments();
while(frame = keyframe()){
frames = frames.concat(comments());
if (!close()) return error("@keyframes missing '}'");
return pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).keyframes,
name: name,
vendor: vendor,
keyframes: frames
* Parse supports.
*/ function atsupports() {
const pos = position();
const m = match(/^@supports *([^{]+)/);
if (!m) return;
const supports = $d708735ed1303b43$var$trim(m[1]);
if (!open()) return error("@supports missing '{'");
const style = comments().concat(rules());
if (!close()) return error("@supports missing '}'");
return pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).supports,
supports: supports,
rules: style
* Parse host.
*/ function athost() {
const pos = position();
const m = match(/^@host\s*/);
if (!m) return;
if (!open()) return error("@host missing '{'");
const style = comments().concat(rules());
if (!close()) return error("@host missing '}'");
return pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).host,
rules: style
* Parse container.
*/ function atcontainer() {
const pos = position();
const m = match(/^@container *([^{]+)/);
if (!m) return;
const container = $d708735ed1303b43$var$trim(m[1]);
if (!open()) return error("@container missing '{'");
const style = comments().concat(rules());
if (!close()) return error("@container missing '}'");
return pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).container,
container: container,
rules: style
* Parse container.
*/ function atlayer() {
const pos = position();
const m = match(/^@layer *([^{;@]+)/);
if (!m) return;
const layer = $d708735ed1303b43$var$trim(m[1]);
if (!open()) {
return pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).layer,
layer: layer
const style = comments().concat(rules());
if (!close()) return error("@layer missing '}'");
return pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).layer,
layer: layer,
rules: style
* Parse media.
*/ function atmedia() {
const pos = position();
const m = match(/^@media *([^{]+)/);
if (!m) return;
const media = $d708735ed1303b43$var$trim(m[1]);
if (!open()) return error("@media missing '{'");
const style = comments().concat(rules());
if (!close()) return error("@media missing '}'");
return pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).media,
media: media,
rules: style
* Parse custom-media.
*/ function atcustommedia() {
const pos = position();
const m = match(/^@custom-media\s+(--\S+)\s*([^{;\s][^{;]*);/);
if (!m) return;
return pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).customMedia,
name: $d708735ed1303b43$var$trim(m[1]),
media: $d708735ed1303b43$var$trim(m[2])
* Parse paged media.
*/ function atpage() {
const pos = position();
const m = match(/^@page */);
if (!m) return;
const sel = selector() || [];
if (!open()) return error("@page missing '{'");
let decls = comments();
// declarations
let decl;
while(decl = declaration()){
decls = decls.concat(comments());
if (!close()) return error("@page missing '}'");
return pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).page,
selectors: sel,
declarations: decls
* Parse document.
*/ function atdocument() {
const pos = position();
const m = match(/^@([-\w]+)?document *([^{]+)/);
if (!m) return;
const vendor = $d708735ed1303b43$var$trim(m[1]);
const doc = $d708735ed1303b43$var$trim(m[2]);
if (!open()) return error("@document missing '{'");
const style = comments().concat(rules());
if (!close()) return error("@document missing '}'");
return pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).document,
document: doc,
vendor: vendor,
rules: style
* Parse font-face.
*/ function atfontface() {
const pos = position();
const m = match(/^@font-face\s*/);
if (!m) return;
if (!open()) return error("@font-face missing '{'");
let decls = comments();
// declarations
let decl;
while(decl = declaration()){
decls = decls.concat(comments());
if (!close()) return error("@font-face missing '}'");
return pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).fontFace,
declarations: decls
* Parse import
*/ const atimport = _compileAtrule("import");
* Parse charset
*/ const atcharset = _compileAtrule("charset");
* Parse namespace
*/ const atnamespace = _compileAtrule("namespace");
* Parse non-block at-rules
*/ function _compileAtrule(name) {
const re = new RegExp("^@" + name + "\\s*((?::?[^;'\"]|\"(?:\\\\\"|[^\"])*?\"|'(?:\\\\'|[^'])*?')+)(?:;|$)");
// ^@import\s*([^;"']|("|')(?:\\\2|.)*?\2)+(;|$)
return function() {
const pos = position();
const m = match(re);
if (!m) return;
const ret = {
type: name
ret[name] = m[1].trim();
return pos(ret);
* Parse at rule.
*/ function atrule() {
if (css[0] !== "@") return;
return atkeyframes() || atmedia() || atcustommedia() || atsupports() || atimport() || atcharset() || atnamespace() || atdocument() || atpage() || athost() || atfontface() || atcontainer() || atlayer();
* Parse rule.
*/ function rule() {
const pos = position();
const sel = selector();
if (!sel) return error("selector missing");
return pos({
type: (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).rule,
selectors: sel,
declarations: declarations() || []
return $d708735ed1303b43$var$addParent(stylesheet());
* Trim `str`.
*/ function $d708735ed1303b43$var$trim(str) {
return str ? str.trim() : "";
* Adds non-enumerable parent node reference to each node.
*/ function $d708735ed1303b43$var$addParent(obj, parent) {
const isNode = obj && typeof obj.type === "string";
const childParent = isNode ? obj : parent;
for(const k in obj){
const value = obj[k];
if (Array.isArray(value)) value.forEach((v)=>{
$d708735ed1303b43$var$addParent(v, childParent);
else if (value && typeof value === "object") $d708735ed1303b43$var$addParent(value, childParent);
if (isNode) Object.defineProperty(obj, "parent", {
configurable: true,
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
value: parent || null
return obj;
var $d708735ed1303b43$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $d708735ed1303b43$export$98e6a39c04603d36;
class $de9540138ed1fd01$var$Compiler {
this.level = 0;
this.indentation = " ";
this.compress = false;
if (typeof options?.indent === "string") this.indentation = options?.indent;
if (options?.compress) this.compress = true;
// We disable no-unused-vars for _position. We keep position for potential reintroduction of source-map
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
emit(str, _position) {
return str;
* Increase, decrease or return current indentation.
*/ indent(level) {
this.level = this.level || 1;
if (level) {
this.level += level;
return "";
return Array(this.level).join(this.indentation);
visit(node) {
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).stylesheet:
return this.stylesheet(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).rule:
return this.rule(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).declaration:
return this.declaration(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).comment:
return this.comment(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).container:
return this.container(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).charset:
return this.charset(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).document:
return this.document(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).customMedia:
return this.customMedia(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).fontFace:
return this.fontFace(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).host:
return this.host(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).import:
return this.import(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).keyframes:
return this.keyframes(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).keyframe:
return this.keyframe(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).layer:
return this.layer(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).media:
return this.media(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).namespace:
return this.namespace(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).page:
return this.page(node);
case (0, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a).supports:
return this.supports(node);
mapVisit(nodes, delim) {
let buf = "";
delim = delim || "";
for(let i = 0, length = nodes.length; i < length; i++){
buf += this.visit(nodes[i]);
if (delim && i < length - 1) buf += this.emit(delim);
return buf;
compile(node) {
if (this.compress) return node.stylesheet.rules.map(this.visit, this).join("");
return this.stylesheet(node);
* Visit stylesheet node.
*/ stylesheet(node) {
return this.mapVisit(node.stylesheet.rules, "\n\n");
* Visit comment node.
*/ comment(node) {
if (this.compress) return this.emit("", node.position);
return this.emit(this.indent() + "/*" + node.comment + "*/", node.position);
* Visit container node.
*/ container(node) {
if (this.compress) return this.emit("@container " + node.container, node.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(node.rules) + this.emit("}");
return this.emit(this.indent() + "@container " + node.container, node.position) + this.emit(" {\n" + this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(node.rules, "\n\n") + this.emit("\n" + this.indent(-1) + this.indent() + "}");
* Visit container node.
*/ layer(node) {
if (this.compress) return this.emit("@layer " + node.layer, node.position) + (node.rules ? this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(node.rules) + this.emit("}") : ";");
return this.emit(this.indent() + "@layer " + node.layer, node.position) + (node.rules ? this.emit(" {\n" + this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(node.rules, "\n\n") + this.emit("\n" + this.indent(-1) + this.indent() + "}") : ";");
* Visit import node.
*/ import(node) {
return this.emit("@import " + node.import + ";", node.position);
* Visit media node.
*/ media(node) {
if (this.compress) return this.emit("@media " + node.media, node.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(node.rules) + this.emit("}");
return this.emit(this.indent() + "@media " + node.media, node.position) + this.emit(" {\n" + this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(node.rules, "\n\n") + this.emit("\n" + this.indent(-1) + this.indent() + "}");
* Visit document node.
*/ document(node) {
const doc = "@" + (node.vendor || "") + "document " + node.document;
if (this.compress) return this.emit(doc, node.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(node.rules) + this.emit("}");
return this.emit(doc, node.position) + this.emit(" {\n" + this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(node.rules, "\n\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1) + "\n}");
* Visit charset node.
*/ charset(node) {
return this.emit("@charset " + node.charset + ";", node.position);
* Visit namespace node.
*/ namespace(node) {
return this.emit("@namespace " + node.namespace + ";", node.position);
* Visit supports node.
*/ supports(node) {
if (this.compress) return this.emit("@supports " + node.supports, node.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(node.rules) + this.emit("}");
return this.emit(this.indent() + "@supports " + node.supports, node.position) + this.emit(" {\n" + this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(node.rules, "\n\n") + this.emit("\n" + this.indent(-1) + this.indent() + "}");
* Visit keyframes node.
*/ keyframes(node) {
if (this.compress) return this.emit("@" + (node.vendor || "") + "keyframes " + node.name, node.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(node.keyframes) + this.emit("}");
return this.emit("@" + (node.vendor || "") + "keyframes " + node.name, node.position) + this.emit(" {\n" + this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(node.keyframes, "\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1) + "}");
* Visit keyframe node.
*/ keyframe(node) {
const decls = node.declarations;
if (this.compress) return this.emit(node.values.join(","), node.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(decls) + this.emit("}");
return this.emit(this.indent()) + this.emit(node.values.join(", "), node.position) + this.emit(" {\n" + this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(decls, "\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1) + "\n" + this.indent() + "}\n");
* Visit page node.
*/ page(node) {
if (this.compress) {
const sel = node.selectors.length ? node.selectors.join(", ") : "";
return this.emit("@page " + sel, node.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(node.declarations) + this.emit("}");
const sel = node.selectors.length ? node.selectors.join(", ") + " " : "";
return this.emit("@page " + sel, node.position) + this.emit("{\n") + this.emit(this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(node.declarations, "\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1)) + this.emit("\n}");
* Visit font-face node.
*/ fontFace(node) {
if (this.compress) return this.emit("@font-face", node.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(node.declarations) + this.emit("}");
return this.emit("@font-face ", node.position) + this.emit("{\n") + this.emit(this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(node.declarations, "\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1)) + this.emit("\n}");
* Visit host node.
*/ host(node) {
if (this.compress) return this.emit("@host", node.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(node.rules) + this.emit("}");
return this.emit("@host", node.position) + this.emit(" {\n" + this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(node.rules, "\n\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1) + "\n}");
* Visit custom-media node.
*/ customMedia(node) {
return this.emit("@custom-media " + node.name + " " + node.media + ";", node.position);
* Visit rule node.
*/ rule(node) {
const decls = node.declarations;
if (!decls.length) return "";
if (this.compress) return this.emit(node.selectors.join(","), node.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(decls) + this.emit("}");
const indent = this.indent();
return this.emit(node.selectors.map((s)=>{
return indent + s;
}).join(",\n"), node.position) + this.emit(" {\n") + this.emit(this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(decls, "\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1)) + this.emit("\n" + this.indent() + "}");
* Visit declaration node.
*/ declaration(node) {
if (this.compress) return this.emit(node.property + ":" + node.value, node.position) + this.emit(";");
return this.emit(this.indent()) + this.emit(node.property + ": " + node.value, node.position) + this.emit(";");
var $de9540138ed1fd01$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $de9540138ed1fd01$var$Compiler;
var $fdf773ab87e20450$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = (node, options)=>{
const compiler = new (0, $de9540138ed1fd01$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options || {});
return compiler.compile(node);
const $149c1bd638913645$export$98e6a39c04603d36 = (0, $d708735ed1303b43$export$2e2bcd8739ae039);
const $149c1bd638913645$export$fac44ee5b035f737 = (0, $fdf773ab87e20450$export$2e2bcd8739ae039);
var $149c1bd638913645$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = {
parse: $149c1bd638913645$export$98e6a39c04603d36,
stringify: $149c1bd638913645$export$fac44ee5b035f737
export {$149c1bd638913645$export$98e6a39c04603d36 as parse, $149c1bd638913645$export$fac44ee5b035f737 as stringify, $149c1bd638913645$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 as default, $b2e137848b48cf4f$export$9be5dd6e61d5d73a as CssTypes};
//# sourceMappingURL=index.mjs.map
@ -69,6 +69,27 @@ EventEmitter.prototype.emit = async function (event) {
EventEmitter.prototype.emitAndWait = function (event) {
console.debug('Event emitted: ' + event);
var i, listeners, length, args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
if (typeof this.events[event] === 'object') {
listeners = this.events[event].slice();
length = listeners.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
try {
listeners[i].apply(this, args);
catch (err) {
console.trace('Error in event listener');
EventEmitter.prototype.once = function (event, listener) {
EventEmitter.prototype.once = function (event, listener) {
this.on(event, function g () {
this.on(event, function g () {
this.removeListener(event, g);
this.removeListener(event, g);
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ import { getBackgrounds, initBackgrounds, loadBackgroundSettings, background_set
import { hideLoader, showLoader } from './scripts/loader.js';
import { hideLoader, showLoader } from './scripts/loader.js';
import { BulkEditOverlay, CharacterContextMenu } from './scripts/BulkEditOverlay.js';
import { BulkEditOverlay, CharacterContextMenu } from './scripts/BulkEditOverlay.js';
import { loadMancerModels, loadOllamaModels, loadTogetherAIModels } from './scripts/textgen-models.js';
import { loadMancerModels, loadOllamaModels, loadTogetherAIModels } from './scripts/textgen-models.js';
import { appendFileContent, hasPendingFileAttachment, populateFileAttachment } from './scripts/chats.js';
import { appendFileContent, hasPendingFileAttachment, populateFileAttachment, decodeStyleTags, encodeStyleTags } from './scripts/chats.js';
import { replaceVariableMacros } from './scripts/variables.js';
import { replaceVariableMacros } from './scripts/variables.js';
import { initPresetManager } from './scripts/preset-manager.js';
import { initPresetManager } from './scripts/preset-manager.js';
@ -275,6 +275,26 @@ DOMPurify.addHook('afterSanitizeAttributes', function (node) {
DOMPurify.addHook("uponSanitizeAttribute", (_, data, config) => {
if (!config['MESSAGE_SANITIZE']) {
switch (data.attrName) {
case 'class': {
if (data.attrValue) {
data.attrValue = data.attrValue.split(' ').map((v) => {
if (v.startsWith('fa-') || v.startsWith('note-') || v === 'monospace') {
return v;
return "custom-" + v;
}).join(' ');
window['SillyTavern'] = {};
window['SillyTavern'] = {};
@ -313,6 +333,7 @@ export const event_types = {
FORCE_SET_BACKGROUND: 'force_set_background',
FORCE_SET_BACKGROUND: 'force_set_background',
CHAT_DELETED: 'chat_deleted',
CHAT_DELETED: 'chat_deleted',
GROUP_CHAT_DELETED: 'group_chat_deleted',
GROUP_CHAT_DELETED: 'group_chat_deleted',
GENERATE_BEFORE_COMBINE_PROMPTS: 'generate_before_combine_prompts',
export const eventSource = new EventEmitter();
export const eventSource = new EventEmitter();
@ -1549,7 +1570,11 @@ function messageFormatting(mes, ch_name, isSystem, isUser) {
mes = mes.replace(new RegExp(`(^|\n)${ch_name}:`, 'g'), '$1');
mes = mes.replace(new RegExp(`(^|\n)${ch_name}:`, 'g'), '$1');
mes = DOMPurify.sanitize(mes, { FORBID_TAGS: ['style'] });
/** @type {any} */
const config = { MESSAGE_SANITIZE: true, ADD_TAGS: ['custom-style'] };
mes = encodeStyleTags(mes);
mes = DOMPurify.sanitize(mes, config);
mes = decodeStyleTags(mes);
return mes;
return mes;
@ -3621,30 +3646,57 @@ async function Generate(type, { automatic_trigger, force_name2, quiet_prompt, qu
generatedPromptCache = cleanupPromptCache(generatedPromptCache);
generatedPromptCache = cleanupPromptCache(generatedPromptCache);
// Right now, everything is suffixed with a newline
// Flattens the multiple prompt objects to a string.
mesSendString = finalMesSend.map((e) => `${e.extensionPrompts.join('')}${e.message}`).join('');
const combine = () => {
// Right now, everything is suffixed with a newline
mesSendString = finalMesSend.map((e) => `${e.extensionPrompts.join('')}${e.message}`).join('');
// add chat preamble
// add a custom dingus (if defined)
mesSendString = addChatsPreamble(mesSendString);
mesSendString = addChatsSeparator(mesSendString);
// add a custom dingus (if defined)
// add chat preamble
mesSendString = addChatsSeparator(mesSendString);
mesSendString = addChatsPreamble(mesSendString);
let combinedPrompt =
let combinedPrompt = beforeScenarioAnchor +
beforeScenarioAnchor +
storyString +
storyString +
afterScenarioAnchor +
afterScenarioAnchor +
mesExmString +
mesExmString +
mesSendString +
mesSendString +
combinedPrompt = combinedPrompt.replace(/\r/gm, '');
combinedPrompt = combinedPrompt.replace(/\r/gm, '');
if (power_user.collapse_newlines) {
if (power_user.collapse_newlines) {
combinedPrompt = collapseNewlines(combinedPrompt);
combinedPrompt = collapseNewlines(combinedPrompt);
return combinedPrompt;
return combinedPrompt;
let data = {
api: main_api,
combinedPrompt: null,
char: name2,
user: name1,
main: system,
naiPreamble: nai_settings.preamble,
// Before returning the combined prompt, give available context related information to all subscribers.
eventSource.emitAndWait(event_types.GENERATE_BEFORE_COMBINE_PROMPTS, data);
// If one or multiple subscribers return a value, forfeit the responsibillity of flattening the context.
return !data.combinedPrompt ? combine() : data.combinedPrompt;
// Get the negative prompt first since it has the unmodified mesSend array
// Get the negative prompt first since it has the unmodified mesSend array
@ -7854,7 +7906,7 @@ jQuery(async function () {
registerSlashCommand('dupe', DupeChar, [], '– duplicates the currently selected character', true, true);
registerSlashCommand('dupe', DupeChar, [], '– duplicates the currently selected character', true, true);
registerSlashCommand('api', connectAPISlash, [], `<span class="monospace">(${Object.keys(CONNECT_API_MAP)})</span> – connect to an API`, true, true);
registerSlashCommand('api', connectAPISlash, [], `<span class="monospace">(${Object.keys(CONNECT_API_MAP).join(', ')})</span> – connect to an API`, true, true);
registerSlashCommand('impersonate', doImpersonate, ['imp'], '– calls an impersonation response', true, true);
registerSlashCommand('impersonate', doImpersonate, ['imp'], '– calls an impersonation response', true, true);
registerSlashCommand('delchat', doDeleteChat, [], '– deletes the current chat', true, true);
registerSlashCommand('delchat', doDeleteChat, [], '– deletes the current chat', true, true);
registerSlashCommand('closechat', doCloseChat, [], '– closes the current chat', true, true);
registerSlashCommand('closechat', doCloseChat, [], '– closes the current chat', true, true);
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
// Move chat functions here from script.js (eventually)
// Move chat functions here from script.js (eventually)
import css from '../lib/css-parser.mjs';
import {
import {
@ -360,6 +361,61 @@ export async function appendFileContent(message, messageText) {
return messageText;
return messageText;
* Replaces style tags in the message text with custom tags with encoded content.
* @param {string} text
* @returns {string} Encoded message text
* @copyright https://github.com/kwaroran/risuAI
export function encodeStyleTags(text) {
const styleRegex = /<style>(.+?)<\/style>/gms;
return text.replaceAll(styleRegex, (_, match) => {
return `<custom-style>${escape(match)}</custom-style>`;
* Sanitizes custom style tags in the message text to prevent DOM pollution.
* @param {string} text Message text
* @returns {string} Sanitized message text
* @copyright https://github.com/kwaroran/risuAI
export function decodeStyleTags(text) {
const styleDecodeRegex = /<custom-style>(.+?)<\/custom-style>/gms;
return text.replaceAll(styleDecodeRegex, (_, style) => {
try {
const ast = css.parse(unescape(style));
const rules = ast?.stylesheet?.rules;
if (rules) {
for (const rule of rules) {
if (rule.type === 'rule') {
if (rule.selectors) {
for (let i = 0; i < rule.selectors.length; i++) {
let selector = rule.selectors[i];
if (selector) {
let selectors = (selector.split(' ') ?? []).map((v) => {
if (v.startsWith('.')) {
return '.custom-' + v.substring(1);
return v;
}).join(' ');
rule.selectors[i] = '.mes_text ' + selectors;
return `<style>${css.stringify(ast)}</style>`;
} catch (error) {
return `CSS ERROR: ${error}`;
jQuery(function () {
jQuery(function () {
$(document).on('click', '.mes_hide', async function () {
$(document).on('click', '.mes_hide', async function () {
const messageBlock = $(this).closest('.mes');
const messageBlock = $(this).closest('.mes');
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { callPopup, getRequestHeaders, saveSettingsDebounced, substituteParams }
import { getMessageTimeStamp } from '../../RossAscends-mods.js';
import { getMessageTimeStamp } from '../../RossAscends-mods.js';
import { SECRET_KEYS, secret_state } from '../../secrets.js';
import { SECRET_KEYS, secret_state } from '../../secrets.js';
import { getMultimodalCaption } from '../shared.js';
import { getMultimodalCaption } from '../shared.js';
import { textgen_types, textgenerationwebui_settings } from '../../textgen-settings.js';
export { MODULE_NAME };
export { MODULE_NAME };
const MODULE_NAME = 'caption';
const MODULE_NAME = 'caption';
@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ async function doCaptionRequest(base64Img, fileData) {
case 'horde':
case 'horde':
return await captionHorde(base64Img);
return await captionHorde(base64Img);
case 'multimodal':
case 'multimodal':
return await captionMultimodal(extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'google' ? base64Img : fileData);
return await captionMultimodal(fileData);
throw new Error('Unknown caption source.');
throw new Error('Unknown caption source.');
@ -271,9 +272,11 @@ jQuery(function () {
$(sendButton).on('click', () => {
$(sendButton).on('click', () => {
const hasCaptionModule =
const hasCaptionModule =
(modules.includes('caption') && extension_settings.caption.source === 'extras') ||
(modules.includes('caption') && extension_settings.caption.source === 'extras') ||
(extension_settings.caption.source === 'multimodal' && extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'openai' && secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.OPENAI]) ||
(extension_settings.caption.source === 'multimodal' && extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'openai' && (secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.OPENAI] || extension_settings.caption.allow_reverse_proxy)) ||
(extension_settings.caption.source === 'multimodal' && extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'openrouter' && secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.OPENROUTER]) ||
(extension_settings.caption.source === 'multimodal' && extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'openrouter' && secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.OPENROUTER]) ||
(extension_settings.caption.source === 'multimodal' && extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'google' && secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.MAKERSUITE]) ||
(extension_settings.caption.source === 'multimodal' && extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'google' && secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.MAKERSUITE]) ||
(extension_settings.caption.source === 'multimodal' && extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'ollama' && textgenerationwebui_settings.server_urls[textgen_types.OLLAMA]) ||
(extension_settings.caption.source === 'multimodal' && extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'llamacpp' && textgenerationwebui_settings.server_urls[textgen_types.LLAMACPP]) ||
extension_settings.caption.source === 'local' ||
extension_settings.caption.source === 'local' ||
extension_settings.caption.source === 'horde';
extension_settings.caption.source === 'horde';
@ -329,7 +332,7 @@ jQuery(function () {
<label for="caption_source">Source</label>
<label for="caption_source">Source</label>
<select id="caption_source" class="text_pole">
<select id="caption_source" class="text_pole">
<option value="local">Local</option>
<option value="local">Local</option>
<option value="multimodal">Multimodal (OpenAI / OpenRouter / Google)</option>
<option value="multimodal">Multimodal (OpenAI / llama / Google)</option>
<option value="extras">Extras</option>
<option value="extras">Extras</option>
<option value="horde">Horde</option>
<option value="horde">Horde</option>
@ -337,9 +340,11 @@ jQuery(function () {
<div class="flex1 flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap">
<div class="flex1 flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap">
<label for="caption_multimodal_api">API</label>
<label for="caption_multimodal_api">API</label>
<select id="caption_multimodal_api" class="flex1 text_pole">
<select id="caption_multimodal_api" class="flex1 text_pole">
<option value="llamacpp">llama.cpp</option>
<option value="ollama">Ollama</option>
<option value="openai">OpenAI</option>
<option value="openai">OpenAI</option>
<option value="openrouter">OpenRouter</option>
<option value="openrouter">OpenRouter</option>
<option value="google">Google</option>
<option value="google">Google MakerSuite</option>
<div class="flex1 flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap">
<div class="flex1 flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap">
@ -349,12 +354,19 @@ jQuery(function () {
<option data-type="google" value="gemini-pro-vision">gemini-pro-vision</option>
<option data-type="google" value="gemini-pro-vision">gemini-pro-vision</option>
<option data-type="openrouter" value="openai/gpt-4-vision-preview">openai/gpt-4-vision-preview</option>
<option data-type="openrouter" value="openai/gpt-4-vision-preview">openai/gpt-4-vision-preview</option>
<option data-type="openrouter" value="haotian-liu/llava-13b">haotian-liu/llava-13b</option>
<option data-type="openrouter" value="haotian-liu/llava-13b">haotian-liu/llava-13b</option>
<option data-type="ollama" value="ollama_current">[Currently selected]</option>
<option data-type="ollama" value="bakllava:latest">bakllava:latest</option>
<option data-type="ollama" value="llava:latest">llava:latest</option>
<option data-type="llamacpp" value="llamacpp_current">[Currently loaded]</option>
<label data-type="openai" class="checkbox_label flexBasis100p" for="caption_allow_reverse_proxy" title="Allow using reverse proxy if defined and valid.">
<label data-type="openai" class="checkbox_label flexBasis100p" for="caption_allow_reverse_proxy" title="Allow using reverse proxy if defined and valid.">
<input id="caption_allow_reverse_proxy" type="checkbox" class="checkbox">
<input id="caption_allow_reverse_proxy" type="checkbox" class="checkbox">
Allow reverse proxy
Allow reverse proxy
<div class="flexBasis100p m-b-1">
<small><b>Hint:</b> Set your API keys and endpoints in the 'API Connections' tab first.</small>
<div id="caption_prompt_block">
<div id="caption_prompt_block">
<label for="caption_prompt">Caption Prompt</label>
<label for="caption_prompt">Caption Prompt</label>
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { is_group_generating, selected_group } from '../../group-chats.js';
import { registerSlashCommand } from '../../slash-commands.js';
import { registerSlashCommand } from '../../slash-commands.js';
import { loadMovingUIState } from '../../power-user.js';
import { loadMovingUIState } from '../../power-user.js';
import { dragElement } from '../../RossAscends-mods.js';
import { dragElement } from '../../RossAscends-mods.js';
import { getTextTokens, tokenizers } from '../../tokenizers.js';
export { MODULE_NAME };
export { MODULE_NAME };
const MODULE_NAME = '1_memory';
const MODULE_NAME = '1_memory';
@ -42,26 +43,6 @@ const defaultPrompt = '[Pause your roleplay. Summarize the most important facts
const defaultTemplate = '[Summary: {{summary}}]';
const defaultTemplate = '[Summary: {{summary}}]';
const defaultSettings = {
const defaultSettings = {
minLongMemory: 16,
maxLongMemory: 1024,
longMemoryLength: 128,
shortMemoryLength: 512,
minShortMemory: 128,
maxShortMemory: 1024,
shortMemoryStep: 16,
longMemoryStep: 8,
repetitionPenaltyStep: 0.05,
repetitionPenalty: 1.2,
maxRepetitionPenalty: 2.0,
minRepetitionPenalty: 1.0,
temperature: 1.0,
minTemperature: 0.1,
maxTemperature: 2.0,
temperatureStep: 0.05,
lengthPenalty: 1,
minLengthPenalty: -4,
maxLengthPenalty: 4,
lengthPenaltyStep: 0.1,
memoryFrozen: false,
memoryFrozen: false,
SkipWIAN: false,
SkipWIAN: false,
source: summary_sources.extras,
source: summary_sources.extras,
@ -95,11 +76,6 @@ function loadSettings() {
$('#memory_frozen').prop('checked', extension_settings.memory.memoryFrozen).trigger('input');
$('#memory_frozen').prop('checked', extension_settings.memory.memoryFrozen).trigger('input');
$('#memory_skipWIAN').prop('checked', extension_settings.memory.SkipWIAN).trigger('input');
$('#memory_skipWIAN').prop('checked', extension_settings.memory.SkipWIAN).trigger('input');
@ -126,51 +102,6 @@ function switchSourceControls(value) {
function onMemoryShortInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.shortMemoryLength = Number(value);
// Don't let long buffer be bigger than short
if (extension_settings.memory.longMemoryLength > extension_settings.memory.shortMemoryLength) {
function onMemoryLongInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.longMemoryLength = Number(value);
// Don't let long buffer be bigger than short
if (extension_settings.memory.longMemoryLength > extension_settings.memory.shortMemoryLength) {
function onMemoryRepetitionPenaltyInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.repetitionPenalty = Number(value);
function onMemoryTemperatureInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.temperature = Number(value);
function onMemoryLengthPenaltyInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.lengthPenalty = Number(value);
function onMemoryFrozenInput() {
function onMemoryFrozenInput() {
const value = Boolean($(this).prop('checked'));
const value = Boolean($(this).prop('checked'));
extension_settings.memory.memoryFrozen = value;
extension_settings.memory.memoryFrozen = value;
@ -444,33 +375,36 @@ async function summarizeChatExtras(context) {
const longMemory = getLatestMemoryFromChat(chat);
const longMemory = getLatestMemoryFromChat(chat);
const reversedChat = chat.slice().reverse();
const reversedChat = chat.slice().reverse();
let memoryBuffer = [];
const memoryBuffer = [];
const CONTEXT_SIZE = 1024 - 64;
for (let mes of reversedChat) {
for (const message of reversedChat) {
// we reached the point of latest memory
// we reached the point of latest memory
if (longMemory && mes.extra && mes.extra.memory == longMemory) {
if (longMemory && message.extra && message.extra.memory == longMemory) {
// don't care about system
// don't care about system
if (mes.is_system) {
if (message.is_system) {
// determine the sender's name
// determine the sender's name
const name = mes.is_user ? (context.name1 ?? 'You') : (mes.force_avatar ? mes.name : context.name2);
const entry = `${message.name}:\n${message.mes}`;
const entry = `${name}:\n${mes['mes']}`;
// check if token limit was reached
// check if token limit was reached
if (context.getTokenCount(getMemoryString()) >= extension_settings.memory.shortMemoryLength) {
const tokens = getTextTokens(tokenizers.GPT2, getMemoryString()).length;
if (tokens >= CONTEXT_SIZE) {
const resultingString = getMemoryString();
const resultingString = getMemoryString();
const resultingTokens = getTextTokens(tokenizers.GPT2, resultingString).length;
if (context.getTokenCount(resultingString) < extension_settings.memory.shortMemoryLength) {
if (!resultingString || resultingTokens < CONTEXT_SIZE) {
console.debug('Not enough context to summarize');
@ -488,13 +422,7 @@ async function summarizeChatExtras(context) {
body: JSON.stringify({
body: JSON.stringify({
text: resultingString,
text: resultingString,
params: {
params: {},
min_length: extension_settings.memory.longMemoryLength * 0, // testing how it behaves 0 min length
max_length: extension_settings.memory.longMemoryLength,
repetition_penalty: extension_settings.memory.repetitionPenalty,
temperature: extension_settings.memory.temperature,
length_penalty: extension_settings.memory.lengthPenalty,
@ -623,11 +551,6 @@ function setupListeners() {
//setup shared listeners for popout and regular ext menu
//setup shared listeners for popout and regular ext menu
$('#memory_restore').off('click').on('click', onMemoryRestoreClick);
$('#memory_restore').off('click').on('click', onMemoryRestoreClick);
$('#memory_contents').off('click').on('input', onMemoryContentInput);
$('#memory_contents').off('click').on('input', onMemoryContentInput);
$('#memory_long_length').off('click').on('input', onMemoryLongInput);
$('#memory_short_length').off('click').on('input', onMemoryShortInput);
$('#memory_repetition_penalty').off('click').on('input', onMemoryRepetitionPenaltyInput);
$('#memory_temperature').off('click').on('input', onMemoryTemperatureInput);
$('#memory_length_penalty').off('click').on('input', onMemoryLengthPenaltyInput);
$('#memory_frozen').off('click').on('input', onMemoryFrozenInput);
$('#memory_frozen').off('click').on('input', onMemoryFrozenInput);
$('#memory_skipWIAN').off('click').on('input', onMemorySkipWIANInput);
$('#memory_skipWIAN').off('click').on('input', onMemorySkipWIANInput);
$('#summary_source').off('click').on('change', onSummarySourceChange);
$('#summary_source').off('click').on('change', onSummarySourceChange);
@ -720,18 +643,6 @@ jQuery(function () {
<input id="memory_prompt_words_force" type="range" value="${defaultSettings.promptForceWords}" min="${defaultSettings.promptMinForceWords}" max="${defaultSettings.promptMaxForceWords}" step="${defaultSettings.promptForceWordsStep}" />
<input id="memory_prompt_words_force" type="range" value="${defaultSettings.promptForceWords}" min="${defaultSettings.promptMinForceWords}" max="${defaultSettings.promptMaxForceWords}" step="${defaultSettings.promptForceWordsStep}" />
<small>If both sliders are non-zero, then both will trigger summary updates a their respective intervals.</small>
<small>If both sliders are non-zero, then both will trigger summary updates a their respective intervals.</small>
<div data-source="extras">
<label for="memory_short_length">Chat to Summarize buffer length (<span id="memory_short_length_tokens"></span> tokens)</label>
<input id="memory_short_length" type="range" value="${defaultSettings.shortMemoryLength}" min="${defaultSettings.minShortMemory}" max="${defaultSettings.maxShortMemory}" step="${defaultSettings.shortMemoryStep}" />
<label for="memory_long_length">Summary output length (<span id="memory_long_length_tokens"></span> tokens)</label>
<input id="memory_long_length" type="range" value="${defaultSettings.longMemoryLength}" min="${defaultSettings.minLongMemory}" max="${defaultSettings.maxLongMemory}" step="${defaultSettings.longMemoryStep}" />
<label for="memory_temperature">Temperature (<span id="memory_temperature_value"></span>)</label>
<input id="memory_temperature" type="range" value="${defaultSettings.temperature}" min="${defaultSettings.minTemperature}" max="${defaultSettings.maxTemperature}" step="${defaultSettings.temperatureStep}" />
<label for="memory_repetition_penalty">Repetition penalty (<span id="memory_repetition_penalty_value"></span>)</label>
<input id="memory_repetition_penalty" type="range" value="${defaultSettings.repetitionPenalty}" min="${defaultSettings.minRepetitionPenalty}" max="${defaultSettings.maxRepetitionPenalty}" step="${defaultSettings.repetitionPenaltyStep}" />
<label for="memory_length_penalty">Length preference <small>[higher = longer summaries]</small> (<span id="memory_length_penalty_value"></span>)</label>
<input id="memory_length_penalty" type="range" value="${defaultSettings.lengthPenalty}" min="${defaultSettings.minLengthPenalty}" max="${defaultSettings.maxLengthPenalty}" step="${defaultSettings.lengthPenaltyStep}" />
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { getRequestHeaders } from '../../script.js';
import { extension_settings } from '../extensions.js';
import { extension_settings } from '../extensions.js';
import { oai_settings } from '../openai.js';
import { oai_settings } from '../openai.js';
import { SECRET_KEYS, secret_state } from '../secrets.js';
import { SECRET_KEYS, secret_state } from '../secrets.js';
import { textgen_types, textgenerationwebui_settings } from '../textgen-settings.js';
import { createThumbnail, isValidUrl } from '../utils.js';
import { createThumbnail, isValidUrl } from '../utils.js';
@ -11,20 +12,18 @@ import { createThumbnail, isValidUrl } from '../utils.js';
* @returns {Promise<string>} Generated caption
* @returns {Promise<string>} Generated caption
export async function getMultimodalCaption(base64Img, prompt) {
export async function getMultimodalCaption(base64Img, prompt) {
if (extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'openai' && !secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.OPENAI]) {
throw new Error('OpenAI API key is not set.');
if (extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'openrouter' && !secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.OPENROUTER]) {
const noPrefix = ['google', 'ollama', 'llamacpp'].includes(extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api);
throw new Error('OpenRouter API key is not set.');
if (extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'google' && !secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.MAKERSUITE]) {
if (noPrefix && base64Img.startsWith('data:image/')) {
throw new Error('MakerSuite API key is not set.');
base64Img = base64Img.split(',')[1];
// OpenRouter has a payload limit of ~2MB. Google is 4MB, but we love democracy.
// OpenRouter has a payload limit of ~2MB. Google is 4MB, but we love democracy.
const isGoogle = extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'google';
const isGoogle = extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'google';
const isOllama = extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'ollama';
const isLlamaCpp = extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'llamacpp';
const base64Bytes = base64Img.length * 0.75;
const base64Bytes = base64Img.length * 0.75;
const compressionLimit = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
const compressionLimit = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
if (['google', 'openrouter'].includes(extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api) && base64Bytes > compressionLimit) {
if (['google', 'openrouter'].includes(extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api) && base64Bytes > compressionLimit) {
@ -45,27 +44,79 @@ export async function getMultimodalCaption(base64Img, prompt) {
const proxyUrl = useReverseProxy ? oai_settings.reverse_proxy : '';
const proxyUrl = useReverseProxy ? oai_settings.reverse_proxy : '';
const proxyPassword = useReverseProxy ? oai_settings.proxy_password : '';
const proxyPassword = useReverseProxy ? oai_settings.proxy_password : '';
const apiResult = await fetch(`/api/${isGoogle ? 'google' : 'openai'}/caption-image`, {
const requestBody = {
image: base64Img,
prompt: prompt,
if (!isGoogle) {
requestBody.api = extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api || 'openai';
requestBody.model = extension_settings.caption.multimodal_model || 'gpt-4-vision-preview';
requestBody.reverse_proxy = proxyUrl;
requestBody.proxy_password = proxyPassword;
if (isOllama) {
if (extension_settings.caption.multimodal_model === 'ollama_current') {
requestBody.model = textgenerationwebui_settings.ollama_model;
requestBody.server_url = textgenerationwebui_settings.server_urls[textgen_types.OLLAMA];
if (isLlamaCpp) {
requestBody.server_url = textgenerationwebui_settings.server_urls[textgen_types.LLAMACPP];
function getEndpointUrl() {
switch (extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api) {
case 'google':
return '/api/google/caption-image';
case 'llamacpp':
return '/api/backends/text-completions/llamacpp/caption-image';
case 'ollama':
return '/api/backends/text-completions/ollama/caption-image';
return '/api/openai/caption-image';
const apiResult = await fetch(getEndpointUrl(), {
method: 'POST',
method: 'POST',
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
body: JSON.stringify({
body: JSON.stringify(requestBody),
image: base64Img,
prompt: prompt,
? {}
: {
api: extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api || 'openai',
model: extension_settings.caption.multimodal_model || 'gpt-4-vision-preview',
reverse_proxy: proxyUrl,
proxy_password: proxyPassword,
if (!apiResult.ok) {
if (!apiResult.ok) {
throw new Error('Failed to caption image via OpenAI.');
throw new Error('Failed to caption image via Multimodal API.');
const { caption } = await apiResult.json();
const { caption } = await apiResult.json();
return caption;
return String(caption).trim();
function throwIfInvalidModel() {
if (extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'openai' && !secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.OPENAI]) {
throw new Error('OpenAI API key is not set.');
if (extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'openrouter' && !secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.OPENROUTER]) {
throw new Error('OpenRouter API key is not set.');
if (extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'google' && !secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.MAKERSUITE]) {
throw new Error('MakerSuite API key is not set.');
if (extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'ollama' && !textgenerationwebui_settings.server_urls[textgen_types.OLLAMA]) {
throw new Error('Ollama server URL is not set.');
if (extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'ollama' && extension_settings.caption.multimodal_model === 'ollama_current' && !textgenerationwebui_settings.ollama_model) {
throw new Error('Ollama model is not set.');
if (extension_settings.caption.multimodal_api === 'llamacpp' && !textgenerationwebui_settings.server_urls[textgen_types.LLAMACPP]) {
throw new Error('LlamaCPP server URL is not set.');
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import {
} from '../script.js';
} from '../script.js';
import { getCfgPrompt } from './cfg-scale.js';
import { getCfgPrompt } from './cfg-scale.js';
import { MAX_CONTEXT_DEFAULT, MAX_RESPONSE_DEFAULT } from './power-user.js';
import { MAX_CONTEXT_DEFAULT, MAX_RESPONSE_DEFAULT, power_user } from './power-user.js';
import { getTextTokens, tokenizers } from './tokenizers.js';
import { getTextTokens, tokenizers } from './tokenizers.js';
import EventSourceStream from './sse-stream.js';
import EventSourceStream from './sse-stream.js';
import {
import {
@ -437,6 +437,10 @@ export function getNovelGenerationData(finalPrompt, settings, maxLength, isImper
BIAS_CACHE.set(BIAS_KEY, logitBias);
BIAS_CACHE.set(BIAS_KEY, logitBias);
if (power_user.console_log_prompts) {
return {
return {
'input': finalPrompt,
'input': finalPrompt,
'model': nai_settings.model_novel,
'model': nai_settings.model_novel,
@ -304,7 +304,12 @@ class PresetManager {
const settings = Object.assign({}, getSettingsByApiId(this.apiId));
const settings = Object.assign({}, getSettingsByApiId(this.apiId));
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<h3>Confused or lost?</h3>
<h3>Confused or lost?</h3>
<span class="note-link-span">?</span> - click these icons!
<span class="note-link-span"><a class="fa-solid fa-circle-question" target="_blank" href="https://docs.sillytavern.app/"></a></span> - click these icons!
Enter <code>/?</code> in the chat bar
Enter <code>/?</code> in the chat bar
@ -310,11 +310,12 @@ ollama.post('/download', jsonParser, async function (request, response) {
const fetchResponse = await fetch(`${url}/api/pull`, {
const fetchResponse = await fetch(`${url}/api/pull`, {
method: 'POST',
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({
body: JSON.stringify({
name: name,
name: name,
stream: false,
stream: false,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
timeout: 0,
if (!fetchResponse.ok) {
if (!fetchResponse.ok) {
@ -329,6 +330,99 @@ ollama.post('/download', jsonParser, async function (request, response) {
ollama.post('/caption-image', jsonParser, async function (request, response) {
try {
if (!request.body.server_url || !request.body.model) {
return response.sendStatus(400);
console.log('Ollama caption request:', request.body);
// Convert to string + remove trailing slash + /v1 suffix
const baseUrl = String(request.body.server_url).replace(/\/$/, '').replace(/\/v1$/, '');
const fetchResponse = await fetch(`${baseUrl}/api/generate`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({
model: request.body.model,
prompt: request.body.prompt,
images: [request.body.image],
stream: false,
timeout: 0,
if (!fetchResponse.ok) {
console.log('Ollama caption error:', fetchResponse.status, fetchResponse.statusText);
return response.status(500).send({ error: true });
const data = await fetchResponse.json();
console.log('Ollama caption response:', data);
const caption = data?.response || '';
if (!caption) {
console.log('Ollama caption is empty.');
return response.status(500).send({ error: true });
return response.send({ caption });
} catch (error) {
return response.status(500);
const llamacpp = express.Router();
llamacpp.post('/caption-image', jsonParser, async function (request, response) {
try {
if (!request.body.server_url) {
return response.sendStatus(400);
console.log('LlamaCpp caption request:', request.body);
// Convert to string + remove trailing slash + /v1 suffix
const baseUrl = String(request.body.server_url).replace(/\/$/, '').replace(/\/v1$/, '');
const fetchResponse = await fetch(`${baseUrl}/completion`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
timeout: 0,
body: JSON.stringify({
prompt: `USER:[img-1]${String(request.body.prompt).trim()}\nASSISTANT:`,
image_data: [{ data: request.body.image, id: 1 }],
temperature: 0.1,
stream: false,
stop: ['USER:', '</s>'],
if (!fetchResponse.ok) {
console.log('LlamaCpp caption error:', fetchResponse.status, fetchResponse.statusText);
return response.status(500).send({ error: true });
const data = await fetchResponse.json();
console.log('LlamaCpp caption response:', data);
const caption = data?.content || '';
if (!caption) {
console.log('LlamaCpp caption is empty.');
return response.status(500).send({ error: true });
return response.send({ caption });
} catch (error) {
return response.status(500);
router.use('/ollama', ollama);
router.use('/ollama', ollama);
router.use('/llamacpp', llamacpp);
module.exports = { router };
module.exports = { router };
Reference in New Issue
Block a user