Addendum number four.

I reached for everything that most often caught my eye.
I also replaced widthNatural flex1 margin0 with widthNatural margin0. Now there should be no problem with fields taking up extra space. Although perhaps you asked me to return everything as it was.
This commit is contained in:
SolidSnacke 2024-02-12 18:58:52 +03:00
parent 85df989193
commit 90963f6437
2 changed files with 195 additions and 122 deletions

View File

@ -1680,12 +1680,45 @@
"context size(tokens)": "Размер контекста (в токенах)",
"unlocked": "Неограниченный",
"Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "Только отдельные модели поддерживают контекст, превышающий 4096 токенов. Используйте только если понимаете, что делаете.",
"rep.pen": "Rep. Pen.",
"rep.pen": "Штраф за повторение",
"WI Entry Status:🔵 Constant🟢 Normal❌ Disabled": "Статус входа WI:\n 🔵 Константа\n 🟢 Cтандартный\n ❌ Отключен",
"rep.pen range": "Диапазон Rep. Pen.",
"temperature": "Температура",
"Encoder Rep. Pen.": "Расшифровщик Rep. Pen.",
"No Repeat Ngram Size": "No Repeat Ngram Size",
"rep.pen range": "Диапазон штрафов за повтор.",
"Temperature controls the randomness in token selection": "Temperature контролирует случайность выбора токенов:\n- низкая Temperature (<1.0) приводит к более предсказуемому тексту, отдавая предпочтение токенам с высокой вероятностью.\n- высокая Temperature (>1.0) повышает креативность и разнообразие вывода, давая токенам с низкой вероятностью больше шансов.\nУстановите значение 1.0 для исходных вероятностей.",
"temperature": "Temperature",
"Top K sets a maximum amount of top tokens that can be chosen from": "Top K задает максимальное количество токенов, которые могут быть выбраны.\nЕсли Top-K равен 20, это означает, что будут сохранены только 20 токенов с наивысшим рейтингом (независимо от того, что их вероятности разнообразны или ограничены)\nУстановите значение 0, чтобы отключить.",
"Top P (a.k.a. nucleus sampling)": "Top P (также известная как выборка ядра) складывает все верхние токены, необходимые для достижения целевого процента.\nТо есть, если 2 верхних токена составляют 25%, а Top-P равен 0.50, учитываются только эти 2 верхних токена.\nУстановите значение 1.0, чтобы отключить.",
"Typical P Sampling prioritizes tokens based on their deviation from the average entropy of the set": "Сэмплер Typical P определяет приоритет токенов на основе их отклонения от средней энтропии набора.\nОстаются токены, чья кумулятивная вероятность близка к заданному порогу (например, 0,5), выделяя те, которые имеют среднее информационное содержание.\nУстановите значение 1.0, чтобы отключить.",
"Min P sets a base minimum probability": "Min P устанавливает базовую минимальную вероятность. Она масштабируется в зависимости от вероятности верхнего токена.\nЕсли вероятность верхнего токена составляет 80%, а Min P - 0.1, будут рассматриваться только токены с вероятностью выше 8%.\nУстановите значение 0, чтобы отключить.",
"Top A sets a threshold for token selection based on the square of the highest token probability": "Top A устанавливает порог для отбора токенов на основе квадрата наибольшей вероятности токена.\nЕсли значение Top A равно 0.2, а вероятность верхнего токена равна 50%, то токены с вероятностью ниже 5% (0.2 * 0.5^2) будут исключены.\nУстановите значение 0, чтобы отключить.",
"Tail-Free Sampling (TFS)": "Tail-Free Sampling (TFS) ищет хвост маловероятных токнов в распределении,\n анализируя скорость изменения вероятностей токенов с помощью производных. Он сохраняет токены до порога (например, 0.3), основанного на нормированной второй производной.\nЧем ближе к 0, тем больше отброшенных токенов. Установите значение 1.0, чтобы отключить.",
"Epsilon cutoff sets a probability floor below which tokens are excluded from being sampled": "Epsilon cutoff устанавливает уровень вероятности, ниже которого токены исключаются из выборки.\nВ единицах 1e-4; разумное значение - 3.\nУстановите 0, чтобы отключить.",
"Scale Temperature dynamically per token, based on the variation of probabilities": "Динамическое масштабирование Temperature для каждого токена, основанное на изменении вероятностей.",
"Minimum Temp": "Минимальная Temp",
"Maximum Temp": "Максимальная Temp",
"Exponent": "Экспонента",
"Mirostat Mode": "Режим",
"Mirostat Tau": "Tau",
"Mirostat Eta": "Eta",
"Variability parameter for Mirostat outputs": "Параметр изменчивости для выходных данных Mirostat.",
"Learning rate of Mirostat": "Скорость обучения Mirostat.",
"Strength of the Contrastive Search regularization term. Set to 0 to disable CS": "Сила условия регуляризации контрастивного поиска. Установите значение 0, чтобы отключить CS.",
"Temperature Last": "Temperature Last",
"Use the temperature sampler last": "Использовать Temperature сэмплер в последнюю очередь. Это почти всегда разумно.\nПри включении: сначала выборка набора правдоподобных токенов, затем применение Temperature для корректировки их относительных вероятностей (технически, логитов).\nПри отключении: сначала применение Temperature для корректировки относительных вероятностей ВСЕХ токенов, затем выборка правдоподобных токенов из этого.\nОтключение Temperature Last увеличивает вероятности в хвосте распределения, что увеличивает шансы получить несогласованный ответ.",
"LLaMA / Mistral / Yi models only": "Только для моделей LLaMA / Mistral / Yi. Убедитесь, что сначала выбрали подходящий токенизатор.\nПоследовательности, которые вы не хотите видеть в выходных данных.\nОдна на строку. Текст или [идентификаторы токенов].\nМногие токены имеют пробел впереди. Используйте счетчик токенов, если не уверены.",
"Example: some text [42, 69, 1337]": "Пример:\nкакой-то текст\n[42, 69, 1337]",
"Classifier Free Guidance. More helpful tip coming soon": "Руководство без классификатора. Больше полезных советов в ближайшее время.",
"Scale": "Масштаб",
"GBNF Grammar": "Грамматика GBNF",
"Usage Stats": "Статистика исп.",
"Click for stats!": "Нажмите для получения статистики!",
"Backup": "Резер. копирование",
"Backup your personas to a file": "Резервное копирование персон в файл",
"Restore": "Восстановить",
"Restore your personas from a file": "Восстановление персон из файла",
"Type in the desired custom grammar": "Введите нужную пользовательскую грамматику",
"Encoder Rep. Pen.": "Штраф за кодирование",
"Smoothing Factor": "Коэффициент сглаживания",
"No Repeat Ngram Size": "Нет повторов размера Ngram",
"Min Length": "Минимальная длина",
"OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "Прокси с OpenAI",
"Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "Альтернативный URL сервера (оставьте пустым для стандартного значения)",
@ -1695,21 +1728,21 @@
"Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "Включите это, если потоковый вывод текста не работает с вашим прокси",
"Context Size (tokens)": "Размер контекста (в токенах)",
"Max Response Length (tokens)": "Максимальная длина ответа (в токенах)",
"Temperature": "Температура",
"Temperature": "Temperature",
"Frequency Penalty": "Штраф за частоту",
"Presence Penalty": "Штраф за присутствие",
"Top-p": "Top-p",
"Top-p": "Top P",
"Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "Отображать ответ ИИ по мере генерации текста",
"Top A": "Top-a",
"Typical Sampling": "Типичная выборка",
"Tail Free Sampling": "Бесхвостовая выборка",
"Rep. Pen. Slope": "Rep. Pen. Склон",
"Top A": "Top А",
"Typical Sampling": "Typical Sampling",
"Tail Free Sampling": "Tail Free Sampling",
"Rep. Pen. Slope": "Rep. Pen. Slope",
"Single-line mode": "Режим одной строки",
"Top K": "Top-k",
"Top P": "Top-p",
"Top K": "Top K",
"Top P": "Top P",
"Do Sample": "Сделать образец",
"Add BOS Token": "Добавить BOS-токен",
"Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative.": "Добавлять BOS-токен в начале инструкции. Выключение этого может сделать ответы более креативными. ",
"Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative": "Добавлять BOS-токен в начале инструкции. Выключение этого может сделать ответы более креативными. ",
"Ban EOS Token": "Заблокировать EOS-токен",
"Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "Блокировка EOS-токена вынудит модель никогда не завершать генерацию преждевременно",
"Skip Special Tokens": "Пропускать специальные токены",
@ -1718,12 +1751,13 @@
"Length Penalty": "Штраф за длину",
"Early Stopping": "Преждевременная остановка",
"Contrastive search": "Контрастный поиск",
"Penalty Alpha": "Штраф Альфа",
"Penalty Alpha": "Penalty Alpha",
"Seed": "Зерно",
"Epsilon Cutoff": "Отсечение эпсилона",
"Eta Cutoff": "Отсечка Eta",
"Epsilon Cutoff": "Epsilon Cutoff",
"Eta Cutoff": "Eta Cutoff",
"Negative Prompt": "Отрицательная подсказка",
"Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat (режим = 1 только для llama.cpp)",
"Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat",
"Mirostat is a thermostat for output perplexity": "Mirostat - это термостат для недоумения на выходе.\nMirostat подгоняет недоумение на выходе к недоумению на входе, что позволяет избежать ловушки повторения.\n(когда по мере того, как авторегрессионный вывод производит текст, недоумение на выходе стремится к нулю)\n и ловушки путаницы (когда недоумение расходится)\nДля подробностей смотрите статью Mirostat: A Neural Text Decoding Algorithm that Directly Controls Perplexity by Basu et al. (2020).\nРежим выбирает версию Mirostat. 0=отключить, 1=Mirostat 1.0 (только llama.cpp), 2=Mirostat 2.0.",
"Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "Добавьте сюда текст, который заставит ИИ генерировать то, что вы не хотите видеть в своих выводах",
"Phrase Repetition Penalty": "Штраф за повторение фразы",
"Preamble": "Преамбула",
@ -1740,8 +1774,14 @@
"NSFW Prioritized": "Предпочитать NSFW",
"NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "Отправлять NSFW-инструкцию в начале для усиления его эффекта",
"Streaming": "Потоковый вывод текста",
"Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "Отображать ответ по кускам в процессе генерации.",
"When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "Если данная функция отключена, ответ будет отображен полностью после генерации.",
"Dynamic Temperature": "Динамическая Temperature",
"Restore current preset": "Восстановить текущую предустановку",
"Neutralize Samplers": "Нейтрализовать сэмплеры",
"Text Completion presets": "Предустановки Text Completion",
"Documentation on sampling parameters": "Документация по параметрам сэмплеров",
"Set all samplers to their neutral/disabled state.": "Установить все сэмплеры в нейтральное/отключенное состояние.",
"Only enable this if your model supports context sizes greater than 4096 tokens": "Включите эту опцию, только если ваша модель поддерживает размер контекста более 4096 токенов.\nУвеличивайте только если вы знаете, что делаете.",
"Display the response bit by bit as it is generated": "Отображение ответа бит за битом по мере его генерации.\nКогда этот параметр выключен, ответы будут отображаться все сразу после их завершения.",
"Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "Генерируйте только одну строку для каждого запроса (только KoboldAI, игнорируется KoboldCpp).",
"Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "Запретите токен конца последовательности (EOS) (с помощью KoboldCpp и, возможно, также других токенов с помощью KoboldAI).",
"Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "Подходит для написания историй, но не должен использоваться в режиме чата и инструктирования.",
@ -1773,14 +1813,25 @@
"API": "API",
"KoboldAI": "KoboldAI",
"Use Horde": "Использовать Horde",
"API url": "API URL",
"API url": "URL-адрес API",
"PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine": "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine (Режим обёртки API OpenAI)",
"Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "Заведите учетную запись Horde для ускорения генерации",
"Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "Узнайте подробнее о том, как использовать время простоя GPU для Hord",
"Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "Уточнить размер контекста в соответствии с возможностями рабочих машин",
"Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "Уточнить длинну ответа в соответствии с возможностями рабочих машин",
"API key": "API-ключ",
"Tabby API key": "Tabby API-ключ",
"Get it here:": "Получить здесь:",
"Register": "Регистрация",
"TogetherAI Model": "Модель TogetherAI",
"Example:": "Пример:",
"ggerganov/llama.cpp": "ggerganov/llama.cpp (сервер вывода)",
"Example:": "Пример:",
"Example:": "Пример:",
"Ollama Model": "Модель Ollama",
"Download": "Скачать",
"TogetherAI API Key": "TogetherAI API-ключ",
"-- Connect to the API --": "-- Подключитесь к API --",
"View my Kudos": "Посмотреть мой рейтинг(Kudos)",
"Enter": "Вставьте",
"to use anonymous mode.": "чтобы использовать анонимный режим.",
@ -1934,6 +1985,10 @@
"If set in the advanced character definitions, this field will be displayed in the characters list.": "Если это поле задано в расширенных параметрах персонажа, оно будет отображаться в списке персонажа.",
"Relaxed API URLS": "Смягченные URL-адреса API",
"Custom CSS": "Пользовательский CSS",
"Default (oobabooga)": "По умолчанию (oobabooga)",
"Mancer Model": "Модель Mancer",
"API Type": "Тип API",
"Aphrodite API key": "API-ключ Aphrodite",
"Relax message trim in Groups": "Расслабленная отделка сообщений в Группах",
"Characters Hotswap": "Смена персонажей на лету",
"Request token probabilities": "Вероятность запроса токена",
@ -2246,7 +2301,7 @@
"Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct mode)": "Замещение инструкций (Для OpenAI/Claude/Scale API, Window/OpenRouter, и Режима Instruct)",
"Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": "Внесите {{original}} в любое поле для внесения стандартных инструкций из системных настроек",
"Main Prompt": "Главные инструкции",
"Jailbreak": "JailBreak",
"Jailbreak": "Jailbreak",
"Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "Сведения о создателе (не отправляются ИИ с инструкциями)",
"Everything here is optional": "Всё в данных полях опционально",
"Created by": "Создано",
@ -2361,15 +2416,17 @@
"AI Response Formatting": "Формат ответа ИИ",
"Change Background Image": "Изменить фон",
"Extensions": "Расширения",
"Click to set a new User Name": "Нажмите что бы выбрать новое имя Личности",
"Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "Нажмите что бы закрепить выьранную личность к текущему чату",
"Click to set user name for all messages": "Нажмите что бы закрепить Личность для всех сообщений",
"Click to set a new User Name": "Нажмите, чтобы задать новое имя пользователя.",
"Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "Нажмите, чтобы закрепить выбранную персону за текущим чатом. Нажмите еще раз, чтобы снять блокировку.",
"Click to set user name for all messages": "Нажмите, чтобы задать имя пользователя для всех сообщений.",
"Create a dummy persona": "Создать болванку",
"Character Management": "Управление Персонажами",
"Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "Закреплено = Панель Управление Персонажами останется открытой ",
"Select/Create Characters": "Выбрать/Создать персонажа",
"Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "Счетчик токенов может быть неточным и используется только для примера",
"Click to select a new avatar for this character": "Нажмите что бы выбрать новый аватар для этого персонажа",
"Example: [{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]": "Пример:\n [{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]",
"Toggle grid view": "Переключить вид сетки",
"Add to Favorites": "Добавить в Любимые",
"Advanced Definition": "Расширенные Определения",
"Character Lore": "Сведения Персонажа",
@ -2427,14 +2484,22 @@
"Add to group": "Добавить в группу",
"Add": "Добавить",
"Abort request": "Прекратить генерацию",
"Send a message": "отправить сообщение",
"Ask AI to write your message for you": "ИИ напишет сообщение за вас",
"Send a message": "Отправить сообщение",
"Ask AI to write your message for you": "Попросить ИИ написать для вас сообщение.",
"Continue the last message": "Продолжить текущее сообщение",
"Bind user name to that avatar": "Закрепить имя за этой личностью",
"Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "Выбрать эту как стартовую личность",
"Change persona image": "Сменить изображение личности",
"Delete persona": "Удалить личность",
"Reduced Motion": "Сокращение анимаций"
"Bind user name to that avatar": "Закрепить имя за этой Персоной",
"Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "Выберать эту Персону в качестве персоны по умолчанию для новых чатов.",
"Change persona image": "Сменить аватар Персоны.",
"Delete persona": "Удалить Персону.",
"Reduced Motion": "Сокращение анимаций",
"Auto-select": "Авто выбор",
"Automatically select a background based on the chat context": "Автоматический выбор фона в зависимости от контекста чата",
"Filter": "Фильтр",
"Exclude message from prompts": "Исключить сообщение из подсказок",
"Include message in prompts": "Включить сообщение в подсказки",
"Create checkpoint": "Создание контрольной точки",
"Create Branch": "Создать Ветку",
"Embed file or image": "Вставить файл или изображение"
"it-it": {
"clickslidertips": "consigli per gli slider",

View File

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
Click slider numbers to input manually.
<div id="labModeWarning" class="redWarningBG textAlignCenter displayNone">MAD LAB MODE ON</div>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Documentation on sampling parameters.">
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Documentation on sampling parameters." data-i18n="[title]Documentation on sampling parameters">
<span name="samplerHelpButton" class="note-link-span topRightInset fa-solid fa-circle-question"></span>
<div class="scrollableInner">
@ -235,16 +235,16 @@
<div id="streaming_textgenerationwebui_block" class="flex-container alignitemscenter justifyCenter marginTop5">
<label class="checkbox_label" for="streaming_textgenerationwebui">
<input type="checkbox" id="streaming_textgenerationwebui" />
<small data-i18n="Streaming">Streaming
<div class="margin5 fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.&#13;When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete."></div>
<small><span data-i18n="Streaming">Streaming</span>
<div class="margin5 fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Display the response bit by bit as it is generated" title="Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.&#13;When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete."></div>
<div id="streaming_kobold_block" class="flex-container alignitemscenter justifyCenter marginTop5">
<label class="checkbox_label" for="streaming_kobold">
<input type="checkbox" id="streaming_kobold" />
<small data-i18n="Streaming">Streaming
<div class="margin5 fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.&#13;When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete."></div>
<small><span data-i18n="Streaming">Streaming</span>
<div class="margin5 fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Display the response bit by bit as it is generated" title="Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.&#13;When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete."></div>
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
<label class="checkbox_label">
<input id="max_context_unlocked" type="checkbox" />
<small><span data-i18n="unlocked">Unlocked</span>
<div id="max_context_unlocked_warning" class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " title="Only enable this if your model supports context sizes greater than 4096 tokens.&#13;Increase only if you know what you're doing."></div>
<div id="max_context_unlocked_warning" class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " data-i18n="[title]Only enable this if your model supports context sizes greater than 4096 tokens" title="Only enable this if your model supports context sizes greater than 4096 tokens.&#13;Increase only if you know what you're doing."></div>
@ -773,7 +773,7 @@
<div class="alignitemscenter flex-container flexFlowColumn flexBasis48p flexGrow flexShrink gap0">
<span data-i18n="temperature">Temperature</span>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Temperature controls the randomness in token selection:&#13;- low temperature (<1.0) leads to more predictable text, favoring higher probability tokens.&#13;- high temperature (>1.0) increases creativity and diversity in the output by giving lower probability tokens a better chance.&#13;Set to 1.0 for the original probabilities."></div>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Temperature controls the randomness in token selection" title="Temperature controls the randomness in token selection:&#13;- low temperature (<1.0) leads to more predictable text, favoring higher probability tokens.&#13;- high temperature (>1.0) increases creativity and diversity in the output by giving lower probability tokens a better chance.&#13;Set to 1.0 for the original probabilities."></div>
<input class="neo-range-slider" type="range" id="temp" name="volume" min="0.0" max="4.0" step="0.01">
<input class="neo-range-input" type="number" min="0.0" max="4.0" step="0.01" data-for="temp" id="temp_counter">
@ -1158,8 +1158,8 @@
<div id="textgenerationwebui_api-settings">
<div data-newbie-hidden class="flex-container justifyCenter">
<small class="flex-container alignitemscenter">
<div id="samplerResetButton" class="menu_button whitespacenowrap">Neutralize Samplers</div>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Set all samplers to their neutral/disabled state."></div>
<div id="samplerResetButton" class="menu_button whitespacenowrap" data-i18n="Neutralize Samplers">Neutralize Samplers</div>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Set all samplers to their neutral/disabled state." data-i18n="[title]Set all samplers to their neutral/disabled state."></div>
<div data-newbie-hidden data-tg-type="aphrodite" class="flex-container flexFlowColumn alignitemscenter flexBasis100p flexGrow flexShrink gap0">
@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@
<div class="alignitemscenter flex-container flexFlowColumn flexBasis48p flexGrow flexShrink gap0">
<span data-i18n="temperature">Temperature</span>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Temperature controls the randomness in token selection:&#13;- low temperature (<1.0) leads to more predictable text, favoring higher probability tokens.&#13;- high temperature (>1.0) increases creativity and diversity in the output by giving lower probability tokens a better chance.&#13;Set to 1.0 for the original probabilities."></div>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Temperature controls the randomness in token selection" title="Temperature controls the randomness in token selection:&#13;- low temperature (<1.0) leads to more predictable text, favoring higher probability tokens.&#13;- high temperature (>1.0) increases creativity and diversity in the output by giving lower probability tokens a better chance.&#13;Set to 1.0 for the original probabilities."></div>
<input class="neo-range-slider" type="range" id="temp_textgenerationwebui" name="volume" min="0.0" max="5.0" step="0.01" x-setting-id="temp">
<input class="neo-range-input" type="number" min="0.0" max="5.0" step="0.01" data-for="temp_textgenerationwebui" id="temp_counter_textgenerationwebui">
@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
<div data-newbie-hidden class="alignitemscenter flex-container flexFlowColumn flexBasis48p flexGrow flexShrink gap0">
<span data-i18n="Top K">Top K</span>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Top K sets a maximum amount of top tokens that can be chosen from.&#13;E.g Top K is 20, this means only the 20 highest ranking tokens will be kept (regardless of their probabilities being diverse or limited).&#13;Set to 0 to disable."></div>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Top K sets a maximum amount of top tokens that can be chosen from" title="Top K sets a maximum amount of top tokens that can be chosen from.&#13;E.g Top K is 20, this means only the 20 highest ranking tokens will be kept (regardless of their probabilities being diverse or limited).&#13;Set to 0 to disable."></div>
<input class="neo-range-slider" type="range" id="top_k_textgenerationwebui" name="volume" min="0" max="200" step="1">
<input class="neo-range-input" type="number" min="0" max="200" step="1" data-for="top_k_textgenerationwebui" id="top_k_counter_textgenerationwebui">
@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@
<div data-newbie-hidden class="alignitemscenter flex-container flexFlowColumn flexBasis48p flexGrow flexShrink gap0">
<span data-i18n="Top P">Top P</span>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Top P (a.k.a. nucleus sampling) adds up all the top tokens required to add up to the target percentage.&#13;E.g If the Top 2 tokens are both 25%, and Top P is 0.50, only the Top 2 tokens are considered.&#13;Set to 1.0 to disable."></div>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Top P (a.k.a. nucleus sampling)" title="Top P (a.k.a. nucleus sampling) adds up all the top tokens required to add up to the target percentage.&#13;E.g If the Top 2 tokens are both 25%, and Top P is 0.50, only the Top 2 tokens are considered.&#13;Set to 1.0 to disable."></div>
<input class="neo-range-slider" type="range" id="top_p_textgenerationwebui" name="volume" min="0" max="1" step="0.01">
<input class="neo-range-input" type="number" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" data-for="top_p_textgenerationwebui" id="top_p_counter_textgenerationwebui">
@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@
<div data-newbie-hidden class="alignitemscenter flex-container flexFlowColumn flexBasis48p flexGrow flexShrink gap0">
<span data-i18n="Typical P">Typical P</span>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Typical P Sampling prioritizes tokens based on their deviation from the average entropy of the set.&#13;It maintains tokens whose cumulative probability is close to a predefined threshold (e.g., 0.5), emphasizing those with average information content.&#13;Set to 1.0 to disable."></div>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Typical P Sampling prioritizes tokens based on their deviation from the average entropy of the set" title="Typical P Sampling prioritizes tokens based on their deviation from the average entropy of the set.&#13;It maintains tokens whose cumulative probability is close to a predefined threshold (e.g., 0.5), emphasizing those with average information content.&#13;Set to 1.0 to disable."></div>
<input class="neo-range-slider" type="range" id="typical_p_textgenerationwebui" name="volume" min="0" max="1" step="0.01">
<input class="neo-range-input" type="number" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" data-for="typical_p_textgenerationwebui" id="typical_p_counter_textgenerationwebui">
@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@
<div class="alignitemscenter flex-container flexFlowColumn flexBasis48p flexGrow flexShrink gap0">
<span data-i18n="Min P">Min P</span>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Min P sets a base minimum probability. This is scaled according to the top token's probability.&#13;E.g If Top token is 80% probability, and Min P is 0.1, only tokens higher than 8% would be considered.&#13;Set to 0 to disable."></div>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Min P sets a base minimum probability" title="Min P sets a base minimum probability. This is scaled according to the top token's probability.&#13;E.g If Top token is 80% probability, and Min P is 0.1, only tokens higher than 8% would be considered.&#13;Set to 0 to disable."></div>
<input class="neo-range-slider" type="range" id="min_p_textgenerationwebui" name="volume" min="0" max="1" step="0.001">
<input class="neo-range-input" type="number" min="0" max="1" step="0.001" data-for="min_p_textgenerationwebui" id="min_p_counter_textgenerationwebui">
@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@
<div data-newbie-hidden class="alignitemscenter flex-container flexFlowColumn flexBasis48p flexGrow flexShrink gap0">
<span data-i18n="Top A">Top A</span>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Top A sets a threshold for token selection based on the square of the highest token probability.&#13;E.g if the Top-A value is 0.2 and the top token's probability is 50%, tokens with probabilities below 5% (0.2 * 0.5^2) are excluded.&#13;Set to 0 to disable."></div>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Top A sets a threshold for token selection based on the square of the highest token probability" title="Top A sets a threshold for token selection based on the square of the highest token probability.&#13;E.g if the Top-A value is 0.2 and the top token's probability is 50%, tokens with probabilities below 5% (0.2 * 0.5^2) are excluded.&#13;Set to 0 to disable."></div>
<input class="neo-range-slider" type="range" id="top_a_textgenerationwebui" name="volume" min="0" max="1" step="0.01">
<input class="neo-range-input" type="number" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" data-for="top_a_textgenerationwebui" id="top_a_counter_textgenerationwebui">
@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@
<div data-newbie-hidden class="alignitemscenter flex-container flexFlowColumn flexBasis48p flexGrow flexShrink gap0">
<span data-i18n="Tail Free Sampling">Tail Free Sampling</span>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Tail-Free Sampling (TFS) searches for a tail of low-probability tokens in the distribution,&#13;by analyzing the rate of change in token probabilities using derivatives. It retains tokens up to a threshold (e.g., 0.3) based on the normalized second derivative.&#13;The closer to 0, the more discarded tokens. Set to 1.0 to disable."></div>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Tail-Free Sampling (TFS)" title="Tail-Free Sampling (TFS) searches for a tail of low-probability tokens in the distribution,&#13;by analyzing the rate of change in token probabilities using derivatives. It retains tokens up to a threshold (e.g., 0.3) based on the normalized second derivative.&#13;The closer to 0, the more discarded tokens. Set to 1.0 to disable."></div>
<input class="neo-range-slider" type="range" id="tfs_textgenerationwebui" name="volume" min="0" max="1" step="0.01">
<input class="neo-range-input" type="number" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" data-for="tfs_textgenerationwebui" id="tfs_counter_textgenerationwebui">
@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@
<div data-newbie-hidden data-tg-type="ooba" class="alignitemscenter flex-container flexFlowColumn flexBasis48p flexGrow flexShrink gap0">
<span data-i18n="Epsilon Cutoff">Epsilon Cutoff</span>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Epsilon cutoff sets a probability floor below which tokens are excluded from being sampled.&#13;In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3.&#13;Set to 0 to disable."></div>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Epsilon cutoff sets a probability floor below which tokens are excluded from being sampled" title="Epsilon cutoff sets a probability floor below which tokens are excluded from being sampled.&#13;In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3.&#13;Set to 0 to disable."></div>
<input class="neo-range-slider" type="range" id="epsilon_cutoff_textgenerationwebui" name="volume" min="0" max="9" step="0.01">
<input class="neo-range-input" type="number" min="0" max="9" step="0.01" data-for="epsilon_cutoff_textgenerationwebui" id="epsilon_cutoff_counter_textgenerationwebui">
@ -1308,8 +1308,8 @@
<input type="checkbox" id="dynatemp_textgenerationwebui" />
<small data-i18n="dynatemp"></small>
<span style="text-align: center;">Dynamic Temperature</span>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Scale Temperature dynamically per token, based on the variation of probabilities."></div>
<span style="text-align: center;" data-i18n="Dynamic Temperature">Dynamic Temperature</span>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Scale Temperature dynamically per token, based on the variation of probabilities" title="Scale Temperature dynamically per token, based on the variation of probabilities."></div>
<div class="flex-container flexFlowRow alignitemscenter gap10px flexShrink">
@ -1331,8 +1331,9 @@
<div data-newbie-hidden name="miroStatBlock" class="wide100p">
<h4 class="wide100p textAlignCenter" data-i18n="Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)">Mirostat
<div class=" fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " title="Mirostat is a thermostat for output perplexity.&#13;Mirostat matches the output perplexity to that of the input, thus avoiding the repetition trap&#13;(where, as the autoregressive inference produces text, the perplexity of the output tends toward zero)&#13;and the confusion trap (where the perplexity diverges).&#13;For details, see the paper Mirostat: A Neural Text Decoding Algorithm that Directly Controls Perplexity by Basu et al. (2020).&#13;Mode chooses the Mirostat version. 0=disable, 1=Mirostat 1.0 (llama.cpp only), 2=Mirostat 2.0."></div>
<h4 class="wide100p textAlignCenter">
<label data-i18n="Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)">Mirostat</label>
<div class=" fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " data-i18n="[title]Mirostat is a thermostat for output perplexity" title="Mirostat is a thermostat for output perplexity.&#13;Mirostat matches the output perplexity to that of the input, thus avoiding the repetition trap&#13;(where, as the autoregressive inference produces text, the perplexity of the output tends toward zero)&#13;and the confusion trap (where the perplexity diverges).&#13;For details, see the paper Mirostat: A Neural Text Decoding Algorithm that Directly Controls Perplexity by Basu et al. (2020).&#13;Mode chooses the Mirostat version. 0=disable, 1=Mirostat 1.0 (llama.cpp only), 2=Mirostat 2.0."></div>
<div class="flex-container flexFlowRow gap10px flexShrink">
<div class="alignitemscenter flex-container marginBot5 flexFlowColumn flexGrow flexShrink gap0">
@ -1341,26 +1342,29 @@
<input class="neo-range-input" type="number" min="0" max="2" step="1" data-for="mirostat_mode_textgenerationwebui" id="mirostat_mode_counter_textgenerationwebui">
<div class="alignitemscenter flex-container marginBot5 flexFlowColumn flexGrow flexShrink gap0">
<small data-i18n="Mirostat Tau">
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Variability parameter for Mirostat outputs."></div>
<small data-i18n="Mirostat Tau">Tau</small>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Variability parameter for Mirostat outputs" title="Variability parameter for Mirostat outputs."></div>
<input class="neo-range-slider" type="range" id="mirostat_tau_textgenerationwebui" name="volume" min="0" max="20" step="0.01" />
<input class="neo-range-input" type="number" min="0" max="20" step="0.01" data-for="mirostat_tau_textgenerationwebui" id="mirostat_tau_counter_textgenerationwebui">
<div class="alignitemscenter flex-container marginBot5 flexFlowColumn flexGrow flexShrink gap0">
<small data-i18n="Mirostat Eta">
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Learning rate of Mirostat."></div>
<small data-i18n="Mirostat Eta">Eta</small>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Learning rate of Mirostat" title="Learning rate of Mirostat."></div>
<input class="neo-range-slider" type="range" id="mirostat_eta_textgenerationwebui" name="volume" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" />
<input class="neo-range-input" type="number" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" data-for="mirostat_eta_textgenerationwebui" id="mirostat_eta_counter_textgenerationwebui">
<div data-newbie-hidden data-tg-type="ooba" name="beamSearchBlock" class="wide100p">
<h4 class="wide100p textAlignCenter" span data-i18n="Beam search">Beam Search
<div class=" fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " title="Helpful tip coming soon."></div>
<h4 class="wide100p textAlignCenter">
<span data-i18n="Beam search">Beam Search</span>
<div class=" fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " title="Helpful tip coming soon."></div>
<div class="flex-container flexFlowRow alignitemscenter gap10px flexShrink">
<div class="alignitemscenter flex-container marginBot5 flexFlowColumn flexGrow flexShrink gap0">
@ -1386,10 +1390,10 @@
<div class=" fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " title="A sampler that encourages diversity while maintaining coherence, by exploiting the isotropicity of the representation space of most LLMs. For details, see the paper A Contrastive Framework for Neural Text Generation by Su et al. (2022)."></div>
<div class="alignitemscenter flex-container flexFlowColumn wide100p gap0">
Penalty Alpha
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " title="Strength of the Contrastive Search regularization term. Set to 0 to disable CS." data-i18n="[title]Strength of the Contrastive Search regularization term. Set to 0 to disable CS."></div>
<small data-i18n="Penalty Alpha">Penalty Alpha</small>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " title="Strength of the Contrastive Search regularization term. Set to 0 to disable CS." data-i18n="[title]Strength of the Contrastive Search regularization term. Set to 0 to disable CS"></div>
<input class="neo-range-slider" type="range" id="penalty_alpha_textgenerationwebui" name="volume" min="0" max="5" step="0.05" />
<input class="neo-range-input" type="number" min="0" max="5" step="0.05" data-for="penalty_alpha_textgenerationwebui" id="penalty_alpha_counter_textgenerationwebui">
@ -1402,33 +1406,34 @@
<label data-forAphro="False" data-tg-type="ooba, tabby" class="checkbox_label flexGrow flexShrink" for="add_bos_token_textgenerationwebui">
<input type="checkbox" id="add_bos_token_textgenerationwebui" />
<small data-i18n="Add BOS Token">Add BOS Token
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " data-i18n="Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative." title="Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative."></div>
<small data-i18n="Add BOS Token">Add BOS Token</small>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " data-i18n="[title]Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative" title="Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative."></div>
<label data-forAphro="False" class="checkbox_label flexGrow flexShrink" for="ban_eos_token_textgenerationwebui">
<input type="checkbox" id="ban_eos_token_textgenerationwebui" />
<small data-i18n="Ban EOS Token">Ban EOS Token
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " data-i18n="Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely" title="Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely."></div>
<small data-i18n="Ban EOS Token">Ban EOS Token</small>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " data-i18n="[title]Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely" title="Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely."></div>
<label data-tg-type="aphrodite" class="checkbox_label" for="ignore_eos_token_aphrodite_textgenerationwebui">
<input type="checkbox" id="ignore_eos_token_aphrodite_textgenerationwebui" />
<small data-i18n="Ignore EOS Token">Ignore EOS Token
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " data-i18n="Ignore the EOS Token even if it generates." title="Ignore the EOS Token even if it generates."></div>
<label class="checkbox_label flexGrow flexShrink" for="skip_special_tokens_textgenerationwebui">
<input type="checkbox" id="skip_special_tokens_textgenerationwebui" />
<small data-i18n="Skip Special Tokens">Skip Special Tokens</small>
<label data-forAphro="False" data-tg-type="ooba, aphrodite, tabby" class="checkbox_label flexGrow flexShrink" for="temperature_last_textgenerationwebui">
<input type="checkbox" id="temperature_last_textgenerationwebui" />
<small data-i18n="Temperature Last">Temperature Last
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " data-i18n="Use the temperature sampler last." title="Use the temperature sampler last. This is almost always the sensible thing to do.&#13;When enabled: sample the set of plausible tokens first, then apply temperature to adjust their relative probabilities (technically, logits).&#13;When disabled: apply temperature to adjust the relative probabilities of ALL tokens first, then sample plausible tokens from that.&#13;Disabling Temperature Last boosts the probabilities in the tail of the distribution, which tends to amplify the chances of getting an incoherent response."></div>
<small data-i18n="Temperature Last">Temperature Last</small>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " data-i18n="[title]Use the temperature sampler last" title="Use the temperature sampler last. This is almost always the sensible thing to do.&#13;When enabled: sample the set of plausible tokens first, then apply temperature to adjust their relative probabilities (technically, logits).&#13;When disabled: apply temperature to adjust the relative probabilities of ALL tokens first, then sample plausible tokens from that.&#13;Disabling Temperature Last boosts the probabilities in the tail of the distribution, which tends to amplify the chances of getting an incoherent response."></div>
<label data-tg-type="aphrodite" class="checkbox_label" for="spaces_between_special_tokens_aphrodite_textgenerationwebui">
@ -1445,10 +1450,10 @@
<hr data-newbie-hidden class="width100p">
<h4 class="range-block-title justifyCenter">
<span data-i18n="Banned Tokens">Banned Tokens</span>
<div class="margin5 fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " title="LLaMA / Mistral / Yi models only. Make sure to select an appropriate tokenizer first.&#13;Sequences you don't want to appear in the output.&#13;One per line. Text or [token ids].&#13;Most tokens have a leading space. Use token counter if unsure."></div>
<div class="margin5 fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " data-i18n="[title]LLaMA / Mistral / Yi models only" title="LLaMA / Mistral / Yi models only. Make sure to select an appropriate tokenizer first.&#13;Sequences you don't want to appear in the output.&#13;One per line. Text or [token ids].&#13;Most tokens have a leading space. Use token counter if unsure."></div>
<div class="wide100p">
<textarea id="banned_tokens_textgenerationwebui" class="text_pole textarea_compact" name="banned_tokens_textgenerationwebui" rows="3" placeholder="Example:&#10;some text&#10;[42, 69, 1337]"></textarea>
<textarea id="banned_tokens_textgenerationwebui" class="text_pole textarea_compact" name="banned_tokens_textgenerationwebui" rows="3" data-i18n="[placeholder]Example: some text [42, 69, 1337]" placeholder="Example:&#10;some text&#10;[42, 69, 1337]"></textarea>
<div class="range-block wide100p">
@ -1469,10 +1474,10 @@
<div data-newbie-hidden data-forAphro="False" class="wide100p">
<hr class="width100p">
<h4 data-i18n="CFG" class="textAlignCenter">CFG
<div class="margin5 fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " title="Classifier Free Guidance. More helpful tip coming soon."></div>
<div class="margin5 fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p " data-i18n="[title]Classifier Free Guidance. More helpful tip coming soon" title="Classifier Free Guidance. More helpful tip coming soon."></div>
<div class="alignitemscenter flex-container flexFlowColumn flexShrink gap0">
<small data-i18n="Scale">Scale</small>
<input class="neo-range-slider" type="range" id="guidance_scale_textgenerationwebui" name="volume" min="0.1" max="4" step="0.05">
<input class="neo-range-input" type="number" min="0.1" max="4" step="0.05" data-for="guidance_scale_textgenerationwebui" id="guidance_scale_counter_textgenerationwebui">
@ -1480,7 +1485,7 @@
<div class="range-block-title justifyLeft">
<span data-i18n="Negative Prompt">Negative Prompt</span>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character" title="Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character"></div>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" data-i18n="[title]Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character" title="Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character"></div>
<div class="wide100p">
@ -1490,14 +1495,17 @@
<div data-newbie-hidden id="grammar_block_ooba" class="wide100p">
<hr class="wide100p">
<h4 class="wide100p textAlignCenter" data-i18n="GBNF Grammar">GBNF Grammar
<a href="" target="_blank">
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-question note-link-span"></div>
<h4 class="wide100p textAlignCenter">
<span data-i18n="GBNF Grammar">GBNF Grammar</span>
<a href="" target="_blank">
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-question note-link-span"></div>
<textarea id="grammar_string_textgenerationwebui" rows="4" class="text_pole textarea_compact monospace" placeholder="Type in the desired custom grammar"></textarea>
<textarea id="grammar_string_textgenerationwebui" rows="4" class="text_pole textarea_compact monospace" data-i18n="[placeholder]Type in the desired custom grammar" placeholder="Type in the desired custom grammar"></textarea>
<div data-newbie-hidden data-tg-type="koboldcpp" class="range-block flexFlowColumn">
<hr class="wide100p">
@ -1851,9 +1859,9 @@
<div id="textgenerationwebui_api" style="display: none;position: relative;">
<form action="javascript:void(null);" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<h4>API Type</h4>
<h4 data-i18n="API Type">API Type</h4>
<select id="textgen_type">
<option value="ooba">Default (oobabooga)</option>
<option value="ooba" data-i18n="Default (oobabooga)">Default (oobabooga)</option>
<option value="mancer">Mancer</option>
<option value="aphrodite">Aphrodite</option>
<option value="tabby">TabbyAPI</option>
@ -1875,7 +1883,7 @@
<h4 data-i18n="TogetherAI Model">TogetherAI Model</h4>
<select id="model_togetherai_select">
<option data-i18n="-- Connect to the API --">
-- Connect to the API --
@ -1899,9 +1907,9 @@
For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.
<div class="flex1">
<h4>Mancer Model</h4>
<h4 data-i18n="Mancer Model">Mancer Model</h4>
<select id="mancer_model">
<option data-i18n="-- Connect to the API --">
-- Connect to the API --
@ -1937,7 +1945,7 @@
<div data-tg-type="aphrodite">
<div class="flex-container flexFlowColumn">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank" data-i18n="PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine">
PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine (OpenAI API wrapper mode)
@ -1952,19 +1960,19 @@
<div class="flex1">
<h4 data-i18n="API url">API URL</h4>
<small data-i18n="Example:">Example:</small>
<small data-i18n="Example:">Example:</small>
<input id="aphrodite_api_url_text" class="text_pole wide100p" maxlength="500" value="" autocomplete="off" data-server-history="aphrodite">
<div data-tg-type="llamacpp">
<div class="flex-container flexFlowColumn">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank" data-i18n="ggerganov/llama.cpp">
ggerganov/llama.cpp (inference server)
<div class="flex1">
<h4 data-i18n="API url">API URL</h4>
<small data-i18n="Example:">Example:</small>
<small data-i18n="Example:">Example:</small>
<input id="llamacpp_api_url_text" class="text_pole wide100p" maxlength="500" value="" autocomplete="off" data-server-history="llamacpp">
@ -1976,7 +1984,7 @@
<div class="flex1">
<h4 data-i18n="API url">API URL</h4>
<small data-i18n="Example:">Example:</small>
<small data-i18n="Example:">Example:</small>
<input id="ollama_api_url_text" class="text_pole wide100p" maxlength="500" value="" autocomplete="off" data-server-history="ollama">
<div class="flex1">
@ -1985,7 +1993,7 @@
<select id="ollama_model">
<option data-i18n="-- Connect to the API --">
-- Connect to the API --
@ -2012,7 +2020,7 @@
<div class="flex1">
<h4 data-i18n="API url">API URL</h4>
<small data-i18n="Example:">Example:</small>
<small data-i18n="Example:">Example:</small>
<input id="tabby_api_url_text" class="text_pole wide100p" maxlength="500" value="" autocomplete="off" data-server-history="tabby">
@ -2024,7 +2032,7 @@
<div class="flex1">
<h4 data-i18n="API url">API URL</h4>
<small data-i18n="Example:">Example:</small>
<small data-i18n="Example:">Example:</small>
<input id="koboldcpp_api_url_text" class="text_pole wide100p" maxlength="500" value="" autocomplete="off" data-server-history="koboldcpp">
@ -3045,7 +3053,7 @@
<span data-i18n="New">New</span>
<small data-i18n="or">or</small>
<select id="world_editor_select" class="widthNatural flex1 margin0">
<select id="world_editor_select" class="widthNatural margin0">
<option value="" data-i18n="--- Pick to Edit ---">--- Pick to Edit ---</option>
<div id="world_popup_name_button" class="menu_button fa-pencil fa-solid" title="Rename World Info" data-i18n="[title]Rename World Info"></div>
@ -3058,7 +3066,7 @@
<div id="world_duplicate" class="menu_button fa-solid fa-paste" title="Duplicate World Info" data-i18n="[title]Duplicate World Info"></div>
<div id="world_popup_delete" class="menu_button fa-solid fa-trash-can redWarningBG" title="Delete World Info" data-i18n="[title]Delete World Info"></div>
<input type="search" class="text_pole textarea_compact" data-i18n="[placeholder]Search..." id="world_info_search" placeholder="Search...">
<select id="world_info_sort_order" class="widthNatural flex1 margin0">
<select id="world_info_sort_order" class="widthNatural margin0">
<option data-rule="priority" value="0" data-i18n="Priority">Priority</option>
<option data-rule="custom" value="13" data-i18n="Custom">Custom</option>
<option data-order="asc" data-field="comment" value="1" data-i18n="Title A-Z">Title A-Z</option>
@ -3581,10 +3589,10 @@
<div id="Backgrounds" class="drawer-content closedDrawer">
<div class="flex-container">
<div class="flex-container wide100p">
<input id="bg-filter" placeholder="Filter" class="text_pole flex1" type="search" />
<div id="auto_background" class="menu_button menu_button_icon" title="Automatically select a background based on the chat context.">
<input id="bg-filter" data-i18n="[placeholder]Filter" placeholder="Filter" class="text_pole flex1" type="search" />
<div id="auto_background" class="menu_button menu_button_icon" data-i18n="[title]Automatically select a background based on the chat context" title="Automatically select a background based on the chat context.">
<i class="fa-solid fa-wand-magic"></i>
<span data-i18n="Auto-select">Auto-select</span>
<h3 data-i18n="System Backgrounds" class="wide100p textAlignCenter">
@ -3675,15 +3683,15 @@
<div class="flex-container">
<div class="menu_button menu_button_icon user_stats_button" title="Click for stats!">
<div class="menu_button menu_button_icon user_stats_button" data-i18n="[title]Click for stats!" title="Click for stats!">
<i class="fa-solid fa-ranking-star"></i>
<span data-i18n="Usage Stats">Usage Stats</span>
<div id="personas_backup" class="menu_button menu_button_icon" title="Backup your personas to a file">
<div id="personas_backup" class="menu_button menu_button_icon" data-i18n="[title]Backup your personas to a file" title="Backup your personas to a file">
<i class="fa-solid fa-file-export"></i>
<span data-i18n="Backup">Backup</span>
<div id="personas_restore" class="menu_button menu_button_icon" title="Restore your personas from a file">
<div id="personas_restore" class="menu_button menu_button_icon" data-i18n="[title]Restore your personas from a file" title="Restore your personas from a file">
<i class="fa-solid fa-file-import"></i>
<span data-i18n="Restore">Restore</span>
@ -3703,7 +3711,7 @@
<option value="desc">Z-A</option>
<div id="persona_pagination_container" class="flex1"></div>
<i id="persona_grid_toggle" class="fa-solid fa-table-cells-large menu_button" title="Toggle grid view"></i>
<i id="persona_grid_toggle" class="fa-solid fa-table-cells-large menu_button" data-i18n="[title]Toggle grid view" title="Toggle grid view"></i>
<div id="user_avatar_block">
<div class="avatar_upload">+</div>
@ -3726,7 +3734,7 @@
<h4 data-i18n="Persona Description">Persona Description</h4>
<textarea id="persona_description" name="persona_description" placeholder="Example:&#10;[{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]" class="text_pole textarea_compact" maxlength="50000" value="" autocomplete="off" rows="8"></textarea>
<textarea id="persona_description" name="persona_description" data-i18n="[placeholder]Example: [{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]" placeholder="Example:&#10;[{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]" class="text_pole textarea_compact" maxlength="50000" value="" autocomplete="off" rows="8"></textarea>
<div class="extension_token_counter">
Tokens: <span id="persona_description_token_count">0</span>
@ -4419,7 +4427,7 @@
<span class="drag-handle">&#9776;</span>
<div class="gap5px world_entry_thin_controls wide100p alignitemscenter">
<div class="fa-fw fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down inline-drawer-icon down"></div>
<span class="flex-container alignitemscenter wide100p">
<div class="flex-container alignitemscenter wide100p">
<div class="WIEntryTitleAndStatus flex-container flex1 alignitemscenter">
<div class="flex-container flex1">
<textarea class="text_pole autoSetHeight" name="comment" maxlength="5000" data-i18n="[placeholder]Entry Title/Memo" placeholder="Entry Title/Memo"></textarea>
@ -4435,7 +4443,7 @@
<div name="PositionBlock" class="world_entry_form_control world_entry_form_radios wi-enter-footer-text">
<label for="position" class="WIEntryHeaderTitleMobile" data-i18n="Position:">Position:</label>
<select name="position" class="widthNatural margin0" data-i18n="[title]T_Position" title="↑Char: Before Character Definitions&#13;↓Char: After Character Definitions&#13;↑AN: Before Author's Note&#13;↓AN: After Author's Note&#13;@D: at Depth&#13;">
<option value="0" data-i18n="[title]T_Position" title="↑Char: Before Character Definitions&#13;↓Char: After Character Definitions&#13;↑AN: Before Author's Note&#13;↓AN: After Author's Note&#13;@D: at Depth&#13;"><span Before Char Defs>↑Char</label></option>
<option value="0" data-i18n="[title]T_Position" title="↑Char: Before Character Definitions&#13;↓Char: After Character Definitions&#13;↑AN: Before Author's Note&#13;↓AN: After Author's Note&#13;@D: at Depth&#13;"><span data-i18n="Before Char Defs">↑Char</label></option>
<option value="1" data-i18n="[title]T_Position" title="↑Char: Before Character Definitions&#13;↓Char: After Character Definitions&#13;↑AN: Before Author's Note&#13;↓AN: After Author's Note&#13;@D: at Depth&#13;"><span data-i18n="After Char Defs">↓Char</span></option>
<option value="2" data-i18n="[title]T_Position" title="↑Char: Before Character Definitions&#13;↓Char: After Character Definitions&#13;↑AN: Before Author's Note&#13;↓AN: After Author's Note&#13;@D: at Depth&#13;"><span data-i18n="Before AN">↑AN</span></option>
<option value="3" data-i18n="[title]T_Position" title="↑Char: Before Character Definitions&#13;↓Char: After Character Definitions&#13;↑AN: Before Author's Note&#13;↓AN: After Author's Note&#13;@D: at Depth&#13;"><span data-i18n="After AN">↓AN</span></option>
@ -4455,7 +4463,7 @@
<input title="Probability" class="text_pole wideMax100px margin0" type="number" name="probability" placeholder="" min="0" max="100" />
<i class="menu_button delete_entry_button fa-solid fa-trash-can" type="submit" value=""></i>
@ -4557,9 +4565,9 @@
<div class="flex-container wide100p flexGap10">
<div class="flex1 flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap">
<div class="flex-container justifySpaceBetween">
<label for="characterFilter" class="">
<small data-i18n="Filter to Character(s)">Filter to Character(s)</small>
<small for="characterFilter" data-i18n="Filter to Character(s)">
Filter to Character(s)
<label class="checkbox_label flexNoGap">
<input type="checkbox" name="character_exclusion" />
@ -4576,9 +4584,9 @@
<div class="flex1 flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap">
<label for="group">
<small data-i18n="">Inclusion Group</small>
<small for="group" data-i18n="Inclusion Group">
Inclusion Group
<input type="text" class="text_pole" name="group" rows="1" data-i18n="[placeholder]Only one entry with the same label will be activated" placeholder="Only one entry with the same label will be activated">