mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 11:30:09 +01:00
unvendor: Replace SVGInject
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ module.exports = {
Popper: 'readonly',
showdown: 'readonly',
showdownKatex: 'readonly',
SVGInject: 'readonly',
toastr: 'readonly',
isProbablyReaderable: 'readonly',
SillyTavern: 'readonly',
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
"@adobe/css-tools": "^4.4.0",
"@agnai/sentencepiece-js": "^1.1.1",
"@agnai/web-tokenizers": "^0.1.3",
"@iconfu/svg-inject": "^1.2.3",
"@mozilla/readability": "^0.5.0",
"@zeldafan0225/ai_horde": "^5.1.0",
"archiver": "^7.0.1",
@ -287,6 +288,12 @@
"dev": true,
"license": "BSD-3-Clause"
"node_modules/@iconfu/svg-inject": {
"version": "1.2.3",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@iconfu/svg-inject/-/svg-inject-1.2.3.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-3v1MUAJqmJS4jmhHoCkSxt+EdJrjPHlLXrWocCT25kCxnxJto8028Z6CC406EL11KA53SDZgI/QQA5GEJAoiRw==",
"license": "MIT"
"node_modules/@isaacs/cliui": {
"version": "8.0.2",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@isaacs/cliui/-/cliui-8.0.2.tgz",
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
"@adobe/css-tools": "^4.4.0",
"@agnai/sentencepiece-js": "^1.1.1",
"@agnai/web-tokenizers": "^0.1.3",
"@iconfu/svg-inject": "^1.2.3",
"@mozilla/readability": "^0.5.0",
"@zeldafan0225/ai_horde": "^5.1.0",
"archiver": "^7.0.1",
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ declare var droll;
declare var Popper;
declare var showdown;
declare var showdownKatex;
declare var SVGInject;
declare var ai;
declare var SillyTavern: {
@ -6759,7 +6759,6 @@
<script src="lib/droll.js"></script>
<script src="lib/pagination.js"></script>
<script src="lib/toolcool-color-picker.js"></script>
<script src="lib/svg-inject.js"></script>
<script src="lib/jquery.izoomify.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="lib/structured-clone/monkey-patch.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="lib/swiped-events.js"></script>
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import ePub from 'epubjs';
import * as pdfjsLib from 'pdfjs-dist/webpack.mjs';
import DiffMatchPatch from 'diff-match-patch';
import { isProbablyReaderable, Readability } from '@mozilla/readability';
import SVGInject from '@iconfu/svg-inject';
* Expose the libraries to the 'window' object.
@ -48,6 +49,10 @@ export function initLibraryShims() {
// @ts-ignore
window.diff_match_patch = DiffMatchPatch;
if (!('SVGInject' in window)) {
// @ts-ignore
window.SVGInject = SVGInject;
export default {
@ -64,6 +69,7 @@ export default {
export {
@ -80,4 +86,5 @@ export {
@ -1,697 +0,0 @@
* SVGInject - Version 1.2.3
* A tiny, intuitive, robust, caching solution for injecting SVG files inline into the DOM.
* https://github.com/iconfu/svg-inject
* Copyright (c) 2018 INCORS, the creators of iconfu.com
* @license MIT License - https://github.com/iconfu/svg-inject/blob/master/LICENSE
(function(window, document) {
// constants for better minification
var _CREATE_ELEMENT_ = 'createElement';
var _GET_ELEMENTS_BY_TAG_NAME_ = 'getElementsByTagName';
var _LENGTH_ = 'length';
var _STYLE_ = 'style';
var _TITLE_ = 'title';
var _UNDEFINED_ = 'undefined';
var _SET_ATTRIBUTE_ = 'setAttribute';
var _GET_ATTRIBUTE_ = 'getAttribute';
var NULL = null;
// constants
var __SVGINJECT = '__svgInject';
var ID_SUFFIX = '--inject-';
var ID_SUFFIX_REGEX = new RegExp(ID_SUFFIX + '\\d+', "g");
var ATTRIBUTE_EXCLUSION_NAMES = ['src', 'alt', 'onload', 'onerror'];
var A_ELEMENT = document[_CREATE_ELEMENT_]('a');
useCache: true,
copyAttributes: true,
makeIdsUnique: true
// Map of IRI referenceable tag names to properties that can reference them. This is defined in
// https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/linking.html#processingIRI
clipPath: ['clip-path'],
'color-profile': NULL,
cursor: NULL,
filter: NULL,
linearGradient: ['fill', 'stroke'],
marker: ['marker', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start'],
mask: NULL,
pattern: ['fill', 'stroke'],
radialGradient: ['fill', 'stroke']
var INJECTED = 1;
var FAIL = 2;
var uniqueIdCounter = 1;
var xmlSerializer;
var domParser;
// creates an SVG document from an SVG string
function svgStringToSvgDoc(svgStr) {
domParser = domParser || new DOMParser();
return domParser.parseFromString(svgStr, 'text/xml');
// searializes an SVG element to an SVG string
function svgElemToSvgString(svgElement) {
xmlSerializer = xmlSerializer || new XMLSerializer();
return xmlSerializer.serializeToString(svgElement);
// Returns the absolute url for the specified url
function getAbsoluteUrl(url) {
A_ELEMENT.href = url;
return A_ELEMENT.href;
// Load svg with an XHR request
function loadSvg(url, callback, errorCallback) {
if (url) {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (req.readyState == 4) {
// readyState is DONE
var status = req.status;
if (status == 200) {
// request status is OK
callback(req.responseXML, req.responseText.trim());
} else if (status >= 400) {
// request status is error (4xx or 5xx)
} else if (status == 0) {
// request status 0 can indicate a failed cross-domain call
req.open('GET', url, true);
// Copy attributes from img element to svg element
function copyAttributes(imgElem, svgElem) {
var attribute;
var attributeName;
var attributeValue;
var attributes = imgElem.attributes;
for (var i = 0; i < attributes[_LENGTH_]; i++) {
attribute = attributes[i];
attributeName = attribute.name;
// Only copy attributes not explicitly excluded from copying
if (ATTRIBUTE_EXCLUSION_NAMES.indexOf(attributeName) == -1) {
attributeValue = attribute.value;
// If img attribute is "title", insert a title element into SVG element
if (attributeName == _TITLE_) {
var titleElem;
var firstElementChild = svgElem.firstElementChild;
if (firstElementChild && firstElementChild.localName.toLowerCase() == _TITLE_) {
// If the SVG element's first child is a title element, keep it as the title element
titleElem = firstElementChild;
} else {
// If the SVG element's first child element is not a title element, create a new title
// ele,emt and set it as the first child
titleElem = document[_CREATE_ELEMENT_ + 'NS']('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', _TITLE_);
svgElem.insertBefore(titleElem, firstElementChild);
// Set new title content
titleElem.textContent = attributeValue;
} else {
// Set img attribute to svg element
svgElem[_SET_ATTRIBUTE_](attributeName, attributeValue);
// This function appends a suffix to IDs of referenced elements in the <defs> in order to to avoid ID collision
// between multiple injected SVGs. The suffix has the form "--inject-X", where X is a running number which is
// incremented with each injection. References to the IDs are adjusted accordingly.
// We assume tha all IDs within the injected SVG are unique, therefore the same suffix can be used for all IDs of one
// injected SVG.
// If the onlyReferenced argument is set to true, only those IDs will be made unique that are referenced from within the SVG
function makeIdsUnique(svgElem, onlyReferenced) {
var idSuffix = ID_SUFFIX + uniqueIdCounter++;
// Regular expression for functional notations of an IRI references. This will find occurences in the form
// url(#anyId) or url("#anyId") (for Internet Explorer) and capture the referenced ID
var funcIriRegex = /url\("?#([a-zA-Z][\w:.-]*)"?\)/g;
// Get all elements with an ID. The SVG spec recommends to put referenced elements inside <defs> elements, but
// this is not a requirement, therefore we have to search for IDs in the whole SVG.
var idElements = svgElem.querySelectorAll('[id]');
var idElem;
// An object containing referenced IDs as keys is used if only referenced IDs should be uniquified.
// If this object does not exist, all IDs will be uniquified.
var referencedIds = onlyReferenced ? [] : NULL;
var tagName;
var iriTagNames = {};
var iriProperties = [];
var changed = false;
var i, j;
if (idElements[_LENGTH_]) {
// Make all IDs unique by adding the ID suffix and collect all encountered tag names
// that are IRI referenceable from properities.
for (i = 0; i < idElements[_LENGTH_]; i++) {
tagName = idElements[i].localName; // Use non-namespaced tag name
// Make ID unique if tag name is IRI referenceable
if (tagName in IRI_TAG_PROPERTIES_MAP) {
iriTagNames[tagName] = 1;
// Get all properties that are mapped to the found IRI referenceable tags
for (tagName in iriTagNames) {
(IRI_TAG_PROPERTIES_MAP[tagName] || [tagName]).forEach(function (mappedProperty) {
// Add mapped properties to array of iri referencing properties.
// Use linear search here because the number of possible entries is very small (maximum 11)
if (iriProperties.indexOf(mappedProperty) < 0) {
if (iriProperties[_LENGTH_]) {
// Add "style" to properties, because it may contain references in the form 'style="fill:url(#myFill)"'
// Run through all elements of the SVG and replace IDs in references.
// To get all descending elements, getElementsByTagName('*') seems to perform faster than querySelectorAll('*').
// Since svgElem.getElementsByTagName('*') does not return the svg element itself, we have to handle it separately.
var descElements = svgElem[_GET_ELEMENTS_BY_TAG_NAME_]('*');
var element = svgElem;
var propertyName;
var value;
var newValue;
for (i = -1; element != NULL;) {
if (element.localName == _STYLE_) {
// If element is a style element, replace IDs in all occurences of "url(#anyId)" in text content
value = element.textContent;
newValue = value && value.replace(funcIriRegex, function(match, id) {
if (referencedIds) {
referencedIds[id] = 1;
return 'url(#' + id + idSuffix + ')';
if (newValue !== value) {
element.textContent = newValue;
} else if (element.hasAttributes()) {
// Run through all property names for which IDs were found
for (j = 0; j < iriProperties[_LENGTH_]; j++) {
propertyName = iriProperties[j];
value = element[_GET_ATTRIBUTE_](propertyName);
newValue = value && value.replace(funcIriRegex, function(match, id) {
if (referencedIds) {
referencedIds[id] = 1;
return 'url(#' + id + idSuffix + ')';
if (newValue !== value) {
element[_SET_ATTRIBUTE_](propertyName, newValue);
// Replace IDs in xlink:ref and href attributes
['xlink:href', 'href'].forEach(function(refAttrName) {
var iri = element[_GET_ATTRIBUTE_](refAttrName);
if (/^\s*#/.test(iri)) { // Check if iri is non-null and internal reference
iri = iri.trim();
element[_SET_ATTRIBUTE_](refAttrName, iri + idSuffix);
if (referencedIds) {
// Add ID to referenced IDs
referencedIds[iri.substring(1)] = 1;
element = descElements[++i];
for (i = 0; i < idElements[_LENGTH_]; i++) {
idElem = idElements[i];
// If set of referenced IDs exists, make only referenced IDs unique,
// otherwise make all IDs unique.
if (!referencedIds || referencedIds[idElem.id]) {
// Add suffix to element's ID
idElem.id += idSuffix;
changed = true;
// return true if SVG element has changed
return changed;
// For cached SVGs the IDs are made unique by simply replacing the already inserted unique IDs with a
// higher ID counter. This is much more performant than a call to makeIdsUnique().
function makeIdsUniqueCached(svgString) {
return svgString.replace(ID_SUFFIX_REGEX, ID_SUFFIX + uniqueIdCounter++);
// Inject SVG by replacing the img element with the SVG element in the DOM
function inject(imgElem, svgElem, absUrl, options) {
if (svgElem) {
svgElem[_SET_ATTRIBUTE_]('data-inject-url', absUrl);
var parentNode = imgElem.parentNode;
if (parentNode) {
if (options.copyAttributes) {
copyAttributes(imgElem, svgElem);
// Invoke beforeInject hook if set
var beforeInject = options.beforeInject;
var injectElem = (beforeInject && beforeInject(imgElem, svgElem)) || svgElem;
// Replace img element with new element. This is the actual injection.
parentNode.replaceChild(injectElem, imgElem);
// Mark img element as injected
// Invoke afterInject hook if set
var afterInject = options.afterInject;
if (afterInject) {
afterInject(imgElem, injectElem);
} else {
svgInvalid(imgElem, options);
// Merges any number of options objects into a new object
function mergeOptions() {
var mergedOptions = {};
var args = arguments;
// Iterate over all specified options objects and add all properties to the new options object
for (var i = 0; i < args[_LENGTH_]; i++) {
var argument = args[i];
for (var key in argument) {
if (argument.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
mergedOptions[key] = argument[key];
return mergedOptions;
// Adds the specified CSS to the document's <head> element
function addStyleToHead(css) {
var head = document[_GET_ELEMENTS_BY_TAG_NAME_]('head')[0];
if (head) {
var style = document[_CREATE_ELEMENT_](_STYLE_);
style.type = 'text/css';
// Builds an SVG element from the specified SVG string
function buildSvgElement(svgStr, verify) {
if (verify) {
var svgDoc;
try {
// Parse the SVG string with DOMParser
svgDoc = svgStringToSvgDoc(svgStr);
} catch(e) {
return NULL;
if (svgDoc[_GET_ELEMENTS_BY_TAG_NAME_]('parsererror')[_LENGTH_]) {
// DOMParser does not throw an exception, but instead puts parsererror tags in the document
return NULL;
return svgDoc.documentElement;
} else {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = svgStr;
return div.firstElementChild;
function removeOnLoadAttribute(imgElem) {
// Remove the onload attribute. Should only be used to remove the unstyled image flash protection and
// make the element visible, not for removing the event listener.
function errorMessage(msg) {
console.error('SVGInject: ' + msg);
function fail(imgElem, status, options) {
imgElem[__SVGINJECT] = FAIL;
if (options.onFail) {
options.onFail(imgElem, status);
} else {
function svgInvalid(imgElem, options) {
fail(imgElem, SVG_INVALID, options);
function svgNotSupported(imgElem, options) {
fail(imgElem, SVG_NOT_SUPPORTED, options);
function loadFail(imgElem, options) {
fail(imgElem, LOAD_FAIL, options);
function removeEventListeners(imgElem) {
imgElem.onload = NULL;
imgElem.onerror = NULL;
function imgNotSet(msg) {
errorMessage('no img element');
function createSVGInject(globalName, options) {
var defaultOptions = mergeOptions(DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options);
var svgLoadCache = {};
// If the browser supports SVG, add a small stylesheet that hides the <img> elements until
// injection is finished. This avoids showing the unstyled SVGs before style is applied.
addStyleToHead('img[onload^="' + globalName + '("]{visibility:hidden;}');
* SVGInject
* Injects the SVG specified in the `src` attribute of the specified `img` element or array of `img`
* elements. Returns a Promise object which resolves if all passed in `img` elements have either been
* injected or failed to inject (Only if a global Promise object is available like in all modern browsers
* or through a polyfill).
* Options:
* useCache: If set to `true` the SVG will be cached using the absolute URL. Default value is `true`.
* copyAttributes: If set to `true` the attributes will be copied from `img` to `svg`. Dfault value
* is `true`.
* makeIdsUnique: If set to `true` the ID of elements in the `<defs>` element that can be references by
* property values (for example 'clipPath') are made unique by appending "--inject-X", where X is a
* running number which increases with each injection. This is done to avoid duplicate IDs in the DOM.
* beforeLoad: Hook before SVG is loaded. The `img` element is passed as a parameter. If the hook returns
* a string it is used as the URL instead of the `img` element's `src` attribute.
* afterLoad: Hook after SVG is loaded. The loaded `svg` element and `svg` string are passed as a
* parameters. If caching is active this hook will only get called once for injected SVGs with the
* same absolute path. Changes to the `svg` element in this hook will be applied to all injected SVGs
* with the same absolute path. It's also possible to return an `svg` string or `svg` element which
* will then be used for the injection.
* beforeInject: Hook before SVG is injected. The `img` and `svg` elements are passed as parameters. If
* any html element is returned it gets injected instead of applying the default SVG injection.
* afterInject: Hook after SVG is injected. The `img` and `svg` elements are passed as parameters.
* onAllFinish: Hook after all `img` elements passed to an SVGInject() call have either been injected or
* failed to inject.
* onFail: Hook after injection fails. The `img` element and a `status` string are passed as an parameter.
* The `status` can be either `'SVG_NOT_SUPPORTED'` (the browser does not support SVG),
* `'SVG_INVALID'` (the SVG is not in a valid format) or `'LOAD_FAILED'` (loading of the SVG failed).
* @param {HTMLImageElement} img - an img element or an array of img elements
* @param {Object} [options] - optional parameter with [options](#options) for this injection.
function SVGInject(img, options) {
options = mergeOptions(defaultOptions, options);
var run = function(resolve) {
var allFinish = function() {
var onAllFinish = options.onAllFinish;
if (onAllFinish) {
resolve && resolve();
if (img && typeof img[_LENGTH_] != _UNDEFINED_) {
// an array like structure of img elements
var injectIndex = 0;
var injectCount = img[_LENGTH_];
if (injectCount == 0) {
} else {
var finish = function() {
if (++injectIndex == injectCount) {
for (var i = 0; i < injectCount; i++) {
SVGInjectElement(img[i], options, finish);
} else {
// only one img element
SVGInjectElement(img, options, allFinish);
// return a Promise object if globally available
return typeof Promise == _UNDEFINED_ ? run() : new Promise(run);
// Injects a single svg element. Options must be already merged with the default options.
function SVGInjectElement(imgElem, options, callback) {
if (imgElem) {
var svgInjectAttributeValue = imgElem[__SVGINJECT];
if (!svgInjectAttributeValue) {
svgNotSupported(imgElem, options);
// Invoke beforeLoad hook if set. If the beforeLoad returns a value use it as the src for the load
// URL path. Else use the imgElem's src attribute value.
var beforeLoad = options.beforeLoad;
var src = (beforeLoad && beforeLoad(imgElem)) || imgElem[_GET_ATTRIBUTE_]('src');
if (!src) {
// If no image src attribute is set do no injection. This can only be reached by using javascript
// because if no src attribute is set the onload and onerror events do not get called
if (src === '') {
loadFail(imgElem, options);
// set array so later calls can register callbacks
var onFinishCallbacks = [];
imgElem[__SVGINJECT] = onFinishCallbacks;
var onFinish = function() {
onFinishCallbacks.forEach(function(onFinishCallback) {
var absUrl = getAbsoluteUrl(src);
var useCacheOption = options.useCache;
var makeIdsUniqueOption = options.makeIdsUnique;
var setSvgLoadCacheValue = function(val) {
if (useCacheOption) {
svgLoadCache[absUrl].forEach(function(svgLoad) {
svgLoadCache[absUrl] = val;
if (useCacheOption) {
var svgLoad = svgLoadCache[absUrl];
var handleLoadValue = function(loadValue) {
if (loadValue === LOAD_FAIL) {
loadFail(imgElem, options);
} else if (loadValue === SVG_INVALID) {
svgInvalid(imgElem, options);
} else {
var hasUniqueIds = loadValue[0];
var svgString = loadValue[1];
var uniqueIdsSvgString = loadValue[2];
var svgElem;
if (makeIdsUniqueOption) {
if (hasUniqueIds === NULL) {
// IDs for the SVG string have not been made unique before. This may happen if previous
// injection of a cached SVG have been run with the option makedIdsUnique set to false
svgElem = buildSvgElement(svgString, false);
hasUniqueIds = makeIdsUnique(svgElem, false);
loadValue[0] = hasUniqueIds;
loadValue[2] = hasUniqueIds && svgElemToSvgString(svgElem);
} else if (hasUniqueIds) {
// Make IDs unique for already cached SVGs with better performance
svgString = makeIdsUniqueCached(uniqueIdsSvgString);
svgElem = svgElem || buildSvgElement(svgString, false);
inject(imgElem, svgElem, absUrl, options);
if (typeof svgLoad != _UNDEFINED_) {
// Value for url exists in cache
if (svgLoad.isCallbackQueue) {
// Same url has been cached, but value has not been loaded yet, so add to callbacks
} else {
} else {
var svgLoad = [];
// set property isCallbackQueue to Array to differentiate from array with cached loaded values
svgLoad.isCallbackQueue = true;
svgLoadCache[absUrl] = svgLoad;
// Load the SVG because it is not cached or caching is disabled
loadSvg(absUrl, function(svgXml, svgString) {
// Use the XML from the XHR request if it is an instance of Document. Otherwise
// (for example of IE9), create the svg document from the svg string.
var svgElem = svgXml instanceof Document ? svgXml.documentElement : buildSvgElement(svgString, true);
var afterLoad = options.afterLoad;
if (afterLoad) {
// Invoke afterLoad hook which may modify the SVG element. After load may also return a new
// svg element or svg string
var svgElemOrSvgString = afterLoad(svgElem, svgString) || svgElem;
if (svgElemOrSvgString) {
// Update svgElem and svgString because of modifications to the SVG element or SVG string in
// the afterLoad hook, so the modified SVG is also used for all later cached injections
var isString = typeof svgElemOrSvgString == 'string';
svgString = isString ? svgElemOrSvgString : svgElemToSvgString(svgElem);
svgElem = isString ? buildSvgElement(svgElemOrSvgString, true) : svgElemOrSvgString;
if (svgElem instanceof SVGElement) {
var hasUniqueIds = NULL;
if (makeIdsUniqueOption) {
hasUniqueIds = makeIdsUnique(svgElem, false);
if (useCacheOption) {
var uniqueIdsSvgString = hasUniqueIds && svgElemToSvgString(svgElem);
// set an array with three entries to the load cache
setSvgLoadCacheValue([hasUniqueIds, svgString, uniqueIdsSvgString]);
inject(imgElem, svgElem, absUrl, options);
} else {
svgInvalid(imgElem, options);
}, function() {
loadFail(imgElem, options);
} else {
if (Array.isArray(svgInjectAttributeValue)) {
// svgInjectAttributeValue is an array. Injection is not complete so register callback
} else {
} else {
* Sets the default [options](#options) for SVGInject.
* @param {Object} [options] - default [options](#options) for an injection.
SVGInject.setOptions = function(options) {
defaultOptions = mergeOptions(defaultOptions, options);
// Create a new instance of SVGInject
SVGInject.create = createSVGInject;
* Used in onerror Event of an `<img>` element to handle cases when the loading the original src fails
* (for example if file is not found or if the browser does not support SVG). This triggers a call to the
* options onFail hook if available. The optional second parameter will be set as the new src attribute
* for the img element.
* @param {HTMLImageElement} img - an img element
* @param {String} [fallbackSrc] - optional parameter fallback src
SVGInject.err = function(img, fallbackSrc) {
if (img) {
if (img[__SVGINJECT] != FAIL) {
svgNotSupported(img, defaultOptions);
} else {
loadFail(img, defaultOptions);
if (fallbackSrc) {
img.src = fallbackSrc;
} else {
window[globalName] = SVGInject;
return SVGInject;
var SVGInjectInstance = createSVGInject('SVGInject');
if (typeof module == 'object' && typeof module.exports == 'object') {
module.exports = SVGInjectInstance;
})(window, document);
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import {
default as libs,
} from './lib.js';
@ -2136,7 +2137,7 @@ function insertSVGIcon(mes, extra) {
await SVGInject(this);
await SVGInject(image);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user