Merge pull request #3541 from RivelleDays/staging

Update zh-tw.json: Added Missing Translations & Support for Third-Party Extensions
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Cohee 2025-02-23 22:09:41 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 7fc26c1d53
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194

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@ -1706,7 +1706,7 @@
"Quick Impersonate button": "快速模擬按鈕",
"Recursion Level": "遞迴層級",
"Remove all image overrides": "移除所有圖片覆蓋",
"Restore default": "",
"Restore default": "恢復預設",
"Retain#": "保留#",
"Retrieve chunks": "檢索 Chunks",
"Sampler Order": "取樣順序",
@ -2506,5 +2506,123 @@
"Tokens:": "符元數:",
"Tokenized text:": "已符元化的文字:",
"Token IDs:": "符元 ID",
"Narrate by paragraphs (when not streaming)": "按段落朗讀(不使用「串流」時)"
"Narrate by paragraphs (when not streaming)": "按段落朗讀(不使用「串流」時)",
" folder (typically in ": "資料夾(通常位於 ",
"Copy to Clipboard": "複製到剪貼簿",
"Reset to Defaults": "重設為預設值",
"Toggles Guinevere features.": "切換 Guinevere 功能。",
"Update customCSS": "更新 customCSS",
"Apply Theme": "套用主題",
"Enable Guinevere": "啟用 Guinevere",
"Note: Themes can be made/applied by going to the ": "注意:主題可通過前往以下位置進行創建/應用",
"Theme Name": "主題名稱",
"An unknown error occurred while counting tokens. Further information may be available in console.": "計算符元時發生未知錯誤。更多資訊可能可在主控台console中查看。",
"Qvink Memory": "Qvink Memory進階聊天記憶",
"Toggle whether memory is enabled for this chat specifically (overrides all settings).": "切換是否為此聊天啟用記憶功能(將覆蓋所有設定)。",
"Toggle Chat Memory": "切換聊天記憶",
"Preview current memory state (the exact text that will be injected into your context).": "預覽目前記憶狀態(包含將嵌入上下文的具體內容)。",
"Copy ALL memories to clipboard (all memories in the entire chat, not just those injected).": "將所有記憶複製到剪貼簿(包含整個聊天的所有記憶,而非僅限於注入的部分)。",
"Just refreshes which memories are included and re-renders the memories under each message, doesn't change summaries. This is done automatically all the time, the button is here just in case.": "不影響摘要,僅更新已包含的聊天記憶,並重新顯示在每則訊息下方。此過程通常會自動執行,按鈕只是備用選項。",
"Active Settings Profile ": "目前設定檔",
"Create, edit, and save configuration profiles for this extension.": "建立、編輯及儲存此擴充功能的設定檔。",
"The currently selected profile": "目前選取的設定檔",
"Save current profile": "儲存此設定檔",
"Rename current profile": "重新命名此設定檔",
"Create new profile": "建立新設定檔",
"Restore current profile": "還原此設定檔",
"Delete current profile": "刪除此設定檔",
"Set as default profile for current character": "設為目前角色的預設設定檔",
"Summarization": "摘要",
"Customize the prompt used to summarize a given message": "自訂用於摘要指定訊息的提示詞",
"Edit the summary prompt": "編輯摘要提示",
"Preview the filled-in summary prompt, using the last message as an example.": "以最後一則訊息為例,預覽填充完成的摘要提示",
"Mass re-summarization. Brings up dialog to choose subsets of messages to summarize or re-summarize.": "批量重新摘要:開啟對話框以選擇訊息子集進行摘要或重新摘要。",
"Stop all summarization immediately.": "立即停止所有摘要。",
"New messages will be automatically summarized if they will be included in short-term memory.": "如果新訊息將被納入短期記憶,將自動進行摘要。",
"Auto Summarize": "自動摘要",
"Auto-summarization will be triggered before a new message is sent instead of after.": "自動摘要將在發送新訊息之前觸發。",
"Auto Summarize Before Generation": "在生成內容前自動摘要",
"Show the progress bar when auto-summarizing more than 1 message.": "在自動摘要多於 1 則訊息時顯示進度條。",
"Auto Summarize Progress Bar": "自動摘要進度條",
"Number of messages to delay summarization (0 = summarize up to the most recent message, 1 = lag behind by one message, etc.)": "延遲摘要的訊息數量0 = 摘要至最新訊息1 = 延遲摘要 1 則訊息,以此類推)。",
"Auto Summarize Message Lag": "自動摘要訊息延遲",
"Wait until this many messages before auto-summarizing them all in sequence (1 = summarize every message immediately, 2 = summarize when you have two ready, etc). Still summarizes one at a time.": "在訊息數量達到此設定值後依序自動摘要1 = 即時摘要每則訊息2 = 等待 2 則訊息後再摘要,以此類推)。摘要將逐條執行。",
"Auto Summarize Batch Size": "自動摘要批次大小",
"The maximum number of messages back that auto-summarization will apply (-1 to disable).": "自動摘要可回溯的訊息最大數量(-1 表示禁用此功能)。",
"Auto Summarize Message Limit": "自動摘要訊息上限",
"Time in seconds to wait between summarizations. May be needed if you are using a external API with a rate limit.": "每次摘要的間隔時間(秒)。此設定適用於使用具有請求速率限制的外部 API。",
"Summarization Time Delay": "摘要時間延遲",
"The maximum token length a summary is allowed to be before cutting it off. Use the {{words}} macro in the summarization prompt to get this value.": "摘要在被截斷前允許的最大符元token長度。可在摘要提示中使用 {{words}} 巨集以取得此數值。",
"Summary Max Token Length": "摘要允許的最大符元長度",
"Editing a message will automatically trigger a re-summarization if it has already been summarized.": "編輯訊息時,若該訊息已被摘要,將自動觸發重新摘要。",
"Re-summarize on Edit": "編輯後重新摘要",
"Swiping a message will automatically trigger a re-summarization if it has already been summarized.": "滑動訊息後若已進行摘要,將自動觸發重新摘要。",
"Re-summarize on Swipe": "滑動後重新摘要",
"Block chat input while summarizing.": "在摘要進行時暫時禁用聊天訊息輸入。",
"Block Chat": "訊息輸入鎖定",
"Whether to use messages and/or summaries as context for summarization. You must use {{history}} in the summary prompt.": "決定是否在摘要中使用訊息及/或過往摘要作為背景資訊。需於摘要提示詞中,使用 {{history}}。",
"Message History": "訊息歷史",
"Messages": "僅訊息",
"Summaries": "僅摘要",
"Both": "訊息與摘要",
"Preview what the message history will look like": "預覽訊息歷史的顯示效果",
"How many previous messages to include in the summarization prompt as context.": "摘要提示中要包含多少先前訊息作為上下文。",
"Number of Previous Messages": "先前訊息數量",
"When including previous messages, also include user messages.": "包含先前訊息時,也包含使用者訊息。",
"Include Previous User Messages": "包含先前使用者訊息",
"The message to summarize will be inside the system instruct template itself. In unchecked (default), the message will instead be added separately after the prompt. Some models benefit from this, but it is not recommended.": "系統指令模板內將直接包含需要摘要的訊息。若未啟用此選項(預設設定),訊息會在提示後分開添加。儘管某些模型可能更適合此設定,但一般不建議使用。",
"Nest Message in Summary Prompt": "在摘要提示中內嵌訊息",
"WARNING: doesn't work great. Attempts to preserve context-shifting by including all the content that is sent in regular prompts (world info, description, personas, example messages, message history, etc). If your regular prompts are static, this can allow Context Shifting to work between summarizations, but it decreases the accuracy of summarization due to all the extra stuff in the prompt. It also can't be previewed as this injection is handled by ST, not the extension.": "警告:效果不佳。此功能嘗試透過在摘要時包含所有常規提示內容(如世界資訊、描述、角色設定、示範訊息、聊天歷史等)來保留上下文轉換。若您的常規提示為靜態內容,則可在摘要之間維持上下文轉換,但由於提示中包含大量額外資訊,將降低摘要的準確性。此外,此內容注入由 ST 處理,而非此擴充功能,因此無法進行預覽。",
"Include All Context Content": "包含所有上下文內容",
"Short-term Memory Injection": "短期記憶注入",
"Determines which messages are included in the short-term memory injection and where. If you change this and include messages that weren't summarized previously, you can either manually trigger a re-summarization or just wait until automatic summarization triggers.": "設定短期記憶注入中所包含的訊息及其插入位置。若更改此設定並包含先前未摘要的訊息,您可手動觸發重新摘要,或等待自動摘要啟動。",
"Edit the short-term memory prompt": "編輯短期記憶提示",
"Include User Messages": "包含使用者訊息",
"Include System Messages": "包含系統訊息",
"Include Thought Message": "包含思考訊息",
"Message Length Threshold": "訊息長度閾值",
"The minimum token length a message has to be in order to get summarized.": "可被摘要的訊息最小符元長度。",
"The max percent of the context that short-term memory can take up.": "短期記憶可佔用上下文的最大百分比。",
"Short-Term Context %": "短期記憶上下文%",
"Include short-term memory in the World Info Scan": "在世界資訊掃描中包含短期記憶",
"Do not inject": "不注入",
"Before main prompt": "主提示之前",
"After main prompt": "主提示之後",
"In chat at depth": "在對話中位於深度",
"Long-Term Memory Injection": "長期記憶注入",
"Determines where long-term messages are injected.": "決定長期訊息注入的位置。",
"Edit the long-term memory prompt": "編輯長期記憶提示",
"The max percent of the context that long-term memory can take up.": "長期記憶可佔用上下文的最大百分比。",
"Long-Term Context %": "長期記憶上下文%",
"Include long-term memory in the World Info Scan": "在世界資訊掃描中包含長期記憶",
"Misc.": "其他",
"Fill your console with debug messages": "將偵錯訊息填入主控台",
"Debug Mode": "偵錯模式",
"Display summarizations below each message": "在每則訊息下顯示摘要",
"Display Memories": "顯示記憶",
"Enable Memory in New Chats": "在新對話中啟用記憶",
"Limit Message History": "限制訊息歷史",
"Revert Settings": "還原設定",
"Auto-summarize user messages and include summaries in memory.": "自動摘要使用者訊息,並將該摘要納入記憶。",
"Auto-summarize system messages and include summaries in memory.": "自動摘要系統訊息,並將該摘要納入記憶。",
"Auto-summarize thought messages and include summaries in memory (from the Stepped Thinking extension).": "自動摘要思考訊息並將摘要納入記憶(來自 Stepped Thinking 擴充功能)。",
"Revert all settings to default (not the default profile, just the default that comes with the extension). Your other profiles won't be affected.": "將所有設定恢復為預設值(並非恢復至「預設設定檔」,而是擴充功能隨附的原始預設值)。其他設定檔將不受影響。",
"Limit the number of messages to send in regular prompts to this number (-1 for no limit). Message memories will still be sent.": "限制常規提示中傳送的訊息數量至此數值(-1 表示無限制)。訊息記憶仍將一併傳送。",
"Whether memory is enabled by default for new chats.": "是否在新對話中預設啟用記憶。",
"Summarize Chat": "摘要對話",
"Choose settings for the chat summarization. All message inclusion/exclusion settings from the main config profile are used, in addition to the following options.": "選擇聊天摘要的設定。摘要時將使用主要設定檔中的所有訊息包含/排除規則,並可額外設定以下選項。",
"Currently preparing to summarize:": "目前正在準備摘要:",
"Summarize messages with no existing summary": "摘要尚無摘要的訊息",
"Re-summarize messages with existing short-term memories": "重新摘要具有現有短期記憶的訊息",
"Re-summarize messages with existing long-term memories": "重新摘要具有現有長期記憶的訊息",
"Re-summarize messages with existing memories, but which are currently excluded from short-term and long-term memory": "重新摘要具有現有記憶,但目前被排除在短期和長期記憶之外的訊息",
"Re-summarize messages with existing memories that have been manually edited.": "重新摘要已手動編輯的訊息記憶",
"Type the folder name of the theme you want to apply.": "輸入您想套用的主題資料夾名稱。",
"Place your theme data in a folder.": "請將主題資料存於該資料夾內。",
"Unsure where to start? Type ": "不確定如何開始?輸入:",
" to apply the default Google Messages theme or click ": " 即可使用預設主題 Google Messages或點擊",
"here": "這裡",
" to learn how to create your own theme.": " 以學習如何創建個人化主題。",
"Guinevere (UI Theme Extension)": "Guinevere進階自定義 UI 主題)",
"and Guinaifen.": "和 Guinaifen桂乃芬呈獻。"