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synced 2025-03-02 19:07:40 +01:00
Translating to Russian language. Translation of the User Settings tab. (again)
Made a translation of the User Settings tab. I tried to translate everything that was not translated and tried to correct the index.html file in some places so that, for example, the PC and phone icons would not disappear during translation. Next, I'll try to translate other tabs if I'm not too lazy. By the way, I wanted to ask, how can I translate the pop-up message in these buttons? I just asked once and they wrote to me that they are a different module altogether. (see photo)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1668,7 +1668,7 @@
"Delete persona": "주인공 삭제하기"
"ru-ru": {
"clickslidertips": "Можно установить вручную, использовав цифру рядом с ползунком",
"clickslidertips": "Щелкните на цифру ползунка, чтобы вписать вручную.",
"kobldpresets": "Предустановки Kobold",
"guikoboldaisettings": "Интерфейс KoboldAI",
"novelaipreserts": "Предустановки NovelAI",
@ -1845,7 +1845,6 @@
"Chat Start": "Начало чата",
"Activation Regex": "Активация Regex",
"Instruct Mode": "Режим \"Инструктаж\"",
"Enabled": "Включен",
"Wrap Sequences with Newline": "Отделять последовательности красной строкой",
"Include Names": "Показывать имена",
"Force for Groups and Personas": "Усилия для Групп и Персон",
@ -1861,7 +1860,7 @@
"Context Formatting": "Форматирование контекста",
"Tokenizer": "Токенайзер",
"None / Estimated": "Отсутствует/Приблизительно",
"Sentencepiece (LLaMA)": "Sentencepiece(LLaMA)",
"Sentencepiece (LLaMA)": "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)",
"Token Padding": "Заполнение токенов",
"Always add character's name to prompt": "Всегда добавлять имя персонажа в инструкции",
"Keep Example Messages in Prompt": "Сохранять примеры сообщений в инструкции",
@ -1892,13 +1891,13 @@
"Avatar Style": "Стиль аватаров",
"Circle": "Круглые",
"Rectangle": "Прямоугольные",
"Square": "Квадратные",
"Chat Style": "Стиль чата",
"Default": "По умолчанию",
"Bubbles": "Пузыри",
"Chat Width (PC)": "Ширина чата (на PC):",
"No Blur Effect": "Отключить эффект размытия",
"No Text Shadows": "Отключить тень текста",
"Waifu Mode": "!!!РЕЖИМ ВАЙФУ!!!",
"No Text Shadows": "Отключить тень от текста",
"Waifu Mode": "Рeжим Вайфу",
"Message Timer": "Таймер сообщений",
"Model Icon": "Показать значки модели",
"# of messages (0 = disabled)": "# сообщений (0 = отключено)",
@ -1906,10 +1905,17 @@
"Allow {{char}}: in bot messages": "Показывать {{char}}: в ответах",
"Allow {{user}}: in bot messages": "Показать {{user}}: в ответах",
"Show tags in responses": "Показывать <теги> в ответах",
"Aux List Field": "Вспомогательное поле списка",
"Lorebook Import Dialog": "Импрот Lorebook-ка",
"MUI Preset": "Предустановка MUI:",
"If set in the advanced character definitions, this field will be displayed in the characters list.": "Если это поле задано в расширенных параметрах персонажа, оно будет отображаться в списке персонажа.",
"Relaxed API URLS": "Смягченные URL-адреса API",
"Custom CSS": "Пользовательский CSS",
"Relax message trim in Groups": "Расслабленная отделка сообщений в Группах",
"Characters Hotswap": "Смена персонажей на лету",
"Request token probabilities": "Вероятность запроса токена",
"Movable UI Panels": "Перемещение панелей интерфейса",
"Reset Panels": "Сбросить панели",
"Reset Panels": "Сбросить MovingUI",
"UI Colors": "Цвета интерфейса",
"Main Text": "Основной текст",
"Italics Text": "Курсивный текст",
@ -1923,6 +1929,8 @@
"UI Theme Preset": "Предустановки интерфейса",
"Power User Options": "Продвинутые параметры",
"Swipes": "Свайвы",
"Miscellaneous": "Разное",
"Theme Toggles": "Переключатели темы",
"Background Sound Only": "Только фоновый звук",
"Auto-load Last Chat": "Автоматически загружать последий чат",
"Auto-save Message Edits": "Автоматически сохранять отредактированные сообщения",
@ -1935,6 +1943,15 @@
"Automatic (desktop)": "Автоматически (системные настройки)",
"Always enabled": "Всегда включена",
"Debug Menu": "Меню отладки",
"Restore User Input": "Восстановить запрос пользователя",
"Character Handling": "Обработка персонажа",
"Example Messages Behavior": "Пример поведения в сообщениях:",
"Gradual push-out": "Постепенное выталкивание",
"Chat/Message Handling": "Обработка чата/сообщения",
"Always include examples": "Всегда включать примеры",
"Never include examples": "Никогда не включать примеры",
"Forbid External Media": "Запрет внешних медиа",
"System Backgrounds": "Системные фоны",
"Name": "Имя",
"Your Avatar": "Ваш Аватар",
"Extensions API:": "API для расширений",
@ -2066,19 +2083,33 @@
"Order:": "Порядок:",
"Probability:": "Вероятность:",
"Delete Entry": "Удалить запись:",
"User Message Blur Tint": "Оттенок размытия сообщения пользователя",
"AI Message Blur Tint": "Оттенок размытия сообщения ИИ",
"User Message Blur Tint": "Сообщение пользователя",
"AI Message Blur Tint": "Сообщение ИИ",
"Chat Backgrounds": "Фоны чата",
"Chat Background": "Фон чата",
"UI Background": "Фон интерфейса",
"Mad Lab Mode": "Режим безумца",
"Show Message Token Count": "Счетчик токенов сообщения",
"Compact Input Area (Mobile)": "Компактная зона ввода",
"Zen Sliders": "Дзен слайдеры",
"UI Border": "Границы интерфейса",
"Chat Style:": "Стиль чата",
"Chat Width (PC):": "Ширина чата (для ПК)",
"Chat Timestamps": "Временные обозначения в чате",
"Chat Width (PC)": "Ширина чата (для ПК)",
"Chat Timestamps": "Временные метки в чате",
"Tags as Folders": "Теги как папки",
"Chat Truncation": "Усечение чата",
"(0 = unlimited)": "(0 = неограниченное)",
"Streaming FPS": "Потоковый FPS",
"Gestures": "Жесты",
"Message IDs": "ID сообщений",
"Prefer Character Card Prompt": "Предпочитать инструкции из Карточки Персонажа",
"Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "Предпочитать JailBreak из Карточки Персонажа",
"Press Send to continue": "Нажатие Отправить для продолжения",
"Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "Предпочитать Джеилбреик из Карточки Персонажа",
"Press Send to continue": "Нажатие 'Отправить' для продолжения",
"Quick 'Continue' button": "Кнопка быстрого 'Продолжения'",
"Log prompts to console": "Выводы журнала в консоли",
"Never resize avatars": "Никогда не менять размер аватаров",
"Show avatar filenames": "Показывать названия файлов аватаров",
"Import Card Tags": "Импорт меток Карточки",
"Import Card Tags": "Импорт тегов Карточки",
"Confirm message deletion": "Подтверждение удаления сообщений",
"Spoiler Free Mode": "Режим без спойлеров",
"Auto-swipe": "Автоматические свайпы",
@ -2086,6 +2117,57 @@
"Blacklisted words": "Запрещенные слова",
"Blacklisted word count to swipe": "Количество запрещенных слов для свайпа",
"Reload Chat": "Перезагрузить чат",
"Search Settings": "Поиск настроек",
"Disabled": "Отключено",
"Automatic (PC)": "Автоматическое (ПК)",
"Enabled": "Включено",
"Simple": "Простой",
"Advanced": "Расширенный",
"Disables animations and transitions": "Отключение анимаций и переходов.",
"removes blur from window backgrounds": "Убрать размытие с фона окон, чтобы ускорить рендеринг.",
"Remove text shadow effect": "Удаление эффекта тени от текста.",
"Reduce chat height, and put a static sprite behind the chat window": "Уменьшитm высоту чата и поместить статичный спрайт за окном чата.",
"Always show the full list of the Message Actions context items for chat messages, instead of hiding them behind '...'": "Всегда показывать полный список контекстных элементов 'Действия с сообщением' для сообщений чата, а не прятать их за '...'.",
"Alternative UI for numeric sampling parameters with fewer steps": "Альтернативный пользовательский интерфейс для числовых параметров выборки с меньшим количеством шагов.",
"Entirely unrestrict all numeric sampling parameters": "Полностью разграничить все числовые параметры выборки.",
"Time the AI's message generation, and show the duration in the chat log": "Время генерации сообщений ИИ и его показ в журнале чата.",
"Show a timestamp for each message in the chat log": "Показывать временную метку для каждого сообщения в журнале чата.",
"Show an icon for the API that generated the message": "Показать значок API, сгенерировавшего сообщение.",
"Show sequential message numbers in the chat log": "Показывать порядковые номера сообщений в журнале чата.",
"Show the number of tokens in each message in the chat log": "Показать количество токенов в каждом сообщении в журнале чата.",
"Single-row message input area. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "Однорядная область ввода сообщений. Только для мобильных устройств, на ПК не работает.",
"In the Character Management panel, show quick selection buttons for favorited characters": "На панели управления персонажами отображають кнопки быстрого выбора для избранных персонажей.",
"Show tagged character folders in the character list": "Отобразить теговые папки с персонажами в списке персонажей.",
"Play a sound when a message generation finishes": "Воспроизведение звука при завершении генерации сообщения.",
"Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused": "Воспроизводить звук только тогда, когда вкладка браузера ST не выбрана.",
"Reduce the formatting requirements on API URLs": "Снижение требований к форматированию URL-адресов API.",
"Ask to import the World Info/Lorebook for every new character with embedded lorebook. If unchecked, a brief message will be shown instead": "Запросить импорт информации о мире/Lorebook для каждого нового персонажа со встроенным Lorebook. Если флажок снят, вместо этого будет показано короткое сообщение.",
"Restore unsaved user input on page refresh": "Восстановление несохраненного пользовательского запроса при обновлении страницы.",
"Allow repositioning certain UI elements by dragging them. PC only, no effect on mobile": "Позволяет изменять положение некоторых элементов пользовательского интерфейса путем их перетаскивания. Только для ПК, на мобильных не работает.",
"MovingUI preset. Predefined/saved draggable positions": "Предварительная настройка MovingUI. Предопределенные/сохраненные позиции для перетаскивания.",
"Save movingUI changes to a new file": "Сохранение изменений перемещаемого пользовательского интерфейса в новый файл.",
"Apply a custom CSS style to all of the ST GUI": "Применить пользовательский стиль CSS ко всем элементам графического интерфейса ST.",
"Use fuzzy matching, and search characters in the list by all data fields, not just by a name substring": "Использовать нечеткое сопоставление и искать символы в списке по всем полям данных, а не только по подстроке имени.",
"If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead": "Если установлен флажок и карточка персонажа содержит переопределение подсказки (Системная подсказка), будет использована она вместо изначальной.",
"If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead": "Если установлен флажок и карточка персонажа содержит переопределение джейлбрейка (инструкция Истории сообщений), будет использована он вместо изначального.",
"Avoid cropping and resizing imported character images. When off, crop/resize to 400x600": "Избегать обрезки и изменения размера импортированных изображений персонажей. Если выключено, обрезать/изменить размер до 400x600.",
"Show actual file names on the disk, in the characters list display only": "Отображение фактических имен файлов на диске, только в списке персонажей.",
"Prompt to import embedded card tags on character import. Otherwise embedded tags are ignored": "Запрос на импорт встроенных тегов карт при импорте персонажей. В противном случае встроенные теги игнорируются.",
"Hide character definitions from the editor panel behind a spoiler button": "Скрыть определения персонажей из панели редактора за кнопкой спойлера.",
"Show a button in the input area to ask the AI to continue (extend) its last message": "Показать кнопку в области ввода, чтобы попросить ИИ продолжить (продлить) его последнее сообщение.",
"Show arrow buttons on the last in-chat message to generate alternative AI responses. Both PC and mobile": "Показывать кнопки со стрелками на последнем сообщении в чате, чтобы генерировать альтернативные ответы ИИ. Как для ПК, так и для мобильных устройств.",
"Allow using swiping gestures on the last in-chat message to trigger swipe generation. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "Позволяет использовать жесты смахивания на последнем сообщении в чате, чтобы вызвать альтернативную генерацию. Только для мобильных устройств, на ПК не работает.",
"Save edits to messages without confirmation as you type": "Сохранять правки в сообщениях без подтверждения при вводе текста.",
"Render LaTeX and AsciiMath equation notation in chat messages. Powered by KaTeX": "Отображение нотации уравнений LaTeX и AsciiMath в сообщениях чата. При поддержке KaTeX.",
"Disalow embedded media from other domains in chat messages": "Запретить встроенные медиафайлы из других доменов в сообщениях чата.",
"Skip encoding and characters in message text, allowing a subset of HTML markup as well as Markdown": "Не кодировать символы < и > в тексте сообщения, что позволяет использовать подмножество HTML-разметки, а также Markdown.",
"Allow AI messages in groups to contain lines spoken by other group members": "Разрешить в групповых сообщениях AI содержать реплики, произнесенные другими членами группы.",
"Requests logprobs from the API for the Token Probabilities feature": "Запросить логпробы из API для функции Token Probabilities.",
"Automatically reject and re-generate AI message based on configurable criteria": "Автоматическое отклонение и повторная генерация сообщений AI на основе настраиваемых критериев.",
"Enable the auto-swipe function. Settings in this section only have an effect when auto-swipe is enabled": "Включить функцию автоматического пролистывания. Настройки в этом разделе действуют только при включенном автопролистывании.",
"If the generated message is shorter than this, trigger an auto-swipe": "Если сгенерированное сообщение короче этого значения, срабатывает автопролистывание.",
"Reload and redraw the currently open chat": "Перезагрузить и перерисовать открытый в данный момент чат.",
"Auto-Expand Message Actions": "Развернуть контекстные элементы",
"Not Connected": "Не подключено",
"Persona Management": "Управление Персоной",
"Persona Description": "Описание Персоны",
@ -2145,7 +2227,7 @@
"AI reply prefix": "Префикс Ответ ИИ",
"Custom Stopping Strings": "Настройка ограничивающий нитей",
"JSON serialized array of strings": "JSON ориентированный набор нитей",
"words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "слова которые вы не хотите при генерации здесь, разделенные запятой",
"words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "Слова, которые вы не хотите генерировать, разделяются запятыми ','",
"Extensions URL": "URL расширений ",
"API Key": "Ключ API",
"Enter your name": "Введите свое имя",
@ -2187,7 +2269,7 @@
"Restore default prompt": "Восстановить станндартный промт",
"New preset": "Новая настройка",
"Delete preset": "Удалить настройку",
"Restore default jailbreak": "Восстановить стандартный Джейлбрейк",
"Restore default jailbreak": "Восстановить стандартный джейлбрейк",
"Restore default reply": "Восстановить стандартный ответ",
"Restore defaul note": "Восстановить стандартную заметку",
"API Connections": "Соединения API",
@ -2198,7 +2280,6 @@
"Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "Подверждает ваше соединение к API. Знайте, что за это снимут деньги с вашего счета.",
"Create New": "Создать новое",
"Edit": "Изменить",
"World Info": "Информация о Мире",
"Locked = World Editor will stay open": "Закреплено = Редактирование Мира останется открытым",
"Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "Записи могут активировать другие записи если в них содержаться ключевые слова",
"Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "Большая буква имеет значение при активации ключевого слова",
@ -2212,8 +2293,6 @@
"Rename World Info": "Переименовать Информацию Мира",
"Save changes to a new theme file": "Сохранить изменения в новой теме",
"removes blur and uses alternative background color for divs": "убирает размытие и использует альтернативный фон для разделов",
"If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead.": "Если выбрано и карточка персонажа содержит собственный промт (Системный Промт), выберите это",
"If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead.": "Если выбрано и карточка персонажа содержит собственный Джейлбрейк (После Истории Инструкций), выберите это",
"AI Response Formatting": "Формат ответа ИИ",
"Change Background Image": "Изменить фон",
"Extensions": "Расширения",
@ -2289,7 +2368,8 @@
"Bind user name to that avatar": "Закрепить имя за этой личностью",
"Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "Выбрать эту как стартовую личность",
"Change persona image": "Сменить изображение личности",
"Delete persona": "Удалить личность"
"Delete persona": "Удалить личность",
"Reduced Motion": "Сокращение анимаций"
"it-it": {
"clickslidertips": "consigli per gli slider",
@ -3108,7 +3108,7 @@
<small id="version_display"></small>
<div name="UserSettingsRowTwo" class="flex-container flexFlowRow">
<textarea id="settingsSearch" class="textarea_compact wide100p" rows="1" placeholder="Search Settings"></textarea>
<textarea id="settingsSearch" class="textarea_compact wide100p" rows="1" placeholder="Search Settings" data-i18n="[placeholder]Search Settings"></textarea>
<div id="user-settings-block-content" class="flex-container spaceEvenly">
@ -3188,9 +3188,12 @@
<div data-newbie-hidden name="FontBlurChatWidthBlock" class="flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap">
<div data-newbie-hidden class="range-block">
<div class="range-block-title" data-i18n="Chat Width (PC)">
Chat Width <i class="fa-solid fa-desktop"></i>
<label for="compact_input_area" class="range-block-title">
<span data-i18n="Chat Width (PC)">
Chat Width
<i class="fa-solid fa-desktop"></i>
<div class="range-block-range-and-counter">
<div class="range-block-range">
<input id="chat_width_slider" class="wide100p" type="range" min="25" max="100" step="1" value="50">
@ -3240,9 +3243,12 @@
<div id="chat-truncation-block" class="range-block">
<div class="range-block-title" data-i18n="Chat Truncation">
Chat Truncation <small>(0 = unlimited)</small>
<label for="compact_input_area" class="range-block-title">
<span data-i18n="Chat Truncation">
Chat Truncation
<small data-i18n="(0 = unlimited)">(0 = unlimited)</small>
<div class="range-block-range-and-counter">
<div class="range-block-range">
<input type="range" id="chat_truncation" name="chat_truncation" min="0" max="1000" step="25">
@ -3279,61 +3285,61 @@
<input id="fast_ui_mode" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="No Blur Effect">No Blur Effect</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden for="noShadowsmode" class="checkbox_label" title="Remove text shadow effect." data-i18n="Remove text shadow effect.">
<label data-newbie-hidden for="noShadowsmode" class="checkbox_label" title="Remove text shadow effect." data-i18n="[title]Remove text shadow effect">
<input id="noShadowsmode" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="No Text Shadows">No Text Shadows</span>
<label for="waifuMode" class="checkbox_label" title="Reduce chat height, and put a static sprite behind the chat window." data-i18n="[title]Reduce chat height, and put a static sprite behind the chat window.">
<label for="waifuMode" class="checkbox_label" title="Reduce chat height, and put a static sprite behind the chat window." data-i18n="[title]Reduce chat height, and put a static sprite behind the chat window">
<input id="waifuMode" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Waifu Mode">Visual Novel Mode</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden for="expandMessageActions" class="checkbox_label" title="Always show the full list of the Message Actions context items for chat messages, instead of hiding them behind '...'." data-i18n="[title]Always show the full list of the Message Actions context items for chat messages, instead of hiding them behind '...'.">
<label data-newbie-hidden for="expandMessageActions" class="checkbox_label" title="Always show the full list of the Message Actions context items for chat messages, instead of hiding them behind '...'." data-i18n="[title]Always show the full list of the Message Actions context items for chat messages, instead of hiding them behind '...'">
<input id="expandMessageActions" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Auto-Expand Message Actions">Expand Message Actions</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden for="enableZenSliders" class="checkbox_label" title="Alternative UI for numeric sampling parameters with fewer steps." data-i18n="[title]Alternative UI for numeric sampling parameters with fewer steps.">
<label data-newbie-hidden for="enableZenSliders" class="checkbox_label" title="Alternative UI for numeric sampling parameters with fewer steps." data-i18n="[title]Alternative UI for numeric sampling parameters with fewer steps">
<input id="enableZenSliders" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Zen Sliders">Zen Sliders</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden for="enableLabMode" class="checkbox_label" title="Entirely unrestrict all numeric sampling parameters." data-i18n="[title]Entirely unrestrict all numeric sampling parameters.">
<label data-newbie-hidden for="enableLabMode" class="checkbox_label" title="Entirely unrestrict all numeric sampling parameters." data-i18n="[title]Entirely unrestrict all numeric sampling parameters">
<input id="enableLabMode" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Mad Lab Mode">Mad Lab Mode</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden for="messageTimerEnabled" class="checkbox_label" title="Time the AI's message generation, and show the duration in the chat log." data-i18n="[title]Time the AI's message generation, and show the duration in the chat log.">
<label data-newbie-hidden for="messageTimerEnabled" class="checkbox_label" title="Time the AI's message generation, and show the duration in the chat log." data-i18n="[title]Time the AI's message generation, and show the duration in the chat log">
<input id="messageTimerEnabled" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Message Timer">Message Timer</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden for="messageTimestampsEnabled" class="checkbox_label" title="Show a timestamp for each message in the chat log." data-i18n="Show a timestamp for each message in the chat log.">
<label data-newbie-hidden for="messageTimestampsEnabled" class="checkbox_label" title="Show a timestamp for each message in the chat log." data-i18n="[title]Show a timestamp for each message in the chat log">
<input id="messageTimestampsEnabled" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Chat Timestamps">Chat Timestamps</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden for="messageModelIconEnabled" class="checkbox_label" title="Show an icon for the API that generated the message." data-i18n="[title]Show an icon for the API that generated the message.">
<label data-newbie-hidden for="messageModelIconEnabled" class="checkbox_label" title="Show an icon for the API that generated the message." data-i18n="[title]Show an icon for the API that generated the message">
<input id="messageModelIconEnabled" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Model Icon">Model Icons</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden for="mesIDDisplayEnabled" class="checkbox_label" title="Show sequential message numbers in the chat log." data-i18n="Show sequential message numbers in the chat log.">
<label data-newbie-hidden for="mesIDDisplayEnabled" class="checkbox_label" title="Show sequential message numbers in the chat log." data-i18n="[title]Show sequential message numbers in the chat log">
<input id="mesIDDisplayEnabled" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Message IDs">Message IDs</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden for="messageTokensEnabled" class="checkbox_label" title="Show the number of tokens for each message in the chat log." data-i18n="[title]Show the number of tokens in each message in the chat log.">
<label data-newbie-hidden for="messageTokensEnabled" class="checkbox_label" title="Show the number of tokens for each message in the chat log." data-i18n="[title]Show the number of tokens in each message in the chat log">
<input id="messageTokensEnabled" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Show Message Token Count">Message Token Count</span>
<label for="compact_input_area" class="checkbox_label">
<label for="compact_input_area" class="checkbox_label" title="Single-row message input area. Mobile only, no effect on PC." data-i18n="[title]Single-row message input area. Mobile only, no effect on PC">
<input id="compact_input_area" type="checkbox" />
<span title="Single-row message input area. Mobile only, no effect on PC." data-i18n="Compact Input Area (Mobile)">Compact Input Area <i class="fa-solid fa-mobile-screen-button"></i></span>
<span data-i18n="Compact Input Area (Mobile)">Compact Input Area</span><i class="fa-solid fa-mobile-screen-button"></i>
<label data-newbie-hidden for="hotswapEnabled" class="checkbox_label" title="In the Character Management panel, show quick selection buttons for favorited characters." data-i18n="In the Character Management panel, show quick selection buttons for favorited characters.">
<label data-newbie-hidden for="hotswapEnabled" class="checkbox_label" title="In the Character Management panel, show quick selection buttons for favorited characters." data-i18n="[title]In the Character Management panel, show quick selection buttons for favorited characters">
<input id="hotswapEnabled" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Characters Hotswap">Characters Hotswap</span>
<label for="bogus_folders" class="checkbox_label">
<label for="bogus_folders" class="checkbox_label" title="Show tagged character folders in the character list." data-i18n="[title]Show tagged character folders in the character list">
<input id="bogus_folders" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Tags as Folders">Tags as Folders</span>
<h4><span data-i18n="Miscellaneous">Miscellaneous</span></h4>
<div title="If set in the advanced character definitions, this field will be displayed in the characters list.">
<div title="If set in the advanced character definitions, this field will be displayed in the characters list." data-i18n="[title]If set in the advanced character definitions, this field will be displayed in the characters list.">
<label for="aux_field" data-i18n="Aux List Field">Aux List Field</label>
<select id="aux_field">
<option data-i18n="Character Version" value="character_version">Character Version</option>
@ -3341,7 +3347,7 @@
<label for="play_message_sound" class="checkbox_label" title="Play a sound when a message generation finishes." data-i18n="Play a sound when a message generation finishes.">
<label for="play_message_sound" class="checkbox_label" title="Play a sound when a message generation finishes." data-i18n="[title]Play a sound when a message generation finishes">
<input id="play_message_sound" type="checkbox" />
<audio id="audio_message_sound" src="sounds/message.mp3" hidden></audio>
@ -3351,30 +3357,30 @@
<label for="play_sound_unfocused" class="checkbox_label" title="Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused." data-i18n="Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused.">
<label for="play_sound_unfocused" class="checkbox_label" title="Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused." data-i18n="[title]Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused">
<input id="play_sound_unfocused" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Background Sound Only">Background Sound Only</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="relaxed_api_urls" title="Reduce the formatting requirements on API URLs.">
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="relaxed_api_urls" title="Reduce the formatting requirements on API URLs." data-i18n="[title]Reduce the formatting requirements on API URLs">
<input id="relaxed_api_urls" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Relaxed API URLS">Relaxed API URLs</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="world_import_dialog" title="Ask to import the World Info/Lorebook for every new character with embedded lorebook. If unchecked, a brief message will be shown instead.">
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="world_import_dialog" title="Ask to import the World Info/Lorebook for every new character with embedded lorebook. If unchecked, a brief message will be shown instead." data-i18n="[title]Ask to import the World Info/Lorebook for every new character with embedded lorebook. If unchecked, a brief message will be shown instead">
<input id="world_import_dialog" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Lorebook Import Dialog">Lorebook Import Dialog</span>
<label class="checkbox_label" for="restore_user_input" title="Restore unsaved user input on page refresh." data-i18n="[title]Restore unsaved user input on page refresh.">
<label class="checkbox_label" for="restore_user_input" title="Restore unsaved user input on page refresh." data-i18n="[title]Restore unsaved user input on page refresh">
<input id="restore_user_input" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Restore User Input">Restore User Input</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden id="movingUIModeCheckBlock" for="movingUImode" class="checkbox_label" title="Allow repositioning certain UI elements by dragging them. PC only, no effect on mobile." data-i18n="[title]Allow repositioning certain UI elements by dragging them. PC only, no effect on mobile.">
<label data-newbie-hidden id="movingUIModeCheckBlock" for="movingUImode" class="checkbox_label" title="Allow repositioning certain UI elements by dragging them. PC only, no effect on mobile." data-i18n="[title]Allow repositioning certain UI elements by dragging them. PC only, no effect on mobile">
<input id="movingUImode" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Movable UI Panels">MovingUI <i class="fa-solid fa-desktop"></i></span>
<div data-newbie-hidden id="MovingUI-presets-block" class="flex-container alignitemscenter">
<div class="flex-container alignitemscenter">
<label for="movingUIPresets" title="MovingUI preset. Predefined/saved draggable positions." data-i18n="[title]MovingUI preset. Predefined/saved draggable positions.">
<span>MUI Preset:</span>
<label for="movingUIPresets" title="MovingUI preset. Predefined/saved draggable positions." data-i18n="[title]MovingUI preset. Predefined/saved draggable positions">
<span data-i18n="MUI Preset">MUI Preset:</span>
<div class="flex-container flexnowrap">
<select id="movingUIPresets" class="widthNatural flex1 margin0">
@ -3389,7 +3395,7 @@
Reset MovingUI
<div data-newbie-hidden id="CustomCSS-block" class="flex-container flexFlowColumn">
<h4 title="Apply a custom CSS style to all of the ST GUI." data-i18n="[title]Apply a custom CSS style to all of the ST GUI.">
<h4 title="Apply a custom CSS style to all of the ST GUI." data-i18n="[title]Apply a custom CSS style to all of the ST GUI">
<span data-i18n="Custom CSS">Custom CSS</span>
<div class="flex-container flexnowrap alignitemscenter">
@ -3409,42 +3415,42 @@
Example Messages Behavior:
<select id="example_messages_behavior">
<option value="normal">Gradual push-out</option>
<option value="keep">Always include examples</option>
<option value="strip">Never include examples</option>
<option value="normal" data-i18n="Gradual push-out">Gradual push-out</option>
<option value="keep" data-i18n="Always include examples">Always include examples</option>
<option value="strip" data-i18n="Never include examples">Never include examples</option>
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="fuzzy_search_checkbox" title="Use fuzzy matching, and search characters in the list by all data fields, not just by a name substring." data-i18n="[title]Use fuzzy matching, and search characters in the list by all data fields, not just by a name substring.">
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="fuzzy_search_checkbox" title="Use fuzzy matching, and search characters in the list by all data fields, not just by a name substring." data-i18n="[title]Use fuzzy matching, and search characters in the list by all data fields, not just by a name substring">
<input id="fuzzy_search_checkbox" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Advanced Character Search">Advanced Character Search</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden for="prefer_character_prompt" title="If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead." data-i18n="[title]If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead." class="checkbox_label">
<label data-newbie-hidden for="prefer_character_prompt" title="If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead." data-i18n="[title]If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead" class="checkbox_label">
<input id="prefer_character_prompt" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Prefer Character Card Prompt">Prefer Char. Prompt</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden for="prefer_character_jailbreak" title="If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead." data-i18n="[title]If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead." class="checkbox_label">
<label data-newbie-hidden for="prefer_character_jailbreak" title="If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead." data-i18n="[title]If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead" class="checkbox_label">
<input id="prefer_character_jailbreak" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Prefer Character Card Jailbreak">Prefer Char. Jailbreak</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="never_resize_avatars" title="Avoid cropping and resizing imported character images. When off, crop/resize to 400x600." data-i18n="[title]Avoid cropping and resizing imported character images. When off, crop/resize to 400x600.">
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="never_resize_avatars" title="Avoid cropping and resizing imported character images. When off, crop/resize to 400x600." data-i18n="[title]Avoid cropping and resizing imported character images. When off, crop/resize to 400x600">
<input id="never_resize_avatars" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Never resize avatars">Never resize avatars</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="show_card_avatar_urls" title="Show actual file names on the disk, in the characters list display only." data-i18n="[title]Show actual file names on the disk, in the characters list display only.">
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="show_card_avatar_urls" title="Show actual file names on the disk, in the characters list display only." data-i18n="[title]Show actual file names on the disk, in the characters list display only">
<input id="show_card_avatar_urls" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Show avatar filenames">Show avatar filenames</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="import_card_tags" title="Prompt to import embedded card tags on character import. Otherwise embedded tags are ignored." data-i18n="[title]Prompt to import embedded card tags on character import. Otherwise embedded tags are ignored.">
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="import_card_tags" title="Prompt to import embedded card tags on character import. Otherwise embedded tags are ignored." data-i18n="[title]Prompt to import embedded card tags on character import. Otherwise embedded tags are ignored">
<input id="import_card_tags" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Import Card Tags">Import Card Tags</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="spoiler_free_mode" title="Hide character definitions from the editor panel behind a spoiler button." data-i18n="[title]Hide character definitions from the editor panel behind a spoiler button.">
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="spoiler_free_mode" title="Hide character definitions from the editor panel behind a spoiler button." data-i18n="[title]Hide character definitions from the editor panel behind a spoiler button">
<input id="spoiler_free_mode" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Spoiler Free Mode">Spoiler Free Mode</span>
<div name="ChatMessageHandlingToggles">
<h4>Chat/Message Handling</h4>
<div name="ChatMessageHandlingToggles" >
<h4 data-i18n="Chat/Message Handling">Chat/Message Handling</h4>
<div data-newbie-hidden class="flex-container alignitemscenter">
<span data-i18n="Send on Enter">
Enter to Send:
@ -3461,20 +3467,21 @@
"Send" to Continue
<label class="checkbox_label" for="quick_continue" title="Show a button in the input area to ask the AI to continue (extend) its last message." data-i18n="[title]Show a button in the input area to ask the AI to continue (extend) its last message.">
<label class="checkbox_label" for="quick_continue" title="Show a button in the input area to ask the AI to continue (extend) its last message." data-i18n="[title]Show a button in the input area to ask the AI to continue (extend) its last message">
<input id="quick_continue" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Press Send to continue">
<span data-i18n="Quick 'Continue' button">
Quick "Continue" button
<div class="checkbox-container flex-container">
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="swipes-checkbox" title="Show arrow buttons on the last in-chat message to generate alternative AI responses. Both PC and mobile." data-i18n="[title]Show arrow buttons on the last in-chat message to generate alternative AI responses. Both PC and mobile.">
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="swipes-checkbox" title="Show arrow buttons on the last in-chat message to generate alternative AI responses. Both PC and mobile." data-i18n="[title]Show arrow buttons on the last in-chat message to generate alternative AI responses. Both PC and mobile">
<input id="swipes-checkbox" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Swipes">Swipes <i class="fa-solid fa-desktop"></i> <i class="fa-solid fa-mobile-screen-button"></i></span>
<span data-i18n="Swipes">Swipes</span><i class="fa-solid fa-desktop"></i><i class="fa-solid fa-mobile-screen-button"></i>
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="gestures-checkbox" title="Allow using swiping gestures on the last in-chat message to trigger swipe generation. Mobile only, no effect on PC.", data-i18n="[title]Allow using swiping gestures on the last in-chat message to trigger swipe generation. Mobile only, no effect on PC.">
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="gestures-checkbox" title="Allow using swiping gestures on the last in-chat message to trigger swipe generation. Mobile only, no effect on PC.", data-i18n="[title]Allow using swiping gestures on the last in-chat message to trigger swipe generation. Mobile only, no effect on PC">
<input id="gestures-checkbox" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Gestures">Gestures <i class="fa-solid fa-mobile-screen-button"></i></span>
<span data-i18n="Gestures">Gestures</span>
<i class="fa-solid fa-mobile-screen-button"></i>
<label class="checkbox_label" for="auto-load-chat-checkbox">
@ -3485,7 +3492,7 @@
<input id="auto_scroll_chat_to_bottom" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Auto-scroll Chat">Auto-scroll Chat</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="auto_save_msg_edits" title="Save edits to messages without confirmation as you type." data-i18n="[title]Save edits to messages without confirmation as you type.">
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="auto_save_msg_edits" title="Save edits to messages without confirmation as you type." data-i18n="[title]Save edits to messages without confirmation as you type">
<input id="auto_save_msg_edits" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Auto-save Message Edits">Auto-save Message Edits</span>
@ -3497,14 +3504,14 @@
<input id="auto_fix_generated_markdown" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Auto-fix Markdown">Auto-fix Markdown</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="render_formulas" title="Render LaTeX and AsciiMath equation notation in chat messages. Powered by KaTeX." data-i18n="[title]Render LaTeX and AsciiMath equation notation in chat messages. Powered by KaTeX.">
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="render_formulas" title="Render LaTeX and AsciiMath equation notation in chat messages. Powered by KaTeX." data-i18n="[title]Render LaTeX and AsciiMath equation notation in chat messages. Powered by KaTeX">
<input id="render_formulas" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Render Formulas">Render Formulas</span>
<a href="https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/uicustomization/#formulas-rendering" class="notes-link" target="_blank">
<span class="fa-solid fa-circle-question note-link-span"></span>
<label class="checkbox_label" for="forbid_external_images" title="Disalow embedded media from other domains in chat messages.">
<label class="checkbox_label" for="forbid_external_images" title="Disalow embedded media from other domains in chat messages." data-i18n="[title]Disalow embedded media from other domains in chat messages">
<input id="forbid_external_images" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Forbid External Media">Forbid External Media</span>
@ -3516,11 +3523,11 @@
<input id="allow_name1_display" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Allow {{user}}: in bot messages">Show {{user}}: in responses</span>
<label class="checkbox_label" for="encode_tags" title="Skip encoding < and > characters in message text, allowing a subset of HTML markup as well as Markdown." data-i18n="[title]Skip encoding < and > characters in message text, allowing a subset of HTML markup as well as Markdown.">
<label class="checkbox_label" for="encode_tags" title="Skip encoding < and > characters in message text, allowing a subset of HTML markup as well as Markdown." data-i18n="[title]Skip encoding and characters in message text, allowing a subset of HTML markup as well as Markdown">
<input id="encode_tags" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Show tags in responses">Show <tags> in responses</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="disable_group_trimming" title="Allow AI messages in groups to contain lines spoken by other group members.">
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="disable_group_trimming" title="Allow AI messages in groups to contain lines spoken by other group members." data-i18n="[title]Allow AI messages in groups to contain lines spoken by other group members">
<input id="disable_group_trimming" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Relax message trim in Groups">Relax message trim in Groups</span>
@ -3528,22 +3535,22 @@
<input id="console_log_prompts" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Log prompts to console">Log prompts to console</span>
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="request_token_probabilities" title="Requests logprobs from the API for the Token Probabilities feature.">
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="request_token_probabilities" title="Requests logprobs from the API for the Token Probabilities feature." data-i18n="[title]Requests logprobs from the API for the Token Probabilities feature">
<input id="request_token_probabilities" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Request token probabilities">Request token probabilities</span>
<div data-newbie-hidden class="inline-drawer wide100p flexFlowColumn">
<div class="inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" title="Automatically reject and re-generate AI message based on configurable criteria." data-i18n="[title]Automatically reject and re-generate AI message based on configurable criteria.">
<div class="inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" title="Automatically reject and re-generate AI message based on configurable criteria." data-i18n="[title]Automatically reject and re-generate AI message based on configurable criteria">
<b><span data-i18n="Auto-swipe">Auto-swipe</span></b>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down inline-drawer-icon down"></div>
<div class="inline-drawer-content">
<label class="checkbox_label" for="auto_swipe" title="Enable the auto-swipe function. Settings in this section only have an effect when auto-swipe is enabled." data-i18n="[title]Enable the auto-swipe function. Settings in this section only have an effect when auto-swipe is enabled.">
<label class="checkbox_label" for="auto_swipe" title="Enable the auto-swipe function. Settings in this section only have an effect when auto-swipe is enabled." data-i18n="[title]Enable the auto-swipe function. Settings in this section only have an effect when auto-swipe is enabled">
<input id="auto_swipe" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Enabled">Enabled</span>
<div data-i18n="Minimum generated message length">Minimum generated message length</div>
<input id="auto_swipe_minimum_length" name="auto_swipe_minimum_length" type="number" min="0" step="1" value="0" class="text_pole" title="If the generated message is shorter than this, trigger an auto-swipe." data-i18n="[title]If the generated message is shorter than this, trigger an auto-swipe.">
<input id="auto_swipe_minimum_length" name="auto_swipe_minimum_length" type="number" min="0" step="1" value="0" class="text_pole" title="If the generated message is shorter than this, trigger an auto-swipe." data-i18n="[title]If the generated message is shorter than this, trigger an auto-swipe">
<div data-i18n="Blacklisted words">Blacklisted words</div>
<div class="auto_swipe">
<textarea id="auto_swipe_blacklist" name="auto_swipe_blacklist" data-i18n="[placeholder]words you dont want generated separated by comma ','" placeholder="words you don't want generated separated by comma ','" title="Words you don't want generated separated by comma ','" class="text_pole textarea_compact" maxlength="5000" value="" autocomplete="off" rows="3"></textarea>
@ -3554,8 +3561,8 @@
<div data-newbie-hidden class="flex-container">
<div id="reload_chat" class="menu_button whitespacenowrap" data-i18n="Reload Chat" title="Reload and redraw the currently open chat.">
Reload Chat
<div id="reload_chat" class="menu_button whitespacenowrap" data-i18n="[title]Reload and redraw the currently open chat" title="Reload and redraw the currently open chat." >
<span data-i18n="Reload Chat">Reload Chat</span>
<div id="debug_menu" class="menu_button whitespacenowrap" data-i18n="Debug Menu">
Debug Menu
Reference in New Issue
Block a user