diff --git a/public/locales/ar-sa.json b/public/locales/ar-sa.json index 0450a2c5c..561177af9 100644 --- a/public/locales/ar-sa.json +++ b/public/locales/ar-sa.json @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ "None": "لا شيء", "User Settings": "إعدادات المستخدم", "UI Mode": "وضع واجهة المستخدم", - "UI Language": "لغة واجهة المستخدم", + "UI Language": "لغة", "MovingUI Preset": "الإعداد المسبق لـ MovingUI", "UI Customization": "تخصيص واجهة المستخدم", "Avatar Style": "نمط الصورة الرمزية", @@ -857,7 +857,65 @@ "Random": "عشوائي", "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "تخطي مثال تنسيق الحوار", "Import a theme file": "استيراد ملف السمة", - "Export a theme file": "تصدير ملف موضوع" + "Export a theme file": "تصدير ملف موضوع", + "Unlocked Context Size": "حجم السياق غير المقفل", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "عرض الاستجابة بتدريج كما يتم إنشاؤها.", + "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "عند إيقاف هذا الخيار، سيتم عرض الردود جميعها دفعة واحدة عند اكتمالها.", + "Quick Prompts Edit": "تحرير التلميحات بسرعة", + "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "تمكين بث الاكتمال من OpenAI", + "Main": "الرئيسية", + "Utility Prompts": "تلميحات الأدوات", + "Add character names": "إضافة أسماء الشخصيات", + "Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "إرسال الأسماء في كائنات الرسالة. يساعد النموذج على ربط الرسائل بالشخصيات.", + "Continue prefill": "متابعة التعبئة المسبقة", + "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "المتابعة ترسل الرسالة الأخيرة بدور المساعد بدلاً من رسالة النظام مع التعليمات.", + "Squash system messages": "ضغط رسائل النظام", + "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "يجمع الرسائل المتتالية للنظام في رسالة واحدة (باستثناء الحوارات المثالية). قد يحسن التتابع لبعض النماذج.", + "Send inline images": "إرسال الصور المضمنة", + "Assistant Prefill": "تعبئة مسبقة للمساعد", + "Start Claude's answer with...": "ابدأ إجابة كلود بـ...", + "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "استخدام التعليمة النظامية (فقط كلود 2.1+)", + "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "إرسال التعليمة النظامية للنماذج المدعومة. إذا تم تعطيلها، يتم إضافة رسالة المستخدم إلى بداية التعليمة.", + "Prompts": "تلميحات", + "Total Tokens:": "مجموع الرموز:", + "Insert prompt": "إدراج تلميح", + "Delete prompt": "حذف التلميح", + "Import a prompt list": "استيراد قائمة التلميحات", + "Export this prompt list": "تصدير هذه القائمة من التلميحات", + "Reset current character": "إعادة تعيين الشخصية الحالية", + "New prompt": "تلميح جديد", + "Tokens": "الرموز", + "Want to update?": "هل ترغب في التحديث؟", + "How to start chatting?": "كيف تبدأ في المحادثة؟", + "Click": "انقر", + "and select a": "وحدد أ", + "Chat API": "واجهة برمجة تطبيقات الدردشة", + "and pick a character": "واختر شخصية", + "in the chat bar": "في شريط الدردشة", + "Confused or lost?": "هل أنت مرتبك أو ضائع؟", + "click these icons!": "انقر على هذه الأيقونات!", + "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "موقع وثائق SillyTavern", + "Extras Installation Guide": "دليل تثبيت الإضافات", + "Still have questions?": "هل ما زالت لديك اسئلة؟", + "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "انضم إلى ديسكورد SillyTavern", + "Post a GitHub issue": "نشر مشكلة على GitHub", + "Contact the developers": "الاتصال بالمطورين", + "Nucleus Sampling": "عينة النواة", + "Typical P": "قيمة P النموذجية", + "Top K Sampling": "عينة أعلى K", + "Top A Sampling": "عينة أعلى A", + "Off": "إيقاف", + "Very light": "خفيف جداً", + "Light": "خفيف", + "Medium": "متوسط", + "Aggressive": "عدواني", + "Very aggressive": "عدواني للغاية", + "Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique. In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3. Set to 0 to disable. See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "قيمة القطع Eta هي المعلمة الرئيسية لتقنية عينة إيتا الخاصة. بوحدات 1e-4 ؛ القيمة المعقولة هي 3. قم بتعيينها على 0 لتعطيلها. انظر ورقة بحث عينة الانقطاع كما يمكن تسميتها باسم تلميع نموذج اللغة من قبل هيويت وآخرين (2022) للحصول على تفاصيل.", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "تعلم كيفية المساهمة بدورات معالجة الرسومات الخاملة الخاصة بك في الهورد", + "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "استخدم المحلل النحوي المناسب لنماذج Google عبر واجهة برمجة التطبيقات الخاصة بهم. معالجة الإشارات الأولية بطيئة، ولكنها تقدم عداد رمز دقيق جدًا.", + "Load koboldcpp order": "تحميل أمر koboldcpp", + "Use Google Tokenizer": "استخدم محلل النحوي من Google" + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/locales/de-de.json b/public/locales/de-de.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d186b3fba --- /dev/null +++ b/public/locales/de-de.json @@ -0,0 +1,921 @@ +{ + "clickslidertips": "Klick einfach drauf, um die Zahlen selber einzugeben.", + "kobldpresets": "Kobold-Einstellungen von vorher", + "guikoboldaisettings": "KoboldAI-Einstellungen für das Menü", + "novelaipreserts": "NovelAI-Einstellungen von früher", + "default": "Normal", + "openaipresets": "OpenAI-Einstellungen von vorher", + "text gen webio(ooba) presets": "WebUI(ooba)-Einstellungen für Texterstellung", + "response legth(tokens)": "Länge der Antwort (Tokens)", + "select": "Wähle aus", + "context size(tokens)": "Größe des Zusammenhangs (Tokens)", + "unlocked": "Freigeschaltet", + "Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "Nur bestimmte Modelle unterstützen Zusammenhangsgrößen größer als 4096 Tokens. Ändere es nur, wenn du weißt, was du tust.", + "rep.pen": "Wiederholungsstrafe", + "WI Entry Status:🔵 Constant🟢 Normal❌ Disabled": "WI-Eintragsstatus:\n🔵 Konstant\n🟢 Normal\n❌ Deaktiviert", + "rep.pen range": "Bereich der Wiederholungsstrafe", + "Temperature controls the randomness in token selection": "Die Temperatur steuert die Zufälligkeit bei der Tokenauswahl:\n- Eine niedrige Temperatur (<1,0) führt zu intelligenterem Text, wobei häufig auftretende Tokens (Wörter oder Zeichen) priorisiert werden.\n- Eine hohe Temperatur (>1,0) erhöht die Kreativität und die Vielfalt der Ausgabe, wobei seltenere Tokens (Wörter oder Zeichen) eine größere Chance haben.\nStelle den Wert auf 1,0 für die Standardwahrscheinlichkeiten ein.", + "temperature": "Temperatur", + "Top K sets a maximum amount of top tokens that can be chosen from": "Top K legt ein Limit für die obersten Tokens fest, die ausgewählt werden können.", + "Top P (a.k.a. nucleus sampling)": "Top P (auch bekannt als Kernsampling) kombiniert alle erforderlichen obersten Tokens, um einen bestimmten Prozentsatz zu erreichen.\nAnders ausgedrückt, wenn die obersten 2 Tokens 25% ausmachen und Top P 0,50 beträgt, werden nur diese beiden obersten Tokens berücksichtigt.\nStelle den Wert auf 1,0, um dies zu deaktivieren.", + "Typical P Sampling prioritizes tokens based on their deviation from the average entropy of the set": "Bei der typischen P-Stichprobe werden Tokens priorisiert, basierend auf ihrer Abweichung von der durchschnittlichen Entropie des Satzes.\nTokens mit einer kumulierten Wahrscheinlichkeit nahe am definierten Schwellenwert (z. B. 0,5) werden beibehalten, was darauf hinweist, dass sie einen mittleren Informationsgehalt haben.\nStelle den Wert auf 1,0, um dies zu deaktivieren.", + "Min P sets a base minimum probability": "Min P legt eine Basismindestwahrscheinlichkeit fest. Diese wird basierend auf der Wahrscheinlichkeit des obersten Tokens optimiert.\nWenn die Wahrscheinlichkeit des obersten Tokens 80% beträgt und Min P 0,1 beträgt, werden nur Tokens mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von mehr als 8% berücksichtigt.\nStelle den Wert auf 0,0, um dies zu deaktivieren.", + "Top A sets a threshold for token selection based on the square of the highest token probability": "Top A legt einen Schwellenwert für die Tokenauswahl basierend auf dem Quadrat der höchsten Tokenwahrscheinlichkeit fest.\nWenn Top A 0,2 beträgt und die Wahrscheinlichkeit des obersten Tokens 50% beträgt, werden Tokens mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von weniger als 5% ausgeschlossen (0,2 * 0,5^2).\nStelle den Wert auf 0,0, um dies zu deaktivieren.", + "Tail-Free Sampling (TFS)": "Schwanzfreie Stichprobe (TFS) sucht nach schwach wahrscheinlichen Tokens in der Verteilung,\n indem sie die Änderungsrate der Tokenwahrscheinlichkeiten mithilfe von Derivaten analysiert. Tokens werden bis zu einer bestimmten Schwelle (z. B. 0,3) beibehalten, basierend auf der zweiten einheitlichen Ableitung.\nJe näher 0, desto mehr Tokens werden abgelehnt. Stelle den Wert auf 1,0, um dies zu deaktivieren.", + "Epsilon cutoff sets a probability floor below which tokens are excluded from being sampled": "Epsilon-Cutoff legt einen Wahrscheinlichkeitsboden fest, unter dem Tokens vom Abtasten ausgeschlossen werden.\nIn Einheiten von 1e-4; der geeignete Wert ist 3.\nStelle 0,0 ein, um dies zu deaktivieren.", + "Scale Temperature dynamically per token, based on the variation of probabilities": "Die Skalierung der Temperatur wird dynamisch pro Token festgelegt, basierend auf der Variation der Wahrscheinlichkeiten.", + "Minimum Temp": "Minimale Temperatur", + "Maximum Temp": "Maximale Temperatur", + "Exponent": "Exponent", + "Mirostat Mode": "Mirostat-Modus", + "Mirostat Tau": "Mirostat Tau", + "Mirostat Eta": "Mirostat Eta", + "Variability parameter for Mirostat outputs": "Variabilitätsparameter für Mirostat-Ausgaben.", + "Learning rate of Mirostat": "Lernrate von Mirostat.", + "Strength of the Contrastive Search regularization term. Set to 0 to disable CS": "Stärke des Regularisierungsterms für den kontrastiven Suchvorgang. Setze ihn auf 0, um CS zu deaktivieren.", + "Temperature Last": "Letzte Temperatur", + "Use the temperature sampler last": "Benutz den Temperaturmuster zuletzt. Ist normalerweise sinnvoll.\nWenn aktiviert, werden zuerst eine Gruppe potenzieller Tokens ausgewählt und dann wird die Temperatur angewendet, um ihre relativen Wahrscheinlichkeiten (technisch: Logits) zu korrigieren.\nWenn deaktiviert, wird die Temperatur zuerst angewendet, um die relativen Wahrscheinlichkeiten für alle Tokens zu korrigieren, und dann wird eine Gruppe potenzieller Tokens daraus ausgewählt.\nDas Deaktivieren der Temperatur am Ende erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Tokens im Schwanz der Verteilung und erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit inkonsistenter Antworten.", + "LLaMA / Mistral / Yi models only": "Nur für LLaMA / Mistral / Yi-Modelle. Stelle sicher, dass du zuerst den richtigen Analyzer auswählst.\nStrings sollten nicht in den Ergebnissen erscheinen.\nEine Zeichenfolge pro Zeile. Text oder [Zeichenkennungen].\nViele Zeichen beginnen mit einem Leerzeichen. Verwende den Zeichenzähler, wenn du unsicher bist.", + "Example: some text [42, 69, 1337]": "Beispiel:\nEin bisschen Text\n[42, 69, 1337]", + "Classifier Free Guidance. More helpful tip coming soon": "Anleitung ohne Klassifizierer. Bald kommen weitere hilfreiche Tipps.", + "Scale": "Maßstab", + "GBNF Grammar": "GBNF-Grammatik", + "Usage Stats": "Nutzungsstatistiken", + "Click for stats!": "Klick für Statistiken!", + "Backup": "Backup", + "Backup your personas to a file": "Speicher deine Persönlichkeiten in einer Datei.", + "Restore": "Wiederherstellen", + "Restore your personas from a file": "Stell deine Persönlichkeiten aus einer Datei wieder her.", + "Type in the desired custom grammar": "Gib die gewünschte individuelle Grammatik ein.", + "Encoder Rep. Pen.": "Encoder Wiederholungsstrafe.", + "Smoothing Factor": "Glättungsfaktor", + "No Repeat Ngram Size": "Keine Wiederholung Ngram-Größe", + "Min Length": "Minimale Länge", + "OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "OpenAI Umgekehrter Proxy", + "Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "Alternative Server-URL (lassen das Feld leer, um den Standardwert zu verwenden).", + "Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "Entferne deinen echten OAI-API-Schlüssel aus dem API-Panel, BEVOR du etwas in dieses Feld eingibst.", + "We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "Wir können keine Unterstützung für Probleme bieten, die bei der Verwendung eines inoffiziellen OpenAI-Proxys auftreten.", + "Legacy Streaming Processing": "Veraltete Streaming-Verarbeitung", + "Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "Aktiviere dies, wenn das Streaming mit deinem Proxy nicht funktioniert.", + "Context Size (tokens)": "Größe des Zusammenhangs (Tokens)", + "Max Response Length (tokens)": "Maximale Antwortlänge (Tokens)", + "Frequency Penalty": "Frequenzstrafe", + "Presence Penalty": "Präsenzstrafe", + "Top-p": "Top-p", + "Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "Zeig Textfragmente der Bot-Antwort an, während sie entstehen.", + "Top A": "Top A", + "Typical Sampling": "Übliche Stichprobe", + "Tail Free Sampling": "Schwanzfreie Stichprobe", + "Rep. Pen. Slope": "Steigung der Wiederholungsstrafe", + "Single-line mode": "Einzeiliger Modus", + "Top K": "Top K", + "Top P": "Top P", + "Do Sample": "Probier's aus", + "Add BOS Token": "Füge ein BOS-Token hinzu", + "Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative": "Füg das bos_token am Anfang der Aufforderungen hinzu. Wenn du das deaktivierst, können die Antworten kreativer werden.", + "Ban EOS Token": "Verbiet das EOS-Token", + "Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "Verbiet das eos_token. So wird das Modell gezwungen, die Generierung niemals vorzeitig zu beenden.", + "Skip Special Tokens": "Spezielle Tokens überspringen", + "Beam search": "Strahlensuche", + "Number of Beams": "Anzahl der Strahlen", + "Length Penalty": "Längenstrafe", + "Early Stopping": "Frühes Stoppen", + "Contrastive search": "Kontrastive Suche", + "Penalty Alpha": "Strafe Alpha", + "Seed": "Seed", + "Epsilon Cutoff": "Epsilon-Abschaltung", + "Eta Cutoff": "Eta-Abschaltung", + "Negative Prompt": "Negatives Prompt", + "Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat (Modus=1 gilt nur für llama.cpp)", + "Mirostat is a thermostat for output perplexity": "Mirostat ist ein Thermostat für die Ausgangsperplexität. Es ist ein Mechanismus zur Anpassung der Ausgangsschwierigkeit, um Konsistenz zwischen Eingabe und Ausgabe zu erreichen.", + "Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "Füge hier Text hinzu, der die KI dazu bringen würde, Dinge zu generieren, die du nicht in deinen Ausgaben haben möchtest.", + "Phrase Repetition Penalty": "Strafe für wiederholte Phrasen", + "Preamble": "Vorwort", + "Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.": "Verwende Stil-Tags, um den Schreibstil der Ausgabe zu ändern.", + "Banned Tokens": "Verbotene Tokens", + "Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line.": "Sequenzen, die du nicht in der Ausgabe sehen möchtest. Eine pro Zeile.", + "AI Module": "KI-Modul", + "Changes the style of the generated text.": "Ändert den Stil des generierten Textes.", + "Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "Wird verwendet, wenn die CFG-Skalierung global, pro Chat oder pro Zeichen nicht festgelegt ist.", + "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "Fügt den Jailbreak als letzte Systemnachricht ein.", + "This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "Das sagt der KI, dass sie ihre üblichen Inhaltsbeschränkungen ignorieren soll.", + "NSFW Encouraged": "NSFW erwünscht", + "Tell the AI that NSFW is allowed.": "Sag der KI, dass NSFW erlaubt ist.", + "NSFW Prioritized": "NSFW priorisiert", + "NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "NSFW-Aufforderungstext steht zuerst in der Aufforderung, um seine Wirkung zu betonen.", + "Streaming": "Streamen", + "Dynamic Temperature": "Dynamische Temperatur", + "Restore current preset": "Aktuelle Voreinstellung wiederherstellen", + "Neutralize Samplers": "Sampler neutralisieren", + "Text Completion presets": "Voreinstellungen für Textvervollständigung", + "Documentation on sampling parameters": "Dokumentation zu Abtastparametern", + "Set all samplers to their neutral/disabled state.": "Setze alle Sampler auf ihren neutralen/deaktivierten Zustand.", + "Only enable this if your model supports context sizes greater than 4096 tokens": "Aktiviere dies nur, wenn dein Modell Kontextgrößen von mehr als 4096 Tokens unterstützt.", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated": "Zeige die Antwort Stück für Stück an, während sie generiert wird.", + "Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "Generiere pro Anfrage nur eine Zeile (nur KoboldAI, wird von KoboldCpp ignoriert).", + "Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "Sperre das End-of-Sequence (EOS)-Token (mit KoboldCpp und möglicherweise auch andere Tokens mit KoboldAI).", + "Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "Gut für das Schreiben von Geschichten, sollte aber nicht für den Chat- und Anweisungsmodus verwendet werden.", + "Enhance Definitions": "Definitionen verbessern", + "Use OAI knowledge base to enhance definitions for public figures and known fictional characters": "Verwende die OAI-Wissensdatenbank, um Definitionen für öffentliche Persönlichkeiten und bekannte fiktive Charaktere zu verbessern.", + "Wrap in Quotes": "In Anführungszeichen setzen", + "Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "Umschließe die gesamte Benutzernachricht vor dem Senden in Anführungszeichen.", + "Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "Lass es weg, wenn du Anführungszeichen manuell für die Sprache verwendest.", + "Main prompt": "Hauptaufforderung", + "The main prompt used to set the model behavior": "Die Hauptaufforderung, die verwendet wird, um das Modellverhalten festzulegen.", + "NSFW prompt": "NSFW-Aufforderung", + "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is on": "Aufforderung, die verwendet wird, wenn der NSFW-Schalter eingeschaltet ist.", + "Jailbreak prompt": "Jailbreak-Aufforderung", + "Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "Aufforderung, die verwendet wird, wenn der Jailbreak-Schalter eingeschaltet ist.", + "Impersonation prompt": "Aufforderung zur Personifikation", + "Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "Aufforderung, die für die Funktion der Personifikation verwendet wird.", + "Logit Bias": "Logit-Bias", + "Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "Hilft dabei, die Verwendung bestimmter Wörter zu verbieten oder zu verstärken.", + "View / Edit bias preset": "Voreinstellung für Bias anzeigen / bearbeiten", + "Add bias entry": "Bias-Eintrag hinzufügen", + "Jailbreak activation message": "Nachricht zur Aktivierung des Jailbreak", + "Message to send when auto-jailbreak is on.": "Nachricht, die gesendet werden soll, wenn der Auto-Jailbreak aktiviert ist.", + "Jailbreak confirmation reply": "Antwort zur Bestätigung des Jailbreaks", + "Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "Der Bot muss dies zur Bestätigung des Jailbreaks zurückschicken.", + "Character Note": "Charakternotiz", + "Influences bot behavior in its responses": "Beeinflusst das Bot-Verhalten in seinen Antworten.", + "Connect": "Verbinden", + "Test Message": "Testnachricht", + "API": "API", + "KoboldAI": "KoboldAI", + "Use Horde": "Horde verwenden", + "API url": "API-URL", + "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine": "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine (Wrappermodus für OpenAI API)", + "Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "Registriere einen Horde-Account für kürzere Wartezeiten in der Warteschlange", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "Erfahre, wie du deine ungenutzten GPU-Zyklen zum Hord beisteuern kannst", + "Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "Passe die Kontextgröße an die Fähigkeiten des Arbeiters an", + "Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "Passe die Länge der Antwort an die Fähigkeiten des Arbeiters an", + "API key": "API-Schlüssel", + "Tabby API key": "Tabby API-Schlüssel", + "Get it here:": "Hol es dir hier:", + "Register": "Registrieren", + "TogetherAI Model": "TogetherAI-Modell", + "Example:": "Beispiel:", + "ggerganov/llama.cpp": "ggerganov/llama.cpp (Output-Server)", + "Example:": "Beispiel:", + "Example:": "Beispiel:", + "Ollama Model": "Ollama-Modell", + "Download": "Herunterladen", + "TogetherAI API Key": "TogetherAI API-Schlüssel", + "-- Connect to the API --": "-- Mit der API verbinden --", + "View my Kudos": "Meine Kudos anzeigen", + "Enter": "Eingeben", + "to use anonymous mode.": "um den anonymen Modus zu verwenden.", + "For privacy reasons": "Aus Datenschutzgründen wird der API-Schlüssel nach dem Aktualisieren der Seite ausgeblendet", + "Models": "Modelle", + "Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "Halte die Steuerungs- / Befehlstaste gedrückt, um mehrere Modelle auszuwählen.", + "Horde models not loaded": "Horde-Modelle nicht geladen", + "Not connected...": "Nicht verbunden...", + "Novel API key": "NovelAPI-Schlüssel", + "Follow": "Folgen", + "these directions": "diesen Anweisungen", + "to get your NovelAI API key.": "um deinen NovelAI-API-Schlüssel zu erhalten.", + "Enter it in the box below": "Gib ihn im untenstehenden Feld ein", + "Novel AI Model": "Novel AI-Modell", + "If you are using:": "Wenn du verwendest:", + "oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "", + "Make sure you run it with": "Stelle sicher, dass du es ausführst mit", + "flag": "Flagge", + "API key (optional)": "API-Schlüssel (optional)", + "Server url": "Server-URL", + "Custom model (optional)": "Benutzerdefiniertes Modell (optional)", + "Bypass API status check": "Umgehe API-Statusüberprüfung", + "Mancer AI": "", + "Use API key (Only required for Mancer)": "Verwende API-Schlüssel (nur erforderlich für Mancer)", + "Blocking API url": "Blockierende API-URL", + "Example:": "Beispiel:", + "Legacy API (pre-OAI, no streaming)": "Legacy-API (vor OAI, kein Streaming)", + "Bypass status check": "Umgehe Statusüberprüfung", + "Streaming API url": "Streaming API-URL", + "Example: ws://": "Beispiel: ws://", + "Mancer API key": "Mancer API-Schlüssel", + "Example: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api": "Beispiel: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api", + "to get your OpenAI API key.": "um deinen OpenAI-API-Schlüssel zu erhalten.", + "Window AI Model": "Fenster AI-Modell", + "OpenAI Model": "OpenAI-Modell", + "Claude API Key": "Claude API-Schlüssel", + "Get your key from": "Hol dir deinen Schlüssel von", + "Anthropic's developer console": "Anthropics Entwicklerkonsole", + "Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.": "Slack- und Poe-Cookies funktionieren hier nicht, versuch es erst gar nicht.", + "Claude Model": "Claude-Modell", + "Scale API Key": "Scale API-Schlüssel", + "Alt Method": "Alternative Methode", + "AI21 API Key": "AI21 API-Schlüssel", + "AI21 Model": "AI21-Modell", + "View API Usage Metrics": "API-Nutzungsmetriken anzeigen", + "Show External models (provided by API)": "Externe Modelle anzeigen (bereitgestellt von API)", + "Bot": "Bot", + "Allow fallback routes": "Fallback-Routen zulassen", + "Allow fallback routes Description": "Das alternative Modell wird automatisch ausgewählt, wenn das ausgewählte Modell Ihre Anfrage nicht erfüllen kann.", + "OpenRouter API Key": "OpenRouter API-Schlüssel", + "Connect to the API": "Mit der API verbinden", + "OpenRouter Model": "OpenRouter-Modell", + "View Remaining Credits": "Verbleibende Gutschriften anzeigen", + "Click Authorize below or get the key from": "Klicke unten auf Autorisieren oder hol dir den Schlüssel von", + "Auto-connect to Last Server": "Automatisch mit dem letzten Server verbinden", + "View hidden API keys": "Versteckte API-Schlüssel anzeigen", + "Advanced Formatting": "Erweiterte Formatierung", + "Context Template": "Kontextvorlage", + "AutoFormat Overrides": "AutoFormat-Überschreibungen", + "Disable description formatting": "Beschreibungsformatierung deaktivieren", + "Disable personality formatting": "Persönlichkeitsformatierung deaktivieren", + "Disable scenario formatting": "Szenarioformatierung deaktivieren", + "Disable example chats formatting": "Formatierung von Beispiel-Chats deaktivieren", + "Disable chat start formatting": "Formatierung des Chatstarts deaktivieren", + "Custom Chat Separator": "Benutzerdefinierter Chat-Trenner", + "Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "Makro in benutzerdefinierten Stoppzeichenfolgen ersetzen", + "Strip Example Messages from Prompt": "Beispielnachrichten aus der Eingabe entfernen", + "Story String": "Geschichtszeichenfolge", + "Example Separator": "Beispiel-Trennzeichen", + "Chat Start": "Chat-Start", + "Activation Regex": "Aktivierungsregex", + "Instruct Mode": "Anweisungsmodus", + "Wrap Sequences with Newline": "Sequenzen mit Zeilenumbruch umschließen", + "Include Names": "Namen einbeziehen", + "Force for Groups and Personas": "Erzwingen für Gruppen und Personen", + "System Prompt": "System-Prompt", + "Instruct Mode Sequences": "Anweisungsmodus-Sequenzen", + "Input Sequence": "Eingabesequenz", + "Output Sequence": "Ausgabesequenz", + "First Output Sequence": "Erste Ausgabesequenz", + "Last Output Sequence": "Letzte Ausgabesequenz", + "System Sequence Prefix": "Präfix der Systemsequenz", + "System Sequence Suffix": "Suffix der Systemsequenz", + "Stop Sequence": "Stoppsequenz", + "Context Formatting": "Kontextformatierung", + "(Saved to Context Template)": "(Gespeichert in Kontextvorlage)", + "Tokenizer": "Tokenizer", + "None / Estimated": "Keine / Geschätzt", + "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)": "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)", + "Token Padding": "Token-Auffüllung", + "Save preset as": "Voreinstellung speichern als", + "Always add character's name to prompt": "Füge immer den Namen des Charakters zur Eingabe hinzu", + "Use as Stop Strings": "Verwende als Stoppzeichenfolgen", + "Bind to Context": "An Kontext binden", + "Generate only one line per request": "Generiere nur eine Zeile pro Anfrage", + "Misc. Settings": "Sonstige Einstellungen", + "Auto-Continue": "Automatisch fortsetzen", + "Collapse Consecutive Newlines": "Aufeinanderfolgende neue Zeilen zusammenfalten", + "Allow for Chat Completion APIs": "Erlaube Chat-Vervollständigungs-APIs", + "Target length (tokens)": "Ziel-Länge (Tokens)", + "Keep Example Messages in Prompt": "Behalte Beispielnachrichten in der Eingabe", + "Remove Empty New Lines from Output": "Leere neue Zeilen aus der Ausgabe entfernen", + "Disabled for all models": "Deaktiviert für alle Modelle", + "Automatic (based on model name)": "Automatisch (basierend auf dem Modellnamen)", + "Enabled for all models": "Aktiviert für alle Modelle", + "Anchors Order": "Ankerreihenfolge", + "Character then Style": "Charakter dann Stil", + "Style then Character": "Stil dann Charakter", + "Character Anchor": "Charakter-Anker", + "Style Anchor": "Stil-Anker", + "World Info": "Weltinformation", + "Scan Depth": "Scan-Tiefe", + "Case-Sensitive": "Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten", + "Match Whole Words": "Ganze Wörter abgleichen", + "Use global setting": "Globale Einstellung verwenden", + "Yes": "Ja", + "No": "Nein", + "Context %": "Kontext %", + "Budget Cap": "Budgetgrenze", + "(0 = disabled)": "(0 = deaktiviert)", + "depth": "Tiefe", + "Token Budget": "Token-Budget", + "budget": "Budget", + "Recursive scanning": "Rekursives Scannen", + "None": "Keins", + "User Settings": "Benutzereinstellungen", + "UI Mode": "UI-Modus", + "UI Language": "UI-Sprache", + "MovingUI Preset": "MovingUI-Voreinstellung", + "UI Customization": "UI-Anpassung", + "Avatar Style": "Avatar-Stil", + "Circle": "Kreis", + "Rectangle": "Rechteck", + "Square": "Quadrat", + "Chat Style": "Chat-Stil", + "Default": "Standard", + "Bubbles": "Blasen", + "No Blur Effect": "Kein Unschärfeeffekt", + "No Text Shadows": "Keine Textschatten", + "Waifu Mode": "Waifu-Modus", + "Message Timer": "Nachrichten-Timer", + "Model Icon": "Modell-Icon", + "# of messages (0 = disabled)": "# von Nachrichten (0 = deaktiviert)", + "Advanced Character Search": "Erweiterte Charakter-Suche", + "Allow {{char}}: in bot messages": "Erlaube {{char}}: in Bot-Nachrichten", + "Allow {{user}}: in bot messages": "Erlaube {{user}}: in Bot-Nachrichten", + "Show tags in responses": "Tags in Antworten anzeigen", + "Aux List Field": "Hilfsfeld Liste", + "Lorebook Import Dialog": "Lorebook-Import-Dialog", + "MUI Preset": "MUI-Voreinstellung", + "If set in the advanced character definitions, this field will be displayed in the characters list.": "Wenn in den erweiterten Charakterdefinitionen festgelegt, wird dieses Feld in der Charakterliste angezeigt.", + "Relaxed API URLS": "Entspannte API-URLs", + "Custom CSS": "Benutzerdefiniertes CSS", + "Default (oobabooga)": "Standard (oobabooga)", + "Mancer Model": "Mancer-Modell", + "API Type": "API-Typ", + "Aphrodite API key": "Aphrodite API-Schlüssel", + "Relax message trim in Groups": "Nachrichtenbeschnitt in Gruppen entspannen", + "Characters Hotswap": "Charaktere Hotswap", + "Request token probabilities": "Token-Wahrscheinlichkeiten anfordern", + "Movable UI Panels": "Verschiebbare UI-Panel", + "Reset Panels": "Panel zurücksetzen", + "UI Colors": "UI-Farben", + "Main Text": "Haupttext", + "Italics Text": "Kursiver Text", + "Quote Text": "Zitattext", + "Shadow Color": "Schattenfarbe", + "FastUI BG": "Schnelles UI-HG", + "Blur Tint": "Unschärfe-Tönung", + "Font Scale": "Schriftskalierung", + "Blur Strength": "Unschärfestärke", + "Text Shadow Width": "Textschattenbreite", + "UI Theme Preset": "UI-Thema-Voreinstellung", + "Power User Options": "Power-Benutzer-Optionen", + "Swipes": "Wischgesten", + "Miscellaneous": "Verschiedenes", + "Theme Toggles": "Themenumschalter", + "Background Sound Only": "Nur Hintergrundgeräusch", + "Auto-load Last Chat": "Letzten Chat automatisch laden", + "Auto-save Message Edits": "Nachrichtenänderungen automatisch speichern", + "Auto-fix Markdown": "Markdown automatisch reparieren", + "Allow : in bot messages": "Doppelpunkt in Bot-Nachrichten erlauben", + "Auto-scroll Chat": "Chat automatisch scrollen", + "Render Formulas": "Formeln rendern", + "Send on Enter": "Mit Enter senden", + "Always disabled": "Immer deaktiviert", + "Automatic (desktop)": "Automatisch (Desktop)", + "Always enabled": "Immer aktiviert", + "Debug Menu": "Debug-Menü", + "Restore User Input": "Benutzereingabe wiederherstellen", + "Character Handling": "Charakterbehandlung", + "Example Messages Behavior": "Verhalten von Beispielnachrichten", + "Gradual push-out": "Allmähliches Herausschieben", + "Chat/Message Handling": "Chat-/Nachrichtenbehandlung", + "Always include examples": "Immer Beispiele einbeziehen", + "Never include examples": "Nie Beispiele einbeziehen", + "Forbid External Media": "Externe Medien verbieten", + "System Backgrounds": "Systemhintergründe", + "Name": "Name", + "Your Avatar": "Dein Avatar", + "Extensions API:": "Erweiterungen API:", + "SillyTavern-extras": "SillyTavern-Extras", + "Auto-connect": "Automatisch verbinden", + "Active extensions": "Aktive Erweiterungen", + "Extension settings": "Erweiterungseinstellungen", + "Description": "Beschreibung", + "First message": "Erste Nachricht", + "Group Controls": "Gruppensteuerung", + "Group reply strategy": "Strategie für Gruppenantworten", + "Natural order": "Natürliche Reihenfolge", + "List order": "Listenreihenfolge", + "Allow self responses": "Selbstantworten erlauben", + "Auto Mode": "Automatikmodus", + "Add Members": "Mitglieder hinzufügen", + "Current Members": "Aktuelle Mitglieder", + "text": "Text", + "Delete": "Löschen", + "Cancel": "Abbrechen", + "Advanced Defininitions": "Erweiterte Definitionen", + "Personality summary": "Persönlichkeitszusammenfassung", + "A brief description of the personality": "Eine kurze Beschreibung der Persönlichkeit", + "Scenario": "Szenario", + "Circumstances and context of the dialogue": "Umstände und Kontext des Dialogs", + "Talkativeness": "Gesprächigkeit", + "How often the chracter speaks in": "Wie oft der Charakter spricht in", + "group chats!": "Gruppenchats!", + "Shy": "Schüchtern", + "Normal": "Normal", + "Chatty": "Plaudernd", + "Examples of dialogue": "Beispiele für Dialog", + "Forms a personality more clearly": "Bildet eine Persönlichkeit klarer", + "Save": "Speichern", + "World Info Editor": "Weltinformations-Editor", + "New summary": "Neue Zusammenfassung", + "Export": "Exportieren", + "Delete World": "Welt löschen", + "Chat History": "Chat-Verlauf", + "Group Chat Scenario Override": "Gruppenchat-Szenarioüberschreibung", + "All group members will use the following scenario text instead of what is specified in their character cards.": "Alle Gruppenmitglieder verwenden den folgenden Szenariotext anstelle dessen, was in ihren Charakterkarten angegeben ist.", + "Keywords": "Schlüsselwörter", + "Separate with commas": "Mit Kommas trennen", + "Secondary Required Keywords": "Zusätzliche erforderliche Schlüsselwörter", + "Content": "Inhalt", + "What this keyword should mean to the AI": "Was dieses Schlüsselwort für die KI bedeuten sollte", + "Memo/Note": "Memo/Notiz", + "Not sent to AI": "Nicht an KI gesendet", + "Constant": "Konstant", + "Selective": "Selektiv", + "Before Char": "Vor Char", + "After Char": "Nach Char", + "Insertion Order": "Einfügereihenfolge", + "Tokens:": "Tokens:", + "Disable": "Deaktivieren", + "${characterName}": "${Charaktername}", + "CHAR": "CHAR", + "is typing": "schreibt gerade...", + "Back to parent chat": "Zurück zum übergeordneten Chat", + "Save bookmark": "Lesezeichen speichern", + "Convert to group": "In Gruppe umwandeln", + "Start new chat": "Neuen Chat starten", + "View past chats": "Vergangene Chats anzeigen", + "Delete messages": "Nachrichten löschen", + "Impersonate": "Imitieren", + "Regenerate": "Regenerieren", + "PNG": "PNG", + "JSON": "JSON", + "presets": "Voreinstellungen", + "Message Sound": "Nachrichtenklang", + "Author's Note": "Hinweis des Autors", + "Send Jailbreak": "Jailbreak senden", + "Replace empty message": "Leere Nachricht ersetzen", + "Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "Sende diesen Text, wenn das Textfeld leer ist, anstelle von nichts.", + "NSFW avoidance prompt": "NSFW-Vermeidungsaufforderung", + "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is off": "Aufforderung, die verwendet wird, wenn der NSFW-Schalter deaktiviert ist", + "Advanced prompt bits": "Erweiterte Aufforderungsteile", + "World Info format": "Weltinformationsformat", + "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt. Use {0} to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "Verpackt aktivierte Weltinformations-Einträge, bevor sie in die Aufforderung eingefügt werden. Verwende {0}, um einen Ort zu markieren, an dem der Inhalt eingefügt wird.", + "Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "Uneingeschränkter maximaler Wert für den Kontext-Schieberegler", + "Chat Completion Source": "Quelle für Chat-Vervollständigung", + "Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "Vermeide das Senden sensibler Informationen an die Horde.", + "Review the Privacy statement": "Überprüfe die Datenschutzerklärung", + "Learn how to contribute your idel GPU cycles to the Horde": "Erfahre, wie du deine ungenutzten GPU-Zyklen zur Horde beisteuern kannst", + "Trusted workers only": "Nur vertrauenswürdige Arbeiter", + "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "Aus Datenschutzgründen wird Ihr API-Schlüssel nach dem Neuladen der Seite verborgen.", + "-- Horde models not loaded --": "-- Horde-Modelle nicht geladen --", + "Example: ": "Beispiel:", + "No connection...": "Keine Verbindung...", + "Get your NovelAI API Key": "Hol dir deinen NovelAI API-Schlüssel", + "KoboldAI Horde": "KoboldAI Horde", + "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)": "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)", + "NovelAI": "NovelAI", + "Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)": "Chat-Vervollständigung (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)", + "OpenAI API key": "OpenAI API-Schlüssel", + "Trim spaces": "Leerzeichen entfernen", + "Trim Incomplete Sentences": "Unvollständige Sätze entfernen", + "Include Newline": "Zeilenumbruch einbeziehen", + "Non-markdown strings": "Nicht-Markdown-Strings", + "Replace Macro in Sequences": "Makro in Sequenzen ersetzen", + "Presets": "Voreinstellungen", + "Separator": "Trennzeichen", + "Start Reply With": "Antwort mit starten", + "Show reply prefix in chat": "Antwortpräfix im Chat anzeigen", + "Worlds/Lorebooks": "Welten/Lorebooks", + "Active World(s)": "Aktive Welt(en)", + "Activation Settings": "Aktivierungseinstellungen", + "Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "Strategie zur Charakter-Lore-Einfügung", + "Sorted Evenly": "Gleichmäßig sortiert", + "Active World(s) for all chats": "Aktive Welt(en) für alle Chats", + "-- World Info not found --": "-- Weltinformation nicht gefunden --", + "--- Pick to Edit ---": "--- Zum Bearbeiten auswählen ---", + "or": "oder", + "New": "Neu", + "Priority": "Priorität", + "Custom": "Benutzerdefiniert", + "Title A-Z": "Titel A-Z", + "Title Z-A": "Titel Z-A", + "Tokens ↗": "Token ↗", + "Tokens ↘": "Token ↘", + "Depth ↗": "Tiefe ↗", + "Depth ↘": "Tiefe ↘", + "Order ↗": "Reihenfolge ↗", + "Order ↘": "Reihenfolge ↘", + "UID ↗": "UID ↗", + "UID ↘": "UID ↘", + "Trigger% ↗": "Auslöser% ↗", + "Trigger% ↘": "Auslöser% ↘", + "Order:": "Reihenfolge:", + "Depth:": "Tiefe:", + "Character Lore First": "Charakter-Lore zuerst", + "Global Lore First": "Globale Lore zuerst", + "Recursive Scan": "Rekursive Suche", + "Case Sensitive": "Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten", + "Match whole words": "Ganze Wörter abgleichen", + "Alert On Overflow": "Warnung bei Überlauf", + "World/Lore Editor": "Welt-/Lore-Editor", + "--- None ---": "--- Keine ---", + "Comma separated (ignored if empty)": "Durch Komma getrennt (wird ignoriert, wenn leer)", + "Use Probability": "Wahrscheinlichkeit verwenden", + "Exclude from recursion": "Aus Rekursion ausschließen", + "Entry Title/Memo": "Eintragstitel/Memo", + "Position:": "Position:", + "T_Position": "↑Char: vor Charakterdefinitionen\n↓Char: nach Charakterdefinitionen\n↑AN: vor Anmerkungen des Autors\n↓AN: nach Anmerkungen des Autors\n@D: bei Tiefe", + "Before Char Defs": "Vor Charakterdefinitionen", + "After Char Defs": "Nach Charakterdefinitionen", + "Before AN": "Vor AN", + "After AN": "Nach AN", + "at Depth": "bei Tiefe", + "Order": "Reihenfolge:", + "Probability:": "Wahrscheinlichkeit:", + "Update a theme file": "Ein Theme-Datei aktualisieren", + "Save as a new theme": "Als neues Theme speichern", + "Minimum number of blacklisted words detected to trigger an auto-swipe": "Mindestanzahl von erkannten verbotenen Wörtern, um eine automatische Wischbewegung auszulösen", + "Delete Entry": "Eintrag löschen", + "User Message Blur Tint": "Benutzer-Nachrichten-Blur-Tönung", + "AI Message Blur Tint": "KI-Nachrichten-Blur-Tönung", + "Chat Backgrounds": "Chat-Hintergründe", + "Chat Background": "Chat-Hintergrund", + "UI Background": "UI-Hintergrund", + "Mad Lab Mode": "Verrückter Labor-Modus", + "Show Message Token Count": "Anzahl der Nachrichten-Token anzeigen", + "Compact Input Area (Mobile)": "Kompakter Eingabebereich (Mobil)", + "Zen Sliders": "Zen-Schieberegler", + "UI Border": "UI-Rand", + "Chat Style:": "Chat-Stil:", + "Chat Width (PC)": "Chat-Breite (PC)", + "Chat Timestamps": "Chat-Zeitstempel", + "Tags as Folders": "Tags als Ordner", + "Chat Truncation": "Chat-Abschneidung", + "(0 = unlimited)": "(0 = unbegrenzt)", + "Streaming FPS": "Streaming FPS", + "Gestures": "Gesten", + "Message IDs": "Nachrichten-IDs", + "Prefer Character Card Prompt": "Bevorzuge Charakterkarten-Prompt", + "Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "Bevorzuge Charakterkarten-Jailbreak", + "Press Send to continue": "Drücke Senden, um fortzufahren", + "Quick 'Continue' button": "Schnelle 'Weiter'-Schaltfläche", + "Log prompts to console": "Protokolliere Aufforderungen in die Konsole", + "Never resize avatars": "Avatare niemals verkleinern", + "Show avatar filenames": "Avatar-Dateinamen anzeigen", + "Import Card Tags": "Karten-Tags importieren", + "Confirm message deletion": "Löschung der Nachricht bestätigen", + "Spoiler Free Mode": "Spoilerfreier Modus", + "Auto-swipe": "Automatisches Wischen", + "Minimum generated message length": "Minimale generierte Nachrichtenlänge", + "Blacklisted words": "Verbotene Wörter", + "Blacklisted word count to swipe": "Anzahl der verbotenen Wörter, um zu wischen", + "Reload Chat": "Chat neu laden", + "Search Settings": "Sucheinstellungen", + "Disabled": "Deaktiviert", + "Automatic (PC)": "Automatisch (PC)", + "Enabled": "Aktiviert", + "Simple": "Einfach", + "Advanced": "Fortgeschritten", + "Disables animations and transitions": "Deaktiviert Animationen und Übergänge", + "removes blur from window backgrounds": "Entfernt Unschärfe von Fensterhintergründen", + "Remove text shadow effect": "Entferne den Textschatten-Effekt", + "Reduce chat height, and put a static sprite behind the chat window": "Verringere die Chat-Höhe und setze einen statischen Sprite hinter das Chat-Fenster", + "Always show the full list of the Message Actions context items for chat messages, instead of hiding them behind '...'": "Zeige immer die vollständige Liste der Nachrichtenaktionen-Kontextelemente für Chat-Nachrichten an, anstatt sie hinter '...' zu verstecken", + "Alternative UI for numeric sampling parameters with fewer steps": "Alternative UI für numerische Probenparameter mit weniger Schritten", + "Entirely unrestrict all numeric sampling parameters": "Völlig alle numerischen Probenparameter freigeben", + "Time the AI's message generation, and show the duration in the chat log": "Zeit die Nachrichtengenerierung des KI und zeige die Dauer im Chat-Log", + "Show a timestamp for each message in the chat log": "Zeige einen Zeitstempel für jede Nachricht im Chat-Log", + "Show an icon for the API that generated the message": "Zeige ein Symbol für die API, die die Nachricht generiert hat", + "Show sequential message numbers in the chat log": "Zeige aufeinanderfolgende Nachrichtennummern im Chat-Log", + "Show the number of tokens in each message in the chat log": "Zeige die Anzahl der Tokens in jeder Nachricht im Chat-Log", + "Single-row message input area. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "Einzeln Zeile Nachrichteneingabebereich. Nur auf Mobilgeräten, keine Auswirkungen auf PC", + "In the Character Management panel, show quick selection buttons for favorited characters": "Zeige im Charakter-Management-Panel Schnellauswahlknöpfe für favorisierte Charaktere", + "Show tagged character folders in the character list": "Zeige markierte Charakterordner in der Charakterliste", + "Play a sound when a message generation finishes": "Spiele einen Ton, wenn die Nachrichtengenerierung abgeschlossen ist", + "Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused": "Spiele nur einen Ton, wenn der Browser-Tab von ST nicht im Fokus ist", + "Reduce the formatting requirements on API URLs": "Reduziere die Formatierungsanforderungen für API-URLs", + "Ask to import the World Info/Lorebook for every new character with embedded lorebook. If unchecked, a brief message will be shown instead": "Frage nach dem Importieren von Weltinfos/Lorebooks für jeden neuen Charakter mit eingebettetem Lorebook. Wenn nicht ausgewählt, wird stattdessen eine kurze Nachricht angezeigt", + "Restore unsaved user input on page refresh": "Stelle nicht gespeicherte Benutzereingaben beim Aktualisieren der Seite wieder her", + "Allow repositioning certain UI elements by dragging them. PC only, no effect on mobile": "Ermögliche das Neupositionieren bestimmter UI-Elemente durch Ziehen. Nur auf dem PC, keine Auswirkungen auf Mobilgeräte", + "MovingUI preset. Predefined/saved draggable positions": "MovingUI-Voreinstellung. Vordefinierte/gespeicherte verschiebbare Positionen", + "Save movingUI changes to a new file": "Speichere MovingUI-Änderungen in einer neuen Datei", + "Apply a custom CSS style to all of the ST GUI": "Wende einen benutzerdefinierten CSS-Stil auf die gesamte ST-Benutzeroberfläche an", + "Use fuzzy matching, and search characters in the list by all data fields, not just by a name substring": "Verwende Fuzzy-Matching und suche Charaktere in der Liste nach allen Datenfeldern, nicht nur nach einem Namens-Substring", + "If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead": "Wenn aktiviert und die Charakterkarte eine Prompt-Überschreibung enthält (System-Prompt), verwende stattdessen diese", + "If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead": "Wenn aktiviert und die Charakterkarte eine Jailbreak-Überschreibung enthält (Post-History-Instruction), verwende stattdessen diese", + "Avoid cropping and resizing imported character images. When off, crop/resize to 400x600": "Vermeide das Beschneiden und Ändern der Größe importierter Charakterbilder. Wenn deaktiviert, beschneide/ändere die Größe auf 400x600", + "Show actual file names on the disk, in the characters list display only": "Zeige tatsächliche Dateinamen auf der Festplatte, nur in der Anzeige der Charakterliste", + "Prompt to import embedded card tags on character import. Otherwise embedded tags are ignored": "Aufforderung zum Importieren eingebetteter Karten-Tags beim Importieren von Charakteren. Andernfalls werden eingebettete Tags ignoriert", + "Hide character definitions from the editor panel behind a spoiler button": "Verstecke Charakterdefinitionen im Editor-Panel hinter einem Spoiler-Button", + "Show a button in the input area to ask the AI to continue (extend) its last message": "Zeige einen Button im Eingabebereich, um die KI zu bitten, ihre letzte Nachricht fortzusetzen (zu erweitern)", + "Show arrow buttons on the last in-chat message to generate alternative AI responses. Both PC and mobile": "Zeige Pfeilbuttons auf der letzten In-Chat-Nachricht, um alternative KI-Antworten zu generieren. Sowohl auf PC als auch auf Mobilgeräten", + "Allow using swiping gestures on the last in-chat message to trigger swipe generation. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "Ermögliche das Verwenden von Wischgesten auf der letzten In-Chat-Nachricht, um die Wischgenerierung auszulösen. Nur auf Mobilgeräten, keine Auswirkungen auf PCs", + "Save edits to messages without confirmation as you type": "Speichere Änderungen an Nachrichten ohne Bestätigung während du tippst", + "Render LaTeX and AsciiMath equation notation in chat messages. Powered by KaTeX": "Rendere LaTeX- und AsciiMath-Gleichungsnotation in Chat-Nachrichten. Unterstützt von KaTeX", + "Disalow embedded media from other domains in chat messages": "Eingebettete Medien von anderen Domains in Chat-Nachrichten nicht zulassen", + "Skip encoding and characters in message text, allowing a subset of HTML markup as well as Markdown": "Überspringe die Codierung von und Zeichen im Nachrichtentext, was eine Teilmenge von HTML-Markup sowie Markdown zulässt", + "Allow AI messages in groups to contain lines spoken by other group members": "Ermögliche es AI-Nachrichten in Gruppen, Zeilen zu enthalten, die von anderen Gruppenmitgliedern gesprochen wurden", + "Requests logprobs from the API for the Token Probabilities feature": "Fordert Logprobs von der API für die Funktion Token-Wahrscheinlichkeiten an", + "Automatically reject and re-generate AI message based on configurable criteria": "Automatisch AI-Nachricht ablehnen und basierend auf konfigurierbaren Kriterien erneut generieren", + "Enable the auto-swipe function. Settings in this section only have an effect when auto-swipe is enabled": "Aktiviere die Auto-Wisch-Funktion. Einstellungen in diesem Abschnitt haben nur dann Auswirkungen, wenn das automatische Wischen aktiviert ist", + "If the generated message is shorter than this, trigger an auto-swipe": "Wenn die generierte Nachricht kürzer ist als diese, löse automatisches Wischen aus", + "Reload and redraw the currently open chat": "Lade den aktuell geöffneten Chat neu und zeichne ihn neu", + "Auto-Expand Message Actions": "Automatische Erweiterung von Nachrichtenaktionen", + "Not Connected": "Nicht Verbunden", + "Persona Management": "Persönlichkeitsverwaltung", + "Persona Description": "Persönlichkeitsbeschreibung", + "Your Persona": "Deine Persönlichkeit", + "Show notifications on switching personas": "Benachrichtigungen beim Wechseln von Persönlichkeiten anzeigen", + "Blank": "Leer", + "In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "In Story-String / Chat-Vervollständigung: Vor Charakterkarte", + "In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "In Story-String / Chat-Vervollständigung: Nach Charakterkarte", + "In Story String / Prompt Manager": "In Story-String / Prompt-Manager", + "Top of Author's Note": "Oberteil der Autorennotiz", + "Bottom of Author's Note": "Unterteil der Autorennotiz", + "How do I use this?": "Wie benutze ich das?", + "More...": "Mehr...", + "Link to World Info": "Link zur Weltinfo", + "Import Card Lore": "Karten-Lore importieren", + "Scenario Override": "Szenarioüberschreibung", + "Rename": "Umbenennen", + "Character Description": "Charakterbeschreibung", + "Creator's Notes": "Schöpfernotizen", + "A-Z": "A-Z", + "Z-A": "Z-A", + "Newest": "Neueste", + "Oldest": "Älteste", + "Favorites": "Favoriten", + "Recent": "Neu", + "Most chats": "Meiste Chats", + "Least chats": "Wenigste Chats", + "Back": "Zurück", + "Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct mode)": "Einstellungen überschreiben (Für OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter und Anweisungsmodus)", + "Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": "Füge {{original}} in eines der Felder ein, um den jeweiligen Standardprompt aus den Systemeinstellungen einzuschließen.", + "Main Prompt": "Haupt-Prompt", + "Jailbreak": "Ausbruch", + "Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "Metadaten des Erstellers (Nicht mit dem KI-Prompt gesendet)", + "Everything here is optional": "Alles hier ist optional", + "Created by": "Erstellt von", + "Character Version": "Charakterversion", + "Tags to Embed": "Tags zum Einbetten", + "How often the character speaks in group chats!": "Wie oft der Charakter in Gruppenchats spricht!", + "Important to set the character's writing style.": "Wichtig, den Schreibstil des Charakters festzulegen.", + "ATTENTION!": "ACHTUNG!", + "Samplers Order": "Sampler-Reihenfolge", + "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "Sampler werden in einer Top-Down-Reihenfolge angewendet. Benutzen Sie es mit Vorsicht.", + "Repetition Penalty": "Wiederholungsstrafe", + "Rep. Pen. Range.": "Wiederh. Strafe Bereich.", + "Rep. Pen. Freq.": "Wiederh. Strafe Häufigkeit.", + "Rep. Pen. Presence": "Wiederh. Strafe Anwesenheit", + "Enter it in the box below:": "Gib es unten im Kästchen ein:", + "separate with commas w/o space between": "getrennt durch Kommas ohne Leerzeichen dazwischen", + "Document": "Dokument", + "Suggest replies": "Antworten vorschlagen", + "Show suggested replies. Not all bots support this.": "Zeige vorgeschlagene Antworten. Nicht alle Bots unterstützen dies.", + "Use 'Unlocked Context' to enable chunked generation.": "Verwende 'Nicht verriegelter Kontext', um eine gestückelte Generierung zu ermöglichen.", + "It extends the context window in exchange for reply generation speed.": "Es erweitert das Kontextfenster im Austausch gegen die Geschwindigkeit der Antwortgenerierung.", + "Continue": "Weiter", + "CFG Scale": "CFG-Skala", + "Editing:": "Bearbeiten:", + "AI reply prefix": "KI-Antwortpräfix", + "Custom Stopping Strings": "Benutzerdefinierte Stoppzeichenfolgen", + "JSON serialized array of strings": "JSON serialisierte Reihe von Zeichenfolgen", + "words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "Wörter, die du nicht generiert haben möchtest, durch Komma ',' getrennt", + "Extensions URL": "Erweiterungen URL", + "API Key": "API-Schlüssel", + "Enter your name": "Gib deinen Namen ein", + "Name this character": "Gib diesem Charakter einen Namen", + "Search / Create Tags": "Tags suchen/erstellen", + "Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "Beschreibe hier die physischen und mentalen Eigenschaften deines Charakters.", + "This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "Dies wird die erste Nachricht des Charakters sein, die jeden Chat startet.", + "Chat Name (Optional)": "Chatname (optional)", + "Filter...": "Filtern...", + "Search...": "Suchen...", + "Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "Alle Inhalte hier ersetzen den Standard-Haupt-Prompt, der für diesen Charakter verwendet wird. (v2 Spezifikation: system_prompt)", + "Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "Alle Inhalte hier ersetzen den standardmäßigen Jailbreak-Prompt, der für diesen Charakter verwendet wird. (v2 Spezifikation: post_history_instructions)", + "(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "(Name des Bot-Erstellers / Kontaktinformationen)", + "(If you want to track character versions)": "(Wenn du Charakterversionen verfolgen möchtest)", + "(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "(Beschreibe den Bot, gib Tipps zur Verwendung oder liste die Chatmodelle auf, auf denen er getestet wurde. Dies wird in der Charakterliste angezeigt.)", + "(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "(Schreibe eine kommagetrennte Liste von Tags)", + "(A brief description of the personality)": "(Eine kurze Beschreibung der Persönlichkeit)", + "(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "(Umstände und Kontext der Interaktion)", + "(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "(Beispiele für Chatdialoge. Beginne jedes Beispiel mit START in einer neuen Zeile.)", + "Injection text (supports parameters)": "Injektionstext (unterstützt Parameter)", + "Injection depth": "Injektionstiefe", + "Type here...": "Tippe hier...", + "Comma separated (required)": "Komma getrennt (erforderlich)", + "What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "Was dieses Schlüsselwort für die KI bedeuten soll, wörtlich gesendet", + "Filter to Character(s)": "Filtern auf Charakter(e)", + "Character Exclusion": "Charakterausschluss", + "Inclusion Group": "Einschlussgruppe", + "Only one entry with the same label will be activated": "Nur ein Eintrag mit demselben Label wird aktiviert", + "-- Characters not found --": "-- Charaktere nicht gefunden --", + "Not sent to the AI": "Nicht an die KI gesendet", + "(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "(Dies wird die erste Nachricht des Charakters sein, die jeden Chat startet)", + "Not connected to API!": "Nicht mit der API verbunden!", + "AI Response Configuration": "KI-Antwortkonfiguration", + "AI Configuration panel will stay open": "Das KI-Konfigurationsfeld bleibt geöffnet", + "Update current preset": "Aktuelles Voreinstellung aktualisieren", + "Create new preset": "Neue Voreinstellung erstellen", + "Import preset": "Voreinstellung importieren", + "Export preset": "Voreinstellung exportieren", + "Delete the preset": "Die Voreinstellung löschen", + "Auto-select this preset for Instruct Mode": "Diese Voreinstellung automatisch für den Anweisungsmodus auswählen", + "Auto-select this preset on API connection": "Diese Voreinstellung automatisch bei API-Verbindung auswählen", + "NSFW block goes first in the resulting prompt": "NSFW-Block steht zuerst im resultierenden Prompt", + "Enables OpenAI completion streaming": "Aktiviert OpenAI-Vervollständigungsstreaming", + "Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "Umschließt Benutzerbotschaften vor dem Senden mit Anführungszeichen", + "Restore default prompt": "Standardprompt wiederherstellen", + "New preset": "Neue Voreinstellung", + "Delete preset": "Voreinstellung löschen", + "Restore default jailbreak": "Standard-Jailbreak wiederherstellen", + "Restore default reply": "Standardantwort wiederherstellen", + "Restore default note": "Standardnotiz wiederherstellen", + "API Connections": "API-Verbindungen", + "Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "Kann bei schlechten Antworten helfen, indem nur die genehmigten Arbeiter in die Warteschlange gestellt werden. Kann die Reaktionszeit verlangsamen.", + "Clear your API key": "Lösche deinen API-Schlüssel", + "Refresh models": "Modelle aktualisieren", + "Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to openrouter.ai": "Hole dein OpenRouter-API-Token mit OAuth-Fluss. Du wirst zu openrouter.ai weitergeleitet", + "Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "Überprüft deine API-Verbindung durch Senden einer kurzen Testnachricht. Sei dir bewusst, dass du dafür gutgeschrieben wirst!", + "Create New": "Neu erstellen", + "Edit": "Bearbeiten", + "Locked = World Editor will stay open": "Verriegelt = Welt-Editor bleibt geöffnet", + "Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "Einträge können andere Einträge aktivieren, indem sie ihre Schlüsselwörter erwähnen", + "Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "Die Suche nach den Eintragsschlüsseln im Kontext wird die Groß- und Kleinschreibung berücksichtigen", + "If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "Wenn der Eintragsschlüssel nur aus einem Wort besteht, wird er nicht als Teil anderer Wörter abgeglichen", + "Open all Entries": "Alle Einträge öffnen", + "Close all Entries": "Alle Einträge schließen", + "Create": "Erstellen", + "Import World Info": "Weltinfo importieren", + "Export World Info": "Weltinfo exportieren", + "Delete World Info": "Weltinfo löschen", + "Duplicate World Info": "Weltinfo duplizieren", + "Rename World Info": "Weltinfo umbenennen", + "Refresh": "Aktualisieren", + "Primary Keywords": "Primäre Schlüsselwörter", + "Logic": "Logik", + "AND ANY": "UND JEDE", + "AND ALL": "UND ALLES", + "NOT ALL": "NICHT ALLES", + "NOT ANY": "NICHT JEDE", + "Optional Filter": "Optionaler Filter", + "New Entry": "Neuer Eintrag", + "Fill empty Memo/Titles with Keywords": "Leere Memo/Titel mit Schlüsselwörtern füllen", + "Save changes to a new theme file": "Änderungen in einer neuen Themendatei speichern", + "removes blur and uses alternative background color for divs": "entfernt Unschärfe und verwendet alternative Hintergrundfarbe für divs", + "AI Response Formatting": "KI-Antwortformatierung", + "Change Background Image": "Hintergrundbild ändern", + "Extensions": "Erweiterungen", + "Click to set a new User Name": "Klicke, um einen neuen Benutzernamen festzulegen", + "Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "Klicke, um deine ausgewählte Persona für den aktuellen Chat zu sperren. Klicke erneut, um die Sperre zu entfernen.", + "Click to set user name for all messages": "Klicke, um für alle Nachrichten einen Benutzernamen festzulegen", + "Create a dummy persona": "Erstelle eine Dummy-Persona", + "Character Management": "Charakterverwaltung", + "Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "Verriegelt = Charakterverwaltungsfeld bleibt geöffnet", + "Select/Create Characters": "Charaktere auswählen/erstellen", + "Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "Token-Zählungen können ungenau sein und dienen nur zur Referenz.", + "Click to select a new avatar for this character": "Klicke, um einen neuen Avatar für diesen Charakter auszuwählen", + "Example: [{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]": "Beispiel: [{{user}} ist ein 28-jähriges rumänisches Katzenmädchen.]", + "Toggle grid view": "Rasteransicht umschalten", + "Add to Favorites": "Zu Favoriten hinzufügen", + "Advanced Definition": "Erweiterte Definition", + "Character Lore": "Charakterhintergrund", + "Export and Download": "Exportieren und Herunterladen", + "Duplicate Character": "Charakter duplizieren", + "Create Character": "Charakter erstellen", + "Delete Character": "Charakter löschen", + "View all tags": "Alle Tags anzeigen", + "Click to set additional greeting messages": "Klicke, um zusätzliche Begrüßungsnachrichten festzulegen", + "Show / Hide Description and First Message": "Beschreibung und erste Nachricht anzeigen/verbergen", + "Click to select a new avatar for this group": "Klicke, um einen neuen Avatar für diese Gruppe auszuwählen", + "Set a group chat scenario": "Setze ein Gruppenchat-Szenario", + "Restore collage avatar": "Collage-Avatar wiederherstellen", + "Create New Character": "Neuen Charakter erstellen", + "Import Character from File": "Charakter aus Datei importieren", + "Import content from external URL": "Inhalt von externer URL importieren", + "Create New Chat Group": "Neue Chatgruppe erstellen", + "Characters sorting order": "Sortierreihenfolge der Charaktere", + "Add chat injection": "Chat-Injektion hinzufügen", + "Remove injection": "Injektion entfernen", + "Remove": "Entfernen", + "Select a World Info file for": "Wähle eine Weltinfo-Datei für", + "Primary Lorebook": "Primäres Geschichtenbuch", + "A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "Eine ausgewählte Weltinfo wird diesem Charakter als sein eigenes Geschichtenbuch zugeordnet.", + "When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "Beim Generieren einer KI-Antwort wird sie mit den Einträgen aus einem globalen Weltinfo-Selektor kombiniert.", + "Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": "Beim Exportieren eines Charakters wird auch die ausgewählte Geschichtenbuchdatei in den JSON-Daten exportiert.", + "Additional Lorebooks": "Zusätzliche Geschichtenbücher", + "Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.": "Verknüpfe ein oder mehrere zusätzliche Geschichtenbücher mit diesem Charakter.", + "NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!": "ACHTUNG: Diese Entscheidungen sind optional und werden beim Export des Charakters nicht beibehalten!", + "Rename chat file": "Chatdatei umbenennen", + "Export JSONL chat file": "JSONL-Chatdatei exportieren", + "Download chat as plain text document": "Chat als einfaches Textdokument herunterladen", + "Delete chat file": "Chatdatei löschen", + "Delete tag": "Tag löschen", + "Translate message": "Nachricht übersetzen", + "Generate Image": "Bild generieren", + "Narrate": "Erzählen", + "Prompt": "Aufforderung", + "Create Bookmark": "Lesezeichen erstellen", + "Copy": "Kopieren", + "Open bookmark chat": "Lesezeichen-Chat öffnen", + "Confirm": "Bestätigen", + "Copy this message": "Diese Nachricht kopieren", + "Delete this message": "Diese Nachricht löschen", + "Move message up": "Nachricht nach oben verschieben", + "Move message down": "Nachricht nach unten verschieben", + "Enlarge": "Vergrößern", + "Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character": "Automatische Antworten dieses Charakters vorübergehend deaktivieren", + "Enable automatic replies from this character": "Automatische Antworten dieses Charakters aktivieren", + "Trigger a message from this character": "Eine Nachricht von diesem Charakter auslösen", + "Move up": "Nach oben verschieben", + "Move down": "Nach unten verschieben", + "View character card": "Charakterkarte anzeigen", + "Remove from group": "Aus Gruppe entfernen", + "Add to group": "Zur Gruppe hinzufügen", + "Add": "Hinzufügen", + "Abort request": "Anfrage abbrechen", + "Send a message": "Eine Nachricht senden", + "Ask AI to write your message for you": "Bitten Sie die KI, Ihre Nachricht für Sie zu schreiben", + "Continue the last message": "Mit der letzten Nachricht fortfahren", + "Bind user name to that avatar": "Benutzernamen an diesen Avatar binden", + "Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "Dies als Standard-Persona für die neuen Chats auswählen.", + "Change persona image": "Personenbild ändern", + "Delete persona": "Persona löschen", + "Reduced Motion": "Verringerte Bewegung", + "Auto-select": "Automatische Auswahl", + "Automatically select a background based on the chat context": "Automatisch einen Hintergrund basierend auf dem Chatkontext auswählen", + "Filter": "Filter", + "Exclude message from prompts": "Nachricht von Aufforderungen ausschließen", + "Include message in prompts": "Nachricht in Aufforderungen einschließen", + "Create checkpoint": "Checkpoint erstellen", + "Create Branch": "Zweig erstellen", + "Embed file or image": "Datei oder Bild einbetten", + "UI Theme": "UI-Thema", + "This message is invisible for the AI": "Diese Nachricht ist für die KI unsichtbar", + "Sampler Priority": "Sampler-Priorität", + "Ooba only. Determines the order of samplers.": "Nur Ooba. Bestimmt die Reihenfolge der Sampler.", + "Load default order": "Standardreihenfolge laden", + "Max Tokens Second": "Maximale Tokens pro Sekunde", + "CFG": "CFG", + "No items": "Keine Artikel", + "Extras API key (optional)": "Zusätzlicher API-Schlüssel (optional)", + "Notify on extension updates": "Benachrichtigen bei Erweiterungsaktualisierungen", + "Toggle character grid view": "Rasteransicht des Charakters umschalten", + "Bulk edit characters": "Massenbearbeitung von Charakteren", + "Bulk delete characters": "Massenlöschung von Charakteren", + "Favorite characters to add them to HotSwaps": "Favoritencharaktere hinzufügen, um sie zu HotSwaps hinzuzufügen", + "Underlined Text": "Unterstrichener Text", + "Token Probabilities": "Token-Wahrscheinlichkeiten", + "Close chat": "Chat schließen", + "Manage chat files": "Chatdateien verwalten", + "Import Extension From Git Repo": "Erweiterung aus Git-Repository importieren", + "Install extension": "Erweiterung installieren", + "Manage extensions": "Erweiterungen verwalten", + "Tokens persona description": "Beschreibung der Tokens-Persona", + "Most tokens": "Die meisten Tokens", + "Least tokens": "Die wenigsten Tokens", + "Random": "Zufällig", + "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "Formatierung der Beispiel-Dialoge überspringen", + "Import a theme file": "Ein Design-Datei importieren", + "Export a theme file": "Ein Design-Datei exportieren", + "Unlocked Context Size": "Entsperrte Kontextgröße", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "Zeige die Antwort Stück für Stück, während sie generiert wird.", + "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "Wenn dies ausgeschaltet ist, werden Antworten angezeigt, sobald sie vollständig sind.", + "Quick Prompts Edit": "Schnelle Aufforderungen bearbeiten", + "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "OpenAI-Vervollständigungsstreaming aktivieren", + "Main": "Haupt", + "Utility Prompts": "Hilfs-Prompts", + "Add character names": "Charakternamen hinzufügen", + "Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "Namen in den Nachrichtenobjekten senden. Hilft dem Modell, Nachrichten mit Charakteren zu verknüpfen.", + "Continue prefill": "Mit dem Vorausfüllen fortfahren", + "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "Mit dem Fortfahren wird die letzte Nachricht als Assistenzrolle gesendet, anstatt als Systemnachricht mit Anweisungen.", + "Squash system messages": "Systemnachrichten zusammenfassen", + "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "Kombiniert aufeinanderfolgende Systemnachrichten zu einer (ausschließlich Beispiel-Dialoge ausgeschlossen). Kann die Kohärenz für einige Modelle verbessern.", + "Send inline images": "Inline-Bilder senden", + "Assistant Prefill": "Assistenten-Vorausfüllung", + "Start Claude's answer with...": "Beginne Claudes Antwort mit...", + "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "Systemprompt verwenden (nur Claude 2.1+)", + "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "Senden Sie die Systemaufforderung für unterstützte Modelle. Wenn deaktiviert, wird die Benutzernachricht am Anfang der Aufforderung hinzugefügt.", + "Prompts": "Aufforderungen", + "Total Tokens:": "Gesamt-Token:", + "Insert prompt": "Aufforderung einfügen", + "Delete prompt": "Aufforderung löschen", + "Import a prompt list": "Eine Aufforderungsliste importieren", + "Export this prompt list": "Diese Aufforderungsliste exportieren", + "Reset current character": "Aktuellen Charakter zurücksetzen", + "New prompt": "Neue Aufforderung", + "Tokens": "Tokens", + "Want to update?": "Möchten Sie aktualisieren?", + "How to start chatting?": "Wie fange ich an zu chatten?", + "Click": "Klicken", + "and select a": "und wähle eine", + "Chat API": "Chat-API", + "and pick a character": "und wähle einen Charakter", + "in the chat bar": "in der Chatleiste", + "Confused or lost?": "Verwirrt oder verloren?", + "click these icons!": "klicke auf diese Symbole!", + "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "SillyTavern-Dokumentationsseite", + "Extras Installation Guide": "Zusätzlicher Installationsleitfaden", + "Still have questions?": "Hast du immer noch Fragen?", + "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "Trete dem SillyTavern Discord bei", + "Post a GitHub issue": "Veröffentliche ein GitHub-Problem", + "Contact the developers": "Kontaktiere die Entwickler", + "Nucleus Sampling": "Nukleus-Beprobung", + "Typical P": "Typisch P", + "Top K Sampling": "Top K-Beprobung", + "Top A Sampling": "Top A-Beprobung", + "Off": "Aus", + "Very light": "Sehr leicht", + "Light": "Leicht", + "Medium": "Mittel", + "Aggressive": "Aggressiv", + "Very aggressive": "Sehr aggressiv", + "Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique. In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3. Set to 0 to disable. See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "Eta-Cutoff ist der Hauptparameter der speziellen Eta-Beprobungstechnik. In Einheiten von 1e-4; ein vernünftiger Wert ist 3. Auf 0 setzen, um zu deaktivieren. Siehe das Paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing von Hewitt et al. (2022) für Details.", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre ungenutzten GPU-Zyklen zum Horde beitragen können", + "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "Verwenden Sie den geeigneten Tokenizer für Google-Modelle über deren API. Langsamere Prompt-Verarbeitung, bietet jedoch eine viel genauere Token-Zählung.", + "Load koboldcpp order": "Laden Sie die Reihenfolge von koboldcpp", + "Use Google Tokenizer": "Google-Tokenizer verwenden" + + + + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/locales/es-es.json b/public/locales/es-es.json index 0c2bd40be..c16ba2902 100644 --- a/public/locales/es-es.json +++ b/public/locales/es-es.json @@ -1,164 +1,920 @@ { - "UI Language": "Idioma de la interfaz", - "clickslidertips": "Haz click en el número al lado de la barra \npara seleccionar un número manualmente.", - "kobldpresets": "Configuraciones de KoboldAI", - "guikoboldaisettings": "Configuración actual de la interfaz de KoboldAI", - "novelaipreserts": "Configuraciones de NovelAI", + "clickslidertips": "Haz clic para introducir valores manualmente.", + "kobldpresets": "Preajustes de Kobold", + "guikoboldaisettings": "Ajustes de interfaz de KoboldAI", + "novelaipreserts": "Preajustes de NovelAI", "default": "Predeterminado", - "openaipresets": "Configuraciones de OpenAI", - "text gen webio(ooba) presets": "Configuraciones de WebUI(ooba)", - "response legth(tokens)": "Largo de la respuesta de la IA (en Tokens)", + "openaipresets": "Preajustes de OpenAI", + "text gen webio(ooba) presets": "Preajustes de generación de texto WebUI(ooba)", + "response legth(tokens)": "Longitud de respuesta (tokens)", "select": "Seleccionar", - "context size(tokens)": "Tamaño del contexto (en Tokens)", + "context size(tokens)": "Tamaño de contexto (tokens)", "unlocked": "Desbloqueado", - "Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "Solo algunos modelos tienen soporte para tamaños de más de 4096 tokens. Procede solo si sabes lo que estás haciendo.", - "rep.pen": "Rep. Pen.", - "rep.pen range": "Rango de Rep. Pen.", - "temperature": "Temperature", - "Encoder Rep. Pen.": "Encoder Rep. Pen.", - "No Repeat Ngram Size": "No Repeat Ngram Size", - "Min Length": "Largo mínimo", - "OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "Reverse Proxy de OpenAI", - "Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "URL del server alternativo (deja vacío para usar el predeterminado)", - "Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "Borra tu clave(API) real de OpenAI ANTES de escribir nada en este campo.", - "We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "SillyTaven no puede dar soporte por problemas encontrados durante el uso de un proxy no-oficial de OpenAI", - "Legacy Streaming Processing": "Processo Streaming Legacy", - "Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "Habilita esta opción si el \"streaming\" no está funcionando.", - "Context Size (tokens)": "Tamaño del contexto (en Tokens)", - "Max Response Length (tokens)": "Tamaño máximo (en Tokens)", - "Temperature": "Temperatura", - "Frequency Penalty": "Frequency Penalty", - "Presence Penalty": "Presence Penalty", + "Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "Solo algunos modelos admiten tamaños de contexto mayores de 4096 tokens. Aumenta solo si sabes lo que estás haciendo.", + "rep.pen": "Penalización de repetición", + "WI Entry Status:🔵 Constant🟢 Normal❌ Disabled": "Estado de entrada de WI:🔵 Constante🟢 Normal❌ Desactivado", + "rep.pen range": "Rango de penalización de repetición", + "Temperature controls the randomness in token selection": "La temperatura controla la aleatoriedad en la selección de tokens", + "temperature": "Temperatura", + "Top K sets a maximum amount of top tokens that can be chosen from": "Top K establece una cantidad máxima de tokens principales que se pueden elegir", + "Top P (a.k.a. nucleus sampling)": "Top P (también conocido como muestreo de núcleo)", + "Typical P Sampling prioritizes tokens based on their deviation from the average entropy of the set": "El muestreo P típico prioriza tokens según su desviación de la entropía promedio del conjunto", + "Min P sets a base minimum probability": "Min P establece una probabilidad mínima base", + "Top A sets a threshold for token selection based on the square of the highest token probability": "Top A establece un umbral para la selección de tokens basado en el cuadrado de la probabilidad de token más alta", + "Tail-Free Sampling (TFS)": "Muestreo sin cola (TFS)", + "Epsilon cutoff sets a probability floor below which tokens are excluded from being sampled": "El corte epsilon establece un límite de probabilidad por debajo del cual se excluyen los tokens de ser muestreados", + "Scale Temperature dynamically per token, based on the variation of probabilities": "Escalas de temperatura dinámicamente por token, basado en la variación de probabilidades", + "Minimum Temp": "Temperatura mínima", + "Maximum Temp": "Temperatura máxima", + "Exponent": "Exponente", + "Mirostat Mode": "Modo de Mirostat", + "Mirostat Tau": "Tau de Mirostat", + "Mirostat Eta": "Eta de Mirostat", + "Variability parameter for Mirostat outputs": "Parámetro de variabilidad para las salidas de Mirostat", + "Learning rate of Mirostat": "Tasa de aprendizaje de Mirostat", + "Strength of the Contrastive Search regularization term. Set to 0 to disable CS": "Fuerza del término de regularización de la Búsqueda Contrastiva. Establece en 0 para deshabilitar CS.", + "Temperature Last": "Última temperatura", + "Use the temperature sampler last": "Usar el muestreador de temperatura al final", + "LLaMA / Mistral / Yi models only": "Solo modelos LLaMA / Mistral / Yi", + "Example: some text [42, 69, 1337]": "Ejemplo: algún texto [42, 69, 1337]", + "Classifier Free Guidance. More helpful tip coming soon": "Guía libre de clasificadores. Pronto llegará un consejo más útil", + "Scale": "Escala", + "GBNF Grammar": "Gramática GBNF", + "Usage Stats": "Estadísticas de uso", + "Click for stats!": "¡Haz clic para estadísticas!", + "Backup": "Respaldo", + "Backup your personas to a file": "Realiza una copia de seguridad de tus personajes en un archivo", + "Restore": "Restaurar", + "Restore your personas from a file": "Restaura tus personajes desde un archivo", + "Type in the desired custom grammar": "Escribe la gramática personalizada deseada", + "Encoder Rep. Pen.": "Pen. de repetición de codificador", + "Smoothing Factor": "Factor de suavizado", + "No Repeat Ngram Size": "Tamaño de ngrama sin repetición", + "Min Length": "Longitud mínima", + "OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "Proxy inverso de OpenAI", + "Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "URL de servidor alternativo (deja vacío para usar el valor predeterminado).", + "Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "Elimina tu verdadera clave de API de OAI del panel de API ANTES de escribir algo en este cuadro", + "We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "No podemos brindar soporte para problemas encontrados al usar un proxy no oficial de OpenAI", + "Legacy Streaming Processing": "Procesamiento de streaming heredado", + "Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "Habilita esto si el streaming no funciona con tu proxy", + "Context Size (tokens)": "Tamaño de contexto (tokens)", + "Max Response Length (tokens)": "Longitud máxima de respuesta (tokens)", + "Frequency Penalty": "Penalización de frecuencia", + "Presence Penalty": "Penalización de presencia", "Top-p": "Top-p", - "Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "Muestra el texto poco a poco al mismo tiempo que es generado.", - "Top A": "Top-a", - "Typical Sampling": "Typical Sampling", - "Tail Free Sampling": "Tail Free Sampling", - "Rep. Pen. Slope": "Rep. Pen. Slope", - "Single-line mode": "Modo \"Solo una línea\"", - "Top K": "Top-k", - "Top P": "Top-p", - "Do Sample": "Do Sample", - "Add BOS Token": "Añadir BOS Token", - "Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative.": "Añade el \"bos_token\" al inicio del prompt. Desabilitar esto puede hacer las respuestas de la IA más creativas", - "Ban EOS Token": "Prohibir EOS Token", - "Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "Prohibe el \"eos_token\". Esto obliga a la IA a no terminar su generación de forma prematura", - "Skip Special Tokens": "Saltarse Tokens Especiales", - "Beam search": "Beam Search", - "Number of Beams": "Number of Beams", - "Length Penalty": "Length Penalty", - "Early Stopping": "Early Stopping", - "Contrastive search": "Contrastive search", - "Penalty Alpha": "Penalty Alpha", - "Seed": "Seed", - "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "Inserta el \"jailbreak\" como el último mensaje del Sistema", - "This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "Esto ayuda a la IA para ignorar sus restricciones de contenido", - "NSFW Encouraged": "Alentar \"NSFW\"", - "Tell the AI that NSFW is allowed.": "Le dice a la IA que el contenido NSFW (+18) está permitido", - "NSFW Prioritized": "Priorizar NSFW", - "NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "El \"prompt NSFW\" va antes para enfatizar su efecto", - "Streaming": "Streaming", - "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "Enseña el texto poco a poco mientras es generado", - "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "Cuando esto está deshabilitado, las respuestas se mostrarán de una vez cuando la generación se haya completado", - "Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "Genera solo una línea por solicitud (solo KoboldAI, ignorada por KoboldCpp).", - "Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "Prohibir el token de fin de secuencia (EOS) (con KoboldCpp, y posiblemente también otros tokens con KoboldAI).", - "Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "Bueno para escribir historias, pero no debe usarse para chatear ni para el modo de instrucción.", - "Enhance Definitions": "Definiciones Mejoradas", - "Use OAI knowledge base to enhance definitions for public figures and known fictional characters": "Usa el conocimiento de OpenAI (GPT 3.5, GPT 4, ChatGPT) para mejorar las definiciones de figuras públicas y personajes ficticios", - "Wrap in Quotes": "Envolver En Comillas", - "Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "Envuelve todo el mensaje en comillas antes de enviar", - "Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "Déjalo deshabilitado si usas comillas manualmente para denotar diálogo", - "Main prompt": "Prompt Principal", - "The main prompt used to set the model behavior": "El prompt principal usado para definir el comportamiento de la IA", - "NSFW prompt": "Prompt NSFW", - "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is on": "Prompt que es utilizado cuando \"Alentar NSFW\" está activado", - "Jailbreak prompt": "Jailbreak prompt", - "Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "Prompt que es utilizado cuando Jailbreak Prompt está activado", - "Impersonation prompt": "Prompt \"Impersonar\"", - "Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "Prompt que es utilizado para la función \"Impersonar\"", - "Restore default prompt": "Restaurar el prompt por defecto", - "Logit Bias": "Logit Bias", - "Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "Ayuda a prohibir o alentar el uso de algunas palabras", - "View / Edit bias preset": "Ver/Editar configuración de \"Logit Bias\"", - "Add bias entry": "Añadir bias", - "Jailbreak activation message": "Mensaje de activación de Jailbrak", - "Message to send when auto-jailbreak is on.": "Mensaje enviado cuando auto-jailbreak está activado", - "Jailbreak confirmation reply": "Mensaje de confirmación de Jailbreak", - "Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "La IA debe enviar un mensaje para confirmar el jailbreak", + "Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "Mostrar fragmentos de texto de respuesta del bot según se generan", + "Top A": "Top A", + "Typical Sampling": "Muestreo típico", + "Tail Free Sampling": "Muestreo sin cola", + "Rep. Pen. Slope": "Pendiente de penalización de repetición", + "Single-line mode": "Modo de una sola línea", + "Top K": "Top K", + "Top P": "Top P", + "Do Sample": "Muestrear", + "Add BOS Token": "Agregar token BOS", + "Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative": "Agrega el token BOS al principio de las indicaciones. Desactivar esto puede hacer que las respuestas sean más creativas", + "Ban EOS Token": "Prohibir token EOS", + "Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "Prohibir el token eos. Esto obliga al modelo a nunca terminar la generación prematuramente", + "Skip Special Tokens": "Omitir tokens especiales", + "Beam search": "Búsqueda de haz", + "Number of Beams": "Número de haces", + "Length Penalty": "Penalización de longitud", + "Early Stopping": "Detención temprana", + "Contrastive search": "Búsqueda contrastiva", + "Penalty Alpha": "Alfa de penalización", + "Seed": "Semilla", + "Epsilon Cutoff": "Corte epsilon", + "Eta Cutoff": "Corte eta", + "Negative Prompt": "Indicación negativa", + "Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat (modo=1 es solo para llama.cpp)", + "Mirostat is a thermostat for output perplexity": "Mirostat es un termostato para la perplejidad de salida", + "Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "Agrega aquí texto que haría que la IA genere cosas que no quieres en tus salidas.", + "Phrase Repetition Penalty": "Penalización por repetición de frases", + "Preamble": "Preambulo", + "Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.": "Usa etiquetas de estilo para modificar el estilo de escritura de la salida.", + "Banned Tokens": "Tokens prohibidos", + "Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line.": "Secuencias que no quieres que aparezcan en la salida. Una por línea.", + "AI Module": "Módulo de IA", + "Changes the style of the generated text.": "Cambia el estilo del texto generado.", + "Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "Usado si la Escala CFG no está configurada globalmente, por chat o por personaje", + "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "Inserta el jailbreak como último mensaje del sistema.", + "This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "Esto le indica a la IA que ignore sus restricciones de contenido habituales.", + "NSFW Encouraged": "NSFW Alentado", + "Tell the AI that NSFW is allowed.": "Indica a la IA que se permite contenido NSFW.", + "NSFW Prioritized": "NSFW Priorizado", + "NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "El texto de la indicación NSFW va primero en la indicación para enfatizar su efecto.", + "Streaming": "Transmisión", + "Dynamic Temperature": "Temperatura dinámica", + "Restore current preset": "Restaurar la configuración actual", + "Neutralize Samplers": "Neutralizar los muestreadores", + "Text Completion presets": "Preajustes de completado de texto", + "Documentation on sampling parameters": "Documentación sobre parámetros de muestreo", + "Set all samplers to their neutral/disabled state.": "Establecer todos los muestreadores en su estado neutral/desactivado.", + "Only enable this if your model supports context sizes greater than 4096 tokens": "Habilita esto solo si tu modelo admite tamaños de contexto mayores de 4096 tokens", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated": "Mostrar la respuesta poco a poco según se genera", + "Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "Generar solo una línea por solicitud (solo KoboldAI, ignorado por KoboldCpp).", + "Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "Prohibir el token Fin-de-secuencia (EOS) (con KoboldCpp, y posiblemente también otros tokens con KoboldAI).", + "Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "Bueno para escribir historias, pero no debería usarse para el modo de chat e instrucción.", + "Enhance Definitions": "Mejorar Definiciones", + "Use OAI knowledge base to enhance definitions for public figures and known fictional characters": "Utilizar la base de conocimientos de OAI para mejorar las definiciones de figuras públicas y personajes ficticios conocidos", + "Wrap in Quotes": "Envolver entre comillas", + "Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "Envolver todo el mensaje del usuario entre comillas antes de enviarlo.", + "Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "Omite esto si usas comillas manualmente para el discurso.", + "Main prompt": "Indicación principal", + "The main prompt used to set the model behavior": "La indicación principal utilizada para establecer el comportamiento del modelo", + "NSFW prompt": "Indicación NSFW", + "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is on": "Indicación que se utiliza cuando el interruptor NSFW está activado", + "Jailbreak prompt": "Indicación de jailbreak", + "Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "Indicación que se utiliza cuando el interruptor Jailbreak está activado", + "Impersonation prompt": "Indicación de suplantación de identidad", + "Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "Indicación que se utiliza para la función de suplantación de identidad", + "Logit Bias": "Sesgo de logit", + "Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "Ayuda a prohibir o reforzar el uso de ciertas palabras", + "View / Edit bias preset": "Ver / Editar preajuste de sesgo", + "Add bias entry": "Agregar entrada de sesgo", + "Jailbreak activation message": "Mensaje de activación de jailbreak", + "Message to send when auto-jailbreak is on.": "Mensaje para enviar cuando el auto-jailbreak está activado.", + "Jailbreak confirmation reply": "Respuesta de confirmación de jailbreak", + "Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "El bot debe enviar esto de vuelta para confirmar el jailbreak", "Character Note": "Nota del personaje", - "Influences bot behavior in its responses": "Influencia el comportamiento de la IA y sus respuestas", + "Influences bot behavior in its responses": "Influye en el comportamiento del bot en sus respuestas", + "Connect": "Conectar", + "Test Message": "Mensaje de prueba", "API": "API", "KoboldAI": "KoboldAI", - "Use Horde": "Usar AI Horde de KoboldAI", + "Use Horde": "Usar Horda", "API url": "URL de la API", - "Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "Regístrate en KoboldAI para conseguir respuestas más rápido", - "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "Aprende cómo contribuir a AI Horde con tu GPU", - "Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "Ajustar tamaño del contexto a las capacidades del trabajador", - "Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "Ajustar tamaño de la respuesta a las capacidades del trabajador", - "API key": "API key", - "Register": "Registrarse", - "For privacy reasons": "Por motivos de privacidad, tu API será ocultada cuando se vuelva a cargar la página", - "Model": "Modelo IA", - "Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "Presiona Ctrl/Command Key para seleccionar multiples modelos", - "Horde models not loaded": "Modelos del Horde no cargados", - "Not connected": "Desconectado", - "Novel API key": "API key de NovelAI", - "Follow": "Sigue", - "these directions": "estas instrucciones", - "to get your NovelAI API key.": "para conseguir tu NovelAI API key", - "Enter it in the box below": "Introduce tu clave API de OpenAI en el siguiente campo", - "Novel AI Model": "Modelo IA de NovelAI", - "No connection": "Desconectado", - "oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "oobabooga/text-generation-webui", - "Make sure you run it with": "Asegúrate de usar el argumento --extensions openai cuando se ejecute", - "Blocking API url": "API URL", - "Streaming API url": "Streaming API URL", - "to get your OpenAI API key.": "para conseguir tu clave API de OpenAI", - "OpenAI Model": "Modelo AI de OpenAI", - "View API Usage Metrics": "Ver métricas de uso de la API", - "Bot": "Bot", - "Auto-connect to Last Server": "Auto-conectarse con el último servidor", - "View hidden API keys": "Ver claves API ocultas", - "Advanced Formatting": "Formateo avanzado", - "AutoFormat Overrides": "Autoformateo de overrides", - "Samplers Order": "Orden de Samplers", - "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "Los Samplers serán aplicados de orden superior a inferior. \nUsa con precaución", - "Load koboldcpp order": "Cargar el orden de koboldcpp", - "Unlocked Context Size": "Desbloquear Tamaño Del Contexto", - "Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "Desbloquea el Tamaño máximo del contexto. Solo habilita esto si sabes lo que estás haciendo.", - "Quick Edit": "Editor Rápido de Prompts", - "Main": "Principal", - "Assistant Prefill": "Prefijo del Asistente", - "Start Claude's answer with...": "Inicia la respuesta de Claude con...", - "Utility Prompts": "Indicaciones Útiles", - "World Info Format Template": "Plantilla para formato de World Info", - "NSFW avoidance prompt": "Prompt para evitar NSFW", - "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is O": "Prompt utilizado para evitar NSFW cuando \"Alentar NSFW\" está deshabilitado", - "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt.": "Envuelve las entradas activadas de World Info antes de insertarlas en el prompt.", - "New Chat": "Chat Nuevo", - "Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new chat is about to start.": "Colocado al inicio del historial de chat para indicar que un nuevo chat va a comenzar.", - "New Group Chat": "Nuevo Chat Grupal", - "Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new group chat is about to start.": "Colocado al inicio del historial de chat para indicarle a la IA que un nuevo Chat Grupal va a comenzar", - "New Example Chat": "Nuevo Ejemplo De Chat", - "Add character names": "Incluír nombre del personaje", - "Send names in the ChatML objects.": "Envía los mensajes al objeto ChatML. Ayuda a la IA a asociar mensajes con nombres en un chat grupal.", - "Proxy Password": "Contraseña del Proxy", - "Will be used as a password for the proxy instead of API key.": "Será utilizado como contraseña del proxy en vez de la clave API.", - "Chat Completion Source": "Fuente de Chat", - "Use Proxy password field instead. This input will be ignored.": "Utiliza el campo de Contraseña del Proxy. Lo que pongas aquí será ignorado.", - "Show External models (provided by API)": "Mostrar modelos externos (Proveídos por la API)", - "Connect": "Conectarse", - "[title]Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "Verifica que tu conexión con la API enviando un mensaje corto. ¡Ten en cuenta que se te cobrará por ello!", - "Continue nudge": "Empujuón para continuar", - "Replace empty message": "Reemplazar mensaje vacío", - "Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "Envía este mensaje en vez de nada cuando la barra de chat está vacía", - "No connection...": "Sin conexión...", - "Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "No envíes información personal a Horde.", - "Review the Privacy statement": "Revisa el aviso de privacidad", - "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "Aprende como contribuír a Horde con tu GPU.", - "Trusted workers only": "Solo trabajadores de confianza", - "API Key": "Clave API", - "Get it here:": "Consíguela aquí:", + "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine": "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine (Modo envolvente para API de OpenAI)", + "Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "Registra una cuenta de la Horda para tiempos de espera más rápidos", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "Aprende cómo contribuir con tus ciclos de GPU inactivos a la Horda", + "Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "Ajusta el tamaño del contexto a las capacidades del trabajador", + "Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "Ajusta la longitud de la respuesta a las capacidades del trabajador", + "API key": "Clave API", + "Tabby API key": "Clave API de Tabby", + "Get it here:": "Obtenla aquí:", + "Register": "Registrar", + "TogetherAI Model": "Modelo TogetherAI", + "Example:": "Ejemplo:", + "ggerganov/llama.cpp": "ggerganov/llama.cpp (Servidor de salida)", + "Example:": "Ejemplo:", + "Example:": "Ejemplo:", + "Ollama Model": "Modelo Ollama", + "Download": "Descargar", + "TogetherAI API Key": "Clave API de TogetherAI", + "-- Connect to the API --": "-- Conectar a la API --", "View my Kudos": "Ver mis Kudos", - "Models": "Modelos IA" -} + "Enter": "Ingresar", + "to use anonymous mode.": "para usar el modo anónimo.", + "For privacy reasons": "Por razones de privacidad, la clave API se oculta después de actualizar la página", + "Models": "Modelos", + "Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "Mantén presionada la tecla Control / Comando para seleccionar varios modelos.", + "Horde models not loaded": "Modelos de la Horda no cargados", + "Not connected...": "No conectado...", + "Novel API key": "Clave API de Novel", + "Follow": "Seguir", + "these directions": "estas instrucciones", + "to get your NovelAI API key.": "para obtener tu clave API de NovelAI.", + "Enter it in the box below": "Introdúcelo en el cuadro de abajo", + "Novel AI Model": "Modelo Novel AI", + "If you are using:": "Si estás usando:", + "oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "", + "Make sure you run it with": "Asegúrate de ejecutarlo con", + "flag": "bandera", + "API key (optional)": "Clave API (opcional)", + "Server url": "URL del servidor", + "Custom model (optional)": "Modelo personalizado (opcional)", + "Bypass API status check": "Saltar la verificación del estado de la API", + "Mancer AI": "", + "Use API key (Only required for Mancer)": "Usar clave API (solo necesario para Mancer)", + "Blocking API url": "URL de la API de bloqueo", + "Example:": "Ejemplo:", + "Legacy API (pre-OAI, no streaming)": "API heredada (pre-OAI, sin streaming)", + "Bypass status check": "Saltar la verificación del estado", + "Streaming API url": "URL de la API de streaming", + "Example: ws://": "Ejemplo: ws://", + "Mancer API key": "Clave API de Mancer", + "Example: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api": "Ejemplo: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api", + "to get your OpenAI API key.": "para obtener tu clave API de OpenAI.", + "Window AI Model": "Modelo de Window AI", + "OpenAI Model": "Modelo de OpenAI", + "Claude API Key": "Clave API de Claude", + "Get your key from": "Obtén tu clave desde", + "Anthropic's developer console": "consola de desarrolladores de Anthropic", + "Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.": "Las cookies de Slack y Poe no funcionarán aquí, no te molestes en intentarlo.", + "Claude Model": "Modelo de Claude", + "Scale API Key": "Clave API de Scale", + "Alt Method": "Método alternativo", + "AI21 API Key": "Clave API de AI21", + "AI21 Model": "Modelo de AI21", + "View API Usage Metrics": "Ver métricas de uso de la API", + "Show External models (provided by API)": "Mostrar modelos externos (provistos por la API)", + "Bot": "Bot", + "Allow fallback routes": "Permitir rutas de respaldo", + "Allow fallback routes Description": "El modelo alternativo se elige automáticamente si el modelo seleccionado no puede cumplir con tu solicitud.", + "OpenRouter API Key": "Clave API de OpenRouter", + "Connect to the API": "Conectar a la API", + "OpenRouter Model": "Modelo de OpenRouter", + "View Remaining Credits": "Ver créditos restantes", + "Click Authorize below or get the key from": "Haz clic en Autorizar a continuación o obtén la clave desde", + "Auto-connect to Last Server": "Conexión automática al último servidor", + "View hidden API keys": "Ver claves API ocultas", + "Advanced Formatting": "Formato avanzado", + "Context Template": "Plantilla de contexto", + "AutoFormat Overrides": "Anulaciones de AutoFormato", + "Disable description formatting": "Desactivar formato de descripción", + "Disable personality formatting": "Desactivar formato de personalidad", + "Disable scenario formatting": "Desactivar formato de escenario", + "Disable example chats formatting": "Desactivar formato de chats de ejemplo", + "Disable chat start formatting": "Desactivar formato de inicio de chat", + "Custom Chat Separator": "Separador de chat personalizado", + "Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "Reemplazar macro en cadenas de detención personalizadas", + "Strip Example Messages from Prompt": "Eliminar mensajes de ejemplo de la solicitud", + "Story String": "Cadena de historia", + "Example Separator": "Separador de ejemplo", + "Chat Start": "Inicio de chat", + "Activation Regex": "Regex de activación", + "Instruct Mode": "Modo de instrucción", + "Wrap Sequences with Newline": "Envolver secuencias con nueva línea", + "Include Names": "Incluir nombres", + "Force for Groups and Personas": "Forzar para grupos y personas", + "System Prompt": "Solicitud del sistema", + "Instruct Mode Sequences": "Secuencias en modo de instrucción", + "Input Sequence": "Secuencia de entrada", + "Output Sequence": "Secuencia de salida", + "First Output Sequence": "Primera secuencia de salida", + "Last Output Sequence": "Última secuencia de salida", + "System Sequence Prefix": "Prefijo de secuencia del sistema", + "System Sequence Suffix": "Sufijo de secuencia del sistema", + "Stop Sequence": "Secuencia de parada", + "Context Formatting": "Formato de contexto", + "(Saved to Context Template)": "(Guardado en plantilla de contexto)", + "Tokenizer": "Tokenizador", + "None / Estimated": "Ninguno / Estimado", + "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)": "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)", + "Token Padding": "Relleno de token", + "Save preset as": "Guardar preajuste como", + "Always add character's name to prompt": "Siempre agregar el nombre del personaje a la solicitud", + "Use as Stop Strings": "Usar como cadenas de parada", + "Bind to Context": "Vincular al contexto", + "Generate only one line per request": "Generar solo una línea por solicitud", + "Misc. Settings": "Configuraciones misceláneas", + "Auto-Continue": "Autocontinuar", + "Collapse Consecutive Newlines": "Colapsar nuevas líneas consecutivas", + "Allow for Chat Completion APIs": "Permitir APIs de finalización de chat", + "Target length (tokens)": "Longitud objetivo (tokens)", + "Keep Example Messages in Prompt": "Mantener mensajes de ejemplo en la solicitud", + "Remove Empty New Lines from Output": "Eliminar nuevas líneas vacías de la salida", + "Disabled for all models": "Desactivado para todos los modelos", + "Automatic (based on model name)": "Automático (basado en el nombre del modelo)", + "Enabled for all models": "Activado para todos los modelos", + "Anchors Order": "Orden de anclajes", + "Character then Style": "Personaje luego estilo", + "Style then Character": "Estilo luego personaje", + "Character Anchor": "Anclaje de personaje", + "Style Anchor": "Anclaje de estilo", + "World Info": "Información del mundo", + "Scan Depth": "Profundidad de escaneo", + "Case-Sensitive": "Sensible a mayúsculas y minúsculas", + "Match Whole Words": "Coincidir con palabras completas", + "Use global setting": "Usar configuración global", + "Yes": "Sí", + "No": "No", + "Context %": "Contexto %", + "Budget Cap": "Límite de presupuesto", + "(0 = disabled)": "(0 = desactivado)", + "depth": "profundidad", + "Token Budget": "Presupuesto de tokens", + "budget": "presupuesto", + "Recursive scanning": "Escaneo recursivo", + "None": "Ninguno", + "User Settings": "Configuraciones de usuario", + "UI Mode": "Modo de IU", + "UI Language": "Idioma", + "MovingUI Preset": "Preajuste de MovingUI", + "UI Customization": "Personalización de la IU", + "Avatar Style": "Estilo de avatar", + "Circle": "Círculo", + "Rectangle": "Rectángulo", + "Square": "Cuadrado", + "Chat Style": "Estilo de chat", + "Default": "Predeterminado", + "Bubbles": "Burbujas", + "No Blur Effect": "Sin efecto de desenfoque", + "No Text Shadows": "Sin sombras de texto", + "Waifu Mode": "Modo Waifu", + "Message Timer": "Temporizador de mensajes", + "Model Icon": "Ícono del modelo", + "# of messages (0 = disabled)": "# de mensajes (0 = desactivado)", + "Advanced Character Search": "Búsqueda avanzada de personajes", + "Allow {{char}}: in bot messages": "Permitir {{char}}: en mensajes de bot", + "Allow {{user}}: in bot messages": "Permitir {{user}}: en mensajes de bot", + "Show tags in responses": "Mostrar etiquetas en respuestas", + "Aux List Field": "Campo de lista auxiliar", + "Lorebook Import Dialog": "Diálogo de importación de libro de historia", + "MUI Preset": "Preset MUI", + "If set in the advanced character definitions, this field will be displayed in the characters list.": "Si se establece en las definiciones avanzadas de personajes, este campo se mostrará en la lista de personajes.", + "Relaxed API URLS": "URLS de API relajadas", + "Custom CSS": "CSS personalizado", + "Default (oobabooga)": "Predeterminado (oobabooga)", + "Mancer Model": "Modelo de Mancer", + "API Type": "Tipo de API", + "Aphrodite API key": "Clave de API de Aphrodite", + "Relax message trim in Groups": "Relajar recorte de mensajes en Grupos", + "Characters Hotswap": "Cambio rápido de personajes", + "Request token probabilities": "Solicitar probabilidades de tokens", + "Movable UI Panels": "Paneles de UI móviles", + "Reset Panels": "Restablecer paneles", + "UI Colors": "Colores de UI", + "Main Text": "Texto principal", + "Italics Text": "Texto en cursiva", + "Quote Text": "Texto de cita", + "Shadow Color": "Color de sombra", + "FastUI BG": "Fondo de FastUI", + "Blur Tint": "Tinte de desenfoque", + "Font Scale": "Escala de fuente", + "Blur Strength": "Fuerza de desenfoque", + "Text Shadow Width": "Ancho de sombra de texto", + "UI Theme Preset": "Preset de tema de UI", + "Power User Options": "Opciones avanzadas de usuario", + "Swipes": "Deslizamientos", + "Miscellaneous": "Varios", + "Theme Toggles": "Conmutadores de tema", + "Background Sound Only": "Solo sonido de fondo", + "Auto-load Last Chat": "Cargar automáticamente el último chat", + "Auto-save Message Edits": "Guardar automáticamente las ediciones de mensajes", + "Auto-fix Markdown": "Auto-corregir Markdown", + "Allow : in bot messages": "Permitir : en mensajes de bot", + "Auto-scroll Chat": "Chat de desplazamiento automático", + "Render Formulas": "Renderizar fórmulas", + "Send on Enter": "Enviar al presionar Enter", + "Always disabled": "Siempre desactivado", + "Automatic (desktop)": "Automático (escritorio)", + "Always enabled": "Siempre activado", + "Debug Menu": "Menú de depuración", + "Restore User Input": "Restaurar entrada de usuario", + "Character Handling": "Manipulación de personajes", + "Example Messages Behavior": "Comportamiento de mensajes de ejemplo", + "Gradual push-out": "Empuje gradual", + "Chat/Message Handling": "Manipulación de chat/mensaje", + "Always include examples": "Siempre incluir ejemplos", + "Never include examples": "Nunca incluir ejemplos", + "Forbid External Media": "Prohibir medios externos", + "System Backgrounds": "Fondos del sistema", + "Name": "Nombre", + "Your Avatar": "Tu avatar", + "Extensions API:": "API de extensiones:", + "SillyTavern-extras": "Extras de SillyTavern", + "Auto-connect": "Conexión automática", + "Active extensions": "Extensiones activas", + "Extension settings": "Configuraciones de extensión", + "Description": "Descripción", + "First message": "Primer mensaje", + "Group Controls": "Controles de grupo", + "Group reply strategy": "Estrategia de respuesta de grupo", + "Natural order": "Orden natural", + "List order": "Orden de lista", + "Allow self responses": "Permitir auto respuestas", + "Auto Mode": "Modo automático", + "Add Members": "Agregar miembros", + "Current Members": "Miembros actuales", + "text": "texto", + "Delete": "Eliminar", + "Cancel": "Cancelar", + "Advanced Defininitions": "Definiciones avanzadas", + "Personality summary": "Resumen de personalidad", + "A brief description of the personality": "Una breve descripción de la personalidad", + "Scenario": "Escenario", + "Circumstances and context of the dialogue": "Circunstancias y contexto del diálogo", + "Talkativeness": "Habladuría", + "How often the chracter speaks in": "Con qué frecuencia habla el personaje en", + "group chats!": "chats de grupo!", + "Shy": "Tímido", + "Normal": "Normal", + "Chatty": "Charlatán", + "Examples of dialogue": "Ejemplos de diálogo", + "Forms a personality more clearly": "Forma una personalidad más clara", + "Save": "Guardar", + "World Info Editor": "Editor de información del mundo", + "New summary": "Nuevo resumen", + "Export": "Exportar", + "Delete World": "Eliminar mundo", + "Chat History": "Historial de chat", + "Group Chat Scenario Override": "Anulación de escenario de chat grupal", + "All group members will use the following scenario text instead of what is specified in their character cards.": "Todos los miembros del grupo usarán el siguiente texto de escenario en lugar de lo que se especifica en sus tarjetas de personaje.", + "Keywords": "Palabras clave", + "Separate with commas": "Separar con comas", + "Secondary Required Keywords": "Palabras clave secundarias requeridas", + "Content": "Contenido", + "What this keyword should mean to the AI": "Lo que esta palabra clave debería significar para la IA", + "Memo/Note": "Memo/Nota", + "Not sent to AI": "No enviado a la IA", + "Constant": "Constante", + "Selective": "Selectivo", + "Before Char": "Antes del Carácter", + "After Char": "Después del Carácter", + "Insertion Order": "Orden de Inserción", + "Tokens:": "Tokens:", + "Disable": "Desactivar", + "${characterName}": "${nombreDelPersonaje}", + "CHAR": "CHAR", + "is typing": "está escribiendo...", + "Back to parent chat": "Volver al chat principal", + "Save bookmark": "Guardar marcador", + "Convert to group": "Convertir a grupo", + "Start new chat": "Iniciar nuevo chat", + "View past chats": "Ver chats anteriores", + "Delete messages": "Eliminar mensajes", + "Impersonate": "Hacerse pasar por", + "Regenerate": "Regenerar", + "PNG": "PNG", + "JSON": "JSON", + "presets": "ajustes preestablecidos", + "Message Sound": "Sonido de mensaje", + "Author's Note": "Nota del autor", + "Send Jailbreak": "Enviar Jailbreak", + "Replace empty message": "Reemplazar mensaje vacío", + "Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "Enviar este texto en lugar de nada cuando el cuadro de texto está vacío.", + "NSFW avoidance prompt": "Indicación de evitación de NSFW", + "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is off": "Indicación que se usa cuando el interruptor de NSFW está apagado", + "Advanced prompt bits": "Bits de indicación avanzada", + "World Info format": "Formato de información del mundo", + "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt. Use {0} to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "Envuelve las entradas de información del mundo activadas antes de insertarlas en la indicación. Use {0} para marcar un lugar donde se inserta el contenido.", + "Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "Valor máximo sin restricciones para el control deslizante de contexto", + "Chat Completion Source": "Fuente de completado de chat", + "Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "Evite enviar información sensible a la Horda.", + "Review the Privacy statement": "Revise la declaración de privacidad", + "Learn how to contribute your idel GPU cycles to the Horde": "Aprende cómo contribuir con tus ciclos de GPU inactivos a la Horda", + "Trusted workers only": "Solo trabajadores de confianza", + "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "Por razones de privacidad, su clave de API se ocultará después de que vuelva a cargar la página.", + "-- Horde models not loaded --": "-- Modelos de la Horda no cargados --", + "Example: ": "Ejemplo:", + "No connection...": "Sin conexión...", + "Get your NovelAI API Key": "Obtenga su clave de API de NovelAI", + "KoboldAI Horde": "Horda de KoboldAI", + "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)": "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)", + "NovelAI": "NovelAI", + "Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)": "Completado de chat (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)", + "OpenAI API key": "Clave de API de OpenAI", + "Trim spaces": "Recortar espacios", + "Trim Incomplete Sentences": "Recortar oraciones incompletas", + "Include Newline": "Incluir nueva línea", + "Non-markdown strings": "Cadenas no Markdown", + "Replace Macro in Sequences": "Reemplazar macro en secuencias", + "Presets": "Ajustes preestablecidos", + "Separator": "Separador", + "Start Reply With": "Iniciar respuesta con", + "Show reply prefix in chat": "Mostrar prefijo de respuesta en el chat", + "Worlds/Lorebooks": "Mundos/Libros de historia", + "Active World(s)": "Mundo(s) activo(s)", + "Activation Settings": "Configuraciones de activación", + "Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "Estrategia de inserción de lore de personajes", + "Sorted Evenly": "Ordenado uniformemente", + "Active World(s) for all chats": "Mundo(s) activo(s) para todos los chats", + "-- World Info not found --": "-- Información del mundo no encontrada --", + "--- Pick to Edit ---": "--- Seleccionar para editar ---", + "or": "o", + "New": "Nuevo", + "Priority": "Prioridad", + "Custom": "Personalizado", + "Title A-Z": "Título de la A a la Z", + "Title Z-A": "Título de la Z a la A", + "Tokens ↗": "Tokens ↗", + "Tokens ↘": "Tokens ↘", + "Depth ↗": "Profundidad ↗", + "Depth ↘": "Profundidad ↘", + "Order ↗": "Orden ↗", + "Order ↘": "Orden ↘", + "UID ↗": "UID ↗", + "UID ↘": "UID ↘", + "Trigger% ↗": "Desencadenar% ↗", + "Trigger% ↘": "Desencadenar% ↘", + "Order:": "Orden:", + "Depth:": "Profundidad:", + "Character Lore First": "Lore del personaje primero", + "Global Lore First": "Lore global primero", + "Recursive Scan": "Exploración recursiva", + "Case Sensitive": "Sensible a mayúsculas y minúsculas", + "Match whole words": "Coincidir palabras completas", + "Alert On Overflow": "Alerta en desbordamiento", + "World/Lore Editor": "Editor de mundo/Lore", + "--- None ---": "--- Ninguno ---", + "Comma separated (ignored if empty)": "Separado por comas (ignorado si está vacío)", + "Use Probability": "Usar Probabilidad", + "Exclude from recursion": "Excluir de la recursión", + "Entry Title/Memo": "Título/Memo", + "Position:": "Posición:", + "T_Position": "↑Char: antes de definiciones de caracteres\n↓Char: después de definiciones de caracteres\n↑AN: antes de notas del autor\n↓AN: después de notas del autor\n@D: en profundidad", + "Before Char Defs": "Antes de Definiciones de Caracteres", + "After Char Defs": "Después de Definiciones de Caracteres", + "Before AN": "Antes de AN", + "After AN": "Después de AN", + "at Depth": "en Profundidad", + "Order": "Orden:", + "Probability:": "Probabilidad:", + "Update a theme file": "Actualizar un archivo de tema", + "Save as a new theme": "Guardar como nuevo tema", + "Minimum number of blacklisted words detected to trigger an auto-swipe": "Número mínimo de palabras prohibidas detectadas para activar un deslizamiento automático", + "Delete Entry": "Eliminar Entrada", + "User Message Blur Tint": "Tinte de Desenfoque del Mensaje del Usuario", + "AI Message Blur Tint": "Tinte de Desenfoque del Mensaje de IA", + "Chat Backgrounds": "Fondos de Chat", + "Chat Background": "Fondo de Chat", + "UI Background": "Fondo de IU", + "Mad Lab Mode": "Modo Laboratorio Loco", + "Show Message Token Count": "Mostrar Conteo de Tokens de Mensaje", + "Compact Input Area (Mobile)": "Área de Entrada Compacta (Móvil)", + "Zen Sliders": "Deslizadores Zen", + "UI Border": "Borde de IU", + "Chat Style:": "Estilo de Chat:", + "Chat Width (PC)": "Ancho de Chat (PC)", + "Chat Timestamps": "Marcas de Tiempo del Chat", + "Tags as Folders": "Etiquetas como Carpetas", + "Chat Truncation": "Truncamiento de Chat", + "(0 = unlimited)": "(0 = ilimitado)", + "Streaming FPS": "FPS de Transmisión", + "Gestures": "Gestos", + "Message IDs": "IDs de Mensaje", + "Prefer Character Card Prompt": "Preferir Tarjeta de Personaje con Indicación", + "Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "Preferir Jailbreak de Tarjeta de Personaje", + "Press Send to continue": "Presione Enviar para continuar", + "Quick 'Continue' button": "Botón 'Continuar' Rápido", + "Log prompts to console": "Registrar indicaciones en la consola", + "Never resize avatars": "Nunca redimensionar avatares", + "Show avatar filenames": "Mostrar nombres de archivo de avatares", + "Import Card Tags": "Importar Etiquetas de Tarjetas", + "Confirm message deletion": "Confirmar eliminación de mensaje", + "Spoiler Free Mode": "Modo Libre de Spoilers", + "Auto-swipe": "Deslizamiento automático", + "Minimum generated message length": "Longitud mínima del mensaje generado", + "Blacklisted words": "Palabras prohibidas", + "Blacklisted word count to swipe": "Número de palabras prohibidas para deslizar", + "Reload Chat": "Recargar Chat", + "Search Settings": "Configuración de Búsqueda", + "Disabled": "Desactivado", + "Automatic (PC)": "Automático (PC)", + "Enabled": "Activado", + "Simple": "Simple", + "Advanced": "Avanzado", + "Disables animations and transitions": "Deshabilita animaciones y transiciones", + "removes blur from window backgrounds": "elimina el desenfoque de los fondos de ventana", + "Remove text shadow effect": "Eliminar efecto de sombra de texto", + "Reduce chat height, and put a static sprite behind the chat window": "Reducir la altura del chat y poner un sprite estático detrás de la ventana del chat", + "Always show the full list of the Message Actions context items for chat messages, instead of hiding them behind '...'": "Mostrar siempre la lista completa de elementos de contexto de Acciones de Mensaje para mensajes de chat, en lugar de ocultarlos detrás de '...'", + "Alternative UI for numeric sampling parameters with fewer steps": "UI alternativa para parámetros de muestreo numérico con menos pasos", + "Entirely unrestrict all numeric sampling parameters": "Deslimitar completamente todos los parámetros de muestreo numérico", + "Time the AI's message generation, and show the duration in the chat log": "Medir el tiempo de generación del mensaje de IA y mostrar la duración en el registro de chat", + "Show a timestamp for each message in the chat log": "Mostrar una marca de tiempo para cada mensaje en el registro de chat", + "Show an icon for the API that generated the message": "Mostrar un icono para la API que generó el mensaje", + "Show sequential message numbers in the chat log": "Mostrar números de mensaje secuenciales en el registro de chat", + "Show the number of tokens in each message in the chat log": "Mostrar el número de tokens en cada mensaje en el registro de chat", + "Single-row message input area. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "Área de entrada de mensaje de una sola fila. Solo móvil, sin efecto en PC", + "In the Character Management panel, show quick selection buttons for favorited characters": "En el panel de Gestión de Personajes, mostrar botones de selección rápida para personajes favoritos", + "Show tagged character folders in the character list": "Mostrar carpetas de personajes etiquetadas en la lista de personajes", + "Play a sound when a message generation finishes": "Reproducir un sonido cuando finaliza la generación de un mensaje", + "Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused": "Solo reproducir un sonido cuando la pestaña del navegador de ST no está enfocada", + "Reduce the formatting requirements on API URLs": "Reducir los requisitos de formato en las URL de API", + "Ask to import the World Info/Lorebook for every new character with embedded lorebook. If unchecked, a brief message will be shown instead": "Pedir importar la Información Mundial/Libro de Leyendas para cada nuevo personaje con un lorebook incrustado. Si no está marcado, se mostrará un mensaje breve en su lugar", + "Restore unsaved user input on page refresh": "Restaurar la entrada de usuario no guardada al actualizar la página", + "Allow repositioning certain UI elements by dragging them. PC only, no effect on mobile": "Permitir reposicionar ciertos elementos de IU arrastrándolos. Solo PC, sin efecto en móviles", + "MovingUI preset. Predefined/saved draggable positions": "Preconfiguración MovingUI. Posiciones arrastrables predefinidas/guardadas", + "Save movingUI changes to a new file": "Guardar cambios de MovingUI en un nuevo archivo", + "Apply a custom CSS style to all of the ST GUI": "Aplicar un estilo CSS personalizado a toda la GUI de ST", + "Use fuzzy matching, and search characters in the list by all data fields, not just by a name substring": "Usar coincidencia difusa y buscar personajes en la lista por todos los campos de datos, no solo por una subcadena de nombre", + "If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead": "Si está marcado y la tarjeta de personaje contiene una anulación de indicación (Indicación del sistema), usar eso en su lugar", + "If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead": "Si está marcado y la tarjeta de personaje contiene una anulación de jailbreak (Instrucción de Historial de Publicaciones), usar eso en su lugar", + "Avoid cropping and resizing imported character images. When off, crop/resize to 400x600": "Evitar recortar y redimensionar imágenes de personajes importadas. Cuando esté desactivado, recortar/redimensionar a 400x600", + "Show actual file names on the disk, in the characters list display only": "Mostrar nombres de archivo reales en el disco, solo en la visualización de la lista de personajes", + "Prompt to import embedded card tags on character import. Otherwise embedded tags are ignored": "Solicitar importar etiquetas de tarjeta incrustadas al importar un personaje. De lo contrario, las etiquetas incrustadas se ignoran", + "Hide character definitions from the editor panel behind a spoiler button": "Ocultar definiciones de personajes del panel de editor detrás de un botón de spoiler", + "Show a button in the input area to ask the AI to continue (extend) its last message": "Mostrar un botón en el área de entrada para pedirle a la IA que continúe (extienda) su último mensaje", + "Show arrow buttons on the last in-chat message to generate alternative AI responses. Both PC and mobile": "Mostrar botones de flecha en el último mensaje del chat para generar respuestas alternativas de la IA. Tanto PC como móvil", + "Allow using swiping gestures on the last in-chat message to trigger swipe generation. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "Permitir el uso de gestos de deslizamiento en el último mensaje del chat para activar la generación de deslizamiento. Solo móvil, sin efecto en PC", + "Save edits to messages without confirmation as you type": "Guardar ediciones en mensajes sin confirmación mientras escribe", + "Render LaTeX and AsciiMath equation notation in chat messages. Powered by KaTeX": "Renderizar notación de ecuaciones LaTeX y AsciiMath en mensajes de chat. Alimentado por KaTeX", + "Disalow embedded media from other domains in chat messages": "No permitir medios incrustados de otros dominios en mensajes de chat", + "Skip encoding and characters in message text, allowing a subset of HTML markup as well as Markdown": "Omitir la codificación de los caracteres en el texto del mensaje, permitiendo un subconjunto de marcado HTML, así como Markdown", + "Allow AI messages in groups to contain lines spoken by other group members": "Permitir que los mensajes de IA en grupos contengan líneas habladas por otros miembros del grupo", + "Requests logprobs from the API for the Token Probabilities feature": "Solicita logprobs de la API para la función de Probabilidades de Token", + "Automatically reject and re-generate AI message based on configurable criteria": "Rechazar y volver a generar automáticamente el mensaje de IA en función de criterios configurables", + "Enable the auto-swipe function. Settings in this section only have an effect when auto-swipe is enabled": "Habilitar la función de deslizamiento automático. La configuración en esta sección solo tiene efecto cuando el deslizamiento automático está habilitado", + "If the generated message is shorter than this, trigger an auto-swipe": "Si el mensaje generado es más corto que esto, activar un deslizamiento automático", + "Reload and redraw the currently open chat": "Recargar y volver a dibujar el chat abierto actualmente", + "Auto-Expand Message Actions": "Expansión Automática de Acciones de Mensaje", + "Not Connected": "No Conectado", + "Persona Management": "Gestión de Personas", + "Persona Description": "Descripción de Persona", + "Your Persona": "Tu Persona", + "Show notifications on switching personas": "Mostrar notificaciones al cambiar de personas", + "Blank": "En Blanco", + "In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "En la Cadena de Historia / Completado de Chat: Antes de la Tarjeta de Personaje", + "In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "En la Cadena de Historia / Completado de Chat: Después de la Tarjeta de Personaje", + "In Story String / Prompt Manager": "En la Cadena de Historia / Administrador de Indicaciones", + "Top of Author's Note": "Parte Superior de la Nota del Autor", + "Bottom of Author's Note": "Parte Inferior de la Nota del Autor", + "How do I use this?": "¿Cómo uso esto?", + "More...": "Más...", + "Link to World Info": "Enlace a Información del Mundo", + "Import Card Lore": "Importar Lore de Tarjeta", + "Scenario Override": "Anulación de Escenario", + "Rename": "Renombrar", + "Character Description": "Descripción del Personaje", + "Creator's Notes": "Notas del Creador", + "A-Z": "A-Z", + "Z-A": "Z-A", + "Newest": "Más Reciente", + "Oldest": "Más Antiguo", + "Favorites": "Favoritos", + "Recent": "Reciente", + "Most chats": "Más Chats", + "Least chats": "Menos Chats", + "Back": "Volver", + "Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct mode)": "Sustituciones de Indicaciones (Para APIs de OpenAI/Claude/Scale, Ventana/OpenRouter y Modo Instrucción)", + "Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": "Inserte {{original}} en cualquiera de las casillas para incluir la indicación predeterminada respectiva de la configuración del sistema.", + "Main Prompt": "Indicación Principal", + "Jailbreak": "Jailbreak", + "Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "Metadatos del Creador (No enviados con la indicación de la IA)", + "Everything here is optional": "Todo aquí es opcional", + "Created by": "Creado por", + "Character Version": "Versión del Personaje", + "Tags to Embed": "Etiquetas para Incrustar", + "How often the character speaks in group chats!": "¡Con qué frecuencia habla el personaje en los chats grupales!", + "Important to set the character's writing style.": "Importante para establecer el estilo de escritura del personaje.", + "ATTENTION!": "¡ATENCIÓN!", + "Samplers Order": "Orden de Muestreadores", + "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "Los Muestreadores se aplicarán en un orden de arriba hacia abajo. Úselo con precaución.", + "Repetition Penalty": "Penalización por Repetición", + "Rep. Pen. Range.": "Rango de Pen. Rep.", + "Rep. Pen. Freq.": "Frec. Pen. Rep.", + "Rep. Pen. Presence": "Presencia Pen. Rep.", + "Enter it in the box below:": "Introdúzcalo en la casilla de abajo:", + "separate with commas w/o space between": "separe con comas sin espacio entre ellas", + "Document": "Documento", + "Suggest replies": "Sugerir respuestas", + "Show suggested replies. Not all bots support this.": "Mostrar respuestas sugeridas. No todos los bots admiten esto.", + "Use 'Unlocked Context' to enable chunked generation.": "Use 'Contexto Desbloqueado' para habilitar la generación por bloques.", + "It extends the context window in exchange for reply generation speed.": "Extiende la ventana de contexto a cambio de la velocidad de generación de respuestas.", + "Continue": "Continuar", + "CFG Scale": "Escala CFG", + "Editing:": "Editando:", + "AI reply prefix": "Prefijo de Respuesta de IA", + "Custom Stopping Strings": "Cadenas de Detención Personalizadas", + "JSON serialized array of strings": "Arreglo serializado JSON de cadenas", + "words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "palabras que no desea generar separadas por coma ','", + "Extensions URL": "URL de Extensiones", + "API Key": "Clave de API", + "Enter your name": "Ingrese su nombre", + "Name this character": "Nombre de este personaje", + "Search / Create Tags": "Buscar / Crear Etiquetas", + "Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "Describa aquí las características físicas y mentales de su personaje.", + "This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "Este será el primer mensaje del personaje que inicia cada chat.", + "Chat Name (Optional)": "Nombre del Chat (Opcional)", + "Filter...": "Filtrar...", + "Search...": "Buscar...", + "Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "Cualquier contenido aquí reemplazará la Indicación Principal predeterminada utilizada para este personaje. (v2 especificación: system_prompt)", + "Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "Cualquier contenido aquí reemplazará la Indicación de Desbloqueo predeterminada utilizada para este personaje. (v2 especificación: post_history_instructions)", + "(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "(Nombre del creador del bot / Información de contacto)", + "(If you want to track character versions)": "(Si desea rastrear las versiones de los personajes)", + "(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "(Describa el bot, dé consejos de uso o enumere los modelos de chat en los que se ha probado. Esto se mostrará en la lista de personajes.)", + "(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "(Escriba una lista de etiquetas separadas por comas)", + "(A brief description of the personality)": "(Una breve descripción de la personalidad)", + "(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "(Circunstancias y contexto de la interacción)", + "(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "(Ejemplos de diálogo de chat. Comience cada ejemplo con START en una nueva línea.)", + "Injection text (supports parameters)": "Texto de Inyección (admite parámetros)", + "Injection depth": "Profundidad de Inyección", + "Type here...": "Escriba aquí...", + "Comma separated (required)": "Separado por comas (requerido)", + "What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "Lo que este palabra clave debería significar para la IA, enviado textualmente", + "Filter to Character(s)": "Filtrar a Personaje(s)", + "Character Exclusion": "Exclusión de Personaje", + "Inclusion Group": "Grupo de Inclusión", + "Only one entry with the same label will be activated": "Solo se activará una entrada con la misma etiqueta", + "-- Characters not found --": "-- Personajes no encontrados --", + "Not sent to the AI": "No enviado a la IA", + "(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "(Este será el primer mensaje del personaje que inicia cada chat)", + "Not connected to API!": "¡No conectado a la API!", + "AI Response Configuration": "Configuración de Respuesta de IA", + "AI Configuration panel will stay open": "El panel de Configuración de IA permanecerá abierto", + "Update current preset": "Actualizar la configuración actual", + "Create new preset": "Crear nueva configuración", + "Import preset": "Importar configuración", + "Export preset": "Exportar configuración", + "Delete the preset": "Eliminar la configuración", + "Auto-select this preset for Instruct Mode": "Auto-seleccionar esta configuración para el Modo Instrucción", + "Auto-select this preset on API connection": "Auto-seleccionar esta configuración en la conexión de la API", + "NSFW block goes first in the resulting prompt": "El bloque NSFW va primero en la indicación resultante", + "Enables OpenAI completion streaming": "Permite la transmisión de completado de OpenAI", + "Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "Envolver los mensajes de usuario entre comillas antes de enviarlos", + "Restore default prompt": "Restaurar la indicación predeterminada", + "New preset": "Nueva configuración", + "Delete preset": "Eliminar configuración", + "Restore default jailbreak": "Restaurar el jailbreak predeterminado", + "Restore default reply": "Restaurar la respuesta predeterminada", + "Restore default note": "Restaurar la nota predeterminada", + "API Connections": "Conexiones de API", + "Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "Puede ayudar con malas respuestas al encolar solo a los trabajadores aprobados. Puede ralentizar el tiempo de respuesta.", + "Clear your API key": "Borrar tu clave de API", + "Refresh models": "Actualizar modelos", + "Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to openrouter.ai": "Obtenga su token de API de OpenRouter utilizando el flujo OAuth. Será redirigido a openrouter.ai", + "Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "Verifica su conexión de API enviando un breve mensaje de prueba. ¡Tenga en cuenta que se le acreditará por ello!", + "Create New": "Crear Nuevo", + "Edit": "Editar", + "Locked = World Editor will stay open": "Bloqueado = El Editor de Mundo permanecerá abierto", + "Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "Las entradas pueden activar otras entradas mencionando sus palabras clave", + "Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "La búsqueda de las claves de entrada en el contexto respetará el caso", + "If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "Si la clave de entrada consiste en solo una palabra, no se emparejará como parte de otras palabras", + "Open all Entries": "Abrir Todas las Entradas", + "Close all Entries": "Cerrar Todas las Entradas", + "Create": "Crear", + "Import World Info": "Importar Información del Mundo", + "Export World Info": "Exportar Información del Mundo", + "Delete World Info": "Eliminar Información del Mundo", + "Duplicate World Info": "Duplicar Información del Mundo", + "Rename World Info": "Renombrar Información del Mundo", + "Refresh": "Actualizar", + "Primary Keywords": "Palabras Clave Primarias", + "Logic": "Lógica", + "AND ANY": "Y CUALQUIERA", + "AND ALL": "Y TODOS", + "NOT ALL": "NO TODOS", + "NOT ANY": "NO CUALQUIERA", + "Optional Filter": "Filtro Opcional", + "New Entry": "Nueva Entrada", + "Fill empty Memo/Titles with Keywords": "Llenar Memos/Títulos vacíos con Palabras Clave", + "Save changes to a new theme file": "Guardar cambios en un nuevo archivo de tema", + "removes blur and uses alternative background color for divs": "elimina el desenfoque y usa un color de fondo alternativo para los divs", + "AI Response Formatting": "Formato de Respuesta de IA", + "Change Background Image": "Cambiar Imagen de Fondo", + "Extensions": "Extensiones", + "Click to set a new User Name": "Haga clic para establecer un nuevo Nombre de Usuario", + "Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "Haga clic para bloquear su persona seleccionada en el chat actual. Haga clic nuevamente para quitar el bloqueo.", + "Click to set user name for all messages": "Haga clic para establecer el nombre de usuario para todos los mensajes", + "Create a dummy persona": "Crear una persona ficticia", + "Character Management": "Gestión de Personajes", + "Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "Bloqueado = El panel de Gestión de Personajes permanecerá abierto", + "Select/Create Characters": "Seleccionar/Crear Personajes", + "Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "Las cuentas de tokens pueden ser inexactas y se proporcionan solo como referencia.", + "Click to select a new avatar for this character": "Haga clic para seleccionar un nuevo avatar para este personaje", + "Example: [{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]": "Ejemplo: [{{user}} es una chica gata rumana de 28 años.]", + "Toggle grid view": "Alternar vista de cuadrícula", + "Add to Favorites": "Agregar a Favoritos", + "Advanced Definition": "Definición Avanzada", + "Character Lore": "Trasfondo del personaje", + "Export and Download": "Exportar y descargar", + "Duplicate Character": "Duplicar personaje", + "Create Character": "Crear personaje", + "Delete Character": "Eliminar personaje", + "View all tags": "Ver todas las etiquetas", + "Click to set additional greeting messages": "Haz clic para establecer mensajes de saludo adicionales", + "Show / Hide Description and First Message": "Mostrar / Ocultar Descripción y Primer Mensaje", + "Click to select a new avatar for this group": "Haz clic para seleccionar un nuevo avatar para este grupo", + "Set a group chat scenario": "Establecer un escenario de chat grupal", + "Restore collage avatar": "Restaurar avatar de collage", + "Create New Character": "Crear nuevo personaje", + "Import Character from File": "Importar personaje desde archivo", + "Import content from external URL": "Importar contenido desde URL externa", + "Create New Chat Group": "Crear nuevo grupo de chat", + "Characters sorting order": "Orden de clasificación de personajes", + "Add chat injection": "Agregar inyección de chat", + "Remove injection": "Eliminar inyección", + "Remove": "Eliminar", + "Select a World Info file for": "Seleccionar un archivo de Información Mundial para", + "Primary Lorebook": "Libro de historias primario", + "A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "Una Información Mundial seleccionada se vinculará a este personaje como su propio Libro de historias.", + "When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "Al generar una respuesta de IA, se combinará con las entradas de un selector global de Información Mundial.", + "Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": "Exportar un personaje también exportaría el archivo de Libro de historias seleccionado incrustado en los datos JSON.", + "Additional Lorebooks": "Libros de historias adicionales", + "Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.": "Asociar uno o más Libros de historias auxiliares con este personaje.", + "NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!": "NOTA: ¡Estas opciones son opcionales y no se conservarán al exportar el personaje!", + "Rename chat file": "Renombrar archivo de chat", + "Export JSONL chat file": "Exportar archivo de chat JSONL", + "Download chat as plain text document": "Descargar chat como documento de texto sin formato", + "Delete chat file": "Eliminar archivo de chat", + "Delete tag": "Eliminar etiqueta", + "Translate message": "Traducir mensaje", + "Generate Image": "Generar imagen", + "Narrate": "Narrar", + "Prompt": "Indicar", + "Create Bookmark": "Crear marcador", + "Copy": "Copiar", + "Open bookmark chat": "Abrir chat de marcador", + "Confirm": "Confirmar", + "Copy this message": "Copiar este mensaje", + "Delete this message": "Eliminar este mensaje", + "Move message up": "Mover mensaje hacia arriba", + "Move message down": "Mover mensaje hacia abajo", + "Enlarge": "Ampliar", + "Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character": "Desactivar temporalmente las respuestas automáticas de este personaje", + "Enable automatic replies from this character": "Activar respuestas automáticas de este personaje", + "Trigger a message from this character": "Desencadenar un mensaje de este personaje", + "Move up": "Mover hacia arriba", + "Move down": "Mover hacia abajo", + "View character card": "Ver tarjeta de personaje", + "Remove from group": "Eliminar del grupo", + "Add to group": "Agregar al grupo", + "Add": "Agregar", + "Abort request": "Cancelar solicitud", + "Send a message": "Enviar un mensaje", + "Ask AI to write your message for you": "Pídele a la IA que escriba tu mensaje por ti", + "Continue the last message": "Continuar con el último mensaje", + "Bind user name to that avatar": "Vincular nombre de usuario a ese avatar", + "Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "Seleccionar esto como persona predeterminada para los nuevos chats.", + "Change persona image": "Cambiar imagen de persona", + "Delete persona": "Eliminar persona", + "Reduced Motion": "Movimiento reducido", + "Auto-select": "Auto-seleccionar", + "Automatically select a background based on the chat context": "Seleccionar automáticamente un fondo basado en el contexto del chat", + "Filter": "Filtro", + "Exclude message from prompts": "Excluir mensaje de indicaciones", + "Include message in prompts": "Incluir mensaje en indicaciones", + "Create checkpoint": "Crear punto de control", + "Create Branch": "Crear rama", + "Embed file or image": "Insertar archivo o imagen", + "UI Theme": "Tema de interfaz de usuario", + "This message is invisible for the AI": "Este mensaje es invisible para la IA", + "Sampler Priority": "Prioridad del muestreador", + "Ooba only. Determines the order of samplers.": "Solo Ooba. Determina el orden de los muestreadores.", + "Load default order": "Cargar orden predeterminado", + "Max Tokens Second": "Máximo de tokens por segundo", + "CFG": "CFG", + "No items": "Sin elementos", + "Extras API key (optional)": "Clave API de extras (opcional)", + "Notify on extension updates": "Notificar sobre actualizaciones de extensión", + "Toggle character grid view": "Alternar vista de cuadrícula de personajes", + "Bulk edit characters": "Editar personajes masivamente", + "Bulk delete characters": "Eliminar personajes masivamente", + "Favorite characters to add them to HotSwaps": "Marcar personajes como favoritos para añadirlos a HotSwaps", + "Underlined Text": "Texto subrayado", + "Token Probabilities": "Probabilidades de token", + "Close chat": "Cerrar chat", + "Manage chat files": "Gestionar archivos de chat", + "Import Extension From Git Repo": "Importar extensión desde repositorio Git", + "Install extension": "Instalar extensión", + "Manage extensions": "Gestionar extensiones", + "Tokens persona description": "Descripción de tokens", + "Most tokens": "Más tokens", + "Least tokens": "Menos tokens", + "Random": "Aleatorio", + "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "Omitir formato de diálogos de ejemplo", + "Import a theme file": "Importar un archivo de tema", + "Export a theme file": "Exportar un archivo de tema", + "Unlocked Context Size": "Tamaño de contexto desbloqueado", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "Mostrar la respuesta poco a poco a medida que se genera.", + "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "Cuando esto está apagado, las respuestas se mostrarán de una vez cuando estén completas.", + "Quick Prompts Edit": "Edición rápida de indicaciones", + "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "Activar streaming de completado de OpenAI", + "Main": "Principal", + "Utility Prompts": "Indicaciones de utilidad", + "Add character names": "Agregar nombres de personajes", + "Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "Enviar nombres en los objetos de mensaje. Ayuda al modelo a asociar mensajes con personajes.", + "Continue prefill": "Continuar con prefiltro", + "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "Continuar envía el último mensaje como rol de asistente en lugar de mensaje del sistema con instrucciones.", + "Squash system messages": "Aplastar mensajes del sistema", + "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "Combina mensajes del sistema consecutivos en uno solo (excluyendo diálogos de ejemplo). Puede mejorar la coherencia para algunos modelos.", + "Send inline images": "Enviar imágenes en línea", + "Assistant Prefill": "Prefiltro de asistente", + "Start Claude's answer with...": "Iniciar la respuesta de Claude con...", + "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "Usar indicación del sistema (solo Claude 2.1+)", + "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "Enviar la indicación del sistema para los modelos admitidos. Si está desactivado, el mensaje del usuario se agrega al principio de la indicación.", + "Prompts": "Indicaciones", + "Total Tokens:": "Tokens totales:", + "Insert prompt": "Insertar indicación", + "Delete prompt": "Eliminar indicación", + "Import a prompt list": "Importar una lista de indicaciones", + "Export this prompt list": "Exportar esta lista de indicaciones", + "Reset current character": "Restablecer personaje actual", + "New prompt": "Nueva indicación", + "Tokens": "Tokens", + "Want to update?": "¿Quieres actualizar?", + "How to start chatting?": "¿Cómo empezar a chatear?", + "Click": "Haz clic ", + "and select a": "y selecciona un", + "Chat API": " API de chat", + "and pick a character": "y elige un personaje", + "in the chat bar": "en la barra de chat", + "Confused or lost?": "¿Confundido o perdido?", + "click these icons!": "¡haz clic en estos iconos!", + "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "Sitio de documentación de SillyTavern", + "Extras Installation Guide": "Guía de instalación de extras", + "Still have questions?": "¿Todavía tienes preguntas?", + "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "Únete al Discord de SillyTavern", + "Post a GitHub issue": "Publicar un problema en GitHub", + "Contact the developers": "Contactar a los desarrolladores", + "Nucleus Sampling": "Muestreo de núcleo", + "Typical P": "P típico", + "Top K Sampling": "Muestreo de Top K", + "Top A Sampling": "Muestreo de Top A", + "Off": "Apagado", + "Very light": "Muy ligero", + "Light": "Ligero", + "Medium": "Medio", + "Aggressive": "Agresivo", + "Very aggressive": "Muy agresivo", + "Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique. In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3. Set to 0 to disable. See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "El corte de Eta es el parámetro principal de la técnica especial de Muestreo Eta. En unidades de 1e-4; un valor razonable es 3. Establecer en 0 para desactivar. Consulte el documento Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing de Hewitt et al. (2022) para más detalles.", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "Aprende cómo contribuir con tus ciclos de GPU inactivos a la Horda", + "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "Usa el tokenizador apropiado para los modelos de Google a través de su API. Procesamiento de indicaciones más lento, pero ofrece un recuento de tokens mucho más preciso.", + "Load koboldcpp order": "Cargar orden koboldcpp", + "Use Google Tokenizer": "Usar Tokenizador de Google" + + + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/locales/fr-fr.json b/public/locales/fr-fr.json index bce020ed8..04a5c8c48 100644 --- a/public/locales/fr-fr.json +++ b/public/locales/fr-fr.json @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ "None": "Aucun", "User Settings": "Paramètres utilisateur", "UI Mode": "Mode UI", - "UI Language": "Langue de l'interface utilisateur", + "UI Language": "Langue", "MovingUI Preset": "Préréglage MovingUI", "UI Customization": "Personnalisation de l'interface utilisateur", "Avatar Style": "Style d'avatar", @@ -856,7 +856,63 @@ "Random": "Aléatoire", "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "Ignorer le formatage des dialogues d'exemple", "Import a theme file": "Importer un fichier de thème", - "Export a theme file": "Exporter un fichier de thème" - + "Export a theme file": "Exporter un fichier de thème", + "Unlocked Context Size": "Taille du contexte déverrouillé", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "Afficher la réponse morceau par morceau au fur et à mesure de sa génération.", + "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "Lorsque cette fonction est désactivée, les réponses s'affichent toutes en une fois lorsqu'elles sont complètes.", + "Quick Prompts Edit": "Édition rapide des invitations", + "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "Activer le streaming de complétion OpenAI", + "Main": "Principal", + "Utility Prompts": "Invitations utilitaires", + "Add character names": "Ajouter des noms de personnages", + "Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "Envoyer les noms dans les objets de message. Aide le modèle à associer les messages aux personnages.", + "Continue prefill": "Continuer le pré-remplissage", + "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "Continuer envoie le dernier message en tant que rôle d'assistant au lieu d'un message système avec instruction.", + "Squash system messages": "Combiner les messages système", + "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "Combine les messages système consécutifs en un seul (à l'exclusion des dialogues d'exemple). Peut améliorer la cohérence pour certains modèles.", + "Send inline images": "Envoyer des images en ligne", + "Assistant Prefill": "Pré-remplissage de l'assistant", + "Start Claude's answer with...": "Commencer la réponse de Claude par...", + "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "Utiliser l'invite système (uniquement Claude 2.1+)", + "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "Envoyer l'invite système pour les modèles pris en charge. Si désactivé, le message de l'utilisateur est ajouté au début de l'invite.", + "Prompts": "Invitations", + "Total Tokens:": "Tokens totaux :", + "Insert prompt": "Insérer une invitation", + "Delete prompt": "Supprimer l'invitation", + "Import a prompt list": "Importer une liste d'invitations", + "Export this prompt list": "Exporter cette liste d'invitations", + "Reset current character": "Réinitialiser le personnage actuel", + "New prompt": "Nouvelle invitation", + "Tokens": "Jetons", + "Want to update?": "Envie de mettre à jour ?", + "How to start chatting?": "Comment commencer à discuter ?", + "Click": "Cliquez ", + "and select a": "et sélectionnez un", + "Chat API": "API de chat", + "and pick a character": "et choisissez un personnage", + "in the chat bar": "dans la barre de chat", + "Confused or lost?": "Confus ou perdu ?", + "click these icons!": "cliquez sur ces icônes !", + "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "Site de documentation de SillyTavern", + "Extras Installation Guide": "Guide d'installation des extras", + "Still have questions?": "Vous avez encore des questions ?", + "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "Rejoignez le Discord de SillyTavern", + "Post a GitHub issue": "Poster un problème sur GitHub", + "Contact the developers": "Contacter les développeurs", + "Nucleus Sampling": "Échantillonnage du noyau", + "Typical P": "P typique", + "Top K Sampling": "Échantillonnage Top K", + "Top A Sampling": "Échantillonnage Top A", + "Off": "Désactivé", + "Very light": "Très léger", + "Light": "Léger", + "Medium": "Moyen", + "Aggressive": "Agressif", + "Very aggressive": "Très agressif", + "Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique. In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3. Set to 0 to disable. See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "Le seuil Eta est le principal paramètre de la technique d'échantillonnage Eta spéciale. En unités de 1e-4 ; une valeur raisonnable est 3. Réglez sur 0 pour désactiver. Voir l'article Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing par Hewitt et al. (2022) pour plus de détails.", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "Apprenez comment contribuer vos cycles GPU inactifs à la Horde", + "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "Utilisez le tokenizer approprié pour les modèles Google via leur API. Traitement des invitations plus lent, mais offre un décompte de jetons beaucoup plus précis.", + "Load koboldcpp order": "Charger l'ordre koboldcpp", + "Use Google Tokenizer": "Utiliser le tokenizer Google" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/locales/is-is.json b/public/locales/is-is.json index c25c3246c..1aa34b843 100644 --- a/public/locales/is-is.json +++ b/public/locales/is-is.json @@ -857,7 +857,63 @@ "Random": "Handahófskennt", "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "Sleppa sniði dæmishugmynda", "Import a theme file": "Flytja inn þema skrá", - "Export a theme file": "Flytja út þema skrá" - + "Export a theme file": "Flytja út þema skrá", + "Unlocked Context Size": "Opnað samhengi stærð", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "Birta svarid bita fyrir bita þegar það er búið til.", + "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "Þegar þetta er slökkt verða svör birt allt í einu þegar þau eru búin.", + "Quick Prompts Edit": "Fljótar umbreytingar á hvöttum", + "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "Virkja OpenAI klárastreymi", + "Main": "Aðal", + "Utility Prompts": "Hjálpar hvöttir", + "Add character names": "Bæta við nöfnum persónna", + "Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "Senda nöfn í skilaboðahlutum. Hjálpar módelinu að tengja skilaboð við persónur.", + "Continue prefill": "Haltu áfram fyrirfram fyllingu", + "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "Haltu áfram sendir síðasta skilaboðið sem hjálparhlutverk frekar en kerfisskilaboð með leiðbeiningum.", + "Squash system messages": "Flatta kerfisskilaboð", + "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "Sameinar samhliða kerfisskilaboð í eitt (sem er utan umsagna dæmum). Getur bætt samfelldni fyrir sumar módel.", + "Send inline images": "Senda myndir í línu", + "Assistant Prefill": "Fyrirfram fylla viðstoðarmanns", + "Start Claude's answer with...": "Byrjaðu svör Claude með...", + "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "Nota kerfisflug (einungis Claude 2.1+)", + "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "Senda kerfisflug fyrir styðjandi módel. Ef óvirk, er notendaskilaboð bætt við byrjun flugs.", + "Prompts": "Hvöttir", + "Total Tokens:": "Heildartákn:", + "Insert prompt": "Setja inn hvött", + "Delete prompt": "Eyða hvött", + "Import a prompt list": "Flytja inn hvöttlista", + "Export this prompt list": "Flytja út þessa hvöttlista", + "Reset current character": "Endurstilla núverandi persónu", + "New prompt": "Nýr hvött", + "Tokens": "Tákn", + "Want to update?": "Viltu uppfæra?", + "How to start chatting?": "Hvernig á að byrja að spjalla?", + "Click": "Smelltu á", + "and select a": "og veldu", + "Chat API": "Spjall API", + "and pick a character": "og veldu persónu", + "in the chat bar": "í spjallstiku", + "Confused or lost?": "Óttin eða villt?", + "click these icons!": "smelltu á þessi tákn!", + "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "SillyTavern Skjölunarsíða", + "Extras Installation Guide": "Leiðbeiningar um viðbætur", + "Still have questions?": "Ertu enn með spurningar?", + "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "Skráðu þig í SillyTavern Discord", + "Post a GitHub issue": "Senda inn GitHub málefni", + "Contact the developers": "Hafa samband við þróunaraðila", + "Nucleus Sampling": "Kjarnaörlög", + "Typical P": "Venjulegt P", + "Top K Sampling": "Top K örlög", + "Top A Sampling": "Top A örlög", + "Off": "Af", + "Very light": "Mjög létt", + "Light": "Létt", + "Medium": "Miðlungs", + "Aggressive": "Árásargjarn", + "Very aggressive": "Mjög árásargjarn", + "Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique. In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3. Set to 0 to disable. See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "Eta afhending er aðalbreytan í sértækri Eta örlögum. Í einingum af 1e-4; skynsamlegt gildi er 3. Stillt á 0 til að óvirkja. Sjá greinina Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing eftir Hewitt et al. (2022) fyrir nánari upplýsingar.", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "Lærðu hvernig þú getur stuðlað að hléum GPU hringjum þínum til Horde", + "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "Notaðu rétta tokenizer fyrir Google módel með þeirra API. Hægri umhvörf fyrir hvöttavinnslu, en býður upp á miklu nákvæmari talningu á táknunum.", + "Load koboldcpp order": "Hlaðið inn færslu af koboldcpp", + "Use Google Tokenizer": "Notaðu Google Tokenizer" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/locales/it-it.json b/public/locales/it-it.json index 1e13d3bb7..1e03a0423 100644 --- a/public/locales/it-it.json +++ b/public/locales/it-it.json @@ -1,759 +1,921 @@ { - "clickslidertips": "consigli per gli slider", - "kobldpresets": "Preset Kobold", - "guikoboldaisettings": "settaggi KoboldAI", - "novelaipreserts": "Preset NovelAI", - "default": "default", - "openaipresets": "Preset OpenAI", - "text gen webio(ooba) presets": "Preset text gen webio(ooba)", - "response legth(tokens)": "lunghezza risposta (in Token)", - "select": "seleziona", - "context size(tokens)": "dimensione contesto (in Token)", - "unlocked": "Sblocca", - "Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "Seleziona il supporto ai modls soltanto se le dimenzioni contesto sono più grandi di 4096 token. Procedi soltanto se sai cosa stai facendo.", - "rep.pen": "rep.pen", - "rep.pen range": "rep.pen range", - "temperature": "temperature", - "Encoder Rep. Pen.": "Encoder Rep. Pen.", - "No Repeat Ngram Size": "Dimensione N-gramma senza ripetizioni", - "Min Length": "lunghezza minima", - "OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "OpenAI Reverse Proxy", - "Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "URL del server alternativo (lasciare il campo vuoto per i valori predefiniti).", - "Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "Rimuovi la chiave API di OpenAI dal pannello API PRIMA di scrivere qualsiasi cosa in questa casella", - "We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "Non possiamo offrire supporto per problemi incontrati durante l'utilizzo di un proxy non ufficiale di OpenAI", - "Legacy Streaming Processing": "Processo Streaming Legacy", - "Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "Spunta la casella se lo streaming non funziona con il tuo proxy.", - "Context Size (tokens)": "Grandezza del contesto (in Token)", - "Max Response Length (tokens)": "Lunghezza risposta massima (in Token)", - "Temperature": "Temperature", - "Frequency Penalty": "Frequency Penalty", - "Presence Penalty": "Presence Penalty", + "clickslidertips": "Fare clic per inserire manualmente i valori.", + "kobldpresets": "Preimpostazioni Kobold", + "guikoboldaisettings": "Impostazioni dell'interfaccia KoboldAI", + "novelaipreserts": "Preimpostazioni NovelAI", + "default": "Predefinito", + "openaipresets": "Preimpostazioni OpenAI", + "text gen webio(ooba) presets": "Preimpostazioni WebUI(ooba) per la generazione di testo", + "response legth(tokens)": "Lunghezza della risposta (token)", + "select": "Seleziona", + "context size(tokens)": "Dimensione del contesto (token)", + "unlocked": "Sbloccato", + "Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "Solo determinati modelli supportano dimensioni del contesto superiori a 4096 token. Aumentare solo se si sa cosa si sta facendo.", + "rep.pen": "Pena per ripetizione", + "WI Entry Status:🔵 Constant🟢 Normal❌ Disabled": "Stato dell'ingresso WI:🔵 Costante🟢 Normale❌ Disabilitato", + "rep.pen range": "Intervallo di pena per ripetizione", + "Temperature controls the randomness in token selection": "La temperatura controlla la casualità nella selezione dei token", + "temperature": "Temperatura", + "Top K sets a maximum amount of top tokens that can be chosen from": "Top K imposta una quantità massima di token migliori che possono essere scelti", + "Top P (a.k.a. nucleus sampling)": "Top P (alias campionamento del nucleo)", + "Typical P Sampling prioritizes tokens based on their deviation from the average entropy of the set": "Il campionamento P tipico prioritizza i token in base alla loro deviazione dall'entropia media del set", + "Min P sets a base minimum probability": "Min P imposta una probabilità minima di base", + "Top A sets a threshold for token selection based on the square of the highest token probability": "Top A imposta una soglia per la selezione dei token in base al quadrato della probabilità più alta del token", + "Tail-Free Sampling (TFS)": "Campionamento senza coda (TFS)", + "Epsilon cutoff sets a probability floor below which tokens are excluded from being sampled": "Il taglio epsilon imposta un limite di probabilità al di sotto del quale i token vengono esclusi dal campionamento", + "Scale Temperature dynamically per token, based on the variation of probabilities": "Scala la temperatura dinamicamente per token, in base alla variazione delle probabilità", + "Minimum Temp": "Temperatura minima", + "Maximum Temp": "Temperatura massima", + "Exponent": "Esponente", + "Mirostat Mode": "Modalità Mirostat", + "Mirostat Tau": "Tau di Mirostat", + "Mirostat Eta": "Eta di Mirostat", + "Variability parameter for Mirostat outputs": "Parametro di variabilità per le uscite di Mirostat", + "Learning rate of Mirostat": "Tasso di apprendimento di Mirostat", + "Strength of the Contrastive Search regularization term. Set to 0 to disable CS": "Intensità del termine di regolarizzazione della ricerca contrastiva. Impostare su 0 per disabilitare CS.", + "Temperature Last": "Ultima temperatura", + "Use the temperature sampler last": "Usa l'ultimo campionatore di temperatura", + "LLaMA / Mistral / Yi models only": "Solo modelli LLaMA / Mistral / Yi", + "Example: some text [42, 69, 1337]": "Esempio: un po' di testo [42, 69, 1337]", + "Classifier Free Guidance. More helpful tip coming soon": "Guida gratuita del classificatore. Presto arriverà un consiglio più utile", + "Scale": "Scala", + "GBNF Grammar": "Grammatica GBNF", + "Usage Stats": "Statistiche d'uso", + "Click for stats!": "Clicca per le statistiche!", + "Backup": "Backup", + "Backup your personas to a file": "Esegui il backup delle tue personalità su un file", + "Restore": "Ripristina", + "Restore your personas from a file": "Ripristina le tue personalità da un file", + "Type in the desired custom grammar": "Digita la grammatica personalizzata desiderata", + "Encoder Rep. Pen.": "Penalità di ripetizione dell'encoder", + "Smoothing Factor": "Fattore di smorzamento", + "No Repeat Ngram Size": "Dimensione ngram senza ripetizione", + "Min Length": "Lunghezza minima", + "OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "Proxy inverso OpenAI", + "Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "URL del server alternativo (lasciare vuoto per utilizzare il valore predefinito).", + "Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "Rimuovi la tua vera chiave API OAI dal pannello API PRIMA di digitare qualcosa in questo campo", + "We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "Non possiamo fornire supporto per i problemi riscontrati durante l'utilizzo di un proxy non ufficiale di OpenAI", + "Legacy Streaming Processing": "Elaborazione di streaming legacy", + "Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "Abilita questa opzione se lo streaming non funziona con il tuo proxy", + "Context Size (tokens)": "Dimensione del contesto (token)", + "Max Response Length (tokens)": "Lunghezza massima della risposta (token)", + "Temperature": "Temperatura", + "Frequency Penalty": "Penalità di frequenza", + "Presence Penalty": "Penalità di presenza", "Top-p": "Top-p", - "Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "Mostra la risposta del bot mano a mano che viene generata.", + "Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "Mostra i frammenti di testo della risposta del bot man mano che vengono generati", "Top A": "Top A", - "Typical Sampling": "Typical Sampling", - "Tail Free Sampling": "Tail Free Sampling", - "Rep. Pen. Slope": "Rep. Pen. Slope", - "Single-line mode": "Single-line mode", + "Typical Sampling": "Campionamento tipico", + "Tail Free Sampling": "Campionamento senza coda", + "Rep. Pen. Slope": "Pendenza della penalità di ripetizione", + "Single-line mode": "Modalità a riga singola", "Top K": "Top K", "Top P": "Top P", - "Typical P": "Typical P", - "Do Sample": "Do Sample", - "Add BOS Token": "Aggiungi BOS Token", - "Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative.": "Aggiungi bos_token all'inizio di un prompt. Disattivarlo potrebbe rendere le risposte più creative.", - "Ban EOS Token": "Blocca EOS Token", - "Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "Blocca eos_token. Questo costringe il modello a non concludere prematuramente la generazione del testo.", - "Skip Special Tokens": "Salta Token speciali", - "Beam search": "Ricerca Beam", - "Number of Beams": "Numero di Beam", - "Length Penalty": "Length Penalty", - "Early Stopping": "Early Stoppinga", - "Contrastive search": "Contrastive search", - "Penalty Alpha": "Penalty Alpha", - "Seed": "Seed", - "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "Inserisci il Jailbreak come ultimo messaggio di sistema.", - "This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "Questo suggerisce alla IA di ignorare le restrizioni contestualizzate nella chat.", - "NSFW Encouraged": "Stimolare le risposte NSFW", - "Tell the AI that NSFW is allowed.": "Dice all'IA che il materiale NSFW è permesso.", - "NSFW Prioritized": "Dai la precedenza al materiale NSFW", - "NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "Il prompt NSFW viene inviato per prima per enfatizzarne l'effetto.", + "Do Sample": "Eseguire il campionamento", + "Add BOS Token": "Aggiungi token BOS", + "Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative": "Aggiungi il bos_token all'inizio dei suggerimenti. Disabilitare questa opzione può rendere le risposte più creative", + "Ban EOS Token": "Bandisci il token EOS", + "Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "Bandisci il token eos. Questo costringe il modello a non terminare mai la generazione prematuramente", + "Skip Special Tokens": "Salta i token speciali", + "Beam search": "Ricerca a fascio", + "Number of Beams": "Numero di fasci", + "Length Penalty": "Penalità di lunghezza", + "Early Stopping": "Arresto anticipato", + "Contrastive search": "Ricerca contrastiva", + "Penalty Alpha": "Alfa di penalità", + "Seed": "Seme", + "Epsilon Cutoff": "Taglio epsilon", + "Eta Cutoff": "Taglio eta", + "Negative Prompt": "Prompt negativo", + "Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat (la modalità=1 è solo per llama.cpp)", + "Mirostat is a thermostat for output perplexity": "Mirostat è un termostato per la perplessità dell'output", + "Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "Aggiungi qui del testo che farebbe generare all'IA cose che non vuoi nei tuoi output.", + "Phrase Repetition Penalty": "Penalità per la ripetizione di frasi", + "Preamble": "Preambolo", + "Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.": "Usa i tag di stile per modificare lo stile di scrittura dell'output.", + "Banned Tokens": "Token banditi", + "Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line.": "Sequenze che non vuoi che compaiano nell'output. Una per riga.", + "AI Module": "Modulo AI", + "Changes the style of the generated text.": "Cambia lo stile del testo generato.", + "Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "Usato se la scala CFG non è impostata globalmente, per chat o carattere", + "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "Inserisce il jailbreak come ultimo messaggio di sistema.", + "This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "Questo dice all'IA di ignorare le sue solite restrizioni sui contenuti.", + "NSFW Encouraged": "NSFW incoraggiato", + "Tell the AI that NSFW is allowed.": "Informa l'IA che NSFW è consentito.", + "NSFW Prioritized": "Priorità NSFW", + "NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "Il testo del prompt NSFW va prima nel prompt per enfatizzarne l'effetto.", "Streaming": "Streaming", - "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "Mostra la risposta mano a mano che viene generata.", - "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "Quando questa casella è disattivata, le risposte vengono mostrate soltanto una volta che il testo è stato ultimato.", - "Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "Genera solo una riga per richiesta (solo KoboldAI, ignorata da KoboldCpp).", - "Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "Bandire il token End-of-Sequence (EOS) (con KoboldCpp, ed eventualmente anche altri token con KoboldAI).", - "Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "Buono per scrivere storie, ma non dovrebbe essere usato per la modalità chat e istruzioni.", + "Dynamic Temperature": "Temperatura dinamica", + "Restore current preset": "Ripristina l'attuale preimpostazione", + "Neutralize Samplers": "Neutralizza i campionatori", + "Text Completion presets": "Preimpostazioni completamento del testo", + "Documentation on sampling parameters": "Documentazione sui parametri di campionamento", + "Set all samplers to their neutral/disabled state.": "Imposta tutti i campionatori sullo stato neutro/disabilitato.", + "Only enable this if your model supports context sizes greater than 4096 tokens": "Abilita solo se il tuo modello supporta dimensioni del contesto superiori a 4096 token", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated": "Mostra la risposta pezzo per pezzo man mano che viene generata", + "Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "Genera solo una riga per richiesta (solo KoboldAI, ignorato da KoboldCpp).", + "Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "Bandisci il token End-of-Sequence (EOS) (con KoboldCpp, e possibilmente anche altri token con KoboldAI).", + "Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "Buono per scrivere storie, ma non dovrebbe essere usato per la chat e la modalità di istruzioni.", "Enhance Definitions": "Migliora le definizioni", - "Use OAI knowledge base to enhance definitions for public figures and known fictional characters": "Usa la conoscenza di OpenAI per migliorare le definizioni di personaggi pubblici e personaggi immaginari famosi.", - "Wrap in Quotes": "Invia i messaggi tra virgolette", - "Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "Tutti i messaggi verranno inviati sotto forma di dialogo prima di inviarli.", - "Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "Lascia perdere questa opzione se scrivi già da te le citazioni per rappresentare i dialoghi.", + "Use OAI knowledge base to enhance definitions for public figures and known fictional characters": "Utilizza la base di conoscenza OAI per migliorare le definizioni di figure pubbliche e personaggi fittizi conosciuti", + "Wrap in Quotes": "Avvolgi tra virgolette", + "Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "Avvolgi l'intero messaggio dell'utente tra virgolette prima di inviarlo.", + "Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "Lascia perdere se usi manualmente le virgolette per il discorso.", "Main prompt": "Prompt principale", - "The main prompt used to set the model behavior": "Il prompt principale usato come base per il comportamento del modello.", + "The main prompt used to set the model behavior": "Il prompt principale utilizzato per impostare il comportamento del modello", "NSFW prompt": "Prompt NSFW", - "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is on": "Prompt utilizzato quando l'opzione NSFW è attiva.", - "Jailbreak prompt": "Jailbreak prompt", - "Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "Prompt utilizzato quando l'opzione Jailbreak è attiva.", - "Impersonation prompt": "Prompt per l'impersonificazione dell'utente", - "Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "Prompt utilizzato per la funzione di impersonificazione dell'utente", - "Logit Bias": "Logit Bias", - "Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "Aiuta a disincentivare o rinforzare l'utilizzo di alcuni tipi di parole.", - "View / Edit bias preset": "Mostra / Modifica bias preset", - "Add bias entry": "Aggiungi voce bias", - "Jailbreak activation message": "Messaggio d'attivazione del Jailbreak", - "Message to send when auto-jailbreak is on.": "Messaggio da inviare quando l'auto-jailbreak è attivato", - "Jailbreak confirmation reply": "Risposta di conferma per il Jailbreak", - "Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "Il bot deve inviare questa risposta per confermare il Jailbreak", - "Character Note": "Note del personaggio", + "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is on": "Prompt che viene utilizzato quando il toggle NSFW è attivo", + "Jailbreak prompt": "Prompt jailbreak", + "Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "Prompt che viene utilizzato quando il toggle Jailbreak è attivo", + "Impersonation prompt": "Prompt di impersonazione", + "Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "Prompt che viene utilizzato per la funzione di impersonazione", + "Logit Bias": "Bias del logit", + "Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "Aiuta a vietare o rafforzare l'uso di determinate parole", + "View / Edit bias preset": "Visualizza / Modifica la preimpostazione del bias", + "Add bias entry": "Aggiungi voce di bias", + "Jailbreak activation message": "Messaggio di attivazione del jailbreak", + "Message to send when auto-jailbreak is on.": "Messaggio da inviare quando il jailbreak automatico è attivo.", + "Jailbreak confirmation reply": "Risposta di conferma del jailbreak", + "Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "Il bot deve inviare questo per confermare il jailbreak", + "Character Note": "Nota sul personaggio", "Influences bot behavior in its responses": "Influenza il comportamento del bot nelle sue risposte", + "Connect": "Collega", + "Test Message": "Messaggio di prova", "API": "API", "KoboldAI": "KoboldAI", "Use Horde": "Usa Horde", - "API url": "Url API", - "Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "Crea un account Horde per tempi di attesa più brevi", - "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "Impara come utilizzare i tuoi cicli GPU in idle per contribuire a Horde", - "Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "Sistema la grandezza del contesto alle sue capacità operazionali", - "Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "Sistema la lunghezza della risposta alle sue capacità operazionali", + "API url": "URL API", + "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine": "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine (Modalità wrapper per l'API OpenAI)", + "Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "Registrati per un account Horde per tempi di attesa più brevi", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "Scopri come contribuire ai cicli GPU inutilizzati all'Hord", + "Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "Regola la dimensione del contesto in base alle capacità del lavoratore", + "Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "Regola la lunghezza della risposta in base alle capacità del lavoratore", "API key": "Chiave API", + "Tabby API key": "Chiave API di Tabby", + "Get it here:": "Ottienilo qui:", "Register": "Registrati", - "For privacy reasons": "Per motivi di privacy", - "Model": "Modello", - "Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "Mantieni premuto il tasto Control / Comando per selezionare modelli multipli.", + "TogetherAI Model": "Modello TogetherAI", + "Example:": "Esempio:", + "ggerganov/llama.cpp": "ggerganov/llama.cpp (Server di output)", + "Example:": "Esempio:", + "Example:": "Esempio:", + "Ollama Model": "Modello Ollama", + "Download": "Scarica", + "TogetherAI API Key": "Chiave API di TogetherAI", + "-- Connect to the API --": "-- Collegati all'API --", + "View my Kudos": "Visualizza i miei Kudos", + "Enter": "Inserisci", + "to use anonymous mode.": "per utilizzare la modalità anonima.", + "For privacy reasons": "Per motivi di privacy, la chiave API viene nascosta dopo l'aggiornamento della pagina", + "Models": "Modelli", + "Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "Tieni premuto il tasto Control / Command per selezionare più modelli.", "Horde models not loaded": "Modelli Horde non caricati", - "Not connected": "Non connesso", - "Novel API key": "NovelAI API key", + "Not connected...": "Non connesso...", + "Novel API key": "Chiave API di Novel", "Follow": "Segui", - "these directions": "questi suggerimenti", - "to get your NovelAI API key.": "per ottenere la chiave API di NovelAI.", - "Enter it in the box below": "Inserisci la chiave all'interno della casella qui sotto", - "Novel AI Model": "Modello di NovelAI", - "Euterpe": "Euterpe", - "Krake": "Krake", - "No connection": "Nessuna connessione", - "oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "oobabooga/text-generation-webui", - "Make sure you run it with": "assicurati di farlo partire con --extensions openai", - "Blocking API url": "Blocca l'indirizzo API", - "Streaming API url": "Streaming dell'indirizzo API", + "these directions": "queste istruzioni", + "to get your NovelAI API key.": "per ottenere la tua chiave API di NovelAI.", + "Enter it in the box below": "Inseriscilo nella casella qui sotto", + "Novel AI Model": "Modello Novel AI", + "If you are using:": "Se stai usando:", + "oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "", + "Make sure you run it with": "Assicurati di eseguirlo con", + "flag": "bandiera", + "API key (optional)": "Chiave API (opzionale)", + "Server url": "URL del server", + "Custom model (optional)": "Modello personalizzato (opzionale)", + "Bypass API status check": "Ignora il controllo dello stato dell'API", + "Mancer AI": "", + "Use API key (Only required for Mancer)": "Usa la chiave API (richiesta solo per Mancer)", + "Blocking API url": "URL API di blocco", + "Example:": "Esempio:", + "Legacy API (pre-OAI, no streaming)": "API legacy (prima di OAI, senza streaming)", + "Bypass status check": "Ignora controllo stato", + "Streaming API url": "URL API di streaming", + "Example: ws://": "Esempio: ws://", + "Mancer API key": "Chiave API di Mancer", + "Example: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api": "Esempio: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api", "to get your OpenAI API key.": "per ottenere la tua chiave API di OpenAI.", - "OpenAI Model": "Modello di OpenAI", - "View API Usage Metrics": "Mostra le metriche di utilizzo delle API", + "Window AI Model": "Modello AI di Window", + "OpenAI Model": "Modello OpenAI", + "Claude API Key": "Chiave API di Claude", + "Get your key from": "Ottieni la tua chiave da", + "Anthropic's developer console": "Console dello sviluppatore di Anthropic", + "Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.": "I cookie di Slack e Poe non funzioneranno qui, non provare nemmeno.", + "Claude Model": "Modello Claude", + "Scale API Key": "Chiave API di Scale", + "Alt Method": "Metodo alternativo", + "AI21 API Key": "Chiave API di AI21", + "AI21 Model": "Modello AI21", + "View API Usage Metrics": "Visualizza le metriche sull'uso dell'API", + "Show External models (provided by API)": "Mostra modelli esterni (forniti dall'API)", "Bot": "Bot", - "Connect to the API": "Connettiti alle API", - "Auto-connect to Last Server": "Connessione automatica all'ultimo server", - "View hidden API keys": "Mostra le chiavi API nascoste", + "Allow fallback routes": "Consenti percorsi alternativi", + "Allow fallback routes Description": "Il modello alternativo viene automaticamente scelto se il modello selezionato non può soddisfare la tua richiesta.", + "OpenRouter API Key": "Chiave API di OpenRouter", + "Connect to the API": "Connetti all'API", + "OpenRouter Model": "Modello OpenRouter", + "View Remaining Credits": "Visualizza i crediti rimanenti", + "Click Authorize below or get the key from": "Fai clic su Autorizza qui sotto o ottieni la chiave da", + "Auto-connect to Last Server": "Connetti automaticamente all'ultimo server", + "View hidden API keys": "Visualizza le chiavi API nascoste", "Advanced Formatting": "Formattazione avanzata", - "AutoFormat Overrides": "Sovrascrittura AutoFormat", - "Disable description formatting": "Disattiva la formattazione della descrizione", - "Disable personality formatting": "Disattiva la formattazione della personalità", - "Disable scenario formatting": "Disattiva la formattazione dello scenario", - "Disable example chats formatting": "Disattiva la formattazione degli esempi di chat", - "Disable chat start formatting": "Disattiva la formattazione della chat iniziale", + "Context Template": "Modello di contesto", + "AutoFormat Overrides": "Sostituzioni di AutoFormat", + "Disable description formatting": "Disabilita la formattazione della descrizione", + "Disable personality formatting": "Disabilita la formattazione della personalità", + "Disable scenario formatting": "Disabilita la formattazione dello scenario", + "Disable example chats formatting": "Disabilita la formattazione delle chat di esempio", + "Disable chat start formatting": "Disabilita la formattazione di inizio chat", "Custom Chat Separator": "Separatore di chat personalizzato", - "Instruct mode": "Modalità istruzione", - "Enabled": "Attiva", - "Wrap Sequences with Newline": "Ogni sequenza viene rimandata a capo", + "Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "Sostituisci Macro in Stringhe di Arresto Personalizzate", + "Strip Example Messages from Prompt": "Rimuovi i messaggi di esempio dalla prompt", + "Story String": "Stringa della storia", + "Example Separator": "Separatore di esempio", + "Chat Start": "Inizio chat", + "Activation Regex": "Regex di attivazione", + "Instruct Mode": "Modalità di istruzione", + "Wrap Sequences with Newline": "Avvolgi le sequenze con una nuova riga", "Include Names": "Includi i nomi", + "Force for Groups and Personas": "Forza per Gruppi e Personaggi", "System Prompt": "Prompt di sistema", - "Instruct Mode Sequences": "Sequenze in modalità istruzione", + "Instruct Mode Sequences": "Sequenze della modalità di istruzione", "Input Sequence": "Sequenza di input", + "Output Sequence": "Sequenza di output", "First Output Sequence": "Prima sequenza di output", "Last Output Sequence": "Ultima sequenza di output", "System Sequence Prefix": "Prefisso sequenza di sistema", - "System Sequence Suffix": "Suffisso della sequenza del sistema", - "Stop Sequence": "Sequenza d'arresto", + "System Sequence Suffix": "Suffisso sequenza di sistema", + "Stop Sequence": "Sequenza di arresto", "Context Formatting": "Formattazione del contesto", + "(Saved to Context Template)": "(Salvato nel modello di contesto)", "Tokenizer": "Tokenizer", - "None / Estimated": "None / Estimated", + "None / Estimated": "Nessuno / Stimato", "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)": "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)", - "Token Padding": "Token Padding", - "Always add character's name to prompt": "Aggiungi sempre il nome del personaggio al prompt", - "Keep Example Messages in Prompt": "Mantieni i messaggi d'esempio dal prompt", - "Remove Empty New Lines from Output": "Rimuovi le linee di testo vuote dall'output", - "Pygmalion Formatting": "Formattazione Pygmalion", - "Disabled for all models": "Disattiva per tutti i modelli", + "Token Padding": "Riempimento token", + "Save preset as": "Salva preimpostazione come", + "Always add character's name to prompt": "Aggiungi sempre il nome del personaggio alla prompt", + "Use as Stop Strings": "Usa come stringhe di arresto", + "Bind to Context": "Collega al contesto", + "Generate only one line per request": "Genera solo una riga per richiesta", + "Misc. Settings": "Impostazioni varie", + "Auto-Continue": "Auto-continua", + "Collapse Consecutive Newlines": "Riduci a capo consecutivi", + "Allow for Chat Completion APIs": "Consenti per API di completamento chat", + "Target length (tokens)": "Lunghezza obiettivo (token)", + "Keep Example Messages in Prompt": "Mantieni i messaggi di esempio nella prompt", + "Remove Empty New Lines from Output": "Rimuovi le nuove righe vuote dall'output", + "Disabled for all models": "Disabilitato per tutti i modelli", "Automatic (based on model name)": "Automatico (basato sul nome del modello)", - "Enabled for all models": "Attiva per tutti i modelli", - "Multigen": "Multigen", - "First chunk (tokens)": "Primo pacchetto (in Token)", - "Next chunks (tokens)": "Pacchetto successivo (in Token)", - "Anchors Order": "Anchors Order", - "Character then Style": "Prima il personaggio, successivamente lo stile", - "Style then Character": "Prima lo stile, successivamente il personaggio", - "Character Anchor": "Character Anchor", - "Style Anchor": "Style Anchor", - "World Info": "'Info Mondo'", + "Enabled for all models": "Abilitato per tutti i modelli", + "Anchors Order": "Ordine degli ancoraggi", + "Character then Style": "Personaggio poi Stile", + "Style then Character": "Stile poi Personaggio", + "Character Anchor": "Ancoraggio del personaggio", + "Style Anchor": "Ancoraggio dello stile", + "World Info": "Informazioni sul mondo", "Scan Depth": "Profondità della scansione", - "depth": "Profondità", - "Token Budget": "Budget per i Token", - "budget": "budget", - "Recursive scanning": "Analisi ricorsiva", - "None": "None", - "User Settings": "Settaggi utente", + "Case-Sensitive": "Sensibile alle maiuscole/minuscole", + "Match Whole Words": "Corrispondi parole intere", + "Use global setting": "Usa l'impostazione globale", + "Yes": "Sì", + "No": "No", + "Context %": "Contesto %", + "Budget Cap": "Limite di bilancio", + "(0 = disabled)": "(0 = disabilitato)", + "depth": "profondità", + "Token Budget": "Budget dei token", + "budget": "bilancio", + "Recursive scanning": "Scansione ricorsiva", + "None": "Nessuno", + "User Settings": "Impostazioni utente", + "UI Mode": "Modalità UI", + "UI Language": "Lingua", + "MovingUI Preset": "Preset di MovingUI", "UI Customization": "Personalizzazione UI", "Avatar Style": "Stile avatar", "Circle": "Cerchio", "Rectangle": "Rettangolo", - "Chat Style": "Stile della Chat", + "Square": "Quadrato", + "Chat Style": "Stile della chat", "Default": "Predefinito", "Bubbles": "Bolle", - "Chat Width (PC)": "Lunghezza della chat (PC)", - "No Blur Effect": "Nessun effetto sfocatura", - "No Text Shadows": "Nessuna ombreggiatura testo", - "Waifu Mode": "♡ Modalità Waifu ♡", - "Message Timer": "Timer messaggio", - "Characters Hotswap": "Hotswap personaggi", - "Movable UI Panels": "Pannelli UI movibili", + "No Blur Effect": "Nessun effetto di sfocatura", + "No Text Shadows": "Nessuna ombra di testo", + "Waifu Mode": "Modalità Waifu", + "Message Timer": "Timer del messaggio", + "Model Icon": "Icona del modello", + "# of messages (0 = disabled)": "# di messaggi (0 = disabilitato)", + "Advanced Character Search": "Ricerca avanzata dei personaggi", + "Allow {{char}}: in bot messages": "Consenti {{char}}: nei messaggi del bot", + "Allow {{user}}: in bot messages": "Consenti {{user}}: nei messaggi del bot", + "Show tags in responses": "Mostra tag nelle risposte", + "Aux List Field": "Campo della lista ausiliaria", + "Lorebook Import Dialog": "Dialogo di importazione del lorebook", + "MUI Preset": "Preset MUI", + "If set in the advanced character definitions, this field will be displayed in the characters list.": "Se impostato nelle definizioni avanzate dei personaggi, questo campo verrà visualizzato nell'elenco dei personaggi.", + "Relaxed API URLS": "URL API rilassati", + "Custom CSS": "CSS personalizzato", + "Default (oobabooga)": "Predefinito (oobabooga)", + "Mancer Model": "Modello Mancer", + "API Type": "Tipo di API", + "Aphrodite API key": "Chiave API di Aphrodite", + "Relax message trim in Groups": "Rilassa il taglio dei messaggi nei Gruppi", + "Characters Hotswap": "Scambio rapido dei personaggi", + "Request token probabilities": "Richiesta delle probabilità dei token", + "Movable UI Panels": "Pannelli UI mobili", "Reset Panels": "Ripristina i pannelli", "UI Colors": "Colori UI", "Main Text": "Testo principale", - "Italics Text": "Testo in Italic", - "Quote Text": "Testo citato", - "Shadow Color": "Colore ombreggiatura", - "FastUI BG": "FastUI BG", + "Italics Text": "Testo corsivo", + "Quote Text": "Testo citazione", + "Shadow Color": "Colore dell'ombra", + "FastUI BG": "Sfondo FastUI", "Blur Tint": "Tinta sfocatura", - "Font Scale": "Grandezza font", - "Blur Strength": "Intensità sfocatura", - "Text Shadow Width": "Larghezza ombreggiatura testo", - "UI Theme Preset": "Tema UI", - "Power User Options": "Opzioni utente avanzate", - "Swipes": "Swipes", - "Background Sound Only": "Soltanto suono di background", - "Auto-load Last Chat": "Carica automaticamente l'ultima chat", - "Auto-save Message Edits": "Salva automaticamente i messaggi editati", - "Auto-fix Markdown": "Correggi automaticamente il testo per la formattazione in Markdown", - "Allow {{char}}: in bot messages": "Permetti {{char}}: nei messaggi del bot", - "Allow {{user}}: in bot messages": "Permetti {{user}}: nei messaggi del bot", - "Auto-scroll Chat": "scorrimento automatico della chat", - "Render Formulas": "Renderizza le formule", - "Send on Enter": "Inoltrare premendo Invio", - "Always disabled": "Sempre disattivato", + "Font Scale": "Scala del carattere", + "Blur Strength": "Intensità della sfocatura", + "Text Shadow Width": "Larghezza dell'ombra del testo", + "UI Theme Preset": "Preset del tema UI", + "Power User Options": "Opzioni per utenti esperti", + "Swipes": "Scorrimenti", + "Miscellaneous": "Varie", + "Theme Toggles": "Pulsanti del tema", + "Background Sound Only": "Solo suono di sfondo", + "Auto-load Last Chat": "Caricamento automatico dell'ultima chat", + "Auto-save Message Edits": "Salvataggio automatico delle modifiche ai messaggi", + "Auto-fix Markdown": "Correzione automatica di Markdown", + "Allow : in bot messages": "Consenti : nei messaggi del bot", + "Auto-scroll Chat": "Chat di scorrimento automatico", + "Render Formulas": "Renderizza formule", + "Send on Enter": "Invia su Invio", + "Always disabled": "Sempre disabilitato", "Automatic (desktop)": "Automatico (desktop)", - "Always enabled": "Sempre attivato", + "Always enabled": "Sempre abilitato", + "Debug Menu": "Menu di debug", + "Restore User Input": "Ripristina l'input dell'utente", + "Character Handling": "Gestione dei personaggi", + "Example Messages Behavior": "Comportamento dei messaggi di esempio", + "Gradual push-out": "Push-out graduale", + "Chat/Message Handling": "Gestione della chat/dei messaggi", + "Always include examples": "Includi sempre gli esempi", + "Never include examples": "Non includere mai gli esempi", + "Forbid External Media": "Vietare i media esterni", + "System Backgrounds": "Sfondi di sistema", "Name": "Nome", - "Your Avatar": "Il tuo avatar", - "Extensions API:": "Estensioni API aggiuntive:", - "SillyTavern-extras": "SillyTavern-extras", - "Auto-connect": "Connessione automatica", - "Active extensions": "Estensione attiva", - "Extension settings": "Estensione delle impostazioni", + "Your Avatar": "Il tuo Avatar", + "Extensions API:": "API delle estensioni:", + "SillyTavern-extras": "Extra di SillyTavern", + "Auto-connect": "Auto-connetti", + "Active extensions": "Estensioni attive", + "Extension settings": "Impostazioni dell'estensione", "Description": "Descrizione", - "First message": "Messaggio iniziale", - "Group Controls": "Controlli del gruppo", - "Group reply strategy": "Organizzazione per le risposte del gruppo", + "First message": "Primo messaggio", + "Group Controls": "Controlli di gruppo", + "Group reply strategy": "Strategia di risposta di gruppo", "Natural order": "Ordine naturale", - "List order": "Ordine lista", - "Allow self responses": "Permetti risposta automatica", + "List order": "Ordine della lista", + "Allow self responses": "Consenti risposte automatiche", "Auto Mode": "Modalità automatica", "Add Members": "Aggiungi membri", - "Current Members": "Membri correnti", - "text": "Testo", + "Current Members": "Membri attuali", + "text": "testo", "Delete": "Elimina", - "Cancel": "Cancella", + "Cancel": "Annulla", "Advanced Defininitions": "Definizioni avanzate", - "Personality summary": "Riassunto della personalità", + "Personality summary": "Sommario della personalità", "A brief description of the personality": "Una breve descrizione della personalità", "Scenario": "Scenario", - "Circumstances and context of the dialogue": "Circostanza e contesto del dialogo", + "Circumstances and context of the dialogue": "Circostanze e contesto del dialogo", "Talkativeness": "Loquacità", - "How often the chracter speaks in": "Determina la frequenza con la quale il personaggio parla all'interno", - "group chats!": "delle chat di gruppo!", + "How often the chracter speaks in": "Quanto spesso il personaggio parla in", + "group chats!": "chat di gruppo!", "Shy": "Timido", "Normal": "Normale", - "Chatty": "Loquace", + "Chatty": "Chiacchierone", "Examples of dialogue": "Esempi di dialogo", - "Forms a personality more clearly": "Aiuta a formare una personalità in maniera più distinta", + "Forms a personality more clearly": "Forma una personalità più chiaramente", "Save": "Salva", - "World Info Editor": "Editor 'Info Mondo'", - "New Entry": "Nuova voce", + "World Info Editor": "Editor delle informazioni sul mondo", + "New summary": "Nuovo sommario", "Export": "Esporta", - "Delete World": "Elimina mondo", - "Chat History": "Cronologia chat", - "Group Chat Scenario Override": "Sovrascrittura dello scenario della chat di gruppo", - "All group members will use the following scenario text instead of what is specified in their character cards.": "Tutti i membri del gruppo useranno il seguente scenario invece di quello specificato nella carta dei personaggi", - "Keywords": "Parole chiave", - "Separate with commas": "Separa con delle virgolette", - "Secondary Required Keywords": "Parole chiave accessorie", + "Delete World": "Elimina Mondo", + "Chat History": "Cronologia Chat", + "Group Chat Scenario Override": "Sovrascrittura Scenario Chat di Gruppo", + "All group members will use the following scenario text instead of what is specified in their character cards.": "Tutti i membri del gruppo utilizzeranno il seguente testo dello scenario invece di quanto specificato nelle loro schede personaggio.", + "Keywords": "Parole Chiave", + "Separate with commas": "Separare con virgole", + "Secondary Required Keywords": "Parole Chiave Secondarie Richieste", "Content": "Contenuto", - "What this keyword should mean to the AI": "Questa parola chiave cosa dovrebbe significare per L'IA", - "Memo/Note": "Memo/Note", - "Not sent to AI": "Non inviato all'IA", + "What this keyword should mean to the AI": "Cosa dovrebbe significare questa parola chiave per l'AI", + "Memo/Note": "Memo/Nota", + "Not sent to AI": "Non inviato all'AI", "Constant": "Costante", "Selective": "Selettivo", - "Before Char": "Prima di Char", - "After Char": "Dopo Char", - "Insertion Order": "Ordine di inserimento", - "Tokens:": "Token", - "Disable": "Disattiva", + "Before Char": "Prima del Personaggio", + "After Char": "Dopo il Personaggio", + "Insertion Order": "Ordine di Inserimento", + "Tokens:": "Token:", + "Disable": "Disabilita", "${characterName}": "${nomePersonaggio}", - "CHAR": "CHAR", + "CHAR": "CAR", "is typing": "sta scrivendo...", - "Back to parent chat": "Torna indietro nella chat collegata a questa", - "Save bookmark": "Salva nei preferiti", + "Back to parent chat": "Torna alla chat principale", + "Save bookmark": "Salva segnalibro", "Convert to group": "Converti in gruppo", - "Start new chat": "Inizia una nuova chat", - "View past chats": "Mostra chat passate", + "Start new chat": "Avvia nuova chat", + "View past chats": "Visualizza chat precedenti", "Delete messages": "Elimina messaggi", - "Impersonate": "Impersona", - "Regenerate": "Rigenera", + "Impersonate": "Imitare", + "Regenerate": "Rigenerare", "PNG": "PNG", "JSON": "JSON", - "WEBP": "WEBP", "presets": "preset", - "Message Sound": "Suono del messaggio", - "Author's Note": "Note d'autore", - "Send Jailbreak": "Invia il Jailbreak", - "Replace empty message": "Sostituisci i messaggi vuoti", - "Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "Quando il campo di testo è vuoto, invia invece questo messaggio.", - "NSFW avoidance prompt": "NSFW avoidance prompt", - "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is off": "Prompt utilizzato quando la casella NSFW è disattivata.", - "Advanced prompt bits": "Advanced prompt bits", - "World Info format template": "Formato template 'Info Mondo'", - "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt. Use {0} to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "Seleziona le informazioni del mondo attualmente attive prima di inserirle nel prompt. Usa {0} per segnalare dove vuoi che il contenuto venga inserito all'interno del prompt.", - "Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "Valore massimo illimitato per la grandezza del contesto.", - "Chat Completion Source": "Sorgente IA per la Chat", - "Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "Evita di inviare informazioni sensibili e personali a Horde", - "Review the Privacy statement": "Leggi l'informativa sulla privacy", - "Learn how to contribute your idel GPU cycles to the Horde": "Impara come utilizzare i tuoi cicli GPU in idle per contribuire a Horde", - "Trusted workers only": "Utilizza solo utenti di fiducia", - "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "Per motivi di sicurezza la tua chiave API verrà oscurata dopo aver ricaricato la pagina.", - "-- Horde models not loaded --": "-- Modelli Horde non caricati --", + "Message Sound": "Suono Messaggio", + "Author's Note": "Nota dell'Autore", + "Send Jailbreak": "Invia Jailbreak", + "Replace empty message": "Sostituisci messaggio vuoto", + "Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "Invia questo testo invece di niente quando la casella di testo è vuota.", + "NSFW avoidance prompt": "Prompt di evitamento NSFW", + "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is off": "Prompt utilizzato quando il toggle NSFW è spento", + "Advanced prompt bits": "Bit di prompt avanzati", + "World Info format": "Formato Informazioni sul Mondo", + "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt. Use {0} to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "Avvolge le voci attivate di Informazioni sul Mondo prima di inserirle nel prompt. Usa {0} per contrassegnare un luogo in cui viene inserito il contenuto.", + "Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "Valore massimo illimitato per lo slider di contesto", + "Chat Completion Source": "Fonte di Completamento della Chat", + "Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "Evita di inviare informazioni sensibili all'Orda.", + "Review the Privacy statement": "Revisione della dichiarazione sulla privacy", + "Learn how to contribute your idel GPU cycles to the Horde": "Scopri come contribuire ai tuoi cicli GPU inutilizzati all'Orda", + "Trusted workers only": "Solo lavoratori fidati", + "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "Per motivi di privacy, la tua chiave API sarà nascosta dopo che ricarichi la pagina.", + "-- Horde models not loaded --": "-- Modelli Orda non caricati --", "Example: ": "Esempio:", - "No connection...": "Nessuna connessione", - "Get your NovelAI API Key": "Ottieni la chiave API per NovelAI", - "KoboldAI Horde": "KoboldAI Horde", - "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)": "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)", + "No connection...": "Nessuna connessione...", + "Get your NovelAI API Key": "Ottieni la tua Chiave API NovelAI", + "KoboldAI Horde": "Orda di KoboldAI", + "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)": "Interfaccia Utente Web di Generazione Testo (ooba)", "NovelAI": "NovelAI", - "Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)": "Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)", - "OpenAI API key": "Chiave API OpenAI", - "Trim spaces": "Elimina gli spazi", - "Trim Incomplete Sentences": "Taglia le frasi incomplete", - "Include Newline": "Includere il ritorno a capo", - "Non-markdown strings": "Stringhe di formattazione Non-markdown", - "Replace Macro in Sequences": "Sostituisci le macro nelle sequenze", - "Presets": "Preset", + "Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)": "Completamento Chat (OpenAI, Claude, Finestra/OpenRouter, Scala)", + "OpenAI API key": "Chiave API di OpenAI", + "Trim spaces": "Taglia spazi", + "Trim Incomplete Sentences": "Taglia Frasi Incomplete", + "Include Newline": "Includi Ritorno a Capo", + "Non-markdown strings": "Stringhe non markdown", + "Replace Macro in Sequences": "Sostituisci Macro in Sequenze", + "Presets": "Preimpostazioni", "Separator": "Separatore", - "Start Reply With": "Inizia la risposta con", - "Show reply prefix in chat": "Mostra il prefisso della risposta nella chat", - "Worlds/Lorebooks": "Mondi/Lorebook", - "Active World(s)": "Mondi Attivi", - "Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "Strategia per l'inserimento della lore all'interno del contesto dell'IA", - "Sorted Evenly": "Equamente distribuito", - "Character Lore First": "Per prima la storia del personaggio", - "Global Lore First": "Per prima la lore", - "-- World Info not found --": "-- 'Info Mondo' non trovate --", - "Recursive Scan": "Scannerizzazione ricorsiva", - "Case Sensitive": "Sensibilità alle maiuscole", - "Match whole words": "Abbina mondi interi", - "World/Lore Editor": "Mondo/Editor della storia", - "--- None ---": "--- None ---", - "Comma seperated (ignored if empty)": "Separato dalle virgole (Ignorare se vuoto)", - "Use Probability": "Probabilità di utilizzo", - "Exclude from recursion": "Escludi dalla ricorsività", - "Position:": "Posizione", - "Before Char Defs": "Prima della definizione di Char", - "After Char Defs": "Dopo le definizione di Char", - "Before AN": "Prima delle note d'autore", - "After AN": "Dopo le note d'autore", - "Order:": "Ordine", + "Start Reply With": "Inizia Risposta Con", + "Show reply prefix in chat": "Mostra prefisso risposta in chat", + "Worlds/Lorebooks": "Mondi/Libri di Lore", + "Active World(s)": "Mondo/i Attivo/i", + "Activation Settings": "Impostazioni di Attivazione", + "Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "Strategia di Inserimento Lore del Personaggio", + "Sorted Evenly": "Ordinato Equamente", + "Active World(s) for all chats": "Mondo/i Attivo/i per tutte le chat", + "-- World Info not found --": "-- Informazioni sul Mondo non trovate --", + "--- Pick to Edit ---": "--- Scegli da Modificare ---", + "or": "o", + "New": "Nuovo", + "Priority": "Priorità", + "Custom": "Personalizzato", + "Title A-Z": "Titolo A-Z", + "Title Z-A": "Titolo Z-A", + "Tokens ↗": "Token ↗", + "Tokens ↘": "Token ↘", + "Depth ↗": "Profondità ↗", + "Depth ↘": "Profondità ↘", + "Order ↗": "Ordine ↗", + "Order ↘": "Ordine ↘", + "UID ↗": "UID ↗", + "UID ↘": "UID ↘", + "Trigger% ↗": "Trigger% ↗", + "Trigger% ↘": "Trigger% ↘", + "Order:": "Ordine:", + "Depth:": "Profondità:", + "Character Lore First": "Lore del Personaggio Prima", + "Global Lore First": "Lore Globale Prima", + "Recursive Scan": "Scansione Ricorsiva", + "Case Sensitive": "Sensibile alle Maiuscole", + "Match whole words": "Corrispondi a parole intere", + "Alert On Overflow": "Avviso Su Overflow", + "World/Lore Editor": "Editor di Mondo/Lore", + "--- None ---": "--- Nessuno ---", + "Comma separated (ignored if empty)": "Separato da virgole (ignorato se vuoto)", + "Use Probability": "Usa Probabilità", + "Exclude from recursion": "Escludi dalla ricorsione", + "Entry Title/Memo": "Titolo/Memo dell'Ingresso", + "Position:": "Posizione:", + "T_Position": "↑Car: prima delle definizioni del personaggio\n↓Car: dopo le definizioni del personaggio\n↑AN: prima delle note dell'autore\n↓AN: dopo le note dell'autore\n@D: alla profondità", + "Before Char Defs": "Prima delle Definizioni del Personaggio", + "After Char Defs": "Dopo le Definizioni del Personaggio", + "Before AN": "Prima delle AN", + "After AN": "Dopo le AN", + "at Depth": "alla Profondità", + "Order": "Ordine:", "Probability:": "Probabilità:", + "Update a theme file": "Aggiorna un file di tema", + "Save as a new theme": "Salva come nuovo tema", + "Minimum number of blacklisted words detected to trigger an auto-swipe": "Numero minimo di parole in blacklist rilevate per attivare un'automatica rimozione", "Delete Entry": "Elimina Voce", - "User Message Blur Tint": "Sfocatura sfondo utente", - "AI Message Blur Tint": "Sfocatura sfondo IA", - "Chat Style:": "Stile Chat", - "Chat Width (PC):": "Larghezza riquadro chat (PC)", - "Chat Timestamps": "Timestamp della chat", - "Message IDs": "ID del Messaggio", - "Prefer Character Card Prompt": "Priorità prompt 'Carta Personaggio'", - "Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "Priorità jailbreak 'Carta Personaggio'", - "Press Send to continue": "Premi Invio per continuare", - "Log prompts to console": "Registro prompt a console", - "Never resize avatars": "Non ridimensionare mai l'avatar", - "Show avatar filenames": "Mostra il nome del file dell'avatar", - "Import Card Tags": "Importa i tag della carta", - "Confirm message deletion": "Conferma l'eliminazione del messaggio", - "Spoiler Free Mode": "Modalità spoiler free", + "User Message Blur Tint": "Tonalità di Sfocatura del Messaggio Utente", + "AI Message Blur Tint": "Tonalità di Sfocatura del Messaggio AI", + "Chat Backgrounds": "Sfondi Chat", + "Chat Background": "Sfondo Chat", + "UI Background": "Sfondo UI", + "Mad Lab Mode": "Modalità Mad Lab", + "Show Message Token Count": "Mostra Conteggio Token Messaggio", + "Compact Input Area (Mobile)": "Area di Input Compatta (Mobile)", + "Zen Sliders": "Cursori Zen", + "UI Border": "Bordo UI", + "Chat Style:": "Stile Chat:", + "Chat Width (PC)": "Larghezza Chat (PC)", + "Chat Timestamps": "Timestamp Chat", + "Tags as Folders": "Tag come Cartelle", + "Chat Truncation": "Troncamento Chat", + "(0 = unlimited)": "(0 = illimitato)", + "Streaming FPS": "FPS Streaming", + "Gestures": "Gesti", + "Message IDs": "ID Messaggio", + "Prefer Character Card Prompt": "Preferisci Prompt della Scheda Personaggio", + "Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "Preferisci Jailbreak della Scheda Personaggio", + "Press Send to continue": "Premi Invia per continuare", + "Quick 'Continue' button": "Pulsante 'Continua' rapido", + "Log prompts to console": "Registra i prompt sulla console", + "Never resize avatars": "Non ridimensionare mai gli avatar", + "Show avatar filenames": "Mostra nomi file avatar", + "Import Card Tags": "Importa Tag della Scheda", + "Confirm message deletion": "Conferma eliminazione messaggio", + "Spoiler Free Mode": "Modalità Senza Spoiler", "Auto-swipe": "Auto-swipe", - "Minimum generated message length": "Lunghezza minima per i messaggi generati", - "Blacklisted words": "Parole nella lista nera", - "Blacklisted word count to swipe": "Numero delle parole nella lista nera", - "Reload Chat": "Ricarica la chat", - "Not Connected": "Non connesso", - "Persona Management": "Gestione del proprio alter ego", - "Persona Description": "Descrizione alter ego", - "Before Character Card": "Prima della 'Carta Personaggio'", - "After Character Card": "Dopo la 'Carta Personaggio'", - "Top of Author's Note": "All'inizio delle note d'autore", - "Bottom of Author's Note": "Alla fine delle note d'autore", - "How do I use this?": "Cos'è e cosa posso farci?", - "More...": "Mostra di più...", - "Link to World Info": "Collegamento 'Info Mondo'", - "Import Card Lore": "Importa la storia dell carta", - "Scenario Override": "Sovrascrittura dello scenario", + "Minimum generated message length": "Lunghezza minima del messaggio generato", + "Blacklisted words": "Parole in blacklist", + "Blacklisted word count to swipe": "Numero di parole in blacklist per attivare un'automatica rimozione", + "Reload Chat": "Ricarica Chat", + "Search Settings": "Impostazioni di Ricerca", + "Disabled": "Disabilitato", + "Automatic (PC)": "Automatico (PC)", + "Enabled": "Abilitato", + "Simple": "Semplice", + "Advanced": "Avanzato", + "Disables animations and transitions": "Disabilita animazioni e transizioni", + "removes blur from window backgrounds": "rimuove la sfocatura dagli sfondi delle finestre", + "Remove text shadow effect": "Rimuovi effetto ombra del testo", + "Reduce chat height, and put a static sprite behind the chat window": "Riduci l'altezza della chat e metti uno sprite statico dietro la finestra della chat", + "Always show the full list of the Message Actions context items for chat messages, instead of hiding them behind '...'": "Mostra sempre l'elenco completo degli elementi di contesto delle Azioni Messaggio per i messaggi della chat, invece di nasconderli dietro '...'", + "Alternative UI for numeric sampling parameters with fewer steps": "UI alternativa per i parametri di campionamento numerico con meno passaggi", + "Entirely unrestrict all numeric sampling parameters": "Rimuovi completamente tutte le restrizioni dai parametri di campionamento numerico", + "Time the AI's message generation, and show the duration in the chat log": "Misura il tempo di generazione del messaggio dell'AI e mostra la durata nel registro della chat", + "Show a timestamp for each message in the chat log": "Mostra un timestamp per ogni messaggio nel registro della chat", + "Show an icon for the API that generated the message": "Mostra un'icona per l'API che ha generato il messaggio", + "Show sequential message numbers in the chat log": "Mostra numeri di messaggi sequenziali nel registro della chat", + "Show the number of tokens in each message in the chat log": "Mostra il numero di token in ogni messaggio nel registro della chat", + "Single-row message input area. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "Area di input messaggio a una riga. Solo mobile, nessun effetto su PC", + "In the Character Management panel, show quick selection buttons for favorited characters": "Nel pannello Gestione Personaggi, mostra pulsanti di selezione rapida per i personaggi preferiti", + "Show tagged character folders in the character list": "Mostra cartelle dei personaggi contrassegnati nell'elenco dei personaggi", + "Play a sound when a message generation finishes": "Riproduci un suono quando la generazione del messaggio è completa", + "Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused": "Riproduci un suono solo quando la scheda del browser di ST non è focalizzata", + "Reduce the formatting requirements on API URLs": "Riduci i requisiti di formattazione degli URL dell'API", + "Ask to import the World Info/Lorebook for every new character with embedded lorebook. If unchecked, a brief message will be shown instead": "Chiedi di importare le Informazioni sul Mondo/Lorebook per ogni nuovo personaggio con lorebook incorporato. Se non selezionato, verrà mostrato invece un breve messaggio", + "Restore unsaved user input on page refresh": "Ripristina l'input utente non salvato al ricaricamento della pagina", + "Allow repositioning certain UI elements by dragging them. PC only, no effect on mobile": "Consenti il riposizionamento di determinati elementi UI trascinandoli. Solo PC, nessun effetto su mobile", + "MovingUI preset. Predefined/saved draggable positions": "Preset MovingUI. Posizioni trascinabili predefinite/salvate", + "Save movingUI changes to a new file": "Salva le modifiche di MovingUI in un nuovo file", + "Apply a custom CSS style to all of the ST GUI": "Applica uno stile CSS personalizzato a tutta l'interfaccia grafica di ST", + "Use fuzzy matching, and search characters in the list by all data fields, not just by a name substring": "Usa corrispondenze fuzzy e cerca personaggi nell'elenco per tutti i campi dati, non solo per una sottostringa di nome", + "If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead": "Se selezionato e la scheda del personaggio contiene una sovrascrittura del prompt (Prompt di Sistema), usalo invece", + "If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead": "Se selezionato e la scheda del personaggio contiene una sovrascrittura jailbreak (Istruzione Storico Post), usalo invece", + "Avoid cropping and resizing imported character images. When off, crop/resize to 400x600": "Evita il ritaglio e il ridimensionamento delle immagini dei personaggi importati. Quando disattivato, ritaglia/ridimensiona a 400x600", + "Show actual file names on the disk, in the characters list display only": "Mostra i nomi file effettivi sul disco, solo nella visualizzazione dell'elenco dei personaggi", + "Prompt to import embedded card tags on character import. Otherwise embedded tags are ignored": "Prompt per importare tag della scheda incorporati all'importazione del personaggio. Altrimenti i tag incorporati vengono ignorati", + "Hide character definitions from the editor panel behind a spoiler button": "Nascondi le definizioni del personaggio dal pannello dell'editor dietro a un pulsante spoiler", + "Show a button in the input area to ask the AI to continue (extend) its last message": "Mostra un pulsante nell'area di input per chiedere all'AI di continuare (estendere) il suo ultimo messaggio", + "Show arrow buttons on the last in-chat message to generate alternative AI responses. Both PC and mobile": "Mostra pulsanti a freccia sull'ultimo messaggio in-chat per generare risposte alternative AI. Sia su PC che su mobile", + "Allow using swiping gestures on the last in-chat message to trigger swipe generation. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "Consenti l'uso di gesti di scorrimento sull'ultimo messaggio in-chat per attivare la generazione di scorrimento. Solo mobile, nessun effetto su PC", + "Save edits to messages without confirmation as you type": "Salva le modifiche ai messaggi senza conferma mentre digiti", + "Render LaTeX and AsciiMath equation notation in chat messages. Powered by KaTeX": "Rendi la notazione dell'equazione LaTeX e AsciiMath nei messaggi di chat. Alimentato da KaTeX", + "Disalow embedded media from other domains in chat messages": "Non consentire i media incorporati da altri domini nei messaggi di chat", + "Skip encoding and characters in message text, allowing a subset of HTML markup as well as Markdown": "Salta la codifica di e e caratteri nel testo del messaggio, consentendo un subset di markup HTML così come Markdown", + "Allow AI messages in groups to contain lines spoken by other group members": "Consenti ai messaggi dell'IA nei gruppi di contenere righe pronunciate da altri membri del gruppo", + "Requests logprobs from the API for the Token Probabilities feature": "Richiede logprobs dall'API per la funzionalità di Probabilità dei Token", + "Automatically reject and re-generate AI message based on configurable criteria": "Rifiuta e rigenera automaticamente il messaggio AI in base a criteri configurabili", + "Enable the auto-swipe function. Settings in this section only have an effect when auto-swipe is enabled": "Abilita la funzione di auto-swipe. Le impostazioni in questa sezione hanno effetto solo quando l'auto-swipe è abilitato", + "If the generated message is shorter than this, trigger an auto-swipe": "Se il messaggio generato è più breve di questo, attiva un'automatica rimozione", + "Reload and redraw the currently open chat": "Ricarica e ridisegna la chat attualmente aperta", + "Auto-Expand Message Actions": "Espandi Automaticamente le Azioni Messaggio", + "Not Connected": "Non Connesso", + "Persona Management": "Gestione Personaggio", + "Persona Description": "Descrizione Personaggio", + "Your Persona": "Il Tuo Personaggio", + "Show notifications on switching personas": "Mostra notifiche durante il cambio di personaggi", + "Blank": "Vuoto", + "In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "In Stringa della Storia / Completamento Chat: Prima della Scheda del Personaggio", + "In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "In Stringa della Storia / Completamento Chat: Dopo la Scheda del Personaggio", + "In Story String / Prompt Manager": "In Stringa della Storia / Gestore di Prompt", + "Top of Author's Note": "In Alto alla Nota dell'Autore", + "Bottom of Author's Note": "In Basso alla Nota dell'Autore", + "How do I use this?": "Come lo uso?", + "More...": "Altro...", + "Link to World Info": "Collegamento alle Informazioni del Mondo", + "Import Card Lore": "Importa Lore della Carta", + "Scenario Override": "Sostituzione Scenario", "Rename": "Rinomina", - "Character Description": "Descrizione personaggio", + "Character Description": "Descrizione del Personaggio", "Creator's Notes": "Note del Creatore", "A-Z": "A-Z", "Z-A": "Z-A", - "Newest": "Più recente", - "Oldest": "Meno recente", - "Favorites": "Favoriti", + "Newest": "Più Recente", + "Oldest": "Più Vecchio", + "Favorites": "Preferiti", "Recent": "Recente", - "Most chats": "Più sessioni chat", - "Least chats": "Meno sessioni chat", + "Most chats": "Più Chat", + "Least chats": "Meno Chat", "Back": "Indietro", - "Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct mode)": "Sovrascrittura del Prompt (Per le API di OpenAI/Claude/Scale, Window/OpenRouter e Instruct mode)", - "Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": "Inserisci {{original}} all'intero della casella per includere i rispettivi prompt predefiniti dai settaggi di sistema.", + "Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct mode)": "Sostituzioni del Prompt (Per OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Finestra/OpenRouter e Modalità Istruzioni)", + "Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": "Inserisci {{originale}} in uno dei due riquadri per includere il prompt predefinito corrispondente dalle impostazioni di sistema.", "Main Prompt": "Prompt Principale", - "Jailbreak": "Jailbreak", - "Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "Metadata del creatore (Non viene inviato all'IA)", - "Everything here is optional": "Tutto ciò che si trova qui è opzionale", + "Jailbreak": "Sblocco", + "Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "Metadati del Creatore (Non inviati con il prompt AI)", + "Everything here is optional": "Tutto qui è facoltativo", "Created by": "Creato da", - "Character Version": "Versione del personaggio", - "Tags to Embed": "Tag da incorporare", - "How often the character speaks in group chats!": "La frequenza con la quale il personaggio parla all'interno delle chat di gruppo!", - "Important to set the character's writing style.": "È importante per impostare lo stile di scrittura del personaggio", + "Character Version": "Versione del Personaggio", + "Tags to Embed": "Tag da Incorporare", + "How often the character speaks in group chats!": "Quanto spesso il personaggio parla nelle chat di gruppo!", + "Important to set the character's writing style.": "Importante impostare lo stile di scrittura del personaggio.", "ATTENTION!": "ATTENZIONE!", - "Samplers Order": "Ordine dei campionatori", - "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "L'ordine dei campioni va dall'alto verso il basso. Usalo con cautela.", - "Repetition Penalty": "Repetition Penalty", - "Epsilon Cutoff": "Epsilon Cutoff", - "Eta Cutoff": "Eta Cutoff", - "Rep. Pen. Range.": "Rep. Pen. Range.", - "Rep. Pen. Freq.": "Rep. Pen. Freq.", - "Rep. Pen. Presence": "Rep. Pen. Presence.", - "Enter it in the box below:": "Inseriscilo nella casella in basso:", - "separate with commas w/o space between": "Separa con le virgole o degli spazi tra di loro", + "Samplers Order": "Ordine dei Campionatori", + "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "I Campionatori saranno applicati in ordine dall'alto verso il basso. Usare con cautela.", + "Repetition Penalty": "Penalità per Ripetizione", + "Rep. Pen. Range.": "Intervallo di Pen. Rip.", + "Rep. Pen. Freq.": "Freq. Pen. Rip.", + "Rep. Pen. Presence": "Presenza Pen. Rip.", + "Enter it in the box below:": "Inseriscilo nel riquadro sottostante:", + "separate with commas w/o space between": "separati con virgole senza spazio tra loro", "Document": "Documento", + "Suggest replies": "Suggerisci risposte", + "Show suggested replies. Not all bots support this.": "Mostra risposte suggerite. Non tutti i bot supportano questo.", + "Use 'Unlocked Context' to enable chunked generation.": "Usa 'Contesto Sbloccato' per abilitare la generazione chunked.", + "It extends the context window in exchange for reply generation speed.": "Estende la finestra di contesto in cambio della velocità di generazione delle risposte.", "Continue": "Continua", - "Editing:": "Editing:", - "AI reply prefix": "Prefisso di risposta dell'IA", - "Custom Stopping Strings": "Stringhe d'arresto personalizzate", - "JSON serialized array of strings": "Array di stringhe serializzate JSON", - "words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "Inserisci le parole che non vuoi siano generate, devono essere separate dalle virgole ','", - "Extensions URL": "Estensioni URL", + "CFG Scale": "Scala CFG", + "Editing:": "Modifica:", + "AI reply prefix": "Prefisso risposta AI", + "Custom Stopping Strings": "Stringhe di Stop Personalizzate", + "JSON serialized array of strings": "Matrice serializzata JSON di stringhe", + "words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "parole che non vuoi generate separate da virgola ','", + "Extensions URL": "URL delle Estensioni", "API Key": "Chiave API", "Enter your name": "Inserisci il tuo nome", "Name this character": "Dai un nome a questo personaggio", - "Search / Create Tags": "Cerca / Crea tag", - "Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "Descrivi le caratteristiche fisiche e psicologiche del tuo personaggio.", - "This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "Questo sarà il primo messaggio che il personaggio utilizzerà all'inizio di ogni chat.", - "Chat Name (Optional)": "Nome della chat (opzionale)", + "Search / Create Tags": "Cerca / Crea Tag", + "Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "Descrivi qui le caratteristiche fisiche e mentali del tuo personaggio.", + "This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "Questo sarà il primo messaggio del personaggio che avvia ogni chat.", + "Chat Name (Optional)": "Nome della Chat (Opzionale)", "Filter...": "Filtro...", "Search...": "Cerca...", - "Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "Ogni elemento racchiuso qui dentro sostituirà il prompt principale predefinito usato da questo personaggio. (v2 spec: system_prompt)", - "Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "Ogni elemento racchiuso qui dentro sostituirà il Jailbreak predefinito usato da questo personaggio. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)", - "(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "(Nome del creatore del bot / Informazioni di contatto)", - "(If you want to track character versions)": "(Se vuoi segnalare la versione del personaggio attuale)", - "(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "(Descrivi il bot, scrivi dei suggerimenti o informa riguardo i modelli IA su cui è stato testato. Questo verrà mostrato nella lista personaggio)", - "(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "(Scrivi una lista di tag separati dalle virgole)", - "(A brief description of the personality)": "(Scrivi una breve descrizione della sua personalità)", - "(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "(Scrivi le circostanze e il contesto dello scenario)", - "(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "(Esempi di dialogo. Inizia ogni esempio con START quando vai a capo.)", - "Injection text (supports parameters)": "Injection text (supporta i parametri)", - "Injection depth": "Profondità dell'Injection", + "Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "Ogni contenuto qui sostituirà il prompt principale predefinito utilizzato per questo personaggio. (spec v2: system_prompt)", + "Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "Ogni contenuto qui sostituirà il prompt di Jailbreak predefinito utilizzato per questo personaggio. (spec v2: post_history_instructions)", + "(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "(Nome del Creatore del Bot / Informazioni di Contatto)", + "(If you want to track character versions)": "(Se vuoi tracciare le versioni del personaggio)", + "(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "(Descrivi il bot, dai suggerimenti sull'uso o elenca i modelli di chat su cui è stato testato. Questo verrà visualizzato nell'elenco dei personaggi.)", + "(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "(Scrivi un elenco di tag separati da virgole)", + "(A brief description of the personality)": "(Una breve descrizione della personalità)", + "(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "(Circostanze e contesto dell'interazione)", + "(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "(Esempi di dialogo in chat. Inizia ogni esempio con START su una nuova riga.)", + "Injection text (supports parameters)": "Testo di Iniezione (supporta parametri)", + "Injection depth": "Profondità di Iniezione", "Type here...": "Scrivi qui...", - "Comma separated (required)": "Separa le parole con le virgole (necessario)", - "Comma separated (ignored if empty)": "Separa le parole con le virgole (ignora se vuoto)", - "What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "Cosa dovrebbe significare per l'IA questa parola chiave? Riporta tutto fedelmente, parola per parola", - "Not sent to the AI": "Non verrà inviato all'IA", - "(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "(Questo sarà il primo messaggio inviato dal personaggio all'inizio di ogni chat)", - "Not connected to API!": "Non connesso a nessuna API!", - "AI Response Configuration": "Configurazione della risposta dell'IA", - "AI Configuration panel will stay open": "Se clicchi il lucchetto, il pannello di configurazione dell'IA rimarrà aperto", - "Update current preset": "Aggiorna preset corrente", + "Comma separated (required)": "Separato da virgole (richiesto)", + "What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "Cosa dovrebbe significare questa parola chiave per l'AI, inviata testualmente", + "Filter to Character(s)": "Filtra per Personaggio(i)", + "Character Exclusion": "Esclusione Personaggio", + "Inclusion Group": "Gruppo di Inclusione", + "Only one entry with the same label will be activated": "Sarà attivato solo un unico ingresso con lo stesso etichetta", + "-- Characters not found --": "-- Personaggi non trovati --", + "Not sent to the AI": "Non inviato all'AI", + "(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "(Questo sarà il primo messaggio del personaggio che avvia ogni chat)", + "Not connected to API!": "Non connesso all'API!", + "AI Response Configuration": "Configurazione Risposta AI", + "AI Configuration panel will stay open": "Il pannello di configurazione dell'AI rimarrà aperto", + "Update current preset": "Aggiorna l'attuale preset", "Create new preset": "Crea un nuovo preset", "Import preset": "Importa preset", "Export preset": "Esporta preset", - "Delete the preset": "Cancella preset", - "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message": "Inserisci il Jailbreak come ultimo messaggio del sistema", - "NSFW block goes first in the resulting prompt": "Il blocco al contenuto NSFW spunterà per primo nel prompt corrente", - "Enables OpenAI completion streaming": "Attiva 'streaming completion' per OpenAI", - "Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "Mette tra il messaggio dell'utente in virgolette prima di inviare il messaggio", + "Delete the preset": "Elimina il preset", + "Auto-select this preset for Instruct Mode": "Seleziona automaticamente questo preset per la Modalità Istruzioni", + "Auto-select this preset on API connection": "Seleziona automaticamente questo preset alla connessione API", + "NSFW block goes first in the resulting prompt": "Il blocco NSFW va prima nel prompt risultante", + "Enables OpenAI completion streaming": "Abilita lo streaming di completamento di OpenAI", + "Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "Avvolgi i messaggi degli utenti tra virgolette prima di inviarli", "Restore default prompt": "Ripristina il prompt predefinito", "New preset": "Nuovo preset", "Delete preset": "Elimina preset", - "Restore default jailbreak": "Ripristina il Jailbreak predefinito", + "Restore default jailbreak": "Ripristina il jailbreak predefinito", "Restore default reply": "Ripristina la risposta predefinita", - "Restore defaul note": "Ripristina le note predefinite", + "Restore default note": "Ripristina la nota predefinita", "API Connections": "Connessioni API", - "Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "Può aiutare a risolvere il problema delle risposte negative chiedendo di essere messo soltanto in liste di utenti approvati. Potrebbe rallentare i tempi di risposta.", + "Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "Può aiutare con le risposte negative mettendo in coda solo i lavoratori approvati. Potrebbe rallentare il tempo di risposta.", "Clear your API key": "Cancella la tua chiave API", - "Refresh models": "Aggiorna i modelli", - "Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to openrouter.ai": "Ottieni i tuoi token per le API di OpenRouter tramite OAuth flow. Verrai reindirizzato alla pagina openrouter.ai", - "Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "Verifica la connessione all'API inviando un breve messaggio. Devi comprendere che il messaggio verrà addebitato come tutti gli altri!", - "Create New": "Crea nuovo", - "Edit": "Edita", - "Locked = World Editor will stay open": "Se clicchi il lucchetto, l'editor del mondo rimarrà aperto", + "Refresh models": "Aggiorna modelli", + "Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to openrouter.ai": "Ottieni il tuo token API di OpenRouter utilizzando il flusso OAuth. Sarai reindirizzato su openrouter.ai", + "Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "Verifica la tua connessione API inviando un breve messaggio di prova. Tieni presente che verrai accreditato per questo!", + "Create New": "Crea Nuovo", + "Edit": "Modifica", + "Locked = World Editor will stay open": "Bloccato = L'Editor del Mondo rimarrà aperto", "Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "Le voci possono attivare altre voci menzionando le loro parole chiave", - "Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "Fai attenzione alle parole chiave usate, esse rispetteranno le maiuscole", - "If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "Se la parola chiave consiste in una sola parola, non verrà accoppiata come parte di altre parole", - "Open all Entries": "Apri tutte le voci", - "Close all Entries": "Chiudi tutte le voci", + "Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "La ricerca delle chiavi di ingresso nel contesto rispetterà la maiuscole e minuscole", + "If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "Se la chiave di ingresso consiste in una sola parola, non verrà abbinata come parte di altre parole", + "Open all Entries": "Apri Tutte le Voci", + "Close all Entries": "Chiudi Tutte le Voci", "Create": "Crea", - "Import World Info": "Importa 'Info Mondo'", - "Export World Info": "Esporta 'Info Mondo'", - "Delete World Info": "Elimina 'Info Mondo'", - "Rename World Info": "Rinomina 'Info Mondo'", - "Save changes to a new theme file": "Salva i cambiamenti in un nuovo file", - "removes blur and uses alternative background color for divs": "rimuovi la sfocatura e utilizza uno sfondo colorato alternativo per 'divs'", - "If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead.": "Se la casella viene spuntata e la 'Carta Personaggio' contiene una sovrascrittura del prompt (Prompt di sistema), utilizza quello al suo posto.", - "If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead.": "Se la casella viene spuntata e la 'Carta Personaggio' contiene una sovrascrittura del Jailbreak (Post History Instruction), utilizza quello al suo posto.", - "AI Response Formatting": "Formattazione della risposta dell'IA", - "Change Background Image": "Cambia l'immagine dello sfondo", + "Import World Info": "Importa Informazioni sul Mondo", + "Export World Info": "Esporta Informazioni sul Mondo", + "Delete World Info": "Elimina Informazioni sul Mondo", + "Duplicate World Info": "Duplica Informazioni sul Mondo", + "Rename World Info": "Rinomina Informazioni sul Mondo", + "Refresh": "Aggiorna", + "Primary Keywords": "Parole Chiave Principali", + "Logic": "Logica", + "AND ANY": "E QUALSIASI", + "AND ALL": "E TUTTI", + "NOT ALL": "NON TUTTI", + "NOT ANY": "NESSUNO", + "Optional Filter": "Filtro Opzionale", + "New Entry": "Nuova Voce", + "Fill empty Memo/Titles with Keywords": "Riempi Memo/Titoli vuoti con Parole Chiave", + "Save changes to a new theme file": "Salva le modifiche in un nuovo file tema", + "removes blur and uses alternative background color for divs": "rimuove la sfocatura e utilizza un colore di sfondo alternativo per i div", + "AI Response Formatting": "Formattazione Risposta AI", + "Change Background Image": "Cambia Immagine di Sfondo", "Extensions": "Estensioni", - "Click to set a new User Name": "Clicca qui per impostare un nuovo nome utente", - "Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "Clicca qui per bloccare l'alter ego selezionato alla chat corrente. Clicca di nuovo per rimuovere il blocco.", - "Click to set user name for all messages": "Clicca qui per impostare il nome utente per tutti i messaggi", - "Create a dummy persona": "Crea una tuo alter ego fittizio", - "Character Management": "Gestione personaggio", - "Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "Se clicchi il lucchetto, il pannello di gestione del personaggio rimarrà aperto", + "Click to set a new User Name": "Fai clic per impostare un nuovo Nome Utente", + "Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "Fai clic per bloccare il personaggio selezionato alla chat attuale. Fai di nuovo clic per rimuovere il blocco.", + "Click to set user name for all messages": "Fai clic per impostare il nome utente per tutti i messaggi", + "Create a dummy persona": "Crea una persona fittizia", + "Character Management": "Gestione Personaggio", + "Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "Bloccato = Il pannello di Gestione Personaggio rimarrà aperto", "Select/Create Characters": "Seleziona/Crea Personaggi", - "Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "Il conteggio dei Token potrebbe risultare inaccurato, perciò è da utilizzarsi solo come una approssimazione.", - "Click to select a new avatar for this character": "Clicca qui per selezionare un nuovo avatar per questo personaggio", - "Add to Favorites": "Aggiungi ai favoriti", - "Advanced Definition": "Definizioni avanzate", - "Character Lore": "Storia del personaggio", - "Export and Download": "Esporta e scarica", - "Duplicate Character": "Duplica il personaggio", - "Create Character": "Crea un personaggio", - "Delete Character": "Elimina un personaggio", - "View all tags": "Mostra tutti i tag", - "Click to set additional greeting messages": "Clicca qui per impostare ulteriori messaggi iniziali", + "Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "I conteggi dei token possono essere inaccurati e forniti solo per riferimento.", + "Click to select a new avatar for this character": "Fai clic per selezionare una nuova immagine del profilo per questo personaggio", + "Example: [{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]": "Esempio: [{{user}} è una ragazza gatta rumena di 28 anni.]", + "Toggle grid view": "Attiva/Disattiva la vista a griglia", + "Add to Favorites": "Aggiungi ai Preferiti", + "Advanced Definition": "Definizione Avanzata", + "Character Lore": "Storia del Personaggio", + "Export and Download": "Esporta e Scarica", + "Duplicate Character": "Duplica Personaggio", + "Create Character": "Crea Personaggio", + "Delete Character": "Elimina Personaggio", + "View all tags": "Visualizza tutti i Tag", + "Click to set additional greeting messages": "Fai clic per impostare ulteriori messaggi di saluto", "Show / Hide Description and First Message": "Mostra / Nascondi Descrizione e Primo Messaggio", - "Click to select a new avatar for this group": "Clicca qui per selezionare un nuovo avatar per questo gruppo", - "Set a group chat scenario": "Imposta lo scenario per la chat di gruppo", - "Restore collage avatar": "Ripristina il collage dell'avatar", - "Create New Character": "Crea un nuovo personaggio", - "Import Character from File": "Importa un personaggio da un file", - "Import content from external URL": "Importa il contenuto da un URL esterno", - "Create New Chat Group": "Crea una nuova chat di gruppo", - "Characters sorting order": "Ordina Personaggi per:", - "Add chat injection": "Aggiungi 'chat injection'", - "Remove injection": "Elimina injection", - "Remove": "Elimina", - "Select a World Info file for": "Seleziona un file dell'Informazione Mondo per:", - "Primary Lorebook": "Lorebook Principale", - "A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "La selezione di un 'Info Mondo' sarà legato a questo personaggio come il suo personale Lorebook.", - "When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "Quando viene generata una risposta della IA, Sarà fuso con le voci dal selettore globale 'Info Mondo'.", - "Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": "Esportare un personaggio porterà anche alla esportazione del Lorebook a lui legato nei dati JSON.", - "Additional Lorebooks": "Lorebook Aggiuntivi", - "Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.": "Associa uno o più Lorebook ausiliari a questo personaggio.", - "NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!": "NOTA BENE: Queste scelte sono opzionali e non saranno preservate nel momento dell'esportazione del personaggio!", - "Rename chat file": "Rinomina il file della chat", - "Export JSONL chat file": "Esporta il file della chat in JSONL", - "Download chat as plain text document": "Scarica la chat come documento di testo", - "Delete chat file": "Elimina il file della chat", - "Delete tag": "Elimina tag", + "Click to select a new avatar for this group": "Fai clic per selezionare una nuova immagine del profilo per questo gruppo", + "Set a group chat scenario": "Imposta uno scenario di chat di gruppo", + "Restore collage avatar": "Ripristina l'immagine del profilo a collage", + "Create New Character": "Crea un Nuovo Personaggio", + "Import Character from File": "Importa Personaggio da File", + "Import content from external URL": "Importa contenuto da URL esterno", + "Create New Chat Group": "Crea un Nuovo Gruppo di Chat", + "Characters sorting order": "Ordine di Ordinamento dei Personaggi", + "Add chat injection": "Aggiungi iniezione di chat", + "Remove injection": "Rimuovi l'iniezione", + "Remove": "Rimuovi", + "Select a World Info file for": "Seleziona un file di Informazioni sul Mondo per", + "Primary Lorebook": "Libro di Storia Principale", + "A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "Un'Informazione Mondiale selezionata sarà vincolata a questo personaggio come il suo proprio Libro di Storia.", + "When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "Quando viene generata una risposta AI, sarà combinata con le voci da un selettore globale di Informazioni sul Mondo.", + "Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": "L'esportazione di un personaggio comporterà anche l'esportazione del file di Libro di Storia selezionato incorporato nei dati JSON.", + "Additional Lorebooks": "Libri di Storia Aggiuntivi", + "Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.": "Associa uno o più Libri di Storia ausiliari a questo personaggio.", + "NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!": "NOTA: Queste scelte sono opzionali e non verranno conservate nell'esportazione del personaggio!", + "Rename chat file": "Rinomina il file di chat", + "Export JSONL chat file": "Esporta file di chat JSONL", + "Download chat as plain text document": "Scarica la chat come documento di testo semplice", + "Delete chat file": "Elimina il file di chat", + "Delete tag": "Elimina il tag", "Translate message": "Traduci messaggio", - "Generate Image": "Genera un'immagine", - "Narrate": "Narra", + "Generate Image": "Genera Immagine", + "Narrate": "Narrare", "Prompt": "Prompt", - "Create Bookmark": "Crea un segnalibro", + "Create Bookmark": "Crea Segnalibro", "Copy": "Copia", - "Open bookmark chat": "Apri la chat salvata come segnalibro", + "Open bookmark chat": "Apri la chat del segnalibro", "Confirm": "Conferma", "Copy this message": "Copia questo messaggio", - "Delete this message": "Cancella questo messaggio", - "Move message up": "Muovi il messaggio in alto", - "Move message down": "Muovi il messaggio in basso", - "Enlarge": "Ingrandisci", - "Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character": "Disattiva temporaneamente le risposte in automatico da parte di questo personaggio", - "Enable automatic replies from this character": "Attiva le risposte in automatico da parte di questo personaggio", - "Trigger a message from this character": "Innesca un messaggio di risposta da parte di questo personaggio", - "Move up": "Muovi sopra", - "Move down": "Muovi sotto", - "View character card": "Mostra la 'Carta Personaggio'", + "Delete this message": "Elimina questo messaggio", + "Move message up": "Sposta il messaggio verso l'alto", + "Move message down": "Sposta il messaggio verso il basso", + "Enlarge": "Ingrandire", + "Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character": "Disabilita temporaneamente le risposte automatiche da questo personaggio", + "Enable automatic replies from this character": "Abilita risposte automatiche da questo personaggio", + "Trigger a message from this character": "Scatenare un messaggio da questo personaggio", + "Move up": "Sposta verso l'alto", + "Move down": "Sposta verso il basso", + "View character card": "Visualizza la carta del personaggio", "Remove from group": "Rimuovi dal gruppo", "Add to group": "Aggiungi al gruppo", - "Add": "Aggiungi", - "Abort request": "Interrompi la richiesta", - "Send a message": "Invia messaggio", - "Ask AI to write your message for you": "Chiedi all'IA di scrivere un messaggio al posto tuo", - "Continue the last message": "Continua l'ultimo messaggio in chat", - "Bind user name to that avatar": "Lega il nome utente a questo avatar", - "Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "Seleziona questo alter ego come predefinito per tutte le nuove chat", - "Change persona image": "Cambia l'immagine del tuo alter ego", - "Delete persona": "Elimina il tuo alter ego", - "--- Pick to Edit ---": "--- Seleziona per modificare ---", - "Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "Scrivi ciò che non vuoi l'IA generi nel suo output.", - "write short replies, write replies using past tense": "Scrivi risposte brevi, scrivi risposte usando il passato", - "Alert if your world info is greater than the allocated budget.": "Ti avvisa nel momento in cui 'Info Mondo' consuma più di quanto allocato nel budget.", - "Clear your cookie": "Cancella i cookie", - "Restore new group chat prompt": "Ripristina il prompt della nuova chat di gruppo", - "Save movingUI changes to a new file": "Salva i cambiamenti apportati alla posizione dei pannelli dell'UI (MovingUI) in un nuovo file", - "Export all": "Esporta tutto", - "Import": "Importa", - "Insert": "Inserisci", - "New": "Nuovo", - "Prompts": "Prompt", - "Tokens": "Token", - "Reset current character": "Ripristina il personaggio attuale", - "(0 = disabled)": "(0 = disattivato)", - "1 = disabled": "1 = disattivato", - "Activation Regex": "Attivazione Regex", - "Active World(s) for all chats": "Attiva i Mondi per tutte le chat", - "Add character names": "Aggiungi i nomi dei personaggi", - "Add Memo": "Aggiungi note", - "Advanced Character Search": "Ricerca personaggi avanzata", - "Aggressive": "Aggressivo", - "AI21 Model": "Modello AI21", - "Alert On Overflow": "Avviso in caso di Overflow", - "Allow fallback routes": "Permetti fallback routes", - "Allow fallback routes Description": "Permetti descrizione fallback routes", - "Alt Method": "Metodo Alt", - "Alternate Greetings": "Alterna i saluti", - "Alternate Greetings Hint": "Premi la croce in alto a destra per generare una nuova casella di testo", - "Alternate Greetings Subtitle": "Qui saranno presenti i saluti alternativi", - "Assistant Prefill": "Assistant Prefill", - "Banned Tokens": "Token banditi", - "Blank": "Nuovo", - "Browser default": "Predefinito del browser", - "Budget Cap": "Limite budget", + "Add": "Aggiungere", + "Abort request": "Annulla richiesta", + "Send a message": "Invia un messaggio", + "Ask AI to write your message for you": "Chiedi all'IA di scrivere il tuo messaggio per te", + "Continue the last message": "Continua l'ultimo messaggio", + "Bind user name to that avatar": "Associa il nome utente a quell'avatar", + "Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "Seleziona questo come persona predefinita per le nuove chat.", + "Change persona image": "Cambia immagine della persona", + "Delete persona": "Elimina persona", + "Reduced Motion": "Movimento ridotto", + "Auto-select": "Selezione automatica", + "Automatically select a background based on the chat context": "Seleziona automaticamente uno sfondo in base al contesto della chat", + "Filter": "Filtro", + "Exclude message from prompts": "Escludi messaggio dalle richieste", + "Include message in prompts": "Includi messaggio nelle richieste", + "Create checkpoint": "Crea checkpoint", + "Create Branch": "Crea Branch", + "Embed file or image": "Incorpora file o immagine", + "UI Theme": "Tema UI", + "This message is invisible for the AI": "Questo messaggio è invisibile per l'IA", + "Sampler Priority": "Priorità del campionatore", + "Ooba only. Determines the order of samplers.": "Solo Ooba. Determina l'ordine dei campionatori.", + "Load default order": "Carica ordine predefinito", + "Max Tokens Second": "Max Tokens per secondo", "CFG": "CFG", - "CFG Scale": "CFG Scale", - "Changes the style of the generated text.": "Cambia lo stile del testo generato.", - "Character Negatives": "Character Negatives", - "Chat Negatives": "Chat Negatives", - "Chat Scenario Override": "Sovrascrittura dello scenario della chat", - "Chat Start": "Avvio della chat", - "Claude Model": "Modello Claude", + "No items": "Nessun elemento", + "Extras API key (optional)": "Chiave API extra (opzionale)", + "Notify on extension updates": "Notifica sugli aggiornamenti dell'estensione", + "Toggle character grid view": "Attiva/disattiva visualizzazione griglia personaggi", + "Bulk edit characters": "Modifica personaggi in blocco", + "Bulk delete characters": "Elimina personaggi in blocco", + "Favorite characters to add them to HotSwaps": "Aggiungi personaggi preferiti per aggiungerli a HotSwaps", + "Underlined Text": "Testo sottolineato", + "Token Probabilities": "Probabilità dei token", "Close chat": "Chiudi chat", - "Context %": "Context %", - "Context Template": "Context Template", - "Count Penalty": "Count Penalty", - "Example Separator": "Separatore d'esempio", - "Exclude Assistant suffix": "Escludi il suffisso assistente", - "Exclude the assistant suffix from being added to the end of prompt.": "Esclude il suffisso assistente dall'essere aggiunto alla fine del prompt.", - "Force for Groups and Personas": "Forzalo per gruppi e alter ego", - "Global Negatives": "Global Negatives", - "In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "Nella stringa narrativa / Chat Completion: Dopo la 'Carta Personaggio'", - "In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "Nella stringa narrativa / Chat Completion: Prima della 'Carta Personaggio", - "Instruct": "Instruct", - "Instruct Mode": "Modalità Instruct", - "Last Sequence": "Ultima sequenza", - "Lazy Chat Loading": "Caricamento svogliato della chat", - "Least tokens": "Token minimi", - "Light": "Leggero", - "Load koboldcpp order": "Ripristina l'ordine di koboldcpp", - "Main": "Principale", - "Mancer API key": "Chiave API di Mancer", - "Mancer API url": "Url API di Mancer", - "May help the model to understand context. Names must only contain letters or numbers.": "Può aiutare il modello a comprendere meglio il contesto. I nomi devono contenere solo numeri e lettere.", - "Medium": "Medium", - "Mirostat": "Mirostat", - "Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat (mode=1 è valido solo per llama.cpp)", - "Mirostat Eta": "Mirostat Eta", - "Mirostat LR": "Mirostat LR", - "Mirostat Mode": "Mirostat Mode", - "Mirostat Tau": "Mirostat Tau", - "Model Icon": "Icona modello", - "Most tokens": "Token massimi", - "MovingUI Preset": "Preset MovingUI", - "Negative Prompt": "Prompt negativo", - "No Module": "Nessun modulo", - "NSFW": "NSFW", - "Nucleus Sampling": "Nucleus Sampling", - "Off": "Spento", - "OpenRouter API Key": "Chiave API di OpenRouter", - "OpenRouter Model": "Modello OpenRouter", - "or": "o", - "Phrase Repetition Penalty": "Phrase Repetition Penalty", - "Positive Prompt": "Prompt positivo", - "Preamble": "Premessa", - "Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct Mode)": "Sovrascrittura del prompt (Per le API di OpenAI/Claude/Scale, Window/OpenRouter, e la Modalità Instruct)", - "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is O": "Prompt utilizzato quando l'interruttore NSFW è disattivato.", - "Prose Augmenter": "Prose Augmenter", - "Proxy Password": "Password proxy", - "Quick Edit": "Editing rapido", + "Manage chat files": "Gestisci file di chat", + "Import Extension From Git Repo": "Importa estensione dal repository Git", + "Install extension": "Installa estensione", + "Manage extensions": "Gestisci estensioni", + "Tokens persona description": "Descrizione della persona dei token", + "Most tokens": "La maggior parte dei token", + "Least tokens": "Meno token", "Random": "Casuale", - "Relaxed API URLS": "URL API sciatto", - "Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "Rimpiazza le macro nelle stringe d'arresto personalizzate", - "Scale": "Scale", - "Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line.": "Sequenze che non vuoi appaiano nell'output. Una per linea.", - "Set at the beginning of Dialogue examples to indicate that a new example chat is about to start.": "Impostato all'inizio degli Esempi di dialogo per indicare che un nuovo esempio di chat sta per iniziare.", - "Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new chat is about to start.": "Impostato all'inizio della cronologia chat per indicare che una nuova chat sta per iniziare.", - "Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new group chat is about to start.": "Impostato all'inizio della cronologia chat per indicare che un nuova chat di gruppo sta per iniziare.", - "Show External models (provided by API)": "Mostra modelli esterni (Forniti dall'API)", - "Show Notifications Show notifications on switching personas": "Mostra una notifica quando l'alter ego viene cambiato", - "Show tags in responses": "Mostra i tag nelle risposte", - "Story String": "Stringa narrativa", - "Text Adventure": "Avventura testuale", - "Text Gen WebUI presets": "Preset Text Gen WebUI", - "Toggle Panels": "Interruttore pannelli", - "Top A Sampling": "Top A Sampling", - "Top K Sampling": "Top K Sampling", - "UI Language": "Linguaggio UI", - "Unlocked Context Size": "Sblocca dimensione contesto", - "Usage Stats": "Statistiche di utilizzo", - "Use AI21 Tokenizer": "Utilizza il Tokenizer di AI21", - "Use API key (Only required for Mancer)": "Utilizza la chiave API (Necessario soltanto per Mancer)", - "Use character author's note": "Utilizza le note d'autore del personaggio", - "Use character CFG scales": "Utilizza CFG scales del personaggio", - "Use Proxy password field instead. This input will be ignored.": "Utilizza il campo della password proxy al suo posto. Questo input verrà ignorato.", - "Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output": "Utilizza lo stile delle tag per modificare lo stile di scrittura in output", - "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Jurassic models, which is more efficient than GPT's.": "Utilizza il tokenizer appropiato per i modelli giurassici, visto che è più efficente di quello di GPT.", - "Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "È utilizzato soltanto se CFG Scale non è settato globalmente, per le chat o per i personaggi", - "Very aggressive": "Esageratamente aggressivo", - "Very light": "Esageratamente leggero", - "Welcome to SillyTavern!": "Benvenuto in SillyTavern!", - "Will be used as a password for the proxy instead of API key.": "Verrà usato come password per il proxy invece che la chiave API.", - "Window AI Model": "Modello Window AI", - "Your Persona": "Il tuo alter ego", + "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "Salta formattazione dialoghi di esempio", + "Import a theme file": "Importa un file di tema", + "Export a theme file": "Esporta un file di tema", + "Unlocked Context Size": "Dimensione contesto sbloccato", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "Visualizza la risposta pezzo per pezzo mentre viene generata.", + "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "Quando questo è disattivato, le risposte verranno visualizzate tutte in una volta quando sono complete.", + "Quick Prompts Edit": "Modifica rapida delle richieste", + "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "Abilita lo streaming di completamento OpenAI", + "Main": "Principale", + "Utility Prompts": "Richieste di utilità", + "Add character names": "Aggiungi nomi dei personaggi", + "Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "Invia nomi negli oggetti messaggio. Aiuta il modello ad associare i messaggi ai personaggi.", + "Continue prefill": "Continua il precompilamento", + "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "Continua invia l'ultimo messaggio come ruolo assistente invece di messaggio di sistema con istruzioni.", + "Squash system messages": "Sistema messaggi schiaccianti", + "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "Combina i messaggi di sistema consecutivi in uno solo (escludendo i dialoghi di esempio). Potrebbe migliorare la coerenza per alcuni modelli.", + "Send inline images": "Invia immagini inline", + "Assistant Prefill": "Prefill assistente", "Start Claude's answer with...": "Inizia la risposta di Claude con...", - "# of messages (0 = disabled)": "'# dei messaggi (0 = disattivato)'", - "Advanced": "Avanzata", - "AI Module": "Modulo IA", - "AI21 API Key": "Chiave API AI21", - "Allow NSFW images from Horde": "Permetti immagini NSFW da Horde", - "Anthropic's developer console": "Console di sviluppo per Anthropic", - "Avoid spending Anlas": "Evita di spendere Anlas", - "Click Authorize below or get the key from": "Clicca Autorizza qui sotto oppure ottieni la chiave da", - "Connect": "Connettiti", - "Context Order": "Ordine del contesto", - "Continue nudge": "Continua nudge (spinta)", - "Convert to Persona": "Converti in alter ego", - "Debug Menu": "Menu Debug", - "Debug Warning": "Avviso Debug", - "Enable simple UI mode": "Avvia la modalità UI semplice", - "Enter": "Invio", - "Example Dialogues": "Dialoghi d'esempio", - "Example: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api": "Esempio: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api", - "Example: ws://": "Esempio: ws://", - "Execute": "Esegui", - "Get it here:": "Ottienila qui:", - "Get your key from": "Ottieni la tua chiave da", - "Hint": "Suggerimento", - "If you are using:": "Se stai usando:", - "In Story String / Prompt Manager": "Stringa narrativa / Gestione prompt", - "In-Chat Position not affected": "La posizione in-chat non è influenzata", - "Karras (not all samplers supported)": "Karras (Non tutti i sampler sono supportati)", - "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "Impara come utilizzare i tuoi cicli GPU in idle per contribuire a Horde", - "Models": "Modelli", - "New Chat": "Nuova chat", - "New Example Chat": "Esempio nuova chat", - "New Group Chat": "Nuova chat di gruppo", - "Not connected...": "Non connesso...", - "Opus tier": "Opus tier", - "Output Sequence": "Sequenza Output", - "Permanent": "Permanente", - "Scale API Key": "Chiave API Scale", - "Send names in the ChatML objects.": "Condividi a ChatML i nomi dei partecipanti.", - "Show impersonated replies in groups": "Mostra risposte impersonate nelle chat di gruppo", - "Show Message Token Count": "Mostra costo in Token per messaggio", - "Show notifications on switching personas": "Mostra notifiche quando l'alter ego cambia", - "Simple": "Semplice", - "Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.": "I cookie di Slack e Poe non funzioneranno qui, non perdere tempo provandoci.", - "Strip Example Messages from Prompt": "Rimuovi i messaggi d'esempio dal prompt", - "Summary": "Riassunto", - "to use anonymous mode.": "per utilizzare la modalità in anonimo.", - "UI Mode": "Modalità UI", - "Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.": "Utilizza i tag di stile per modificare la forma di scrittura in uscita.", - "Utility Prompts": "Utility Prompt", - "View my Kudos": "Mostra i miei Kudos", - "View Remaining Credits": "Mostra crediti rimanenti", - "World Info Format Template": "Formato template 'Info Mondo'", - "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt.": "Seleziona le informazioni del mondo attualmente attive prima di inserirle nel prompt.", - "Local server classification": "Classificazione server locale", - "Create Branch": "Crea nuovo ramo", - "removes blur from window backgrounds": "Elimina la sfocatura dagli sfondi delle finestre", - "Allow for Chat Completion APIs": "Permetti per le 'Chat Completion API'", - "at Depth": "a profondità", - "Auto-Continue": "Risposta continua", - "Auto-Expand Message Actions": "Espansione automatica dei messaggi d'azione", - "Automatic (PC)": "Automatico (PC)", - "Character Exclusion": "Estromissione del personaggio", - "Chat Background": "Sfondo chat", - "Custom CSS": "CSS personalizzato", - "Depth:": "Profondità:", - "Disabled": "Disattivato", - "Filter to Character(s)": "Filtra per personaggio", - "Grammar": "Grammatica", - "Miscellaneous": "Varie", - "PaLM API Key": "Chiave API PaLM", - "Relax message trim in Groups": "Troncatura leggera dei messaggi nelle chat di gruppo", - "Target length (tokens)": "Lunghezza target (in token)", - "Theme Toggles": "Interruttore tema", - "Type in the desired custom grammar (GBNF).": "Scrivi la tua grammatica personalizzata (GBNF).", - "UI Background": "Sfondo UI", - "UI Border": "Bordo UI" -} + "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "Usa prompt di sistema (solo Claude 2.1+)", + "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "Invia il prompt di sistema per i modelli supportati. Se disabilitato, il messaggio dell'utente viene aggiunto all'inizio del prompt.", + "Prompts": "Richieste", + "Total Tokens:": "Token totali:", + "Insert prompt": "Inserisci prompt", + "Delete prompt": "Elimina prompt", + "Import a prompt list": "Importa un elenco di prompt", + "Export this prompt list": "Esporta questo elenco di prompt", + "Reset current character": "Ripristina personaggio attuale", + "New prompt": "Nuovo prompt", + "Tokens": "Token", + "Want to update?": "Vuoi aggiornare?", + "How to start chatting?": "Come iniziare a chattare?", + "Click": "Clic ", + "and select a": " e seleziona un", + "Chat API": " API di chat", + "and pick a character": " e scegli un personaggio", + "in the chat bar": " nella barra di chat", + "Confused or lost?": "Confuso o perso?", + "click these icons!": "clicca su queste icone!", + "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "SillyTavern Sito di documentazione", + "Extras Installation Guide": "Guida all'installazione di extra", + "Still have questions?": "Hai ancora domande?", + "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "Unisciti al SillyTavern Discord", + "Post a GitHub issue": "Pubblica un problema su GitHub", + "Contact the developers": "Contatta gli sviluppatori", + "Nucleus Sampling": "Campionamento nucleare", + "Typical P": "P tipico", + "Top K Sampling": "Campionamento top K", + "Top A Sampling": "Campionamento top A", + "Off": "Spento", + "Very light": "Molto leggero", + "Light": "Leggero", + "Medium": "Medio", + "Aggressive": "Aggressivo", + "Very aggressive": "Molto aggressivo", + "Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique. In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3. Set to 0 to disable. See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "Il taglio Eta è il parametro principale della tecnica di campionamento Eta speciale. In unità di 1e-4; un valore ragionevole è 3. Impostare su 0 per disabilitare. Consultare l'articolo Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing di Hewitt et al. (2022) per i dettagli.", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "Scopri come contribuire ai cicli GPU inattivi all'Orda", + "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "Utilizza il tokenizer appropriato per i modelli Google tramite la loro API. Elaborazione dei prompt più lenta, ma offre un conteggio dei token molto più accurato.", + "Load koboldcpp order": "Carica l'ordine koboldcpp", + "Use Google Tokenizer": "Usa il Tokenizer di Google" + + + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/locales/ja-jp.json b/public/locales/ja-jp.json index 5bbe184fd..e61f673bb 100644 --- a/public/locales/ja-jp.json +++ b/public/locales/ja-jp.json @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ "None": "なし", "User Settings": "ユーザー設定", "UI Mode": "UIモード", - "UI Language": "UI言語", + "UI Language": "言語", "MovingUI Preset": "MovingUIプリセット", "UI Customization": "UIのカスタマイズ", "Avatar Style": "アバタースタイル", @@ -856,7 +856,63 @@ "Random": "ランダム", "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "例の対話の書式設定をスキップ", "Import a theme file": "テーマファイルをインポート", - "Export a theme file": "テーマファイルをエクスポート" - + "Export a theme file": "テーマファイルをエクスポート", + "Unlocked Context Size": "ロック解除されたコンテキストサイズ", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "生成されるたびに、応答をビットごとに表示します。", + "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "この機能がオフの場合、応答は完全になるとすぐにすべて一度に表示されます。", + "Quick Prompts Edit": "クイックプロンプトの編集", + "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "OpenAIの完了ストリーミングを有効にする", + "Main": "メイン", + "Utility Prompts": "ユーティリティプロンプト", + "Add character names": "キャラクター名を追加", + "Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "メッセージオブジェクトに名前を送信します。モデルがメッセージをキャラクターに関連付けるのに役立ちます。", + "Continue prefill": "プリフィルの継続", + "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "続行は、最後のメッセージをシステムメッセージとしてではなく、アシスタントの役割として送信します。", + "Squash system messages": "システムメッセージを結合する", + "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "連続するシステムメッセージを1つに結合します(例のダイアログを除く)。一部のモデルの一貫性を向上させる可能性があります。", + "Send inline images": "インライン画像を送信", + "Assistant Prefill": "アシスタントプリフィル", + "Start Claude's answer with...": "クロードの回答を...で始める", + "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "システムプロンプトを使用します(クロード2.1以降のみ)", + "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "サポートされているモデルのシステムプロンプトを送信します。無効にすると、ユーザーメッセージがプロンプトの先頭に追加されます。", + "Prompts": "プロンプト", + "Total Tokens:": "総トークン数:", + "Insert prompt": "プロンプトを挿入", + "Delete prompt": "プロンプトを削除", + "Import a prompt list": "プロンプトリストをインポート", + "Export this prompt list": "このプロンプトリストをエクスポート", + "Reset current character": "現在のキャラクターをリセット", + "New prompt": "新しいプロンプト", + "Tokens": "トークン", + "Want to update?": "更新しますか?", + "How to start chatting?": "チャットを開始する方法は?", + "Click": "クリック ", + "and select a": "そして選択します ", + "Chat API": "チャットAPI", + "and pick a character": "そしてキャラクターを選択します", + "in the chat bar": "チャットバーで", + "Confused or lost?": "混乱していますか?迷っていますか?", + "click these icons!": "これらのアイコンをクリックしてください!", + "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "SillyTavernドキュメントサイト", + "Extras Installation Guide": "エクストラインストールガイド", + "Still have questions?": "まだ質問がありますか?", + "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "SillyTavernのDiscordに参加", + "Post a GitHub issue": "GitHubの問題を投稿", + "Contact the developers": "開発者に連絡", + "Nucleus Sampling": "核サンプリング", + "Typical P": "典型的なP", + "Top K Sampling": "トップKサンプリング", + "Top A Sampling": "トップAサンプリング", + "Off": "オフ", + "Very light": "非常に軽い", + "Light": "ライト", + "Medium": "ミディアム", + "Aggressive": "攻撃的", + "Very aggressive": "非常に攻撃的", + "Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique. In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3. Set to 0 to disable. See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "エータカットオフは、特別なエータサンプリング技術の主要なパラメータです。 1e-4の単位で; 合理的な値は3です。 無効にするには0に設定します。 詳細については、Hewittらによる論文「言語モデルデスムージングの切断サンプリング」(2022)を参照してください。", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "アイドルのGPUサイクルをホルドに貢献する方法を学びます", + "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "Googleモデル用の適切なトークナイザーを使用します。 API経由で。 処理が遅くなりますが、トークンの数え上げがはるかに正確になります。", + "Load koboldcpp order": "koboldcppオーダーを読み込む", + "Use Google Tokenizer": "Googleトークナイザーを使用" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/locales/ko-kr.json b/public/locales/ko-kr.json index 69543f9e8..03fb8c8f1 100644 --- a/public/locales/ko-kr.json +++ b/public/locales/ko-kr.json @@ -1,556 +1,920 @@ { - "UI Language": "언어", - "clickslidertips": "슬라이더의 오른쪽 숫자를 클릭하면 직접 입력할 수 있습니다.", - "kobldpresets": "Kobold 설정", - "guikoboldaisettings": "GUI KoboldAI 설정", - "novelaipreserts": "NovelAI 설정", + "clickslidertips": "수동으로 값을 입력하려면 클릭하세요.", + "kobldpresets": "코볼드 사전 설정", + "guikoboldaisettings": "KoboldAI 인터페이스 설정", + "novelaipreserts": "NovelAI 사전 설정", "default": "기본값", - "openaipresets": "OpenAI 설정", - "text gen webio(ooba) presets": "TextGenWebUI(ooba) 설정", - "response legth(tokens)": "답변 길이(토큰수)", + "openaipresets": "OpenAI 사전 설정", + "text gen webio(ooba) presets": "텍스트 생성 WebUI(ooba) 사전 설정", + "response legth(tokens)": "응답 길이 (토큰)", "select": "선택", - "context size(tokens)": "맥락 크기(토큰수)", - "Unlocked Context Size": "한도 해제", - "Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "토큰 4096개 이상의 맥락을 사용할 수 있는 모델에서만 사용하세요. 파워유저 옵션이에요.", - "rep.pen": "반복 페널티", - "rep.pen range": "반복 페널티 범위", + "context size(tokens)": "컨텍스트 크기 (토큰)", + "unlocked": "잠금 해제됨", + "Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "4096개 이상의 토큰 크기를 지원하는 모델만 지원합니다. 알고 계신 경우에만 증가시키세요.", + "rep.pen": "반복 패널티", + "WI Entry Status:🔵 Constant🟢 Normal❌ Disabled": "WI 입력 상태:🔵 고정🟢 일반❌ 비활성화됨", + "rep.pen range": "반복 패널티 범위", + "Temperature controls the randomness in token selection": "온도는 토큰 선택에서의 무작위성을 제어합니다.", "temperature": "온도", - "Encoder Rep. Pen.": "인코더 반복 페널티", - "No Repeat Ngram Size": "무반복 Ngram 크기", - "Min Length": "최소길이", - "OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "OpenAI 리버스 프록시", - "Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "대체 서버 URL(비워둘 경우 기본값 사용).", - "Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "여기 입력하기 전에 API 페널에서 본인의 OAI API 키를 지워주세요! ", - "We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "비공식 OpenAI 프록시를 사용하며 발생하는 문제는 실리태번 팀이 지원할 수 없습니다.", - "Legacy Streaming Processing": "기존 스트리밍 처리법", - "Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "프록시에서 스트리밍을 지원하지 않는다면 이 옵션을 선택하세요.", - "Context Size (tokens)": "맥락 크기(토큰수)", - "Max Response Length (tokens)": "최대 답변 길이(토큰수)", + "Top K sets a maximum amount of top tokens that can be chosen from": "Top K는 선택할 수 있는 최대 상위 토큰 양을 설정합니다.", + "Top P (a.k.a. nucleus sampling)": "Top P (일명 핵심 샘플링)", + "Typical P Sampling prioritizes tokens based on their deviation from the average entropy of the set": "전형적인 P 샘플링은 집합의 평균 엔트로피와의 편차를 기반으로 토큰에 우선순위를 부여합니다.", + "Min P sets a base minimum probability": "Min P는 기본 최소 확률을 설정합니다.", + "Top A sets a threshold for token selection based on the square of the highest token probability": "Top A는 가장 높은 토큰 확률의 제곱에 기반하여 토큰 선택에 대한 임계값을 설정합니다.", + "Tail-Free Sampling (TFS)": "꼬리 제거 샘플링 (TFS)", + "Epsilon cutoff sets a probability floor below which tokens are excluded from being sampled": "Epsilon 절단은 토큰이 샘플링에서 제외되는 확률 하한선을 설정합니다.", + "Scale Temperature dynamically per token, based on the variation of probabilities": "확률의 변동을 기반으로 토큰마다 온도를 동적으로 조정합니다.", + "Minimum Temp": "최소 온도", + "Maximum Temp": "최대 온도", + "Exponent": "지수", + "Mirostat Mode": "미로스탯 모드", + "Mirostat Tau": "미로스탯 타우", + "Mirostat Eta": "미로스탯 에타", + "Variability parameter for Mirostat outputs": "미로스탯 출력의 변동성 매개변수", + "Learning rate of Mirostat": "미로스탯의 학습률", + "Strength of the Contrastive Search regularization term. Set to 0 to disable CS": "대조적 검색 정규화 항의 강도입니다. CS를 비활성화하려면 0으로 설정하세요.", + "Temperature Last": "마지막 온도", + "Use the temperature sampler last": "마지막으로 온도 샘플러를 사용합니다.", + "LLaMA / Mistral / Yi models only": "LLaMA / Mistral / Yi 모델 전용", + "Example: some text [42, 69, 1337]": "예: 일부 텍스트 [42, 69, 1337]", + "Classifier Free Guidance. More helpful tip coming soon": "분류기 무료 안내. 더 유용한 팁이 곧 제공됩니다.", + "Scale": "스케일", + "GBNF Grammar": "GBNF 문법", + "Usage Stats": "사용 통계", + "Click for stats!": "통계 보기!", + "Backup": "백업", + "Backup your personas to a file": "개인정보를 파일로 백업합니다.", + "Restore": "복원", + "Restore your personas from a file": "파일에서 개인정보를 복원합니다.", + "Type in the desired custom grammar": "원하는 사용자 정의 문법을 입력하세요.", + "Encoder Rep. Pen.": "인코더 반복 패널티", + "Smoothing Factor": "평활화 요소", + "No Repeat Ngram Size": "반복 없는 N그램 크기", + "Min Length": "최소 길이", + "OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "OpenAI 역방향 프록시", + "Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "대체 서버 URL (기본값 사용을 원할 경우 비워 둡니다).", + "Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "이 상자에 어떤 것이든 입력하기 전에 실제 OAI API 키를 API 패널에서 제거하세요.", + "We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "비공식 OpenAI 프록시를 사용하는 동안 발생하는 문제에 대한 지원을 제공할 수 없습니다.", + "Legacy Streaming Processing": "레거시 스트리밍 처리", + "Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "프록시로 스트리밍이 작동하지 않을 경우 이를 활성화하십시오", + "Context Size (tokens)": "컨텍스트 크기 (토큰)", + "Max Response Length (tokens)": "최대 응답 길이 (토큰)", "Temperature": "온도", - "Frequency Penalty": "빈도 페널티", - "Presence Penalty": "존재 페널티", - "Top-p": "상위 P", - "Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "AI가 생성하는 답변을 실시간으로 출력합니다.", + "Frequency Penalty": "빈도 패널티", + "Presence Penalty": "존재 패널티", + "Top-p": "상위-p", + "Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "생성되는대로 봇 응답 텍스트 청크를 표시", "Top A": "상위 A", - "Typical Sampling": "전형적 표집", - "Tail Free Sampling": "꼬리자르기 표집", - "Rep. Pen. Slope": "반복 페널티 경사도", - "Single-line mode": "한줄 모드", + "Typical Sampling": "일반적인 샘플링", + "Tail Free Sampling": "꼬리가 자유로운 샘플링", + "Rep. Pen. Slope": "대표적 패널티 기울기", + "Single-line mode": "단일 라인 모드", "Top K": "상위 K", "Top P": "상위 P", - "Typical P": "전형 P", - "Do Sample": "Do Sample", - "Add BOS Token": "BOS토큰 삽입", - "Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative.": "프롬프트 맨앞에 bos_token을 삽입합니다. 이 옵션을 해제하면 답변이 더 다양해질 수 있어요.", - "Ban EOS Token": "EOS토큰 금지", - "Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "eos_token을 금지합니다. 모델이 답변 생성을 완성하기 전에 포기하는 것을 막아요.", - "Skip Special Tokens": "특수토큰 무시", - "Beam search": "빔 탐색", - "Number of Beams": "빔 갯수", - "Length Penalty": "길이 페널티", - "Early Stopping": "조기종료", - "Contrastive search": "대조적 탐색", - "Penalty Alpha": "페널티 알파값", - "Seed": "시드값", - "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "탈옥 프롬프트를 시스템 메시지 맨 마지막에 삽입합니다.", - "This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "AI가 처리 내용 제약을 무시하도록 명령해요.", - "NSFW Encouraged": "19금 응원", - "Tell the AI that NSFW is allowed.": "AI가 19금을 생성할 수 있다고 알려줍니다.", - "NSFW Prioritized": "19금 요구", - "NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "19금 프롬프트를 시스템 프롬프트 맨 앞에 삽입하여 효과를 강화합니다.", + "Do Sample": "샘플", + "Add BOS Token": "BOS 토큰 추가", + "Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative": "프롬프트의 시작 부분에 bos_token을 추가하십시오. 이를 비활성화하면 응답이 더 창의적으로 될 수 있습니다.", + "Ban EOS Token": "EOS 토큰 금지", + "Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "eos_token을 금지하십시오. 이는 모델이 생성을 이르게 종료하지 않도록 합니다", + "Skip Special Tokens": "특수 토큰 건너뛰기", + "Beam search": "빔 검색", + "Number of Beams": "빔의 수", + "Length Penalty": "길이 패널티", + "Early Stopping": "조기 중지", + "Contrastive search": "대조적 검색", + "Penalty Alpha": "패널티 알파", + "Seed": "시드", + "Epsilon Cutoff": "이프실론 자르기", + "Eta Cutoff": "에타 자르기", + "Negative Prompt": "부정적인 프롬프트", + "Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat (mode=1은 llama.cpp 전용입니다)", + "Mirostat is a thermostat for output perplexity": "미로스타트는 출력 헷갈림의 온도계입니다", + "Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "AI가 출력에서 원하지 않는 것을 생성하도록하는 텍스트를 여기에 추가하십시오.", + "Phrase Repetition Penalty": "구절 반복 패널티", + "Preamble": "전문", + "Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.": "스타일 태그를 사용하여 출력의 쓰기 스타일을 수정하십시오.", + "Banned Tokens": "금지 된 토큰", + "Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line.": "출력에 나타나지 않길 원하는 시퀀스입니다. 한 줄에 하나씩.", + "AI Module": "AI 모듈", + "Changes the style of the generated text.": "생성 된 텍스트의 스타일을 변경합니다.", + "Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "CFG 스케일이 전역적으로 설정되지 않은 경우 사용됩니다. 채팅 당 또는 캐릭터 당", + "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "최종 시스템 메시지로 교도소 탈출을 삽입합니다.", + "This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "이는 AI에게 보통의 콘텐츠 제한을 무시하도록 지시합니다.", + "NSFW Encouraged": "NSFW 장려됨", + "Tell the AI that NSFW is allowed.": "AI에게 NSFW가 허용되었음을 알립니다.", + "NSFW Prioritized": "NSFW 우선 순위", + "NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "NSFW 프롬프트 텍스트가 효과를 강조하기 위해 먼저 나옵니다.", "Streaming": "스트리밍", - "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "답변이 생성되는 도중 실시간으로 출력합니다.", - "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "이 옵션을 해지하면 답변이 완성된 다음 한 번에 출력합니다.", - "Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "요청당 한 줄만 생성합니다(KoboldAI만 해당, KoboldCpp에서는 무시됨).", - "Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "EOS(End-of-Sequence) 토큰(KoboldCpp 및 KoboldAI의 다른 토큰 포함)을 금지합니다.", - "Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "스토리 작성에 적합하지만 채팅 및 교육 모드에는 사용하면 안 됩니다.", - "Enhance Definitions": "똑똑해지기", - "Use OAI knowledge base to enhance definitions for public figures and known fictional characters": "OpenAI 지식 데이터베이스를 활용하여 공공인물, 유명한 캐릭터 등 이미 알려진 정보를 사용합니다.", - "Wrap in Quotes": "자동 따옴표", - "Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "메시지를 보내기 전에 사용자의 메시지 양 끝에 따옴표를 삽입합니다.", - "Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "직접 대사에 따옴표를 붙인다면 이 옵션을 끄세요.", - "Main prompt": "핵심 프롬프트", - "The main prompt used to set the model behavior": "모델의 행동방식을 설정하는 프롬프트입니다.", - "NSFW prompt": "19금 프롬프트", - "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is on": "19금 옵션이 활성화되면 사용하는 프롬프트입니다.", - "Jailbreak prompt": "탈옥 프롬프트", - "Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "탈옥 옵션이 활성화되면 사용하는 프롬프트입니다.", - "Impersonation prompt": "모사 프롬프트", - "Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "사용자 모사에 사용하는 프롬프트입니다.", - "Logit Bias": "로지트 편향", - "Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "특정 단어의 사용을 금지하거나 유도할 때 유용합니다.", - "View / Edit bias preset": "로지트 편향 보기/수정하기", - "Add bias entry": "편향 항목 입력", - "Jailbreak activation message": "탈옥 시도 프롬프트 메시지", - "Message to send when auto-jailbreak is on.": "자동탈옥이 활성화되면 사용하는 프롬프트입니다.", - "Jailbreak confirmation reply": "탈옥 성공 답변", - "Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "탈옥 성공 보고 메시지를 확인하는 문구입니다.", - "Character Note": "캐릭터 쪽지", - "Influences bot behavior in its responses": "AI가 답변을 생성할 때 영향을 줍니다.", + "Dynamic Temperature": "동적 온도", + "Restore current preset": "현재 프리셋 복원", + "Neutralize Samplers": "샘플러 중화", + "Text Completion presets": "텍스트 완성 프리셋", + "Documentation on sampling parameters": "샘플링 매개 변수에 대한 문서", + "Set all samplers to their neutral/disabled state.": "모든 샘플러를 중립/비활성 상태로 설정하십시오.", + "Only enable this if your model supports context sizes greater than 4096 tokens": "모델이 4096 토큰보다 큰 컨텍스트 크기를 지원하는 경우에만 활성화하십시오", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated": "생성되는대로 응답을 조금씩 표시하십시오", + "Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "요청 당 한 줄씩만 생성하십시오 (KoboldAI 전용, KoboldCpp에서는 무시됨).", + "Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "시퀀스의 끝 (EOS) 토큰을 금지하십시오 (KoboldCpp와 함께 사용, 가능한 경우 KoboldAI의 다른 토큰도).", + "Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "이야기 쓰기에 좋지만 채팅 및 지시 모드에는 사용하지 않아야합니다.", + "Enhance Definitions": "정의 향상", + "Use OAI knowledge base to enhance definitions for public figures and known fictional characters": "OAI 지식 기반을 사용하여 공인 인물 및 알려진 픽셔너 캐릭터에 대한 정의를 향상시킵니다.", + "Wrap in Quotes": "따옴표 안에 넣기", + "Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "전체 사용자 메시지를 보내기 전에 따옴표로 묶으십시오.", + "Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "말하기 위해 수동으로 따옴표를 사용하는 경우 무시하십시오.", + "Main prompt": "주요 프롬프트", + "The main prompt used to set the model behavior": "모델 동작을 설정하는 데 사용되는 주요 프롬프트", + "NSFW prompt": "NSFW 프롬프트", + "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is on": "NSFW 토글이 켜져 있을 때 사용되는 프롬프트", + "Jailbreak prompt": "교도소 탈출 프롬프트", + "Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "교도소 탈출 토글이 켜져 있을 때 사용되는 프롬프트", + "Impersonation prompt": "피소하는 프롬프트", + "Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "피소 기능에 사용되는 프롬프트", + "Logit Bias": "로그 비애", + "Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "특정 단어의 사용을 금지하거나 강화하는 데 도움이됩니다.", + "View / Edit bias preset": "바이어스 프리셋 보기/편집", + "Add bias entry": "바이어스 항목 추가", + "Jailbreak activation message": "교도소 탈출 활성화 메시지", + "Message to send when auto-jailbreak is on.": "자동 교도소 탈출이 켜져 있을 때 보낼 메시지입니다.", + "Jailbreak confirmation reply": "교도소 탈출 확인 응답", + "Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "교도소 탈출을 확인하기 위해 봇이 이를 다시 보내야합니다.", + "Character Note": "캐릭터 노트", + "Influences bot behavior in its responses": "응답에서 봇 동작에 영향을줍니다.", + "Connect": "연결", + "Test Message": "테스트 메시지", "API": "API", "KoboldAI": "KoboldAI", - "Use Horde": "Horde 사용", + "Use Horde": "호드 사용", "API url": "API URL", - "Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "Horde 계정이 있다면 대기열이 짧아집니다.", - "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "Horde를 위하여 노는 GPU를 기여하는 법을 배워보세요.", - "Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "Horde 일꾼의 사양에 맞춰 맥락 크기 조정", - "Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "Horde 일꾼의 사양에 맞춰 답변 길이 조정", + "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine": "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine (OpenAI API의 래퍼 모드)", + "Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "더 빠른 대기 시간을 위해 호드 계정을 등록하십시오.", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "유휴 GPU 사이클을 Hord에 기여하는 방법을 배우십시오.", + "Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "컨텍스트 크기를 작업자 기능에 맞게 조정하십시오.", + "Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "응답 길이를 작업자 기능에 맞게 조정하십시오.", "API key": "API 키", + "Tabby API key": "Tabby API 키", + "Get it here:": "여기서 얻으세요:", "Register": "등록", - "For privacy reasons": "개인정보 보호를 위하여 API 키는 반드시 비밀로 하세요.", - "Model": "모델", - "Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "Control/Cmd키를 누르면 여러 모델을 선택할 수 있습니다.", - "Horde models not loaded": "Horde 모델을 불러오지 못했어요!", - "Not connected": "접속 없음", - "Novel API key": "NovelAI API 키", - "Follow": "API키를 받으려면", - "these directions": "이 설명글을", - "to get your NovelAI API key.": "자세히 읽어주세요.", - "Enter it in the box below": "밑 입력창에 입력하세요.", - "Novel AI Model": "NovelAI 모델", - "No connection": "접속 실패", - "oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "oobabooga/text-generation-webui", - "Make sure you run it with": "--extensions openai 인수를 반드시 사용해야 합니다.", - "Blocking API url": "API URL을 막는 중", - "Streaming API url": "API URL에서 스트리밍 중", + "TogetherAI Model": "TogetherAI 모델", + "Example:": "예:", + "ggerganov/llama.cpp": "ggerganov/llama.cpp (출력 서버)", + "Example:": "예:", + "Example:": "예:", + "Ollama Model": "Ollama 모델", + "Download": "다운로드", + "TogetherAI API Key": "TogetherAI API 키", + "-- Connect to the API --": "-- API에 연결 --", + "View my Kudos": "내 Kudos 보기", + "Enter": "입력", + "to use anonymous mode.": "익명 모드를 사용하려면.", + "For privacy reasons": "개인 정보 보호를 위해 페이지를 새로 고친 후 API 키가 숨겨집니다", + "Models": "모델", + "Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "여러 모델을 선택하려면 제어/명령 키를 누르세요.", + "Horde models not loaded": "호드 모델이 로드되지 않았습니다", + "Not connected...": "연결되지 않음...", + "Novel API key": "NovelAPI 키", + "Follow": "따르다", + "these directions": "이 지시 사항", + "to get your NovelAI API key.": "NovelAI API 키를 얻으려면.", + "Enter it in the box below": "아래 상자에 입력하세요", + "Novel AI Model": "Novel AI 모델", + "If you are using:": "사용 중이라면:", + "oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "", + "Make sure you run it with": "실행하는지 확인하세요", + "flag": "깃발", + "API key (optional)": "API 키 (선택 사항)", + "Server url": "서버 URL", + "Custom model (optional)": "사용자 정의 모델 (선택 사항)", + "Bypass API status check": "API 상태 확인 우회", + "Mancer AI": "", + "Use API key (Only required for Mancer)": "API 키 사용 (Mancer 전용 필수)", + "Blocking API url": "차단 API URL", + "Example:": "예시:", + "Legacy API (pre-OAI, no streaming)": "레거시 API (OAI 이전, 스트리밍 없음)", + "Bypass status check": "상태 확인 우회", + "Streaming API url": "스트리밍 API URL", + "Example: ws://": "예시: ws://", + "Mancer API key": "Mancer API 키", + "Example: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api": "예시: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api", + "to get your OpenAI API key.": "OpenAI API 키를 얻으려면.", + "Window AI Model": "창 AI 모델", "OpenAI Model": "OpenAI 모델", - "View API Usage Metrics": "API 사용량 보기", + "Claude API Key": "Claude API 키", + "Get your key from": "다음에서 키를 받으세요", + "Anthropic's developer console": "Anthropic의 개발자 콘솔", + "Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.": "슬랙과 포 쿠키는 여기서 작동하지 않습니다. 시도하지 마세요.", + "Claude Model": "Claude 모델", + "Scale API Key": "Scale API 키", + "Alt Method": "대체 방법", + "AI21 API Key": "AI21 API 키", + "AI21 Model": "AI21 모델", + "View API Usage Metrics": "API 사용 지표 보기", + "Show External models (provided by API)": "외부 모델 표시 (API 제공)", "Bot": "봇", - "Connect to the API": "API 접속", - "Auto-connect to Last Server": "최근 접속한 서버에 자동접속", - "View hidden API keys": "API 키 드러내기", + "Allow fallback routes": "대체 경로 허용", + "Allow fallback routes Description": "선택한 모델이 요청을 처리할 수 없는 경우 대체 모델이 자동으로 선택됩니다.", + "OpenRouter API Key": "OpenRouter API 키", + "Connect to the API": "API에 연결", + "OpenRouter Model": "OpenRouter 모델", + "View Remaining Credits": "남은 크레딧 보기", + "Click Authorize below or get the key from": "아래의 인증을 클릭하거나 다음에서 키를 받으세요", + "Auto-connect to Last Server": "마지막 서버에 자동으로 연결", + "View hidden API keys": "숨겨진 API 키 보기", "Advanced Formatting": "고급 서식", - "AutoFormat Overrides": "자동서식 해지", - "Disable description formatting": "묘사 자동서식", - "Disable personality formatting": "성격 자동서식", - "Disable scenario formatting": "시나리오 자동서식", - "Disable example chats formatting": "채팅 예시 자동서식", - "Disable chat start formatting": "인사말 자동서식", - "Custom Chat Separator": "채팅 분리자 바꾸기", + "Context Template": "컨텍스트 템플릿", + "AutoFormat Overrides": "자동 형식 재정의", + "Disable description formatting": "설명 형식 설정 해제", + "Disable personality formatting": "개성 형식 설정 해제", + "Disable scenario formatting": "시나리오 형식 설정 해제", + "Disable example chats formatting": "예제 채팅 형식 설정 해제", + "Disable chat start formatting": "채팅 시작 형식 설정 해제", + "Custom Chat Separator": "사용자 정의 채팅 구분자", + "Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "사용자 정의 중단 문자열에서 매크로 교체", + "Strip Example Messages from Prompt": "프롬프트에서 예제 메시지 제거", + "Story String": "이야기 문자열", + "Example Separator": "예제 구분자", + "Chat Start": "채팅 시작", + "Activation Regex": "활성화 정규식", "Instruct Mode": "지시 모드", - "Enabled": "활성화", - "Wrap Sequences with Newline": "배열 명령 양 끝에 줄바꿈 삽입", + "Wrap Sequences with Newline": "새 줄로 시퀀스 래핑", "Include Names": "이름 포함", + "Force for Groups and Personas": "그룹 및 페르소나에 대한 강제 적용", "System Prompt": "시스템 프롬프트", - "Instruct Mode Sequences": "지시 모드 순서", - "Input Sequence": "입력 배열", + "Instruct Mode Sequences": "지시 모드 시퀀스", + "Input Sequence": "입력 시퀀스", + "Output Sequence": "출력 시퀀스", "First Output Sequence": "첫 번째 출력 시퀀스", - "Last Output Sequence": "마지막 출력 순서", + "Last Output Sequence": "마지막 출력 시퀀스", "System Sequence Prefix": "시스템 시퀀스 접두사", "System Sequence Suffix": "시스템 시퀀스 접미사", - "Stop Sequence": "정지 배열", - "Context Formatting": "맥락 서식", - "Tokenizer": "토큰화 장치", - "None / Estimated": "없음/추정", + "Stop Sequence": "중지 시퀀스", + "Context Formatting": "컨텍스트 서식", + "(Saved to Context Template)": "(컨텍스트 템플릿에 저장됨)", + "Tokenizer": "토크나이저", + "None / Estimated": "없음 / 추정", "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)": "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)", "Token Padding": "토큰 패딩", - "Always add character's name to prompt": "프롬프트에 항상 캐릭터 이름 삽입", - "Keep Example Messages in Prompt": "예사 답변을 프롬프트에 유지", - "Remove Empty New Lines from Output": "출력에서 빈줄 삭제", - "Disabled for all models": "모든 모델에 비활성화", - "Automatic (based on model name)": "모델 서식 자동탐지", - "Enabled for all models": "모든 모델에 활성화", - "Anchors Order": "Anchors Order", + "Save preset as": "프리셋으로 저장", + "Always add character's name to prompt": "항상 캐릭터의 이름을 프롬프트에 추가", + "Use as Stop Strings": "중지 문자열로 사용", + "Bind to Context": "컨텍스트에 바인딩", + "Generate only one line per request": "요청당 한 줄만 생성", + "Misc. Settings": "기타 설정", + "Auto-Continue": "자동 계속", + "Collapse Consecutive Newlines": "연속적인 새 줄 축소", + "Allow for Chat Completion APIs": "채팅 완성 API 허용", + "Target length (tokens)": "대상 길이 (토큰)", + "Keep Example Messages in Prompt": "프롬프트에 예제 메시지 유지", + "Remove Empty New Lines from Output": "출력에서 빈 새 줄 제거", + "Disabled for all models": "모든 모델에 대해 비활성화됨", + "Automatic (based on model name)": "자동 (모델 이름 기반)", + "Enabled for all models": "모든 모델에 대해 활성화됨", + "Anchors Order": "앵커 순서", "Character then Style": "캐릭터 다음 스타일", "Style then Character": "스타일 다음 캐릭터", - "Character Anchor": "캐릭터 Anchor", - "Style Anchor": "스타일 Anchor", - "World Info": "세계관", - "Scan Depth": "탐색 깊이", + "Character Anchor": "캐릭터 앵커", + "Style Anchor": "스타일 앵커", + "World Info": "세계 정보", + "Scan Depth": "스캔 깊이", + "Case-Sensitive": "대소문자 구분", + "Match Whole Words": "전체 단어 일치", + "Use global setting": "전역 설정 사용", + "Yes": "예", + "No": "아니오", + "Context %": "컨텍스트 %", + "Budget Cap": "예산 한도", + "(0 = disabled)": "(0 = 비활성화됨)", "depth": "깊이", "Token Budget": "토큰 예산", "budget": "예산", - "Recursive scanning": "되풀이 검색", + "Recursive scanning": "재귀 스캔", "None": "없음", "User Settings": "사용자 설정", - "UI Customization": "UI 꾸미기", + "UI Mode": "UI 모드", + "UI Language": "UI 언어", + "MovingUI Preset": "MovingUI 프리셋", + "UI Customization": "UI 사용자 정의", "Avatar Style": "아바타 스타일", - "Circle": "동그라미", - "Rectangle": "네모", - "Chat Style": "채팅창 스타일", - "Default": "기본", + "Circle": "원", + "Rectangle": "사각형", + "Square": "정사각형", + "Chat Style": "채팅 스타일", + "Default": "기본값", "Bubbles": "말풍선", - "Chat Width (PC)": "채팅창 넓이(PC):", - "No Blur Effect": "흐리기 효과 없음", - "No Text Shadows": "글 그림자 없음", - "Waifu Mode": "미연시 모드", + "No Blur Effect": "흐림 효과 없음", + "No Text Shadows": "텍스트 그림자 없음", + "Waifu Mode": "와이프 모드", "Message Timer": "메시지 타이머", - "Characters Hotswap": "빠른 캐릭터 바꾸기", - "Movable UI Panels": "UI 패널 이동", - "Reset Panels": "패널 제위치로", + "Model Icon": "모델 아이콘", + "# of messages (0 = disabled)": "# 메시지 (0 = 비활성화됨)", + "Advanced Character Search": "고급 캐릭터 검색", + "Allow {{char}}: in bot messages": "봇 메시지에서 {{char}}: 허용", + "Allow {{user}}: in bot messages": "봇 메시지에서 {{user}}: 허용", + "Show tags in responses": "응답에서 태그 표시", + "Aux List Field": "보조 목록 필드", + "Lorebook Import Dialog": "로어북 가져오기 대화 상자", + "MUI Preset": "MUI 프리셋", + "If set in the advanced character definitions, this field will be displayed in the characters list.": "고급 캐릭터 정의에서 설정된 경우 이 필드가 캐릭터 목록에 표시됩니다.", + "Relaxed API URLS": "완화된 API URLS", + "Custom CSS": "사용자 정의 CSS", + "Default (oobabooga)": "기본값 (oobabooga)", + "Mancer Model": "맨서 모델", + "API Type": "API 유형", + "Aphrodite API key": "아프로디테 API 키", + "Relax message trim in Groups": "그룹에서 메시지 트리밍 완화", + "Characters Hotswap": "캐릭터 핫스왑", + "Request token probabilities": "토큰 확률 요청", + "Movable UI Panels": "이동 가능한 UI 패널", + "Reset Panels": "패널 재설정", "UI Colors": "UI 색상", - "Main Text": "본문", - "Italics Text": "이탤릭체", - "Quote Text": "따옴표", - "Shadow Color": "그림자", - "FastUI BG": "FastUI 배경색", - "Blur Tint": "흐리기", - "Font Scale": "글 크기", - "Blur Strength": "흐리기 정도", - "Text Shadow Width": "글 그림자 넓이", - "UI Theme Preset": "UI 테마", - "Power User Options": "파워유저 옵션", + "Main Text": "주요 텍스트", + "Italics Text": "이탤릭체 텍스트", + "Quote Text": "인용 텍스트", + "Shadow Color": "그림자 색상", + "FastUI BG": "FastUI 배경", + "Blur Tint": "흐림 틴트", + "Font Scale": "글꼴 크기", + "Blur Strength": "흐림 강도", + "Text Shadow Width": "텍스트 그림자 너비", + "UI Theme Preset": "UI 테마 프리셋", + "Power User Options": "파워 사용자 옵션", "Swipes": "스와이프", - "Background Sound Only": "배경음만", - "Auto-load Last Chat": "마지막 채팅 자동으로 불러오기", - "Auto-save Message Edits": "메시지 수정 후 자동 저장", - "Auto-fix Markdown": "서식 고치기 자동화", - "Allow {{char}}: in bot messages": "AI 메시지에 {{char}} 표기 허용", - "Allow {{user}}: in bot messages": "AI 메시지에 {{user}} 표기 허용", - "Auto-scroll Chat": "채팅창 자동 스크롤링", - "Render Formulas": "계산식 처리하기", - "Send on Enter": "엔터키로 보내기", - "Always disabled": "항상 금지", - "Automatic (desktop)": "자동(PC)", - "Always enabled": "항상 허용", + "Miscellaneous": "기타", + "Theme Toggles": "테마 토글", + "Background Sound Only": "배경 소리만", + "Auto-load Last Chat": "마지막 채팅 자동로드", + "Auto-save Message Edits": "메시지 편집 자동 저장", + "Auto-fix Markdown": "Markdown 자동 수정", + "Allow : in bot messages": "봇 메시지에서 : 허용", + "Auto-scroll Chat": "채팅 자동 스크롤", + "Render Formulas": "수식 렌더링", + "Send on Enter": "Enter로 전송", + "Always disabled": "항상 비활성화됨", + "Automatic (desktop)": "자동 (데스크톱)", + "Always enabled": "항상 활성화됨", + "Debug Menu": "디버그 메뉴", + "Restore User Input": "사용자 입력 복원", + "Character Handling": "캐릭터 처리", + "Example Messages Behavior": "예제 메시지 동작", + "Gradual push-out": "점진적 밀어내기", + "Chat/Message Handling": "채팅/메시지 처리", + "Always include examples": "항상 예제 포함", + "Never include examples": "절대로 예제 포함 안 함", + "Forbid External Media": "외부 미디어 금지", + "System Backgrounds": "시스템 배경", "Name": "이름", - "Your Avatar": "사용자 아바타", - "Extensions API:": "확장기능 API:", - "SillyTavern-extras": "SillyTavern-extras", - "Auto-connect": "자동 접속", - "Active extensions": "확장기능 활성화", - "Extension settings": "확장기능 설정", + "Your Avatar": "당신의 아바타", + "Extensions API:": "확장 API:", + "SillyTavern-extras": "SillyTavern-추가", + "Auto-connect": "자동 연결", + "Active extensions": "활성화된 확장", + "Extension settings": "확장 설정", "Description": "설명", - "First message": "첫 메시지", - "Group Controls": "그룹채팅 옵션", - "Group reply strategy": "그룹 답변 처리법", - "Natural order": "자연스럽게", - "List order": "순서대로", - "Allow self responses": "혼잣말 허용", + "First message": "첫 번째 메시지", + "Group Controls": "그룹 제어", + "Group reply strategy": "그룹 응답 전략", + "Natural order": "자연 순서", + "List order": "목록 순서", + "Allow self responses": "자체 응답 허용", "Auto Mode": "자동 모드", - "Add Members": "캐릭터 부르기", - "Current Members": "참여하는 캐릭터", - "text": "글", + "Add Members": "멤버 추가", + "Current Members": "현재 멤버", + "text": "텍스트", "Delete": "삭제", "Cancel": "취소", - "Advanced Defininitions": "고급 설정", + "Advanced Defininitions": "고급 정의", "Personality summary": "성격 요약", - "A brief description of the personality": "캐릭터의 성격을 짧게 요약하세요.", + "A brief description of the personality": "성격에 대한 간단한 설명", "Scenario": "시나리오", - "Circumstances and context of the dialogue": "대화가 어떤 상황에서 시작하는지 요약하세요.", - "Talkativeness": "말많음", - "How often the chracter speaks in": "그룹채팅에서 이 캐릭터가 얼마나 말이 많은지", - "group chats!": "설정합니다!", - "Shy": "조용...", + "Circumstances and context of the dialogue": "대화의 상황과 문맥", + "Talkativeness": "수다스러움", + "How often the chracter speaks in": "캐릭터가 얼마나 자주 말하는지", + "group chats!": "그룹 채팅!", + "Shy": "수줍음", "Normal": "보통", - "Chatty": "재잘재잘", + "Chatty": "수다쟁이", "Examples of dialogue": "대화 예시", - "Forms a personality more clearly": "성격을 드러내는데 큰 도움이 됩니다.", + "Forms a personality more clearly": "성격을 더 명확하게 형성", "Save": "저장", - "World Info Editor": "설정집 수정", - "New Entry": "새 항목", + "World Info Editor": "세계 정보 편집기", + "New summary": "새로운 요약", "Export": "내보내기", - "Delete World": "설정집 삭제", + "Delete World": "세계 삭제", "Chat History": "채팅 기록", - "Group Chat Scenario Override": "그룹채팅 시나리오 덮어쓰기", - "All group members will use the following scenario text instead of what is specified in their character cards.": "그룹채팅에 참여한 캐릭터의 개별 시나리오를 무시하고 그룹채팅의 시나리오를 사용합니다.", + "Group Chat Scenario Override": "그룹 채팅 시나리오 무시", + "All group members will use the following scenario text instead of what is specified in their character cards.": "모든 그룹 멤버는 캐릭터 카드에 지정된 것 대신 다음 시나리오 텍스트를 사용합니다.", "Keywords": "키워드", - "Separate with commas": "쉼표(,)로 구분하세요.", - "Secondary Required Keywords": "차순위 요구 키워드", - "Content": "내용물", - "What this keyword should mean to the AI": "AI가 이 키워드를 어떻게 이해하나요?", - "Memo/Note": "쪽지/낙서", - "Not sent to AI": "AI에게 보내지 않습니다.", - "Constant": "항상 발동", - "Selective": "선택 발동", - "Before Char": "캐릭터 앞에", - "After Char": "캐릭터 다음", + "Separate with commas": "쉼표로 구분", + "Secondary Required Keywords": "보조 필수 키워드", + "Content": "콘텐츠", + "What this keyword should mean to the AI": "이 키워드가 AI에게 의미하는 바", + "Memo/Note": "메모/노트", + "Not sent to AI": "AI에 전송되지 않음", + "Constant": "상수", + "Selective": "선택적", + "Before Char": "문자 앞에", + "After Char": "문자 뒤에", "Insertion Order": "삽입 순서", - "Tokens:": "토큰 개수:", + "Tokens:": "토큰:", "Disable": "비활성화", - "${characterName}": "${charaterName}", + "${characterName}": "${캐릭터이름}", "CHAR": "CHAR", - "is typing": "가 타자중입니다...", - "Back to parent chat": "상위 채팅창으로 돌아가기", - "Save bookmark": "책갈피 저장", - "Convert to group": "그룹채팅으로 전환", - "Start new chat": "새로운 채팅 시작하기", - "View past chats": "과거 채팅 기록 보기", + "is typing": "입력 중입니다...", + "Back to parent chat": "부모 채팅으로 돌아가기", + "Save bookmark": "북마크 저장", + "Convert to group": "그룹으로 변환", + "Start new chat": "새로운 채팅 시작", + "View past chats": "과거 채팅 보기", "Delete messages": "메시지 삭제", - "Impersonate": "모사", + "Impersonate": "사칭", "Regenerate": "재생성", "PNG": "PNG", "JSON": "JSON", - "presets": "기본설정", - "Message Sound": "메시지 효과음", - "Author's Note": "글쓴이 쪽지", - "Send Jailbreak": "탈옥 프롬프트 보내기", + "presets": "프리셋", + "Message Sound": "메시지 소리", + "Author's Note": "작성자 메모", + "Send Jailbreak": "감옥 탈출 보내기", "Replace empty message": "빈 메시지 대체", - "Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "전송 메시지가 비어있을 경우 이 메시지를 대신 보냅니다.", - "NSFW avoidance prompt": "19금 금지 프롬프트", - "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is off": "19금 응원이 비활성화되었을 때 전송하는 프롬프트입니다.", - "Advanced prompt bits": "고급 프롬프트 옵션", - "World Info format template": "설정집 서식 템플릿", - "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt. Use {0} to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "프롬프트에 설정접을 입력하기 전에 서식을 적용합니다. 내용을 삽입할 곳을 {0}으로 지정해주세요.", - "Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "\n맥락 크기 제한을 해제합니다. 파워유저 옵션이에요.", - "Chat Completion Source": "문장완성 API 소스", - "Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "Horde로 개인정보나 기밀사항을 전송하지 마세요.", - "Review the Privacy statement": "개인정보 보호 방침을 확인합니다.", - "Learn how to contribute your idel GPU cycles to the Horde": "Horde를 위하여 휴식중인 GPU를 기여하는 법을 알아보아요", - "Trusted workers only": "신뢰된 일꾼에게만 접속", - "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "개인정보 보호를 위하여 API 키는 페이지를 다시 고칠 때 숨겨집니다.", - "-- Horde models not loaded --": "-- Horde 모델을 불러오지 못했어요! --", - "Example: ": "예: ", - "No connection...": "접속되지 않음...", - "Get your NovelAI API Key": "NovelAI를 받아오세요!", - "KoboldAI Horde": "KoboldAI Horde", - "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)": "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)", + "Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "텍스트 상자가 비어 있을 때 이 텍스트를 아무것도 없이 보내세요.", + "NSFW avoidance prompt": "NSFW 회피 프롬프트", + "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is off": "NSFW 토글이 꺼져 있을 때 사용되는 프롬프트", + "Advanced prompt bits": "고급 프롬프트 비트", + "World Info format": "세계 정보 형식", + "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt. Use {0} to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "프롬프트에 삽입하기 전에 활성화된 세계 정보 항목을 래핑합니다. 내용이 삽입되는 위치를 표시하는 데 {0}을(를) 사용합니다.", + "Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "컨텍스트 슬라이더의 제한 없는 최대값", + "Chat Completion Source": "채팅 완성 소스", + "Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "민감한 정보를 호드에 보내지 마십시오.", + "Review the Privacy statement": "개인 정보 보호 정책 검토", + "Learn how to contribute your idel GPU cycles to the Horde": "유휴 GPU 주기를 호드에 기여하는 방법 배우기", + "Trusted workers only": "신뢰할 수 있는 작업자만", + "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "개인 정보 보호를 위해 페이지를 다시로드한 후에는 API 키가 숨겨집니다.", + "-- Horde models not loaded --": "-- 호드 모델 로드되지 않음 --", + "Example: ": "예시:", + "No connection...": "연결 없음...", + "Get your NovelAI API Key": "NovelAI API 키 가져오기", + "KoboldAI Horde": "KoboldAI 호드", + "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)": "텍스트 생성 웹UI (ooba)", "NovelAI": "NovelAI", - "Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)": "문장완성 (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)", + "Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)": "채팅 완성 (OpenAI, Claude, 창/오픈루터, Scale)", "OpenAI API key": "OpenAI API 키", - "to get your OpenAI API key.": "자세히 읽어주세요.", - "Trim spaces": "띄어쓰기 제거", - "Trim Incomplete Sentences": "미완성 문장 제거", - "Include Newline": "줄바꿈 포함", - "Non-markdown strings": "마크다운 무시 문자열", - "Replace Macro in Sequences": "배열 매크로 대체", - "Presets": "기본설정", - "Separator": "분리자", - "Start Reply With": "답변 접두사", - "Show reply prefix in chat": "답변 접두사를 채팅창에 표시", - "Worlds/Lorebooks": "세계관/설정집", - "Active World(s)": "활성화된 세계관", - "Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "캐릭터 설정집 삽입 전략", - "Sorted Evenly": "균등하게 배분", - "Character Lore First": "캐릭터 설정집 먼저", - "Global Lore First": "세계관 설정집 먼저", - "-- World Info not found --": "-- 세계관을 찾을 수 없음 --", - "Recursive Scan": "회귀 탐색", - "Case Sensitive": "대소문자 구별", + "Trim spaces": "공백 자르기", + "Trim Incomplete Sentences": "불완전한 문장 자르기", + "Include Newline": "새 줄 포함", + "Non-markdown strings": "마크다운이 아닌 문자열", + "Replace Macro in Sequences": "시퀀스에서 매크로 대체", + "Presets": "프리셋", + "Separator": "구분자", + "Start Reply With": "응답 시작", + "Show reply prefix in chat": "채팅에서 응답 접두사 표시", + "Worlds/Lorebooks": "세계/로어북", + "Active World(s)": "활성 세계(들)", + "Activation Settings": "활성화 설정", + "Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "캐릭터 로어 삽입 전략", + "Sorted Evenly": "균일하게 정렬됨", + "Active World(s) for all chats": "모든 채팅에 대한 활성 세계(들)", + "-- World Info not found --": "-- 세계 정보를 찾을 수 없음 --", + "--- Pick to Edit ---": "--- 편집할 항목 선택 ---", + "or": "또는", + "New": "새로운", + "Priority": "우선 순위", + "Custom": "사용자 정의", + "Title A-Z": "제목 A-Z", + "Title Z-A": "제목 Z-A", + "Tokens ↗": "토큰 ↗", + "Tokens ↘": "토큰 ↘", + "Depth ↗": "깊이 ↗", + "Depth ↘": "깊이 ↘", + "Order ↗": "주문 ↗", + "Order ↘": "주문 ↘", + "UID ↗": "UID ↗", + "UID ↘": "UID ↘", + "Trigger% ↗": "트리거% ↗", + "Trigger% ↘": "트리거% ↘", + "Order:": "주문:", + "Depth:": "깊이:", + "Character Lore First": "캐릭터 로어 우선", + "Global Lore First": "글로벌 로어 우선", + "Recursive Scan": "재귀 스캔", + "Case Sensitive": "대소문자 구분", "Match whole words": "전체 단어 일치", - "World/Lore Editor": "세계관/설정집 편집기", + "Alert On Overflow": "오버플로우 알림", + "World/Lore Editor": "월드/로어 편집기", "--- None ---": "--- 없음 ---", - "Comma seperated (ignored if empty)": "쉼표로 구분 (비어있을 경우 무시)", - "Use Probability": "확률성 발동 사용", - "Exclude from recursion": "회귀탐색에서 제외", - "Position:": "삽입 위치:", - "Before Char Defs": "캐릭터 정의 앞에", - "After Char Defs": "캐릭터 정의 다음에", - "Before AN": "글쓴이 쪽지 앞에", - "After AN": "글쓴이 쪽지 다음에", - "Order:": "순서:", - "Probability:": "발동확률:", - "Delete Entry": "설정 파기", - "User Message Blur Tint": "사용자 메시지 흐리기", - "AI Message Blur Tint": "AI 메시지 흐리기", - "Chat Style:": "메시지 스타일:", - "Chat Width (PC):": "채팅창 넓이 (PC):", - "Chat Timestamps": "메시지 타임스탬프", - "Message IDs": "메시지 ID 표시", - "Prefer Character Card Prompt": "캐릭터 카드 프롬프트 우선시", - "Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "캐릭터 카드 탈옥 프롬프트 우선시", - "Press Send to continue": "보내기를 눌러서 AI 메시지 이어서 출력", - "Log prompts to console": "콘솔창에 프롬프트 기록 출력", - "Never resize avatars": "아바타 크기 변경 금지", + "Comma separated (ignored if empty)": "쉼표로 구분 (빈 경우 무시됨)", + "Use Probability": "확률 사용", + "Exclude from recursion": "재귀에서 제외", + "Entry Title/Memo": "항목 제목/메모", + "Position:": "위치:", + "T_Position": "↑Char: 캐릭터 정의 전\n↓Char: 캐릭터 정의 후\n↑AN: 저자 주석 전\n↓AN: 저자 주석 후\n@D: 깊이에", + "Before Char Defs": "캐릭터 정의 전", + "After Char Defs": "캐릭터 정의 후", + "Before AN": "저자 주석 전", + "After AN": "저자 주석 후", + "at Depth": "깊이에서", + "Order": "주문:", + "Probability:": "확률:", + "Update a theme file": "테마 파일 업데이트", + "Save as a new theme": "새 테마로 저장", + "Minimum number of blacklisted words detected to trigger an auto-swipe": "자동 스와이프를 트리거하는 검출된 금지어의 최소 개수", + "Delete Entry": "항목 삭제", + "User Message Blur Tint": "사용자 메시지 흐림 틴트", + "AI Message Blur Tint": "AI 메시지 흐림 틴트", + "Chat Backgrounds": "채팅 배경", + "Chat Background": "채팅 배경", + "UI Background": "UI 배경", + "Mad Lab Mode": "미치광이 랩 모드", + "Show Message Token Count": "메시지 토큰 개수 표시", + "Compact Input Area (Mobile)": "컴팩트한 입력 영역 (모바일)", + "Zen Sliders": "젠 슬라이더", + "UI Border": "UI 테두리", + "Chat Style:": "채팅 스타일:", + "Chat Width (PC)": "채팅 너비 (PC)", + "Chat Timestamps": "채팅 타임스탬프", + "Tags as Folders": "태그를 폴더로", + "Chat Truncation": "채팅 자르기", + "(0 = unlimited)": "(0 = 무제한)", + "Streaming FPS": "스트리밍 FPS", + "Gestures": "제스처", + "Message IDs": "메시지 ID", + "Prefer Character Card Prompt": "캐릭터 카드 프롬프트 선호", + "Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "캐릭터 카드 탈옥 선호", + "Press Send to continue": "계속하려면 보내기를 누르세요", + "Quick 'Continue' button": "빠른 '계속' 버튼", + "Log prompts to console": "콘솔에 프롬프트 기록", + "Never resize avatars": "아바타 크기 변경하지 않음", "Show avatar filenames": "아바타 파일 이름 표시", - "Import Card Tags": "카드 태그 불러오기", - "Confirm message deletion": "메시지 삭제 확인 필요", - "Spoiler Free Mode": "스포일러 금지 모드", - "Auto-swipe": "자동스와이프", - "Minimum generated message length": "생성해야 할 메시지 최소 길이", - "Blacklisted words": "자동스와이프 발동 조건이 되는 금지어", - "Blacklisted word count to swipe": "자동스와이프 발동이 요구하는 금지어 수", - "Reload Chat": "채팅 다시불러오기", - "Not Connected": "접속되지 않음", - "Persona Management": "주인공 관리", - "Persona Description": "주인공 묘사", - "In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "스토리 문자열에서 / 문장완성: 캐릭터 카드 앞에", - "In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "스토리 문자열에서 / 문장완성: 캐릭터 카드 다음에", - "Top of Author's Note": "글쓴이 쪽지 위에", - "Bottom of Author's Note": "글쓴이 쪽지 밑에", - "How do I use this?": "이건 어떻게 써먹나요?", - "More...": "추가 옵션", - "Link to World Info": "설정집에 연결", - "Import Card Lore": "카드 설정집 불러오기", - "Scenario Override": "시나리오 덮어쓰기", - "Rename": "이름 바꾸기", - "Character Description": "캐릭터 묘사", - "Creator's Notes": "작성자 쪽지", - "A-Z": "이름순 (A-Z)", - "Z-A": "이름순 (Z-A)", - "Newest": "불러온 순서 (내림차순)", - "Oldest": "불러온 순서 (오름차순)", - "Favorites": "최애", - "Recent": "최근 채팅함", - "Most chats": "최다 채팅함", - "Least chats": "최저 채팅함", + "Import Card Tags": "카드 태그 가져오기", + "Confirm message deletion": "메시지 삭제 확인", + "Spoiler Free Mode": "스포일러 무료 모드", + "Auto-swipe": "자동 스와이프", + "Minimum generated message length": "생성된 메시지 최소 길이", + "Blacklisted words": "금지어", + "Blacklisted word count to swipe": "스와이프할 금지어 개수", + "Reload Chat": "채팅 다시 로드", + "Search Settings": "검색 설정", + "Disabled": "비활성화됨", + "Automatic (PC)": "자동 (PC)", + "Enabled": "활성화됨", + "Simple": "간단한", + "Advanced": "고급", + "Disables animations and transitions": "애니메이션 및 전환 비활성화", + "removes blur from window backgrounds": "창 배경의 흐림 제거", + "Remove text shadow effect": "텍스트 그림자 효과 제거", + "Reduce chat height, and put a static sprite behind the chat window": "채팅 높이를 줄이고, 채팅 창 뒤에 정적 스프라이트를 넣습니다", + "Always show the full list of the Message Actions context items for chat messages, instead of hiding them behind '...'": "채팅 메시지의 메시지 액션 컨텍스트 항목의 전체 목록을 항상 표시하십시오. 대신 '...' 뒤에 숨기지 않습니다.", + "Alternative UI for numeric sampling parameters with fewer steps": "단계가 적은 숫자 샘플링 매개변수에 대한 대체 UI", + "Entirely unrestrict all numeric sampling parameters": "모든 숫자 샘플링 매개변수를 완전히 제한하지 않음", + "Time the AI's message generation, and show the duration in the chat log": "AI의 메시지 생성 시간을 측정하고, 채팅 로그에 지속 시간을 표시합니다", + "Show a timestamp for each message in the chat log": "채팅 로그의 각 메시지에 타임스탬프 표시", + "Show an icon for the API that generated the message": "메시지를 생성한 API에 대한 아이콘 표시", + "Show sequential message numbers in the chat log": "채팅 로그에 순차적인 메시지 번호 표시", + "Show the number of tokens in each message in the chat log": "채팅 로그의 각 메시지에 토큰 수 표시", + "Single-row message input area. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "한 줄짜리 메시지 입력 영역. 모바일 전용, PC에는 영향 없음", + "In the Character Management panel, show quick selection buttons for favorited characters": "캐릭터 관리 패널에서 즐겨찾는 캐릭터에 대한 빠른 선택 버튼을 표시합니다", + "Show tagged character folders in the character list": "캐릭터 목록에서 태그가 지정된 캐릭터 폴더 표시", + "Play a sound when a message generation finishes": "메시지 생성이 완료될 때 소리 재생", + "Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused": "ST의 브라우저 탭이 초점을 잃으면 소리를 재생합니다.", + "Reduce the formatting requirements on API URLs": "API URL의 서식 요구 사항 감소", + "Ask to import the World Info/Lorebook for every new character with embedded lorebook. If unchecked, a brief message will be shown instead": "내장된 로어북이있는 모든 새 캐릭터에 대해 세계 정보/로어북을 가져 오도록 요청하십시오. 선택 해제하면 대신 간단한 메시지가 표시됩니다", + "Restore unsaved user input on page refresh": "페이지 새로 고침시 저장되지 않은 사용자 입력 복원", + "Allow repositioning certain UI elements by dragging them. PC only, no effect on mobile": "드래그하여 특정 UI 요소의 위치를 조정할 수 있습니다. PC 전용, 모바일에는 영향을주지 않습니다", + "MovingUI preset. Predefined/saved draggable positions": "MovingUI 사전 설정. 미리 정의된/저장된 드래그 가능한 위치", + "Save movingUI changes to a new file": "새 파일로 movingUI 변경 사항 저장", + "Apply a custom CSS style to all of the ST GUI": "ST GUI의 모든 곳에 사용자 정의 CSS 스타일 적용", + "Use fuzzy matching, and search characters in the list by all data fields, not just by a name substring": "퍼지 매칭을 사용하고 이름 하위 문자열뿐만 아니라 모든 데이터 필드로 목록에서 캐릭터를 검색합니다", + "If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead": "선택되어 있고 캐릭터 카드에 프롬프트 재정의 (시스템 프롬프트)가 포함 된 경우, 대신 사용하십시오", + "If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead": "선택되어 있고 캐릭터 카드에 탈옥 재정의 (게시 내역 지침)가 포함 된 경우, 대신 사용하십시오", + "Avoid cropping and resizing imported character images. When off, crop/resize to 400x600": "가져온 캐릭터 이미지를 자르거나 크기를 조정하지 않습니다. 끄면 400x600으로 잘라내기/크기 조정", + "Show actual file names on the disk, in the characters list display only": "실제 파일 이름을 디스크에 표시하며 캐릭터 목록 디스플레이에만", + "Prompt to import embedded card tags on character import. Otherwise embedded tags are ignored": "캐릭터 가져오기시 내장된 카드 태그를 가져 오도록 요청하십시오. 그렇지 않으면 내장된 태그가 무시됩니다", + "Hide character definitions from the editor panel behind a spoiler button": "스포일러 버튼 뒤에 편집기 패널에서 캐릭터 정의를 숨깁니다", + "Show a button in the input area to ask the AI to continue (extend) its last message": "입력 영역에 AI에게 마지막 메시지를 계속 (확장)하도록 요청하는 버튼을 표시합니다", + "Show arrow buttons on the last in-chat message to generate alternative AI responses. Both PC and mobile": "대체 AI 응답을 생성하는 마지막 채팅 메시지에 화살표 버튼을 표시합니다. PC 및 모바일 모두", + "Allow using swiping gestures on the last in-chat message to trigger swipe generation. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "마지막 채팅 메시지에서 스와이프 생성을 트리거하기 위해 스와이핑 제스처 사용을 허용합니다. 모바일 전용, PC에는 영향이 없습니다", + "Save edits to messages without confirmation as you type": "입력하는 동안 확인없이 메시지에 대한 편집 사항 저장", + "Render LaTeX and AsciiMath equation notation in chat messages. Powered by KaTeX": "채팅 메시지에서 LaTeX 및 AsciiMath 방정식 표기법을 렌더링합니다. KaTeX 제공", + "Disalow embedded media from other domains in chat messages": "채팅 메시지의 다른 도메인의 임베디드 미디어를 허용하지 않습니다", + "Skip encoding and characters in message text, allowing a subset of HTML markup as well as Markdown": "메시지 텍스트에서 인코딩 및 문자를 건너 뛰어 일부 HTML 마크업 및 Markdown을 허용합니다", + "Allow AI messages in groups to contain lines spoken by other group members": "그룹의 AI 메시지가 다른 그룹 멤버가 말한 줄을 포함 할 수 있도록 허용", + "Requests logprobs from the API for the Token Probabilities feature": "토큰 확률 기능에 대한 API에서 로그 확률 요청", + "Automatically reject and re-generate AI message based on configurable criteria": "구성 가능한 기준에 따라 AI 메시지를 자동으로 거부하고 다시 생성", + "Enable the auto-swipe function. Settings in this section only have an effect when auto-swipe is enabled": "자동 스와이프 기능을 활성화합니다. 이 섹션의 설정은 자동 스와이프가 활성화되었을 때만 영향을 미칩니다", + "If the generated message is shorter than this, trigger an auto-swipe": "생성된 메시지가이보다 짧으면 자동 스와이프를 트리거합니다", + "Reload and redraw the currently open chat": "현재 열려 있는 채팅을 다시로드하고 다시 그립니다", + "Auto-Expand Message Actions": "메시지 액션 자동 확장", + "Not Connected": "연결되지 않음", + "Persona Management": "페르소나 관리", + "Persona Description": "페르소나 설명", + "Your Persona": "당신의 페르소나", + "Show notifications on switching personas": "페르소나 전환시 알림 표시", + "Blank": "빈칸", + "In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "이야기 문자열 / 채팅 완료 : 캐릭터 카드 앞", + "In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "이야기 문자열 / 채팅 완료 : 캐릭터 카드 뒤", + "In Story String / Prompt Manager": "이야기 문자열 / 프롬프트 관리자", + "Top of Author's Note": "작성자의 주석 상단", + "Bottom of Author's Note": "작성자의 주석 하단", + "How do I use this?": "어떻게 사용하나요?", + "More...": "더...", + "Link to World Info": "월드 정보에 연결", + "Import Card Lore": "카드 로어 가져오기", + "Scenario Override": "시나리오 재정의", + "Rename": "이름 변경", + "Character Description": "캐릭터 설명", + "Creator's Notes": "제작자의 노트", + "A-Z": "A-Z", + "Z-A": "Z-A", + "Newest": "최신", + "Oldest": "가장 오래된", + "Favorites": "즐겨찾기", + "Recent": "최근", + "Most chats": "대화가 가장 많은", + "Least chats": "대화가 가장 적은", "Back": "뒤로", - "Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct mode)": "프롬프트 덮어쓰기 (OpenAI/Claude/Scale API, Window/OpenRouter, 지시모드 전용 기능)", - "Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": "기본 프롬프트를 사용하려면 해당하는 칸에 {{original}}을 입력하세요.", - "Main Prompt": "핵심 프롬프트", - "Jailbreak": "탈옥 프롬프트", - "Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "작성자 메타데이터 (AI 프롬프트에 포함하지 않음)", - "Everything here is optional": "여기있는 모든 항목은 선택사항입니다.", + "Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct mode)": "프롬프트 오버라이드 (OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, 창/오픈 라우터 및 지시 모드용)", + "Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": "{{original}}를 해당 상자에 넣어 시스템 설정의 기본 프롬프트를 포함합니다.", + "Main Prompt": "주 프롬프트", + "Jailbreak": "탈옥", + "Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "만든이 메타데이터 (AI 프롬프트와 함께 전송되지 않음)", + "Everything here is optional": "여기 있는 모든 것은 선택 사항입니다", "Created by": "작성자", "Character Version": "캐릭터 버전", - "Tags to Embed": "자동포함된 태그", - "How often the character speaks in group chats!": "이 캐릭터는 그룹채팅에서 얼마나 말이 많은가요?", - "Important to set the character's writing style.": "캐릭터의 문체를 설정할 때 중요합니다.", - "unlocked": "한도 해제", - "ATTENTION!": "경고!!", - "Samplers Order": "표집방식 우선순위", - "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "표집방식은 위에서부터 아래로 내려가며 적용합니다. 유의하여 사용하세요.", - "Repetition Penalty": "반복 페널티", - "Epsilon Cutoff": "엡실론 한도", - "Eta Cutoff": "에타 한도", - "Rep. Pen. Range.": "반복 페널티 범위", - "Rep. Pen. Freq.": "반복 페널티 빈도", - "Rep. Pen. Presence": "반복 페널티 존재", - "Enter it in the box below:": "다음 상자에 쿠키를 입력하세요:", - "separate with commas w/o space between": "쉼표로 구분, 띄어쓰기 없이 입력하세요.", - "Document": "단일 문서", - "Suggest replies": "사용자 답변 제안", - "Show suggested replies. Not all bots support this.": "사용자의 답변을 미리 생성합니다. 봇에 따라 지원하지 않을 경우도 있어요.", - "Use 'Unlocked Context' to enable chunked generation.": "한도 해제를 활성화하여 뭉치 생성을 가동합니다.", - "It extends the context window in exchange for reply generation speed.": "답변 생성이 느려지지만 맥락 한도가 넓어집니다.", - "Continue": "이어서 계속", - "Editing:": "편집:", + "Tags to Embed": "포함할 태그", + "How often the character speaks in group chats!": "캐릭터가 그룹 채팅에서 얼마나 자주 말하는지!", + "Important to set the character's writing style.": "캐릭터의 글쓰기 스타일을 설정하는 것이 중요합니다.", + "ATTENTION!": "주의!", + "Samplers Order": "샘플러 순서", + "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "샘플러는 위에서 아래로 적용됩니다. 주의하여 사용하십시오.", + "Repetition Penalty": "반복 벌칙", + "Rep. Pen. Range.": "반복 벌칙 범위", + "Rep. Pen. Freq.": "반복 벌칙 빈도", + "Rep. Pen. Presence": "반복 벌칙 존재", + "Enter it in the box below:": "아래 상자에 입력하세요:", + "separate with commas w/o space between": "쉼표로 구분 (공백 없이)", + "Document": "문서", + "Suggest replies": "답변 제안", + "Show suggested replies. Not all bots support this.": "제안된 답변을 표시합니다. 모든 봇이 이를 지원하는 것은 아닙니다.", + "Use 'Unlocked Context' to enable chunked generation.": "'잠금 해제된 컨텍스트'를 사용하여 청크 생성을 활성화합니다.", + "It extends the context window in exchange for reply generation speed.": "답변 생성 속도를 위해 컨텍스트 창을 확장합니다.", + "Continue": "계속", + "CFG Scale": "CFG 스케일", + "Editing:": "편집 중:", "AI reply prefix": "AI 답변 접두사", - "Custom Stopping Strings": "문장출력 중단 문자열 (KoboldAI/TextGen/NovelAI)", - "JSON serialized array of strings": "JSON 연속 문자배열", - "words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "답변에 포함을 막으려는 단어 (쉼표','로 구분)", - "Extensions URL": "확장기능 URL", + "Custom Stopping Strings": "사용자 정의 중지 문자열", + "JSON serialized array of strings": "문자열의 JSON 직렬화된 배열", + "words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "쉼표로 구분된 생성하지 않으려는 단어", + "Extensions URL": "확장 URL", "API Key": "API 키", "Enter your name": "이름을 입력하세요", - "Name this character": "캐릭터에 이름을 지어주세요", - "Search / Create Tags": "태그 검색 / 생성", - "Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "캐릭터의 신체적/정신적 특성을 적어주세요.", - "This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "캐릭터와 새로운 채팅을 시작할 때 처음 출력되는 메시지입니다.", - "Chat Name (Optional)": "채팅 이름 (선택사항)", + "Name this character": "이 캐릭터의 이름을 지정하세요", + "Search / Create Tags": "검색 / 태그 생성", + "Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "여기에 캐릭터의 신체적, 정신적 특성을 설명하세요.", + "This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "이것은 모든 채팅을 시작하는 캐릭터의 첫 번째 메시지가 됩니다.", + "Chat Name (Optional)": "채팅 이름 (선택 사항)", "Filter...": "필터...", "Search...": "검색...", - "Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "이 칸의 내용은 핵심 프롬프트를 무시하고 대신 적용합니다. (v2스펙: system_prompt)", - "Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "이 칸의 내용은 탈옥 프롬프트를 무시하고 대신 적용합니다. (v2스펙: post_history_instructions)", - "(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "캐릭터 작성자 이름 / 연락처", - "(If you want to track character versions)": "(캐릭터 버전 트래킹을 위한 칸)", - "(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "(캐릭터 설명, 사용방법, 힌트, 챗봇 모델, 기타 정보. 캐릭터 리스트에 작은 글씨로 출력됩니다.)", - "(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "(캐릭터 태그, 쉼표로 구분)", - "(A brief description of the personality)": "(캐릭터의 성격 짧은 요약)", - "(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "(채팅이 일어나는 상황과 맥락)", - "(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "(AI가 생성해야하는 답변 예시 양식. 새로운 예시마다 전 줄에 로 서식해주세요.)", - "Injection text (supports parameters)": "삽입 문구 (변수 지원)", - "Injection depth": "삽입 깊이", - "Type here...": "여기 적어주세요...", + "Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "여기에 있는 모든 내용은 이 캐릭터에 사용된 기본 주 프롬프트를 대체합니다. (v2 사양: system_prompt)", + "Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "여기에 있는 모든 내용은 이 캐릭터에 사용된 기본 탈옥 프롬프트를 대체합니다. (v2 사양: post_history_instructions)", + "(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "(봇 제작자 이름 / 연락처 정보)", + "(If you want to track character versions)": "(캐릭터 버전을 추적하려는 경우)", + "(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "(봇을 설명하고 사용 팁을 제공하거나 테스트된 채팅 모델을 나열합니다. 이 내용은 캐릭터 목록에 표시됩니다.)", + "(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "(쉼표로 구분된 태그 목록 작성)", + "(A brief description of the personality)": "(성격에 대한 간단한 설명)", + "(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "(상호 작용의 상황과 맥락)", + "(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "(채팅 대화의 예제입니다. 각 예제를 새 줄에서 START로 시작하세요.)", + "Injection text (supports parameters)": "주입 텍스트 (매개변수 지원)", + "Injection depth": "주입 깊이", + "Type here...": "여기에 입력하세요...", "Comma separated (required)": "쉼표로 구분 (필수)", - "Comma separated (ignored if empty)": "쉼표로 구분 (비어있을 경우 무시)", - "What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "키워드가 AI에게 뭘 뜻하나요? (문자 그대로 전송)", - "Not sent to the AI": "AI에게 전송되지 않음", - "(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "(대화를 시작하는 모든 캐릭터의 인사문구입니다)", - "Not connected to API!": "API와 연결이 끊어졌습니다!", - "AI Response Configuration": "AI 행동 설정", - "AI Configuration panel will stay open": "AI 행동 설정 패널 열림을 고정합니다", - "Update current preset": "현재 설정 업데이트", - "Create new preset": "새로운 설정 생성", - "Import preset": "설정 불러오기", - "Export preset": "설정 내보내기", - "Delete the preset": "설정 삭제하기", - "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message": "시스템 메시지 끝에 탈옥 프롬프트를 삽입합니다", - "NSFW block goes first in the resulting prompt": "생성되는 프롬프트 맨 앞에 19금 블록을 삽입합니다", - "Enables OpenAI completion streaming": "OpenAI 문장완성 스트리밍을 활성화합니다", - "Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "메시지를 전송하기 전에 사용자 메시지 양 끝에 따옴표를 삽입합니다", - "Restore default prompt": "기본 프롬프트로 초기화", - "New preset": "설정 생성하기", - "Delete preset": "설정 삭제하기", - "Restore default jailbreak": "기본 탈옥 프롬프트로 초기화", - "Restore default reply": "기본 확인 메시지로 초기화", - "Restore defaul note": "기본 캐릭터 쪽지로 초기화", - "API Connections": "API 접속상태", - "Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "승인된 일꾼과만 접속하여 양질의 답변을 얻을 수 있습니다. 답변 속도가 지연될 수 있어요.", - "Clear your API key": "API 키 치우기", - "Refresh models": "모델 다시 불러오기", - "Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to openrouter.ai": "OAuth flow를 사용하여 OpenRouter API 토큰을 얻습니다. openrouter.ai로 보내질 거에요!", - "Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "짧은 시험 메시지를 보내서 API 접속 상태를 확인합니다. 서비스 사용으로 취급됩니다!", + "What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "AI에게 이 키워드가 무엇을 의미하는지를 원래 그대로 보냄", + "Filter to Character(s)": "캐릭터로 필터링", + "Character Exclusion": "캐릭터 제외", + "Inclusion Group": "포함 그룹", + "Only one entry with the same label will be activated": "동일한 라벨을 가진 항목은 하나만 활성화됩니다", + "-- Characters not found --": "-- 캐릭터를 찾을 수 없음 --", + "Not sent to the AI": "AI에게 보내지 않음", + "(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "(이것은 모든 채팅을 시작하는 캐릭터의 첫 번째 메시지가 됩니다)", + "Not connected to API!": "API에 연결되지 않았습니다!", + "AI Response Configuration": "AI 응답 구성", + "AI Configuration panel will stay open": "AI 구성 패널이 열린 상태로 유지됩니다", + "Update current preset": "현재 프리셋 업데이트", + "Create new preset": "새 프리셋 생성", + "Import preset": "프리셋 가져오기", + "Export preset": "프리셋 내보내기", + "Delete the preset": "프리셋 삭제", + "Auto-select this preset for Instruct Mode": "지시 모드에 대해 이 프리셋 자동 선택", + "Auto-select this preset on API connection": "API 연결 시 이 프리셋 자동 선택", + "NSFW block goes first in the resulting prompt": "결과 프롬프트에서 NSFW 블록이 먼저 옵니다", + "Enables OpenAI completion streaming": "OpenAI 완성 스트리밍을 활성화합니다", + "Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "전송 전에 사용자 메시지를 따옴표로 둘러싸기", + "Restore default prompt": "기본 프롬프트 복원", + "New preset": "새 프리셋", + "Delete preset": "프리셋 삭제", + "Restore default jailbreak": "기본 탈옥 복원", + "Restore default reply": "기본 답변 복원", + "Restore default note": "기본 노트 복원", + "API Connections": "API 연결", + "Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "승인된 작업자만을 대기열에 넣어 나쁜 응답을 처리할 수 있습니다. 응답 시간이 느려질 수 있습니다.", + "Clear your API key": "API 키 지우기", + "Refresh models": "모델 새로 고침", + "Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to openrouter.ai": "OAuth 플로우를 사용하여 OpenRouter API 토큰을 가져옵니다. openrouter.ai로 리디렉션됩니다.", + "Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "짧은 테스트 메시지를 보내어 API 연결을 확인합니다. 이에 대해 크레딧이 지급될 것임을 인식하십시오!", "Create New": "새로 만들기", - "Edit": "수정하기", - "Locked = World Editor will stay open": "세계관 설정 패널 열림을 고정합니다", - "Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "설정 내용에 다른 설정의 키워드가 있다면 연속으로 발동하게 합니다", - "Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "설정 발동 키워드가 대소문자를 구분합니다", - "If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "발동 키워드가 단 한 단어라면 다른 단어에 일부로 취급하지 않습니다", - "Open all Entries": "모든 설정 열기", - "Close all Entries": "모든 설정 닫기", - "Create": "생성", - "Import World Info": "설정집 불러오기", - "Export World Info": "설정집 내보내기", - "Delete World Info": "설정집 삭제하기", - "Rename World Info": "설정집 이름 바꾸기", - "Save changes to a new theme file": "변경사항을 새 테마 파일로 저장", - "removes blur and uses alternative background color for divs": "흐리기 효과를 제거하고 문단 배경을 대체합니다", - "If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead.": "활성화할 경우, 캐릭터 카드에 합봉된 핵심 프롬프트 덮어쓰기를 사용합니다.", - "If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead.": "활성화할 경우, 캐릭터 카드에 합봉된 탈옥 프롬프트 덮어쓰기를 사용합니다.", - "AI Response Formatting": "AI 답변 서식", - "Change Background Image": "배경 그림 바꾸기", - "Extensions": "확장기능", - "Click to set a new User Name": "클릭해서 사용자 이름을 재설정합니다", - "Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "클릭해서 현재 채팅의 주인공으로 설정합니다. 다시 클릭하여 고정을 해제합니다.", - "Click to set user name for all messages": "모든 메시지의 사용자 이름을 재설정합니다.", - "Create a dummy persona": "임시 주인공을 생성합니다", + "Edit": "편집", + "Locked = World Editor will stay open": "잠금 = 월드 편집기가 열린 상태로 유지됩니다", + "Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "항목은 키워드를 언급하여 다른 항목을 활성화할 수 있습니다", + "Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "컨텍스트에서 항목 키를 검색할 때 대소문자를 지켜줍니다", + "If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "항목 키가 하나의 단어로만 구성된 경우 다른 단어의 일부로 일치하지 않습니다", + "Open all Entries": "모든 항목 열기", + "Close all Entries": "모든 항목 닫기", + "Create": "만들기", + "Import World Info": "월드 정보 가져오기", + "Export World Info": "월드 정보 내보내기", + "Delete World Info": "월드 정보 삭제", + "Duplicate World Info": "월드 정보 복제", + "Rename World Info": "월드 정보 이름 바꾸기", + "Refresh": "새로 고침", + "Primary Keywords": "기본 키워드", + "Logic": "로직", + "AND ANY": "AND ANY", + "AND ALL": "AND ALL", + "NOT ALL": "NOT ALL", + "NOT ANY": "NOT ANY", + "Optional Filter": "선택적 필터", + "New Entry": "새 항목", + "Fill empty Memo/Titles with Keywords": "비어 있는 메모/제목을 키워드로 채우기", + "Save changes to a new theme file": "새 테마 파일에 변경 사항 저장", + "removes blur and uses alternative background color for divs": "흐림을 제거하고 div에 대체 배경 색상을 사용합니다", + "AI Response Formatting": "AI 응답 형식 지정", + "Change Background Image": "배경 이미지 변경", + "Extensions": "확장", + "Click to set a new User Name": "새 사용자 이름 설정을 클릭하세요", + "Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "선택한 페르소나를 현재 채팅에 잠그려면 클릭하세요. 잠금을 제거하려면 다시 클릭하세요.", + "Click to set user name for all messages": "모든 메시지에 사용자 이름을 설정하려면 클릭하세요", + "Create a dummy persona": "더미 페르소나 만들기", "Character Management": "캐릭터 관리", - "Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "캐릭터 관리 패널 열림을 고정합니다.", + "Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "잠금 = 캐릭터 관리 패널이 열린 상태로 유지됩니다", "Select/Create Characters": "캐릭터 선택/생성", - "Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "토큰수는 불확실할 수 있습니다. 참고로만 사용하세요.", - "Click to select a new avatar for this character": "캐릭터 아바타를 다시 설정합니다", - "Add to Favorites": "최애로 설정", - "Advanced Definition": "고급 설정", - "Character Lore": "캐릭터 설정집", - "Export and Download": "내보내기/받기", - "Duplicate Character": "캐릭터 복제하기", - "Create Character": "캐릭터 생성하기", - "Delete Character": "캐릭터 삭제하기", + "Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "토큰 수가 정확하지 않을 수 있으며 참조 용도로만 제공됩니다.", + "Click to select a new avatar for this character": "이 캐릭터의 새 아바타를 선택하려면 클릭하세요", + "Example: [{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]": "예: [{{user}}는 28세의 루마니아 고양이 소녀입니다.]", + "Toggle grid view": "그리드 보기 전환", + "Add to Favorites": "즐겨찾기에 추가", + "Advanced Definition": "고급 정의", + "Character Lore": "캐릭터 이야기", + "Export and Download": "내보내기 및 다운로드", + "Duplicate Character": "캐릭터 복제", + "Create Character": "캐릭터 생성", + "Delete Character": "캐릭터 삭제", "View all tags": "모든 태그 보기", - "Click to set additional greeting messages": "추가 인사말 설정하기", - "Show / Hide Description and First Message": "캐릭터 설명과 인사말 보이기/숨기기", - "Click to select a new avatar for this group": "그룹채팅방 아바타 설정하기", - "Set a group chat scenario": "그룹채팅 시나리오 설정하기", - "Restore collage avatar": "콜라주 아바타 복구하기", - "Create New Character": "새로운 캐릭터 작성하기", - "Import Character from File": "파일에서 캐릭터 불러오기", - "Import content from external URL": "외부 URL에서 캐릭터 불러오기", - "Create New Chat Group": "새로운 그룹채팅방 만들기", - "Characters sorting order": "캐릭터 나열 방식", - "Add chat injection": "채팅 주입 추가하기", - "Remove injection": "채팅 주입 제거하기", + "Click to set additional greeting messages": "추가 인사말 메시지를 설정하려면 클릭하세요", + "Show / Hide Description and First Message": "설명 및 첫 번째 메시지 표시/숨기기", + "Click to select a new avatar for this group": "이 그룹의 새 아바타를 선택하려면 클릭하세요", + "Set a group chat scenario": "그룹 채팅 시나리오 설정", + "Restore collage avatar": "콜라주 아바타 복원", + "Create New Character": "새 캐릭터 만들기", + "Import Character from File": "파일에서 캐릭터 가져오기", + "Import content from external URL": "외부 URL에서 콘텐츠 가져오기", + "Create New Chat Group": "새 채팅 그룹 만들기", + "Characters sorting order": "캐릭터 정렬 순서", + "Add chat injection": "채팅 주입 추가", + "Remove injection": "주입 제거", "Remove": "제거", - "Select a World Info file for": "캐릭터 설정집 연결하기:", - "Primary Lorebook": "핵심 설정집", - "A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "선택한 세계관을 캐릭터의 고유 설정집으로 연결합니다.", - "When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "AI가 답변을 생성할 때 채팅 전체 세계관과 조합하여 사용합니다.", - "Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": "캐릭터를 내보낼 때, 연결된 설정집 또한 JSON으로 파일에 포함됩니다.", - "Additional Lorebooks": "추가 설정집", - "Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.": "하나 혹은 다수의 설정집을 캐릭터와 연결합니다.", - "NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!": "주의: 이 설정집은 부가사항이며 캐릭터를 내보낼 때 파일에 삽입되지 않습니다!", - "Rename chat file": "채팅 파일 이름 변경하기", - "Export JSONL chat file": "채팅 파일 JSONL으로 내보내기", - "Download chat as plain text document": "채팅 파일을 서식없는 문서로 내보내기", - "Delete chat file": "채팅 파일 삭제하기", - "Delete tag": "태그 삭제하기", - "Translate message": "메시지 번역하기", - "Generate Image": "그림 생성하기", - "Narrate": "묘사하기", + "Select a World Info file for": "다음을 위해 세계 정보 파일 선택:", + "Primary Lorebook": "기본 로어북", + "A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "선택한 월드 정보가 이 캐릭터에게 자체 로어북으로 바인딩됩니다.", + "When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "AI 응답을 생성할 때 전역 월드 정보 선택기의 항목과 결합됩니다.", + "Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": "캐릭터를 내보내면 JSON 데이터에 포함된 선택한 로어북 파일도 내보냅니다.", + "Additional Lorebooks": "추가 로어북", + "Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.": "하나 이상의 보조 로어북을 이 캐릭터와 연관시킵니다.", + "NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!": "참고: 이 선택 사항은 선택 사항이며 캐릭터 내보내기 시 유지되지 않습니다!", + "Rename chat file": "채팅 파일 이름 바꾸기", + "Export JSONL chat file": "JSONL 채팅 파일 내보내기", + "Download chat as plain text document": "일반 텍스트 문서로 채팅 다운로드", + "Delete chat file": "채팅 파일 삭제", + "Delete tag": "태그 삭제", + "Translate message": "메시지 번역", + "Generate Image": "이미지 생성", + "Narrate": "이야기하기", "Prompt": "프롬프트", - "Create Bookmark": "책갈피 생성하기", - "Copy": "복사하기", - "Open bookmark chat": "책갈피한 채팅 열기", + "Create Bookmark": "북마크 만들기", + "Copy": "복사", + "Open bookmark chat": "북마크 채팅 열기", "Confirm": "확인", "Copy this message": "이 메시지 복사", "Delete this message": "이 메시지 삭제", - "Move message up": "이 메시지를 위로", - "Move message down": "이 메시지를 밑으로", + "Move message up": "메시지를 위로 이동", + "Move message down": "메시지를 아래로 이동", "Enlarge": "확대", - "Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character": "이 캐릭터의 자동 답변을 임시적으로 금지", - "Enable automatic replies from this character": "이 캐릭터의 자동 답변을 허용", - "Trigger a message from this character": "이 캐릭터의 답변을 요구", - "Move up": "위로", - "Move down": "아래로", + "Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character": "이 캐릭터의 자동 응답 일시적으로 비활성화", + "Enable automatic replies from this character": "이 캐릭터의 자동 응답 활성화", + "Trigger a message from this character": "이 캐릭터에서 메시지 트리거", + "Move up": "위로 이동", + "Move down": "아래로 이동", "View character card": "캐릭터 카드 보기", - "Remove from group": "강퇴", - "Add to group": "캐릭터 초대하기", + "Remove from group": "그룹에서 제거", + "Add to group": "그룹에 추가", "Add": "추가", - "Abort request": "답변요청 중지", + "Abort request": "요청 중단", "Send a message": "메시지 보내기", - "Ask AI to write your message for you": "AI에게 사용자 메시지를 대신 작성해달라고 부탁합니다", - "Continue the last message": "마지막 답변을 이어서 작성합니다", - "Bind user name to that avatar": "사용자 이름을 아바타와 연결", - "Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "새로 열리는 채팅에서 기본 주인공으로 설정", - "Change persona image": "주인공 아바타 바꾸기", - "Delete persona": "주인공 삭제하기" -} + "Ask AI to write your message for you": "AI에게 메시지를 대신 작성하도록 요청", + "Continue the last message": "마지막 메시지 계속하기", + "Bind user name to that avatar": "그 아바타에 사용자 이름 바인딩", + "Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "새 채팅의 기본 페르소나로 선택합니다.", + "Change persona image": "페르소나 이미지 변경", + "Delete persona": "페르소나 삭제", + "Reduced Motion": "움직임 줄임", + "Auto-select": "자동 선택", + "Automatically select a background based on the chat context": "채팅 컨텍스트를 기반으로 자동으로 배경 선택", + "Filter": "필터", + "Exclude message from prompts": "프롬프트에서 메시지 제외", + "Include message in prompts": "프롬프트에 메시지 포함", + "Create checkpoint": "체크포인트 만들기", + "Create Branch": "분기 생성", + "Embed file or image": "파일 또는 이미지 삽입", + "UI Theme": "UI 테마", + "This message is invisible for the AI": "이 메시지는 AI에게 보이지 않습니다", + "Sampler Priority": "샘플러 우선 순위", + "Ooba only. Determines the order of samplers.": "Ooba 전용. 샘플러의 순서를 결정합니다.", + "Load default order": "기본 순서로 로드", + "Max Tokens Second": "최대 토큰 초", + "CFG": "CFG", + "No items": "항목 없음", + "Extras API key (optional)": "Extras API 키 (선택 사항)", + "Notify on extension updates": "확장 프로그램 업데이트 알림", + "Toggle character grid view": "캐릭터 그리드 보기 전환", + "Bulk edit characters": "대량 캐릭터 편집", + "Bulk delete characters": "대량 캐릭터 삭제", + "Favorite characters to add them to HotSwaps": "즐겨찾는 캐릭터를 HotSwaps에 추가", + "Underlined Text": "밑줄 텍스트", + "Token Probabilities": "토큰 확률", + "Close chat": "채팅 닫기", + "Manage chat files": "채팅 파일 관리", + "Import Extension From Git Repo": "Git 리포지토리에서 확장 프로그램 가져오기", + "Install extension": "확장 프로그램 설치", + "Manage extensions": "확장 프로그램 관리", + "Tokens persona description": "토큰 페르소나 설명", + "Most tokens": "가장 많은 토큰", + "Least tokens": "가장 적은 토큰", + "Random": "랜덤", + "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "예제 대화 형식 건너뛰기", + "Import a theme file": "테마 파일 가져오기", + "Export a theme file": "테마 파일 내보내기", + "Unlocked Context Size": "잠금 해제된 컨텍스트 크기", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "생성되는 대답을 조금씩 표시합니다.", + "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "이 기능이 꺼져 있으면 대답은 완료되면 한 번에 모두 표시됩니다.", + "Quick Prompts Edit": "빠른 프롬프트 편집", + "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "OpenAI 완성 스트리밍 활성화", + "Main": "주요", + "Utility Prompts": "유틸리티 프롬프트", + "Add character names": "캐릭터 이름 추가", + "Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "메시지 객체에 이름 보내기. 모델이 메시지를 캐릭터와 연관시키는 데 도움이 됩니다.", + "Continue prefill": "사전 작성 계속", + "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "계속하면 지시와 함께 시스템 메시지 대신 마지막 메시지를 어시스턴트 역할로 보냅니다.", + "Squash system messages": "시스템 메시지 압축", + "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "연속된 시스템 메시지를 하나로 결합합니다(예제 대화 제외). 일부 모델의 일관성을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.", + "Send inline images": "인라인 이미지 전송", + "Assistant Prefill": "어시스턴트 사전 작성", + "Start Claude's answer with...": "클로드의 답변 시작하기...", + "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "시스템 프롬프트 사용 (클로드 2.1+ 전용)", + "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "지원되는 모델에 대한 시스템 프롬프트를 보냅니다. 비활성화된 경우 사용자 메시지가 프롬프트의 처음에 추가됩니다.", + "Prompts": "프롬프트", + "Total Tokens:": "총 토큰:", + "Insert prompt": "프롬프트 삽입", + "Delete prompt": "프롬프트 삭제", + "Import a prompt list": "프롬프트 목록 가져오기", + "Export this prompt list": "이 프롬프트 목록 내보내기", + "Reset current character": "현재 캐릭터 재설정", + "New prompt": "새로운 프롬프트", + "Tokens": "토큰", + "Want to update?": "업데이트 하시겠습니까?", + "How to start chatting?": "채팅을 시작하는 방법은?", + "Click": "클릭", + "and select a": "그리고 선택하십시오", + "Chat API": "채팅 API", + "and pick a character": "그리고 캐릭터를 선택하세요", + "in the chat bar": "채팅 바에서", + "Confused or lost?": "혼란스러우시거나 길을 잃으셨나요?", + "click these icons!": "이 아이콘을 클릭하세요!", + "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "SillyTavern 문서 사이트", + "Extras Installation Guide": "Extras 설치 안내서", + "Still have questions?": "아직 질문이 있으신가요?", + "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "SillyTavern Discord에 참여하세요", + "Post a GitHub issue": "GitHub 이슈 게시", + "Contact the developers": "개발자에게 연락하기", + "Nucleus Sampling": "핵 샘플링", + "Typical P": "전형적인 P", + "Top K Sampling": "상위 K 샘플링", + "Top A Sampling": "상위 A 샘플링", + "Off": "끄기", + "Very light": "매우 가벼운", + "Light": "가벼운", + "Medium": "중간", + "Aggressive": "공격적", + "Very aggressive": "매우 공격적", + "Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique. In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3. Set to 0 to disable. See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "에타 절단은 특별한 에타 샘플링 기술의 주요 매개 변수입니다. 1e-4 단위로; 합리적인 값은 3입니다. 비활성화하려면 0으로 설정하십시오. 자세한 내용은 Hewitt et al. (2022)의 Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing 논문을 참조하십시오.", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "여유로운 GPU 주기를 호드에 기여하는 방법 배우기", + "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "Google 모델용 적절한 토크나이저를 사용하여 API를 통해 제공됩니다. 더 느린 프롬프트 처리지만 훨씬 정확한 토큰 계산을 제공합니다.", + "Load koboldcpp order": "코볼드 CPP 순서로 로드", + "Use Google Tokenizer": "Google 토크나이저 사용" + + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/locales/lang.json b/public/locales/lang.json index bc8bf896d..0e239b0f7 100644 --- a/public/locales/lang.json +++ b/public/locales/lang.json @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ [ - { "lang": "ar-sa", "display": "Arabic" }, - { "lang": "zh-cn", "display": "Chinese (Simplified)" }, - { "lang": "nl-nl", "display": "Dutch" }, - { "lang": "fr-fr", "display": "French" }, - { "lang": "is-is", "display": "Icelandic" }, - { "lang": "it-it", "display": "Italian" }, - { "lang": "ja-jp", "display": "Japanese" }, - { "lang": "ko-kr", "display": "Korean" }, - { "lang": "pt-pt", "display": "Portuguese" }, - { "lang": "ru-ru", "display": "Russian" }, - { "lang": "es-es", "display": "Spanish" }, - { "lang": "uk-ua", "display": "Ukrainian" }, - { "lang": "vi-vn", "display": "Vietnamese" } + { "lang": "ar-sa", "display": "عربي (Arabic)" }, + { "lang": "zh-cn", "display": "中国人 (Chinese) (Simplified)" }, + { "lang": "nl-nl", "display": "Nederlands (Dutch)" }, + { "lang": "de-de", "display": "Deutsch (German)" }, + { "lang": "fr-fr", "display": "Français (French)" }, + { "lang": "is-is", "display": "íslenska (Icelandic)" }, + { "lang": "it-it", "display": "Italiano (Italian)" }, + { "lang": "ja-jp", "display": "日本語 (Japanese)" }, + { "lang": "ko-kr", "display": "한국어 (Korean)" }, + { "lang": "pt-pt", "display": "Português (Portuguese brazil)" }, + { "lang": "ru-ru", "display": "Русский (Russian)" }, + { "lang": "es-es", "display": "Español (Spanish)" }, + { "lang": "uk-ua", "display": "Yкраїнська (Ukrainian)" }, + { "lang": "vi-vn", "display": "Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)" } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/locales/nl-nl.json b/public/locales/nl-nl.json index 4e11b4cee..94f13fbd2 100644 --- a/public/locales/nl-nl.json +++ b/public/locales/nl-nl.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "unlocked": "Ontgrendeld", "Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "Alleen bepaalde modellen ondersteunen contextgroottes groter dan 4096 tokens. Vergroot alleen als je weet wat je doet.", "rep.pen": "Herhalingsstraf", - "WI Entry Status:🔵 Constant🟢 Normaal❌ Uitgeschakeld": "WI-invoerstatus:🔵 Constant🟢 Normaal❌ Uitgeschakeld", + "WI Entry Status:🔵 Constant🟢 Normal❌ Disabled": "WI-invoerstatus:🔵 Constant🟢 Normaal❌ Uitgeschakeld", "rep.pen range": "Herhalingsstrafbereik", "Temperature controls the randomness in token selection": "Temperatuur regelt de willekeurigheid bij het selecteren van tokens", "temperature": "Temperatuur", @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ "None": "Geen", "User Settings": "Gebruikersinstellingen", "UI Mode": "UI-modus", - "UI Language": "UI-taal", + "UI Language": "Taal", "MovingUI Preset": "MovingUI-voorinstelling", "UI Customization": "Aanpassing van de gebruikersinterface", "Avatar Style": "Avatarstijl", @@ -858,8 +858,64 @@ "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "Opmaak van voorbeelddialogen overslaan", "Import a theme file": "Importeer een themabestand", "Export a theme file": "Exporteer een themabestand", - "Select Color": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - - + "Unlocked Context Size": "Ontgrendelde Context Grootte", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "Toon het antwoord stuk voor stuk terwijl het wordt gegenereerd.", + "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "Als dit uit staat, worden reacties in één keer weergegeven wanneer ze compleet zijn.", + "Quick Prompts Edit": "Snelle Prompt Bewerking", + "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "OpenAI voltooiingsstreaming inschakelen", + "Main": "Hoofd", + "Utility Prompts": "Hulpprogramma Prompts", + "Add character names": "Karakternamen toevoegen", + "Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "Stuur namen in de berichtobjecten. Helpt het model om berichten te associëren met karakters.", + "Continue prefill": "Doorgaan met voorvullen", + "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "Doorgaan stuurt het laatste bericht als assistentrol in plaats van een systeembericht met instructie.", + "Squash system messages": "Systeemberichten samenvoegen", + "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "Combineert opeenvolgende systeemberichten tot één (exclusief voorbeeld dialogen). Kan de coherentie verbeteren voor sommige modellen.", + "Send inline images": "Inline afbeeldingen verzenden", + "Assistant Prefill": "Assistent Voorvullen", + "Start Claude's answer with...": "Start het antwoord van Claude met...", + "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "Gebruik systeemprompt (alleen Claude 2.1+)", + "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "Verzend de systeemprompt voor ondersteunde modellen. Als dit is uitgeschakeld, wordt het gebruikersbericht toegevoegd aan het begin van de prompt.", + "Prompts": "Prompts", + "Total Tokens:": "Totale Tokens:", + "Insert prompt": "Prompt invoegen", + "Delete prompt": "Prompt verwijderen", + "Import a prompt list": "Een promptlijst importeren", + "Export this prompt list": "Deze promptlijst exporteren", + "Reset current character": "Huidig karakter resetten", + "New prompt": "Nieuwe prompt", + "Tokens": "Tokens", + "Want to update?": "Wil je SillyTavern updaten?", + "How to start chatting?": "Hoe begin je met chatten?", + "Click": "Klik ", + "and select a": " en selecteer een", + "Chat API": " Chat-API", + "and pick a character": " en kies een karakter", + "in the chat bar": " in de chatbalk", + "Confused or lost?": "In de war of verdwaald?", + "click these icons!": "klik op deze pictogrammen!", + "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "SillyTavern Documentatiesite", + "Extras Installation Guide": "Extra Installatiegids", + "Still have questions?": "Heb je nog vragen?", + "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "Word lid van de SillyTavern Discord", + "Post a GitHub issue": "Plaats een GitHub-probleem", + "Contact the developers": "Neem contact op met de ontwikkelaars", + "Nucleus Sampling": "Nucleus Bemonstering", + "Typical P": "Typisch P", + "Top K Sampling": "Top K-Bemonstering", + "Top A Sampling": "Top A-Bemonstering", + "Off": "Uit", + "Very light": "Zeer licht", + "Light": "Licht", + "Medium": "Gemiddeld", + "Aggressive": "Agressief", + "Very aggressive": "Zeer agressief", + "Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique. In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3. Set to 0 to disable. See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "Eta-cutoff is de belangrijkste parameter van de speciale Eta Bemonsteringstechniek. In eenheden van 1e-4; een redelijke waarde is 3. Stel in op 0 om uit te schakelen. Zie het artikel Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing van Hewitt et al. (2022) voor details.", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "Leer hoe je je ongebruikte GPU-cycli kunt bijdragen aan de Horde", + "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "Gebruik de juiste tokenizer voor Google-modellen via hun API. Langzamere promptverwerking, maar biedt veel nauwkeuriger token-telling.", + "Load koboldcpp order": "Laad koboldcpp-bestelling", + "Use Google Tokenizer": "Google Tokenizer gebruiken" + + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/locales/pt-pt.json b/public/locales/pt-pt.json index 7c114c861..6a7959df2 100644 --- a/public/locales/pt-pt.json +++ b/public/locales/pt-pt.json @@ -1,756 +1,919 @@ { - "UI Language": "Linguagem", - "clickslidertips": "dicas deslizantes", - "kobldpresets": "Predefinições Kobold", - "guikoboldaisettings": "Configurações KoboldAI", - "novelaipreserts": "Predefinições NovelAI", - "default": "padrão", - "openaipresets": "Predefinições OpenAI", - "text gen webio(ooba) presets": "Gen de texto predefinido webio(ooba)", - "response legth(tokens)": "comprimento da resposta (em token)", - "select": "selecionar", - "context size(tokens)": "tamanho do contexto (em token)", - "unlocked": "Desbloquear", - "Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "Selecione o suporte de modls apenas se o tamanho do contexto for maior que 4.096 tokens. Prossiga apenas se você souber o que está fazendo.", - "rep.pen": "rep.caneta", - "rep.pen range": "intervalo rep.pen", - "temperature": "temperaturas", - "Encoder Rep. Pen.": "Caneta de representante do codificador.", - "No Repeat Ngram Size": "Tamanho de N gramas sem repetições", - "Min Length": "Comprimento mínimo", - "OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "Proxy reverso OpenAI", - "Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "URL do servidor alternativo (deixe em branco para padrões).", - "Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "Remova a chave da API OpenAI do painel API ANTES de digitar qualquer coisa nesta caixa", - "We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "Não podemos oferecer suporte para problemas encontrados ao usar um proxy OpenAI não oficial", - "Legacy Streaming Processing": "Processo de streaming legado", - "Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "Marque a caixa se o streaming não funcionar com o seu proxy.", - "Context Size (tokens)": "Tamanho do contexto (em token)", - "Max Response Length (tokens)": "Comprimento máximo da resposta (em token)", - "Temperature": "Temperaturas", - "Frequency Penalty": "Penalidade de Frequência", - "Presence Penalty": "Penalidade de Presença", - "Top-p": "Topo-p", - "Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "Mostre a resposta do bot conforme ela é gerada.", - "Top A": "Topo A", + "clickslidertips": "Clique para inserir valores manualmente.", + "kobldpresets": "Configurações predefinidas do Kobold", + "guikoboldaisettings": "Configurações da interface do KoboldAI", + "novelaipreserts": "Configurações predefinidas do NovelAI", + "default": "Padrão", + "openaipresets": "Configurações predefinidas do OpenAI", + "text gen webio(ooba) presets": "Configurações predefinidas do WebUI(ooba) para geração de texto", + "response legth(tokens)": "Comprimento da resposta (tokens)", + "select": "Selecionar", + "context size(tokens)": "Tamanho do contexto (tokens)", + "unlocked": "Desbloqueado", + "Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "Apenas alguns modelos suportam tamanhos de contexto maiores que 4096 tokens. Aumente apenas se souber o que está fazendo.", + "rep.pen": "Pena de repetição", + "WI Entry Status:🔵 Constant🟢 Normal❌ Disabled": "Status de entrada do WI:🔵 Constante🟢 Normal❌ Desativado", + "rep.pen range": "Intervalo de pena de repetição", + "Temperature controls the randomness in token selection": "A temperatura controla a aleatoriedade na seleção de tokens", + "temperature": "Temperatura", + "Top K sets a maximum amount of top tokens that can be chosen from": "Top K define uma quantidade máxima de tokens principais que podem ser escolhidos", + "Top P (a.k.a. nucleus sampling)": "Top P (também conhecido como amostragem de núcleo)", + "Typical P Sampling prioritizes tokens based on their deviation from the average entropy of the set": "A amostragem típica de P prioriza tokens com base em sua divergência da entropia média do conjunto", + "Min P sets a base minimum probability": "Min P define uma probabilidade mínima base", + "Top A sets a threshold for token selection based on the square of the highest token probability": "Top A define um limiar para seleção de token com base no quadrado da maior probabilidade de token", + "Tail-Free Sampling (TFS)": "Amostragem sem cauda (TFS)", + "Epsilon cutoff sets a probability floor below which tokens are excluded from being sampled": "O corte de epsilon define um limite de probabilidade abaixo do qual os tokens são excluídos da amostragem", + "Scale Temperature dynamically per token, based on the variation of probabilities": "Escala de temperatura dinamicamente por token, com base na variação de probabilidades", + "Minimum Temp": "Temperatura Mínima", + "Maximum Temp": "Temperatura Máxima", + "Exponent": "Expoente", + "Mirostat Mode": "Modo Mirostat", + "Mirostat Tau": "Tau Mirostat", + "Mirostat Eta": "Eta Mirostat", + "Variability parameter for Mirostat outputs": "Parâmetro de variabilidade para saídas Mirostat", + "Learning rate of Mirostat": "Taxa de aprendizado de Mirostat", + "Strength of the Contrastive Search regularization term. Set to 0 to disable CS": "Força do termo de regularização de busca contrastante. Defina como 0 para desativar o CS.", + "Temperature Last": "Temperatura Final", + "Use the temperature sampler last": "Usar o amostrador de temperatura por último", + "LLaMA / Mistral / Yi models only": "Apenas modelos LLaMA / Mistral / Yi", + "Example: some text [42, 69, 1337]": "Exemplo: algum texto [42, 69, 1337]", + "Classifier Free Guidance. More helpful tip coming soon": "Orientação sem classificador. Mais dicas úteis em breve", + "Scale": "Escala", + "GBNF Grammar": "Gramática GBNF", + "Usage Stats": "Estatísticas de uso", + "Click for stats!": "Clique para estatísticas!", + "Backup": "Cópia de Segurança", + "Backup your personas to a file": "Faça uma cópia de segurança de suas personas para um arquivo", + "Restore": "Restaurar", + "Restore your personas from a file": "Restaure suas personas de um arquivo", + "Type in the desired custom grammar": "Digite a gramática personalizada desejada", + "Encoder Rep. Pen.": "Pena de Rep. do Codificador", + "Smoothing Factor": "Fator de Suavização", + "No Repeat Ngram Size": "Tamanho de Ngrama sem repetição", + "Min Length": "Comprimento Mínimo", + "OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "Proxy Reverso OpenAI", + "Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "URL do servidor alternativo (deixe em branco para usar o valor padrão).", + "Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "Remova sua verdadeira chave de API OAI do painel de API ANTES de digitar algo nesta caixa", + "We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "Não podemos fornecer suporte para problemas encontrados ao usar um proxy não oficial da OpenAI", + "Legacy Streaming Processing": "Processamento de Streaming Legado", + "Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "Ative isso se o streaming não funcionar com seu proxy", + "Context Size (tokens)": "Tamanho do Contexto (tokens)", + "Max Response Length (tokens)": "Comprimento Máximo da Resposta (tokens)", + "Frequency Penalty": "Pena de Frequência", + "Presence Penalty": "Pena de Presença", + "Top-p": "Top-p", + "Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "Exibir fragmentos de texto da resposta do bot conforme são gerados", + "Top A": "Top A", "Typical Sampling": "Amostragem Típica", "Tail Free Sampling": "Amostragem Livre de Cauda", - "Rep. Pen. Slope": "Rep. Caneta. Inclinação", + "Rep. Pen. Slope": "Inclinação da Pena de Rep.", "Single-line mode": "Modo de linha única", "Top K": "Top K", "Top P": "Top P", - "Typical P": "Típico P", - "Do Sample": "Fazer amostra", + "Do Sample": "Amostra", "Add BOS Token": "Adicionar Token BOS", - "Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative.": "Adicione bos_token ao início de um prompt. Desligá-lo pode tornar as respostas mais criativas.", - "Ban EOS Token": "Bloquear token EOS", - "Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "Bloquear eos_token. Isso força o modelo a não encerrar a geração de texto prematuramente.", - "Skip Special Tokens": "Pular tokens especiais", - "Beam search": "Pesquisa de feixe", - "Number of Beams": "Número do feixe", - "Length Penalty": "Penalidade de comprimento", + "Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative": "Adicione o token BOS ao início das prompts. Desativar isso pode tornar as respostas mais criativas", + "Ban EOS Token": "Banir Token EOS", + "Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "Banir o token eos_token. Isso faz com que o modelo nunca termine a geração prematuramente", + "Skip Special Tokens": "Pular Tokens Especiais", + "Beam search": "Busca de feixe", + "Number of Beams": "Número de Feixes", + "Length Penalty": "Pena de Comprimento", "Early Stopping": "Parada Antecipada", - "Contrastive search": "Pesquisa contrastiva", - "Penalty Alpha": "Penalidade Alfa", + "Contrastive search": "Busca Contrastiva", + "Penalty Alpha": "Alfa de Penalidade", "Seed": "Semente", - "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "Insira o Jailbreak como a última mensagem do sistema.", - "This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "Isso diz à IA para ignorar restrições contextualizadas no chat.", - "NSFW Encouraged": "Estimulando respostas NSFW", - "Tell the AI that NSFW is allowed": "Informa à IA que o material NSFW é permitido.", - "NSFW Prioritized": "Dê prioridade ao material NSFW", - "NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "O prompt NSFW é enviado primeiro para enfatizar seu efeito.", - "Streaming": "Transmissão", - "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.":"Mostre a resposta conforme ela é gerada.", - "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "Quando esta caixa de seleção está desativada, as respostas só são mostradas quando o texto for concluído.", - "Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "Gerar apenas uma linha por solicitação (somente KoboldAI, ignorado pelo KoboldCpp).", - "Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "Banir o token de fim de sequência (EOS) (com KoboldCpp e possivelmente outros tokens com KoboldAI).", - "Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "Bom para escrever histórias, mas não deve ser usado no modo de bate-papo e instruções.", - "Enhance Definitions": "Melhorar definições", - "Use OAI knowledge base to enhance definitions for public figures and known fictional characters": "Use o conhecimento OpenAI para melhorar as definições de figuras públicas famosas e personagens fictícios.", - "Wrap in Quotes": "Enviar mensagens entre aspas", - "Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "Todas as mensagens serão enviadas como um diálogo antes do envio.", - "Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "Esqueça esta opção se você já escreve suas próprias citações para representar os diálogos.", + "Epsilon Cutoff": "Limite Epsilon", + "Eta Cutoff": "Limite Eta", + "Negative Prompt": "Prompt Negativo", + "Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat (modo=1 é apenas para llama.cpp)", + "Mirostat is a thermostat for output perplexity": "Mirostat é um termostato para perplexidade de saída", + "Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "Adicione aqui texto que faria a IA gerar coisas que você não quer em suas saídas.", + "Phrase Repetition Penalty": "Pena de Repetição de Frase", + "Preamble": "Preâmbulo", + "Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.": "Use tags de estilo para modificar o estilo de escrita da saída.", + "Banned Tokens": "Tokens Proibidos", + "Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line.": "Sequências que você não quer que apareçam na saída. Uma por linha.", + "AI Module": "Módulo de IA", + "Changes the style of the generated text.": "Altera o estilo do texto gerado.", + "Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "Usado se a Escala CFG não estiver definida globalmente, por chat ou caractere", + "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "Insere jailbreak como um último mensagem do sistema.", + "This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "Isso diz à IA para ignorar suas restrições de conteúdo habituais.", + "NSFW Encouraged": "NSFW Encorajado", + "Tell the AI that NSFW is allowed.": "Diga à IA que o NSFW é permitido.", + "NSFW Prioritized": "Prioridade NSFW", + "NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "O texto do prompt NSFW vai primeiro no prompt para enfatizar seu efeito.", + "Streaming": "Streaming", + "Dynamic Temperature": "Temperatura Dinâmica", + "Restore current preset": "Restaurar a configuração atual", + "Neutralize Samplers": "Neutralizar Amostradores", + "Text Completion presets": "Configurações predefinidas de conclusão de texto", + "Documentation on sampling parameters": "Documentação sobre parâmetros de amostragem", + "Set all samplers to their neutral/disabled state.": "Defina todos os amostradores para seu estado neutro/desativado.", + "Only enable this if your model supports context sizes greater than 4096 tokens": "Ative isso apenas se seu modelo suportar tamanhos de contexto maiores que 4096 tokens", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated": "Exibir a resposta pouco a pouco conforme ela é gerada", + "Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "Gerar apenas uma linha por solicitação (apenas KoboldAI, ignorado por KoboldCpp).", + "Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "Banir o token de Fim de Sequência (EOS) (com KoboldCpp, e possivelmente também outros tokens com KoboldAI).", + "Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "Bom para escrever histórias, mas não deve ser usado para modo de bate-papo e instrução.", + "Enhance Definitions": "Aprimorar Definições", + "Use OAI knowledge base to enhance definitions for public figures and known fictional characters": "Use a base de conhecimento da OAI para aprimorar definições de figuras públicas e personagens fictícios conhecidos", + "Wrap in Quotes": "Envolver em Aspas", + "Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "Envolver toda a mensagem do usuário em aspas antes de enviar.", + "Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "Deixe desativado se você usar aspas manualmente para fala.", "Main prompt": "Prompt principal", - "The main prompt used to set the model behavior": "O prompt principal usado como base para o comportamento do modelo.", - "NSFW prompt": "Avisos NSFW", - "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is on": "Prompt usado quando a opção NSFW está ativada.", + "The main prompt used to set the model behavior": "O prompt principal usado para definir o comportamento do modelo", + "NSFW prompt": "Prompt NSFW", + "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is on": "Prompt usado quando a alternância NSFW está ligada", "Jailbreak prompt": "Prompt de jailbreak", - "Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "Prompt usado quando a opção Jailbreak está ativa.", - "Impersonation prompt": "Prompt de representação do usuário", - "Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "Prompt usado para recurso de representação de usuário", - "Logit Bias": "Viés Logit", - "Helps to ban or reinforce the usage of certain words": "Ajuda a desencorajar ou reforçar o uso de certos tipos de palavras.", - "View / Edit bias preset": "Mostrar/Editar predefinição de polarização", - "Add bias entry": "Adicionar polarização de voz", - "Jailbreak activation message": "Mensagem de ativação do jailbreak", - "Message to send when auto-jailbreak is on.": "Mensagem a ser enviada quando o jailbreak automático estiver ativado", + "Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "Prompt usado quando a alternância Jailbreak está ligada", + "Impersonation prompt": "Prompt de Impersonação", + "Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "Prompt usado para a função de Impersonação", + "Logit Bias": "Viés de Logit", + "Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "Ajuda a proibir ou reforçar o uso de certas palavras", + "View / Edit bias preset": "Ver / Editar predefinição de viés", + "Add bias entry": "Adicionar entrada de viés", + "Jailbreak activation message": "Mensagem de ativação de jailbreak", + "Message to send when auto-jailbreak is on.": "Mensagem a ser enviada quando o jailbreak automático está ligado.", "Jailbreak confirmation reply": "Resposta de confirmação de jailbreak", - "Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "O bot deve enviar esta resposta para confirmar o Jailbreak", - "Character Note": "Notas do personagem", + "Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "O bot deve enviar isso de volta para confirmar o jailbreak", + "Character Note": "Nota do Personagem", "Influences bot behavior in its responses": "Influencia o comportamento do bot em suas respostas", + "Connect": "Conectar", + "Test Message": "Mensagem de Teste", "API": "API", "KoboldAI": "KoboldAI", "Use Horde": "Usar Horda", "API url": "URL da API", - "Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "Crie uma conta Horde para tempos de espera mais curtos", - "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "Aprenda como usar seus ciclos ociosos de GPU para contribuir com a Horda", - "Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "Ajusta o tamanho do contexto às suas capacidades operacionais", - "Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "Ajusta a duração da resposta às suas capacidades operacionais", - "API key": "Chave API", - "Register": "Entrar", - "For privacy reasons": "Por razões de privacidade", - "Model": "Modelo", - "Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "Mantenha Ctrl/Command pressionado para selecionar vários modelos.", - "Horde models not loaded":"Modelos da Horda não carregados", - "Not connected": "Desconectar", - "Novel API key": "Chave de API NovelAI", + "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine": "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine (Modo Wrapper para API OpenAI)", + "Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "Registre uma conta Horde para tempos de fila mais rápidos", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "Aprenda como contribuir com seus ciclos de GPU inativos para a Hord", + "Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "Ajustar o tamanho do contexto às capacidades do trabalhador", + "Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "Ajustar o comprimento da resposta às capacidades do trabalhador", + "API key": "Chave da API", + "Tabby API key": "Chave da API do Tabby", + "Get it here:": "Obtenha aqui:", + "Register": "Registrar", + "TogetherAI Model": "Modelo TogetherAI", + "Example:": "Exemplo:", + "ggerganov/llama.cpp": "ggerganov/llama.cpp (Servidor de Saída)", + "Example:": "Exemplo:", + "Example:": "Exemplo:", + "Ollama Model": "Modelo Ollama", + "Download": "Baixar", + "TogetherAI API Key": "Chave da API TogetherAI", + "-- Connect to the API --": "-- Conectar-se à API --", + "View my Kudos": "Ver meus Kudos", + "Enter": "Entrar", + "to use anonymous mode.": "para usar o modo anônimo.", + "For privacy reasons": "Por motivos de privacidade, a chave da API será ocultada após a atualização da página", + "Models": "Modelos", + "Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "Mantenha pressionada a tecla Control / Command para selecionar vários modelos.", + "Horde models not loaded": "Modelos da Horda não carregados", + "Not connected...": "Não conectado...", + "Novel API key": "Chave da API do Novell", "Follow": "Seguir", - "these directions": "estas sugestões", - "to get your NovelAI API key.": "para obter a chave da API NovelAI.", - "Enter it in the box below": "Digite a chave na caixa abaixo", - "Novel AI Model": "Modelo NovelAI", - "Euterpe": "Euterpe", - "Krake": "Krake", - "No connection": "Sem conexão", - "oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "oobabooga/geração de texto-webui", - "Make sure you run it with": "certifique-se de iniciá-lo com --extensions openai", - "Blocking API url": "Bloquear endereço API", - "Streaming API url": "streaming de endereço API", - "to get your OpenAI API key.": "para obter sua chave de API OpenAI.", + "these directions": "estas direções", + "to get your NovelAI API key.": "para obter sua chave da API do NovelAI.", + "Enter it in the box below": "Digite-o na caixa abaixo", + "Novel AI Model": "Modelo Novel AI", + "If you are using:": "Se você estiver usando:", + "oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "", + "Make sure you run it with": "Certifique-se de executá-lo com", + "flag": "bandeira", + "API key (optional)": "Chave da API (opcional)", + "Server url": "URL do servidor", + "Custom model (optional)": "Modelo personalizado (opcional)", + "Bypass API status check": "Ignorar verificação de status da API", + "Mancer AI": "", + "Use API key (Only required for Mancer)": "Use a chave da API (Somente necessária para Mancer)", + "Blocking API url": "URL da API de bloqueio", + "Example:": "Exemplo:", + "Legacy API (pre-OAI, no streaming)": "API legada (pré-OAI, sem streaming)", + "Bypass status check": "Ignorar verificação de status", + "Streaming API url": "URL da API de streaming", + "Example: ws://": "Exemplo: ws://", + "Mancer API key": "Chave da API Mancer", + "Example: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api": "Exemplo: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api", + "to get your OpenAI API key.": "para obter sua chave da API do OpenAI.", + "Window AI Model": "Modelo Window AI", "OpenAI Model": "Modelo OpenAI", - "View API Usage Metrics": "Mostrar métricas de uso da API", - "Bot": "robôs", - "Connect to the API": "Conectar à API", - "Auto-connect to Last Server": "Conexão automática ao último servidor", - "View hidden API keys": "Mostrar chaves de API ocultas", + "Claude API Key": "Chave da API Claude", + "Get your key from": "Obtenha sua chave de", + "Anthropic's developer console": "console de desenvolvedor da Anthropic", + "Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.": "Os cookies do Slack e do Poe não funcionarão aqui, não se preocupe em tentar.", + "Claude Model": "Modelo Claude", + "Scale API Key": "Chave da API Scale", + "Alt Method": "Método Alternativo", + "AI21 API Key": "Chave da API AI21", + "AI21 Model": "Modelo AI21", + "View API Usage Metrics": "Ver métricas de uso da API", + "Show External models (provided by API)": "Mostrar modelos externos (fornecidos pela API)", + "Bot": "Bot", + "Allow fallback routes": "Permitir rotas de fallback", + "Allow fallback routes Description": "O modelo alternativo será escolhido automaticamente se o modelo selecionado não puder atender à sua solicitação.", + "OpenRouter API Key": "Chave da API OpenRouter", + "Connect to the API": "Conectar-se à API", + "OpenRouter Model": "Modelo OpenRouter", + "View Remaining Credits": "Ver créditos restantes", + "Click Authorize below or get the key from": "Clique em Autorizar abaixo ou obtenha a chave de", + "Auto-connect to Last Server": "Conectar-se automaticamente ao último servidor", + "View hidden API keys": "Ver chaves de API ocultas", "Advanced Formatting": "Formatação Avançada", - "AutoFormat Overrides": "Substituição de formatação automática", + "Context Template": "Modelo de Contexto", + "AutoFormat Overrides": "Sobreposições de AutoFormatação", "Disable description formatting": "Desativar formatação de descrição", "Disable personality formatting": "Desativar formatação de personalidade", "Disable scenario formatting": "Desativar formatação de cenário", - "Disable example chats formatting": "Desativar formatação de amostra de bate-papo", - "Disable chat start formatting": "Desativar a formatação inicial do chat", - "Custom Chat Separator": "Separador de bate-papo personalizado", - "Instruct mode": "Modo de instrução", - "Enabled": "Ativar", - "Wrap Sequences with Newline": "Cada sequência é repetida", - "Include Names": "Incluir nomes", - "System Prompt": "Instruções do sistema", - "Instruct Mode Sequences": "Sequências em modo de instrução", - "Input Sequence": "Sequência de entrada", - "First Output Sequence": "Primeira sequência de saída", - "Last Output Sequence": "Última sequência de saída", - "System Sequence Prefix": "Prefixo de sequência do sistema", - "System Sequence Suffix": "Sufixo de sequência do sistema", - "Stop Sequence": "Sequência de prisão", + "Disable example chats formatting": "Desativar formatação de chats de exemplo", + "Disable chat start formatting": "Desativar formatação de início de chat", + "Custom Chat Separator": "Separador de Chat Personalizado", + "Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "Substituir Macro em Strings de Parada Personalizadas", + "Strip Example Messages from Prompt": "Remover Mensagens de Exemplo da Prompt", + "Story String": "String de História", + "Example Separator": "Separador de Exemplo", + "Chat Start": "Início do Chat", + "Activation Regex": "Regex de Ativação", + "Instruct Mode": "Modo de Instrução", + "Wrap Sequences with Newline": "Envolver Sequências com Nova Linha", + "Include Names": "Incluir Nomes", + "Force for Groups and Personas": "Forçar para Grupos e Personas", + "System Prompt": "Prompt do Sistema", + "Instruct Mode Sequences": "Sequências de Modo de Instrução", + "Input Sequence": "Sequência de Entrada", + "Output Sequence": "Sequência de Saída", + "First Output Sequence": "Primeira Sequência de Saída", + "Last Output Sequence": "Última Sequência de Saída", + "System Sequence Prefix": "Prefixo da Sequência do Sistema", + "System Sequence Suffix": "Sufixo da Sequência do Sistema", + "Stop Sequence": "Sequência de Parada", "Context Formatting": "Formatação de Contexto", + "(Saved to Context Template)": "(Salvo no Modelo de Contexto)", "Tokenizer": "Tokenizador", - "None / Estimated": "Nenhum/Estimado", - "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)": "Frase (LLaMA)", - "Token Padding": "Preenchimento de token", - "Always add character's name to prompt": "Sempre adicione o nome do personagem ao prompt", - "Keep Example Messages in Prompt": "Manter mensagens de exemplo do prompt", - "Remove Empty New Lines from Output": "Remover linhas de texto em branco da saída", - "Pygmalion Formatting": "Formatação Pigmalião", - "Disabled for all models": "Desativar para todos os modelos", + "None / Estimated": "Nenhum / Estimado", + "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)": "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)", + "Token Padding": "Preenchimento de Token", + "Save preset as": "Salvar predefinição como", + "Always add character's name to prompt": "Sempre adicionar nome do personagem à prompt", + "Use as Stop Strings": "Usar como Strings de Parada", + "Bind to Context": "Vincular ao Contexto", + "Generate only one line per request": "Gerar apenas uma linha por solicitação", + "Misc. Settings": "Configurações Diversas", + "Auto-Continue": "Auto-Continuar", + "Collapse Consecutive Newlines": "Colapsar Nova Linha Consecutiva", + "Allow for Chat Completion APIs": "Permitir APIs de Completar Chat", + "Target length (tokens)": "Comprimento alvo (tokens)", + "Keep Example Messages in Prompt": "Manter Mensagens de Exemplo na Prompt", + "Remove Empty New Lines from Output": "Remover Novas Linhas Vazias da Saída", + "Disabled for all models": "Desativado para todos os modelos", "Automatic (based on model name)": "Automático (com base no nome do modelo)", - "Enabled for all models": "Ativar para todos os modelos", - "Multigen": "Multigen", - "First chunk (tokens)": "Primeiro pacote (em Token)", - "Next chunks (tokens)": "Próximo pacote (em token)", + "Enabled for all models": "Ativado para todos os modelos", "Anchors Order": "Ordem de Âncoras", - "Character then Style": "Primeiro o personagem, depois o estilo", - "Style then Character": "Primeiro o estilo, depois o personagem", - "Character Anchor": "Âncora de personagem", - "Style Anchor": "Estilo Âncora", - "Scan Depth": "Profundidade de digitalização", - "depth": "Profundidade", - "Token Budget":"Orçamento de token", + "Character then Style": "Personagem depois de Estilo", + "Style then Character": "Estilo depois de Personagem", + "Character Anchor": "Âncora de Personagem", + "Style Anchor": "Âncora de Estilo", + "World Info": "Informações do Mundo", + "Scan Depth": "Profundidade de Digitalização", + "Case-Sensitive": "Diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas", + "Match Whole Words": "Corresponder Palavras Inteiras", + "Use global setting": "Usar configuração global", + "Yes": "Sim", + "No": "Não", + "Context %": "Contexto %", + "Budget Cap": "Limite de Orçamento", + "(0 = disabled)": "(0 = desativado)", + "depth": "profundidade", + "Token Budget": "Orçamento de Tokens", "budget": "orçamento", - "Recursive scanning": "Análise Recursiva", - "None": "Não é", + "Recursive scanning": "Digitalização recursiva", + "None": "Nenhum", "User Settings": "Configurações do Usuário", - "UI Customization": "Personalização da IU", - "Avatar Style": "Estilo Avatar", + "UI Mode": "Modo de UI", + "UI Language": "Idioma da UI", + "MovingUI Preset": "Predefinição de MovingUI", + "UI Customization": "Personalização da UI", + "Avatar Style": "Estilo de Avatar", "Circle": "Círculo", "Rectangle": "Retângulo", + "Square": "Quadrado", + "Chat Style": "Estilo de Chat", "Default": "Padrão", "Bubbles": "Bolhas", - "No Blur Effect": "Sem efeito de desfoque", - "No Text Shadows": "Sem sombra de texto", - "Waifu Mode": "♡ Modo Waifu ♡", - "Message Timer": "Temporizador de mensagem", - "Characters Hotswap": "Personagens de troca a quente", - "Movable UI Panels": "Painéis UI móveis", - "Reset Panels": "Redefinir painéis", - "UI Colors": "Cores da interface do usuário", - "Main Text": "Texto principal", - "Italics Text": "Texto em itálico", - "Quote Text": "Texto citado", - "Shadow Color": "Cor da sombra", - "FastUI BG": "FastUI BG", - "Blur Tint": "Desfoque de tonalidade", - "Font Scale": "Tamanho da fonte", - "Blur Strength": "Intensidade do desfoque", - "Text Shadow Width": "Largura da sombra do texto", - "UI Theme Preset": "Tema da interface do usuário", - "Power User Options": "Opções avançadas do usuário", - "Swipes": "Deslizamentos", - "Background Sound Only": "Somente som de fundo", - "Auto-load Last Chat": "Carregar automaticamente o último chat", - "Auto-save Message Edits": "Salvar mensagens editadas automaticamente", - "Auto-fix Markdown": "Corrigir texto automaticamente para formatação em Markdown", - "Allow {{char}}: em mensagens de bot": "Permitir {{char}}: em mensagens de bot", - "Allow {{user}}: em mensagens de bot": "Permitir {{user}}: em mensagens de bot", - "Auto-scroll Chat": "Rolagem automática do bate-papo", - "Render Formulas": "Renderizar fórmulas", - "Send on Enter": "Enviar ao pressionar Enter", + "No Blur Effect": "Sem Efeito de Desfoque", + "No Text Shadows": "Sem Sombras de Texto", + "Waifu Mode": "Modo Waifu", + "Message Timer": "Temporizador de Mensagens", + "Model Icon": "Ícone do Modelo", + "# of messages (0 = disabled)": "# de mensagens (0 = desativado)", + "Advanced Character Search": "Pesquisa Avançada de Personagens", + "Allow {{char}}: in bot messages": "Permitir {{char}}: em mensagens de bot", + "Allow {{user}}: in bot messages": "Permitir {{user}}: em mensagens de bot", + "Show tags in responses": "Mostrar tags em respostas", + "Aux List Field": "Campo de Lista Auxiliar", + "Lorebook Import Dialog": "Diálogo de Importação de Livro de Histórias", + "MUI Preset": "Predefinição de MUI", + "If set in the advanced character definitions, this field will be displayed in the characters list.": "Se definido nas definições avançadas de personagem, este campo será exibido na lista de personagens.", + "Relaxed API URLS": "URLs da API Relaxadas", + "Custom CSS": "CSS Personalizado", + "Default (oobabooga)": "Padrão (oobabooga)", + "Mancer Model": "Modelo Mancer", + "API Type": "Tipo de API", + "Aphrodite API key": "Chave da API Aphrodite", + "Relax message trim in Groups": "Reduzir corte de mensagem em Grupos", + "Characters Hotswap": "Substituição de Personagens a Quente", + "Request token probabilities": "Solicitar probabilidades de token", + "Movable UI Panels": "Painéis de UI Móveis", + "Reset Panels": "Redefinir Painéis", + "UI Colors": "Cores da UI", + "Main Text": "Texto Principal", + "Italics Text": "Texto em Itálico", + "Quote Text": "Texto de Citação", + "Shadow Color": "Cor da Sombra", + "FastUI BG": "Fundo do FastUI", + "Blur Tint": "Tonalidade de Desfoque", + "Font Scale": "Escala de Fonte", + "Blur Strength": "Força do Desfoque", + "Text Shadow Width": "Largura da Sombra do Texto", + "UI Theme Preset": "Predefinição de Tema da UI", + "Power User Options": "Opções para Usuários Avançados", + "Swipes": "Swipes", + "Miscellaneous": "Diversos", + "Theme Toggles": "Botões de Tema", + "Background Sound Only": "Apenas Som de Fundo", + "Auto-load Last Chat": "Carregar automaticamente o último Chat", + "Auto-save Message Edits": "Salvar automaticamente Edições de Mensagem", + "Auto-fix Markdown": "Corrigir Markdown automaticamente", + "Allow : in bot messages": "Permitir : em mensagens de bot", + "Auto-scroll Chat": "Chat de Rolagem Automática", + "Render Formulas": "Renderizar Fórmulas", + "Send on Enter": "Enviar ao Pressionar Enter", "Always disabled": "Sempre desativado", "Automatic (desktop)": "Automático (desktop)", "Always enabled": "Sempre ativado", - "Name": "Primeiro nome", - "Your Avatar": "Seu avatar", - "Extensions API:: Extensões de API adicionais": "API de Extensões:: Extensões de API adicionais", - "SillyTavern-extras": "SillyTavern-extras", - "Auto-connect": "Conexão automática", - "Active extensions": "Extensões Ativas", - "Extension settings": "Configurações de Extensões", + "Debug Menu": "Menu de Depuração", + "Restore User Input": "Restaurar Entrada do Usuário", + "Character Handling": "Tratamento de Personagem", + "Example Messages Behavior": "Comportamento de Mensagens de Exemplo", + "Gradual push-out": "Empurrão gradual", + "Chat/Message Handling": "Tratamento de Chat/Mensagem", + "Always include examples": "Sempre incluir exemplos", + "Never include examples": "Nunca incluir exemplos", + "Forbid External Media": "Proibir Mídia Externa", + "System Backgrounds": "Fundos do Sistema", + "Name": "Nome", + "Your Avatar": "Seu Avatar", + "Extensions API:": "API de Extensões:", + "SillyTavern-extras": "Extras do SillyTavern", + "Auto-connect": "Auto-conectar", + "Active extensions": "Extensões ativas", + "Extension settings": "Configurações de extensão", "Description": "Descrição", "First message": "Primeira mensagem", "Group Controls": "Controles de Grupo", "Group reply strategy": "Estratégia de resposta em grupo", "Natural order": "Ordem natural", "List order": "Ordem da lista", - "Allow self responses": "Permitir auto-respostas", + "Allow self responses": "Permitir respostas próprias", "Auto Mode": "Modo Automático", "Add Members": "Adicionar Membros", "Current Members": "Membros Atuais", - "text": "Texto", + "text": "texto", "Delete": "Excluir", "Cancel": "Cancelar", - "Advanced Definitions": "Definições Avançadas", + "Advanced Defininitions": "Definições Avançadas", "Personality summary": "Resumo da Personalidade", "A brief description of the personality": "Uma breve descrição da personalidade", "Scenario": "Cenário", "Circumstances and context of the dialogue": "Circunstâncias e contexto do diálogo", "Talkativeness": "Loquacidade", - "How often the character speaks in": "Com que frequência o personagem fala em", - "group chats!": "bate-papos em grupo!", + "How often the chracter speaks in": "Com que frequência o personagem fala em", + "group chats!": "chats em grupo!", "Shy": "Tímido", "Normal": "Normal", "Chatty": "Conversador", "Examples of dialogue": "Exemplos de diálogo", - "Forms a personality more clearly": "Ajuda a formar uma personalidade de forma mais clara", + "Forms a personality more clearly": "Forma uma personalidade mais claramente", "Save": "Salvar", "World Info Editor": "Editor de Informações do Mundo", - "New Entry": "Nova Entrada", + "New summary": "Novo resumo", "Export": "Exportar", "Delete World": "Excluir Mundo", "Chat History": "Histórico de Chat", - "Group Chat Scenario Override": "Substituição do Cenário de Chat em Grupo", + "Group Chat Scenario Override": "Substituição de Cenário de Chat em Grupo", "All group members will use the following scenario text instead of what is specified in their character cards.": "Todos os membros do grupo usarão o seguinte texto de cenário em vez do especificado em seus cartões de personagem.", "Keywords": "Palavras-chave", - "Separate with commas": "Separar com vírgulas", - "Secondary Required Keywords": "Palavras-chave secundárias necessárias", + "Separate with commas": "Separe com vírgulas", + "Secondary Required Keywords": "Palavras-chave Secundárias Obrigatórias", "Content": "Conteúdo", - "What this keyword should mean to the AI": "O que esta palavra-chave deve significar para a IA", + "What this keyword should mean to the AI": "O que esta palavra-chave deve significar para a AI", "Memo/Note": "Memo/Nota", - "Not sent to AI": "Não enviado para a IA", + "Not sent to AI": "Não enviado para AI", "Constant": "Constante", "Selective": "Seletivo", - "Before Char": "Antes do Char", - "After Char": "Depois do Char", + "Before Char": "Antes do Caractere", + "After Char": "Depois do Caractere", "Insertion Order": "Ordem de Inserção", "Tokens:": "Tokens:", "Disable": "Desativar", - "${characterName}": "${CharacterName}", - "CHAR": "CARACTERES", - "is typing": "está escrevendo...", - "Back to parent chat": "Volte para o chat vinculado a este", - "Save bookmark": "Salvar nos favoritos", - "Convert to group": "Converter em lote", - "Start new chat": "Iniciar um novo bate-papo", - "View past chats": "Mostrar bate-papos anteriores", - "Delete messages": "Apagar mensagens", - "Impersonate": "representar", - "Regenerate": "Regenerado", - "PNG": "NPC", + "${characterName}": "${nomeDoPersonagem}", + "CHAR": "CAR", + "is typing": "está digitando...", + "Back to parent chat": "Voltar para o chat anterior", + "Save bookmark": "Salvar marcador", + "Convert to group": "Converter em grupo", + "Start new chat": "Iniciar novo chat", + "View past chats": "Ver chats anteriores", + "Delete messages": "Excluir mensagens", + "Impersonate": "Personificar", + "Regenerate": "Regenerar", + "PNG": "PNG", "JSON": "JSON", - "WEBP": "WEBP", "presets": "predefinições", "Message Sound": "Som da mensagem", - "Author's Note": "Notas do Autor", - "Send Jailbreak": "Enviar o Jailbreak", - "Replace empty message": "Substituir mensagens vazias", - "Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "Quando o campo de texto estiver vazio, envie esta mensagem.", - "NSFW avoidance prompt": "Alerta para evitar NSFW", - "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is off": "Prompt usado quando a caixa de seleção NSFW está desabilitada.", + "Author's Note": "Nota do autor", + "Send Jailbreak": "Enviar jailbreak", + "Replace empty message": "Substituir mensagem vazia", + "Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "Enviar este texto em vez de nada quando a caixa de texto estiver vazia.", + "NSFW avoidance prompt": "Prompt de evitar NSFW", + "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is off": "Prompt que é usado quando a alternância NSFW está desativada", "Advanced prompt bits": "Bits de prompt avançados", - "World Info format template": "Formato de modelo 'Informações do Mundo'", - "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt. Use {0} to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "Selecione as informações do mundo atualmente ativas antes de inseri-las no prompt. Use {0} para indicar onde deseja que o conteúdo seja inserido no prompt.", - "Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "Valor máximo ilimitado para tamanho de contexto.", - "Chat Completion Source": "Fonte de IA para bate-papo", - "Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "Por favor, evite enviar informações confidenciais e pessoais para a Horda", - "Review the Privacy statement": "Leia a política de privacidade", - "Learn how to contribute your idel GPU cycles to the Horde": "Aprenda como usar seus ciclos ociosos de GPU para contribuir com a Horda", - "Trusted workers only": "Use apenas usuários confiáveis", - "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "Por razões de segurança, sua chave API ficará oculta após recarregar a página.", + "World Info format": "Formato de Informações Mundiais", + "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt. Use {0} to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "Envolve entradas de Informações Mundiais ativadas antes de inseri-las no prompt. Use {0} para marcar um lugar onde o conteúdo é inserido.", + "Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "Valor máximo irrestrito para o controle deslizante de contexto", + "Chat Completion Source": "Fonte de conclusão de chat", + "Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "Evite enviar informações sensíveis para a Horda.", + "Review the Privacy statement": "Reveja a declaração de privacidade", + "Trusted workers only": "Apenas trabalhadores confiáveis", + "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "Por motivos de privacidade, sua chave de API será ocultada depois que você recarregar a página.", "-- Horde models not loaded --": "-- Modelos da Horda não carregados --", - "Example: http//": "Exemplo http//", - "No connection...": "Sem conexão", - "Get your NovelAI API Key": "Obter chave API para NovelAI", - "KoboldAI Horde": "Horda Kobold AI", - "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)": "Geração de texto WebUI (ooba)", - "NovelAI": "Nova IA", - "Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)": "Conclusão de bate-papo (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)", - "OpenAI API key": "Chave de API OpenAI", - "Trim spaces": "Excluir espaços", - "Trim Incomplete Sentences": "Cortar frases incompletas", - "Include Newline": "Incluir retorno de carro", - "Non-markdown strings": "Sequências de formatação sem marcação", - "Replace Macro in Sequences": "Substituir macros em sequências", - "Presets":"Predefinições", + "Example: ": "Exemplo:", + "No connection...": "Sem conexão...", + "Get your NovelAI API Key": "Obtenha sua chave de API NovelAI", + "KoboldAI Horde": "Horda KoboldAI", + "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)": "Interface da Web Text Gen (ooba)", + "NovelAI": "NovelAI", + "Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)": "Completamento do Chat (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)", + "OpenAI API key": "Chave da API OpenAI", + "Trim spaces": "Remover espaços", + "Trim Incomplete Sentences": "Remover Frases Incompletas", + "Include Newline": "Incluir Nova Linha", + "Non-markdown strings": "Cadeias de caracteres não Markdown", + "Replace Macro in Sequences": "Substituir Macro em Sequências", + "Presets": "Predefinições", "Separator": "Separador", - "Start Reply With": "Comece a resposta com", + "Start Reply With": "Iniciar Resposta Com", "Show reply prefix in chat": "Mostrar prefixo de resposta no chat", - "Worlds/Lorebooks": "Mundos/Livro de História", - "Active World(s)": "Mundos Ativos", - "Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "Estratégia para incorporar conhecimento no contexto da IA", - "Sorted Evenly": "Igualmente distribuído", - "Character Lore First": "Primeiro a história do personagem", - "Global Lore First": "Conheça primeiro", - "-- World Info not found --": "-- 'Informações do mundo' não encontrada --", - "Recursive Scan": "Verificação Recursiva", - "Case Sensitive": "Sensibilidade de maiúsculas e minúsculas", - "Match whole words": "Combine mundos inteiros", - "World/Lore Editor": "Editor de mundo/história", - "--- None ---": "--- Não é ---", - "Comma seperated (ignored if empty)": "Separados por vírgulas (ignorar se estiver vazio)", - "Use Probability": "Probabilidade de uso", - "Exclude from recursion": "Excluir da recursão", - "Position:": "Posição:", - "Before Char Defs": "Antes da definição de Char", - "After Char Defs": "Depois da definição de Char", - "Before AN": "Antes das notas do autor", - "After AN": "Após as notas do autor", + "Worlds/Lorebooks": "Mundos/Livros de Histórias", + "Active World(s)": "Mundo(s) Ativo(s)", + "Activation Settings": "Configurações de Ativação", + "Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "Estratégia de Inserção de Lore do Personagem", + "Sorted Evenly": "Ordenado Uniformemente", + "Active World(s) for all chats": "Mundo(s) ativo(s) para todos os chats", + "-- World Info not found --": "-- Informações do Mundo não encontradas --", + "--- Pick to Edit ---": "--- Escolha para Editar ---", + "or": "ou", + "New": "Novo", + "Priority": "Prioridade", + "Custom": "Personalizado", + "Title A-Z": "Título A-Z", + "Title Z-A": "Título Z-A", + "Tokens ↗": "Tokens ↗", + "Tokens ↘": "Tokens ↘", + "Depth ↗": "Profundidade ↗", + "Depth ↘": "Profundidade ↘", + "Order ↗": "Ordem ↗", + "Order ↘": "Ordem ↘", + "UID ↗": "UID ↗", + "UID ↘": "UID ↘", + "Trigger% ↗": "Desencadear% ↗", + "Trigger% ↘": "Desencadear% ↘", "Order:": "Ordem:", + "Depth:": "Profundidade:", + "Character Lore First": "Lore do Personagem Primeiro", + "Global Lore First": "Lore Global Primeiro", + "Recursive Scan": "Verificação Recursiva", + "Case Sensitive": "Sensível a Maiúsculas", + "Match whole words": "Corresponder palavras inteiras", + "Alert On Overflow": "Alerta em Overflow", + "World/Lore Editor": "Editor de Mundo/Lore", + "--- None ---": "--- Nenhum ---", + "Comma separated (ignored if empty)": "Separado por vírgula (ignorado se vazio)", + "Use Probability": "Usar Probabilidade", + "Exclude from recursion": "Excluir da recursão", + "Entry Title/Memo": "Título da Entrada/Memo", + "Position:": "Posição:", + "T_Position": "↑Char: antes das definições de caractere\n↓Char: após as definições de caractere\n↑AN: antes das notas do autor\n↓AN: após as notas do autor\n@D: em profundidade", + "Before Char Defs": "Antes das definições de caractere", + "After Char Defs": "Após as definições de caractere", + "Before AN": "Antes do AN", + "After AN": "Após o AN", + "at Depth": "na Profundidade", + "Order": "Ordem:", "Probability:": "Probabilidade:", - "Delete Entry": "Excluir entrada", - "User Message Blur Tint": "Desfoque de fundo do usuário", - "AI Message Blur Tint": "Desfoque de fundo AI", - "Chat Style": "Estilo de bate-papo", - "Chat Width (PC)": "Largura do quadro de bate-papo (PC)", - "Chat Timestamps": "Carimbo de data e hora do bate-papo", - "Message IDs": "ID da mensagem", - "Prefer Character Card Prompt": "Prioridade imediata do 'Cartão de Personagem'", - "Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "Prioridade de jailbreak do 'cartão de personagem'", - "Press Send to continue": "Pressione Enter para continuar", - "Log prompts to console": "Log prompt para console", - "Never resize avatars": "Nunca redimensione seu avatar", - "Show avatar filenames": "Mostrar o nome do arquivo do avatar", - "Import Card Tags": "Importar etiquetas de cartão", - "Confirm message deletion": "Confirmar exclusão da mensagem", - "Spoiler Free Mode": "Modo sem spoiler", - "Auto-swipe": "Deslizar automaticamente", - "Minimum generated message length": "Tamanho mínimo para mensagens geradas", - "Blacklisted words": "Palavras na lista negra", - "Blacklisted word count to swipe": "Número de palavras na lista negra", - "Reload Chat": "Recarregar bate-papo", - "Not Connected": "Desconectar", - "Persona Management": "Gerenciando seu alter ego", - "Persona Description": "Descrição do alter ego", - "Before Character Card": "Antes do 'Cartão de Personagem'", - "After Character Card": "Depois do 'Cartão de Personagem'", - "Top of Author's Note": "No início das notas do autor", - "Bottom of Author's Note": "No final das notas do autor", - "How do I use this?": "O que é e o que posso fazer a respeito?", - "More...": "Mostre mais...", - "Link to World Info": "Link 'Informações do mundo'", - "Import Card Lore": "Importar o histórico do papel", - "Scenario Override": "Substituindo o cenário", + "Update a theme file": "Atualizar um arquivo de tema", + "Save as a new theme": "Salvar como um novo tema", + "Minimum number of blacklisted words detected to trigger an auto-swipe": "Número mínimo de palavras proibidas detectadas para acionar um auto-swipe", + "Delete Entry": "Excluir Entrada", + "User Message Blur Tint": "Tom de Desfoque de Mensagem do Usuário", + "AI Message Blur Tint": "Tom de Desfoque de Mensagem da IA", + "Chat Backgrounds": "Fundos de Chat", + "Chat Background": "Fundo de Chat", + "UI Background": "Fundo da Interface", + "Mad Lab Mode": "Modo Mad Lab", + "Show Message Token Count": "Mostrar Contagem de Tokens da Mensagem", + "Compact Input Area (Mobile)": "Área de Entrada Compacta (Móvel)", + "Zen Sliders": "Controles Zen", + "UI Border": "Borda da Interface", + "Chat Style:": "Estilo do Chat:", + "Chat Width (PC)": "Largura do Chat (PC)", + "Chat Timestamps": "Carimbos de Data/Hora do Chat", + "Tags as Folders": "Tags como Pastas", + "Chat Truncation": "Truncamento do Chat", + "(0 = unlimited)": "(0 = ilimitado)", + "Streaming FPS": "FPS de Streaming", + "Gestures": "Gestos", + "Message IDs": "IDs de Mensagem", + "Prefer Character Card Prompt": "Preferir Prompt do Cartão de Personagem", + "Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "Preferir Jailbreak do Cartão de Personagem", + "Press Send to continue": "Pressione Enviar para continuar", + "Quick 'Continue' button": "Botão 'Continuar' rápido", + "Log prompts to console": "Registrar prompts no console", + "Never resize avatars": "Nunca redimensionar avatares", + "Show avatar filenames": "Mostrar nomes de arquivo de avatar", + "Import Card Tags": "Importar Tags de Cartão", + "Confirm message deletion": "Confirmar exclusão de mensagem", + "Spoiler Free Mode": "Modo Sem Spoilers", + "Auto-swipe": "Auto-swipe", + "Minimum generated message length": "Comprimento mínimo da mensagem gerada", + "Blacklisted words": "Palavras proibidas", + "Blacklisted word count to swipe": "Contagem de palavras proibidas para swipe", + "Reload Chat": "Recarregar Chat", + "Search Settings": "Configurações de Busca", + "Disabled": "Desativado", + "Automatic (PC)": "Automático (PC)", + "Enabled": "Ativado", + "Simple": "Simples", + "Advanced": "Avançado", + "Disables animations and transitions": "Desativa animações e transições", + "removes blur from window backgrounds": "remove o desfoque dos fundos das janelas", + "Remove text shadow effect": "Remover efeito de sombra de texto", + "Reduce chat height, and put a static sprite behind the chat window": "Reduzir a altura do chat e colocar um sprite estático atrás da janela do chat", + "Always show the full list of the Message Actions context items for chat messages, instead of hiding them behind '...'": "Sempre mostrar a lista completa dos itens de contexto de Ações de Mensagem para mensagens de chat, em vez de escondê-los atrás de '...'", + "Alternative UI for numeric sampling parameters with fewer steps": "Interface alternativa para parâmetros de amostragem numérica com menos etapas", + "Entirely unrestrict all numeric sampling parameters": "Desrestringir completamente todos os parâmetros de amostragem numérica", + "Time the AI's message generation, and show the duration in the chat log": "Temporizar a geração de mensagens da IA e mostrar a duração no registro de chat", + "Show a timestamp for each message in the chat log": "Mostrar um carimbo de data/hora para cada mensagem no registro de chat", + "Show an icon for the API that generated the message": "Mostrar um ícone para a API que gerou a mensagem", + "Show sequential message numbers in the chat log": "Mostrar números sequenciais de mensagem no registro de chat", + "Show the number of tokens in each message in the chat log": "Mostrar o número de tokens em cada mensagem no registro de chat", + "Single-row message input area. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "Área de entrada de mensagem de uma única linha. Apenas móvel, sem efeito no PC", + "In the Character Management panel, show quick selection buttons for favorited characters": "No painel de Gerenciamento de Personagens, mostrar botões de seleção rápida para personagens favoritos", + "Show tagged character folders in the character list": "Mostrar pastas de personagens marcados na lista de personagens", + "Play a sound when a message generation finishes": "Reproduzir um som quando a geração de mensagem termina", + "Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused": "Reproduzir um som apenas quando a guia do navegador de ST não estiver focada", + "Reduce the formatting requirements on API URLs": "Reduzir os requisitos de formatação nos URLs da API", + "Ask to import the World Info/Lorebook for every new character with embedded lorebook. If unchecked, a brief message will be shown instead": "Pergunte se deseja importar as Informações Mundiais/Livro de Histórias para cada novo personagem com lorebook incorporado. Se não estiver marcado, será exibida uma breve mensagem em vez disso", + "Restore unsaved user input on page refresh": "Restaurar a entrada do usuário não salva ao atualizar a página", + "Allow repositioning certain UI elements by dragging them. PC only, no effect on mobile": "Permitir reposicionamento de certos elementos da interface do usuário arrastando-os. Apenas PC, sem efeito no móvel", + "MovingUI preset. Predefined/saved draggable positions": "Predefinição MovingUI. Posições arrastáveis predefinidas/salvas", + "Save movingUI changes to a new file": "Salvar as alterações de MovingUI em um novo arquivo", + "Apply a custom CSS style to all of the ST GUI": "Aplicar um estilo CSS personalizado a toda a GUI do ST", + "Use fuzzy matching, and search characters in the list by all data fields, not just by a name substring": "Usar correspondência fuzzy e pesquisar personagens na lista por todos os campos de dados, não apenas por uma subcadeia de nome", + "If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead": "Se marcado e o cartão de personagem contiver uma substituição de prompt (Prompt do Sistema), use isso em vez disso", + "If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead": "Se marcado e o cartão de personagem contiver uma substituição de jailbreak (Instrução de Histórico de Postagens), use isso em vez disso", + "Avoid cropping and resizing imported character images. When off, crop/resize to 400x600": "Evitar recorte e redimensionamento de imagens de personagens importadas. Quando desligado, recorte/redimensione para 400x600", + "Show actual file names on the disk, in the characters list display only": "Mostrar nomes de arquivo reais no disco, apenas na exibição da lista de personagens", + "Prompt to import embedded card tags on character import. Otherwise embedded tags are ignored": "Solicitar a importação de tags de cartão incorporadas na importação de personagens. Caso contrário, as tags incorporadas são ignoradas", + "Hide character definitions from the editor panel behind a spoiler button": "Ocultar definições de personagens do painel do editor atrás de um botão de spoiler", + "Show a button in the input area to ask the AI to continue (extend) its last message": "Mostrar um botão na área de entrada para pedir à IA que continue (estenda) sua última mensagem", + "Show arrow buttons on the last in-chat message to generate alternative AI responses. Both PC and mobile": "Mostrar botões de seta na última mensagem no chat para gerar respostas alternativas da IA. Tanto no PC quanto no celular", + "Allow using swiping gestures on the last in-chat message to trigger swipe generation. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "Permitir o uso de gestos de deslizamento na última mensagem no chat para acionar a geração de deslize. Apenas móvel, sem efeito no PC", + "Save edits to messages without confirmation as you type": "Salvar edições em mensagens sem confirmação enquanto você digita", + "Render LaTeX and AsciiMath equation notation in chat messages. Powered by KaTeX": "Renderizar notação de equações LaTeX e AsciiMath em mensagens de chat. Alimentado por KaTeX", + "Disalow embedded media from other domains in chat messages": "Não permitir mídia incorporada de outros domínios em mensagens de chat", + "Skip encoding and characters in message text, allowing a subset of HTML markup as well as Markdown": "Pular a codificação de caracteres em texto de mensagem, permitindo um subconjunto de marcação HTML, bem como Markdown", + "Allow AI messages in groups to contain lines spoken by other group members": "Permitir que mensagens de IA em grupos contenham linhas faladas por outros membros do grupo", + "Requests logprobs from the API for the Token Probabilities feature": "Solicita logprobs da API para o recurso de Probabilidades de Token", + "Automatically reject and re-generate AI message based on configurable criteria": "Rejeitar automaticamente e recriar mensagem de IA com base em critérios configuráveis", + "Enable the auto-swipe function. Settings in this section only have an effect when auto-swipe is enabled": "Ativar a função de auto-swipe. As configurações nesta seção só têm efeito quando o auto-swipe está ativado", + "If the generated message is shorter than this, trigger an auto-swipe": "Se a mensagem gerada for mais curta que isso, acione um auto-swipe", + "Reload and redraw the currently open chat": "Recarregar e redesenhar o chat atualmente aberto", + "Auto-Expand Message Actions": "Expansão Automática de Ações de Mensagem", + "Not Connected": "Não Conectado", + "Persona Management": "Gerenciamento de Personagens", + "Persona Description": "Descrição da Persona", + "Your Persona": "Sua Persona", + "Show notifications on switching personas": "Mostrar notificações ao alternar personas", + "Blank": "Em Branco", + "In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "Na sequência de história / Completude do chat: Antes do cartão de personagem", + "In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "Na sequência de história / Completude do chat: Depois do cartão de personagem", + "In Story String / Prompt Manager": "Na sequência de história / Gerenciador de prompt", + "Top of Author's Note": "Topo da nota do autor", + "Bottom of Author's Note": "Fundo da nota do autor", + "How do I use this?": "Como eu uso isso?", + "More...": "Mais...", + "Link to World Info": "Link para informações do mundo", + "Import Card Lore": "Importar lore do cartão", + "Scenario Override": "Substituição de cenário", "Rename": "Renomear", "Character Description": "Descrição do personagem", - "Creator's Notes": "Notas do Criador", + "Creator's Notes": "Notas do criador", "A-Z": "A-Z", "Z-A": "Z-A", "Newest": "Mais recente", - "Oldest": "Menos recente", + "Oldest": "Mais antigo", "Favorites": "Favoritos", "Recent": "Recente", - "Most chats": "Mais sessões de chat", - "Least chats": "Menos sessões de chat", - "Back": "Para trás", - "Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct mode)": "Substituição de prompt (para APIs OpenAI/Claude/Scale, Window/OpenRouter e modo Instruct)", - "Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.":"Digite {{original}} dentro da caixa para incluir os respectivos prompts padrão das configurações do sistema.", + "Most chats": "Maioria dos chats", + "Least chats": "Menos chats", + "Back": "Voltar", + "Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct mode)": "Substituições de prompt (Para APIs OpenAI/Claude/Scale, Window/OpenRouter e modo Instruir)", + "Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": "Insira {{original}} em qualquer caixa para incluir o prompt padrão respectivo das configurações do sistema.", "Main Prompt": "Prompt principal", - "Jailbreak": "Fuga de presos", - "Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "Metadados do criador (não enviados para IA)", + "Jailbreak": "Jailbreak", + "Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "Metadados do criador (Não enviado com o prompt da IA)", "Everything here is optional": "Tudo aqui é opcional", "Created by": "Criado por", "Character Version": "Versão do personagem", "Tags to Embed": "Tags para incorporar", - "How often the character speaks in group chats!": "A frequência com que o personagem fala em chats em grupo!", - "Important to set the character's writing style.": "Importante para definir o estilo de escrita do personagem.", + "How often the character speaks in group chats!": "Com que frequência o personagem fala em chats em grupo!", + "Important to set the character's writing style.": "Importante definir o estilo de escrita do personagem.", "ATTENTION!": "ATENÇÃO!", - "Samplers Order": "Ordem de Amostradores", - "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "Os amostradores serão aplicados em uma ordem de cima para baixo. Use com cautela.", - "Repetition Penalty": "Penalidade de Repetição", - "Epsilon Cutoff": "Corte Épsilon", - "Eta Cutoff": "Eta Corte", - "Rep. Pen. Range.": "Alcance da Penalidade de Repetição", - "Rep. Pen. Freq.": "Frequência da Penalidade de Repetição", - "Rep. Pen. Presence": "Presença da Penalidade de Repetição", - "Enter it in the box below:": "Digite-o na caixa abaixo:", - "separate with commas w/o space between": "separe com vírgulas sem espaço entre eles", + "Samplers Order": "Ordem dos samplers", + "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "Os samplers serão aplicados em ordem de cima para baixo. Use com cautela.", + "Repetition Penalty": "Penalidade de repetição", + "Rep. Pen. Range.": "Faixa de Pen. Rep.", + "Rep. Pen. Freq.": "Freq. Pen. Rep.", + "Rep. Pen. Presence": "Presença de Pen. Rep.", + "Enter it in the box below:": "Digite na caixa abaixo:", + "separate with commas w/o space between": "separe com vírgulas sem espaço entre", "Document": "Documento", + "Suggest replies": "Sugerir respostas", + "Show suggested replies. Not all bots support this.": "Mostrar respostas sugeridas. Nem todos os bots suportam isso.", + "Use 'Unlocked Context' to enable chunked generation.": "Use 'Contexto Desbloqueado' para habilitar a geração segmentada.", + "It extends the context window in exchange for reply generation speed.": "Ele estende a janela de contexto em troca da velocidade de geração de respostas.", "Continue": "Continuar", - "Editing": "Edição", - "AI reply prefix": "Prefixo de resposta AI", - "Custom Stopping Strings": "Sequências de parada personalizadas", - "JSON serialized array of strings": "Matriz de strings serializada JSON", - "words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "Digite as palavras que não deseja que sejam geradas, elas devem ser separadas por vírgulas ','", - "Extensions URL": "Extensões de URL", - "API Key": "Chave API", - "Enter your name": "Insira seu nome", + "CFG Scale": "Escala CFG", + "Editing:": "Edição:", + "AI reply prefix": "Prefixo de resposta da IA", + "Custom Stopping Strings": "Cadeias de parada personalizadas", + "JSON serialized array of strings": "Matriz de strings serializada em JSON", + "words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "palavras que você não quer geradas separadas por vírgula ','", + "Extensions URL": "URL das extensões", + "API Key": "Chave da API", + "Enter your name": "Digite seu nome", "Name this character": "Nomeie este personagem", - "Search / Create Tags": "Pesquisar/Criar Tag", - "Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "Descreva as características físicas e psicológicas do seu personagem.", - "This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "Esta será a primeira mensagem que o personagem usará no início de cada chat.", - "Chat Name (Optional)": "Nome do bate-papo (opcional)", - "Filter...": "Filtro...", - "Search...": "Aproximar...", - "Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "Cada item aqui substituirá o prompt principal padrão usado por este personagem. (especificação v2 system_prompt)", - "Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "Cada item aqui substituirá o Jailbreak padrão usado por este personagem. (especificação v2 post_history_instructions)", - "(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "(Nome do criador do bot/Informações de contato)", - "(If you want to track character versions)": "(Se você quiser relatar a versão atual do personagem)", - "(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "(Descreva o bot, escreva sugestões ou informe sobre os modelos de IA em que ele foi testado. Isso será mostrado na lista de personagens)", - "(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "(Escreva uma lista de tags separadas por vírgula)", - "(A brief description of the personality)": "(Escreva uma breve descrição de sua personalidade)", - "(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "(Escreva as circunstâncias e o contexto do cenário)", - "(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "(Exemplos de diálogo. Comece cada exemplo com START quando retornar.)", + "Search / Create Tags": "Pesquisar / Criar tags", + "Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "Descreva os traços físicos e mentais do seu personagem aqui.", + "This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "Esta será a primeira mensagem do personagem que inicia cada chat.", + "Chat Name (Optional)": "Nome do chat (opcional)", + "Filter...": "Filtrar...", + "Search...": "Pesquisar...", + "Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "Qualquer conteúdo aqui substituirá o prompt principal padrão usado para este personagem. (especificação v2: system_prompt)", + "Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "Qualquer conteúdo aqui substituirá o prompt de jailbreak padrão usado para este personagem. (especificação v2: post_history_instructions)", + "(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "(Nome do fabricante do bot / Informações de contato)", + "(If you want to track character versions)": "(Se você deseja rastrear versões do personagem)", + "(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "(Descreva o bot, dê dicas de uso ou liste os modelos de chat nos quais ele foi testado. Isso será exibido na lista de personagens.)", + "(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "(Escreva uma lista de tags separadas por vírgulas)", + "(A brief description of the personality)": "(Uma breve descrição da personalidade)", + "(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "(Circunstâncias e contexto da interação)", + "(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "(Exemplos de diálogo de chat. Comece cada exemplo com START em uma nova linha.)", "Injection text (supports parameters)": "Texto de injeção (suporta parâmetros)", - "Injection depth": "Profundidade de injeção", - "Type here...": "Escreva aqui...", - "Comma separated (required)": "Separar palavras com vírgulas (obrigatório)", - "Comma separated (ignored if empty)": "Separar palavras com vírgulas (ignorar se estiver em branco)", - "What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "O que esta palavra-chave deve significar para a IA? Relate tudo fielmente, palavra por palavra", - "Not sent to the AI": "Não será enviado para a IA", - "(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "(Esta será a primeira mensagem que o personagem enviará no início de cada chat)", - "Not connected to API!": "Não conectado a nenhuma API!", - "AI Response Configuration": "Configurando a resposta de IA", - "AI Configuration panel will stay open": "Se você clicar no cadeado, o painel de configuração da IA permanecerá aberto", + "Injection depth": "Profundidade da injeção", + "Type here...": "Digite aqui...", + "Comma separated (required)": "Separado por vírgula (obrigatório)", + "What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "O que essa palavra-chave deve significar para a IA, enviada literalmente", + "Filter to Character(s)": "Filtrar para Personagem(s)", + "Character Exclusion": "Exclusão de personagem", + "Inclusion Group": "Grupo de inclusão", + "Only one entry with the same label will be activated": "Apenas uma entrada com o mesmo rótulo será ativada", + "-- Characters not found --": "-- Personagens não encontrados --", + "Not sent to the AI": "Não enviado para a IA", + "(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "(Esta será a primeira mensagem do personagem que inicia cada chat)", + "Not connected to API!": "Não conectado à API!", + "AI Response Configuration": "Configuração de resposta da IA", + "AI Configuration panel will stay open": "O painel de configuração da IA permanecerá aberto", "Update current preset": "Atualizar predefinição atual", - "Create new preset": "Criar uma nova predefinição", - "Import preset": "Importar predefinições", - "Export preset": "Exportar predefinições", - "Delete the preset": "Limpar predefinições", - "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message": "Insira o Jailbreak como a última mensagem do sistema", - "NSFW block goes first in the resulting prompt": "O bloco de conteúdo NSFW virá primeiro no prompt atual", - "Enables OpenAI completion streaming": "Ativar 'conclusão de streaming' para OpenAI", - "Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "Coloque a mensagem do usuário entre aspas antes de enviar a mensagem", + "Create new preset": "Criar nova predefinição", + "Import preset": "Importar predefinição", + "Export preset": "Exportar predefinição", + "Delete the preset": "Excluir a predefinição", + "Auto-select this preset for Instruct Mode": "Selecionar automaticamente esta predefinição para o Modo de Instrução", + "Auto-select this preset on API connection": "Selecionar automaticamente esta predefinição na conexão da API", + "NSFW block goes first in the resulting prompt": "O bloqueio NSFW vai primeiro no prompt resultante", + "Enables OpenAI completion streaming": "Ativa a transmissão de conclusão do OpenAI", + "Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "Envolver mensagens do usuário entre aspas antes de enviar", "Restore default prompt": "Restaurar prompt padrão", "New preset": "Nova predefinição", - "Delete preset": "Excluir predefinições", - "Restore default jailbreak": "Restaurar Jailbreak padrão", + "Delete preset": "Excluir predefinição", + "Restore default jailbreak": "Restaurar jailbreak padrão", "Restore default reply": "Restaurar resposta padrão", - "Restore defaul note": "Restaurar notas padrão", - "API Connections": "Conexões API", - "Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "Você pode ajudar a resolver o problema das respostas negativas apenas pedindo para ser colocado em listas de usuários aprovados. Isso pode diminuir o tempo de resposta.", - "Clear your API key": "Exclua sua chave API", + "Restore default note": "Restaurar nota padrão", + "API Connections": "Conexões da API", + "Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "Pode ajudar com respostas ruins, enfileirando apenas os trabalhadores aprovados. Pode diminuir a velocidade de resposta.", + "Clear your API key": "Limpar sua chave da API", "Refresh models": "Atualizar modelos", - "Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to openrouter.ai": "Obtenha seus tokens da API OpenRouter por meio do fluxo OAuth. Você será redirecionado para a página openrouter.ai", - "Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "Teste sua conexão com a API enviando uma mensagem curta. Você deve entender que a mensagem será cobrada como qualquer outra!", - "Create New": "Crie um novo", + "Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to openrouter.ai": "Obtenha seu token da API do OpenRouter usando o fluxo OAuth. Você será redirecionado para openrouter.ai", + "Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "Verifica sua conexão com a API enviando uma mensagem de teste curta. Esteja ciente de que você será creditado por isso!", + "Create New": "Criar novo", "Edit": "Editar", - "World Info": "'Informações mundiais'", - "Locked = World Editor will stay open": "Se você clicar no cadeado, o editor mundial permanecerá aberto", - "Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "As vozes podem desencadear outros rumores ao mencionar suas palavras-chave", - "Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "Preste atenção nas palavras-chave utilizadas, elas respeitarão as letras maiúsculas", - "If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "Se a palavra-chave consistir em apenas uma palavra, ela não será combinada como parte de outras palavras", + "Locked = World Editor will stay open": "Trancado = Editor Mundial permanecerá aberto", + "Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "As entradas podem ativar outras entradas mencionando suas palavras-chave", + "Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "A busca pelas chaves de entrada no contexto respeitará a caixa", + "If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "Se a chave de entrada consistir apenas em uma palavra, ela não será correspondida como parte de outras palavras", "Open all Entries": "Abrir todas as entradas", "Close all Entries": "Fechar todas as entradas", "Create": "Criar", - "Import World Info": "Importar 'Informações Mundiais'", - "Export World Info": "Exportar 'Informações Mundiais'", - "Delete World Info": "Excluir 'Informações do Mundo'", - "Rename World Info": "Renomear 'Informações do Mundo'", - "Save changes to a new theme file": "Salvar alterações em um novo arquivo", - "removes blur and uses alternative background color for divs": "remova o desfoque e use um fundo colorido alternativo para 'divs'", - "If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead.": "Se a caixa estiver marcada e o 'Cartão de Personagem' contiver uma substituição de prompt (prompt do sistema), use-a.", - "If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead.": "Se a caixa estiver marcada e o 'Cartão de Personagem' contiver uma substituição do Jailbreak (Instrução Pós-Histórico), use-a.", - "AI Response Formatting": "Formatando a resposta da IA", - "Change Background Image": "Alterar a imagem de fundo", + "Import World Info": "Importar informações do mundo", + "Export World Info": "Exportar informações do mundo", + "Delete World Info": "Excluir informações do mundo", + "Duplicate World Info": "Duplicar informações do mundo", + "Rename World Info": "Renomear informações do mundo", + "Refresh": "Atualizar", + "Primary Keywords": "Palavras-chave primárias", + "Logic": "Lógica", + "AND ANY": "E QUALQUER", + "AND ALL": "E TODOS", + "NOT ALL": "NENHUM DE TODOS", + "NOT ANY": "NENHUM DE QUALQUER", + "Optional Filter": "Filtro opcional", + "New Entry": "Nova entrada", + "Fill empty Memo/Titles with Keywords": "Preencher Memo/Títulos vazios com palavras-chave", + "Save changes to a new theme file": "Salvar alterações em um novo arquivo de tema", + "removes blur and uses alternative background color for divs": "remove o desfoque e usa uma cor de fundo alternativa para as divs", + "AI Response Formatting": "Formatação de resposta da IA", + "Change Background Image": "Alterar imagem de fundo", "Extensions": "Extensões", - "Click to set a new User Name": "Clique aqui para definir um novo nome de usuário", - "Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "Clique aqui para bloquear o alter ego selecionado do chat atual. Clique novamente para remover o bloqueio.", - "Click to set user name for all messages": "Clique aqui para definir seu nome de usuário para todas as mensagens", - "Create a dummy persona": "Crie seu próprio alter ego fictício", - "Character Management": "Gerenciamento de Personagens", - "Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "Se você clicar no cadeado, o painel de gerenciamento de personagens permanecerá aberto", + "Click to set a new User Name": "Clique para definir um novo nome de usuário", + "Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "Clique para travar sua persona selecionada no chat atual. Clique novamente para remover o travamento.", + "Click to set user name for all messages": "Clique para definir o nome de usuário para todas as mensagens", + "Create a dummy persona": "Criar uma persona fictícia", + "Character Management": "Gerenciamento de personagens", + "Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "Trancado = O painel de gerenciamento de personagens permanecerá aberto", "Select/Create Characters": "Selecionar/Criar Personagens", - "Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "As contagens de tokens podem ser imprecisas e, portanto, devem ser usadas apenas como uma aproximação.", - "Click to select a new avatar for this character": "Clique aqui para selecionar um novo avatar para este personagem", + "Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "As contagens de tokens podem ser imprecisas e fornecidas apenas para referência.", + "Click to select a new avatar for this character": "Clique para selecionar um novo avatar para este personagem", + "Example: [{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]": "Exemplo: [{{user}} é uma garota gata romena de 28 anos.]", + "Toggle grid view": "Alternar visualização de grade", "Add to Favorites": "Adicionar aos favoritos", - "Advanced Definition": "Definições avançadas", - "Character Lore": "História do personagem", + "Advanced Definition": "Definição avançada", + "Character Lore": "Lore do personagem", "Export and Download": "Exportar e baixar", - "Duplicate Character": "Caracter duplicado", - "Create Character": "Criar um personagem", - "Delete Character": "Excluir um personagem", - "View all tags": "Mostrar todas as tags", - "Click to set additional greeting messages": "Clique aqui para definir mensagens de boas-vindas adicionais", - "Show / Hide Description and First Message": "Mostrar/ocultar descrição e primeira mensagem", - "Click to select a new avatar for this group": "Clique aqui para selecionar um novo avatar para este grupo", - "Set a group chat scenario": "Definir cenário para bate-papo em grupo", - "Restore collage avatar": "Restaurar colagem de avatar", - "Create New Character": "Crie um novo personagem", - "Import Character from File": "Importar um personagem de um arquivo", - "Import content from external URL": "Importar conteúdo de uma URL externa", - "Create New Chat Group": "Criar um novo bate-papo em grupo", - "Characters sorting order": "Ordenação de caracteres", - "Add chat injection": "Adicionar 'injeção de chat'", + "Duplicate Character": "Duplicar personagem", + "Create Character": "Criar personagem", + "Delete Character": "Excluir personagem", + "View all tags": "Ver todas as tags", + "Click to set additional greeting messages": "Clique para definir mensagens de saudação adicionais", + "Show / Hide Description and First Message": "Mostrar / Ocultar Descrição e Primeira Mensagem", + "Click to select a new avatar for this group": "Clique para selecionar um novo avatar para este grupo", + "Set a group chat scenario": "Definir um cenário de bate-papo em grupo", + "Restore collage avatar": "Restaurar avatar de colagem", + "Create New Character": "Criar novo personagem", + "Import Character from File": "Importar personagem do arquivo", + "Import content from external URL": "Importar conteúdo de URL externa", + "Create New Chat Group": "Criar novo grupo de bate-papo", + "Characters sorting order": "Ordem de classificação dos personagens", + "Add chat injection": "Adicionar injeção de bate-papo", "Remove injection": "Remover injeção", - "Remove": "Excluir", - "Select a World Info file for": "Selecione um arquivo de informações mundiais para", - "Primary Lorebook": "Livro de História Principal", - "A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "Um 'Mundo de Informações' selecionado será vinculado a este personagem como seu próprio Livro de História.", - "When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "Ao gerar uma resposta de IA, ela será combinada com as entradas de um seletor global de 'Informações Mundiais'.", - "Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": "Exportar um personagem também exportará o arquivo do Livro de História selecionado incorporado nos dados JSON.", - "Additional Lorebooks": "Livros de História Adicionais", - "Associate one or more auxiliary Lorebooks with this character.": "Associe um ou mais Livros de História auxiliares a este personagem.", - "NOTE: These choices are optional and will not be preserved in the character export!": "OBSERVAÇÃO: Essas escolhas são opcionais e não serão preservadas na exportação do personagem!", + "Remove": "Remover", + "Select a World Info file for": "Selecionar um arquivo de informações do mundo para", + "Primary Lorebook": "Livro de lore primário", + "A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "Um World Info selecionado será vinculado a este personagem como seu próprio Livro de Lore.", + "When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "Ao gerar uma resposta da IA, ela será combinada com as entradas de um seletor global de Informações do Mundo.", + "Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": "Exportar um personagem também exportaria o arquivo de Livro de Lore selecionado incorporado nos dados JSON.", + "Additional Lorebooks": "Livros de lore adicionais", + "Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.": "Associar um ou mais Livros de Lore auxiliares a este personagem.", + "NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!": "NOTA: Essas escolhas são opcionais e não serão preservadas na exportação do personagem!", "Rename chat file": "Renomear arquivo de bate-papo", - "Export JSONL chat file": "Exportar arquivo de bate-papo para JSONL", - "Download chat as plain text document": "Baixar chat como documento de texto", + "Export JSONL chat file": "Exportar arquivo de bate-papo JSONL", + "Download chat as plain text document": "Baixar bate-papo como documento de texto simples", "Delete chat file": "Excluir arquivo de bate-papo", - "Delete tag": "Excluir etiqueta", + "Delete tag": "Excluir tag", "Translate message": "Traduzir mensagem", - "Generate Image": "Gerar uma imagem", - "Narrate": "Narra", - "Prompt": "Comandos", - "Create Bookmark": "Criar um marcador", - "Copy": "Cópia de", - "Open bookmark chat": "Abrir bate-papo salvo como favorito", - "Confirm": "Ele confirma", + "Generate Image": "Gerar imagem", + "Narrate": "Narrar", + "Prompt": "Prompt", + "Create Bookmark": "Criar marcador", + "Copy": "Copiar", + "Open bookmark chat": "Abrir bate-papo de marcador", + "Confirm": "Confirmar", "Copy this message": "Copiar esta mensagem", "Delete this message": "Excluir esta mensagem", "Move message up": "Mover mensagem para cima", "Move message down": "Mover mensagem para baixo", - "Enlarge": "Prolongar", - "Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character": "Desative temporariamente as respostas automáticas deste personagem", + "Enlarge": "Aumentar", + "Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character": "Desativar temporariamente respostas automáticas deste personagem", "Enable automatic replies from this character": "Ativar respostas automáticas deste personagem", - "Trigger a message from this character": "Acione uma mensagem de resposta deste personagem", - "Move up": "Subir", + "Trigger a message from this character": "Disparar uma mensagem deste personagem", + "Move up": "Mover para cima", "Move down": "Mover para baixo", - "View character card": "Mostrar o 'Cartão de Personagem'", + "View character card": "Ver cartão de personagem", "Remove from group": "Remover do grupo", "Add to group": "Adicionar ao grupo", "Add": "Adicionar", - "Abort request": "Parar solicitação", - "Send a message": "Enviar mensagem", - "Ask AI to write your message for you": "Peça à IA para escrever uma mensagem para você", - "Continue the last message": "Continuar última mensagem no chat", - "Bind user name to that avatar": "Vincular nome de usuário a este avatar", - "Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "Selecione este alter ego como padrão para todos os novos chats", - "Change persona image": "Mudar a imagem do seu alter ego", - "Delete persona": "Excluir seu alter ego", - "--- Pick to Edit ---": "--- Selecione para editar ---", - "Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "Escreva aqui o que você não deseja que a IA gere em suas saídas.", - "write short replies, write replies using past tense": "Escreva respostas curtas, escreva respostas usando o pretérito", - "Alert if your world info is greater than the allocated budget.": "Alerta se suas informações mundiais ultrapassarem o orçamento alocado.", - "Clear your cookie": "Limpar os seus cookies", - "Restore new group chat prompt":"Redefinir novo prompt de bate-papo em grupo", - "Save movingUI changes to a new file": "Salvar as alterações feitas na posição dos painéis da UI (MovingUI) em um novo arquivo", - "Export all": "Exportar tudo", - "Import": "Importa", - "Insert": "Inserir", - "New": "Novo", - "Prompts": "Comandos", - "Tokens": "Fichas", - "Reset current character": "Restaurar personagem atual", - "(0 = disabled)": "(0 = desativado)", - "1 = disabled": "1 = desativado", - "Activation Regex": "Ativação Regex", - "Active World(s) for all chats": "Ative o mundo para todos os bate-papos", - "Add character names": "Adicionar nomes de personagens", - "Add Memo": "Adicionar notas", - "Advanced Character Search": "Pesquisa avançada de caracteres", - "Aggressive": "Agressivo", - "AI21 Model": "Modelo FW21", - "Alert On Overflow": "Aviso em caso de estouro", - "Allow fallback routes": "Permitir rotas alternativas", - "Allow fallback routes Description": "Permitir descrição de rotas substitutas", - "Alt Method": "Método Alt", - "Alternate Greetings": "Saudações alternativas", - "Alternate Greetings Hint": "Pressione a cruz no canto superior direito para gerar uma nova caixa de texto", - "Alternate Greetings Subtitle": "Saudações alternativas estarão presentes aqui", - "Assistant Prefill": "Assistente de pré-preenchimento", - "Banned Tokens": "Tokens Banidos", - "Blank": "Novo", - "Browser default": "Padrão do navegador", - "Budget Cap": "Limite de orçamento", + "Abort request": "Cancelar solicitação", + "Send a message": "Enviar uma mensagem", + "Ask AI to write your message for you": "Peça à IA para escrever sua mensagem para você", + "Continue the last message": "Continuar a última mensagem", + "Bind user name to that avatar": "Associar nome de usuário a esse avatar", + "Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "Selecionar isso como persona padrão para os novos chats.", + "Change persona image": "Alterar imagem da persona", + "Delete persona": "Excluir persona", + "Reduced Motion": "Movimento reduzido", + "Auto-select": "Seleção automática", + "Automatically select a background based on the chat context": "Selecionar automaticamente um plano de fundo com base no contexto do chat", + "Filter": "Filtro", + "Exclude message from prompts": "Excluir mensagem de prompts", + "Include message in prompts": "Incluir mensagem em prompts", + "Create checkpoint": "Criar ponto de verificação", + "Create Branch": "Criar ramo", + "Embed file or image": "Incorporar arquivo ou imagem", + "UI Theme": "Tema da interface do usuário", + "This message is invisible for the AI": "Esta mensagem é invisível para a IA", + "Sampler Priority": "Prioridade do amostrador", + "Ooba only. Determines the order of samplers.": "Apenas Ooba. Determina a ordem dos amostradores.", + "Load default order": "Carregar ordem padrão", + "Max Tokens Second": "Máximo de Tokens por Segundo", "CFG": "CFG", - "CFG Scale": "Escala CFG", - "Changes the style of the generated text.": "Alterar o estilo do texto gerado.", - "Character Negatives": "Negativos de Personagem", - "Chat Negatives": "Bate-papo Negativos", - "Chat Scenario Override": "Substituição do cenário de bate-papo", - "Chat Start": "Iniciando bate-papo", - "Claude Model": "Modelo Cláudio", - "Close chat": "Fechar bate-papo", - "Context %": "Contexto%", - "Context Template": "Modelo de Contexto", - "Count Penalty": "Contagem de penalidade", - "Example Separator": "Exemplo de separador", - "Exclude Assistant suffix": "Excluir sufixo de assistente", - "Exclude the assistant suffix from being added to the end of prompt.": "Exclui o sufixo do assistente de ser adicionado ao final do prompt.", - "Force for Groups and Personas": "Forçar para Grupos e Personas", - "Global Negatives": "Negativos Globais", - "In Story String / Chat Completion: Depois do Cartão de Personagem": "Na sequência narrativa / Conclusão do Chat Após o 'Cartão de Personagem'", - "In Story String / Chat Completion: Antes do Cartão de Personagem": "Na sequência narrativa / Conclusão do bate-papo Antes do 'Cartão de Personagem'", - "Instruct": "Instruir", - "Instruct Mode": "Modo Instruir", - "Last Sequence": "Última Sequência", - "Lazy Chat Loading": "Carregamento Preguiçoso de Bate-papo", - "Least tokens": "Menor número de tokens", - "Light": "Leve", - "Load koboldcpp order": "Ordem de Carregamento do koboldcpp", - "Main": "Principal", - "Mancer API key": "Chave da API Mancer", - "Mancer API url": "URL da API Mancer", - "May help the model to understand context. Names must only contain letters or numbers.": "Pode ajudar o modelo a entender o contexto. Os nomes devem conter apenas letras ou números.", - "Medium": "Médio", - "Mirostat": "Mirostat", - "Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat (modo=1 é apenas para llama.cpp)", - "Mirostat Eta": "Mirostat Eta", - "Mirostat LR": "Mirostat LR", - "Mirostat Mode": "Modo Mirostat", - "Mirostat Tau": "Mirostat Tau", - "Model Icon": "Ícone do modelo", - "Most tokens": "Tokens máximos", - "MovingUI Preset": "Predefinições de MovingUI", - "Negative Prompt": "Prompt negativo", - "No Module": "Sem forma", - "NSFW": "NSFW", - "Nucleus Sampling":"Amostragem de Núcleo", - "Off": "Esgotado", - "OpenRouter API Key": "Chave de API OpenRouter", - "OpenRouter Model": "Modelo OpenRouter", - "or": "ou", - "Phrase Repetition Penalty": "Penalidade por Repetição de Frase", - "Positive Prompt": "Prompt positivo", - "Preamble": "Premissa", - "Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct Mode)": "Substituições de prompt (para APIs OpenAI/Claude/Scale, Window/OpenRouter e modo de instrução)", - "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is O": "Prompt usado quando o switch NSFW está desligado.", - "Prose Augmenter": "Aumentador de prosa", - "Proxy Password": "Senhas proxy", - "Quick Edit": "Edição rápida", + "No items": "Sem itens", + "Extras API key (optional)": "Chave da API de extras (opcional)", + "Notify on extension updates": "Notificar sobre atualizações de extensão", + "Toggle character grid view": "Alternar visualização em grade de personagem", + "Bulk edit characters": "Editar personagens em massa", + "Bulk delete characters": "Excluir personagens em massa", + "Favorite characters to add them to HotSwaps": "Favoritar personagens para adicioná-los aos HotSwaps", + "Underlined Text": "Texto sublinhado", + "Token Probabilities": "Probabilidades de token", + "Close chat": "Fechar chat", + "Manage chat files": "Gerenciar arquivos de chat", + "Import Extension From Git Repo": "Importar Extensão do Repositório Git", + "Install extension": "Instalar extensão", + "Manage extensions": "Gerenciar extensões", + "Tokens persona description": "Descrição de tokens da persona", + "Most tokens": "Mais tokens", + "Least tokens": "Menos tokens", "Random": "Aleatório", - "Relaxed API URLS": "URL de API desleixado", - "Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "Substituir macros em strings de parada personalizadas", - "Scale": "Escadaria", - "Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line.": "Sequências que você não deseja que apareçam na saída. Uma por linha.", - "Set at the beginning of Dialogue examples to indicate that a new example chat is about to start.": "Definido no início dos diálogos de exemplo para indicar que um novo exemplo de bate-papo está prestes a começar.", - "Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new chat is about to start.": "Definido no início do histórico de bate-papo para indicar que um novo bate-papo está prestes a começar.", - "Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new group chat is about to start.": "Definido no topo do histórico de bate-papo para indicar que um novo bate-papo em grupo está prestes a começar.", - "Show External models (provided by API)": "Mostrar modelos externos (fornecidos pela API)", - "Show Notifications Show notifications on switching personas": "Mostrar uma notificação quando o alter ego for alterado", - "Show tags in responses": "Mostrar tags nas respostas", - "Story String": "Corda Narrativa", - "Text Adventure": "Aventura de texto", - "Text Gen WebUI presets": "WebUI de geração de texto predefinido", - "Toggle Panels": "Interruptor de painel", - "Top A Sampling": "Amostragem Top A", - "Top K Sampling": "Amostragem Top K", - "Unlocked Context Size": "Desbloquear tamanho do contexto", - "Usage Stats": "Estatísticas de utilização", - "Use AI21 Tokenizer": "Use o tokenizador AI21", - "Use API key (Only required for Mancer)": "Usar chave API (necessário apenas para Mancer)", - "Use character author's note": "Use as notas do autor do personagem", - "Use character CFG scales": "Use as escalas CFG do personagem", - "Use Proxy password field instead. This input will be ignored.": "Por favor, use o campo de senha do proxy. Esta entrada será ignorada.", - "Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output": "Usar estilo de tag para alterar o estilo de escrita de saída", - "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Jurassic models, which is more efficient than GPT's.": "Use o tokenizer apropriado para modelos Jurássicos, pois é mais eficiente que o GPT.", - "Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "Só é usado se a Escala CFG não estiver definida globalmente, para chats ou para personagens", - "Very aggressive": "Exageradamente agressivo", - "Very light": "Excessivamente leve", - "Welcome to SillyTavern!": "Bem-vindo ao SillyTavern!", - "Will be used as a password for the proxy instead of API key.": "Isso será usado como senha para o proxy em vez da chave API.", - "Window AI Model": "Modelo de IA de janela", - "Your Persona": "Seu alter ego", - "Start Claude's answer with...": "Comece a resposta de Claude com...", - "# of messages (0 = disabled)": "'# de mensagens (0 = desabilitadas)'", - "Advanced": "Avançado", - "AI Module":"Módulo IA", - "AI21 API Key": "Chave API AI21", - "Allow NSFW images from Horde": "Permitir imagens NSFW da Horda", - "Anthropic's developer console": "Console de desenvolvimento para Anthropic", - "Avoid spending Anlas": "Evite gastar Anlas", - "Click Authorize below or get the key from": "Clique em Autorizar abaixo ou obtenha a chave em", - "Connect": "Conectar", - "Context Order": "Ordem de Contexto", - "Continue nudge": "Continuar cutucando", - "Convert to Persona": "Converta-se em alter ego", - "Debug Menu": "Menu de depuração", - "Debug Warning": "Aviso de depuração", - "Enable simple UI mode": "Iniciar modo UI simples", - "Enter": "Digitar", - "Example Dialogues": "Exemplos de Diálogos", - "Example: https//neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api": "Exemplo: https//neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api", - "Example: ws//": "Exemplo: ws//", - "Execute": "Executar", - "Get it here:": "Obtenha-o aqui:", - "Get your key from": "Obtenha sua chave de", - "Hint": "Dica", - "If you are using:": "Se você estiver usando:", - "In Story String / Prompt Manager": "Gerenciador de Sequência de História / Prompt", - "In-Chat Position not affected": "Posição no bate-papo não afetada", - "Karras (not all samplers supported)": "Karras (nem todos os amostradores são suportados)", - "Models": "Modelos", - "New Chat": "Novo Bate-papo", - "New Example Chat": "Novo exemplo de bate-papo", - "New Group Chat": "Novo bate-papo em grupo", - "Not connected...": "Desconectar...", - "Opus tier": "Nível Opus", - "Output Sequence": "Sequência de saída", - "Permanent": "Permanente", - "Scale API Key": "Chave de API de escala", - "Send names in the ChatML objects.": "Compartilhar nomes de participantes no ChatML.", - "Show impersonated replies in groups": "Mostrar respostas personificadas em bate-papos em grupo", - "Show Message Token Count": "Mostrar custo em tokens por mensagem", - "Show notifications on switching personas": "Mostrar notificações quando o alter ego mudar", - "Simple": "Simples", - "Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.": "Biscoitos Slack e Poe não funcionam aqui, não perca tempo tentando.", - "Strip Example Messages from Prompt": "Remover mensagens de exemplo do prompt", - "Summary": "Resumo", - "to use anonymous mode.": "para usar o modo anônimo.", - "UI Mode": "Modo UI", - "Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.": "Use tags de estilo para alterar o formato de saída.", - "Utility Prompts": "Solicitações de utilitários", - "View my Kudos": "Mostre meus elogios", - "View Remaining Credits": "Mostrar créditos restantes", - "World Info Format Template": "Formato de modelo 'Informações do Mundo'", - "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt.": "Selecione as informações do mundo atualmente ativas antes de inseri-las no prompt.", - "Local server classification": "Classificação do Servidor Local", - "Create Branch": "Criar nova filial", - "removes blur from window backgrounds": "Remover desfoque dos fundos das janelas", - "Allow for Chat Completion APIs": "Permitir 'API de conclusão de bate-papo'", - "at Depth": "à profundidade", - "Auto-Continue": "Resposta Contínua", - "Auto-Expand Message Actions": "Expansão automática de mensagens de ação", - "Automatic (PC)": "Automático (PC)", - "Character Exclusion": "Expulsão de personagem", - "Chat Background": "Fundo de bate-papo", - "Custom CSS": "CSS customizado", - "Depth": "Profundidade", - "Disabled": "Desabilitado", - "Filter to Character(s)": "Filtrar por personagem", - "Grammar": "Gramática", - "Miscellaneous": "Vários", - "PaLM API Key": "Chave API PaLM", - "Relax message trim in Groups": "Leve truncamento de mensagens em bate-papos em grupo", - "Target length (tokens)": "Comprimento alvo (em tokens)", - "Theme Toggles": "Mudança de tema", - "Type in the desired custom grammar (GBNF).": "Escreva sua própria gramática (GBNF).", - "UI Background": "Fundo da IU", - "UI Border": "Borda da IU" + "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "Pular formatação de diálogos de exemplo", + "Import a theme file": "Importar um arquivo de tema", + "Export a theme file": "Exportar um arquivo de tema", + "Unlocked Context Size": "Tamanho do Contexto Desbloqueado", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "Exibir a resposta bit a bit conforme é gerada.", + "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "Quando isso estiver desligado, as respostas serão exibidas de uma vez quando estiverem completas.", + "Quick Prompts Edit": "Edição Rápida de Prompts", + "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "Ativar streaming de conclusão do OpenAI", + "Main": "Principal", + "Utility Prompts": "Prompts de Utilidade", + "Add character names": "Adicionar nomes de personagens", + "Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "Enviar nomes nos objetos de mensagem. Ajuda o modelo a associar mensagens a personagens.", + "Continue prefill": "Continuar com preenchimento prévio", + "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "Continuar envia a última mensagem como papel de assistente em vez de mensagem do sistema com instrução.", + "Squash system messages": "Agrupar mensagens do sistema", + "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "Combina mensagens do sistema consecutivas em uma (excluindo diálogos de exemplo). Pode melhorar a coerência para alguns modelos.", + "Send inline images": "Enviar imagens inline", + "Assistant Prefill": "Preenchimento prévio do assistente", + "Start Claude's answer with...": "Iniciar resposta de Claude com...", + "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "Usar prompt do sistema (apenas Claude 2.1+)", + "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "Enviar o prompt do sistema para modelos suportados. Se desativado, a mensagem do usuário é adicionada ao início do prompt.", + "Prompts": "Prompts", + "Total Tokens:": "Total de Tokens:", + "Insert prompt": "Inserir prompt", + "Delete prompt": "Excluir prompt", + "Import a prompt list": "Importar uma lista de prompts", + "Export this prompt list": "Exportar esta lista de prompts", + "Reset current character": "Redefinir personagem atual", + "New prompt": "Novo prompt", + "Tokens": "Tokens", + "Want to update?": "Quer atualizar?", + "How to start chatting?": "Como começar a conversar?", + "Click": "Clique", + "and select a": "e selecione um", + "Chat API": "API de Chat", + "and pick a character": "e escolha um personagem", + "in the chat bar": "na barra de chat", + "Confused or lost?": "Confuso ou perdido?", + "click these icons!": "clique nesses ícones!", + "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "Site de Documentação do SillyTavern", + "Extras Installation Guide": "Guia de Instalação de Extras", + "Still have questions?": "Ainda tem perguntas?", + "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "Junte-se ao Discord do SillyTavern", + "Post a GitHub issue": "Publicar um problema no GitHub", + "Contact the developers": "Contatar os desenvolvedores", + "Nucleus Sampling": "Amostragem de Núcleo", + "Typical P": "P Típico", + "Top K Sampling": "Amostragem dos Principais K", + "Top A Sampling": "Amostragem dos Principais A", + "Off": "Desligado", + "Very light": "Muito leve", + "Light": "Leve", + "Medium": "Médio", + "Aggressive": "Agressivo", + "Very aggressive": "Muito agressivo", + "Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique. In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3. Set to 0 to disable. See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "O corte Eta é o principal parâmetro da técnica especial de Amostragem Eta. Em unidades de 1e-4; um valor razoável é 3. Defina como 0 para desativar. Consulte o artigo Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing de Hewitt et al. (2022) para mais detalhes.", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "Saiba como contribuir com seus ciclos de GPU inativos para a Horda", + "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "Use o tokenizador apropriado para modelos do Google via sua API. Processamento de prompt mais lento, mas oferece contagem de token muito mais precisa.", + "Load koboldcpp order": "Carregar ordem koboldcpp", + "Use Google Tokenizer": "Usar Tokenizer do Google" + + + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/locales/ru-ru.json b/public/locales/ru-ru.json index 00adba592..d03ff14e7 100644 --- a/public/locales/ru-ru.json +++ b/public/locales/ru-ru.json @@ -830,5 +830,90 @@ "Include message in prompts": "Включить сообщение в подсказки", "Create checkpoint": "Создание контрольной точки", "Create Branch": "Создать Ветку", - "Embed file or image": "Вставить файл или изображение" + "Embed file or image": "Вставить файл или изображение", + "UI Theme": "Тема пользовательского интерфейса", + "This message is invisible for the AI": "Это сообщение невидимо для ИИ", + "Sampler Priority": "Приоритет сэмплера", + "Ooba only. Determines the order of samplers.": "Только Ooba. Определяет порядок сэмплеров.", + "Load default order": "Загрузить стандартный порядок", + "Max Tokens Second": "Максимальное количество токенов в секунду", + "CFG": "CFG", + "No items": "Нет элементов", + "Extras API key (optional)": "Дополнительный ключ API (необязательно)", + "Notify on extension updates": "Уведомлять о обновлениях расширения", + "Toggle character grid view": "Переключить вид сетки персонажа", + "Bulk edit characters": "Массовое редактирование персонажей", + "Bulk delete characters": "Массовое удаление персонажей", + "Favorite characters to add them to HotSwaps": "Добавить избранных персонажей в HotSwaps", + "Underlined Text": "Подчеркнутый текст", + "Token Probabilities": "Вероятности токенов", + "Close chat": "Закрыть чат", + "Manage chat files": "Управление файлами чата", + "Import Extension From Git Repo": "Импортировать расширение из Git Repository", + "Install extension": "Установить расширение", + "Manage extensions": "Управление расширениями", + "Tokens persona description": "Описание токенов", + "Most tokens": "Больше всего токенов", + "Least tokens": "Меньше всего токенов", + "Random": "Случайно", + "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "Пропустить форматирование примеров диалогов", + "Import a theme file": "Импортировать файл темы", + "Export a theme file": "Экспортировать файл темы", + "Unlocked Context Size": "Размер разблокированного контекста", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "Показывать ответ по битам по мере его генерации.", + "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "Когда это отключено, ответы будут отображаться сразу после завершения.", + "Quick Prompts Edit": "Быстрое редактирование подсказок", + "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "Включить потоковое завершение OpenAI", + "Main": "Главное", + "Utility Prompts": "Подсказки утилиты", + "Add character names": "Добавить имена персонажей", + "Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "Отправить имена в объектах сообщений. Помогает модели ассоциировать сообщения с персонажами.", + "Continue prefill": "Продолжить предварительное заполнение", + "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "Продолжение отправляет последнее сообщение в роли ассистента, а не системное сообщение с инструкцией.", + "Squash system messages": "Объединять системные сообщения", + "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "Объединяет последовательные системные сообщения в одно (за исключением примеров диалогов). Может улучшить согласованность для некоторых моделей.", + "Send inline images": "Отправлять встроенные изображения", + "Assistant Prefill": "Предварительное заполнение ассистента", + "Start Claude's answer with...": "Начать ответ Клода с...", + "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "Использовать системную подсказку (только Claude 2.1+)", + "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "Отправлять системную подсказку для поддерживаемых моделей. Если отключено, сообщение пользователя добавляется в начало подсказки.", + "Prompts": "Подсказки", + "Total Tokens:": "Всего токенов:", + "Insert prompt": "Вставить подсказку", + "Delete prompt": "Удалить подсказку", + "Import a prompt list": "Импортировать список подсказок", + "Export this prompt list": "Экспортировать этот список подсказок", + "Reset current character": "Сбросить текущего персонажа", + "New prompt": "Новая подсказка", + "Tokens": "Токены", + "Want to update?": "Хотите обновить SillyTavern?", + "How to start chatting?": "Как начать общение?", + "Click": "Нажмите ", + "and select a": " и выберите", + "Chat API": "API чата", + "and pick a character": " и выберите персонажа", + "in the chat bar": " в поле чата", + "Confused or lost?": "Запутались или потерялись?", + "click these icons!": "нажмите на эти значки!", + "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "Сайт документации SillyTavern", + "Extras Installation Guide": "Руководство по установке дополнительных возможностей", + "Still have questions?": "Есть еще вопросы?", + "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "Присоединяйтесь к SillyTavern Discord", + "Post a GitHub issue": "Опубликуйте проблему на GitHub", + "Contact the developers": "Свяжитесь с разработчиками", + "Nucleus Sampling": "Выборка ядра", + "Typical P": "Типичное P", + "Top K Sampling": "Выборка лучших K", + "Top A Sampling": "Выборка лучших A", + "Off": "Выключено", + "Very light": "Очень легкий", + "Light": "Легкий", + "Medium": "Средний", + "Aggressive": "Агрессивный", + "Very aggressive": "Очень агрессивный", + "Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique. In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3. Set to 0 to disable. See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "Отсечение эпсилон - основной параметр специальной техники выборки эпсилон. В единицах 1e-4; разумное значение - 3. Установите в 0, чтобы отключить. См. статью Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing от Хьюитт и др. (2022) для получения подробной информации.", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "Узнайте, как внести свой вклад в свои свободные GPU-циклы в орду", + "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "Используйте соответствующий токенизатор для моделей Google через их API. Медленная обработка подсказок, но предлагает намного более точный подсчет токенов.", + "Load koboldcpp order": "Загрузить порядок koboldcpp", + "Use Google Tokenizer": "Использовать токенизатор Google" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/locales/uk-ua.json b/public/locales/uk-ua.json index 289771ac2..e06b4d282 100644 --- a/public/locales/uk-ua.json +++ b/public/locales/uk-ua.json @@ -857,5 +857,62 @@ "Random": "Випадковий", "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "Пропустити форматування прикладів діалогів", "Import a theme file": "Імпортувати файл теми", - "Export a theme file": "Експортувати файл теми" + "Export a theme file": "Експортувати файл теми", + "Unlocked Context Size": "Розблокований розмір контексту", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "Показувати відповідь по бітах по мірі її генерації.", + "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "Коли це вимкнено, відповіді будуть відображатися разом, коли вони будуть завершені.", + "Quick Prompts Edit": "Швидке редагування підказок", + "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "Увімкнути потокове завершення OpenAI", + "Main": "Головний", + "Utility Prompts": "Допоміжні підказки", + "Add character names": "Додати імена персонажів", + "Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "Надсилати імена в об'єктах повідомлень. Допомагає моделі асоціювати повідомлення з персонажами.", + "Continue prefill": "Продовжувати автозаповнення", + "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "Продовженням буде відправлена остання повідомлення як роль асистента, а не системне повідомлення з інструкцією.", + "Squash system messages": "Заповнювати системні повідомлення", + "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "Об'єднує послідовні системні повідомлення в одне (крім прикладів діалогів). Може покращити співпрацю для деяких моделей.", + "Send inline images": "Надсилати вбудовані зображення", + "Assistant Prefill": "Асистент автозаповнення", + "Start Claude's answer with...": "Почати відповідь Клода з...", + "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "Використовувати системний промпт (тільки Claude 2.1+)", + "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "Надсилати системний промпт для підтримуваних моделей. Якщо відключено, повідомлення користувача додається в початок промпта.", + "Prompts": "Підказки", + "Total Tokens:": "Загальна кількість токенів:", + "Insert prompt": "Вставити підказку", + "Delete prompt": "Видалити підказку", + "Import a prompt list": "Імпортувати список підказок", + "Export this prompt list": "Експортувати цей список підказок", + "Reset current character": "Скинути поточного персонажа", + "New prompt": "Нова підказка", + "Tokens": "Токени", + "Want to update?": "Хочете оновити?", + "How to start chatting?": "Як почати спілкування?", + "Click": "Клацніть", + "and select a": "і виберіть", + "Chat API": "API чату", + "and pick a character": "і виберіть персонажа", + "in the chat bar": "в рядку чату", + "Confused or lost?": "Збентежені чи загублені?", + "click these icons!": "клацніть на ці іконки!", + "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "Сайт документації SillyTavern", + "Extras Installation Guide": "Посібник з встановлення додаткових компонентів", + "Still have questions?": "Все ще є питання?", + "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "Приєднуйтесь до SillyTavern Discord", + "Post a GitHub issue": "Опублікуйте проблему на GitHub", + "Contact the developers": "Зв'яжіться з розробниками", + "Nucleus Sampling": "Вибірка ядра", + "Typical P": "Типове P", + "Top K Sampling": "Вибірка топ K", + "Top A Sampling": "Вибірка топ A", + "Off": "Вимкнено", + "Very light": "Дуже легкий", + "Light": "Легкий", + "Medium": "Середній", + "Aggressive": "Агресивний", + "Very aggressive": "Дуже агресивний", + "Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique. In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3. Set to 0 to disable. See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "Eta-відсічення - основний параметр спеціальної техніки вибірки Ета. У одиницях 1e-4; розумна величина - 3. Встановіть 0, щоб вимкнути. Див. статтю «Вибірка відсічення як модель мовного розподілення» Хевітта та ін. (2022) для деталей.", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "Дізнайтеся, як сприяти внеском вашого неактивного циклу GPU до горди", + "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "Використовуйте відповідний токенізатор для моделей Google через їх API. Повільніша обробка підказок, але пропонує набагато точніше підрахунку токенів.", + "Load koboldcpp order": "Завантажити порядок koboldcpp", + "Use Google Tokenizer": "Використовувати токенізатор Google" } diff --git a/public/locales/vi-vn.json b/public/locales/vi-vn.json index 256305cc7..740a8aa9d 100644 --- a/public/locales/vi-vn.json +++ b/public/locales/vi-vn.json @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ "None": "Không", "User Settings": "Cài đặt người dùng", "UI Mode": "Chế độ Giao diện người dùng", - "UI Language": "Ngôn ngữ Giao diện người dùng", + "UI Language": "ngôn ngữ", "MovingUI Preset": "Cài đặt trước MovingUI", "UI Customization": "Tùy chỉnh Giao diện người dùng", "Avatar Style": "Kiểu hình đại diện", @@ -857,7 +857,63 @@ "Random": "Ngẫu nhiên", "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "Bỏ qua Định dạng Đoạn hội thoại Mẫu", "Import a theme file": "Nhập một tệp chủ đề", - "Export a theme file": "Xuất một tệp chủ đề" - + "Export a theme file": "Xuất một tệp chủ đề", + "Unlocked Context Size": "Kích thước ngữ cảnh đã mở khóa", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "Hiển thị phản hồi từng phần khi nó được tạo ra.", + "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "Khi chức năng này tắt, các phản hồi sẽ được hiển thị một lần khi chúng hoàn thành.", + "Quick Prompts Edit": "Chỉnh sửa nhanh lời mời", + "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "Bật luồng hoàn thành của OpenAI", + "Main": "Chính", + "Utility Prompts": "Lời mời tiện ích", + "Add character names": "Thêm tên nhân vật", + "Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "Gửi tên trong các đối tượng tin nhắn. Giúp mô hình liên kết các tin nhắn với nhân vật.", + "Continue prefill": "Tiếp tục điền trước", + "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "Tiếp tục gửi tin nhắn cuối cùng dưới dạng vai trò trợ lý thay vì tin nhắn hệ thống với hướng dẫn.", + "Squash system messages": "Nén các tin nhắn hệ thống", + "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "Kết hợp các tin nhắn hệ thống liên tiếp thành một (loại bỏ các đoạn hội thoại mẫu). Có thể cải thiện tính nhất quán cho một số mô hình.", + "Send inline images": "Gửi hình ảnh nội bộ", + "Assistant Prefill": "Điền trước của trợ lý", + "Start Claude's answer with...": "Bắt đầu câu trả lời của Claude với...", + "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "Sử dụng lời mời hệ thống (Chỉ áp dụng cho Claude 2.1+)", + "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "Gửi lời mời hệ thống cho các mô hình được hỗ trợ. Nếu tắt, tin nhắn của người dùng sẽ được thêm vào đầu lời mời.", + "Prompts": "Lời mời", + "Total Tokens:": "Tổng số token:", + "Insert prompt": "Chèn lời mời", + "Delete prompt": "Xóa lời mời", + "Import a prompt list": "Nhập danh sách lời mời", + "Export this prompt list": "Xuất danh sách lời mời này", + "Reset current character": "Đặt lại nhân vật hiện tại", + "New prompt": "Lời mời mới", + "Tokens": "Token", + "Want to update?": "Muốn cập nhật?", + "How to start chatting?": "Làm thế nào để bắt đầu trò chuyện?", + "Click": "Nhấp ", + "and select a": "và chọn một", + "Chat API": "API Trò chuyện", + "and pick a character": "và chọn một nhân vật", + "in the chat bar": "trong thanh trò chuyện", + "Confused or lost?": "Lạc lõng hoặc bối rối?", + "click these icons!": "nhấp vào các biểu tượng này!", + "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "Trang tài liệu SillyTavern", + "Extras Installation Guide": "Hướng dẫn cài đặt bổ sung", + "Still have questions?": "Bạn vẫn còn câu hỏi?", + "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "Tham gia Discord của SillyTavern", + "Post a GitHub issue": "Đăng một vấn đề trên GitHub", + "Contact the developers": "Liên hệ với các nhà phát triển", + "Nucleus Sampling": "Mẫu hạt nhân", + "Typical P": "P điển hình", + "Top K Sampling": "Mẫu Top K", + "Top A Sampling": "Mẫu Top A", + "Off": "Tắt", + "Very light": "Rất nhẹ", + "Light": "Nhẹ", + "Medium": "Trung bình", + "Aggressive": "Quyết đoán", + "Very aggressive": "Rất quyết đoán", + "Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique. In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3. Set to 0 to disable. See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "Ngưỡng Eta là tham số chính của kỹ thuật Mẫu Eta đặc biệt. Trong đơn vị của 1e-4; một giá trị hợp lý là 3. Đặt thành 0 để tắt. Xem bài báo Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing của Hewitt và cộng sự (2022) để biết chi tiết.", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "Học cách đóng góp các chu kỳ GPU không hoạt động của bạn cho Bầy", + "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "Sử dụng bộ mã hóa phù hợp cho các mô hình của Google thông qua API của họ. Xử lý lời mời chậm hơn, nhưng cung cấp đếm token chính xác hơn nhiều.", + "Load koboldcpp order": "Tải đơn hàng koboldcpp", + "Use Google Tokenizer": "Sử dụng bộ mã hóa của Google" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/locales/zh-cn.json b/public/locales/zh-cn.json index fe430219d..ce6222bfe 100644 --- a/public/locales/zh-cn.json +++ b/public/locales/zh-cn.json @@ -1,215 +1,371 @@ { - "UI Language": "语言", - "clickslidertips": "点击滑块右侧数字可手动输入", + "clickslidertips": "单击滑块以手动输入值。", "kobldpresets": "Kobold 预设", - "guikoboldaisettings": "KoboldAI GUI 设置", + "guikoboldaisettings": "KoboldAI 用户界面设置", "novelaipreserts": "NovelAI 预设", "default": "默认", "openaipresets": "OpenAI 预设", - "text gen webio(ooba) presets": "Text generation web UI 预设", - "response legth(tokens)": "响应长度(Tokens)", - "select": "选择 ", - "context size(tokens)": "上下文大小(Tokens)", - "unlocked": "解锁", - "Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "只有在选定的模型支持大于 4096 个Token时可以选择启用。在启用该选项时,你应该知道自己在做什么。", + "text gen webio(ooba) presets": "WebUI(ooba) 预设", + "response legth(tokens)": "响应长度(令牌)", + "select": "选择", + "context size(tokens)": "上下文大小(令牌)", + "unlocked": "已解锁", + "Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "仅选择的模型支持大于 4096 个令牌的上下文大小。只有在知道自己在做什么的情况下才增加。", "rep.pen": "重复惩罚", + "WI Entry Status:🔵 Constant🟢 Normal❌ Disabled": "WI 输入状态:\n🔵 恒定\n🟢 正常\n❌ 禁用", "rep.pen range": "重复惩罚范围", + "Temperature controls the randomness in token selection": "温度控制令牌选择中的随机性:\n- 低温(<1.0)导致更可预测的文本,优先选择高概率的令牌。\n- 高温(>1.0)鼓励创造性和输出的多样性,更多地选择低概率的令牌。\n将值设置为 1.0 以使用原始概率。", "temperature": "温度", + "Top K sets a maximum amount of top tokens that can be chosen from": "Top K 设置可以从中选择的顶级令牌的最大数量。", + "Top P (a.k.a. nucleus sampling)": "Top P(又称核心采样)将所有必需的顶级令牌合并到一个特定百分比中。\n换句话说,如果前两个令牌代表 25%,而 Top-P 为 0.50,则只考虑这两个令牌。\n将值设置为 1.0 以禁用。", + "Typical P Sampling prioritizes tokens based on their deviation from the average entropy of the set": "典型的 P 采样根据它们与集合平均熵的偏差对令牌进行优先排序。\n保留概率累积接近指定阈值(例如 0.5)的令牌,区分包含平均信息的那些。\n将值设置为 1.0 以禁用。", + "Min P sets a base minimum probability": "Min P 设置基本最小概率。它根据顶级令牌的概率进行优化。\n如果顶级令牌的概率为 80%,而 Min P 为 0.1,则只考虑概率高于 8% 的令牌。\n将值设置为 0 以禁用。", + "Top A sets a threshold for token selection based on the square of the highest token probability": "Top A 根据最高令牌概率的平方设置令牌选择的阈值。\n如果 Top A 为 0.2,最高令牌概率为 50%,则排除概率低于 5% 的令牌(0.2 * 0.5^2)。\n将值设置为 0 以禁用。", + "Tail-Free Sampling (TFS)": "无尾采样(TFS)查找分布中概率较低的尾部令牌,\n 通过分析令牌概率的变化率以及二阶导数。 令牌保留到阈值(例如 0.3),取决于统一的二阶导数。\n值越接近 0,被拒绝的令牌数量就越多。将值设置为 1.0 以禁用。", + "Epsilon cutoff sets a probability floor below which tokens are excluded from being sampled": "ε 截止设置了一个概率下限,低于该下限的令牌将被排除在样本之外。\n以 1e-4 单位;合适的值为 3。将其设置为 0 以禁用。", + "Scale Temperature dynamically per token, based on the variation of probabilities": "根据概率的变化动态地按令牌缩放温度。", + "Minimum Temp": "最小温度", + "Maximum Temp": "最大温度", + "Exponent": "指数", + "Mirostat Mode": "Mirostat 模式", + "Mirostat Tau": "Mirostat Tau", + "Mirostat Eta": "Mirostat Eta", + "Variability parameter for Mirostat outputs": "Mirostat 输出的变异性参数。", + "Learning rate of Mirostat": "Mirostat 的学习率。", + "Strength of the Contrastive Search regularization term. Set to 0 to disable CS": "对比搜索正则化项的强度。 将值设置为 0 以禁用 CS。", + "Temperature Last": "最后温度", + "Use the temperature sampler last": "最后使用温度采样器。 通常是合理的。\n当启用时:首先进行潜在令牌的选择,然后应用温度来修正它们的相对概率(技术上是对数似然)。\n当禁用时:首先应用温度来修正所有令牌的相对概率,然后从中选择潜在令牌。\n禁用最后的温度。", + "LLaMA / Mistral / Yi models only": "仅限 LLaMA / Mistral / Yi 模型。 确保首先选择适当的分析师。\n结果中不应出现字符串。\n每行一个字符串。 文本或 [令牌标识符]。\n许多令牌以空格开头。 如果不确定,请使用令牌计数器。", + "Example: some text [42, 69, 1337]": "例如:\n一些文本\n[42, 69, 1337]", + "Classifier Free Guidance. More helpful tip coming soon": "免费的分类器指导。 更多有用的提示即将推出。", + "Scale": "比例", + "GBNF Grammar": "GBNF 语法", + "Usage Stats": "使用统计", + "Click for stats!": "点击查看统计!", + "Backup": "备份", + "Backup your personas to a file": "将您的人设备份到文件中", + "Restore": "恢复", + "Restore your personas from a file": "从文件中恢复您的人设", + "Type in the desired custom grammar": "输入所需的自定义语法", "Encoder Rep. Pen.": "编码器重复惩罚", - "No Repeat Ngram Size": "不重复N元语法大小", + "Smoothing Factor": "平滑系数", + "No Repeat Ngram Size": "无重复 n-gram 大小", "Min Length": "最小长度", - "OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "OpenAI API 反向代理", - "Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "自定义 OpenAI API 的反向代理地址 (留空时使用 OpenAI 默认服务器)。", - "Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "在输入内容之前,从 API 面板中删除 OpenAI API 密钥", - "We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "我们无法为使用自定义 OpenAI API 反向代理时遇到的问题提供支持", - "Legacy Streaming Processing": "传统流式处理", - "Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "如果流式回复与您的代理不兼容,请启用此功能", - "Context Size (tokens)": "上下文大小(Tokens)", - "Max Response Length (tokens)": "最大响应长度(Tokens)", - "Temperature": "温度", + "OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "OpenAI 反向代理", + "Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "备用服务器 URL(留空以使用默认值)。", + "Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "在键入任何内容之前,从 API 面板中删除您的真实 OAI API 密钥", + "We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "我们无法为使用非官方 OpenAI 代理时遇到的问题提供支持", + "Legacy Streaming Processing": "传统流处理", + "Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "如果流媒体与您的代理不兼容,请启用此选项", + "Context Size (tokens)": "上下文大小(令牌)", + "Max Response Length (tokens)": "最大响应长度(令牌)", "Frequency Penalty": "频率惩罚", "Presence Penalty": "存在惩罚", - "Top-p": "Top P", - "Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "显示机器人生成的响应文本块", + "Top-p": "Top-p", + "Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "生成时显示机器人响应文本片段", "Top A": "Top A", "Typical Sampling": "典型采样", "Tail Free Sampling": "无尾采样", - "Rep. Pen. Slope": "重复惩罚梯度", + "Rep. Pen. Slope": "重复惩罚斜率", "Single-line mode": "单行模式", - "Top K": "Top-K", - "Top P": "Top-P", - "Typical P": "典型 P", - "Do Sample": "样本测试", - "Add BOS Token": "添加 BOS Token", - "Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative.": "在提示的开头添加 bos_token,禁用此功能可以让回复更加创造性。", - "Ban EOS Token": "禁止 EOS Token", - "Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "禁止 EOS Token,这会迫使模型不会过早结束生成。", - "Skip Special Tokens": "跳过特殊 Tokens", - "Beam search": "Beam 搜索", - "Number of Beams": "Beams 的数量", + "Top K": "Top K", + "Top P": "Top P", + "Do Sample": "进行采样", + "Add BOS Token": "添加 BOS 令牌", + "Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative": "在提示的开头添加 bos_token。 禁用此功能可以使回复更具创意", + "Ban EOS Token": "禁止 EOS 令牌", + "Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "禁止 eos_token。 这将强制模型永远不会提前结束生成", + "Skip Special Tokens": "跳过特殊令牌", + "Beam search": "束搜索", + "Number of Beams": "束数量", "Length Penalty": "长度惩罚", - "Early Stopping": "提前终止", + "Early Stopping": "提前停止", "Contrastive search": "对比搜索", - "Penalty Alpha": "惩罚系数", - "Seed": "随机种子", - "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "插入越狱作为最后一个系统消息", - "This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "这告诉人工智能忽略其通常的内容限制", - "NSFW Encouraged": "NSFW鼓励", - "Tell the AI that NSFW is allowed.": "告诉人工智能,NSFW 是允许的。", - "NSFW Prioritized": "NSFW 优先", - "NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "NSFW 提示文本排在提示的顶部,以强调其效果", - "Streaming": "流式生成", - "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "在生成响应时逐字显示。", - "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "关闭此选项后,响应将在全部完成后立即显示。", - "Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "每个请求仅生成一行(仅限 KoboldAI,被 KoboldCpp 忽略)。", - "Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "禁止序列结束 (EOS) token(使用 KoboldCpp,也可能使用 KoboldAI 禁止其他 token)。", - "Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "适合故事写作,但不应用于聊天和指导模式。", + "Penalty Alpha": "惩罚 Alpha", + "Seed": "种子", + "Epsilon Cutoff": "ε 截止", + "Eta Cutoff": "η 截止", + "Negative Prompt": "负面提示", + "Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat(mode=1 仅用于 llama.cpp)", + "Mirostat is a thermostat for output perplexity": "Mirostat 是输出困惑度的恒温器", + "Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "在这里添加文本,使 AI 生成您不希望在输出中出现的内容。", + "Phrase Repetition Penalty": "短语重复惩罚", + "Preamble": "序文", + "Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.": "使用样式标签修改输出的写作风格。", + "Banned Tokens": "禁用的令牌", + "Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line.": "您不希望出现在输出中的序列。 每行一个。", + "AI Module": "AI 模块", + "Changes the style of the generated text.": "更改生成文本的样式。", + "Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "如果 CFG 比例在全局、每个聊天或每个字符上未设置,则使用。", + "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "将 jailbreak 插入为最后一个系统消息。", + "This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "这告诉 AI 忽略其通常的内容限制。", + "NSFW Encouraged": "鼓励 NSFW", + "Tell the AI that NSFW is allowed.": "告诉 AI NSFW 是允许的。", + "NSFW Prioritized": "优先考虑 NSFW", + "NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "NSFW 提示文本首先出现在提示中以强调其效果。", + "Streaming": "流式传输", + "Dynamic Temperature": "动态温度", + "Restore current preset": "恢复当前预设", + "Neutralize Samplers": "中和采样器", + "Text Completion presets": "文本补全预设", + "Documentation on sampling parameters": "有关采样参数的文档", + "Set all samplers to their neutral/disabled state.": "将所有采样器设置为中性/禁用状态。", + "Only enable this if your model supports context sizes greater than 4096 tokens": "仅在您的模型支持大于4096个标记的上下文大小时启用此选项", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated": "逐位显示生成的响应", + "Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "每个请求仅生成一行(仅限KoboldAI,KoboldCpp不支持)。", + "Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "禁止序列末尾(EOS)标记(与KoboldCpp一起,可能还有其他与KoboldAI的标记)。", + "Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "适用于写故事,但不应用于聊天和指导模式。", "Enhance Definitions": "增强定义", - "Use OAI knowledge base to enhance definitions for public figures and known fictional characters": "使用 OpenAI 知识库增强公众人物和已知虚构人物的定义", - "Wrap in Quotes": "用引号包裹", - "Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "在发送之前将整个用户消息包裹在引号中,", - "Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "如果您手动使用引号表示言论,请省略。", + "Use OAI knowledge base to enhance definitions for public figures and known fictional characters": "使用OAI知识库来增强公众人物和已知虚构角色的定义", + "Wrap in Quotes": "用引号括起来", + "Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "在发送之前用引号括起整个用户消息。", + "Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "如果您手动使用引号进行讲话,请省略。", "Main prompt": "主提示", - "The main prompt used to set the model behavior": "用于设置模型行为的主要提示", - "NSFW prompt": "NSFW 提示", - "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is on": "NSFW 打开时使用的提示", + "The main prompt used to set the model behavior": "用于设置模型行为的主提示", + "NSFW prompt": "不适合工作的提示", + "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is on": "在NSFW切换打开时使用的提示", "Jailbreak prompt": "越狱提示", - "Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "越狱开关打开时使用的提示", - "Impersonation prompt": "扮演提示", - "Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "用于扮演功能的提示", - "Logit Bias": "对数偏置", + "Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "在越狱切换打开时使用的提示", + "Impersonation prompt": "冒名顶替提示", + "Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "用于冒名顶替功能的提示", + "Logit Bias": "对数偏差", "Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "有助于禁止或加强某些单词的使用", "View / Edit bias preset": "查看/编辑偏置预设", "Add bias entry": "添加偏置条目", "Jailbreak activation message": "越狱激活消息", - "Message to send when auto-jailbreak is on.": "自动越狱开启时要发送的消息。", + "Message to send when auto-jailbreak is on.": "自动越狱时发送的消息。", "Jailbreak confirmation reply": "越狱确认回复", - "Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "机器人必须将其发回以确认越狱", - "Character Note": "人物注释", - "Influences bot behavior in its responses": "影响机器人响应中的行为", + "Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "机器人必须发送此内容以确认越狱", + "Character Note": "人物注记", + "Influences bot behavior in its responses": "影响机器人在其响应中的行为", + "Connect": "连接", + "Test Message": "测试消息", "API": "API", "KoboldAI": "KoboldAI", - "Use Horde": "使用 Horde", - "API url": "API 地址", - "Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "注册帐户以加快排队时间", - "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "学习如何将闲置的显卡计算资源贡献给Hord", - "Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "根据辅助角色功能调整上下文大小", - "Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "根据辅助角色功能调整响应长度", - "API key": "API 密钥", + "Use Horde": "使用部落", + "API url": "API网址", + "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine": "PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine(用于OpenAI API的包装器)", + "Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "注册部落帐户以加快排队时间", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "了解如何将闲置的GPU周期贡献给部落", + "Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "根据工作人员的能力调整上下文大小", + "Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "根据工作人员的能力调整响应长度", + "API key": "API密钥", + "Tabby API key": "Tabby API密钥", + "Get it here:": "在此获取:", "Register": "注册", - "For privacy reasons": "出于隐私原因,您的 API 密钥将在您重新加载页面后隐藏", - "Model": "模型", - "Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "按住控制/命令键选择多个模型。", - "Horde models not loaded": "未加载 Horde 模型。", - "Not connected": "未连接", - "Novel API key": "NovelAI API 密钥", + "TogetherAI Model": "TogetherAI模型", + "Example:": "示例:", + "ggerganov/llama.cpp": "ggerganov/llama.cpp", + "Example:": "示例:", + "Example:": "示例:", + "Ollama Model": "Ollama模型", + "Download": "下载", + "TogetherAI API Key": "TogetherAI API密钥", + "-- Connect to the API --": "-- 连接到API --", + "View my Kudos": "查看我的赞誉", + "Enter": "输入", + "to use anonymous mode.": "使用匿名模式。", + "For privacy reasons": "出于隐私考虑", + "Models": "模型", + "Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "按住Control / Command键选择多个模型。", + "Horde models not loaded": "部落模型未加载", + "Not connected...": "未连接...", + "Novel API key": "小说API密钥", "Follow": "跟随", - "these directions": " 这篇指南 ", - "to get your NovelAI API key.": "以获取您的 NovelAI API 密钥。", - "Enter it in the box below": "将其输入到下面的输入框中", - "Novel AI Model": "NovelAI 模型", - "No connection": "无连接", - "oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "", - "Make sure you run it with": "确保启动时包含 --api 参数", - "Blocking API url": "阻塞式 API 地址", - "Streaming API url": "流式传输 API 地址", - "to get your OpenAI API key.": "获取您的 OpenAI API 密钥。", + "these directions": "这些说明", + "to get your NovelAI API key.": "获取您的NovelAI API密钥。", + "Enter it in the box below": "在下面的框中输入", + "Novel AI Model": "小说AI模型", + "If you are using:": "如果您正在使用:", + "oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "oobabooga/text-generation-webui", + "Make sure you run it with": "确保您以以下方式运行它", + "flag": "标志", + "API key (optional)": "API密钥(可选)", + "Server url": "服务器网址", + "Custom model (optional)": "自定义模型(可选)", + "Bypass API status check": "绕过API状态检查", + "Mancer AI": "Mancer AI", + "Use API key (Only required for Mancer)": "使用API密钥(仅Mancer需要)", + "Blocking API url": "阻止API网址", + "Example:": "示例:", + "Legacy API (pre-OAI, no streaming)": "传统API(OAI之前,无流式传输)", + "Bypass status check": "绕过状态检查", + "Streaming API url": "流式API网址", + "Example: ws://": "示例:ws://", + "Mancer API key": "Mancer API密钥", + "Example: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api": "示例:https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api", + "to get your OpenAI API key.": "获取您的OpenAI API密钥。", + "Window AI Model": "Window AI模型", "OpenAI Model": "OpenAI模型", - "View API Usage Metrics": "查看 API 使用情况", - "Bot": "Bot", - "Connect to the API": "连接到 API", - "Auto-connect to Last Server": "自动连接到最后设置的 API 服务器", - "View hidden API keys": "查看隐藏的 API 密钥", - "Advanced Formatting": "高级格式化", - "AutoFormat Overrides": "覆盖自动格式化", + "Claude API Key": "Claude API密钥", + "Get your key from": "从以下位置获取您的密钥", + "Anthropic's developer console": "Anthropic的开发者控制台", + "Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.": "Slack和Poe的cookie在这里不起作用,请不要尝试。", + "Claude Model": "Claude模型", + "Scale API Key": "Scale API密钥", + "Alt Method": "备用方法", + "AI21 API Key": "AI21 API密钥", + "AI21 Model": "AI21模型", + "View API Usage Metrics": "查看API使用指标", + "Show External models (provided by API)": "显示外部模型(由API提供)", + "Bot": "机器人", + "Allow fallback routes": "允许后备路由", + "Allow fallback routes Description": "如果所选模型无法响应您的请求,则自动选择备用模型。", + "OpenRouter API Key": "OpenRouter API密钥", + "Connect to the API": "连接到API", + "OpenRouter Model": "OpenRouter模型", + "View Remaining Credits": "查看剩余信用额", + "Click Authorize below or get the key from": "点击下方授权或从以下位置获取密钥", + "Auto-connect to Last Server": "自动连接到上次服务器", + "View hidden API keys": "查看隐藏的API密钥", + "Advanced Formatting": "高级格式设置", + "Context Template": "上下文模板", + "AutoFormat Overrides": "自动格式设置覆盖", "Disable description formatting": "禁用描述格式", - "Disable personality formatting": "禁用人设格式", - "Disable scenario formatting": "禁用场景格式", - "Disable example chats formatting": "禁用聊天示例格式", + "Disable personality formatting": "禁用人格格式", + "Disable scenario formatting": "禁用情景格式", + "Disable example chats formatting": "禁用示例聊天格式", "Disable chat start formatting": "禁用聊天开始格式", "Custom Chat Separator": "自定义聊天分隔符", - "Instruct Mode": "指示模式", - "Enabled": "启用", - "Wrap Sequences with Newline": "用换行符换行序列", + "Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "在自定义停止字符串中替换宏", + "Strip Example Messages from Prompt": "从提示中删除示例消息", + "Story String": "故事字符串", + "Example Separator": "示例分隔符", + "Chat Start": "聊天开始", + "Activation Regex": "激活正则表达式", + "Instruct Mode": "指导模式", + "Wrap Sequences with Newline": "用换行符包装序列", "Include Names": "包括名称", + "Force for Groups and Personas": "强制适用于组和人物", "System Prompt": "系统提示", - "Instruct Mode Sequences": "指示模式序列", + "Instruct Mode Sequences": "指导模式序列", "Input Sequence": "输入序列", "Output Sequence": "输出序列", "First Output Sequence": "第一个输出序列", - "Last Output Sequence": "最后输出序列", + "Last Output Sequence": "最后一个输出序列", "System Sequence Prefix": "系统序列前缀", "System Sequence Suffix": "系统序列后缀", "Stop Sequence": "停止序列", "Context Formatting": "上下文格式", - "Tokenizer": "Tokenizer", - "None / Estimated": "无/估计", + "(Saved to Context Template)": "(保存到上下文模板)", + "Tokenizer": "分词器", + "None / Estimated": "无 / 估计", "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)": "Sentencepiece (LLaMA)", - "Token Padding": "Token 填充", - "Always add character's name to prompt": "始终将角色名称添加到提示中", + "Token Padding": "令牌填充", + "Save preset as": "另存预设为", + "Always add character's name to prompt": "始终将角色名称添加到提示", + "Use as Stop Strings": "用作停止字符串", + "Bind to Context": "绑定到上下文", + "Generate only one line per request": "每个请求只生成一行", + "Misc. Settings": "其他设置", + "Auto-Continue": "自动继续", + "Collapse Consecutive Newlines": "折叠连续的换行符", + "Allow for Chat Completion APIs": "允许聊天完成API", + "Target length (tokens)": "目标长度(令牌)", "Keep Example Messages in Prompt": "在提示中保留示例消息", - "Remove Empty New Lines from Output": "从输出中删除空的新行", + "Remove Empty New Lines from Output": "从输出中删除空行", "Disabled for all models": "对所有模型禁用", - "Automatic (based on model name)": "自动(基于模型名称)", + "Automatic (based on model name)": "自动(根据模型名称)", "Enabled for all models": "对所有模型启用", - "Anchors Order": "锚点顺序", - "Character then Style": "字符然后样式", - "Style then Character": "样式然后字符", - "Character Anchor": "字符锚点", + "Anchors Order": "锚定顺序", + "Character then Style": "角色然后样式", + "Style then Character": "样式然后角色", + "Character Anchor": "角色锚点", "Style Anchor": "样式锚点", + "World Info": "世界信息", "Scan Depth": "扫描深度", + "Case-Sensitive": "区分大小写", + "Match Whole Words": "匹配整个单词", + "Use global setting": "使用全局设置", + "Yes": "是", + "No": "否", + "Context %": "上下文百分比", + "Budget Cap": "预算上限", + "(0 = disabled)": "(0 = 禁用)", "depth": "深度", - "Token Budget": "Token 预算", + "Token Budget": "令牌预算", "budget": "预算", "Recursive scanning": "递归扫描", - "None": "没有", - "User Settings": "聊天窗口设置", - "UI Customization": "聊天窗口自定义", - "Avatar Style": "头像风格", + "None": "无", + "User Settings": "用户设置", + "UI Mode": "UI 模式", + "UI Language": "语言", + "MovingUI Preset": "MovingUI 预设", + "UI Customization": "UI 自定义", + "Avatar Style": "头像样式", "Circle": "圆形", - "Rectangle": "长方形", - "Chat Style": "聊天窗口样式:", + "Rectangle": "矩形", + "Square": "正方形", + "Chat Style": "聊天样式", "Default": "默认", "Bubbles": "气泡", - "Chat Width (PC)": "聊天窗口宽度(电脑):", - "No Blur Effect": "关闭模糊效果", - "No Text Shadows": "关闭文字阴影", - "Waifu Mode": "♡ 老 婆 模 式 ♡", + "No Blur Effect": "无模糊效果", + "No Text Shadows": "无文本阴影", + "Waifu Mode": "Waifu 模式", "Message Timer": "消息计时器", - "Characters Hotswap": "角色热插拔", - "Movable UI Panels": "可移动的UI面板", + "Model Icon": "模型图标", + "# of messages (0 = disabled)": "消息数量(0 = 禁用)", + "Advanced Character Search": "高级角色搜索", + "Allow {{char}}: in bot messages": "在机器人消息中允许 {{char}}:", + "Allow {{user}}: in bot messages": "在机器人消息中允许 {{user}}:", + "Show tags in responses": "在响应中显示标签", + "Aux List Field": "辅助列表字段", + "Lorebook Import Dialog": "Lorebook 导入对话框", + "MUI Preset": "MUI 预设", + "If set in the advanced character definitions, this field will be displayed in the characters list.": "如果在高级角色定义中设置,此字段将显示在角色列表中。", + "Relaxed API URLS": "放松的API URL", + "Custom CSS": "自定义 CSS", + "Default (oobabooga)": "默认(oobabooga)", + "Mancer Model": "Mancer 模型", + "API Type": "API 类型", + "Aphrodite API key": "Aphrodite API 密钥", + "Relax message trim in Groups": "放松群组中的消息修剪", + "Characters Hotswap": "角色热交换", + "Request token probabilities": "请求令牌概率", + "Movable UI Panels": "可移动的 UI 面板", "Reset Panels": "重置面板", - "UI Colors": "UI颜色", - "Main Text": "正文", - "Italics Text": "斜体文字", - "Quote Text": "引用文字", + "UI Colors": "UI 颜色", + "Main Text": "主要文本", + "Italics Text": "斜体文本", + "Quote Text": "引用文本", "Shadow Color": "阴影颜色", - "FastUI BG": "快速UI背景", + "FastUI BG": "FastUI 背景", "Blur Tint": "模糊色调", - "Font Scale": "字体缩放", + "Font Scale": "字体比例", "Blur Strength": "模糊强度", - "Text Shadow Width": "文字阴影宽度", - "UI Theme Preset": "UI主题预设", + "Text Shadow Width": "文本阴影宽度", + "UI Theme Preset": "UI 主题预设", "Power User Options": "高级用户选项", "Swipes": "滑动", + "Miscellaneous": "杂项", + "Theme Toggles": "主题切换", "Background Sound Only": "仅背景声音", "Auto-load Last Chat": "自动加载上次聊天", - "Auto-save Message Edits": "自动保存已编辑的消息", - "Auto-fix Markdown": "自动修复 Markdown 格式", - "Allow {{char}}: in bot messages": "允许 {{char}}:在机器人消息中", - "Allow {{user}}: in bot messages": "允许 {{user}}:在机器人消息中", - "Auto-scroll Chat": "自动滚动聊天界面", + "Auto-save Message Edits": "自动保存消息编辑", + "Auto-fix Markdown": "自动修复 Markdown", + "Allow : in bot messages": "在机器人消息中允许 :", + "Auto-scroll Chat": "自动滚动聊天", "Render Formulas": "渲染公式", - "Send on Enter": "按下回车键发送", + "Send on Enter": "按 Enter 发送", "Always disabled": "始终禁用", - "Automatic (desktop)": "自动(电脑)", + "Automatic (desktop)": "自动(桌面)", "Always enabled": "始终启用", - "Name": "用户名称", - "Your Avatar": "用户头像", - "Extensions API:": "扩展API:", - "SillyTavern-extras": "SillyTavern 扩展", + "Debug Menu": "调试菜单", + "Restore User Input": "恢复用户输入", + "Character Handling": "角色处理", + "Example Messages Behavior": "示例消息行为", + "Gradual push-out": "逐渐推出", + "Chat/Message Handling": "聊天/消息处理", + "Always include examples": "始终包含示例", + "Never include examples": "永远不包含示例", + "Forbid External Media": "禁止外部媒体", + "System Backgrounds": "系统背景", + "Name": "名称", + "Your Avatar": "您的头像", + "Extensions API:": "扩展 API:", + "SillyTavern-extras": "SillyTavern-额外功能", "Auto-connect": "自动连接", - "Active extensions": "启用扩展", + "Active extensions": "活动扩展", "Extension settings": "扩展设置", "Description": "描述", "First message": "第一条消息", @@ -217,220 +373,324 @@ "Group reply strategy": "群组回复策略", "Natural order": "自然顺序", "List order": "列表顺序", - "Allow self responses": "允许自我响应", + "Allow self responses": "允许自我回复", "Auto Mode": "自动模式", "Add Members": "添加成员", - "Current Members": "现有成员", + "Current Members": "当前成员", "text": "文本", "Delete": "删除", "Cancel": "取消", "Advanced Defininitions": "高级定义", - "Personality summary": "人设总结", - "A brief description of the personality": "人设的简要描述", - "Scenario": "场景", + "Personality summary": "个性摘要", + "A brief description of the personality": "个性的简要描述", + "Scenario": "情景", "Circumstances and context of the dialogue": "对话的情况和背景", - "Talkativeness": "回复频率", - "How often the chracter speaks in": "说话频率", - "group chats!": "群聊!", - "Shy": "羞涩 ", + "Talkativeness": "健谈", + "How often the chracter speaks in": "角色在其中讲话的频率", + "group chats!": "群聊中!", + "Shy": "害羞", "Normal": "正常", - "Chatty": "健谈", + "Chatty": "话多", "Examples of dialogue": "对话示例", - "Forms a personality more clearly": "更清晰地形成人设", + "Forms a personality more clearly": "更清晰地形成个性", "Save": "保存", - "World Info Editor": "世界背景编辑器", - "New Entry": "新条目", + "World Info Editor": "世界信息编辑器", + "New summary": "新摘要", "Export": "导出", - "Delete World": "删除文本", + "Delete World": "删除世界", "Chat History": "聊天记录", - "Group Chat Scenario Override": "群聊场景覆盖", - "All group members will use the following scenario text instead of what is specified in their character cards.": "所有群组成员都将使用以下场景文本,而不是其角色卡中指定的内容。", - "Keywords": "关键字", + "Group Chat Scenario Override": "群组聊天情景替代", + "All group members will use the following scenario text instead of what is specified in their character cards.": "所有群组成员将使用以下情景文本,而不是在其角色卡中指定的内容。", + "Keywords": "关键词", "Separate with commas": "用逗号分隔", - "Secondary Required Keywords": "次要必填关键字", + "Secondary Required Keywords": "次要必需关键词", "Content": "内容", - "What this keyword should mean to the AI": "这个关键词对 AI 意味着什么", - "Memo/Note": "笔记", - "Not sent to AI": "未发送到 AI", - "Constant": "常数 ", - "Selective": "选择", - "Before Char": "在Char之前", - "After Char": "在Char之后", + "What this keyword should mean to the AI": "这个关键词对 AI 的含义", + "Memo/Note": "备忘录/注释", + "Not sent to AI": "不发送给 AI", + "Constant": "常量", + "Selective": "选择性", + "Before Char": "角色之前", + "After Char": "角色之后", "Insertion Order": "插入顺序", - "Tokens:": "Tokens", + "Tokens:": "令牌:", "Disable": "禁用", - "${characterName}": "${角色名}", + "${characterName}": "${角色名称}", "CHAR": "角色", "is typing": "正在输入...", - "Back to parent chat": "返回聊天", + "Back to parent chat": "返回到父级聊天", "Save bookmark": "保存书签", "Convert to group": "转换为群组", "Start new chat": "开始新聊天", - "View past chats": "查看过去的聊天", + "View past chats": "查看过去的聊天记录", "Delete messages": "删除消息", "Impersonate": "冒充", "Regenerate": "重新生成", "PNG": "PNG", "JSON": "JSON", "presets": "预设", - "Message Sound": "AI 消息提示音", + "Message Sound": "消息声音", "Author's Note": "作者注释", "Send Jailbreak": "发送越狱", "Replace empty message": "替换空消息", - "Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "当文本框中为空时将会发送此文本,而不是空白消息", + "Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "当文本框为空时,发送此文本而不是空白。", "NSFW avoidance prompt": "NSFW 避免提示", - "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is off": "当 NSFW 切换关闭时使用的提示", - "Advanced prompt bits": "高级提示", - "World Info format template": "世界背景格式模板", - "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt. Use {0} to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "在插入提示之前,包装已激活的世界背景条目。使用 {0} 来标记内容插入的位置。", + "Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is off": "NSFW 切换关闭时使用的提示", + "Advanced prompt bits": "高级提示位", + "World Info format": "世界信息格式", + "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt. Use {0} to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "在插入到提示中之前包装激活的世界信息条目。使用 {0} 标记内容插入的位置。", "Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "上下文滑块的无限制最大值", - "Chat Completion Source": "聊天补全源", - "Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "避免向 Horde 发送敏感信息", + "Chat Completion Source": "聊天补全来源", + "Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "避免向 Horde 发送敏感信息。", "Review the Privacy statement": "查看隐私声明", - "Learn how to contribute your idel GPU cycles to the Horde": "学习如何将闲置的显卡计算资源贡献给Horde", - "Trusted workers only": "仅限可信赖的 Workers", - "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "出于隐私原因,重新加载页面后,您的 API 密钥将被隐藏。", - "-- Horde models not loaded --": "Horde 模型未加载", - "Example: ": "示例:", - "No connection...": "没有连接", + "Learn how to contribute your idel GPU cycles to the Horde": "了解如何将您的空闲 GPU 周期贡献给 Horde", + "Trusted workers only": "仅信任的工作人员", + "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "出于隐私原因,重新加载页面后您的 API 密钥将被隐藏。", + "-- Horde models not loaded --": "-- Horde 模型未加载 --", + "Example: ": "示例:", + "No connection...": "没有连接...", "Get your NovelAI API Key": "获取您的 NovelAI API 密钥", "KoboldAI Horde": "KoboldAI Horde", - "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)": "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)", + "Text Gen WebUI (ooba)": "文本生成 WebUI(ooba)", "NovelAI": "NovelAI", - "Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)": "Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)", + "Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)": "聊天补全(OpenAI、Claude、Window/OpenRouter、Scale)", "OpenAI API key": "OpenAI API 密钥", "Trim spaces": "修剪空格", "Trim Incomplete Sentences": "修剪不完整的句子", - "Include Newline": "包括换行", - "Non-markdown strings": "非markdown字符串", - "Replace Macro in Sequences": "替换序列中的宏", + "Include Newline": "包括换行符", + "Non-markdown strings": "非 Markdown 字符串", + "Replace Macro in Sequences": "在序列中替换宏", "Presets": "预设", "Separator": "分隔符", - "Start Reply With": "回复前缀", + "Start Reply With": "以...开始回复", "Show reply prefix in chat": "在聊天中显示回复前缀", - "Worlds/Lorebooks": "世界/Lorebooks", - "Active World(s)": "激活的世界", - "Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "角色背景插入策略", + "Worlds/Lorebooks": "世界/传说书", + "Active World(s)": "活动世界", + "Activation Settings": "激活设置", + "Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "角色传说插入策略", "Sorted Evenly": "均匀排序", - "Character Lore First": "角色背景优先", - "Global Lore First": "全局背景优先", - "-- World Info not found --": "-- 世界背景未找到 --", - "Recursive Scan": "归递扫描", + "Active World(s) for all chats": "所有聊天的活动世界", + "-- World Info not found --": "-- 未找到世界信息 --", + "--- Pick to Edit ---": "--- 选择以编辑 ---", + "or": "或", + "New": "新", + "Priority": "优先级", + "Custom": "自定义", + "Title A-Z": "标题 A-Z", + "Title Z-A": "标题 Z-A", + "Tokens ↗": "令牌 ↗", + "Tokens ↘": "令牌 ↘", + "Depth ↗": "深度 ↗", + "Depth ↘": "深度 ↘", + "Order ↗": "顺序 ↗", + "Order ↘": "顺序 ↘", + "UID ↗": "UID ↗", + "UID ↘": "UID ↘", + "Trigger% ↗": "触发器% ↗", + "Trigger% ↘": "触发器% ↘", + "Order:": "顺序:", + "Depth:": "深度:", + "Character Lore First": "角色传说优先", + "Global Lore First": "全局传说优先", + "Recursive Scan": "递归扫描", "Case Sensitive": "区分大小写", - "Match whole words": "匹配整个单词", - "World/Lore Editor": "世界/Lore 编辑", - "--- None ---": "--- 全无 ---", - "Comma seperated (ignored if empty)": "逗号分隔 (如果为空则忽略)", + "Match whole words": "完整匹配单词", + "Alert On Overflow": "溢出警报", + "World/Lore Editor": "世界/传说编辑器", + "--- None ---": "--- 无 ---", "Use Probability": "使用概率", - "Exclude from recursion": "从递归中排除", - "Position:": "插入位置:", + "Exclude from recursion": "排除递归", + "Entry Title/Memo": "条目标题/备忘录", + "Position:": "位置:", + "T_Position": "↑Char:在角色定义之前\n↓Char:在角色定义之后\n↑AN:在作者注释之前\n↓AN:在作者注释之后\n@D:在深度处", "Before Char Defs": "角色定义之前", "After Char Defs": "角色定义之后", "Before AN": "作者注释之前", "After AN": "作者注释之后", - "Order:": "排序", - "Probability:": "概率", + "at Depth": "在深度", + "Order": "顺序:", + "Probability:": "概率:", + "Update a theme file": "更新主题文件", + "Save as a new theme": "另存为新主题", + "Minimum number of blacklisted words detected to trigger an auto-swipe": "检测到触发自动滑动的黑名单词语的最小数量", "Delete Entry": "删除条目", - "User Message Blur Tint": "用户消息模糊颜色", - "AI Message Blur Tint": "AI 消息模糊颜色", - "Chat Style:": "聊天窗口样式:", - "Chat Width (PC):": "聊天窗口宽度 (电脑):", + "User Message Blur Tint": "用户消息模糊色调", + "AI Message Blur Tint": "AI 消息模糊色调", + "Chat Backgrounds": "聊天背景", + "Chat Background": "聊天背景", + "UI Background": "UI 背景", + "Mad Lab Mode": "疯狂实验室模式", + "Show Message Token Count": "显示消息令牌计数", + "Compact Input Area (Mobile)": "紧凑输入区域(移动端)", + "Zen Sliders": "禅滑块", + "UI Border": "UI 边框", + "Chat Style:": "聊天风格:", + "Chat Width (PC)": "聊天宽度(PC)", "Chat Timestamps": "聊天时间戳", + "Tags as Folders": "标签作为文件夹", + "Chat Truncation": "聊天截断", + "(0 = unlimited)": "(0 = 无限制)", + "Streaming FPS": "流媒体帧速率", + "Gestures": "手势", "Message IDs": "消息 ID", - "Prefer Character Card Prompt": "首选角色卡提示", - "Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "首选角色卡越狱", - "Press Send to continue": "按下发送按钮继续", + "Prefer Character Card Prompt": "更喜欢角色卡提示", + "Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "更喜欢角色卡越狱", + "Press Send to continue": "按发送键继续", + "Quick 'Continue' button": "快速“继续”按钮", "Log prompts to console": "将提示记录到控制台", - "Never resize avatars": "不要调整头像大小", + "Never resize avatars": "永远不要调整头像大小", "Show avatar filenames": "显示头像文件名", "Import Card Tags": "导入卡片标签", "Confirm message deletion": "确认删除消息", "Spoiler Free Mode": "无剧透模式", - "Auto-swipe": "自动右滑生成", - "Minimum generated message length": "消息生成的最小长度", - "Blacklisted words": "黑名单词汇", - "Blacklisted word count to swipe": "自动滑动触发的累计黑名单词汇数", - "Reload Chat": "重新加载聊天窗口", + "Auto-swipe": "自动滑动", + "Minimum generated message length": "生成的消息的最小长度", + "Blacklisted words": "黑名单词语", + "Blacklisted word count to swipe": "滑动的黑名单词语数量", + "Reload Chat": "重新加载聊天", + "Search Settings": "搜索设置", + "Disabled": "已禁用", + "Automatic (PC)": "自动(PC)", + "Enabled": "已启用", + "Simple": "简单", + "Advanced": "高级", + "Disables animations and transitions": "禁用动画和过渡效果", + "removes blur from window backgrounds": "从窗口背景中移除模糊效果", + "Remove text shadow effect": "移除文本阴影效果", + "Reduce chat height, and put a static sprite behind the chat window": "减少聊天高度,并在聊天窗口后放置静态精灵", + "Always show the full list of the Message Actions context items for chat messages, instead of hiding them behind '...'": "始终显示聊天消息的消息操作上下文项目的完整列表,而不是隐藏它们在“…”后面", + "Alternative UI for numeric sampling parameters with fewer steps": "用于数字采样参数的备用用户界面,步骤较少", + "Entirely unrestrict all numeric sampling parameters": "完全取消限制所有数字采样参数", + "Time the AI's message generation, and show the duration in the chat log": "记录AI消息生成的时间,并在聊天日志中显示持续时间", + "Show a timestamp for each message in the chat log": "在聊天日志中为每条消息显示时间戳", + "Show an icon for the API that generated the message": "为生成消息的API显示图标", + "Show sequential message numbers in the chat log": "在聊天日志中显示连续的消息编号", + "Show the number of tokens in each message in the chat log": "在聊天日志中显示每条消息中的令牌数", + "Single-row message input area. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "单行消息输入区域。仅适用于移动设备,对PC无影响", + "In the Character Management panel, show quick selection buttons for favorited characters": "在角色管理面板中,显示快速选择按钮以选择收藏的角色", + "Show tagged character folders in the character list": "在角色列表中显示已标记的角色文件夹", + "Play a sound when a message generation finishes": "当消息生成完成时播放声音", + "Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused": "仅在ST的浏览器选项卡未聚焦时播放声音", + "Reduce the formatting requirements on API URLs": "减少API URL的格式要求", + "Ask to import the World Info/Lorebook for every new character with embedded lorebook. If unchecked, a brief message will be shown instead": "询问是否为每个具有嵌入式传说书的新角色导入世界信息/传说书。如果未选中,则会显示简短的消息", + "Restore unsaved user input on page refresh": "在页面刷新时恢复未保存的用户输入", + "Allow repositioning certain UI elements by dragging them. PC only, no effect on mobile": "允许通过拖动重新定位某些UI元素。仅适用于PC,对移动设备无影响", + "MovingUI preset. Predefined/saved draggable positions": "MovingUI预设。预定义/保存的可拖动位置", + "Save movingUI changes to a new file": "将movingUI更改保存到新文件中", + "Apply a custom CSS style to all of the ST GUI": "将自定义CSS样式应用于所有ST GUI", + "Use fuzzy matching, and search characters in the list by all data fields, not just by a name substring": "使用模糊匹配,在列表中通过所有数据字段搜索字符,而不仅仅是名称子字符串", + "If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead": "如果选中并且角色卡包含提示覆盖(系统提示),则使用该选项", + "If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead": "如果选中并且角色卡包含越狱覆盖(后置历史记录指令),则使用该选项", + "Avoid cropping and resizing imported character images. When off, crop/resize to 400x600": "避免裁剪和调整导入的角色图像。关闭时,裁剪/调整为400x600", + "Show actual file names on the disk, in the characters list display only": "仅在磁盘上显示实际文件名,在角色列表显示中", + "Prompt to import embedded card tags on character import. Otherwise embedded tags are ignored": "在导入角色时提示导入嵌入式卡片标签。否则,嵌入式标签将被忽略", + "Hide character definitions from the editor panel behind a spoiler button": "将角色定义从编辑面板隐藏在一个剧透按钮后面", + "Show a button in the input area to ask the AI to continue (extend) its last message": "在输入区域中显示一个按钮,询问AI是否继续(延长)其上一条消息", + "Show arrow buttons on the last in-chat message to generate alternative AI responses. Both PC and mobile": "在最后一条聊天消息上显示箭头按钮以生成替代的AI响应。PC和移动设备均可", + "Allow using swiping gestures on the last in-chat message to trigger swipe generation. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "允许在最后一条聊天消息上使用滑动手势触发滑动生成。仅适用于移动设备,对PC无影响", + "Save edits to messages without confirmation as you type": "在键入时保存对消息的编辑而无需确认", + "Render LaTeX and AsciiMath equation notation in chat messages. Powered by KaTeX": "在聊天消息中渲染LaTeX和AsciiMath方程式符号。由KaTeX提供支持", + "Disalow embedded media from other domains in chat messages": "在聊天消息中禁止来自其他域的嵌入式媒体", + "Skip encoding and characters in message text, allowing a subset of HTML markup as well as Markdown": "跳过消息文本中的编码和字符,允许一部分HTML标记以及Markdown", + "Allow AI messages in groups to contain lines spoken by other group members": "允许组中的AI消息包含其他组成员说的话", + "Requests logprobs from the API for the Token Probabilities feature": "为Token Probabilities功能从API请求logprobs", + "Automatically reject and re-generate AI message based on configurable criteria": "根据可配置的条件自动拒绝并重新生成AI消息", + "Enable the auto-swipe function. Settings in this section only have an effect when auto-swipe is enabled": "启用自动滑动功能。仅当启用自动滑动时,本节中的设置才会生效", + "If the generated message is shorter than this, trigger an auto-swipe": "如果生成的消息短于此长度,则触发自动滑动", + "Reload and redraw the currently open chat": "重新加载和重绘当前打开的聊天", + "Auto-Expand Message Actions": "自动展开消息操作", "Not Connected": "未连接", - "Persona Management": "用户角色设置", - "Persona Description": "用户角色描述", - "In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "在故事字符串 / 聊天补全中: 角色卡之前", - "In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "在故事字符串 / 聊天补全中: 角色卡之后", - "Top of Author's Note": "作者注释之前", - "Bottom of Author's Note": "作者注释之后", - "How do I use this?": "用户角色设置说明", + "Persona Management": "角色管理", + "Persona Description": "角色描述", + "Your Persona": "您的角色", + "Show notifications on switching personas": "切换角色时显示通知", + "Blank": "空白", + "In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "在故事字符串/聊天完成之前:在角色卡之前", + "In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "在故事字符串/聊天完成之后:在角色卡之后", + "In Story String / Prompt Manager": "在故事字符串/提示管理器", + "Top of Author's Note": "作者注的顶部", + "Bottom of Author's Note": "作者注的底部", + "How do I use this?": "我怎样使用这个?", "More...": "更多...", - "Link to World Info": "链接到世界背景", - "Import Card Lore": "导入卡片背景", + "Link to World Info": "链接到世界信息", + "Import Card Lore": "导入卡片知识", "Scenario Override": "场景覆盖", "Rename": "重命名", "Character Description": "角色描述", - "Creator's Notes": "创建者的注释", + "Creator's Notes": "创作者的注释", "A-Z": "A-Z", "Z-A": "Z-A", "Newest": "最新", "Oldest": "最旧", - "Favorites": "收藏", + "Favorites": "收藏夹", "Recent": "最近", - "Most chats": "聊天次数最多", - "Least chats": "聊天次数最少", + "Most chats": "最多聊天", + "Least chats": "最少聊天", "Back": "返回", - "Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct mode)": "提示覆盖(适用于OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs、Window/OpenRouter和Instruct模式)", - "Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": "将{{original}}插入任意一个框中,即可包含来自系统设置的默认提示。", + "Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct mode)": "提示覆盖(适用于OpenAI/Claude/Scale API、Window/OpenRouter和Instruct模式)", + "Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": "将{{original}}插入到任一框中,以包含系统设置中的相应默认提示。", "Main Prompt": "主要提示", "Jailbreak": "越狱", - "Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "创建者的元数据(不会与 AI 提示一起发送)", + "Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "创作者的元数据(不与AI提示一起发送)", "Everything here is optional": "这里的一切都是可选的", "Created by": "创建者", "Character Version": "角色版本", - "Tags to Embed": "要嵌入的标签", + "Tags to Embed": "嵌入的标签", "How often the character speaks in group chats!": "角色在群聊中说话的频率!", - "Important to set the character's writing style.": "要设置角色的写作风格,它很重要。", + "Important to set the character's writing style.": "设置角色的写作风格很重要。", "ATTENTION!": "注意!", "Samplers Order": "采样器顺序", - "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "采样器将按从上到下的顺序应用。谨慎使用。", + "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "采样器将按自上而下的顺序应用。请谨慎使用。", "Repetition Penalty": "重复惩罚", - "Epsilon Cutoff": "Epsilon 切断", - "Eta Cutoff": "Eta 切断", - "Rep. Pen. Range.": "重复惩罚范围", - "Rep. Pen. Freq.": "重复频率惩罚", - "Rep. Pen. Presence": "重复存在惩罚", - "Enter it in the box below:": "在下面的框中输入:", + "Rep. Pen. Range.": "重复惩罚范围。", + "Rep. Pen. Freq.": "重复惩罚频率", + "Rep. Pen. Presence": "重复惩罚存在", + "Enter it in the box below:": "在下面的框中输入它:", "separate with commas w/o space between": "用逗号分隔,不要空格", "Document": "文档", + "Suggest replies": "建议回复", + "Show suggested replies. Not all bots support this.": "显示建议的回复。并非所有机器人都支持此功能。", + "Use 'Unlocked Context' to enable chunked generation.": "使用'Unlocked Context'启用分块生成。", + "It extends the context window in exchange for reply generation speed.": "它扩展了上下文窗口,以换取回复生成速度。", "Continue": "继续", - "Editing:": "正在编辑:", + "CFG Scale": "CFG规模", + "Editing:": "编辑:", "AI reply prefix": "AI回复前缀", "Custom Stopping Strings": "自定义停止字符串", - "JSON serialized array of strings": "字符串的JSON序列化数组", - "words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "你不想生成的词汇,用逗号 ',' 分隔", + "JSON serialized array of strings": "JSON序列化的字符串数组", + "words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "不想生成的单词,用逗号','分隔", "Extensions URL": "扩展URL", "API Key": "API密钥", - "Enter your name": "输入你的名字", - "Name this character": "给这个角色起个名字", - "Search / Create Tags": "搜索 / 创建标签", - "Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "在这里描述你的角色的身体和精神特点。", - "This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "这将是角色开始每个聊天的第一条消息。", + "Enter your name": "输入您的名字", + "Name this character": "为这个角色命名", + "Search / Create Tags": "搜索/创建标签", + "Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "在这里描述您角色的身体和精神特征。", + "This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "这将是每次开始的角色的第一条消息。", "Chat Name (Optional)": "聊天名称(可选)", - "Filter...": "筛选...", + "Filter...": "过滤...", "Search...": "搜索...", - "Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "这里的任何内容都将替换用于此角色的默认主要提示。(v2规范:system_prompt)", - "Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "这里的任何内容都将替换用于此角色的默认越狱提示。 (v2规范:post_history_instructions)", - "(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "(Bot制作者的名字/联系信息)", - "(If you want to track character versions)": "(如果你想跟踪角色版本)", - "(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "(描述机器人,给出使用提示,或列出用它测试过的聊天模型。这将显示在角色列表中)", - "(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "(编写逗号分隔的标签列表)", - "(A brief description of the personality)": "(人设的简要描述)", - "(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "(互动的情况和上下文)", - "(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "(聊天对话的示例。每个示例都以新行的START开始)", + "Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "此处的任何内容都将替换用于此角色的默认主提示。(v2规范:system_prompt)", + "Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "此处的任何内容都将替换用于此角色的默认越狱提示。(v2规范:post_history_instructions)", + "(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "(机器人制作者的姓名/联系信息)", + "(If you want to track character versions)": "(如果您想跟踪角色版本)", + "(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "(描述机器人,提供使用技巧,或列出已经测试过的聊天模型。这将显示在角色列表中。)", + "(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "(编写逗号分隔的标签列表)", + "(A brief description of the personality)": "(性格的简要描述)", + "(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "(交互的情况和背景)", + "(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "(聊天对话的示例。每个示例都以新行上的START开头。)", "Injection text (supports parameters)": "注入文本(支持参数)", "Injection depth": "注入深度", "Type here...": "在此处输入...", - "Comma separated (required)": "逗号分隔(必需)", - "Comma separated (ignored if empty)": "逗号分隔(如果为空则被忽略)", - "What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "这个关键词对AI来说应该是什么意思,逐字递送", - "Not sent to the AI": "不发送给AI", - "(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "(这将是角色开始每个聊天的第一条消息)", + "Comma separated (required)": "逗号分隔(必填)", + "Comma separated (ignored if empty)": "逗号分隔(如果为空则忽略)", + "What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "这个关键词对AI的含义,逐字发送", + "Filter to Character(s)": "过滤到角色", + "Character Exclusion": "角色排除", + "Inclusion Group": "包含组", + "Only one entry with the same label will be activated": "只有一个带有相同标签的条目将被激活", + "-- Characters not found --": "-- 未找到角色 --", + "Not sent to the AI": "不发送到AI", + "(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "(这将是每次开始的角色的第一条消息)", "Not connected to API!": "未连接到API!", "AI Response Configuration": "AI响应配置", "AI Configuration panel will stay open": "AI配置面板将保持打开状态", @@ -438,90 +698,101 @@ "Create new preset": "创建新预设", "Import preset": "导入预设", "Export preset": "导出预设", - "Delete the preset": "删除该预设", - "Inserts jailbreak as a last system message": "将越狱插入为最后一个系统消息", - "NSFW block goes first in the resulting prompt": "在生成的提示中,NSFW部分排在首位", - "Enables OpenAI completion streaming": "启用OpenAI补全流", - "Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "发送前用引号括起用户消息", + "Delete the preset": "删除预设", + "Auto-select this preset for Instruct Mode": "自动选择此预设以进行指示模式", + "Auto-select this preset on API connection": "在API连接时自动选择此预设", + "NSFW block goes first in the resulting prompt": "结果提示中首先是NSFW块", + "Enables OpenAI completion streaming": "启用OpenAI完成流", + "Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "在发送之前将用户消息用引号括起来", "Restore default prompt": "恢复默认提示", "New preset": "新预设", "Delete preset": "删除预设", "Restore default jailbreak": "恢复默认越狱", "Restore default reply": "恢复默认回复", - "Restore defaul note": "恢复默认注释", + "Restore defaul note": "恢复默认备注", "API Connections": "API连接", - "Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "通过只排队已批准的worker来帮助处理不良响应。可能会减慢响应时间。", - "Clear your API key": "清除你的API密钥", + "Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "可以通过仅排队批准的工作人员来帮助处理不良响应。可能会减慢响应时间。", + "Clear your API key": "清除您的API密钥", "Refresh models": "刷新模型", "Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to openrouter.ai": "使用OAuth流程获取您的OpenRouter API令牌。您将被重定向到openrouter.ai", - "Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "通过发送一个短测试消息验证您的API连接。请注意,这将会计入你的使用额度!", - "Create New": "创建新的", + "Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "通过发送简短的测试消息验证您的API连接。请注意,您将因此而获得信用!", + "Create New": "创建新", "Edit": "编辑", - "World Info": "世界背景", "Locked = World Editor will stay open": "锁定=世界编辑器将保持打开状态", - "Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "条目可以通过提及其关键字来激活其他条目", - "Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "在上下文中查找条目关键词将遵守大小写", - "If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "如果条目键仅包含一个词,它将不会被匹配为其他词汇的一部分", + "Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "条目可以通过提及它们的关键字来激活其他条目", + "Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "在上下文中查找条目键将保持大小写敏感", + "If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "如果条目键只由一个单词组成,则不会作为其他单词的一部分匹配", "Open all Entries": "打开所有条目", "Close all Entries": "关闭所有条目", "Create": "创建", - "Import World Info": "导入世界背景", - "Export World Info": "导出世界背景", - "Delete World Info": "删除世界背景", - "Rename World Info": "重命名世界背景", - "Save changes to a new theme file": "将更改保存到新主题文件中", - "removes blur and uses alternative background color for divs": "去除模糊并为div使用替代的背景颜色", - "If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead.": "如果选中并且角色卡包含提示覆盖(系统提示),请改用该选项。", - "If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead.": "如果选中并且角色卡包含越狱覆盖(发布历史指令),请改用该选项。", - "AI Response Formatting": "AI 回复格式", + "Import World Info": "导入世界信息", + "Export World Info": "导出世界信息", + "Delete World Info": "删除世界信息", + "Duplicate World Info": "复制世界信息", + "Rename World Info": "重命名世界信息", + "Refresh": "刷新", + "Primary Keywords": "主要关键字", + "Logic": "逻辑", + "AND ANY": "和任意", + "AND ALL": "和所有", + "NOT ALL": "不是所有", + "NOT ANY": "没有任何", + "Optional Filter": "可选过滤器", + "New Entry": "新条目", + "Fill empty Memo/Titles with Keywords": "使用关键字填充空的备忘录/标题", + "Save changes to a new theme file": "将更改保存到新的主题文件", + "removes blur and uses alternative background color for divs": "消除模糊并为div使用替代背景颜色", + "AI Response Formatting": "AI响应格式", "Change Background Image": "更改背景图片", "Extensions": "扩展", - "Click to set a new User Name": "点击设置新用户名", - "Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "点击将选择的角色锁定到当前聊天。再次单击以解除锁定。", - "Click to set user name for all messages": "点击为所有消息设置用户名称", - "Create a dummy persona": "创建一个虚拟个人角色", + "Click to set a new User Name": "点击设置新的用户名", + "Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "单击以将您选择的角色锁定到当前聊天。再次单击以移除锁定。", + "Click to set user name for all messages": "点击为所有消息设置用户名", + "Create a dummy persona": "创建虚拟角色", "Character Management": "角色管理", - "Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "锁定=角色管理面板将保持打开状态", + "Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "已锁定=角色管理面板将保持打开状态", "Select/Create Characters": "选择/创建角色", - "Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "Token 计数可能不准确,仅供参考。", - "Click to select a new avatar for this character": "点击选择此角色的新头像", + "Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "令牌计数可能不准确,仅供参考。", + "Click to select a new avatar for this character": "单击以为此角色选择新的头像", + "Example: [{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]": "示例:[{{user}}是一个28岁的罗马尼亚猫女孩。]", + "Toggle grid view": "切换网格视图", "Add to Favorites": "添加到收藏夹", "Advanced Definition": "高级定义", - "Character Lore": "角色背景", + "Character Lore": "角色传说", "Export and Download": "导出并下载", "Duplicate Character": "复制角色", "Create Character": "创建角色", "Delete Character": "删除角色", "View all tags": "查看所有标签", - "Click to set additional greeting messages": "单击设置其他的问候消息", + "Click to set additional greeting messages": "单击以设置其他问候消息", "Show / Hide Description and First Message": "显示/隐藏描述和第一条消息", - "Click to select a new avatar for this group": "单击选择此群组的新头像", - "Set a group chat scenario": "设置群聊场景", + "Click to select a new avatar for this group": "单击以为该组选择新的头像", + "Set a group chat scenario": "设置群组聊天场景", "Restore collage avatar": "恢复拼贴头像", "Create New Character": "创建新角色", - "Import Character from File": "从文件中导入角色", + "Import Character from File": "从文件导入角色", "Import content from external URL": "从外部URL导入内容", - "Create New Chat Group": "创建新的聊天群组", + "Create New Chat Group": "创建新的聊天组", "Characters sorting order": "角色排序顺序", - "Add chat injection": "添加聊天中断", - "Remove injection": "移除中断", + "Add chat injection": "添加聊天注入", + "Remove injection": "移除注入", "Remove": "移除", - "Select a World Info file for": "为角色选择一个世界背景", - "Primary Lorebook": "主要的 Lorebook", - "A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "所选择的世界背景将作为其自己的 Lorebook 绑定到此角色。", - "When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "在生成AI回复时,它将与全局世界背景选择器中的条目结合。", - "Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": "导出角色也会导出嵌入在JSON数据中的 Lorebook 文件。", - "Additional Lorebooks": "其他 Lorebook", - "Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.": "将一个或多个辅助的 Lorebook 与这个角色关联。", - "NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!": "注意:这些选择是可选的,不会在导出角色时保留!", + "Select a World Info file for": "为...选择一个世界信息文件", + "Primary Lorebook": "主要传说书", + "A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "所选的世界信息将作为该角色自己的传说书绑定到此角色。", + "When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "在生成AI回复时,它将与全局世界信息选择器中的条目结合。", + "Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": "导出角色还将导出嵌入在JSON数据中的所选传说书文件。", + "Additional Lorebooks": "附加传说书", + "Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.": "将一个或多个辅助传说书与此角色关联。", + "NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!": "注意:这些选择是可选的,并且不会在角色导出时保留!", "Rename chat file": "重命名聊天文件", - "Export JSONL chat file": "导出 JSONL 聊天文件", - "Download chat as plain text document": "将聊天内容下载为纯文本文档", + "Export JSONL chat file": "导出JSONL聊天文件", + "Download chat as plain text document": "将聊天下载为纯文本文档", "Delete chat file": "删除聊天文件", "Delete tag": "删除标签", "Translate message": "翻译消息", "Generate Image": "生成图片", - "Narrate": "讲述", + "Narrate": "叙述", "Prompt": "提示", "Create Bookmark": "创建书签", "Copy": "复制", @@ -534,19 +805,116 @@ "Enlarge": "放大", "Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character": "暂时禁用此角色的自动回复", "Enable automatic replies from this character": "启用此角色的自动回复", - "Trigger a message from this character": "触发这个角色的一条消息", - "Move up": "上移", - "Move down": "下移", - "View character card": "查看角色卡", - "Remove from group": "从群组中移除", - "Add to group": "添加到群组", + "Trigger a message from this character": "从此角色触发消息", + "Move up": "向上移动", + "Move down": "向下移动", + "View character card": "查看角色卡片", + "Remove from group": "从组中移除", + "Add to group": "添加到组中", "Add": "添加", - "Abort request": "取消请求", + "Abort request": "中止请求", "Send a message": "发送消息", - "Ask AI to write your message for you": "让 AI 代替你写消息", + "Ask AI to write your message for you": "请求AI为您撰写消息", "Continue the last message": "继续上一条消息", - "Bind user name to that avatar": "将用户名绑定到该头像", - "Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "将此选择为新聊天的默认角色。", - "Change persona image": "更改角色形象", - "Delete persona": "删除角色" -} + "Bind user name to that avatar": "将用户名称绑定到该头像", + "Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "选择此项作为新聊天的默认人物。", + "Change persona image": "更改人物形象", + "Delete persona": "删除人物", + "Reduced Motion": "减少动作", + "Auto-select": "自动选择", + "Automatically select a background based on the chat context": "根据聊天上下文自动选择背景", + "Filter": "过滤器", + "Exclude message from prompts": "从提示中排除消息", + "Include message in prompts": "将消息包含在提示中", + "Create checkpoint": "创建检查点", + "Create Branch": "创建分支", + "Embed file or image": "嵌入文件或图像", + "UI Theme": "UI主题", + "This message is invisible for the AI": "此消息对AI不可见", + "Sampler Priority": "采样器优先级", + "Ooba only. Determines the order of samplers.": "仅适用于Ooba。确定采样器的顺序。", + "Load default order": "加载默认顺序", + "Max Tokens Second": "每秒最大令牌数", + "CFG": "CFG", + "No items": "无项目", + "Extras API key (optional)": "附加API密钥(可选)", + "Notify on extension updates": "在扩展更新时通知", + "Toggle character grid view": "切换角色网格视图", + "Bulk edit characters": "批量编辑角色", + "Bulk delete characters": "批量删除角色", + "Favorite characters to add them to HotSwaps": "将角色收藏以将它们添加到HotSwaps", + "Underlined Text": "下划线文本", + "Token Probabilities": "令牌概率", + "Close chat": "关闭聊天", + "Manage chat files": "管理聊天文件", + "Import Extension From Git Repo": "从Git存储库导入扩展", + "Install extension": "安装扩展", + "Manage extensions": "管理扩展", + "Tokens persona description": "令牌人物描述", + "Most tokens": "大多数令牌", + "Least tokens": "最少令牌", + "Random": "随机", + "Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "跳过示例对话格式", + "Import a theme file": "导入主题文件", + "Export a theme file": "导出主题文件", + "Unlocked Context Size": "解锁的上下文大小", + "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "逐位显示生成的响应。", + "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "当此选项关闭时,响应将在完成时一次性显示。", + "Quick Prompts Edit": "快速提示编辑", + "Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "启用OpenAI完成流", + "Main": "主要", + "Utility Prompts": "实用提示", + "Add character names": "添加角色名称", + "Send names in the message objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "在消息对象中发送名称。有助于模型将消息与角色关联起来。", + "Continue prefill": "继续预填充", + "Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "继续将上一条消息发送为助手角色,而不是带有说明的系统消息。", + "Squash system messages": "压缩系统消息", + "Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "将连续的系统消息合并为一条(不包括示例对话)。可能会提高一些模型的连贯性。", + "Send inline images": "发送内联图像", + "Assistant Prefill": "助手预填充", + "Start Claude's answer with...": "以以下内容开始克劳德的回答...", + "Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "仅使用系统提示(仅适用于Claude 2.1+)", + "Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "为支持的模型发送系统提示。如果禁用,则用户消息将添加到提示的开头。", + "Prompts": "提示", + "Total Tokens:": "总令牌数:", + "Insert prompt": "插入提示", + "Delete prompt": "删除提示", + "Import a prompt list": "导入提示列表", + "Export this prompt list": "导出此提示列表", + "Reset current character": "重置当前角色", + "New prompt": "新提示", + "Tokens": "令牌", + "Want to update?": "想要更新吗?", + "How to start chatting?": "如何开始聊天?", + "Click": "点击", + "and select a": "并选择一个", + "Chat API": "聊天API", + "and pick a character": "并选择一个角色", + "in the chat bar": "在聊天栏中", + "Confused or lost?": "感到困惑或迷失了吗?", + "click these icons!": "点击这些图标!", + "SillyTavern Documentation Site": "SillyTavern文档站点", + "Extras Installation Guide": "附加组件安装指南", + "Still have questions?": "仍然有问题吗?", + "Join the SillyTavern Discord": "加入SillyTavern Discord", + "Post a GitHub issue": "发布GitHub问题", + "Contact the developers": "联系开发人员", + "Nucleus Sampling": "核心采样", + "Typical P": "典型P", + "Top K Sampling": "前K个采样", + "Top A Sampling": "前A个采样", + "Off": "关闭", + "Very light": "非常轻", + "Light": "轻", + "Medium": "中", + "Aggressive": "激进", + "Very aggressive": "非常激进", + "Eta cutoff is the main parameter of the special Eta Sampling technique. In units of 1e-4; a reasonable value is 3. Set to 0 to disable. See the paper Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing by Hewitt et al. (2022) for details.": "Eta截止是特殊Eta采样技术的主要参数。 以1e-4为单位;合理的值为3。 设置为0以禁用。 有关详细信息,请参阅Hewitt等人的论文《截断采样作为语言模型去平滑》(2022年)。", + "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "了解如何将您的空闲GPU周期贡献给Horde", + "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "通过其API为Google模型使用适当的标记器。处理速度较慢,但提供更准确的令牌计数。", + "Load koboldcpp order": "加载koboldcpp顺序", + "Use Google Tokenizer": "使用Google标记器" + + + +} \ No newline at end of file