Merge branch 'staging' into persona-lorebook

This commit is contained in:
Cohee 2024-12-11 18:25:58 +02:00
commit 3be17e2ed8
27 changed files with 2991 additions and 1693 deletions

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@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ access.log
/data /data
/cache /cache
.DS_Store .DS_Store

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SillyTavern 提供一個統一的前端介面,整合多種大型語言模型的 API包括KoboldAI/CPP、Horde、NovelAI、Ooba、Tabby、OpenAI、OpenRouter、Claude、Mistral 等。同時具備行動裝置友善的佈局、視覺小說模式Visual Novel Mode、Automatic1111 與 ComfyUI 的影像生成 API 整合、TTS語音合成、世界資訊Lorebook、可自訂 UI、自動翻譯功能以及強大的提示詞prompt設定選項和無限的第三方擴充潛力。
我們擁有一個 [官方文件網站]( 可以幫助解答絕大多數的使用問題,並幫助您順利入門。
## SillyTavern 是什麼?
SillyTavern簡稱 ST是一款本地安裝的使用者介面讓您能與大型語言模型LLM、影像生成引擎以及語音合成模型互動的前端。
SillyTavern 起源於 2023 年 2 月,作為 TavernAI 1.2.8 的分支版本發展至今。目前已有超過 100 位貢獻者,並擁有超過兩年的獨立開發歷史。如今,它已成為 AI 愛好者中備受推崇的軟體之一。
## 我們的願景
1. 我們致力於賦予使用者對 LLM 提示詞的最大控制權與實用性,並認為學習過程中的挑戰是樂趣的一部分
2. 我們不提供任何線上或託管服務,也不會程式化追蹤任何使用者數據。
3. SillyTavern 是由一群熱衷於 LLM 的開發者社群所打造的熱情專案,並將永遠保持免費與開源。
## 分支介紹
SillyTavern 採用雙分支開發模式,確保為所有使用者提供流暢的使用體驗。
* `release`(穩定版):🌟 **推薦給大部分的使用者使用。** 此分支最為穩定,僅在主要版本發布時更新。適合大多數人,通常每月更新一次。
* `staging`(開發版):⚠️ **不建議普通使用者使用。** 此分支包含最新功能,但可能隨時出現問題。適合進階使用者與愛好者,每日多次更新。
如果您不熟悉 git CLI 或對分支概念不清楚,請放心對您來說,`release`(穩定版)分支永遠是首選。
## 使用 SillyTavern 需要什麼?
由於 SillyTavern 僅是一個介面,您需要一個 LLM 後端來提供推理能力。您可以使用 AI Horde 以立即開始聊天。此外,我們支持許多其他本地和雲端 LLM 後端,例如 OpenAI 兼容 API、KoboldAI、Tabby 等。更多支持的 API 資訊,請參閱 [常見問題](。
### 我需要高效能電腦才能運行 SillyTavern 嗎?
SillyTavern 的硬體需求相當低。任何能夠運行 NodeJS 18 或更高版本的設備都可以執行。若您打算在本地機器上進行 LLM 推理,我們建議使用擁有至少 6GB VRAM 的 3000 系列 NVIDIA 顯示卡。更多詳細資訊,請參考您使用的後端文檔。
### 推薦後端(僅為推薦,非官方合作和隸屬關係)
* [AI Horde](使用志願者託管的模型,無需進一步設定
* [KoboldCpp](社群推崇的選擇,可在本地運行 GGUF 模型
* [tabbyAPI](一個流行且輕量的本地託管 exl2 推理 API
* [OpenRouter](提供多個雲端 LLM 提供商(如 OpenAI、Claude、Meta Llama 等)及熱門社群模型的單一 API
## 有任何問題或建議?
### 歡迎加入我們的 Discord 伺服器
| [![][discord-shield-badge]][discord-link] | [加入我們的 Disocrd 伺服器]( 以獲得技術支援、分享您喜愛的角色與提示詞。 |
| :---------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
* Discord: cohee, rossascends, wolfsblvt
* Reddit: [/u/RossAscends](, [/u/sillylossy](, [u/Wolfsblvt](
* [提交 GitHub 問題](
### 我喜歡這個專案,我該如何貢獻呢?
1. **提交拉取要求Pull Request**:想了解如何貢獻,請參閱 [](../。
2. **提供功能建議與問題報告**:使用本專案所提供的模板提交建議或問題報告。
3. **仔細閱讀此 README 文件及相關文檔**:請避免提出重複問題或建議。
## 螢幕截圖
<img width="500" alt="image" src="">
<img width="500" alt="image" src="">
## 角色卡
SillyTavern 的核心概念是「角色卡」Character Cards。角色卡是一組設定 LLM 行為的提示詞,用於 SillyTavern 中進行持續性對話。其功能類似於 ChatGPT 的 GPT 或 Poe 的聊天機器人。角色卡的內容可以是任何形式:抽象場景、針對特定任務設計的助手、知名人物,或者虛構角色。
如果您僅想進行快速對話而不選擇角色卡片,或想測試 LLM 的連線,則可在打開 SillyTavern 後,於歡迎頁面的輸入欄位中直接輸入您的提示內容。請注意,這類對話是暫時的,不會被永久保存。
若想了解如何設定角色卡,可參考預設角色(如 Seraphina或從「下載擴充功能 & 資源」Download Extensions & Assets選單中下載社群製作的角色卡。
## 核心功能
* 進階文本生成設定:內含許多社群製作的預設設定
* 支援世界資訊World Info創建豐富的背景故事或節省角色卡片中的 Token符記使用
* 群組聊天:多角色聊天室,可讓角色與您或彼此對話
* 豐富的 UI 自定義選項:主題顏色、背景圖片、自定義 CSS 等
* 使用者設定:讓 AI 更了解您並提升沉浸感
* 內建 RAG 支持:可將文檔加入對話,供 AI 參考
* 強大的聊天指令子系統:內含 [腳本引擎Scripting Engine](
## 擴充功能
SillyTavern 支持多種擴充功能。
* 角色情感表達:使用視覺圖片(立繪)呈現情緒表達
* 聊天記錄自動摘要
* 自動化介面與聊天翻譯
* 穩定擴散Stable Diffusion、FLUX 和 DALL-E 的影像生成整合
* 語音合成AI 回應訊息可透過 ElevenLabs、Silero 或系統 TTS 語音合成
* 網頁搜尋功能:為提示詞添加真實世界的上下文資訊
* 更多擴展:可從「下載擴充功能 & 資源」Download Extensions & Assets選單中下載
# ⌛ 安裝指南
> * 請勿將程式安裝到 Windows 的系統控制資料夾(如 Program Files、System32 等)
> * 請勿以管理員權限執行 Start.bat
> * 無法在 Windows 7 系統上安裝,因為它無法執行 NodeJS 18.16
## 🪟 Windows
### 使用 Git 安裝
1. 安裝 [NodeJS](建議使用最新的 LTS 版本)
2. 安裝 [Git for Windows](
3. 打開 Windows 檔案總管(`Win+E`
4. 創建/使用一個不受 Windows 系統控制或監控的資料夾例如C:\MySpecialFolder\
5. 在該資料夾內開啟命令提示字元Command Prompt點擊地址欄輸入 `cmd` 並按下 Enter
6. 當命令提示字元黑框彈出時,輸入以下其中一條指令後,按下 Enter
* 安裝 Release穩定版分支`git clone -b release`
* 安裝 Staging開發板分支`git clone -b staging`
7. 當程式碼下載完成後,雙擊 `Start.bat`NodeJS 將自動安裝所需的依賴項
8. 本地伺服器啟動後SillyTavern 將自動在您的瀏覽器中打開
### 使用 GitHub Desktop 安裝
(此方式僅允許通過 GitHub Desktop 使用 git。如果您也希望在命令列中使用 `git`,則需額外安裝 [Git for Windows](
1. 安裝 [NodeJS](建議使用最新的 LTS 版本)
2. 安裝 [GitHub Desktop](
3. 安裝完成後,打開 GitHub Desktop點擊 `Clone a repository from the internet....` (注意:此步驟 **無需創建 GitHub 帳號**。)
4. 在彈出選單中點擊「URL」選項輸入此網址``然後點擊「Clone」。您可以更改「Local path」來選擇 SillyTavern 的下載位置
6. 若想開啟 SillyTavern需使用 Windows 檔案總管以進入您複製儲存庫的資料夾。預設位置為:`C:\Users\[您的 Windows 使用者名稱]\Documents\GitHub\SillyTavern`
7. 雙擊 `start.bat` 文件。(請注意:若您的作業系統隱藏了 `.bat` 副檔名,該文件可能顯示為「`Start`」。這就是您需要雙擊運行的文件。)
8. 雙擊後將會彈出一個大型黑色的命令提示字元視窗SillyTavern 會開始安裝其運行所需的文件與依賴
9. 安裝完成後,若一切正常,命令提示字元視窗應顯示運行中的訊息,且您的瀏覽器會自動打開 SillyTavern 頁籤
10. 連接到任何 SillyTavern [支援的 APIs]( 並開始聊天吧!
## 🐧 Linux & 🍎 MacOS
對於 MacOS 和 Linux 系統所有操作都將在終端機Terminal中完成。
1. 安裝 git 和 NodeJS具體方法因操作系統而異
2. 複製儲存庫Clone the repo
* 安裝 Release穩定版分支`git clone -b release`
* 安裝 Staging開發板分支`git clone -b staging`
3. 使用命令 `cd SillyTavern` 以進入安裝資料夾
4. 使用以下其中一條命令,以執行 `` 腳本:
* `./`
* `bash`
## ⚡ 使用 SillyTavern Launcher 安裝
SillyTavern Launcher 是一個安裝嚮導協助您設定多種選項包括安裝本地推理inference的後端。
### 對於 Windows 使用者
1. 在鍵盤上按下 **`WINDOWS + R`** 打開「執行」對話框,然後輸入以下指令以安裝 git
cmd /c winget install -e --id Git.Git
2. 在鍵盤上按下 **`WINDOWS + E`** 打開檔案總管,導航至您想要安裝 Launcher 的資料夾。在目標資料夾的地址欄輸入 `cmd` 並按下 Enter。接著執行以下命令
git clone && cd SillyTavern-Launcher && start installer.bat
### 對於 Linux 使用者
1. 打開您喜歡的終端機Terminal安裝 git
2. 使用以下指令以複製 Sillytavern-Launcher
git clone && cd SillyTavern-Launcher
3. 執行安裝腳本
chmod +x && ./
4. 安裝完成後執行啟動腳本
chmod +x && ./
### 對於 Mac 使用者
1. 打開終端機Terminal並使用以下指令安裝 Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
2. 使用 Homebrew 以安裝 git
brew install git
3. 使用以下指令以複製 Sillytavern-Launcher
git clone && cd SillyTavern-Launcher
4. 執行安裝腳本
chmod +x && ./
5. 安裝完成後執行啟動腳本
chmod +x && ./
## 🐋 使用 Docker 安裝
以下指南已假設您安裝 Docker能夠訪問命令列進行容器安裝並熟悉 Docker 的基本使用。
### 自行構建映像
我們提供了一份完整的 [SillyTavern Docker 使用指南](。該指南涵蓋了 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 的安裝過程。若您希望自行構建映像,建議先閱讀該文檔。
### 使用 GitHub 容器註冊表(最簡易的方式)
您需要設定兩個必要的目錄映射directory mappings和一個端口映射port mapping來使 SillyTavern 正常運行。在執行指令時,請將以下佔位符替換為您的實際配置:
#### 容器變數
##### 目錄映射Volume Mappings
* [config]:用於存放 SillyTavern 設定文件的本地資料夾
* [data]:用於存放 SillyTavern 使用者數據(包括角色)的本地資料夾
* [plugins](可選):用於存放 SillyTavern 擴充功能的本地資料夾
##### 端口映射Port Mappings
* [PublicPort]:對外流量的訪問端口。這是必需的,因為您將從虛擬機容器外部訪問實例。除非實施了額外的安全服務,否則請勿將此端口暴露於網路
##### 其他設定Additional Settings
* [DockerNet]:容器應連接的 Docker 網路。如果您不熟悉此概念,請參閱 [Docker 官方說明文件](
* [version]:在 GitHub 頁面的右側您可以找到「Packages」。選擇「sillytavern」包然後查看映像版本。「latest」標籤會使您保持與當前版本同步。您也可以選擇「staging」或「release」標籤但這可能不適用於依賴擴充功能的使用者因為擴充功能可能需要時間進行更新
#### 安裝命令
1. 打開命令列Command Line
2. 執行以下指令:
`docker create --name='sillytavern' --net='[DockerNet]' -p '8000:8000/tcp' -v '[plugins]':'/home/node/app/plugins':'rw' -v '[config]':'/home/node/app/config':'rw' -v '[data]':'/home/node/app/data':'rw' '[version]'`
> 請注意:默認的監聽端口為 8000。如果您在設定文件中更改了此端口請務必使用適當的端口號
## 📱 於 Android 系統中使用 Termux 安裝
> \[!NOTE]
> **雖然您可以在 Android 設備上使用 Termux 直接運行 SillyTavern但這不在我們的官方支持範圍內。**
> **請參閱 ArroganceComplex#2659 所提供的指南:**
> * <>
**不支援Android ARM LEtime-web。** 32 位 Android 系統需要額外的依賴項,這無法通過 npm 安裝。請使用以下命令安裝:`pkg install esbuild`。完成後,請按照普通的安裝步驟進行操作
## API 金鑰管理
SillyTavern 將您的 API 金鑰Keys保存在使用者數據目錄中的 `secrets.json` 文件內(默認路徑為`/data/default-user/secrets.json`
默認情況下API 金鑰在您保存並重新載入頁面後,將不會自介面中顯示
1. 在 `config.yaml` 文件中,將 `allowKeysExposure` 的「值」設為 `true`
2. 重新啟動 SillyTavern 伺服器
3. 點擊 API 連線頁面右下角的「查看隱藏的 API 金鑰View hidden API keys」超連結
## 命令列參數Command-line Arguments
您可以在啟動 SillyTavern 伺服器時傳遞命令列參數,以覆蓋 `config.yaml` 文件中的某些設定。
### 範例
node server.js --port 8000 --listen false
# or
npm run start -- --port 8000 --listen false
# or僅適用於 Windows
Start.bat --port 8000 --listen false
### Supported arguments
| Option | Description | Type |
| `--version` | 顯示版本序號 | boolean |
| `--enableIPv6` | 啟用 IPv6 | boolean |
| `--enableIPv4` | 啟用 IPv4 | boolean |
| `--port` | 設定 SillyTavern 運行的端口。若未提供,則預設使用 `config.yaml` 中的 'port' | number
| `--dnsPreferIPv6` | 偏好使用 IPv6 解析 DNS。未提供則默認使用 `config.yaml` 中的 'preferIPv6' | boolean |
| `--autorun` | 自動在瀏覽器中啟動 SillyTavern。未提供則默認使用 `config.yaml` 中的 'autorun' | boolean |
| `--autorunHostname` | 自動啟動時的主機名稱,通常建議保持為 'auto' | string |
| `--autorunPortOverride` | 覆蓋自動啟動的端口設定 | string |
| `--listen` | SillyTavern 是否可監聽所有網路接口。若未提供,則默認使用 `config.yaml` 中的 'listen' | boolean |
| `--corsProxy` | 啟用 CORS 代理。若未提供,則默認使用 `config.yaml` 中的 'enableCorsProxy' | boolean |
| `--disableCsrf` | 停用 CSRF 保護 | boolean |
| `--ssl` | 啟用 SSL | boolean |
| `--certPath` | 設定您證書文件的路徑 | string |
| `--keyPath` | 設定您私人金鑰文件的路徑 | string |
| `--whitelist` | 啟用白名單模式 | boolean |
| `--dataRoot` | 設定數據儲存的根目錄 | string |
| `--avoidLocalhost` | 在自動模式下避免使用 'localhost' | boolean |
| `--basicAuthMode` | 啟用基本身份驗證模式 | boolean |
| `--requestProxyEnabled` | 啟用代理以處理外部請求 | boolean |
| `--requestProxyUrl` | 設定請求代理的 URL支持 HTTP 或 SOCKS 協議) | string |
| `--requestProxyBypass` | 請求代理的例外主機清單(主機列表需以空格分隔) | array |
## 遠端連線
遠端連線功能最常用於希望在手機上使用 SillyTavern 的使用者。此時伺服器將由同一 Wi-Fi 網路上的 PC 運行。不過,您也可以設定來自其他網路的遠端連線。
詳細設定指南請參閱 [官方說明文件](。
您還可以選擇設定 SillyTavern 的使用者檔案,並開啟密碼保護(可選):[使用者設定指南](。
## 遇到任何效能問題?
1. 在「使用者設定」選單設定介面主題禁用模糊效果Blur Effect並開啟「減少動畫效果」Reduced Motion
2. 若使用響應串流傳輸,請將串流的 FPS 設定為較低的值(建議設定為 10-15 FPS
3. 確保瀏覽器已啟用 GPU 加速以進行渲染
## 授權與致謝
**本程式SillyTavern的發布是基於其可能對使用者有所幫助的期許但不提供任何形式的保證包括但不限於對可銷售性marketability或特定用途適用性的隱含保證。如需更多詳情請參閱 GNU Affero 通用公共許可證。**
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* [TavernAI]( 1.2.8 由 Humi 提供MIT 許可
* 經授權使用部分來自 CncAnon 的 TavernAITurbo 模組
* 視覺小說模式Visual Novel Mode的靈感來源於 PepperTaco 的貢獻(<>
* Noto Sans 字體由 Google 提供OFL 許可)
* 主題圖示由 Font Awesome <> 提供圖示CC BY 4.0字體SIL OFL 1.1代碼MIT 許可)
* 預設資源來源於 @OtisAlejandro(包含角色 Seraphina 與知識書)與 @kallmefloccSillyTavern 官方 Discord 伺服器成員突破 10K 的慶祝背景)
* Docker 安裝指南由 [@mrguymiah]( 和 [@Bronya-Rand]( 編寫
## 主要貢獻者
<!-- LINK GROUP -->

.github/ vendored
View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<div align="center"> <div align="center">
English | [German]( | [中文]( | [日本語]( | [Русский]( English | [German]( | [中文]( | [繁體中文]( | [日本語]( | [Русский](
[![GitHub Stars](]( [![GitHub Stars](](
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.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -50,3 +50,5 @@ public/css/user.css
/default/scaffold /default/scaffold
public/scripts/extensions/third-party public/scripts/extensions/third-party
/certs /certs

View File

@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ access.log
.github .github
.vscode .vscode
.git .git

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ label[for="extensions_autoconnect"] {
} }
.extensions_info .extension_enabled { .extensions_info .extension_enabled {
color: green; font-weight: bold;
} }
.extensions_info .extension_disabled { .extensions_info .extension_disabled {
@ -76,13 +76,44 @@ label[for="extensions_autoconnect"] {
color: gray; color: gray;
} }
input.extension_missing[type="checkbox"] { .extensions_info .extension_modules {
opacity: 0.5; font-size: 0.8em;
font-weight: normal;
} }
#extensions_list .disabled { .extensions_info .extension_block {
text-decoration: line-through; display: flex;
color: lightgray; flex-wrap: nowrap;
padding: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
border: 1px solid var(--SmartThemeBorderColor);
border-radius: 10px;
align-items: baseline;
justify-content: space-between;
gap: 5px;
.extensions_info .extension_name {
font-size: 1.05em;
.extensions_info .extension_version {
opacity: 0.8;
font-size: 0.8em;
font-weight: normal;
margin-left: 2px;
.extensions_info .extension_block a {
color: var(--SmartThemeBodyColor);
.extensions_info .extension_name.update_available {
color: limegreen;
input.extension_missing[type="checkbox"] {
opacity: 0.5;
} }
.update-button { .update-button {
@ -105,3 +136,13 @@ input.extension_missing[type="checkbox"] {
#extensionsMenu>div.extension_container:empty { #extensionsMenu>div.extension_container:empty {
display: none; display: none;
} }
.extensions_info .extension_text_block {
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.extensions_info .extension_actions {
flex-wrap: nowrap;

View File

@ -1774,6 +1774,35 @@
<span data-i18n="Load default order">Load default order</span> <span data-i18n="Load default order">Load default order</span>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div id="sampler_priority_block_aphrodite" data-tg-type="aphrodite" class="range-block flexFlowColumn wide100p">
<hr class="wide100p">
<h4 class="range-block-title justifyCenter">
<span data-i18n="Sampler Order">Sampler Order</span>
<div class="margin5 fa-solid fa-circle-info opacity50p" title="Aphrodite only. Determines the order of samplers. Skew is always applied post-softmax, so it's not included here." data-i18n="[title]Aphrodite only. Determines the order of samplers. Skew is always applied post-softmax, so it's not included here."></div>
<div class="toggle-description widthUnset" data-i18n="Aphrodite only. Determines the order of samplers.">
Aphrodite only. Determines the order of samplers.
<div id="sampler_priority_container_aphrodite" class="prompt_order">
<div data-name="dry" draggable="true"><span>DRY</span><small></small></div>
<div data-name="penalties" draggable="true"><span>Penalties</span><small></small></div>
<div data-name="no_repeat_ngram" draggable="true"><span>No Repeat Ngram</span><small></small></div>
<div data-name="temperature" draggable="true"><span>Dynatemp & Temperature</span><small></small></div>
<div data-name="top_nsigma" draggable="true"><span>Top Nsigma</span><small></small></div>
<div data-name="top_p_top_k" draggable="true"><span>Top P & Top K</span><small></small></div>
<div data-name="top_a" draggable="true"><span>Top A</span><small></small></div>
<div data-name="min_p" draggable="true"><span>Min P</span><small></small></div>
<div data-name="tfs" draggable="true"><span>Tail-Free Sampling</span><small></small></div>
<div data-name="eta_cutoff" draggable="true"><span>Eta Cutoff</span><small></small></div>
<div data-name="epsilon_cutoff" draggable="true"><span>Epsilon Cutoff</span><small></small></div>
<div data-name="typical_p" draggable="true"><span>Typical P</span><small></small></div>
<div data-name="quadratic" draggable="true"><span>Cubic and Quadratic Sampling</span><small></small></div>
<div data-name="xtc" draggable="true"><span>XTC</span><small></small></div>
<div id="aphrodite_default_order" class="menu_button menu_button_icon">
<span data-i18n="Load default order">Load default order</span>
</div> </div>
</div><!-- end of textgen settings--> </div><!-- end of textgen settings-->
<div id="openai_settings"> <div id="openai_settings">
@ -3071,6 +3100,9 @@
</div> </div>
<h4 data-i18n="Groq Model">Groq Model</h4> <h4 data-i18n="Groq Model">Groq Model</h4>
<select id="model_groq_select"> <select id="model_groq_select">
<optgroup label="Llama 3.3">
<option value="llama-3.3-70b-versatile">llama-3.3-70b-versatile</option>
<optgroup label="Llama 3.2"> <optgroup label="Llama 3.2">
<option value="llama-3.2-1b-preview">llama-3.2-1b-preview</option> <option value="llama-3.2-1b-preview">llama-3.2-1b-preview</option>
<option value="llama-3.2-3b-preview">llama-3.2-3b-preview</option> <option value="llama-3.2-3b-preview">llama-3.2-3b-preview</option>

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -697,6 +697,11 @@ async function moduleWorker() {
return; return;
} }
// If using LLM api then check if streamingProcessor is finished to avoid sending multiple requests to the API
if (extension_settings.expressions.api === EXPRESSION_API.llm && context.streamingProcessor && !context.streamingProcessor.isFinished) {
// API is busy // API is busy
if (inApiCall) { if (inApiCall) {
console.debug('Classification API is busy'); console.debug('Classification API is busy');
@ -995,6 +1000,11 @@ function sampleClassifyText(text) {
// Replace macros, remove asterisks and quotes // Replace macros, remove asterisks and quotes
let result = substituteParams(text).replace(/[*"]/g, ''); let result = substituteParams(text).replace(/[*"]/g, '');
// If using LLM api there is no need to check length of characters
if (extension_settings.expressions.api === EXPRESSION_API.llm) {
return result.trim();

View File

View File

@ -262,13 +262,13 @@ class AllTalkTtsProvider {
console.debug('AllTalkTTS: Settings loaded'); console.debug('AllTalkTTS: Settings loaded');
try { try {
// Check if TTS provider is ready // Check if TTS provider is ready
await this.checkReady(); await this.checkReady();
await this.updateSettingsFromServer(); // Fetch dynamic settings from the TTS server await this.updateSettingsFromServer(); // Fetch dynamic settings from the TTS server
await this.fetchTtsVoiceObjects(); // Fetch voices only if service is ready await this.fetchTtsVoiceObjects(); // Fetch voices only if service is ready
await this.fetchRvcVoiceObjects(); // Fetch RVC voices await this.fetchRvcVoiceObjects(); // Fetch RVC voices
this.updateNarratorVoicesDropdown(); this.updateNarratorVoicesDropdown();
this.applySettingsToHTML(); this.applySettingsToHTML();
updateStatus('Ready'); updateStatus('Ready');
} catch (error) { } catch (error) {

View File

@ -448,6 +448,5 @@ export class FilterHelper {
for (const cache of Object.values(this.fuzzySearchCaches)) { for (const cache of Object.values(this.fuzzySearchCaches)) {
cache.resultMap.clear(); cache.resultMap.clear();
} }
console.log('All fuzzy search caches cleared');
} }
} }

View File

@ -1178,7 +1178,8 @@ function preparePromptsForChatCompletion({ Scenario, charPersonality, name2, wor
// Apply character-specific main prompt // Apply character-specific main prompt
const systemPrompt = prompts.get('main') ?? null; const systemPrompt = prompts.get('main') ?? null;
if (systemPromptOverride && systemPrompt && systemPrompt.forbid_overrides !== true) { const isSystemPromptDisabled = promptManager.isPromptDisabledForActiveCharacter('main');
if (systemPromptOverride && systemPrompt && systemPrompt.forbid_overrides !== true && !isSystemPromptDisabled) {
const mainOriginalContent = systemPrompt.content; const mainOriginalContent = systemPrompt.content;
systemPrompt.content = systemPromptOverride; systemPrompt.content = systemPromptOverride;
const mainReplacement = promptManager.preparePrompt(systemPrompt, mainOriginalContent); const mainReplacement = promptManager.preparePrompt(systemPrompt, mainOriginalContent);
@ -1187,7 +1188,8 @@ function preparePromptsForChatCompletion({ Scenario, charPersonality, name2, wor
// Apply character-specific jailbreak // Apply character-specific jailbreak
const jailbreakPrompt = prompts.get('jailbreak') ?? null; const jailbreakPrompt = prompts.get('jailbreak') ?? null;
if (jailbreakPromptOverride && jailbreakPrompt && jailbreakPrompt.forbid_overrides !== true) { const isJailbreakPromptDisabled = promptManager.isPromptDisabledForActiveCharacter('jailbreak');
if (jailbreakPromptOverride && jailbreakPrompt && jailbreakPrompt.forbid_overrides !== true && !isJailbreakPromptDisabled) {
const jbOriginalContent = jailbreakPrompt.content; const jbOriginalContent = jailbreakPrompt.content;
jailbreakPrompt.content = jailbreakPromptOverride; jailbreakPrompt.content = jailbreakPromptOverride;
const jbReplacement = promptManager.preparePrompt(jailbreakPrompt, jbOriginalContent); const jbReplacement = promptManager.preparePrompt(jailbreakPrompt, jbOriginalContent);
@ -4269,7 +4271,7 @@ async function onModelChange() {
else if (oai_settings.groq_model.includes('llama-3.2') && oai_settings.groq_model.includes('-preview')) { else if (oai_settings.groq_model.includes('llama-3.2') && oai_settings.groq_model.includes('-preview')) {
$('#openai_max_context').attr('max', max_8k); $('#openai_max_context').attr('max', max_8k);
} }
else if (oai_settings.groq_model.includes('llama-3.2') || oai_settings.groq_model.includes('llama-3.1')) { else if (oai_settings.groq_model.includes('llama-3.3') || oai_settings.groq_model.includes('llama-3.2') || oai_settings.groq_model.includes('llama-3.1')) {
$('#openai_max_context').attr('max', max_128k); $('#openai_max_context').attr('max', max_128k);
} }
else if (oai_settings.groq_model.includes('llama3-groq')) { else if (oai_settings.groq_model.includes('llama3-groq')) {

View File

@ -1757,7 +1757,7 @@ async function loadContextSettings() {
} else { } else {
$element.val(power_user.context[]); $element.val(power_user.context[]);
} }
console.log(`Setting ${$element.prop('id')} to ${power_user.context[]}`); console.debug(`Setting ${$element.prop('id')} to ${power_user.context[]}`);
// If the setting already exists, no need to duplicate it // If the setting already exists, no need to duplicate it
// TODO: Maybe check the power_user object for the setting instead of a flag? // TODO: Maybe check the power_user object for the setting instead of a flag?
@ -1768,7 +1768,7 @@ async function loadContextSettings() {
} else { } else {
power_user.context[] = value; power_user.context[] = value;
} }
console.log(`Setting ${$element.prop('id')} to ${value}`); console.debug(`Setting ${$element.prop('id')} to ${value}`);
if (!CSS.supports('field-sizing', 'content') && $(this).is('textarea')) { if (!CSS.supports('field-sizing', 'content') && $(this).is('textarea')) {
await resetScrollHeight($(this)); await resetScrollHeight($(this));
} }

View File

@ -129,6 +129,10 @@ function setSamplerListListeners() {
relatedDOMElement = $('#sampler_priority_block_ooba'); relatedDOMElement = $('#sampler_priority_block_ooba');
} }
if (samplerName === 'samplers_priorities') { //this is for aphrodite's sampler priority
relatedDOMElement = $('#sampler_priority_block_aphrodite');
if (samplerName === 'penalty_alpha') { //contrastive search only has one sampler, does it need its own block? if (samplerName === 'penalty_alpha') { //contrastive search only has one sampler, does it need its own block?
relatedDOMElement = $('#contrastiveSearchBlock'); relatedDOMElement = $('#contrastiveSearchBlock');
} }
@ -237,6 +241,11 @@ async function listSamplers(main_api, arrayOnly = false) {
displayname = 'Ooba Sampler Priority Block'; displayname = 'Ooba Sampler Priority Block';
} }
if (sampler === 'samplers_priorities') { //this is for aphrodite's sampler priority
targetDOMelement = $('#sampler_priority_block_aphrodite');
displayname = 'Aphrodite Sampler Priority Block';
if (sampler === 'penalty_alpha') { //contrastive search only has one sampler, does it need its own block? if (sampler === 'penalty_alpha') { //contrastive search only has one sampler, does it need its own block?
targetDOMelement = $('#contrastiveSearchBlock'); targetDOMelement = $('#contrastiveSearchBlock');
displayname = 'Contrast Search Block'; displayname = 'Contrast Search Block';
@ -373,6 +382,10 @@ export async function validateDisabledSamplers(redraw = false) {
relatedDOMElement = $('#sampler_priority_block_ooba'); relatedDOMElement = $('#sampler_priority_block_ooba');
} }
if (sampler === 'samplers_priorities') { //this is for aphrodite's sampler priority
relatedDOMElement = $('#sampler_priority_block_aphrodite');
if (sampler === 'dry_multiplier') { if (sampler === 'dry_multiplier') {
relatedDOMElement = $('#dryBlock'); relatedDOMElement = $('#dryBlock');
targetDisplayType = 'block'; targetDisplayType = 'block';

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import { power_user, registerDebugFunction } from './power-user.js';
import { getEventSourceStream } from './sse-stream.js'; import { getEventSourceStream } from './sse-stream.js';
import { getCurrentDreamGenModelTokenizer, getCurrentOpenRouterModelTokenizer } from './textgen-models.js'; import { getCurrentDreamGenModelTokenizer, getCurrentOpenRouterModelTokenizer } from './textgen-models.js';
import { ENCODE_TOKENIZERS, TEXTGEN_TOKENIZERS, getTextTokens, tokenizers } from './tokenizers.js'; import { ENCODE_TOKENIZERS, TEXTGEN_TOKENIZERS, getTextTokens, tokenizers } from './tokenizers.js';
import { getSortableDelay, onlyUnique } from './utils.js'; import { getSortableDelay, onlyUnique, arraysEqual } from './utils.js';
export const textgen_types = { export const textgen_types = {
OOBA: 'ooba', OOBA: 'ooba',
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@ const OOBA_DEFAULT_ORDER = [
'encoder_repetition_penalty', 'encoder_repetition_penalty',
'no_repeat_ngram', 'no_repeat_ngram',
]; ];
const BIAS_KEY = '#textgenerationwebui_api-settings'; const BIAS_KEY = '#textgenerationwebui_api-settings';
// Maybe let it be configurable in the future? // Maybe let it be configurable in the future?
@ -163,6 +179,7 @@ const settings = {
banned_tokens: '', banned_tokens: '',
sampler_priority: OOBA_DEFAULT_ORDER, sampler_priority: OOBA_DEFAULT_ORDER,
samplers_priorities: APHRODITE_DEFAULT_ORDER,
ignore_eos_token: false, ignore_eos_token: false,
spaces_between_special_tokens: true, spaces_between_special_tokens: true,
speculative_ngram: false, speculative_ngram: false,
@ -256,6 +273,7 @@ export const setting_names = [
'sampler_order', 'sampler_order',
'sampler_priority', 'sampler_priority',
'samplers', 'samplers',
'n', 'n',
'logit_bias', 'logit_bias',
'custom_model', 'custom_model',
@ -553,6 +571,20 @@ function sortOobaItemsByOrder(orderArray) {
}); });
} }
* Sorts the Aphrodite sampler items by the given order.
* @param {string[]} orderArray Sampler order array.
function sortAphroditeItemsByOrder(orderArray) {
console.debug('Preset samplers order: ', orderArray);
const $container = $('#sampler_priority_container_aphrodite');
orderArray.forEach((name) => {
const $item = $container.find(`[data-name="${name}"]`).detach();
jQuery(function () { jQuery(function () {
$('#koboldcpp_order').sortable({ $('#koboldcpp_order').sortable({
delay: getSortableDelay(), delay: getSortableDelay(),
@ -606,6 +638,19 @@ jQuery(function () {
}, },
}); });
delay: getSortableDelay(),
stop: function () {
const order = [];
$('#sampler_priority_container_aphrodite').children().each(function () {
settings.samplers_priorities = order;
console.log('Samplers reordered:', settings.samplers_priorities);
$('#tabby_json_schema').on('input', function () { $('#tabby_json_schema').on('input', function () {
const json_schema_string = String($(this).val()); const json_schema_string = String($(this).val());
@ -624,6 +669,13 @@ jQuery(function () {
saveSettingsDebounced(); saveSettingsDebounced();
}); });
$('#aphrodite_default_order').on('click', function () {
settings.samplers_priorities = APHRODITE_DEFAULT_ORDER;
console.log('Default samplers order loaded:', settings.samplers_priorities);
$('#textgen_type').on('change', function () { $('#textgen_type').on('change', function () {
const type = String($(this).val()); const type = String($(this).val());
settings.type = type; settings.type = type;
@ -832,6 +884,14 @@ function setSettingByName(setting, value, trigger) {
return; return;
} }
if ('samplers_priorities' === setting) {
value = Array.isArray(value) ? value : APHRODITE_DEFAULT_ORDER;
insertMissingArrayItems(APHRODITE_DEFAULT_ORDER, value);
settings.samplers_priorities = value;
if ('samplers' === setting) { if ('samplers' === setting) {
value = Array.isArray(value) ? value : LLAMACPP_DEFAULT_ORDER; value = Array.isArray(value) ? value : LLAMACPP_DEFAULT_ORDER;
insertMissingArrayItems(LLAMACPP_DEFAULT_ORDER, value); insertMissingArrayItems(LLAMACPP_DEFAULT_ORDER, value);
@ -1256,6 +1316,11 @@ export function getTextGenGenerationData(finalPrompt, maxTokens, isImpersonate,
'nsigma': settings.nsigma, 'nsigma': settings.nsigma,
'custom_token_bans': toIntArray(banned_tokens), 'custom_token_bans': toIntArray(banned_tokens),
'no_repeat_ngram_size': settings.no_repeat_ngram_size, 'no_repeat_ngram_size': settings.no_repeat_ngram_size,
'sampler_priority': settings.type === APHRODITE && !arraysEqual(
? settings.samplers_priorities
: undefined,
}; };
if (settings.type === OPENROUTER) { if (settings.type === OPENROUTER) {

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export async function setUserControls(isEnabled) {
* Check if the current user is an admin. * Check if the current user is an admin.
* @returns {boolean} True if the current user is an admin * @returns {boolean} True if the current user is an admin
*/ */
function isAdmin() { export function isAdmin() {
if (!currentUser) { if (!currentUser) {
return false; return false;
} }

View File

@ -2173,3 +2173,20 @@ export function getCharIndex(char) {
if (index === -1) throw new Error(`Character not found: ${char.avatar}`); if (index === -1) throw new Error(`Character not found: ${char.avatar}`);
return index; return index;
} }
* Compares two arrays for equality
* @param {any[]} a - The first array
* @param {any[]} b - The second array
* @returns {boolean} True if the arrays are equal, false otherwise
export function arraysEqual(a, b) {
if (a === b) return true;
if (a == null || b == null) return false;
if (a.length !== b.length) return false;
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
return true;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ export const PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES = {
backups: 'backups/', backups: 'backups/',
sounds: 'public/sounds', sounds: 'public/sounds',
extensions: 'public/scripts/extensions', extensions: 'public/scripts/extensions',
globalExtensions: 'public/scripts/extensions/third-party',
}; };
export const SETTINGS_FILE = 'settings.json'; export const SETTINGS_FILE = 'settings.json';

View File

@ -158,7 +158,8 @@ async function tryReadImage(imgPath, crop) {
return image; return image;
} }
// If it's an unsupported type of image (APNG) - just read the file as buffer // If it's an unsupported type of image (APNG) - just read the file as buffer
catch { catch (error) {
console.log(`Failed to read image: ${imgPath}`, error);
return fs.readFileSync(imgPath); return fs.readFileSync(imgPath);
} }
} }

View File

@ -73,8 +73,19 @@'/install', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(request.user.directories.extensions)); fs.mkdirSync(path.join(request.user.directories.extensions));
} }
const url = request.body.url; if (!fs.existsSync(PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.globalExtensions)) {
const extensionPath = path.join(request.user.directories.extensions, path.basename(url, '.git')); fs.mkdirSync(PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.globalExtensions);
const { url, global } = request.body;
if (global && !request.user.profile.admin) {
console.warn(`User ${request.user.profile.handle} does not have permission to install global extensions.`);
return response.status(403).send('Forbidden: No permission to install global extensions.');
const basePath = global ? PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.globalExtensions : request.user.directories.extensions;
const extensionPath = path.join(basePath, sanitize(path.basename(url, '.git')));
if (fs.existsSync(extensionPath)) { if (fs.existsSync(extensionPath)) {
return response.status(409).send(`Directory already exists at ${extensionPath}`); return response.status(409).send(`Directory already exists at ${extensionPath}`);
@ -83,10 +94,8 @@'/install', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
await git.clone(url, extensionPath, { '--depth': 1 }); await git.clone(url, extensionPath, { '--depth': 1 });
console.log(`Extension has been cloned at ${extensionPath}`); console.log(`Extension has been cloned at ${extensionPath}`);
const { version, author, display_name } = await getManifest(extensionPath); const { version, author, display_name } = await getManifest(extensionPath);
return response.send({ version, author, display_name, extensionPath }); return response.send({ version, author, display_name, extensionPath });
} catch (error) { } catch (error) {
console.log('Importing custom content failed', error); console.log('Importing custom content failed', error);
@ -112,8 +121,15 @@'/update', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
} }
try { try {
const extensionName = request.body.extensionName; const { extensionName, global } = request.body;
const extensionPath = path.join(request.user.directories.extensions, extensionName);
if (global && !request.user.profile.admin) {
console.warn(`User ${request.user.profile.handle} does not have permission to update global extensions.`);
return response.status(403).send('Forbidden: No permission to update global extensions.');
const basePath = global ? PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.globalExtensions : request.user.directories.extensions;
const extensionPath = path.join(basePath, extensionName);
if (!fs.existsSync(extensionPath)) { if (!fs.existsSync(extensionPath)) {
return response.status(404).send(`Directory does not exist at ${extensionPath}`); return response.status(404).send(`Directory does not exist at ${extensionPath}`);
@ -122,7 +138,6 @@'/update', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
const { isUpToDate, remoteUrl } = await checkIfRepoIsUpToDate(extensionPath); const { isUpToDate, remoteUrl } = await checkIfRepoIsUpToDate(extensionPath);
const currentBranch = await git.cwd(extensionPath).branch(); const currentBranch = await git.cwd(extensionPath).branch();
if (!isUpToDate) { if (!isUpToDate) {
await git.cwd(extensionPath).pull('origin', currentBranch.current); await git.cwd(extensionPath).pull('origin', currentBranch.current);
console.log(`Extension has been updated at ${extensionPath}`); console.log(`Extension has been updated at ${extensionPath}`);
} else { } else {
@ -140,6 +155,50 @@'/update', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
} }
}); });'/move', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
try {
const { extensionName, source, destination } = request.body;
if (!extensionName || !source || !destination) {
return response.status(400).send('Bad Request. Not all required parameters are provided.');
if (!request.user.profile.admin) {
console.warn(`User ${request.user.profile.handle} does not have permission to move extensions.`);
return response.status(403).send('Forbidden: No permission to move extensions.');
const sourceDirectory = source === 'global' ? PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.globalExtensions : request.user.directories.extensions;
const destinationDirectory = destination === 'global' ? PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.globalExtensions : request.user.directories.extensions;
const sourcePath = path.join(sourceDirectory, sanitize(extensionName));
const destinationPath = path.join(destinationDirectory, sanitize(extensionName));
if (!fs.existsSync(sourcePath) || !fs.statSync(sourcePath).isDirectory()) {
console.error(`Source directory does not exist at ${sourcePath}`);
return response.status(404).send('Source directory does not exist.');
if (fs.existsSync(destinationPath)) {
console.error(`Destination directory already exists at ${destinationPath}`);
return response.status(409).send('Destination directory already exists.');
if (source === destination) {
console.error('Source and destination directories are the same');
return response.status(409).send('Source and destination directories are the same.');
fs.cpSync(sourcePath, destinationPath, { recursive: true, force: true });
fs.rmSync(sourcePath, { recursive: true, force: true });
console.log(`Extension has been moved from ${sourcePath} to ${destinationPath}`);
return response.sendStatus(204);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Moving extension failed', error);
return response.status(500).send('Internal Server Error. Try again later.');
/** /**
* HTTP POST handler function to get the current git commit hash and branch name for a given extension. * HTTP POST handler function to get the current git commit hash and branch name for a given extension.
* It checks whether the repository is up-to-date with the remote, and returns the status along with * It checks whether the repository is up-to-date with the remote, and returns the status along with
@ -157,19 +216,28 @@'/version', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
} }
try { try {
const extensionName = request.body.extensionName; const { extensionName, global } = request.body;
const extensionPath = path.join(request.user.directories.extensions, extensionName); const basePath = global ? PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.globalExtensions : request.user.directories.extensions;
const extensionPath = path.join(basePath, sanitize(extensionName));
if (!fs.existsSync(extensionPath)) { if (!fs.existsSync(extensionPath)) {
return response.status(404).send(`Directory does not exist at ${extensionPath}`); return response.status(404).send(`Directory does not exist at ${extensionPath}`);
} }
let currentCommitHash;
try {
currentCommitHash = await git.cwd(extensionPath).revparse(['HEAD']);
} catch (error) {
// it is not a git repo, or has no commits yet, or is a bare repo
// not possible to update it, most likely can't get the branch name either
return response.send({ currentBranchName: null, currentCommitHash, isUpToDate: true, remoteUrl: null });
const currentBranch = await git.cwd(extensionPath).branch(); const currentBranch = await git.cwd(extensionPath).branch();
// get only the working branch // get only the working branch
const currentBranchName = currentBranch.current; const currentBranchName = currentBranch.current;
await git.cwd(extensionPath).fetch('origin'); await git.cwd(extensionPath).fetch('origin');
const currentCommitHash = await git.cwd(extensionPath).revparse(['HEAD']); console.log(extensionName, currentBranchName, currentCommitHash);
console.log(currentBranch, currentCommitHash);
const { isUpToDate, remoteUrl } = await checkIfRepoIsUpToDate(extensionPath); const { isUpToDate, remoteUrl } = await checkIfRepoIsUpToDate(extensionPath);
return response.send({ currentBranchName, currentCommitHash, isUpToDate, remoteUrl }); return response.send({ currentBranchName, currentCommitHash, isUpToDate, remoteUrl });
@ -193,11 +261,16 @@'/delete', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
return response.status(400).send('Bad Request: extensionName is required in the request body.'); return response.status(400).send('Bad Request: extensionName is required in the request body.');
} }
// Sanitize the extension name to prevent directory traversal
const extensionName = sanitize(request.body.extensionName);
try { try {
const extensionPath = path.join(request.user.directories.extensions, extensionName); const { extensionName, global } = request.body;
if (global && !request.user.profile.admin) {
console.warn(`User ${request.user.profile.handle} does not have permission to delete global extensions.`);
return response.status(403).send('Forbidden: No permission to delete global extensions.');
const basePath = global ? PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.globalExtensions : request.user.directories.extensions;
const extensionPath = path.join(basePath, sanitize(extensionName));
if (!fs.existsSync(extensionPath)) { if (!fs.existsSync(extensionPath)) {
return response.status(404).send(`Directory does not exist at ${extensionPath}`); return response.status(404).send(`Directory does not exist at ${extensionPath}`);
@ -219,26 +292,38 @@'/delete', jsonParser, async (request, response) => {
* If the folder is called third-party, search for subfolders instead * If the folder is called third-party, search for subfolders instead
*/ */
router.get('/discover', jsonParser, function (request, response) { router.get('/discover', jsonParser, function (request, response) {
// get all folders in the extensions folder, except third-party
const extensions = fs
.filter(f => fs.statSync(path.join(PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.extensions, f)).isDirectory())
.filter(f => f !== 'third-party');
// get all folders in the third-party folder, if it exists
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(request.user.directories.extensions))) { if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(request.user.directories.extensions))) {
return response.send(extensions); fs.mkdirSync(path.join(request.user.directories.extensions));
} }
const thirdPartyExtensions = fs if (!fs.existsSync(PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.globalExtensions)) {
// Get all folders in system extensions folder, excluding third-party
const builtInExtensions = fs
.filter(f => fs.statSync(path.join(PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.extensions, f)).isDirectory())
.filter(f => f !== 'third-party')
.map(f => ({ type: 'system', name: f }));
// Get all folders in local extensions folder
const userExtensions = fs
.readdirSync(path.join(request.user.directories.extensions)) .readdirSync(path.join(request.user.directories.extensions))
.filter(f => fs.statSync(path.join(request.user.directories.extensions, f)).isDirectory()); .filter(f => fs.statSync(path.join(request.user.directories.extensions, f)).isDirectory())
.map(f => ({ type: 'local', name: `third-party/${f}` }));
// add the third-party extensions to the extensions array // Get all folders in global extensions folder
extensions.push( => `third-party/${f}`)); // In case of a conflict, the extension will be loaded from the user folder
console.log(extensions); const globalExtensions = fs
.filter(f => fs.statSync(path.join(PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.globalExtensions, f)).isDirectory())
.map(f => ({ type: 'global', name: `third-party/${f}` }))
.filter(f => !userExtensions.some(e => ===;
// Combine all extensions
const allExtensions = [...builtInExtensions, ...userExtensions, ...globalExtensions];
return response.send(extensions); return response.send(allExtensions);
}); });

View File

@ -782,6 +782,34 @@ function createRouteHandler(directoryFn) {
}; };
} }
* Creates a route handler for serving extensions.
* @param {(req: import('express').Request) => string} directoryFn A function that returns the directory path to serve files from
* @returns {import('express').RequestHandler}
function createExtensionsRouteHandler(directoryFn) {
return async (req, res) => {
try {
const directory = directoryFn(req);
const filePath = decodeURIComponent(req.params[0]);
const existsLocal = fs.existsSync(path.join(directory, filePath));
if (existsLocal) {
return res.sendFile(filePath, { root: directory });
const existsGlobal = fs.existsSync(path.join(PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.globalExtensions, filePath));
if (existsGlobal) {
return res.sendFile(filePath, { root: PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES.globalExtensions });
return res.sendStatus(404);
} catch (error) {
return res.sendStatus(500);
/** /**
* Verifies that the current user is an admin. * Verifies that the current user is an admin.
* @param {import('express').Request} request Request object * @param {import('express').Request} request Request object
@ -872,4 +900,4 @@ router.use('/User%20Avatars/*', createRouteHandler(req => req.user.directories.a
router.use('/assets/*', createRouteHandler(req => req.user.directories.assets)); router.use('/assets/*', createRouteHandler(req => req.user.directories.assets));
router.use('/user/images/*', createRouteHandler(req => req.user.directories.userImages)); router.use('/user/images/*', createRouteHandler(req => req.user.directories.userImages));
router.use('/user/files/*', createRouteHandler(req => req.user.directories.files)); router.use('/user/files/*', createRouteHandler(req => req.user.directories.files));
router.use('/scripts/extensions/third-party/*', createRouteHandler(req => req.user.directories.extensions)); router.use('/scripts/extensions/third-party/*', createExtensionsRouteHandler(req => req.user.directories.extensions));