From 3138252928875c0aeeb5130188c62f49b6501c47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: erew123 <>
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 20:25:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Support for AllTalk V1 and V2
Select the version in the interface.
RVC is not supported on AllTalk V1
public/scripts/extensions/tts/alltalk.js | 1953 ++++++++++++----------
1 file changed, 1113 insertions(+), 840 deletions(-)
diff --git a/public/scripts/extensions/tts/alltalk.js b/public/scripts/extensions/tts/alltalk.js
index 716986033..2d4bc00d4 100644
--- a/public/scripts/extensions/tts/alltalk.js
+++ b/public/scripts/extensions/tts/alltalk.js
@@ -1,840 +1,1113 @@
-import { doExtrasFetch } from '../../extensions.js';
-import { saveTtsProviderSettings } from './index.js';
-export { AllTalkTtsProvider };
-class AllTalkTtsProvider {
- //########//
- // Config //
- //########//
- settings = {};
- constructor() {
- // Initialize with default settings if they are not already set
- this.settings = {
- provider_endpoint: this.settings.provider_endpoint || 'http://localhost:7851',
- language: this.settings.language || 'en',
- voiceMap: this.settings.voiceMap || {},
- at_generation_method: this.settings.at_generation_method || 'standard_generation',
- narrator_enabled: this.settings.narrator_enabled || 'false',
- at_narrator_text_not_inside: this.settings.at_narrator_text_not_inside || 'narrator',
- narrator_voice_gen: this.settings.narrator_voice_gen || 'female_01.wav',
- finetuned_model: this.settings.finetuned_model || 'false',
- };
- // Separate property for dynamically updated settings from the server
- this.dynamicSettings = {
- modelsAvailable: [],
- currentModel: '',
- deepspeed_available: false,
- deepSpeedEnabled: false,
- lowVramEnabled: false,
- };
- }
- ready = false;
- voices = [];
- separator = '. ';
- audioElement = document.createElement('audio');
- languageLabels = {
- 'Arabic': 'ar',
- 'Brazilian Portuguese': 'pt',
- 'Chinese': 'zh-cn',
- 'Czech': 'cs',
- 'Dutch': 'nl',
- 'English': 'en',
- 'French': 'fr',
- 'German': 'de',
- 'Italian': 'it',
- 'Polish': 'pl',
- 'Russian': 'ru',
- 'Spanish': 'es',
- 'Turkish': 'tr',
- 'Japanese': 'ja',
- 'Korean': 'ko',
- 'Hungarian': 'hu',
- 'Hindi': 'hi',
- };
- get settingsHtml() {
- let html = '
AllTalk Settings
- html += `
- html += `
- html += `
- html += `
- Important: Must match IP address & port in AllTalk settings.
- html += `
- Status: Ready
- html += ``;
- html += `
-Text-generation-webui users - Uncheck Enable TTS in Text-generation-webui.
- return html;
- }
- //#################//
- // Startup ST & AT //
- //#################//
- async loadSettings(settings) {
- updateStatus('Offline');
- if (Object.keys(settings).length === 0) {
-'Using default AllTalk TTS Provider settings');
- } else {
- // Populate settings with provided values, ignoring server-provided settings
- for (const key in settings) {
- if (key in this.settings) {
- this.settings[key] = settings[key];
- } else {
- console.debug(`Ignoring non-user-configurable setting: ${key}`);
- }
- }
- }
- // Update UI elements to reflect the loaded settings
- $('#at_server').val(this.settings.provider_endpoint);
- $('#language_options').val(this.settings.language);
- //$('#voicemap').val(this.settings.voiceMap);
- $('#at_generation_method').val(this.settings.at_generation_method);
- $('#at_narrator_enabled').val(this.settings.narrator_enabled);
- $('#at_narrator_text_not_inside').val(this.settings.at_narrator_text_not_inside);
- $('#narrator_voice').val(this.settings.narrator_voice_gen);
- console.debug('AllTalkTTS: Settings loaded');
- await this.initEndpoint();
- }
- async initEndpoint() {
- try {
- // Check if TTS provider is ready
- this.setupEventListeners();
- this.updateLanguageDropdown();
- await this.checkReady();
- await this.updateSettingsFromServer(); // Fetch dynamic settings from the TTS server
- await this.fetchTtsVoiceObjects(); // Fetch voices only if service is ready
- this.updateNarratorVoicesDropdown();
- this.applySettingsToHTML();
- updateStatus('Ready');
- } catch (error) {
- console.error('Error loading settings:', error);
- updateStatus('Offline');
- }
- }
- applySettingsToHTML() {
- // Apply loaded settings or use defaults
- const narratorVoiceSelect = document.getElementById('narrator_voice');
- const atNarratorSelect = document.getElementById('at_narrator_enabled');
- const textNotInsideSelect = document.getElementById('at_narrator_text_not_inside');
- const generationMethodSelect = document.getElementById('at_generation_method');
- this.settings.narrator_voice = this.settings.narrator_voice_gen;
- // Apply settings to Narrator Voice dropdown
- if (narratorVoiceSelect && this.settings.narrator_voice) {
- narratorVoiceSelect.value = this.settings.narrator_voice.replace('.wav', '');
- }
- // Apply settings to AT Narrator Enabled dropdown
- if (atNarratorSelect) {
- // Sync the state with the checkbox in index.js
- const ttsPassAsterisksCheckbox = document.getElementById('tts_pass_asterisks'); // Access the checkbox from index.js
- const ttsNarrateQuotedCheckbox = document.getElementById('tts_narrate_quoted'); // Access the checkbox from index.js
- const ttsNarrateDialoguesCheckbox = document.getElementById('tts_narrate_dialogues'); // Access the checkbox from index.js
- // Sync the state with the checkbox in index.js
- if (this.settings.narrator_enabled) {
- ttsPassAsterisksCheckbox.checked = false;
- $('#tts_pass_asterisks').click(); // Simulate a click event
- $('#tts_pass_asterisks').trigger('change');
- }
- if (!this.settings.narrator_enabled) {
- ttsPassAsterisksCheckbox.checked = true;
- $('#tts_pass_asterisks').click(); // Simulate a click event
- $('#tts_pass_asterisks').trigger('change');
- }
- // Uncheck and set tts_narrate_quoted to false if narrator is enabled
- if (this.settings.narrator_enabledd) {
- ttsNarrateQuotedCheckbox.checked = true;
- ttsNarrateDialoguesCheckbox.checked = true;
- // Trigger click events instead of change events
- $('#tts_narrate_quoted').click();
- $('#tts_narrate_quoted').trigger('change');
- $('#tts_narrate_dialogues').click();
- $('#tts_narrate_dialogues').trigger('change');
- }
- atNarratorSelect.value = this.settings.narrator_enabled.toString();
- this.settings.narrator_enabled = this.settings.narrator_enabled.toString();
- }
- // Apply settings to the Language dropdown
- const languageSelect = document.getElementById('language_options');
- if (languageSelect && this.settings.language) {
- languageSelect.value = this.settings.language;
- }
- // Apply settings to Text Not Inside dropdown
- if (textNotInsideSelect && this.settings.text_not_inside) {
- textNotInsideSelect.value = this.settings.text_not_inside;
- this.settings.at_narrator_text_not_inside = this.settings.text_not_inside;
- }
- // Apply settings to Generation Method dropdown
- if (generationMethodSelect && this.settings.at_generation_method) {
- generationMethodSelect.value = this.settings.at_generation_method;
- }
- // Additional logic to disable/enable dropdowns based on the selected generation method
- const isStreamingEnabled = this.settings.at_generation_method === 'streaming_enabled';
- if (isStreamingEnabled) {
- // Disable certain dropdowns when streaming is enabled
- if (atNarratorSelect) atNarratorSelect.disabled = true;
- if (textNotInsideSelect) textNotInsideSelect.disabled = true;
- if (narratorVoiceSelect) narratorVoiceSelect.disabled = true;
- } else {
- // Enable dropdowns for standard generation
- if (atNarratorSelect) atNarratorSelect.disabled = false;
- if (textNotInsideSelect) textNotInsideSelect.disabled = !this.settings.narrator_enabled;
- if (narratorVoiceSelect) narratorVoiceSelect.disabled = !this.settings.narrator_enabled;
- }
- const modelSelect = document.getElementById('switch_model');
- if (this.settings.finetuned_model === 'true') {
- const ftOption = document.createElement('option');
- ftOption.value = 'XTTSv2 FT';
- ftOption.textContent = 'XTTSv2 FT';
- modelSelect.appendChild(ftOption);
- }
- }
- //##############################//
- // Check AT Server is Available //
- //##############################//
- async checkReady() {
- try {
- const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/ready`);
- // Check if the HTTP request was successful
- if (!response.ok) {
- throw new Error(`HTTP Error Response: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);
- }
- const statusText = await response.text();
- // Check if the response is 'Ready'
- if (statusText === 'Ready') {
- this.ready = true; // Set the ready flag to true
- console.log('TTS service is ready.');
- } else {
- this.ready = false;
- console.log('TTS service is not ready.');
- }
- } catch (error) {
- console.error('Error checking TTS service readiness:', error);
- this.ready = false; // Ensure ready flag is set to false in case of error
- throw error; // Rethrow the error for further handling
- }
- }
- //######################//
- // Get Available Voices //
- //######################//
- async fetchTtsVoiceObjects() {
- const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/voices`);
- if (!response.ok) {
- const errorText = await response.text();
- throw new Error(`HTTP ${response.status}: ${errorText}`);
- }
- const data = await response.json();
- const voices = => {
- const voiceName = filename.replace('.wav', '');
- return {
- name: voiceName,
- voice_id: voiceName,
- preview_url: null, // Preview URL will be dynamically generated
- lang: 'en', // Default language
- };
- });
- this.voices = voices; // Assign to the class property
- return voices; // Also return this list
- }
- //##########################################//
- // Get Current AT Server Config & Update ST //
- //##########################################//
- async updateSettingsFromServer() {
- try {
- // Fetch current settings
- const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/currentsettings`);
- if (!response.ok) {
- throw new Error(`Failed to fetch current settings: ${response.statusText}`);
- }
- const currentSettings = await response.json();
- // Update internal settings
- this.settings.modelsAvailable = currentSettings.models_available;
- this.settings.currentModel = currentSettings.current_model_loaded;
- this.settings.deepspeed_available = currentSettings.deepspeed_available;
- this.settings.deepSpeedEnabled = currentSettings.deepspeed_status;
- this.settings.lowVramEnabled = currentSettings.low_vram_status;
- this.settings.finetuned_model = currentSettings.finetuned_model;
- // Update HTML elements
- this.updateModelDropdown();
- this.updateCheckboxes();
- } catch (error) {
- console.error(`Error updating settings from server: ${error}`);
- }
- }
- //###################################################//
- // Get Current AT Server Config & Update ST (Models) //
- //###################################################//
- updateModelDropdown() {
- const modelSelect = document.getElementById('switch_model');
- if (modelSelect) {
- modelSelect.innerHTML = ''; // Clear existing options
- this.settings.modelsAvailable.forEach(model => {
- const option = document.createElement('option');
- option.value = model.model_name;
- option.textContent = model.model_name; // Use model_name instead of name
- option.selected = model.model_name === this.settings.currentModel;
- modelSelect.appendChild(option);
- });
- }
- }
- //#######################################################//
- // Get Current AT Server Config & Update ST (DS and LVR) //
- //#######################################################//
- updateCheckboxes() {
- const deepspeedCheckbox = document.getElementById('deepspeed');
- const lowVramCheckbox = document.getElementById('low_vram');
- if (lowVramCheckbox) lowVramCheckbox.checked = this.settings.lowVramEnabled;
- if (deepspeedCheckbox) {
- deepspeedCheckbox.checked = this.settings.deepSpeedEnabled;
- deepspeedCheckbox.disabled = !this.settings.deepspeed_available; // Disable checkbox if deepspeed is not available
- }
- }
- //###############################################################//
- // Get Current AT Server Config & Update ST (AT Narrator Voices) //
- //###############################################################//
- updateNarratorVoicesDropdown() {
- const narratorVoiceSelect = document.getElementById('narrator_voice');
- if (narratorVoiceSelect && this.voices) {
- // Clear existing options
- narratorVoiceSelect.innerHTML = '';
- // Add new options
- for (let voice of this.voices) {
- const option = document.createElement('option');
- option.value = voice.voice_id;
- option.textContent =;
- narratorVoiceSelect.appendChild(option);
- }
- }
- }
- //######################################################//
- // Get Current AT Server Config & Update ST (Languages) //
- //######################################################//
- updateLanguageDropdown() {
- const languageSelect = document.getElementById('language_options');
- if (languageSelect) {
- // Ensure default language is set (??? whatever that means)
- // this.settings.language = this.settings.language;
- languageSelect.innerHTML = '';
- for (let language in this.languageLabels) {
- const option = document.createElement('option');
- option.value = this.languageLabels[language];
- option.textContent = language;
- if (this.languageLabels[language] === this.settings.language) {
- option.selected = true;
- }
- languageSelect.appendChild(option);
- }
- }
- }
- //########################################//
- // Start AT TTS extenstion page listeners //
- //########################################//
- setupEventListeners() {
- let debounceTimeout;
- const debounceDelay = 500; // Milliseconds
- // Define the event handler function
- const onModelSelectChange = async (event) => {
- console.log('Model select change event triggered'); // Debugging statement
- const selectedModel =;
- console.log(`Selected model: ${selectedModel}`); // Debugging statement
- // Set status to Processing
- updateStatus('Processing');
- try {
- const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/reload?tts_method=${encodeURIComponent(selectedModel)}`, {
- method: 'POST',
- });
- if (!response.ok) {
- throw new Error(`HTTP Error: ${response.status}`);
- }
- const data = await response.json();
- console.log('POST response data:', data); // Debugging statement
- // Set status to Ready if successful
- updateStatus('Ready');
- } catch (error) {
- console.error('POST request error:', error); // Debugging statement
- // Set status to Error in case of failure
- updateStatus('Error');
- }
- // Handle response or error
- };
- const debouncedModelSelectChange = (event) => {
- clearTimeout(debounceTimeout);
- debounceTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
- onModelSelectChange(event);
- }, debounceDelay);
- };
- // Switch Model Listener
- const modelSelect = document.getElementById('switch_model');
- if (modelSelect) {
- // Remove the event listener if it was previously added
- // Add the debounced event listener
- $(modelSelect).off('change').on('change', debouncedModelSelectChange);
- }
- // DeepSpeed Listener
- const deepspeedCheckbox = document.getElementById('deepspeed');
- if (deepspeedCheckbox) {
- $(deepspeedCheckbox).off('change').on('change', async (event) => {
- const deepSpeedValue = ? 'True' : 'False';
- // Set status to Processing
- updateStatus('Processing');
- try {
- const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/deepspeed?new_deepspeed_value=${deepSpeedValue}`, {
- method: 'POST',
- });
- if (!response.ok) {
- throw new Error(`HTTP Error: ${response.status}`);
- }
- const data = await response.json();
- console.log('POST response data:', data); // Debugging statement
- // Set status to Ready if successful
- updateStatus('Ready');
- } catch (error) {
- console.error('POST request error:', error); // Debugging statement
- // Set status to Error in case of failure
- updateStatus('Error');
- }
- });
- }
- // Low VRAM Listener
- const lowVramCheckbox = document.getElementById('low_vram');
- if (lowVramCheckbox) {
- $(lowVramCheckbox).off('change').on('change', async (event) => {
- const lowVramValue = ? 'True' : 'False';
- // Set status to Processing
- updateStatus('Processing');
- try {
- const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/lowvramsetting?new_low_vram_value=${lowVramValue}`, {
- method: 'POST',
- });
- if (!response.ok) {
- throw new Error(`HTTP Error: ${response.status}`);
- }
- const data = await response.json();
- console.log('POST response data:', data); // Debugging statement
- // Set status to Ready if successful
- updateStatus('Ready');
- } catch (error) {
- console.error('POST request error:', error); // Debugging statement
- // Set status to Error in case of failure
- updateStatus('Error');
- }
- });
- }
- // Narrator Voice Dropdown Listener
- const narratorVoiceSelect = document.getElementById('narrator_voice');
- if (narratorVoiceSelect) {
- $(narratorVoiceSelect).off('change').on('change', (event) => {
- this.settings.narrator_voice_gen = `${}.wav`;
- this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
- });
- }
- const textNotInsideSelect = document.getElementById('at_narrator_text_not_inside');
- if (textNotInsideSelect) {
- $(textNotInsideSelect).off('change').on('change', (event) => {
- this.settings.text_not_inside =;
- this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
- });
- }
- // AT Narrator Dropdown Listener
- const atNarratorSelect = document.getElementById('at_narrator_enabled');
- const ttsPassAsterisksCheckbox = document.getElementById('tts_pass_asterisks'); // Access the checkbox from index.js
- const ttsNarrateQuotedCheckbox = document.getElementById('tts_narrate_quoted'); // Access the checkbox from index.js
- const ttsNarrateDialoguesCheckbox = document.getElementById('tts_narrate_dialogues'); // Access the checkbox from index.js
- if (atNarratorSelect && textNotInsideSelect && narratorVoiceSelect) {
- $(atNarratorSelect).off('change').on('change', (event) => {
- const isNarratorEnabled = === 'true';
- this.settings.narrator_enabled = isNarratorEnabled; // Update the setting here
- textNotInsideSelect.disabled = !isNarratorEnabled;
- narratorVoiceSelect.disabled = !isNarratorEnabled;
- // Sync the state with the checkbox in index.js
- if (isNarratorEnabled) {
- ttsPassAsterisksCheckbox.checked = false;
- $('#tts_pass_asterisks').click(); // Simulate a click event
- $('#tts_pass_asterisks').trigger('change');
- }
- if (!isNarratorEnabled) {
- ttsPassAsterisksCheckbox.checked = true;
- $('#tts_pass_asterisks').click(); // Simulate a click event
- $('#tts_pass_asterisks').trigger('change');
- }
- // Uncheck and set tts_narrate_quoted to false if narrator is enabled
- if (isNarratorEnabled) {
- ttsNarrateQuotedCheckbox.checked = true;
- ttsNarrateDialoguesCheckbox.checked = true;
- // Trigger click events instead of change events
- $('#tts_narrate_quoted').click();
- $('#tts_narrate_quoted').trigger('change');
- $('#tts_narrate_dialogues').click();
- $('#tts_narrate_dialogues').trigger('change');
- }
- this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
- });
- }
- // Event Listener for AT Generation Method Dropdown
- const atGenerationMethodSelect = document.getElementById('at_generation_method');
- const atNarratorEnabledSelect = document.getElementById('at_narrator_enabled');
- if (atGenerationMethodSelect) {
- $(atGenerationMethodSelect).off('change').on('change', (event) => {
- const selectedMethod =;
- if (selectedMethod === 'streaming_enabled') {
- // Disable and unselect AT Narrator
- atNarratorEnabledSelect.disabled = true;
- atNarratorEnabledSelect.value = 'false';
- textNotInsideSelect.disabled = true;
- narratorVoiceSelect.disabled = true;
- } else if (selectedMethod === 'standard_generation') {
- // Enable AT Narrator
- atNarratorEnabledSelect.disabled = false;
- }
- this.settings.at_generation_method = selectedMethod; // Update the setting here
- this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
- });
- }
- // Listener for Language Dropdown
- const languageSelect = document.getElementById('language_options');
- if (languageSelect) {
- $(languageSelect).off('change').on('change', (event) => {
- this.settings.language =;
- this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
- });
- }
- // Listener for AllTalk Endpoint Input
- const atServerInput = document.getElementById('at_server');
- if (atServerInput) {
- $(atServerInput).off('input').on('input', (event) => {
- this.settings.provider_endpoint =;
- this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
- });
- }
- }
- //#############################//
- // Store ST interface settings //
- //#############################//
- onSettingsChange() {
- // Update settings based on the UI elements
- //this.settings.provider_endpoint = $('#at_server').val();
- this.settings.language = $('#language_options').val();
- //this.settings.voiceMap = $('#voicemap').val();
- this.settings.at_generation_method = $('#at_generation_method').val();
- this.settings.narrator_enabled = $('#at_narrator_enabled').val();
- this.settings.at_narrator_text_not_inside = $('#at_narrator_text_not_inside').val();
- this.settings.narrator_voice_gen = $('#narrator_voice').val();
- // Save the updated settings
- saveTtsProviderSettings();
- }
- //#########################//
- // ST Handle Reload button //
- //#########################//
- async onRefreshClick() {
- await this.initEndpoint();
- // Additional actions as needed
- }
- //##################//
- // Preview AT Voice //
- //##################//
- async previewTtsVoice(voiceName) {
- try {
- // Prepare data for POST request
- const postData = new URLSearchParams();
- postData.append('voice', `${voiceName}.wav`);
- // Making the POST request
- const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/previewvoice/`, {
- method: 'POST',
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
- },
- body: postData,
- });
- if (!response.ok) {
- const errorText = await response.text();
- console.error('[previewTtsVoice] Error Response Text:', errorText);
- throw new Error(`HTTP ${response.status}: ${errorText}`);
- }
- // Assuming the server returns a URL to the .wav file
- const data = await response.json();
- if (data.output_file_url) {
- // Use an audio element to play the .wav file
- const audioElement = new Audio(data.output_file_url);
- => console.error('Error playing audio:', e));
- } else {
- console.warn('[previewTtsVoice] No output file URL received in the response');
- throw new Error('No output file URL received in the response');
- }
- } catch (error) {
- console.error('[previewTtsVoice] Exception caught during preview generation:', error);
- throw error;
- }
- }
- //#####################//
- // Populate ST voices //
- //#####################//
- async getVoice(voiceName, generatePreview = false) {
- // Ensure this.voices is populated
- if (this.voices.length === 0) {
- // Fetch voice objects logic
- }
- // Find the object where the name matches voiceName
- const match = this.voices.find(voice => === voiceName);
- if (!match) {
- // Error handling
- }
- // Generate preview URL only if requested
- if (!match.preview_url && generatePreview) {
- // Generate preview logic
- }
- return match; // Return the found voice object
- }
- //##########################################//
- // Generate TTS Streaming or call Standard //
- //##########################################//
- async generateTts(inputText, voiceId) {
- try {
- if (this.settings.at_generation_method === 'streaming_enabled') {
- // Construct the streaming URL
- const streamingUrl = `${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/tts-generate-streaming?text=${encodeURIComponent(inputText)}&voice=${encodeURIComponent(voiceId)}.wav&language=${encodeURIComponent(this.settings.language)}&output_file=stream_output.wav`;
- console.log('Streaming URL:', streamingUrl);
- // Return the streaming URL directly
- return streamingUrl;
- } else {
- // For standard method
- const outputUrl = await this.fetchTtsGeneration(inputText, voiceId);
- const audioResponse = await fetch(outputUrl);
- if (!audioResponse.ok) {
- throw new Error(`HTTP ${audioResponse.status}: Failed to fetch audio data`);
- }
- return audioResponse; // Return the fetch response directly
- }
- } catch (error) {
- console.error('Error in generateTts:', error);
- throw error;
- }
- }
- //####################//
- // Generate Standard //
- //####################//
- async fetchTtsGeneration(inputText, voiceId) {
- // Prepare the request payload
- const requestBody = new URLSearchParams({
- 'text_input': inputText,
- 'text_filtering': 'standard',
- 'character_voice_gen': voiceId + '.wav',
- 'narrator_enabled': this.settings.narrator_enabled,
- 'narrator_voice_gen': this.settings.narrator_voice_gen + '.wav',
- 'text_not_inside': this.settings.at_narrator_text_not_inside,
- 'language': this.settings.language,
- 'output_file_name': 'st_output',
- 'output_file_timestamp': 'true',
- 'autoplay': 'false',
- 'autoplay_volume': '0.8',
- }).toString();
- try {
- const response = await doExtrasFetch(
- `${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/tts-generate`,
- {
- method: 'POST',
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
- 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
- },
- body: requestBody,
- },
- );
- if (!response.ok) {
- const errorText = await response.text();
- console.error('[fetchTtsGeneration] Error Response Text:', errorText);
- // toastr.error(response.statusText, 'TTS Generation Failed');
- throw new Error(`HTTP ${response.status}: ${errorText}`);
- }
- const data = await response.json();
- const outputUrl = data.output_file_url;
- return outputUrl; // Return only the output_file_url
- } catch (error) {
- console.error('[fetchTtsGeneration] Exception caught:', error);
- throw error; // Rethrow the error for further handling
- }
- }
-// Update Status Messages //
-function updateStatus(message) {
- const statusElement = document.getElementById('status_info');
- if (statusElement) {
- statusElement.textContent = message;
- switch (message) {
- case 'Offline':
- = 'red';
- break;
- case 'Ready':
- = 'lightgreen';
- break;
- case 'Processing':
- = 'blue';
- break;
- case 'Error':
- = 'red';
- break;
- }
- }
+import { doExtrasFetch, getApiUrl, modules } from '../../extensions.js';
+import { saveTtsProviderSettings } from './index.js';
+export { AllTalkTtsProvider };
+class AllTalkTtsProvider {
+ //########//
+ // Config //
+ //########//
+ settings = {};
+ constructor() {
+ // Initialize with default settings if they are not already set
+ this.settings = {
+ provider_endpoint: this.settings.provider_endpoint || 'http://localhost:7851',
+ server_version: this.settings.server_version || 'v2',
+ language: this.settings.language || 'en',
+ voiceMap: this.settings.voiceMap || {},
+ at_generation_method: this.settings.at_generation_method || 'standard_generation',
+ narrator_enabled: this.settings.narrator_enabled || 'false',
+ at_narrator_text_not_inside: this.settings.at_narrator_text_not_inside || 'narrator',
+ narrator_voice_gen: this.settings.narrator_voice_gen || 'Please set a voice',
+ rvc_character_voice: this.settings.rvc_character_voice || 'Disabled',
+ rvc_character_pitch: this.settings.rvc_character_pitch || '0',
+ rvc_narrator_voice: this.settings.rvc_narrator_voice || 'Disabled',
+ rvc_narrator_pitch: this.settings.rvc_narrator_pitch || '0',
+ finetuned_model: this.settings.finetuned_model || 'false'
+ };
+ // Separate property for dynamically updated settings from the server
+ this.dynamicSettings = {
+ modelsAvailable: [],
+ currentModel: '',
+ deepspeed_available: false,
+ deepspeed_enabled: false,
+ lowvram_capable: false,
+ lowvram_enabled: false,
+ };
+ this.rvcVoices = []; // Initialize rvcVoices as an empty array
+ }
+ ready = false;
+ voices = [];
+ separator = '. ';
+ audioElement = document.createElement('audio');
+ languageLabels = {
+ 'Arabic': 'ar',
+ 'Brazilian Portuguese': 'pt',
+ 'Chinese': 'zh-cn',
+ 'Czech': 'cs',
+ 'Dutch': 'nl',
+ 'English': 'en',
+ 'French': 'fr',
+ 'German': 'de',
+ 'Italian': 'it',
+ 'Polish': 'pl',
+ 'Russian': 'ru',
+ 'Spanish': 'es',
+ 'Turkish': 'tr',
+ 'Japanese': 'ja',
+ 'Korean': 'ko',
+ 'Hungarian': 'hu',
+ 'Hindi': 'hi',
+ };
+ get settingsHtml() {
+ let html = `AllTalk V2 Settings
+ html += `
+ html += `
+ html += `
+ html += `
+ // Add the RVC pitch control row
+ html += `
+ html += `
+ html += `
+ html += `
+ Status: Ready
+ html += ``;
+ html += `
+- If you change your TTS engine in AllTalk, you will need to Reload (button above) and re-select your voices.
+- Assuming the server is Status: Ready, most problems will be resolved by hitting Reload and selecting voices that match the loaded TTS engine.
+- Text-generation-webui users - Uncheck Enable TTS in the TGWUI interface, or you will hear 2x voices and file names being generated.
+ return html;
+ }
+ //#################//
+ // Startup ST & AT //
+ //#################//
+ async loadSettings(settings) {
+ updateStatus('Offline');
+ if (Object.keys(settings).length === 0) {
+'Using default AllTalk TTS Provider settings');
+ } else {
+ // Populate settings with provided values, ignoring server-provided settings
+ for (const key in settings) {
+ if (key in this.settings) {
+ this.settings[key] = settings[key];
+ } else {
+ console.debug(`Ignoring non-user-configurable setting: ${key}`);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Update UI elements to reflect the loaded settings
+ $('#at_server').val(this.settings.provider_endpoint);
+ $('#language_options').val(this.settings.language);
+ $('#at_generation_method').val(this.settings.at_generation_method);
+ $('#at_narrator_enabled').val(this.settings.narrator_enabled);
+ $('#at_narrator_text_not_inside').val(this.settings.at_narrator_text_not_inside);
+ $('#narrator_voice').val(this.settings.narrator_voice_gen);
+ $('#rvc_character_voice').val(this.settings.rvc_character_voice);
+ $('#rvc_narrator_voice').val(this.settings.rvc_narrator_voice);
+ $('#rvc_character_pitch').val(this.settings.rvc_character_pitch);
+ $('#rvc_narrator_pitch').val(this.settings.rvc_narrator_pitch);
+ console.debug('AllTalkTTS: Settings loaded');
+ try {
+ // Check if TTS provider is ready
+ await this.checkReady();
+ await this.updateSettingsFromServer(); // Fetch dynamic settings from the TTS server
+ await this.fetchTtsVoiceObjects(); // Fetch voices only if service is ready
+ await this.fetchRvcVoiceObjects(); // Fetch RVC voices
+ this.updateNarratorVoicesDropdown();
+ this.updateLanguageDropdown();
+ this.setupEventListeners();
+ this.applySettingsToHTML();
+ updateStatus('Ready');
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("Error loading settings:", error);
+ updateStatus('Offline');
+ }
+ }
+ applySettingsToHTML() {
+ const narratorVoiceSelect = document.getElementById('narrator_voice');
+ const atNarratorSelect = document.getElementById('at_narrator_enabled');
+ const textNotInsideSelect = document.getElementById('at_narrator_text_not_inside');
+ const generationMethodSelect = document.getElementById('at_generation_method');
+ this.settings.narrator_voice = this.settings.narrator_voice_gen;
+ // Apply settings to Narrator Voice dropdown
+ if (narratorVoiceSelect && this.settings.narrator_voice) {
+ narratorVoiceSelect.value = this.settings.narrator_voice; // Remove the parentheses
+ }
+ // Apply settings to AT Narrator Enabled dropdown
+ if (atNarratorSelect) {
+ const ttsPassAsterisksCheckbox = document.getElementById('tts_pass_asterisks');
+ const ttsNarrateQuotedCheckbox = document.getElementById('tts_narrate_quoted');
+ const ttsNarrateDialoguesCheckbox = document.getElementById('tts_narrate_dialogues');
+ if (this.settings.narrator_enabled) {
+ ttsPassAsterisksCheckbox.checked = false;
+ $('#tts_pass_asterisks').click();
+ $('#tts_pass_asterisks').trigger('change');
+ }
+ if (!this.settings.narrator_enabled) {
+ ttsPassAsterisksCheckbox.checked = true;
+ $('#tts_pass_asterisks').click();
+ $('#tts_pass_asterisks').trigger('change');
+ }
+ if (this.settings.narrator_enabled) {
+ ttsNarrateQuotedCheckbox.checked = true;
+ ttsNarrateDialoguesCheckbox.checked = true;
+ $('#tts_narrate_quoted').click();
+ $('#tts_narrate_quoted').trigger('change');
+ $('#tts_narrate_dialogues').click();
+ $('#tts_narrate_dialogues').trigger('change');
+ }
+ atNarratorSelect.value = this.settings.narrator_enabled.toString();
+ this.settings.narrator_enabled = this.settings.narrator_enabled.toString();
+ }
+ const languageSelect = document.getElementById('language_options');
+ if (languageSelect && this.settings.language) {
+ languageSelect.value = this.settings.language;
+ }
+ if (textNotInsideSelect && this.settings.text_not_inside) {
+ textNotInsideSelect.value = this.settings.text_not_inside;
+ this.settings.at_narrator_text_not_inside = this.settings.text_not_inside;
+ }
+ if (generationMethodSelect && this.settings.at_generation_method) {
+ generationMethodSelect.value = this.settings.at_generation_method;
+ }
+ const isStreamingEnabled = this.settings.at_generation_method === 'streaming_enabled';
+ if (isStreamingEnabled) {
+ if (atNarratorSelect) atNarratorSelect.disabled = true;
+ if (textNotInsideSelect) textNotInsideSelect.disabled = true;
+ if (narratorVoiceSelect) narratorVoiceSelect.disabled = true;
+ } else {
+ if (atNarratorSelect) atNarratorSelect.disabled = false;
+ if (textNotInsideSelect) textNotInsideSelect.disabled = !this.settings.narrator_enabled;
+ if (narratorVoiceSelect) narratorVoiceSelect.disabled = !this.settings.narrator_enabled;
+ }
+ }
+ //##############################//
+ // Check AT Server is Available //
+ //##############################//
+ async checkReady() {
+ try {
+ const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/ready`);
+ // Check if the HTTP request was successful
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ throw new Error(`HTTP Error Response: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);
+ }
+ const statusText = await response.text();
+ // Check if the response is 'Ready'
+ if (statusText === 'Ready') {
+ this.ready = true; // Set the ready flag to true
+ console.log('TTS service is ready.');
+ } else {
+ this.ready = false;
+ console.log('TTS service is not ready.');
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error checking TTS service readiness:', error);
+ this.ready = false; // Ensure ready flag is set to false in case of error
+ }
+ }
+ //######################//
+ // Get Available Voices //
+ //######################//
+ async fetchTtsVoiceObjects() {
+ const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/voices`);
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ const errorText = await response.text();
+ throw new Error(`HTTP ${response.status}: ${errorText}`);
+ }
+ const data = await response.json();
+ const voices = => {
+ return {
+ name: filename,
+ voice_id: filename,
+ preview_url: null, // Preview URL will be dynamically generated
+ lang: 'en' // Default language
+ };
+ });
+ this.voices = voices; // Assign to the class property
+ return voices; // Also return this list
+ }
+ async fetchRvcVoiceObjects() {
+ if (this.settings.server_version !== 'v2') {
+ console.log('Skipping RVC voices fetch for V1 server');
+ return [];
+ }
+ console.log('Fetching RVC Voices');
+ try {
+ const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/rvcvoices`);
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ const errorText = await response.text();
+ console.error('Error text:', errorText);
+ throw new Error(`HTTP ${response.status}: ${errorText}`);
+ }
+ const data = await response.json();
+ if (!data || !data.rvcvoices) {
+ console.error('Invalid data format:', data);
+ throw new Error('Invalid data format received from /api/rvcvoices');
+ }
+ const voices = => {
+ return {
+ name: filename,
+ voice_id: filename,
+ };
+ });
+ console.log('RVC voices:', voices);
+ this.rvcVoices = voices; // Assign to the class property
+ this.updateRvcVoiceDropdowns(); // Update UI after fetching voices
+ return voices; // Also return this list
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error fetching RVC voices:', error);
+ this.rvcVoices = [{ name: 'Disabled', voice_id: 'Disabled' }]; // Set default on error
+ throw error;
+ } finally {
+ // Ensure dropdowns are updated even if there was an error
+ this.updateRvcVoiceDropdowns();
+ }
+ }
+ //##########################################//
+ // Get Current AT Server Config & Update ST //
+ //##########################################//
+ async updateSettingsFromServer() {
+ try {
+ const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/currentsettings`);
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ throw new Error(`Failed to fetch current settings: ${response.statusText}`);
+ }
+ const currentSettings = await response.json();
+ currentSettings.models_available.sort((a, b) =>;
+ this.settings.enginesAvailable = currentSettings.engines_available;
+ this.settings.currentEngineLoaded = currentSettings.current_engine_loaded;
+ this.settings.modelsAvailable = currentSettings.models_available;
+ this.settings.currentModel = currentSettings.current_model_loaded;
+ this.settings.deepspeed_capable = currentSettings.deepspeed_capable;
+ this.settings.deepspeed_available = currentSettings.deepspeed_available;
+ this.settings.deepspeed_enabled = currentSettings.deepspeed_enabled;
+ this.settings.lowvram_capable = currentSettings.lowvram_capable;
+ this.settings.lowvram_enabled = currentSettings.lowvram_enabled;
+ await this.fetchRvcVoiceObjects(); // Fetch RVC voices
+ this.updateModelDropdown();
+ this.updateCheckboxes();
+ this.updateRvcVoiceDropdowns(); // Update the RVC voice dropdowns
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(`Error updating settings from server: ${error}`);
+ }
+ }
+ updateRvcVoiceDropdowns() {
+ // Handle all RVC-related elements
+ const rvcElements = document.querySelectorAll('.rvc-setting');
+ const isV2 = this.settings.server_version === 'v2';
+ rvcElements.forEach(element => {
+ = isV2 ? 'block' : 'none';
+ });
+ // Update and disable/enable character voice dropdown
+ const rvcCharacterVoiceSelect = document.getElementById('rvc_character_voice');
+ if (rvcCharacterVoiceSelect) {
+ rvcCharacterVoiceSelect.disabled = !isV2;
+ if (this.rvcVoices) {
+ rvcCharacterVoiceSelect.innerHTML = '';
+ for (let voice of this.rvcVoices) {
+ const option = document.createElement('option');
+ option.value = voice.voice_id;
+ option.textContent =;
+ if (voice.voice_id === this.settings.rvc_character_voice) {
+ option.selected = true;
+ }
+ rvcCharacterVoiceSelect.appendChild(option);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Update and disable/enable narrator voice dropdown
+ const rvcNarratorVoiceSelect = document.getElementById('rvc_narrator_voice');
+ if (rvcNarratorVoiceSelect) {
+ rvcNarratorVoiceSelect.disabled = !isV2;
+ if (this.rvcVoices) {
+ rvcNarratorVoiceSelect.innerHTML = '';
+ for (let voice of this.rvcVoices) {
+ const option = document.createElement('option');
+ option.value = voice.voice_id;
+ option.textContent =;
+ if (voice.voice_id === this.settings.rvc_narrator_voice) {
+ option.selected = true;
+ }
+ rvcNarratorVoiceSelect.appendChild(option);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Update pitch inputs
+ const characterPitch = document.getElementById('rvc_character_pitch');
+ if (characterPitch) {
+ characterPitch.disabled = !isV2;
+ }
+ const narratorPitch = document.getElementById('rvc_narrator_pitch');
+ if (narratorPitch) {
+ narratorPitch.disabled = !isV2;
+ }
+ }
+ //###################################################//
+ // Get Current AT Server Config & Update ST (Models) //
+ //###################################################//
+ updateModelDropdown() {
+ const modelSelect = document.getElementById('switch_model');
+ if (modelSelect) {
+ modelSelect.innerHTML = ''; // Clear existing options
+ this.settings.modelsAvailable.forEach(model => {
+ const option = document.createElement('option');
+ option.value =;
+ option.textContent =; // Use model name directly
+ option.selected = === this.settings.currentModel;
+ modelSelect.appendChild(option);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //#######################################################//
+ // Get Current AT Server Config & Update ST (DS and LVR) //
+ //#######################################################//
+ updateCheckboxes() {
+ const deepspeedCheckbox = document.getElementById('deepspeed');
+ const lowVramCheckbox = document.getElementById('low_vram');
+ // Handle DeepSpeed checkbox
+ if (deepspeedCheckbox) {
+ if (this.settings.deepspeed_capable) {
+ // If TTS engine is capable of using DeepSpeed
+ deepspeedCheckbox.disabled = !this.settings.deepspeed_available;
+ this.settings.deepspeed_enabled = this.settings.deepspeed_available && this.settings.deepspeed_enabled;
+ } else {
+ // If TTS engine is NOT capable of using DeepSpeed
+ deepspeedCheckbox.disabled = true;
+ this.settings.deepspeed_enabled = false;
+ }
+ deepspeedCheckbox.checked = this.settings.deepspeed_enabled;
+ }
+ // Handle Low VRAM checkbox
+ if (lowVramCheckbox) {
+ if (this.settings.lowvram_capable) {
+ // If TTS engine is capable of low VRAM
+ lowVramCheckbox.disabled = false;
+ } else {
+ // If TTS engine is NOT capable of low VRAM
+ lowVramCheckbox.disabled = true;
+ this.settings.lowvram_enabled = false;
+ }
+ lowVramCheckbox.checked = this.settings.lowvram_enabled;
+ }
+ }
+ //###############################################################//
+ // Get Current AT Server Config & Update ST (AT Narrator Voices) //
+ //###############################################################//
+ updateNarratorVoicesDropdown() {
+ const narratorVoiceSelect = document.getElementById('narrator_voice');
+ if (narratorVoiceSelect && this.voices) {
+ // Clear existing options
+ narratorVoiceSelect.innerHTML = '';
+ // Add new options
+ for (let voice of this.voices) {
+ const option = document.createElement('option');
+ option.value = voice.voice_id;
+ option.textContent =;
+ narratorVoiceSelect.appendChild(option);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //######################################################//
+ // Get Current AT Server Config & Update ST (Languages) //
+ //######################################################//
+ updateLanguageDropdown() {
+ const languageSelect = document.getElementById('language_options');
+ if (languageSelect) {
+ // Ensure default language is set
+ this.settings.language = this.settings.language;
+ languageSelect.innerHTML = '';
+ for (let language in this.languageLabels) {
+ const option = document.createElement('option');
+ option.value = this.languageLabels[language];
+ option.textContent = language;
+ if (this.languageLabels[language] === this.settings.language) {
+ option.selected = true;
+ }
+ languageSelect.appendChild(option);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //########################################//
+ // Start AT TTS extenstion page listeners //
+ //########################################//
+ setupEventListeners() {
+ let debounceTimeout;
+ const debounceDelay = 1400; // Milliseconds
+ // Define the event handler function
+ const onModelSelectChange = async (event) => {
+ console.log("Model select change event triggered"); // Debugging statement
+ const selectedModel =;
+ console.log(`Selected model: ${selectedModel}`); // Debugging statement
+ // Set status to Processing
+ updateStatus('Processing');
+ try {
+ const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/reload?tts_method=${encodeURIComponent(selectedModel)}`, {
+ method: 'POST'
+ });
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ throw new Error(`HTTP Error: ${response.status}`);
+ }
+ const data = await response.json();
+ console.log("POST response data:", data); // Debugging statement
+ // Set status to Ready if successful
+ updateStatus('Ready');
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("POST request error:", error); // Debugging statement
+ // Set status to Error in case of failure
+ updateStatus('Error');
+ }
+ // Handle response or error
+ };
+ // AllTalk Server version change listener
+ const serverVersionSelect = document.getElementById('server_version');
+ if (serverVersionSelect) {
+ serverVersionSelect.addEventListener('change', async (event) => {
+ this.settings.server_version =;
+ // Clear and refetch voices if needed
+ if ( === 'v2') {
+ await this.fetchRvcVoiceObjects();
+ }
+ this.updateRvcVoiceDropdowns();
+ this.onSettingsChange();
+ });
+ }
+ const rvcCharacterVoiceSelect = document.getElementById('rvc_character_voice');
+ if (rvcCharacterVoiceSelect) {
+ rvcCharacterVoiceSelect.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
+ this.settings.rvccharacter_voice_gen =;
+ this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
+ });
+ }
+ const rvcNarratorVoiceSelect = document.getElementById('rvc_narrator_voice');
+ if (rvcNarratorVoiceSelect) {
+ rvcNarratorVoiceSelect.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
+ this.settings.rvcnarrator_voice_gen =;
+ this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
+ });
+ }
+ const rvcCharacterPitchSelect = document.getElementById('rvc_character_pitch');
+ if (rvcCharacterPitchSelect) {
+ rvcCharacterPitchSelect.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
+ this.settings.rvc_character_pitch =;
+ this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
+ });
+ }
+ const rvcNarratorPitchSelect = document.getElementById('rvc_narrator_pitch');
+ if (rvcNarratorPitchSelect) {
+ rvcNarratorPitchSelect.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
+ this.settings.rvc_narrator_pitch =;
+ this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
+ });
+ }
+ const debouncedModelSelectChange = (event) => {
+ clearTimeout(debounceTimeout);
+ debounceTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ onModelSelectChange(event);
+ }, debounceDelay);
+ };
+ // Switch Model Listener
+ const modelSelect = document.getElementById('switch_model');
+ if (modelSelect) {
+ // Remove the event listener if it was previously added
+ modelSelect.removeEventListener('change', debouncedModelSelectChange);
+ // Add the debounced event listener
+ modelSelect.addEventListener('change', debouncedModelSelectChange);
+ }
+ // DeepSpeed Listener
+ const deepspeedCheckbox = document.getElementById('deepspeed');
+ if (deepspeedCheckbox) {
+ deepspeedCheckbox.addEventListener('change', async (event) => {
+ const deepSpeedValue = ? 'True' : 'False';
+ // Set status to Processing
+ updateStatus('Processing');
+ try {
+ const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/deepspeed?new_deepspeed_value=${deepSpeedValue}`, {
+ method: 'POST'
+ });
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ throw new Error(`HTTP Error: ${response.status}`);
+ }
+ const data = await response.json();
+ console.log("POST response data:", data); // Debugging statement
+ // Set status to Ready if successful
+ updateStatus('Ready');
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("POST request error:", error); // Debugging statement
+ // Set status to Error in case of failure
+ updateStatus('Error');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function lowvramdebounce(func, delay) {
+ let debounceTimer;
+ return function (...args) {
+ const context = this;
+ clearTimeout(debounceTimer);
+ debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => func.apply(context, args), delay);
+ };
+ }
+ // Low VRAM Listener
+ const lowVramCheckbox = document.getElementById('low_vram');
+ if (lowVramCheckbox) {
+ const handleLowVramChange = async (event) => {
+ const lowVramValue = ? 'True' : 'False';
+ // Set status to Processing
+ updateStatus('Processing');
+ try {
+ const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/lowvramsetting?new_low_vram_value=${lowVramValue}`, {
+ method: 'POST'
+ });
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ throw new Error(`HTTP Error: ${response.status}`);
+ }
+ const data = await response.json();
+ console.log("POST response data:", data); // Debugging statement
+ // Set status to Ready if successful
+ updateStatus('Ready');
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("POST request error:", error); // Debugging statement
+ // Set status to Error in case of failure
+ updateStatus('Error');
+ }
+ };
+ const debouncedHandleLowVramChange = lowvramdebounce(handleLowVramChange, 300); // Adjust delay as needed
+ lowVramCheckbox.addEventListener('change', debouncedHandleLowVramChange);
+ }
+ // Narrator Voice Dropdown Listener
+ const narratorVoiceSelect = document.getElementById('narrator_voice');
+ if (narratorVoiceSelect) {
+ narratorVoiceSelect.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
+ this.settings.narrator_voice_gen = `${}`;
+ this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
+ });
+ }
+ const textNotInsideSelect = document.getElementById('at_narrator_text_not_inside');
+ if (textNotInsideSelect) {
+ textNotInsideSelect.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
+ this.settings.text_not_inside =;
+ this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
+ });
+ }
+ // AT Narrator Dropdown Listener
+ const atNarratorSelect = document.getElementById('at_narrator_enabled');
+ const ttsPassAsterisksCheckbox = document.getElementById('tts_pass_asterisks');
+ const ttsNarrateQuotedCheckbox = document.getElementById('tts_narrate_quoted');
+ const ttsNarrateDialoguesCheckbox = document.getElementById('tts_narrate_dialogues');
+ if (atNarratorSelect && textNotInsideSelect && narratorVoiceSelect) {
+ atNarratorSelect.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
+ const narratorOption =;
+ this.settings.narrator_enabled = narratorOption;
+ // Check if narrator is disabled
+ const isNarratorDisabled = narratorOption === 'false';
+ textNotInsideSelect.disabled = isNarratorDisabled;
+ narratorVoiceSelect.disabled = isNarratorDisabled;
+ console.log(`Narrator option: ${narratorOption}`);
+ console.log(`textNotInsideSelect disabled: ${textNotInsideSelect.disabled}`);
+ console.log(`narratorVoiceSelect disabled: ${narratorVoiceSelect.disabled}`);
+ if (narratorOption === 'true') {
+ ttsPassAsterisksCheckbox.checked = false;
+ $('#tts_pass_asterisks').click();
+ $('#tts_pass_asterisks').trigger('change');
+ ttsNarrateQuotedCheckbox.checked = true;
+ ttsNarrateDialoguesCheckbox.checked = true;
+ $('#tts_narrate_quoted').click();
+ $('#tts_narrate_quoted').trigger('change');
+ $('#tts_narrate_dialogues').click();
+ $('#tts_narrate_dialogues').trigger('change');
+ } else if (narratorOption === 'silent') {
+ ttsPassAsterisksCheckbox.checked = false;
+ $('#tts_pass_asterisks').click();
+ $('#tts_pass_asterisks').trigger('change');
+ } else {
+ ttsPassAsterisksCheckbox.checked = true;
+ $('#tts_pass_asterisks').click();
+ $('#tts_pass_asterisks').trigger('change');
+ }
+ this.onSettingsChange();
+ });
+ }
+ // Event Listener for AT Generation Method Dropdown
+ const atGenerationMethodSelect = document.getElementById('at_generation_method');
+ const atNarratorEnabledSelect = document.getElementById('at_narrator_enabled');
+ if (atGenerationMethodSelect) {
+ atGenerationMethodSelect.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
+ const selectedMethod =;
+ if (selectedMethod === 'streaming_enabled') {
+ // Disable and unselect AT Narrator
+ atNarratorEnabledSelect.disabled = true;
+ atNarratorEnabledSelect.value = 'false';
+ textNotInsideSelect.disabled = true;
+ narratorVoiceSelect.disabled = true;
+ } else if (selectedMethod === 'standard_generation') {
+ // Enable AT Narrator
+ atNarratorEnabledSelect.disabled = false;
+ }
+ this.settings.at_generation_method = selectedMethod; // Update the setting here
+ this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
+ });
+ }
+ // Listener for Language Dropdown
+ const languageSelect = document.getElementById('language_options');
+ if (languageSelect) {
+ languageSelect.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
+ this.settings.language =;
+ this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
+ });
+ }
+ // Listener for AllTalk Endpoint Input
+ const atServerInput = document.getElementById('at_server');
+ if (atServerInput) {
+ atServerInput.addEventListener('input', (event) => {
+ this.settings.provider_endpoint =;
+ this.onSettingsChange(); // Save the settings after change
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //#############################//
+ // Store ST interface settings //
+ //#############################//
+ onSettingsChange() {
+ // Update settings based on the UI elements
+ //this.settings.provider_endpoint = $('#at_server').val();
+ this.settings.language = $('#language_options').val();
+ //this.settings.voiceMap = $('#voicemap').val();
+ this.settings.at_generation_method = $('#at_generation_method').val();
+ this.settings.narrator_enabled = $('#at_narrator_enabled').val();
+ this.settings.at_narrator_text_not_inside = $('#at_narrator_text_not_inside').val();
+ this.settings.rvc_character_voice = $('#rvc_character_voice').val();
+ this.settings.rvc_narrator_voice = $('#rvc_narrator_voice').val();
+ this.settings.rvc_character_pitch = $('#rvc_character_pitch').val();
+ this.settings.rvc_narrator_pitch = $('#rvc_narrator_pitch').val();
+ this.settings.narrator_voice_gen = $('#narrator_voice').val();
+ // Save the updated settings
+ saveTtsProviderSettings();
+ }
+ //#########################//
+ // ST Handle Reload button //
+ //#########################//
+ async onRefreshClick() {
+ try {
+ updateStatus('Processing'); // Set status to Processing while refreshing
+ await this.checkReady(); // Check if the TTS provider is ready
+ await this.loadSettings(this.settings); // Reload the settings
+ await this.checkReady(); // Check if the TTS provider is ready
+ updateStatus(this.ready ? 'Ready' : 'Offline'); // Update the status based on readiness
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error during refresh:', error);
+ updateStatus('Error'); // Set status to Error in case of failure
+ }
+ }
+ //##################//
+ // Preview AT Voice //
+ //##################//
+ async previewTtsVoice(voiceName) {
+ try {
+ // Prepare data for POST request
+ const postData = new URLSearchParams();
+ postData.append("voice", `${voiceName}`);
+ // Add RVC parameters for V2 if applicable
+ if (this.settings.server_version === 'v2' && this.settings.rvc_character_voice !== 'Disabled') {
+ postData.append("rvccharacter_voice_gen", this.settings.rvc_character_voice);
+ postData.append("rvccharacter_pitch", this.settings.rvc_character_pitch || "0");
+ }
+ // Making the POST request
+ const response = await fetch(`${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/previewvoice/`, {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
+ },
+ body: postData,
+ });
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ const errorText = await response.text();
+ console.error(`[previewTtsVoice] Error Response Text:`, errorText);
+ throw new Error(`HTTP ${response.status}: ${errorText}`);
+ }
+ const data = await response.json();
+ if (data.output_file_url) {
+ // Handle V1/V2 URL differences
+ const fullUrl = this.settings.server_version === 'v1'
+ ? data.output_file_url
+ : `${this.settings.provider_endpoint}${data.output_file_url}`;
+ const audioElement = new Audio(fullUrl);
+ => console.error("Error playing audio:", e));
+ } else {
+ console.warn("[previewTtsVoice] No output file URL received in the response");
+ throw new Error("No output file URL received in the response");
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("[previewTtsVoice] Exception caught during preview generation:", error);
+ throw error;
+ }
+ }
+ //#####################//
+ // Populate ST voices //
+ //#####################//
+ async getVoice(voiceName, generatePreview = false) {
+ // Ensure this.voices is populated
+ if (this.voices.length === 0) {
+ // Fetch voice objects logic
+ }
+ // Find the object where the name matches voiceName
+ const match = this.voices.find(voice => === voiceName);
+ if (!match) {
+ // Error handling
+ }
+ // Generate preview URL only if requested
+ if (!match.preview_url && generatePreview) {
+ // Generate preview logic
+ }
+ return match; // Return the found voice object
+ }
+ //##########################################//
+ // Generate TTS Streaming or call Standard //
+ //##########################################//
+ async generateTts(inputText, voiceId) {
+ try {
+ if (this.settings.at_generation_method === 'streaming_enabled') {
+ // Construct the streaming URL
+ const streamingUrl = `${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/tts-generate-streaming?text=${encodeURIComponent(inputText)}&voice=${encodeURIComponent(voiceId)}&language=${encodeURIComponent(this.settings.language)}&output_file=stream_output.wav`;
+ console.log("Streaming URL:", streamingUrl);
+ // Return the streaming URL directly
+ return streamingUrl;
+ } else {
+ // For standard method
+ const outputUrl = await this.fetchTtsGeneration(inputText, voiceId);
+ const audioResponse = await fetch(outputUrl);
+ if (!audioResponse.ok) {
+ throw new Error(`HTTP ${audioResponse.status}: Failed to fetch audio data`);
+ }
+ return audioResponse; // Return the fetch response directly
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("Error in generateTts:", error);
+ throw error;
+ }
+ }
+ //####################//
+ // Generate Standard //
+ //####################//
+ async fetchTtsGeneration(inputText, voiceId) {
+ const requestBody = new URLSearchParams({
+ 'text_input': inputText,
+ 'text_filtering': "standard",
+ 'character_voice_gen': voiceId,
+ 'narrator_enabled': this.settings.narrator_enabled,
+ 'narrator_voice_gen': this.settings.narrator_voice_gen,
+ 'text_not_inside': this.settings.at_narrator_text_not_inside,
+ 'language': this.settings.language,
+ 'output_file_name': "st_output",
+ 'output_file_timestamp': "true",
+ 'autoplay': "false",
+ 'autoplay_volume': "0.8"
+ });
+ // Add RVC parameters only for V2
+ if (this.settings.server_version === 'v2') {
+ if (this.settings.rvc_character_voice !== 'Disabled') {
+ requestBody.append('rvccharacter_voice_gen', this.settings.rvc_character_voice);
+ requestBody.append('rvccharacter_pitch', this.settings.rvc_character_pitch || "0");
+ }
+ if (this.settings.rvc_narrator_voice !== 'Disabled') {
+ requestBody.append('rvcnarrator_voice_gen', this.settings.rvc_narrator_voice);
+ requestBody.append('rvcnarrator_pitch', this.settings.rvc_narrator_pitch || "0");
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ const response = await doExtrasFetch(
+ `${this.settings.provider_endpoint}/api/tts-generate`,
+ {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
+ },
+ body: requestBody
+ }
+ );
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ const errorText = await response.text();
+ console.error(`[fetchTtsGeneration] Error Response Text:`, errorText);
+ throw new Error(`HTTP ${response.status}: ${errorText}`);
+ }
+ const data = await response.json();
+ // Handle V1/V2 URL differences
+ const outputUrl = this.settings.server_version === 'v1'
+ ? data.output_file_url // V1 returns full URL
+ : `${this.settings.provider_endpoint}${data.output_file_url}`; // V2 returns relative path
+ return outputUrl;
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("[fetchTtsGeneration] Exception caught:", error);
+ throw error;
+ }
+ }
+// Update Status Messages //
+function updateStatus(message) {
+ const statusElement = document.getElementById('status_info');
+ if (statusElement) {
+ statusElement.textContent = message;
+ switch (message) {
+ case 'Offline':
+ = 'red';
+ break;
+ case 'Ready':
+ = 'lightgreen';
+ break;
+ case 'Processing':
+ = 'blue';
+ break;
+ case 'Error':
+ = 'red';
+ break;
+ }
+ }