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synced 2025-03-05 20:29:22 +01:00
Update zh-tw
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"Flat": "扁平",
" messages": " 訊息",
" words": " 文字",
"# Messages to Load": "個要載入的訊息數量",
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@
"Advanced Formatting": "進階格式化",
"Advanced": "進階",
"Affects": "影響",
"ext_regex_affects": "影響對象",
"After AN": "作者備註之後",
"After Char Defs": "角色定義之後",
"After EM": "範例訊息之後",
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@
"AI Configuration panel will stay open": "AI 設定面板將保持開啟",
"AI Message Blur Tint": "AI 訊息模糊色調",
"AI Module": "AI 模組",
"AI Output": "AI 輸出",
"ext_regex_ai_output": "AI 輸出",
"AI reply prefix": "AI 回覆前綴",
"AI Response Configuration": "AI 回應配置",
"AI Response Formatting": "AI 回應格式化",
@ -218,7 +220,7 @@
"Character Handling": "角色處理",
"Character Lore First": "角色知識書優先",
"Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "角色知識書插入策略",
"Character Lore": "[title]角色知識書",
"Character Lore": "角色知識書",
"Character Management": "角色管理",
"Character Names Behavior": "角色名稱行為",
"Character Negatives": "角色負面提示",
@ -497,7 +499,7 @@
"Global CFG": "全域 CFG",
"Global Lore First": "全域知識書優先",
"Global Negatives": "全域負面提示",
"Globally trims any unwanted parts from a regex match before replacement. Separate each element by an enter.": "在替換之前,全域修剪正規表示式匹配中的任何不需要的部分。每個元素用輸入鍵分隔。",
"ext_regex_trim_placeholder": "在取代之前,全域修剪正規表示式匹配中的任何不需要的部分。每個元素用輸入鍵分隔。",
"GNBF or ENBF, depends on the backend in use. If you're using this you should know which.": "GNBF 或 ENBF,取決於所使用的後端。如果您使用此功能,應該知道是哪一種",
"Google Model": "Google 模型",
"Gradual push-out": "逐步推出",
@ -545,6 +547,7 @@
"Import Extension From Git Repo": "從 Git 倉庫匯入擴充套件",
"Import preset": "匯入預設",
"Import Script": "匯入腳本",
"ext_regex_import_script": "匯入腳本",
"Import Tags": "匯入標籤",
"Import World Info": "匯入世界資訊",
"Important to set the character's writing style.": "設定角色的寫作風格很重要。",
@ -639,7 +642,7 @@
"Message Actions": "訊息動作",
"Message Content": "訊息內容",
"Message IDs": "訊息 ID",
"Message Sound": "訊息聲音",
"Message Sound": "訊息音效",
"Message Timer": "訊息計時器",
"Min Activations": "最小啟動次數",
"Min Depth": "最小深度",
@ -685,8 +688,8 @@
"Natural order": "自然順序",
"Negative Prompt": "負面提示",
"Neutralize Samplers": "中和採樣器",
"Never include examples": "絕不包含範例",
"Never resize avatars": "從不調整頭像大小",
"Never include examples": "永不包含範例",
"Never resize avatars": "永不調整頭像大小",
"New Chat": "新聊天",
"New Entry": "新條目",
"New Example Chat": "新範例聊天",
@ -705,7 +708,7 @@
"No Text Shadows": "無文字陰影",
"No WI/AN": "無 WI/AN",
"No": "否",
"Non-markdown strings": "非 markdown 字串",
"Non-markdown strings": "非 Markdown 字串",
"None": "無",
"Normal": "正常",
"NOT ALL": "NOT 所有",
@ -727,16 +730,17 @@
"Ollama Model": "Ollama 模型",
"Omit World Info and Author's Note from text to be summarized. Only has an effect when using the Main API. The Extras API always omits WI/AN.": "從要總結的文本中省略世界資訊和作者備註。僅在使用主要 API 時有效。額外 API 總是省略 WI/AN。",
"Only enable this if your model supports context sizes greater than 4096 tokens": "僅在您的模型支援超過4096個符記的上下文大小時啟用此功能",
"Only Format Display": "僅格式顯示",
"Only Format Prompt (?)": "僅格式提示(?)",
"Only Format Display": "僅格式化顯示",
"Only Format Prompt (?)": "僅格式化提示(?)",
"Only one entry with the same label will be activated": "僅會啟用具有相同標籤的一個條目",
"Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused": "僅在 ST 的瀏覽器分頁未聚焦時播放聲音",
"Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused": "僅在 ST 的瀏覽器分頁未聚焦時播放音效",
"Only the entries with the most number of key matches will be selected for Inclusion Group filtering": "只有符合最多鍵值數量的條目將被選中進行包含群組過濾",
"Ooba only. Determines the order of samplers.": "僅適用於 Ooba。決定採樣器的順序。",
"Open all Entries": "開啟所有條目",
"Open checkpoint chat": "開啟檢查點聊天",
"Open Data Bank": "打開資料儲藏庫",
"Open Editor": "打開編輯器",
"ext_regex_open_editor": "打開編輯器",
"OpenAI API key": "OpenAI API 金鑰",
"OpenAI Model": "OpenAI 模型",
"openaipresets": "OpenAI 預設設定檔",
@ -749,6 +753,7 @@
"Order ↘": "順序 ↘",
"Order:": "順序:",
"Other Options": "其他選項",
"ext_regex_other_options": "其他選項",
"Output": "輸出",
"Parser Flags": "解析器標誌",
"Password:": "密碼:",
@ -765,7 +770,7 @@
"Personality Format Template": "個性格式範本",
"Personality summary": "個性摘要",
"Phrase Repetition Penalty": "片語重複懲罰",
"Play a sound when a message generation finishes": "訊息生成完成時播放聲音",
"Play a sound when a message generation finishes": "訊息生成完成時播放音效",
"Position:": "位置:",
"Positive Prompt": "正面提示",
"Post a GitHub issue": "發布 GitHub 問題",
@ -811,7 +816,7 @@
"Refresh": "重新整理",
"Regenerate": "重新生成",
"Regex Editor": "正規表示式編輯器",
"Regex is a tool to find/replace strings using regular expressions. If you want to learn more, click on the ? next to the title.": "正規表示式是一種使用正規表示式尋找/替換字串的工具。如果您想了解更多,請點選標題旁邊的?",
"ext_regex_desc": "正規表示式(Regex)是一種使用正規表示式尋找/取代字串的工具。如果您想了解更多,請點選標題旁邊的(?)",
"Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "註冊Horde帳號以縮短排隊時間",
"Relax message trim in Groups": "放寬群組中的訊息修剪",
"Relaxed API URLS": "寬鬆的 API URL 格式",
@ -835,13 +840,13 @@
"rep.pen range": "重複懲罰範圍",
"rep.pen": "重複懲罰",
"Repetition Penalty": "重複懲罰",
"Replace / Update": "替換 / 更新",
"Replace all {{getvar::}} and {{getglobalvar::}} macros with scoped variables to avoid double macro substitution.": "將所有 {{getvar::}} 和 {{getglobalvar::}} 巨集替換為作用域變量以避免雙重巨集替換",
"Replace Author's Note": "替換作者註釋",
"Replace empty message": "替換空訊息",
"Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "替換自訂停止字串中的巨集",
"Replace Macro in Sequences": "替換序列中的巨集",
"Replace With": "替換為",
"Replace / Update": "取代 / 更新",
"Replace all {{getvar::}} and {{getglobalvar::}} macros with scoped variables to avoid double macro substitution.": "將所有 {{getvar::}} 和 {{getglobalvar::}} 巨集取代為作用域變量以避免雙重巨集取代",
"Replace Author's Note": "取代作者註釋",
"Replace empty message": "取代空訊息",
"Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "取代自訂停止字串中的巨集",
"Replace Macro in Sequences": "取代序列中的巨集",
"Replace With": "取代為",
"Request token probabilities": "請求符記機率",
"Requests logprobs from the API for the Token Probabilities feature": "從 API 請求 logprobs 用於符記機率功能",
@ -879,7 +884,10 @@
"Save": "儲存",
"Saved addresses and passwords.": "已儲存的地址和密碼",
"Saved locally. Not exported.": "本機儲存。不匯出。",
"Saved Scripts": "儲存的腳本",
"Saved Scripts": "已儲存的腳本",
"ext_regex_saved_scripts": "已儲存的腳本",
"sd_refine_mode": "允許在傳送至生成 API 前,手動編輯提示字串",
"Edit prompts before generation": "生成前顯示提示",
"Scale API Key": "Scale API 金鑰",
"Scale Temperature dynamically per token, based on the variation of probabilities": "根據機率變化,動態調整每個符記的溫度",
"Scale": "比例",
@ -977,8 +985,8 @@
"Strength of the text shadows": "文字陰影的強度",
"STscript Settings": "STscript 設定",
"Substitute {{macros}} in Find Regex before running it": "在運行前替換尋找正規表示式中的 {{macros}}",
"Substitute Regex": "替換正規表示式",
"Substitute {{macros}} in Find Regex before running it": "在運行前取代尋找正規表示式中的 {{macros}}",
"Substitute Regex": "取代正規表示式",
"Summarize now": "立即總結",
"Summarize with:": "總結使用:",
"Summary Prompt": "摘要提示",
@ -1091,6 +1099,7 @@
"Underlined Text": "帶底線的文字",
"Unique to this chat": "此聊天獨有",
"Unlimited": "無限制",
"ext_regex_min_depth_placeholder": "無限制",
"Unlocked Context Size": "解鎖的上下文大小",
"unlocked": "解鎖",
"Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "上下文滑桿的無限制最大值",
@ -1119,12 +1128,13 @@
"Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "通過 Google 模型的 API 使用適當的符記器。提示處理速度較慢,但提供更準確的符記計數。",
"Use the appropriate tokenizer for Jurassic models, which is more efficient than GPT's.": "對於 Jurassic 模型使用適當的符記器,比 GPT 的更高效",
"Use the temperature sampler last": "最後使用溫度採樣器",
"Use {{match}} to include the matched text from the Find Regex or $1, $2, etc. for capture groups.": "使用 {{match}} 來包含來自尋找正規表示式的匹配文字或 $1、$2 等捕獲組。",
"ext_regex_replace_string_placeholder": "使用 {{match}} 來包含來自尋找正規表示式的匹配文字或 $1、$2 等捕獲組。",
"Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "如果CFG Scale未在全域、每個聊天或角色中設定,則使用",
"User Filler Message": "使用者填充訊息",
"User first message": "使用者第一條訊息",
"User Handle:": "使用者控制代碼:",
"User Input": "使用者輸入",
"ext_regex_user_input": "使用者輸入",
"User inputs until next insertion:": "使用者輸入直到下一次插入:",
"User Message Blur Tint": "使用者訊息模糊色調",
"User Message Prefix": "使用者訊息前綴",
@ -1160,7 +1170,7 @@
"welcome_message_part_9": "welcome_message_part_9",
"What this keyword should mean to the AI": "此關鍵字對 AI 應意味著什麼",
"What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "這個關鍵字對 AI 應意味著什麼,逐字發送",
"When 'Join character cards' is selected, all respective fields of the characters are being joined together.": "當選擇「加入角色卡」時,所有角色的相應字段將被連接在一起。\n這意味著,例如在故事字串中,所有角色描述將被連接成一個大文本。\n如果您希望這些字段分開,您可以在此定義前綴或後綴。\n\n此值支持普通巨集,並且還將 {{char}} 替換為相關角色的名稱,將 <FIELDNAME> 替換為部分的名稱(例如:描述、個性、情境等)",
"When 'Join character cards' is selected, all respective fields of the characters are being joined together.": "當選擇「加入角色卡」時,所有角色的相應字段將被連接在一起。\n這意味著,例如在故事字串中,所有角色描述將被連接成一個大文本。\n如果您希望這些字段分開,您可以在此定義前綴或後綴。\n\n此值支持普通巨集,並且還將 {{char}} 取代為相關角色的名稱,將 <FIELDNAME> 取代為部分的名稱(例如:描述、個性、情境等)",
"When applied to prompts or display, only affect messages no more than N levels deep. 0 = last message, 1 = penultimate message, etc. Only counts WI entries @Depth and usable messages, i.e. not hidden or system.": "應用於提示或顯示時,僅影響不超過 N 層深的訊息。0 = 最後一條訊息,1 = 倒數第二條訊息,等。僅計算 @Depth 的 WI 條目和可用訊息,即不包括隱藏或系統。",
"When applied to prompts or display, only affect messages that are at least N levels deep. 0 = last message, 1 = penultimate message, etc. Only counts WI entries @Depth and usable messages, i.e. not hidden or system.": "應用於提示或顯示時,僅影響至少 N 層深的訊息。0 = 最後一條訊息,1 = 倒數第二條訊息,等。僅計算 @Depth 的 WI 條目和可用訊息,即不包括隱藏或系統。",
"When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "生成 AI 回覆時,將與全域世界資訊選擇器中的條目結合。",
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
<div class="inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down"></div>
<div class="inline-drawer-content">
<label for="sd_refine_mode" class="checkbox_label" title="Allow to edit prompts manually before sending them to generation API">
<input id="sd_refine_mode" type="checkbox" />
<label for="sd_refine_mode" class="checkbox_label" data-i18n="[title]sd_refine_mode" title="Allow to edit prompts manually before sending them to generation API">
<input id="sd_refine_mode" type="checkbox" data-i18n="Edit prompts before generation" />
Edit prompts before generation
<label for="sd_interactive_mode" class="checkbox_label" title="Automatically generate images when sending messages like 'send me a picture of cat'.">
Reference in New Issue
Block a user