diff --git a/docs/fuzzy_search_flow.md b/docs/fuzzy_search_flow.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6d686c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/fuzzy_search_flow.md
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+## Input Sources to printCharacters
+`printCharacters` is the main function that triggers the fuzzy search process if fuzzy search is enabled.
+flowchart TD
+ subgraph User Actions
+ UA1[Character Search Input]
+ UA2[Tag Filter Click]
+ UA3[Folder Navigation]
+ UA4[Character Delete]
+ UA5[Character Create]
+ UA6[Character Import]
+ UA7[Clear All Filters]
+ UA8[Bulk Edit Operations]
+ UA9[Persona Changes]
+ end
+ subgraph API Events
+ API1[Character List Update]
+ API2[Group Update]
+ API3[Tag Update]
+ end
+ subgraph System Events
+ SE1[Page Load]
+ SE2[Content Manager Update]
+ SE3[Extension Events]
+ end
+ UA1 -->|triggers| PCD[printCharactersDebounced]
+ UA2 -->|triggers| PCD
+ UA7 -->|triggers| PCD
+ UA8 -->|triggers| PCD
+ UA9 -->|triggers| PCD
+ UA3 -->|triggers| PC[printCharacters]
+ UA4 -->|triggers| PC
+ UA5 -->|triggers| PC
+ UA6 -->|triggers| PC
+ API1 -->|triggers| PC
+ API2 -->|triggers| PC
+ API3 -->|triggers| PC
+ SE1 -->|triggers| PC
+ SE2 -->|triggers| PC
+ SE3 -->|triggers| PC
+ PCD -->|debounced call| PC
+ style PC fill:#f96,stroke:#333
+ style PCD fill:#f96,stroke:#333
+This diagram shows how `printCharacters` is called throughout the application:
+1. User Actions that trigger character list updates:
+ - Search input (debounced)
+ - Tag filter clicks (debounced)
+ - Folder navigation (direct)
+ - Character management operations (direct)
+2. API Events that require list refresh:
+ - Character list updates
+ - Group updates
+ - Tag system updates
+3. System Events:
+ - Initial page load
+ - Content manager updates
+ - Extension-triggered refreshes
+## Fuzzy Search Flow
+This diagram shows the flow of fuzzy search operations:
+ participant Data as Data Sources
+ participant PC as printCharacters
+ participant GEL as getEntitiesList
+ participant FH as FilterHelper
+ participant AF as applyFilters
+ participant FS as FuzzySearch Functions
+ participant Cache as FuzzySearchCaches
+ Note over Data: Changes from:
- Tags
- Personas
- World Info
- Groups
+ Data->>PC: All changes trigger printCharacters
(direct or debounced)
+ PC->>GEL: Call with {doFilter: true}
+ GEL->>FH: filterByTagState(entities)
+ GEL->>AF: entitiesFilter.applyFilters(entities)
+ AF->>FH: Check scoreCache for existing results
+ FH-->>AF: Return cached scores if exist
+ Note over FS: Filter functions include:
+ AF->>FS: fuzzySearchCharacters/Groups/Tags
+ FS->>Cache: Check/Store results
+ FS-->>AF: Return search results
+ AF->>FH: Cache new scores
+ AF-->>GEL: Return filtered entities
+ GEL-->>PC: Return final entities list
+ PC->>Cache: clearFuzzySearchCaches()
+ Note over Cache: Cache is cleared at the end of
each printCharacters call,
ensuring fresh results for next search