@@ -3197,6 +3198,9 @@
diff --git a/public/script.js b/public/script.js
index d33da5ee3..ca01c3383 100644
--- a/public/script.js
+++ b/public/script.js
@@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ import {
} from "./scripts/instruct-mode.js";
import { applyLocale } from "./scripts/i18n.js";
import { getTokenCount, getTokenizerModel, saveTokenCache } from "./scripts/tokenizers.js";
+import { initPersonas, selectCurrentPersona, setPersonaDescription } from "./scripts/personas.js";
//exporting functions and vars for mods
export {
@@ -290,7 +291,6 @@ export const eventSource = new EventEmitter();
setInterval(displayOverrideWarnings, 5000);
// ...or when the chat changes
eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, displayOverrideWarnings);
-eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, setChatLockedPersona);
eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, processExtensionHelpers);
eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_SENT, processExtensionHelpers);
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ var settings;
export let koboldai_settings;
export let koboldai_setting_names;
var preset_settings = "gui";
-var user_avatar = "you.png";
+export let user_avatar = "you.png";
export var amount_gen = 80; //default max length of AI generated responses
var max_context = 2048;
@@ -4574,7 +4574,7 @@ function changeMainAPI() {
-async function getUserAvatars() {
+export async function getUserAvatars() {
const response = await fetch("/getuseravatars", {
method: "POST",
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
@@ -4598,70 +4598,8 @@ async function getUserAvatars() {
-function setPersonaDescription() {
- if (power_user.persona_description_position === persona_description_positions.AFTER_CHAR) {
- power_user.persona_description_position = persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT;
- }
- $("#persona_description").val(power_user.persona_description);
- $("#persona_description_position")
- .val(power_user.persona_description_position)
- .find(`option[value='${power_user.persona_description_position}']`)
- .attr("selected", true);
- countPersonaDescriptionTokens();
-function onPersonaDescriptionPositionInput() {
- power_user.persona_description_position = Number(
- $("#persona_description_position").find(":selected").val()
- );
- if (power_user.personas[user_avatar]) {
- let object = power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar];
- if (!object) {
- object = {
- description: power_user.persona_description,
- position: power_user.persona_description_position,
- };
- power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar] = object;
- }
- object.position = power_user.persona_description_position;
- }
- saveSettingsDebounced();
- * Counts the number of tokens in a persona description.
- */
-const countPersonaDescriptionTokens = debounce(() => {
- const description = String($("#persona_description").val());
- const count = getTokenCount(description);
- $("#persona_description_token_count").text(String(count));
-}, durationSaveEdit);
-function onPersonaDescriptionInput() {
- power_user.persona_description = String($("#persona_description").val());
- countPersonaDescriptionTokens();
- if (power_user.personas[user_avatar]) {
- let object = power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar];
- if (!object) {
- object = {
- description: power_user.persona_description,
- position: Number($("#persona_description_position").find(":selected").val()),
- };
- power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar] = object;
- }
- object.description = power_user.persona_description;
- }
- saveSettingsDebounced();
function highlightSelectedAvatar() {
@@ -4710,124 +4648,13 @@ export function setUserName(value) {
-export function autoSelectPersona(name) {
- for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(power_user.personas)) {
- if (value === name) {
- console.log(`Auto-selecting persona ${key} for name ${name}`);
- $(`.avatar[imgfile="${key}"]`).trigger('click');
- return;
- }
- }
-async function bindUserNameToPersona() {
- const avatarId = $(this).closest('.avatar-container').find('.avatar').attr('imgfile');
- if (!avatarId) {
- console.warn('No avatar id found');
- return;
- }
- const existingPersona = power_user.personas[avatarId];
- const personaName = await callPopup('
Enter a name for this persona:
(If empty name is provided, this will unbind the name from this avatar)', 'input', existingPersona || '');
- // If the user clicked cancel, don't do anything
- if (personaName === false) {
- return;
- }
- if (personaName.length > 0) {
- // If the user clicked ok and entered a name, bind the name to the persona
- console.log(`Binding persona ${avatarId} to name ${personaName}`);
- power_user.personas[avatarId] = personaName;
- const descriptor = power_user.persona_descriptions[avatarId];
- const isCurrentPersona = avatarId === user_avatar;
- // Create a description object if it doesn't exist
- if (!descriptor) {
- // If the user is currently using this persona, set the description to the current description
- power_user.persona_descriptions[avatarId] = {
- description: isCurrentPersona ? power_user.persona_description : '',
- position: isCurrentPersona ? power_user.persona_description_position : persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT,
- };
- }
- // If the user is currently using this persona, update the name
- if (isCurrentPersona) {
- console.log(`Auto-updating user name to ${personaName}`);
- setUserName(personaName);
- }
- } else {
- // If the user clicked ok, but didn't enter a name, delete the persona
- console.log(`Unbinding persona ${avatarId}`);
- delete power_user.personas[avatarId];
- delete power_user.persona_descriptions[avatarId];
- }
- saveSettingsDebounced();
- await getUserAvatars();
- setPersonaDescription();
-async function createDummyPersona() {
- const fetchResult = await fetch(default_avatar);
- const blob = await fetchResult.blob();
- const file = new File([blob], "avatar.png", { type: "image/png" });
- const formData = new FormData();
- formData.append("avatar", file);
- jQuery.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: "/uploaduseravatar",
- data: formData,
- beforeSend: () => { },
- cache: false,
- contentType: false,
- processData: false,
- success: async function (data) {
- await getUserAvatars();
- },
- });
-function updateUserLockIcon() {
- const hasLock = !!chat_metadata['persona'];
- $('#lock_user_name').toggleClass('fa-unlock', !hasLock);
- $('#lock_user_name').toggleClass('fa-lock', hasLock);
function setUserAvatar() {
user_avatar = $(this).attr("imgfile");
- const personaName = power_user.personas[user_avatar];
- if (personaName && name1 !== personaName) {
- const lockedPersona = chat_metadata['persona'];
- if (lockedPersona && lockedPersona !== user_avatar && power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
- `To permanently set "${personaName}" as the selected persona, unlock and relock it using the "Lock" button. Otherwise, the selection resets upon reloading the chat.`,
- `This chat is locked to a different persona (${power_user.personas[lockedPersona]}).`,
- { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true },
- );
- }
- setUserName(personaName);
- const descriptor = power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar];
- if (descriptor) {
- power_user.persona_description = descriptor.description;
- power_user.persona_description_position = descriptor.position;
- } else {
- power_user.persona_description = '';
- power_user.persona_description_position = persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT;
- power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar] = { description: '', position: persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT };
- }
- setPersonaDescription();
- }
+ selectCurrentPersona();
async function uploadUserAvatar(e) {
@@ -4885,185 +4712,7 @@ async function uploadUserAvatar(e) {
-async function setDefaultPersona() {
- const avatarId = $(this).closest('.avatar-container').find('.avatar').attr('imgfile');
- if (!avatarId) {
- console.warn('No avatar id found');
- return;
- }
- const currentDefault = power_user.default_persona;
- if (power_user.personas[avatarId] === undefined) {
- console.warn(`No persona name found for avatar ${avatarId}`);
- toastr.warning('You must bind a name to this persona before you can set it as the default.', 'Persona name not set');
- return;
- }
- const personaName = power_user.personas[avatarId];
- if (avatarId === currentDefault) {
- const confirm = await callPopup('Are you sure you want to remove the default persona?', 'confirm');
- if (!confirm) {
- console.debug('User cancelled removing default persona');
- return;
- }
- console.log(`Removing default persona ${avatarId}`);
- if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
-'This persona will no longer be used by default when you open a new chat.', `Default persona removed`);
- }
- delete power_user.default_persona;
- } else {
- const confirm = await callPopup(`
Are you sure you want to set "${personaName}" as the default persona?
- This name and avatar will be used for all new chats, as well as existing chats where the user persona is not locked.`, 'confirm');
- if (!confirm) {
- console.debug('User cancelled setting default persona');
- return;
- }
- power_user.default_persona = avatarId;
- if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
- toastr.success('This persona will be used by default when you open a new chat.', `Default persona set to ${personaName}`);
- }
- }
- saveSettingsDebounced();
- await getUserAvatars();
-async function deleteUserAvatar() {
- const avatarId = $(this).closest('.avatar-container').find('.avatar').attr('imgfile');
- if (!avatarId) {
- console.warn('No avatar id found');
- return;
- }
- if (avatarId == user_avatar) {
- console.warn(`User tried to delete their current avatar ${avatarId}`);
- toastr.warning('You cannot delete the avatar you are currently using', 'Warning');
- return;
- }
- const confirm = await callPopup('
Are you sure you want to delete this avatar?
All information associated with its linked persona will be lost.', 'confirm');
- if (!confirm) {
- console.debug('User cancelled deleting avatar');
- return;
- }
- const request = await fetch("/deleteuseravatar", {
- method: "POST",
- headers: getRequestHeaders(),
- body: JSON.stringify({
- "avatar": avatarId,
- }),
- });
- if (request.ok) {
- console.log(`Deleted avatar ${avatarId}`);
- delete power_user.personas[avatarId];
- delete power_user.persona_descriptions[avatarId];
- if (avatarId === power_user.default_persona) {
- toastr.warning('The default persona was deleted. You will need to set a new default persona.', 'Default persona deleted');
- power_user.default_persona = null;
- }
- if (avatarId === chat_metadata['persona']) {
- toastr.warning('The locked persona was deleted. You will need to set a new persona for this chat.', 'Persona deleted');
- delete chat_metadata['persona'];
- await saveMetadata();
- }
- saveSettingsDebounced();
- await getUserAvatars();
- updateUserLockIcon();
- }
-async function lockUserNameToChat() {
- if (chat_metadata['persona']) {
- console.log(`Unlocking persona for this chat ${chat_metadata['persona']}`);
- delete chat_metadata['persona'];
- await saveMetadata();
- if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
-'User persona is now unlocked for this chat. Click the "Lock" again to revert.', 'Persona unlocked');
- }
- updateUserLockIcon();
- return;
- }
- if (!(user_avatar in power_user.personas)) {
- console.log(`Creating a new persona ${user_avatar}`);
- if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
- 'Creating a new persona for currently selected user name and avatar...',
- 'Persona not set for this avatar',
- { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, },
- );
- }
- power_user.personas[user_avatar] = name1;
- power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar] = { description: '', position: persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT };
- }
- chat_metadata['persona'] = user_avatar;
- await saveMetadata();
- saveSettingsDebounced();
- console.log(`Locking persona for this chat ${user_avatar}`);
- if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
- toastr.success(`User persona is locked to ${name1} in this chat`);
- }
- updateUserLockIcon();
-function setChatLockedPersona() {
- // Define a persona for this chat
- let chatPersona = '';
- if (chat_metadata['persona']) {
- // If persona is locked in chat metadata, select it
- console.log(`Using locked persona ${chat_metadata['persona']}`);
- chatPersona = chat_metadata['persona'];
- } else if (power_user.default_persona) {
- // If default persona is set, select it
- console.log(`Using default persona ${power_user.default_persona}`);
- chatPersona = power_user.default_persona;
- }
- // No persona set: user current settings
- if (!chatPersona) {
- console.debug('No default or locked persona set for this chat');
- return;
- }
- // Find the avatar file
- const personaAvatar = $(`.avatar[imgfile="${chatPersona}"]`).trigger('click');
- // Avatar missing (persona deleted)
- if (chat_metadata['persona'] && personaAvatar.length == 0) {
- console.warn('Persona avatar not found, unlocking persona');
- delete chat_metadata['persona'];
- updateUserLockIcon();
- return;
- }
- // Default persona missing
- if (power_user.default_persona && personaAvatar.length == 0) {
- console.warn('Default persona avatar not found, clearing default persona');
- power_user.default_persona = null;
- saveSettingsDebounced();
- return;
- }
- // Persona avatar found, select it
- personaAvatar.trigger('click');
- updateUserLockIcon();
async function doOnboarding(avatarId) {
const template = $('#onboarding_template .onboarding');
@@ -6142,7 +5791,7 @@ function hideSwipeButtons() {
$("#chat").children().filter(`[mesid="${count_view_mes - 1}"]`).children('.swipe_left').css('display', 'none');
-async function saveMetadata() {
+export async function saveMetadata() {
if (selected_group) {
await editGroup(selected_group, true, false);
@@ -8476,7 +8125,6 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
- $("#create_dummy_persona").on('click', createDummyPersona);
$('#sync_name_button').on('click', async function () {
const confirmation = await callPopup(`
Are you sure?
All user-sent messages in this chat will be attributed to ${name1}.`, 'confirm');
@@ -8518,13 +8166,6 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
setTimeout(getStatusNovel, 10);
- $(document).on('click', '.bind_user_name', bindUserNameToPersona);
- $(document).on('click', '.delete_avatar', deleteUserAvatar);
- $(document).on('click', '.set_default_persona', setDefaultPersona);
- $('#lock_user_name').on('click', lockUserNameToChat);
- $('#persona_description').on('input', onPersonaDescriptionInput);
- $('#persona_description_position').on('input', onPersonaDescriptionPositionInput);
//**************************CHARACTER IMPORT EXPORT*************************//
$("#character_import_button").click(function () {
@@ -8902,6 +8543,8 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
+ default:
+ eventSource.emit('charManagementDropdown', target);
$("#char-management-dropdown").prop('selectedIndex', 0);
@@ -9111,4 +8754,5 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
// Added here to prevent execution before script.js is loaded and get rid of quirky timeouts
+ initPersonas();
diff --git a/public/scripts/personas.js b/public/scripts/personas.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1252545f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/scripts/personas.js
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+ * This is a placeholder file for all the Persona Management code. Will be refactored into a separate file soon.
+ */
+import { callPopup, characters, chat_metadata, default_avatar, eventSource, event_types, getRequestHeaders, getThumbnailUrl, getUserAvatars, name1, saveMetadata, saveSettingsDebounced, setUserName, this_chid, user_avatar } from "../script.js";
+import { persona_description_positions, power_user } from "./power-user.js";
+import { getTokenCount } from "./tokenizers.js";
+import { debounce, delay } from "./utils.js";
+ * Uploads an avatar file to the server
+ * @param {string} url URL for the avatar file
+ * @param {string} [name] Optional name for the avatar file
+ * @returns {Promise} Promise object representing the AJAX request
+ */
+async function uploadUserAvatar(url, name) {
+ const fetchResult = await fetch(url);
+ const blob = await fetchResult.blob();
+ const file = new File([blob], "avatar.png", { type: "image/png" });
+ const formData = new FormData();
+ formData.append("avatar", file);
+ if (name) {
+ formData.append("overwrite_name", name);
+ }
+ return jQuery.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: "/uploaduseravatar",
+ data: formData,
+ beforeSend: () => { },
+ cache: false,
+ contentType: false,
+ processData: false,
+ success: async function () {
+ await getUserAvatars();
+ },
+ });
+async function createDummyPersona() {
+ await uploadUserAvatar(default_avatar);
+async function convertCharacterToPersona() {
+ const avatarUrl = characters[this_chid]?.avatar;
+ if (!avatarUrl) {
+ console.log("No avatar found for this character");
+ return;
+ }
+ const name = characters[this_chid]?.name;
+ let description = characters[this_chid]?.description;
+ const overwriteName = `${name} (Persona).png`;
+ if (overwriteName in power_user.personas) {
+ const confirmation = await callPopup("This character exists as a persona already. Are you sure want to overwrite it?", "confirm", "", { okButton: 'Yes' });
+ if (confirmation === false) {
+ console.log("User cancelled the overwrite of the persona");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (description.includes('{{char}}') || description.includes('{{user}}')) {
+ await delay(500);
+ const confirmation = await callPopup("This character has a description that uses {{char}} or {{user}} macros. Do you want to swap them in the persona description?", "confirm", "", { okButton: 'Yes' });
+ if (confirmation) {
+ description = description.replace(/{{char}}/gi, '{{personaChar}}').replace(/{{user}}/gi, '{{personaUser}}');
+ description = description.replace(/{{personaUser}}/gi, '{{char}}').replace(/{{personaChar}}/gi, '{{user}}');
+ }
+ }
+ const thumbnailAvatar = getThumbnailUrl('avatar', avatarUrl);
+ await uploadUserAvatar(thumbnailAvatar, overwriteName);
+ power_user.personas[overwriteName] = name;
+ power_user.persona_descriptions[overwriteName] = {
+ description: description,
+ position: persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT,
+ };
+ // If the user is currently using this persona, update the description
+ if (user_avatar === overwriteName) {
+ power_user.persona_description = description;
+ }
+ saveSettingsDebounced();
+ console.log("Persona for character created");
+ toastr.success(`You can now select ${name} as a persona in the Persona Management menu.`, 'Persona Created');
+ // Refresh the persona selector
+ await getUserAvatars();
+ // Reload the persona description
+ setPersonaDescription();
+ * Counts the number of tokens in a persona description.
+ */
+const countPersonaDescriptionTokens = debounce(() => {
+ const description = String($("#persona_description").val());
+ const count = getTokenCount(description);
+ $("#persona_description_token_count").text(String(count));
+}, 1000);
+export function setPersonaDescription() {
+ if (power_user.persona_description_position === persona_description_positions.AFTER_CHAR) {
+ power_user.persona_description_position = persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT;
+ }
+ $("#persona_description").val(power_user.persona_description);
+ $("#persona_description_position")
+ .val(power_user.persona_description_position)
+ .find(`option[value='${power_user.persona_description_position}']`)
+ .attr("selected", String(true));
+ countPersonaDescriptionTokens();
+export function autoSelectPersona(name) {
+ for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(power_user.personas)) {
+ if (value === name) {
+ console.log(`Auto-selecting persona ${key} for name ${name}`);
+ $(`.avatar[imgfile="${key}"]`).trigger('click');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+async function bindUserNameToPersona() {
+ const avatarId = $(this).closest('.avatar-container').find('.avatar').attr('imgfile');
+ if (!avatarId) {
+ console.warn('No avatar id found');
+ return;
+ }
+ const existingPersona = power_user.personas[avatarId];
+ const personaName = await callPopup('
Enter a name for this persona:
(If empty name is provided, this will unbind the name from this avatar)', 'input', existingPersona || '');
+ // If the user clicked cancel, don't do anything
+ if (personaName === false) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (personaName.length > 0) {
+ // If the user clicked ok and entered a name, bind the name to the persona
+ console.log(`Binding persona ${avatarId} to name ${personaName}`);
+ power_user.personas[avatarId] = personaName;
+ const descriptor = power_user.persona_descriptions[avatarId];
+ const isCurrentPersona = avatarId === user_avatar;
+ // Create a description object if it doesn't exist
+ if (!descriptor) {
+ // If the user is currently using this persona, set the description to the current description
+ power_user.persona_descriptions[avatarId] = {
+ description: isCurrentPersona ? power_user.persona_description : '',
+ position: isCurrentPersona ? power_user.persona_description_position : persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT,
+ };
+ }
+ // If the user is currently using this persona, update the name
+ if (isCurrentPersona) {
+ console.log(`Auto-updating user name to ${personaName}`);
+ setUserName(personaName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If the user clicked ok, but didn't enter a name, delete the persona
+ console.log(`Unbinding persona ${avatarId}`);
+ delete power_user.personas[avatarId];
+ delete power_user.persona_descriptions[avatarId];
+ }
+ saveSettingsDebounced();
+ await getUserAvatars();
+ setPersonaDescription();
+export function selectCurrentPersona() {
+ const personaName = power_user.personas[user_avatar];
+ if (personaName && name1 !== personaName) {
+ const lockedPersona = chat_metadata['persona'];
+ if (lockedPersona && lockedPersona !== user_avatar && power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
+ `To permanently set "${personaName}" as the selected persona, unlock and relock it using the "Lock" button. Otherwise, the selection resets upon reloading the chat.`,
+ `This chat is locked to a different persona (${power_user.personas[lockedPersona]}).`,
+ { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true }
+ );
+ }
+ setUserName(personaName);
+ const descriptor = power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar];
+ if (descriptor) {
+ power_user.persona_description = descriptor.description;
+ power_user.persona_description_position = descriptor.position;
+ } else {
+ power_user.persona_description = '';
+ power_user.persona_description_position = persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT;
+ power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar] = { description: '', position: persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT };
+ }
+ setPersonaDescription();
+ }
+async function lockUserNameToChat() {
+ if (chat_metadata['persona']) {
+ console.log(`Unlocking persona for this chat ${chat_metadata['persona']}`);
+ delete chat_metadata['persona'];
+ await saveMetadata();
+ if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
+'User persona is now unlocked for this chat. Click the "Lock" again to revert.', 'Persona unlocked');
+ }
+ updateUserLockIcon();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!(user_avatar in power_user.personas)) {
+ console.log(`Creating a new persona ${user_avatar}`);
+ if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
+ 'Creating a new persona for currently selected user name and avatar...',
+ 'Persona not set for this avatar',
+ { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, },
+ );
+ }
+ power_user.personas[user_avatar] = name1;
+ power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar] = { description: '', position: persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT };
+ }
+ chat_metadata['persona'] = user_avatar;
+ await saveMetadata();
+ saveSettingsDebounced();
+ console.log(`Locking persona for this chat ${user_avatar}`);
+ if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
+ toastr.success(`User persona is locked to ${name1} in this chat`);
+ }
+ updateUserLockIcon();
+async function deleteUserAvatar() {
+ const avatarId = $(this).closest('.avatar-container').find('.avatar').attr('imgfile');
+ if (!avatarId) {
+ console.warn('No avatar id found');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (avatarId == user_avatar) {
+ console.warn(`User tried to delete their current avatar ${avatarId}`);
+ toastr.warning('You cannot delete the avatar you are currently using', 'Warning');
+ return;
+ }
+ const confirm = await callPopup('
Are you sure you want to delete this avatar?
All information associated with its linked persona will be lost.', 'confirm');
+ if (!confirm) {
+ console.debug('User cancelled deleting avatar');
+ return;
+ }
+ const request = await fetch("/deleteuseravatar", {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: getRequestHeaders(),
+ body: JSON.stringify({
+ "avatar": avatarId,
+ }),
+ });
+ if (request.ok) {
+ console.log(`Deleted avatar ${avatarId}`);
+ delete power_user.personas[avatarId];
+ delete power_user.persona_descriptions[avatarId];
+ if (avatarId === power_user.default_persona) {
+ toastr.warning('The default persona was deleted. You will need to set a new default persona.', 'Default persona deleted');
+ power_user.default_persona = null;
+ }
+ if (avatarId === chat_metadata['persona']) {
+ toastr.warning('The locked persona was deleted. You will need to set a new persona for this chat.', 'Persona deleted');
+ delete chat_metadata['persona'];
+ await saveMetadata();
+ }
+ saveSettingsDebounced();
+ await getUserAvatars();
+ updateUserLockIcon();
+ }
+function onPersonaDescriptionInput() {
+ power_user.persona_description = String($("#persona_description").val());
+ countPersonaDescriptionTokens();
+ if (power_user.personas[user_avatar]) {
+ let object = power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar];
+ if (!object) {
+ object = {
+ description: power_user.persona_description,
+ position: Number($("#persona_description_position").find(":selected").val()),
+ };
+ power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar] = object;
+ }
+ object.description = power_user.persona_description;
+ }
+ saveSettingsDebounced();
+function onPersonaDescriptionPositionInput() {
+ power_user.persona_description_position = Number(
+ $("#persona_description_position").find(":selected").val()
+ );
+ if (power_user.personas[user_avatar]) {
+ let object = power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar];
+ if (!object) {
+ object = {
+ description: power_user.persona_description,
+ position: power_user.persona_description_position,
+ };
+ power_user.persona_descriptions[user_avatar] = object;
+ }
+ object.position = power_user.persona_description_position;
+ }
+ saveSettingsDebounced();
+async function setDefaultPersona() {
+ const avatarId = $(this).closest('.avatar-container').find('.avatar').attr('imgfile');
+ if (!avatarId) {
+ console.warn('No avatar id found');
+ return;
+ }
+ const currentDefault = power_user.default_persona;
+ if (power_user.personas[avatarId] === undefined) {
+ console.warn(`No persona name found for avatar ${avatarId}`);
+ toastr.warning('You must bind a name to this persona before you can set it as the default.', 'Persona name not set');
+ return;
+ }
+ const personaName = power_user.personas[avatarId];
+ if (avatarId === currentDefault) {
+ const confirm = await callPopup('Are you sure you want to remove the default persona?', 'confirm');
+ if (!confirm) {
+ console.debug('User cancelled removing default persona');
+ return;
+ }
+ console.log(`Removing default persona ${avatarId}`);
+ if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
+'This persona will no longer be used by default when you open a new chat.', `Default persona removed`);
+ }
+ delete power_user.default_persona;
+ } else {
+ const confirm = await callPopup(`
Are you sure you want to set "${personaName}" as the default persona?
+ This name and avatar will be used for all new chats, as well as existing chats where the user persona is not locked.`, 'confirm');
+ if (!confirm) {
+ console.debug('User cancelled setting default persona');
+ return;
+ }
+ power_user.default_persona = avatarId;
+ if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) {
+ toastr.success('This persona will be used by default when you open a new chat.', `Default persona set to ${personaName}`);
+ }
+ }
+ saveSettingsDebounced();
+ await getUserAvatars();
+function updateUserLockIcon() {
+ const hasLock = !!chat_metadata['persona'];
+ $('#lock_user_name').toggleClass('fa-unlock', !hasLock);
+ $('#lock_user_name').toggleClass('fa-lock', hasLock);
+function setChatLockedPersona() {
+ // Define a persona for this chat
+ let chatPersona = '';
+ if (chat_metadata['persona']) {
+ // If persona is locked in chat metadata, select it
+ console.log(`Using locked persona ${chat_metadata['persona']}`);
+ chatPersona = chat_metadata['persona'];
+ } else if (power_user.default_persona) {
+ // If default persona is set, select it
+ console.log(`Using default persona ${power_user.default_persona}`);
+ chatPersona = power_user.default_persona;
+ }
+ // No persona set: user current settings
+ if (!chatPersona) {
+ console.debug('No default or locked persona set for this chat');
+ return;
+ }
+ // Find the avatar file
+ const personaAvatar = $(`.avatar[imgfile="${chatPersona}"]`).trigger('click');
+ // Avatar missing (persona deleted)
+ if (chat_metadata['persona'] && personaAvatar.length == 0) {
+ console.warn('Persona avatar not found, unlocking persona');
+ delete chat_metadata['persona'];
+ updateUserLockIcon();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Default persona missing
+ if (power_user.default_persona && personaAvatar.length == 0) {
+ console.warn('Default persona avatar not found, clearing default persona');
+ power_user.default_persona = null;
+ saveSettingsDebounced();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Persona avatar found, select it
+ personaAvatar.trigger('click');
+ updateUserLockIcon();
+export function initPersonas() {
+ $(document).on('click', '.bind_user_name', bindUserNameToPersona);
+ $(document).on('click', '.set_default_persona', setDefaultPersona);
+ $(document).on('click', '.delete_avatar', deleteUserAvatar);
+ $('#lock_user_name').on('click', lockUserNameToChat);
+ $("#create_dummy_persona").on('click', createDummyPersona);
+ $('#persona_description').on('input', onPersonaDescriptionInput);
+ $('#persona_description_position').on('input', onPersonaDescriptionPositionInput);
+ eventSource.on("charManagementDropdown", (target) => {
+ if (target === 'convert_to_persona') {
+ convertCharacterToPersona();
+ }
+ });
+ eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, setChatLockedPersona);
diff --git a/public/scripts/slash-commands.js b/public/scripts/slash-commands.js
index aa69c9f8f..5d189f56d 100644
--- a/public/scripts/slash-commands.js
+++ b/public/scripts/slash-commands.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import {
- autoSelectPersona,
@@ -26,6 +25,7 @@ import { getMessageTimeStamp } from "./RossAscends-mods.js";
import { resetSelectedGroup } from "./group-chats.js";
import { getRegexedString, regex_placement } from "./extensions/regex/engine.js";
import { chat_styles, power_user } from "./power-user.js";
+import { autoSelectPersona } from "./personas.js";
export {