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* Scripts to be done before starting the server for the first time.
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const crypto = require('crypto');
2023-11-25 23:45:33 +02:00
const yaml = require('yaml');
const _ = require('lodash');
* Colorizes console output.
const color = {
byNum: (mess, fgNum) => {
mess = mess || '';
fgNum = fgNum === undefined ? 31 : fgNum;
return '\u001b[' + fgNum + 'm' + mess + '\u001b[39m';
black: (mess) => color.byNum(mess, 30),
red: (mess) => color.byNum(mess, 31),
green: (mess) => color.byNum(mess, 32),
yellow: (mess) => color.byNum(mess, 33),
blue: (mess) => color.byNum(mess, 34),
magenta: (mess) => color.byNum(mess, 35),
cyan: (mess) => color.byNum(mess, 36),
white: (mess) => color.byNum(mess, 37),
2023-11-25 23:45:33 +02:00
* Gets all keys from an object recursively.
* @param {object} obj Object to get all keys from
* @param {string} prefix Prefix to prepend to all keys
* @returns {string[]} Array of all keys in the object
function getAllKeys(obj, prefix = '') {
if (typeof obj !== 'object' || Array.isArray(obj)) {
return [];
return _.flatMap(Object.keys(obj), key => {
const newPrefix = prefix ? `${prefix}.${key}` : key;
if (typeof obj[key] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj[key])) {
return getAllKeys(obj[key], newPrefix);
} else {
return [newPrefix];
* Converts the old config.conf file to the new config.yaml format.
function convertConfig() {
if (fs.existsSync('./config.conf')) {
if (fs.existsSync('./config.yaml')) {
console.log(color.yellow('Both config.conf and config.yaml exist. Please delete config.conf manually.'));
try {
console.log(color.blue('Converting config.conf to config.yaml. Your old config.conf will be renamed to config.conf.bak'));
const config = require(path.join(process.cwd(), './config.conf'));
fs.renameSync('./config.conf', './config.conf.bak');
fs.writeFileSync('./config.yaml', yaml.stringify(config));
console.log(color.green('Conversion successful. Please check your config.yaml and fix it if necessary.'));
} catch (error) {
console.error(color.red('FATAL: Config conversion failed. Please check your config.conf file and try again.'));
* Compares the current config.yaml with the default config.yaml and adds any missing values.
function addMissingConfigValues() {
try {
const defaultConfig = yaml.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), './default/config.yaml'), 'utf8'));
let config = yaml.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), './config.yaml'), 'utf8'));
// Get all keys from the original config
const originalKeys = getAllKeys(config);
// Use lodash's defaultsDeep function to recursively apply default properties
config = _.defaultsDeep(config, defaultConfig);
// Get all keys from the updated config
const updatedKeys = getAllKeys(config);
// Find the keys that were added
const addedKeys = _.difference(updatedKeys, originalKeys);
if (addedKeys.length === 0) {
console.log('Adding missing config values to config.yaml:', addedKeys);
fs.writeFileSync('./config.yaml', yaml.stringify(config));
} catch (error) {
console.error(color.red('FATAL: Could not add missing config values to config.yaml'), error);
* Creates the default config files if they don't exist yet.
function createDefaultFiles() {
const files = {
settings: './public/settings.json',
2023-11-25 23:45:33 +02:00
config: './config.yaml',
2023-10-28 12:48:42 +03:00
user: './public/css/user.css',
for (const file of Object.values(files)) {
try {
if (!fs.existsSync(file)) {
const defaultFilePath = path.join('./default', path.parse(file).base);
fs.copyFileSync(defaultFilePath, file);
2023-11-25 23:45:33 +02:00
console.log(color.green(`Created default file: ${file}`));
} catch (error) {
2023-11-25 23:45:33 +02:00
console.error(color.red(`FATAL: Could not write default file: ${file}`), error);
* Returns the MD5 hash of the given data.
* @param {Buffer} data Input data
* @returns {string} MD5 hash of the input data
function getMd5Hash(data) {
return crypto
* Copies the WASM binaries from the sillytavern-transformers package to the dist folder.
function copyWasmFiles() {
if (!fs.existsSync('./dist')) {
const listDir = fs.readdirSync('./node_modules/sillytavern-transformers/dist');
for (const file of listDir) {
if (file.endsWith('.wasm')) {
const sourcePath = `./node_modules/sillytavern-transformers/dist/${file}`;
const targetPath = `./dist/${file}`;
// Don't copy if the file already exists and is the same checksum
if (fs.existsSync(targetPath)) {
const sourceChecksum = getMd5Hash(fs.readFileSync(sourcePath));
const targetChecksum = getMd5Hash(fs.readFileSync(targetPath));
if (sourceChecksum === targetChecksum) {
fs.copyFileSync(sourcePath, targetPath);
console.log(`${file} successfully copied to ./dist/${file}`);
2023-12-15 05:43:27 -05:00
* Moves the custom background into settings.json.
function migrateBackground() {
if (!fs.existsSync('./public/css/bg_load.css')) return;
const bgCSS = fs.readFileSync('./public/css/bg_load.css', 'utf-8');
const bgMatch = /url\('([^']*)'\)/.exec(bgCSS);
if (!bgMatch) return;
const bgFilename = bgMatch[1].replace('../backgrounds/', '');
const settings = fs.readFileSync('./public/settings.json', 'utf-8');
const settingsJSON = JSON.parse(settings);
if (Object.hasOwn(settingsJSON, 'background')) {
console.log(color.yellow('Both bg_load.css and the "background" setting exist. Please delete bg_load.css manually.'));
2023-12-15 17:44:37 +02:00
settingsJSON.background = { name: bgFilename, url: `url('backgrounds/${bgFilename}')` };
2023-12-15 05:43:27 -05:00
fs.writeFileSync('./public/settings.json', JSON.stringify(settingsJSON, null, 4));
try {
2023-11-25 23:45:33 +02:00
// 0. Convert config.conf to config.yaml
// 1. Create default config files
// 2. Copy transformers WASM binaries from node_modules
2023-11-25 23:45:33 +02:00
// 3. Add missing config values
2023-12-15 05:43:27 -05:00
// 4. Migrate bg_load.css to settings.json
} catch (error) {