2. Missing extensions after the update? Since the 1.10.6 release version, most of the previously built-in extensions have been converted to downloadable add-ons. You can download them via the built-in "Download Extensions and Assets" menu in the extensions panel (stacked blocks icon in the top bar).
3. Unsupported platform: android arm LEtime-web. 32-bit Android requires an external dependency that can't be installed with npm. Use the following command to install it: `pkg install esbuild`. Then run the usual installation steps.
SillyTavern is a user interface you can install on your computer (and Android phones) that allows you to interact with text generation AIs and chat/roleplay with characters you or the community create.
SillyTavern is a fork of TavernAI 1.2.8 which is under more active development and has added many major features. At this point, they can be thought of as completely independent programs.
* release -🌟 **Recommended for most users.** This is the most stable and recommended branch, updated only when major releases are pushed. It's suitable for the majority of users.
* staging - ⚠️ **Not recommended for casual use.** This branch has the latest features, but be cautious as it may break at any time. Only for power users and enthusiasts.
If you're not familiar with using the git CLI or don't understand what a branch is, don't worry! The release branch is always the preferable option for you.
On its own SillyTavern is useless, as it's just a user interface. You have to have access to an AI system backend that can act as the roleplay character. There are various supported backends: OpenAPI API (GPT), KoboldAI (either running locally or on Google Colab), and more. You can read more about this in [the FAQ](https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/faq/).
Since SillyTavern is only a user interface, it has tiny hardware requirements, it will run on anything. It's the AI system backend that needs to be powerful.
SillyTavern has extensibility support, with some additional AI modules hosted via [SillyTavern Extras API](https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern-extras)
1. On your keyboard: press **`WINDOWS + R`** to open Run dialog box. Then, run the following command to install git:
cmd /c winget install -e --id Git.Git
2. On your keyboard: press **`WINDOWS + E`** to open File Explorer, then navigate to the folder where you want to install the launcher. Once in the desired folder, type `cmd` into the address bar and press enter. Then, run the following command:
git clone https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern-Launcher.git && cd SillyTavern-Launcher && start installer.bat
(This allows git usage **only** in GitHub Desktop, if you want to use `git` on the command line too, you also need to install [Git for Windows](https://gitforwindows.org/))
3. After installing GitHub Desktop, click on `Clone a repository from the internet....` (Note: You **do NOT need** to create a GitHub account for this step)
4. On the menu, click the URL tab, enter this URL `https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern`, and click Clone. You can change the Local path to change where SillyTavern is going to be downloaded.
6. To open SillyTavern, use Windows Explorer to browse into the folder where you cloned the repository. By default, the repository will be cloned here: `C:\Users\[Your Windows Username]\Documents\GitHub\SillyTavern`
7. Double-click on the `start.bat` file. (Note: the `.bat` part of the file name might be hidden by your OS, in that case, it will look like a file called "`Start`". This is what you double-click to run SillyTavern)
8. After double-clicking, a large black command console window should open and SillyTavern will begin to install what it needs to operate.
9. After the installation process, if everything is working, the command console window should look like this and a SillyTavern tab should be open in your browser:
10. Connect to any of the [supported APIs](https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/api-connections/) and start chatting!
These instructions assume you have installed Docker, are able to access your command line for the installation of containers, and familiar with their general operation.
We have a comprehensive guide on using SillyTavern in Docker [here](http://docs.sillytavern.app/installation/docker/) which covers installations on Windows, macOS and Linux! Give it a read if you wish to build the image yourself.
You will need two mandatory directory mappings and a port mapping to allow SillyTavern to function. In the command, replace your selections in the following places:
- [PublicPort] - The port to expose the traffic on. This is mandatory, as you will be accessing the instance from outside of its virtual machine container. DO NOT expose this to the internet without implementing a separate service for security.
- [DockerNet] - The docker network that the container should be created with a connection to. If you don't know what it is, see the [official Docker documentation](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/network/).
- [version] - On the right-hand side of this GitHub page, you'll see "Packages". Select the "sillytavern" package and you'll see the image versions. The image tag "latest" will keep you up-to-date with the current release. You can also utilize "staging" and "release" tags that point to the nightly images of the respective branches, but this may not be appropriate, if you are utilizing extensions that could be broken, and may need time to update.
**IMPORTANT: Refer to the official guide if you want to configure SillyTavern user accounts with (optional) password protection: [Users](https://docs.sillytavern.app/installation/st-1.12.0-migration-guide/#users).**
* While using the ST-hosting device, access [this page](https://whatismyipaddress.com/) and look for `IPv4`. This is what you would use to connect from the remote device.
* Create an inbound/outbound firewall rule for the port found in `config.yaml`. Do NOT mistake this for port-forwarding on your router, otherwise, someone could find your chat logs and that's a big no-no.
* Enable the Private Network profile type in Settings > Network and Internet > Ethernet. This is VERY important for Windows 11, otherwise, you would be unable to connect even with the aforementioned firewall rules.