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synced 2025-01-23 07:51:18 +01:00
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// Borrowed from Agnai (AGPLv3)
// https://github.com/agnaistic/agnai/blob/dev/web/pages/Chat/components/SpeechRecognitionRecorder.tsx
// First version by Cohee#1207
// Adapted by Tony-sama
export { BrowserSttProvider }
const DEBUG_PREFIX = "<Speech Recognition module (Browser)> "
class BrowserSttProvider {
// Config //
settings = {
language: ""
defaultSettings = {
language: "en-US",
processTranscriptFunction = null;
get settingsHtml() {
let html = ' \
<span>Language</span> </br> \
<select id="speech_recognition_browser_provider_language"> \
<option value="ar-SA">ar-SA: Arabic (Saudi Arabia)</option> \
<option value="bn-BD">bn-BD: Bangla (Bangladesh)</option> \
<option value="bn-IN">bn-IN: Bangla (India)</option> \
<option value="cs-CZ">cs-CZ: Czech (Czech Republic)</option> \
<option value="da-DK">da-DK: Danish (Denmark)</option> \
<option value="de-AT">de-AT: German (Austria)</option> \
<option value="de-CH">de-CH: German (Switzerland)</option> \
<option value="de-DE">de-DE: German (Germany)</option> \
<option value="el-GR">el-GR: Greek (Greece)</option> \
<option value="en-AU">en-AU: English (Australia)</option> \
<option value="en-CA">en-CA: English (Canada)</option> \
<option value="en-GB">en-GB: English (United Kingdom)</option> \
<option value="en-IE">en-IE: English (Ireland)</option> \
<option value="en-IN">en-IN: English (India)</option> \
<option value="en-NZ">en-NZ: English (New Zealand)</option> \
<option value="en-US">en-US: English (United States)</option> \
<option value="en-ZA">en-ZA: English (South Africa)</option> \
<option value="es-AR">es-AR: Spanish (Argentina)</option> \
<option value="es-CL">es-CL: Spanish (Chile)</option> \
<option value="es-CO">es-CO: Spanish (Columbia)</option> \
<option value="es-ES">es-ES: Spanish (Spain)</option> \
<option value="es-MX">es-MX: Spanish (Mexico)</option> \
<option value="es-US">es-US: Spanish (United States)</option> \
<option value="fi-FI">fi-FI: Finnish (Finland)</option> \
<option value="fr-BE">fr-BE: French (Belgium)</option> \
<option value="fr-CA">fr-CA: French (Canada)</option> \
<option value="fr-CH">fr-CH: French (Switzerland)</option> \
<option value="fr-FR">fr-FR: French (France)</option> \
<option value="he-IL">he-IL: Hebrew (Israel)</option> \
<option value="hi-IN">hi-IN: Hindi (India)</option> \
<option value="hu-HU">hu-HU: Hungarian (Hungary)</option> \
<option value="id-ID">id-ID: Indonesian (Indonesia)</option> \
<option value="it-CH">it-CH: Italian (Switzerland)</option> \
<option value="it-IT">it-IT: Italian (Italy)</option> \
<option value="ja-JP">ja-JP: Japanese (Japan)</option> \
<option value="ko-KR">ko-KR: Korean (Republic of Korea)</option> \
<option value="nl-BE">nl-BE: Dutch (Belgium)</option> \
<option value="nl-NL">nl-NL: Dutch (The Netherlands)</option> \
<option value="no-NO">no-NO: Norwegian (Norway)</option> \
<option value="pl-PL">pl-PL: Polish (Poland)</option> \
<option value="pt-BR">pt-BR: Portugese (Brazil)</option> \
<option value="pt-PT">pt-PT: Portugese (Portugal)</option> \
<option value="ro-RO">ro-RO: Romanian (Romania)</option> \
<option value="ru-RU">ru-RU: Russian (Russian Federation)</option> \
<option value="sk-SK">sk-SK: Slovak (Slovakia)</option> \
<option value="sv-SE">sv-SE: Swedish (Sweden)</option> \
<option value="ta-IN">ta-IN: Tamil (India)</option> \
<option value="ta-LK">ta-LK: Tamil (Sri Lanka)</option> \
<option value="th-TH">th-TH: Thai (Thailand)</option> \
<option value="tr-TR">tr-TR: Turkish (Turkey)</option> \
<option value="zh-CN">zh-CN: Chinese (China)</option> \
<option value="zh-HK">zh-HK: Chinese (Hond Kong)</option> \
<option value="zh-TW">zh-TW: Chinese (Taiwan)</option> \
</select> \
return html
onSettingsChange() {
// Used when provider settings are updated from UI
this.settings.language = $("#speech_recognition_browser_provider_language").val();
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX+"Change language to",this.settings.language);
static capitalizeInterim(interimTranscript) {
let capitalizeIndex = -1;
if (interimTranscript.length > 2 && interimTranscript[0] === ' ') capitalizeIndex = 1;
else if (interimTranscript.length > 1) capitalizeIndex = 0;
if (capitalizeIndex > -1) {
const spacing = capitalizeIndex > 0 ? ' '.repeat(capitalizeIndex - 1) : '';
const capitalized = interimTranscript[capitalizeIndex].toLocaleUpperCase();
const rest = interimTranscript.substring(capitalizeIndex + 1);
interimTranscript = spacing + capitalized + rest;
return interimTranscript;
static composeValues(previous, interim) {
let spacing = '';
if (previous.endsWith('.')) spacing = ' ';
return previous + spacing + interim;
loadSettings(settings) {
const processTranscript = this.processTranscriptFunction;
// Populate Provider UI given input settings
if (Object.keys(settings).length == 0) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX+"Using default browser STT settings")
// Initialise as defaultSettings
this.settings = this.defaultSettings;
for (const key in settings){
if (key in this.settings){
this.settings[key] = settings[key]
} else {
throw `Invalid setting passed to Speech recogniton extension (browser): ${key}`
const speechRecognitionSettings = $.extend({
grammar: '' // Custom grammar
}, options);
const speechRecognition = window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition;
const speechRecognitionList = window.SpeechGrammarList || window.webkitSpeechGrammarList;
if (!speechRecognition) {
console.warn(DEBUG_PREFIX+'Speech recognition is not supported in this browser.');
toastr.error("Speech recognition is not supported in this browser, use another browser or another provider of SillyTavern-extras Speech recognition extension.", "Speech recognition activation Failed (Browser)", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
const recognition = new speechRecognition();
if (speechRecognitionSettings.grammar && speechRecognitionList) {
speechRecognitionList.addFromString(speechRecognitionSettings.grammar, 1);
recognition.grammars = speechRecognitionList;
recognition.continuous = true;
recognition.interimResults = true;
recognition.lang = this.settings.language;
const textarea = $('#send_textarea');
const button = $('#microphone_button');
let listening = false;
button.off('click').on("click", function () {
if (listening) {
} else {
listening = !listening;
let initialText = '';
recognition.onresult = function (speechEvent) {
let finalTranscript = '';
let interimTranscript = ''
for (let i = speechEvent.resultIndex; i < speechEvent.results.length; ++i) {
const transcript = speechEvent.results[i][0].transcript;
if (speechEvent.results[i].isFinal) {
let interim = BrowserSttProvider.capitalizeInterim(transcript);
if (interim != '') {
let final = finalTranscript;
final = BrowserSttProvider.composeValues(final, interim);
if (final.slice(-1) != '.' & final.slice(-1) != '?') final += '.';
finalTranscript = final;
listening = false;
interimTranscript = ' ';
} else {
interimTranscript += transcript;
interimTranscript = BrowserSttProvider.capitalizeInterim(interimTranscript);
textarea.val(initialText + finalTranscript + interimTranscript);
recognition.onerror = function (event) {
console.error('Error occurred in recognition:', event.error);
//if ($('#speech_recognition_debug').is(':checked'))
// toastr.error('Error occurred in recognition:'+ event.error, 'STT Generation error (Browser)', { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
recognition.onend = function () {
listening = false;
button.toggleClass('fa-microphone fa-microphone-slash');
const newText = textarea.val().substring(initialText.length);
recognition.onstart = function () {
initialText = textarea.val();
button.toggleClass('fa-microphone fa-microphone-slash');
if ($("#speech_recognition_message_mode").val() == "replace") {
initialText = ""
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX+"Browser STT settings loaded")