2023-12-20 14:04:28 +00:00
import { callPopup } from '../../../../../script.js' ;
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import { getSortableDelay } from '../../../../utils.js' ;
import { warn } from '../../index.js' ;
import { QuickReplyLink } from '../QuickReplyLink.js' ;
import { QuickReplySet } from '../QuickReplySet.js' ;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
import { QuickReplySettings } from '../QuickReplySettings.js' ;
export class SettingsUi {
/**@type {QuickReplySettings}*/ settings ;
/**@type {HTMLElement}*/ template ;
/**@type {HTMLElement}*/ dom ;
/**@type {HTMLInputElement}*/ isEnabled ;
/**@type {HTMLInputElement}*/ isCombined ;
/**@type {HTMLElement}*/ globalSetList ;
/**@type {HTMLElement}*/ chatSetList ;
/**@type {QuickReplySet}*/ currentQrSet ;
/**@type {HTMLInputElement}*/ disableSend ;
/**@type {HTMLInputElement}*/ placeBeforeInput ;
/**@type {HTMLInputElement}*/ injectInput ;
/**@type {HTMLSelectElement}*/ currentSet ;
constructor ( /**@type {QuickReplySettings}*/ settings ) {
this . settings = settings ;
rerender ( ) {
if ( ! this . dom ) return ;
const content = this . dom . querySelector ( '.inline-drawer-content' ) ;
content . innerHTML = '' ;
// @ts-ignore
Array . from ( this . template . querySelector ( '.inline-drawer-content' ) . cloneNode ( true ) . children ) . forEach ( el => {
content . append ( el ) ;
} ) ;
this . prepareDom ( ) ;
unrender ( ) {
this . dom ? . remove ( ) ;
this . dom = null ;
async render ( ) {
if ( ! this . dom ) {
const response = await fetch ( '/scripts/extensions/quick-reply/html/settings.html' , { cache : 'no-store' } ) ;
if ( response . ok ) {
this . template = document . createRange ( ) . createContextualFragment ( await response . text ( ) ) . querySelector ( '#qr--settings' ) ;
// @ts-ignore
this . dom = this . template . cloneNode ( true ) ;
this . prepareDom ( ) ;
} else {
warn ( 'failed to fetch settings template' ) ;
return this . dom ;
prepareGeneralSettings ( ) {
// general settings
this . isEnabled = this . dom . querySelector ( '#qr--isEnabled' ) ;
this . isEnabled . checked = this . settings . isEnabled ;
this . isEnabled . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) => this . onIsEnabled ( ) ) ;
this . isCombined = this . dom . querySelector ( '#qr--isCombined' ) ;
this . isCombined . checked = this . settings . isCombined ;
this . isCombined . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) => this . onIsCombined ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* @ param { QuickReplyLink } qrl
* @ param { Number } idx
* /
renderQrLinkItem ( qrl , idx , isGlobal ) {
const item = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ; {
item . classList . add ( 'qr--item' ) ;
item . setAttribute ( 'data-order' , String ( idx ) ) ;
const drag = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ; {
drag . classList . add ( 'drag-handle' ) ;
drag . classList . add ( 'ui-sortable-handle' ) ;
drag . textContent = '☰' ;
item . append ( drag ) ;
const set = document . createElement ( 'select' ) ; {
set . addEventListener ( 'change' , ( ) => {
qrl . set = QuickReplySet . get ( set . value ) ;
this . settings . save ( ) ;
} ) ;
QuickReplySet . list . forEach ( qrs => {
const opt = document . createElement ( 'option' ) ; {
opt . value = qrs . name ;
opt . textContent = qrs . name ;
opt . selected = qrs == qrl . set ;
set . append ( opt ) ;
} ) ;
item . append ( set ) ;
const visible = document . createElement ( 'label' ) ; {
visible . classList . add ( 'qr--visible' ) ;
const cb = document . createElement ( 'input' ) ; {
cb . type = 'checkbox' ;
cb . checked = qrl . isVisible ;
cb . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) => {
qrl . isVisible = cb . checked ;
this . settings . save ( ) ;
} ) ;
visible . append ( cb ) ;
visible . append ( 'Show buttons' ) ;
item . append ( visible ) ;
const edit = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ; {
edit . classList . add ( 'menu_button' ) ;
edit . classList . add ( 'menu_button_icon' ) ;
edit . classList . add ( 'fa-solid' ) ;
edit . classList . add ( 'fa-pencil' ) ;
edit . title = 'Edit quick reply set' ;
edit . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) => {
this . currentSet . value = qrl . set . name ;
this . onQrSetChange ( ) ;
} ) ;
item . append ( edit ) ;
const del = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ; {
del . classList . add ( 'menu_button' ) ;
del . classList . add ( 'menu_button_icon' ) ;
del . classList . add ( 'fa-solid' ) ;
del . classList . add ( 'fa-trash-can' ) ;
del . title = 'Remove quick reply set' ;
del . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) => {
item . remove ( ) ;
if ( isGlobal ) {
this . settings . config . setList . splice ( this . settings . config . setList . indexOf ( qrl ) , 1 ) ;
this . updateOrder ( this . globalSetList ) ;
} else {
this . settings . chatConfig . setList . splice ( this . settings . chatConfig . setList . indexOf ( qrl ) , 1 ) ;
this . updateOrder ( this . chatSetList ) ;
this . settings . save ( ) ;
} ) ;
item . append ( del ) ;
return item ;
prepareGlobalSetList ( ) {
// global set list
this . dom . querySelector ( '#qr--global-setListAdd' ) . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) => {
const qrl = new QuickReplyLink ( ) ;
qrl . set = QuickReplySet . list [ 0 ] ;
this . settings . config . setList . push ( qrl ) ;
this . globalSetList . append ( this . renderQrLinkItem ( qrl , this . settings . config . setList . length - 1 , true ) ) ;
this . settings . save ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . globalSetList = this . dom . querySelector ( '#qr--global-setList' ) ;
// @ts-ignore
$ ( this . globalSetList ) . sortable ( {
delay : getSortableDelay ( ) ,
stop : ( ) => this . onGlobalSetListSort ( ) ,
} ) ;
this . settings . config . setList . forEach ( ( qrl , idx ) => {
this . globalSetList . append ( this . renderQrLinkItem ( qrl , idx , true ) ) ;
} ) ;
prepareChatSetList ( ) {
// chat set list
this . dom . querySelector ( '#qr--chat-setListAdd' ) . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) => {
if ( ! this . settings . chatConfig ) {
toastr . warning ( 'No active chat.' ) ;
return ;
const qrl = new QuickReplyLink ( ) ;
qrl . set = QuickReplySet . list [ 0 ] ;
this . settings . chatConfig . setList . push ( qrl ) ;
this . chatSetList . append ( this . renderQrLinkItem ( qrl , this . settings . chatConfig . setList . length - 1 , false ) ) ;
this . settings . save ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . chatSetList = this . dom . querySelector ( '#qr--chat-setList' ) ;
if ( ! this . settings . chatConfig ) {
const info = document . createElement ( 'small' ) ; {
info . textContent = 'No active chat.' ;
this . chatSetList . append ( info ) ;
// @ts-ignore
$ ( this . chatSetList ) . sortable ( {
delay : getSortableDelay ( ) ,
stop : ( ) => this . onChatSetListSort ( ) ,
} ) ;
this . settings . chatConfig ? . setList ? . forEach ( ( qrl , idx ) => {
this . chatSetList . append ( this . renderQrLinkItem ( qrl , idx , false ) ) ;
} ) ;
prepareQrEditor ( ) {
// qr editor
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this . dom . querySelector ( '#qr--set-new' ) . addEventListener ( 'click' , async ( ) => this . addQrSet ( ) ) ;
2023-12-20 13:40:44 +00:00
this . dom . querySelector ( '#qr--set-add' ) . addEventListener ( 'click' , async ( ) => {
this . currentQrSet . addQuickReply ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . qrList = this . dom . querySelector ( '#qr--set-qrList' ) ;
this . currentSet = this . dom . querySelector ( '#qr--set' ) ;
this . currentSet . addEventListener ( 'change' , ( ) => this . onQrSetChange ( ) ) ;
QuickReplySet . list . forEach ( qrs => {
const opt = document . createElement ( 'option' ) ; {
opt . value = qrs . name ;
opt . textContent = qrs . name ;
this . currentSet . append ( opt ) ;
} ) ;
this . disableSend = this . dom . querySelector ( '#qr--disableSend' ) ;
this . disableSend . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) => {
const qrs = this . currentQrSet ;
qrs . disableSend = this . disableSend . checked ;
qrs . save ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . placeBeforeInput = this . dom . querySelector ( '#qr--placeBeforeInput' ) ;
this . placeBeforeInput . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) => {
const qrs = this . currentQrSet ;
qrs . placeBeforeInput = this . placeBeforeInput . checked ;
qrs . save ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . injectInput = this . dom . querySelector ( '#qr--injectInput' ) ;
this . injectInput . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) => {
const qrs = this . currentQrSet ;
qrs . injectInput = this . injectInput . checked ;
qrs . save ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . onQrSetChange ( ) ;
onQrSetChange ( ) {
this . currentQrSet = QuickReplySet . get ( this . currentSet . value ) ;
this . disableSend . checked = this . currentQrSet . disableSend ;
this . placeBeforeInput . checked = this . currentQrSet . placeBeforeInput ;
this . injectInput . checked = this . currentQrSet . injectInput ;
this . qrList . innerHTML = '' ;
const qrsDom = this . currentQrSet . renderSettings ( ) ;
this . qrList . append ( qrsDom ) ;
// @ts-ignore
$ ( qrsDom ) . sortable ( {
delay : getSortableDelay ( ) ,
stop : ( ) => this . onQrListSort ( ) ,
} ) ;
prepareDom ( ) {
this . prepareGeneralSettings ( ) ;
this . prepareGlobalSetList ( ) ;
this . prepareChatSetList ( ) ;
this . prepareQrEditor ( ) ;
async onIsEnabled ( ) {
this . settings . isEnabled = this . isEnabled . checked ;
this . settings . save ( ) ;
async onIsCombined ( ) {
this . settings . isCombined = this . isCombined . checked ;
this . settings . save ( ) ;
async onGlobalSetListSort ( ) {
this . settings . config . setList = Array . from ( this . globalSetList . children ) . map ( ( it , idx ) => {
const set = this . settings . config . setList [ Number ( it . getAttribute ( 'data-order' ) ) ] ;
it . setAttribute ( 'data-order' , String ( idx ) ) ;
return set ;
} ) ;
this . settings . save ( ) ;
async onChatSetListSort ( ) {
this . settings . chatConfig . setList = Array . from ( this . chatSetList . children ) . map ( ( it , idx ) => {
const set = this . settings . chatConfig . setList [ Number ( it . getAttribute ( 'data-order' ) ) ] ;
it . setAttribute ( 'data-order' , String ( idx ) ) ;
return set ;
} ) ;
this . settings . save ( ) ;
updateOrder ( list ) {
Array . from ( list . children ) . forEach ( ( it , idx ) => {
it . setAttribute ( 'data-order' , idx ) ;
} ) ;
async onQrListSort ( ) {
this . currentQrSet . qrList = Array . from ( this . qrList . querySelectorAll ( '.qr--set-item' ) ) . map ( ( it , idx ) => {
const qr = this . currentQrSet . qrList . find ( qr => qr . id == Number ( it . getAttribute ( 'data-id' ) ) ) ;
it . setAttribute ( 'data-order' , String ( idx ) ) ;
return qr ;
} ) ;
this . currentQrSet . save ( ) ;
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async addQrSet ( ) {
const name = await callPopup ( 'Quick Reply Set Name:' , 'input' ) ;
if ( name && name . length > 0 ) {
const oldQrs = QuickReplySet . get ( name ) ;
if ( oldQrs ) {
const replace = await callPopup ( ` A Quick Reply Set named " ${ name } already exists. \n Do you want to overwrite the existing Quick Reply Set? \n The existing set will be deleted. This cannot be undone. ` , 'confirm' ) ;
if ( replace ) {
const qrs = new QuickReplySet ( ) ;
qrs . name = name ;
qrs . addQuickReply ( ) ;
QuickReplySet . list [ QuickReplySet . list . indexOf ( oldQrs ) ] = qrs ;
this . currentSet . value = name ;
this . onQrSetChange ( ) ;
} else {
const qrs = new QuickReplySet ( ) ;
qrs . name = name ;
qrs . addQuickReply ( ) ;
const idx = QuickReplySet . list . findIndex ( it => it . name . localeCompare ( name ) == 1 ) ;
QuickReplySet . list . splice ( idx , 0 , qrs ) ;
const opt = document . createElement ( 'option' ) ; {
opt . value = qrs . name ;
opt . textContent = qrs . name ;
this . currentSet . children [ idx ] . insertAdjacentElement ( 'beforebegin' , opt ) ;
this . currentSet . value = name ;
this . onQrSetChange ( ) ;
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