2023-07-31 18:47:33 +02:00
import { getApiUrl , doExtrasFetch , modules } from "../../extensions.js" ;
export { StreamingSttProvider }
const DEBUG _PREFIX = "<Speech Recognition module (streaming)> "
class StreamingSttProvider {
// Config //
defaultSettings = {
triggerWordsText : "" ,
triggerWords : [ ] ,
triggerWordsEnabled : false ,
2023-08-29 03:28:02 +02:00
triggerWordsIncluded : false ,
2023-07-31 18:47:33 +02:00
debug : false ,
get settingsHtml ( ) {
let html = ' \
< div id = "speech_recognition_streaming_trigger_words_div" > \
< span > Trigger words < / s p a n > \
< textarea id = "speech_recognition_streaming_trigger_words" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" type = "text" rows = "4" placeholder = "Enter comma separated words that triggers new message, example:\nhey, hey aqua, record, listen" > < / t e x t a r e a > \
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "speech_recognition_streaming_trigger_words_enabled" > \
< input type = "checkbox" id = "speech_recognition_streaming_trigger_words_enabled" name = "speech_recognition_trigger_words_enabled" > \
< small > Enable trigger words < / s m a l l > \
< / l a b e l > \
2023-08-29 03:28:02 +02:00
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "speech_recognition_trigger_words_included" > \
< input type = "checkbox" id = "speech_recognition_trigger_words_included" name = "speech_recognition_trigger_words_included" > \
< small > Include trigger words in message < / s m a l l > \
< / l a b e l > \
2023-07-31 18:47:33 +02:00
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "speech_recognition_streaming_debug" > \
< input type = "checkbox" id = "speech_recognition_streaming_debug" name = "speech_recognition_streaming_debug" > \
< small > Enable debug pop ups < / s m a l l > \
< / l a b e l > \
< / d i v > \
return html
onSettingsChange ( ) {
this . settings . triggerWordsText = $ ( '#speech_recognition_streaming_trigger_words' ) . val ( ) ;
let array = $ ( '#speech_recognition_streaming_trigger_words' ) . val ( ) . split ( "," ) ;
array = array . map ( element => { return element . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ; } ) ;
array = array . filter ( ( str ) => str !== '' ) ;
this . settings . triggerWords = array ;
this . settings . triggerWordsEnabled = $ ( "#speech_recognition_streaming_trigger_words_enabled" ) . is ( ':checked' ) ;
2023-08-29 03:28:02 +02:00
this . settings . triggerWordsIncluded = $ ( "#speech_recognition_trigger_words_included" ) . is ( ':checked' ) ;
2023-07-31 18:47:33 +02:00
this . settings . debug = $ ( "#speech_recognition_streaming_debug" ) . is ( ':checked' ) ;
console . debug ( DEBUG _PREFIX + " Updated settings: " , this . settings ) ;
this . loadSettings ( this . settings ) ;
loadSettings ( settings ) {
// Populate Provider UI given input settings
if ( Object . keys ( settings ) . length == 0 ) {
console . debug ( DEBUG _PREFIX + "Using default Whisper STT extension settings" )
// Only accept keys defined in defaultSettings
this . settings = this . defaultSettings
for ( const key in settings ) {
if ( key in this . settings ) {
this . settings [ key ] = settings [ key ]
} else {
throw ` Invalid setting passed to STT extension: ${ key } `
$ ( "#speech_recognition_streaming_trigger_words" ) . val ( this . settings . triggerWordsText ) ;
$ ( "#speech_recognition_streaming_trigger_words_enabled" ) . prop ( 'checked' , this . settings . triggerWordsEnabled ) ;
2023-08-29 03:28:02 +02:00
$ ( "#speech_recognition_trigger_words_included" ) . prop ( 'checked' , this . settings . triggerWordsIncluded ) ;
2023-07-31 18:47:33 +02:00
$ ( "#speech_recognition_streaming_debug" ) . prop ( 'checked' , this . settings . debug ) ;
console . debug ( DEBUG _PREFIX + "streaming STT settings loaded" )
async getUserMessage ( ) {
// Return if module is not loaded
if ( ! modules . includes ( 'streaming-stt' ) ) {
console . debug ( DEBUG _PREFIX + "Module streaming-stt must be activated in Sillytavern Extras for streaming user voice." )
return "" ;
const url = new URL ( getApiUrl ( ) ) ;
url . pathname = '/api/speech-recognition/streaming/record-and-transcript' ;
const apiResult = await doExtrasFetch ( url , {
method : 'POST' ,
headers : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json' ,
'Bypass-Tunnel-Reminder' : 'bypass' ,
} ,
body : JSON . stringify ( { text : "" } ) ,
} ) ;
if ( ! apiResult . ok ) {
toastr . error ( apiResult . statusText , DEBUG _PREFIX + 'STT Generation Failed (streaming)' , { timeOut : 10000 , extendedTimeOut : 20000 , preventDuplicates : true } ) ;
throw new Error ( ` HTTP ${ apiResult . status } : ${ await apiResult . text ( ) } ` ) ;
const data = await apiResult . json ( ) ;
return data . transcript ;