
145 lines
4.8 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .custom import translations as custom_translations
es locale file.
It has been generated automatically and must not be modified directly.
locale = {
"plural": lambda n: "one" if (n == n and ((n == 1))) else "other",
"ordinal": lambda n: "other",
"translations": {
"days": {
"abbreviated": {
0: "dom.",
1: "lun.",
2: "mar.",
3: "mié.",
4: "jue.",
5: "vie.",
6: "sáb.",
"narrow": {0: "D", 1: "L", 2: "M", 3: "X", 4: "J", 5: "V", 6: "S"},
"short": {0: "DO", 1: "LU", 2: "MA", 3: "MI", 4: "JU", 5: "VI", 6: "SA"},
"wide": {
0: "domingo",
1: "lunes",
2: "martes",
3: "miércoles",
4: "jueves",
5: "viernes",
6: "sábado",
"months": {
"abbreviated": {
1: "ene.",
2: "feb.",
3: "mar.",
4: "abr.",
5: "may.",
6: "jun.",
7: "jul.",
8: "ago.",
9: "sept.",
10: "oct.",
11: "nov.",
12: "dic.",
"narrow": {
1: "E",
2: "F",
3: "M",
4: "A",
5: "M",
6: "J",
7: "J",
8: "A",
9: "S",
10: "O",
11: "N",
12: "D",
"wide": {
1: "enero",
2: "febrero",
3: "marzo",
4: "abril",
5: "mayo",
6: "junio",
7: "julio",
8: "agosto",
9: "septiembre",
10: "octubre",
11: "noviembre",
12: "diciembre",
"units": {
"year": {"one": "{0} año", "other": "{0} años"},
"month": {"one": "{0} mes", "other": "{0} meses"},
"week": {"one": "{0} semana", "other": "{0} semanas"},
"day": {"one": "{0} día", "other": "{0} días"},
"hour": {"one": "{0} hora", "other": "{0} horas"},
"minute": {"one": "{0} minuto", "other": "{0} minutos"},
"second": {"one": "{0} segundo", "other": "{0} segundos"},
"microsecond": {"one": "{0} microsegundo", "other": "{0} microsegundos"},
"relative": {
"year": {
"future": {"other": "dentro de {0} años", "one": "dentro de {0} año"},
"past": {"other": "hace {0} años", "one": "hace {0} año"},
"month": {
"future": {"other": "dentro de {0} meses", "one": "dentro de {0} mes"},
"past": {"other": "hace {0} meses", "one": "hace {0} mes"},
"week": {
"future": {
"other": "dentro de {0} semanas",
"one": "dentro de {0} semana",
"past": {"other": "hace {0} semanas", "one": "hace {0} semana"},
"day": {
"future": {"other": "dentro de {0} días", "one": "dentro de {0} día"},
"past": {"other": "hace {0} días", "one": "hace {0} día"},
"hour": {
"future": {"other": "dentro de {0} horas", "one": "dentro de {0} hora"},
"past": {"other": "hace {0} horas", "one": "hace {0} hora"},
"minute": {
"future": {
"other": "dentro de {0} minutos",
"one": "dentro de {0} minuto",
"past": {"other": "hace {0} minutos", "one": "hace {0} minuto"},
"second": {
"future": {
"other": "dentro de {0} segundos",
"one": "dentro de {0} segundo",
"past": {"other": "hace {0} segundos", "one": "hace {0} segundo"},
"day_periods": {
"am": "a. m.",
"noon": "del mediodía",
"pm": "p. m.",
"morning1": "de la madrugada",
"morning2": "de la mañana",
"evening1": "de la tarde",
"night1": "de la noche",
"custom": custom_translations,