move ipc_path to /dev/shm
OpenVoiceOS - Mycroft Edition
A minimalistic Linux OS bringing the open source voice assistant Mycroft A.I. to embbeded, low-spec headless and/or small (touch)screen devices.
OpenVoiceOS - Full 64 Bit distribution
- Linux kernel 5.10.x (LTS)
- Buildroot 2021.02.x (LTS)
- Mycroft 20.08.x (mycroft-lib pip installable version)
- Raspberry Pi 3|3b|3b+ (Initial development hardware = 3b)
- Raspberry Pi 4 (Current development hardware)
Getting started.
At this moment development is in very early stages and focussed on the Raspberry Pi 3B & 4. As soon as an initial first workable version is created, other hardware might be added.
Getting the code.
First, get the code on your system! The simplest method is via git.
- cd ~/
- git clone --recurse-submodules
- cd OpenVoiceOS
Patching Buildroot.
(ONLY at the first clean checkout/clone) If this is the very first time you are going to build an image, you need to execute the following command once;
- ./scripts/
This will patch the Buildroot packages.
Installing System Build Dependencies
The following system packages are required to build the image:
- gcc
- subversion
- qttools5-dev
- qttools5-dev-tools
- python
Building the image.
Building the image(s) can be done by utilizing a proper Makefile;
To see the available commands, just run: 'make help'
As example to build the rpi4 version;
- make clean
- make rpi4_64-gui-config
- make rpi4_64-gui
Now grab a cup of coffee, go for a walk, sleep and repeat as the build process takes up a long time pulling everything from source and cross compiling everything for the device. Especially the qtwebengine package is taking a LONG time.
(At the moment there is an outstanding issue which prevents the build to run completely to the end. The plasma-workspace package will error out, not finding the libGLESv4 properly linked within QT5GUI. When the build stopped bacause of this error, edit the following file;
at the bottom of the file replace this line;
_qt5gui_find_extra_libs(OPENGL "GLESv2" "" "")
And replace it bit this line;
_qt5gui_find_extra_libs(OPENGL "${CMAKE_SYSROOT}/usr/lib/" "" "${CMAKE_SYSROOT}/usr/include/libdrm")
Then you can continue the build process by re-running the "make rpi4_64-gui" command. (DO NOT, run "make clean" and/or "make rpi4_64-gui-config" again, or you will start from scratch again !!!)
When everything goes fine the xz compressed image will be available within the release directory.
More information and instructions can be found within the "documentation" folder.
Mycroft AI (@MycroftAI)
Buildroot (@buildroot)
HelloChatterbox (@hellochatterbox)
Inspired by;
HassOS (@home-assistant)