Documentation: Fix layout/format (I think).

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Peter Steenbergen 2019-01-28 20:44:01 +01:00
parent 7ee1bc2479
commit 722c8f7c95
1 changed files with 101 additions and 104 deletions

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@ -4,108 +4,105 @@
The following Python libraries are installed when Mycroft has been fully booted and configured;
# pip list
Package Version
------------------------ ----------
adapt-parser 0.3.0
arrow 0.10.0
astral 1.4
beautifulsoup4 4.5.3
bs4 0.0.1
cachetools 2.1.0
casttube 0.1.0
certifi 2018.10.15
cffi 1.11.2
chardet 3.0.4
Click 7.0
configshell-fb 1.1.18
coverage 4.5.1
coveralls 1.5.1
daemonize 2.4.7
ddg3 0.6.6
Deprecated 1.2.3
docopt 0.6.2
fann2 1.0.7
fasteners 0.14.1
feedparser 5.2.1
gitdb2 2.0.4
GitPython 2.1.11
google-api-python-client 1.6.4
google-auth 1.5.1
google-auth-httplib2 0.0.3
gTTS 2.0.1
gTTS-token 1.1.3
httplib2 0.10.3
humanhash3 0.0.6
idna 2.7
ifaddr 0.1.6
inflect 2.1.0
inflection 0.3.1
jaraco.itertools 4.4.1
lxml 4.2.5
monotonic 1.5
more-itertools 5.0.0
msk 0.3.12
msm 0.6.3
multi-key-dict 2.0.3
mycroft-core 18.8.11
netaddr 0.7.19
netifaces 0.10.7
oauth2client 4.1.3
oauthlib 2.1.0
olefile 0.46
padaos 0.1.8
padatious 0.4.5
pep8 1.7.0
petact 0.1.2
Pillow 4.1.1
pip 18.1
pocketsphinx 0.1.0
precise-runner 0.2.1
protobuf 3.0.0b2
psutil 5.2.1
pulsectl 17.7.4
pyalsaaudio 0.8.2
pyasn1 0.4.4
pyasn1-modules 0.2.2
PyAudio 0.2.11
PyChromecast 0.7.7
pyCLI 2.0.3
pycparser 2.19
pycrypto 2.6.1
pyee 1.0.1
PyGithub 1.43.2
pyjokes 0.5.0
PyJWT 1.6.4
pyowm 2.6.1
pyparsing 2.1.10
pyserial 3.0
python-dateutil 2.7.5
python-vlc 1.1.2
pytz 2017.2
requests 2.20.0
requests-futures 0.9.5
rsa 4.0
setuptools 40.5.0
sgmllib3k 1.0.0
six 1.10.0
smmap2 2.0.4
source 1.2.0
SpeechRecognition 3.8.1
texttable 0.9.1
tornado 5.1.1
typing 3.6.6
tzlocal 1.3
uritemplate 3.0.0
urllib3 1.24.1
urwid 1.3.1
uuid 1.30
websocket-client 0.32.0
wikipedia 1.4.0
wolframalpha 3.0
wrapt 1.10.11
xmlrunner 1.7.7
xmltodict 0.11.0
xxhash 1.2.0
zeroconf 0.20.0
- adapt-parser 0.3.0
- arrow 0.10.0
- astral 1.4
- beautifulsoup4 4.5.3
- bs4 0.0.1
- cachetools 2.1.0
- casttube 0.1.0
- certifi 2018.10.15
- cffi 1.11.2
- chardet 3.0.4
- Click 7.0
- configshell-fb 1.1.18
- coverage 4.5.1
- coveralls 1.5.1
- daemonize 2.4.7
- ddg3 0.6.6
- Deprecated 1.2.3
- docopt 0.6.2
- fann2 1.0.7
- fasteners 0.14.1
- feedparser 5.2.1
- gitdb2 2.0.4
- GitPython 2.1.11
- google-api-python-client 1.6.4
- google-auth 1.5.1
- google-auth-httplib2 0.0.3
- gTTS 2.0.1
- gTTS-token 1.1.3
- httplib2 0.10.3
- humanhash3 0.0.6
- idna 2.7
- ifaddr 0.1.6
- inflect 2.1.0
- inflection 0.3.1
- jaraco.itertools 4.4.1
- lxml 4.2.5
- monotonic 1.5
- more-itertools 5.0.0
- msk 0.3.12
- msm 0.6.3
- multi-key-dict 2.0.3
- mycroft-core 18.8.11
- netaddr 0.7.19
- netifaces 0.10.7
- oauth2client 4.1.3
- oauthlib 2.1.0
- olefile 0.46
- padaos 0.1.8
- padatious 0.4.5
- pep8 1.7.0
- petact 0.1.2
- Pillow 4.1.1
- pip 18.1
- pocketsphinx 0.1.0
- precise-runner 0.2.1
- protobuf 3.0.0b2
- psutil 5.2.1
- pulsectl 17.7.4
- pyalsaaudio 0.8.2
- pyasn1 0.4.4
- pyasn1-modules 0.2.2
- PyAudio 0.2.11
- PyChromecast 0.7.7
- pyCLI 2.0.3
- pycparser 2.19
- pycrypto 2.6.1
- pyee 1.0.1
- PyGithub 1.43.2
- pyjokes 0.5.0
- PyJWT 1.6.4
- pyowm 2.6.1
- pyparsing 2.1.10
- pyserial 3.0
- python-dateutil 2.7.5
- python-vlc 1.1.2
- pytz 2017.2
- requests 2.20.0
- requests-futures 0.9.5
- rsa 4.0
- setuptools 40.5.0
- sgmllib3k 1.0.0
- six 1.10.0
- smmap2 2.0.4
- source 1.2.0
- SpeechRecognition 3.8.1
- texttable 0.9.1
- tornado 5.1.1
- typing 3.6.6
- tzlocal 1.3
- uritemplate 3.0.0
- urllib3 1.24.1
- urwid 1.3.1
- uuid 1.30
- websocket-client 0.32.0
- wikipedia 1.4.0
- wolframalpha 3.0
- wrapt 1.10.11
- xmlrunner 1.7.7
- xmltodict 0.11.0
- xxhash 1.2.0
- zeroconf 0.20.0