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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
import calendar
import math
from datetime import date
from datetime import timedelta
import pendulum
from .constants import FRIDAY
from .constants import MONDAY
from .constants import MONTHS_PER_YEAR
from .constants import SATURDAY
from .constants import SUNDAY
from .constants import THURSDAY
from .constants import TUESDAY
from .constants import WEDNESDAY
from .constants import YEARS_PER_CENTURY
from .constants import YEARS_PER_DECADE
from .exceptions import PendulumException
from .helpers import add_duration
from .mixins.default import FormattableMixin
from .period import Period
class Date(FormattableMixin, date):
# Names of days of the week
_days = {
SUNDAY: "Sunday",
MONDAY: "Monday",
TUESDAY: "Tuesday",
WEDNESDAY: "Wednesday",
THURSDAY: "Thursday",
FRIDAY: "Friday",
SATURDAY: "Saturday",
_MODIFIERS_VALID_UNITS = ["day", "week", "month", "year", "decade", "century"]
# Getters/Setters
def set(self, year=None, month=None, day=None):
return self.replace(year=year, month=month, day=day)
def day_of_week(self):
Returns the day of the week (0-6).
:rtype: int
return self.isoweekday() % 7
def day_of_year(self):
Returns the day of the year (1-366).
:rtype: int
k = 1 if self.is_leap_year() else 2
return (275 * self.month) // 9 - k * ((self.month + 9) // 12) + self.day - 30
def week_of_year(self):
return self.isocalendar()[1]
def days_in_month(self):
return calendar.monthrange(self.year, self.month)[1]
def week_of_month(self):
first_day_of_month = self.replace(day=1)
return self.week_of_year - first_day_of_month.week_of_year + 1
def age(self):
return self.diff(abs=False).in_years()
def quarter(self):
return int(math.ceil(self.month / 3))
# String Formatting
def to_date_string(self):
Format the instance as date.
:rtype: str
return self.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
def to_formatted_date_string(self):
Format the instance as a readable date.
:rtype: str
return self.strftime("%b %d, %Y")
def __repr__(self):
return (
"{year}, {month}, {day}"
def closest(self, dt1, dt2):
Get the closest date from the instance.
:type dt1: Date or date
:type dt2: Date or date
:rtype: Date
dt1 = self.__class__(dt1.year, dt1.month, dt1.day)
dt2 = self.__class__(dt2.year, dt2.month, dt2.day)
if self.diff(dt1).in_seconds() < self.diff(dt2).in_seconds():
return dt1
return dt2
def farthest(self, dt1, dt2):
Get the farthest date from the instance.
:type dt1: Date or date
:type dt2: Date or date
:rtype: Date
dt1 = self.__class__(dt1.year, dt1.month, dt1.day)
dt2 = self.__class__(dt2.year, dt2.month, dt2.day)
if self.diff(dt1).in_seconds() > self.diff(dt2).in_seconds():
return dt1
return dt2
def is_future(self):
Determines if the instance is in the future, ie. greater than now.
:rtype: bool
return self > self.today()
def is_past(self):
Determines if the instance is in the past, ie. less than now.
:rtype: bool
return self < self.today()
def is_leap_year(self):
Determines if the instance is a leap year.
:rtype: bool
return calendar.isleap(self.year)
def is_long_year(self):
Determines if the instance is a long year
See link `<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Week_dates>`_
:rtype: bool
return Date(self.year, 12, 28).isocalendar()[1] == 53
def is_same_day(self, dt):
Checks if the passed in date is the same day as the instance current day.
:type dt: Date or date
:rtype: bool
return self == dt
def is_anniversary(self, dt=None):
Check if its the anniversary.
Compares the date/month values of the two dates.
:rtype: bool
if dt is None:
dt = Date.today()
instance = self.__class__(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day)
return (self.month, self.day) == (instance.month, instance.day)
# the additional method for checking if today is the anniversary day
# the alias is provided to start using a new name and keep the backward compatibility
# the old name can be completely replaced with the new in one of the future versions
is_birthday = is_anniversary
def add(self, years=0, months=0, weeks=0, days=0):
Add duration to the instance.
:param years: The number of years
:type years: int
:param months: The number of months
:type months: int
:param weeks: The number of weeks
:type weeks: int
:param days: The number of days
:type days: int
:rtype: Date
dt = add_duration(
date(self.year, self.month, self.day),
return self.__class__(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day)
def subtract(self, years=0, months=0, weeks=0, days=0):
Remove duration from the instance.
:param years: The number of years
:type years: int
:param months: The number of months
:type months: int
:param weeks: The number of weeks
:type weeks: int
:param days: The number of days
:type days: int
:rtype: Date
return self.add(years=-years, months=-months, weeks=-weeks, days=-days)
def _add_timedelta(self, delta):
Add timedelta duration to the instance.
:param delta: The timedelta instance
:type delta: pendulum.Duration or datetime.timedelta
:rtype: Date
if isinstance(delta, pendulum.Duration):
return self.add(
return self.add(days=delta.days)
def _subtract_timedelta(self, delta):
Remove timedelta duration from the instance.
:param delta: The timedelta instance
:type delta: pendulum.Duration or datetime.timedelta
:rtype: Date
if isinstance(delta, pendulum.Duration):
return self.subtract(
return self.subtract(days=delta.days)
def __add__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, timedelta):
return NotImplemented
return self._add_timedelta(other)
def __sub__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, timedelta):
return self._subtract_timedelta(other)
if not isinstance(other, date):
return NotImplemented
dt = self.__class__(other.year, other.month, other.day)
return dt.diff(self, False)
def diff(self, dt=None, abs=True):
Returns the difference between two Date objects as a Period.
:type dt: Date or None
:param abs: Whether to return an absolute interval or not
:type abs: bool
:rtype: Period
if dt is None:
dt = self.today()
return Period(self, Date(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day), absolute=abs)
def diff_for_humans(self, other=None, absolute=False, locale=None):
Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale.
When comparing a value in the past to default now:
1 day ago
5 months ago
When comparing a value in the future to default now:
1 day from now
5 months from now
When comparing a value in the past to another value:
1 day before
5 months before
When comparing a value in the future to another value:
1 day after
5 months after
:type other: Date
:param absolute: removes time difference modifiers ago, after, etc
:type absolute: bool
:param locale: The locale to use for localization
:type locale: str
:rtype: str
is_now = other is None
if is_now:
other = self.today()
diff = self.diff(other)
return pendulum.format_diff(diff, is_now, absolute, locale)
def start_of(self, unit):
Returns a copy of the instance with the time reset
with the following rules:
* day: time to 00:00:00
* week: date to first day of the week and time to 00:00:00
* month: date to first day of the month and time to 00:00:00
* year: date to first day of the year and time to 00:00:00
* decade: date to first day of the decade and time to 00:00:00
* century: date to first day of century and time to 00:00:00
:param unit: The unit to reset to
:type unit: str
:rtype: Date
if unit not in self._MODIFIERS_VALID_UNITS:
raise ValueError('Invalid unit "{}" for start_of()'.format(unit))
return getattr(self, "_start_of_{}".format(unit))()
def end_of(self, unit):
Returns a copy of the instance with the time reset
with the following rules:
* week: date to last day of the week
* month: date to last day of the month
* year: date to last day of the year
* decade: date to last day of the decade
* century: date to last day of century
:param unit: The unit to reset to
:type unit: str
:rtype: Date
if unit not in self._MODIFIERS_VALID_UNITS:
raise ValueError('Invalid unit "%s" for end_of()' % unit)
return getattr(self, "_end_of_%s" % unit)()
def _start_of_day(self):
Compatibility method.
:rtype: Date
return self
def _end_of_day(self):
Compatibility method
:rtype: Date
return self
def _start_of_month(self):
Reset the date to the first day of the month.
:rtype: Date
return self.set(self.year, self.month, 1)
def _end_of_month(self):
Reset the date to the last day of the month.
:rtype: Date
return self.set(self.year, self.month, self.days_in_month)
def _start_of_year(self):
Reset the date to the first day of the year.
:rtype: Date
return self.set(self.year, 1, 1)
def _end_of_year(self):
Reset the date to the last day of the year.
:rtype: Date
return self.set(self.year, 12, 31)
def _start_of_decade(self):
Reset the date to the first day of the decade.
:rtype: Date
year = self.year - self.year % YEARS_PER_DECADE
return self.set(year, 1, 1)
def _end_of_decade(self):
Reset the date to the last day of the decade.
:rtype: Date
year = self.year - self.year % YEARS_PER_DECADE + YEARS_PER_DECADE - 1
return self.set(year, 12, 31)
def _start_of_century(self):
Reset the date to the first day of the century.
:rtype: Date
year = self.year - 1 - (self.year - 1) % YEARS_PER_CENTURY + 1
return self.set(year, 1, 1)
def _end_of_century(self):
Reset the date to the last day of the century.
:rtype: Date
year = self.year - 1 - (self.year - 1) % YEARS_PER_CENTURY + YEARS_PER_CENTURY
return self.set(year, 12, 31)
def _start_of_week(self):
Reset the date to the first day of the week.
:rtype: Date
dt = self
if self.day_of_week != pendulum._WEEK_STARTS_AT:
dt = self.previous(pendulum._WEEK_STARTS_AT)
return dt.start_of("day")
def _end_of_week(self):
Reset the date to the last day of the week.
:rtype: Date
dt = self
if self.day_of_week != pendulum._WEEK_ENDS_AT:
dt = self.next(pendulum._WEEK_ENDS_AT)
return dt.end_of("day")
def next(self, day_of_week=None):
Modify to the next occurrence of a given day of the week.
If no day_of_week is provided, modify to the next occurrence
of the current day of the week. Use the supplied consts
to indicate the desired day_of_week, ex. pendulum.MONDAY.
:param day_of_week: The next day of week to reset to.
:type day_of_week: int or None
:rtype: Date
if day_of_week is None:
day_of_week = self.day_of_week
if day_of_week < SUNDAY or day_of_week > SATURDAY:
raise ValueError("Invalid day of week")
dt = self.add(days=1)
while dt.day_of_week != day_of_week:
dt = dt.add(days=1)
return dt
def previous(self, day_of_week=None):
Modify to the previous occurrence of a given day of the week.
If no day_of_week is provided, modify to the previous occurrence
of the current day of the week. Use the supplied consts
to indicate the desired day_of_week, ex. pendulum.MONDAY.
:param day_of_week: The previous day of week to reset to.
:type day_of_week: int or None
:rtype: Date
if day_of_week is None:
day_of_week = self.day_of_week
if day_of_week < SUNDAY or day_of_week > SATURDAY:
raise ValueError("Invalid day of week")
dt = self.subtract(days=1)
while dt.day_of_week != day_of_week:
dt = dt.subtract(days=1)
return dt
def first_of(self, unit, day_of_week=None):
Returns an instance set to the first occurrence
of a given day of the week in the current unit.
If no day_of_week is provided, modify to the first day of the unit.
Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired day_of_week, ex. pendulum.MONDAY.
Supported units are month, quarter and year.
:param unit: The unit to use
:type unit: str
:type day_of_week: int or None
:rtype: Date
if unit not in ["month", "quarter", "year"]:
raise ValueError('Invalid unit "{}" for first_of()'.format(unit))
return getattr(self, "_first_of_{}".format(unit))(day_of_week)
def last_of(self, unit, day_of_week=None):
Returns an instance set to the last occurrence
of a given day of the week in the current unit.
If no day_of_week is provided, modify to the last day of the unit.
Use the supplied consts to indicate the desired day_of_week, ex. pendulum.MONDAY.
Supported units are month, quarter and year.
:param unit: The unit to use
:type unit: str
:type day_of_week: int or None
:rtype: Date
if unit not in ["month", "quarter", "year"]:
raise ValueError('Invalid unit "{}" for first_of()'.format(unit))
return getattr(self, "_last_of_{}".format(unit))(day_of_week)
def nth_of(self, unit, nth, day_of_week):
Returns a new instance set to the given occurrence
of a given day of the week in the current unit.
If the calculated occurrence is outside the scope of the current unit,
then raise an error. Use the supplied consts
to indicate the desired day_of_week, ex. pendulum.MONDAY.
Supported units are month, quarter and year.
:param unit: The unit to use
:type unit: str
:type nth: int
:type day_of_week: int or None
:rtype: Date
if unit not in ["month", "quarter", "year"]:
raise ValueError('Invalid unit "{}" for first_of()'.format(unit))
dt = getattr(self, "_nth_of_{}".format(unit))(nth, day_of_week)
if dt is False:
raise PendulumException(
"Unable to find occurence {} of {} in {}".format(
nth, self._days[day_of_week], unit
return dt
def _first_of_month(self, day_of_week):
Modify to the first occurrence of a given day of the week
in the current month. If no day_of_week is provided,
modify to the first day of the month. Use the supplied consts
to indicate the desired day_of_week, ex. pendulum.MONDAY.
:type day_of_week: int
:rtype: Date
dt = self
if day_of_week is None:
return dt.set(day=1)
month = calendar.monthcalendar(dt.year, dt.month)
calendar_day = (day_of_week - 1) % 7
if month[0][calendar_day] > 0:
day_of_month = month[0][calendar_day]
day_of_month = month[1][calendar_day]
return dt.set(day=day_of_month)
def _last_of_month(self, day_of_week=None):
Modify to the last occurrence of a given day of the week
in the current month. If no day_of_week is provided,
modify to the last day of the month. Use the supplied consts
to indicate the desired day_of_week, ex. pendulum.MONDAY.
:type day_of_week: int or None
:rtype: Date
dt = self
if day_of_week is None:
return dt.set(day=self.days_in_month)
month = calendar.monthcalendar(dt.year, dt.month)
calendar_day = (day_of_week - 1) % 7
if month[-1][calendar_day] > 0:
day_of_month = month[-1][calendar_day]
day_of_month = month[-2][calendar_day]
return dt.set(day=day_of_month)
def _nth_of_month(self, nth, day_of_week):
Modify to the given occurrence of a given day of the week
in the current month. If the calculated occurrence is outside,
the scope of the current month, then return False and no
modifications are made. Use the supplied consts
to indicate the desired day_of_week, ex. pendulum.MONDAY.
:type nth: int
:type day_of_week: int or None
:rtype: Date
if nth == 1:
return self.first_of("month", day_of_week)
dt = self.first_of("month")
check = dt.format("YYYY-MM")
for i in range(nth - (1 if dt.day_of_week == day_of_week else 0)):
dt = dt.next(day_of_week)
if dt.format("YYYY-MM") == check:
return self.set(day=dt.day)
return False
def _first_of_quarter(self, day_of_week=None):
Modify to the first occurrence of a given day of the week
in the current quarter. If no day_of_week is provided,
modify to the first day of the quarter. Use the supplied consts
to indicate the desired day_of_week, ex. pendulum.MONDAY.
:type day_of_week: int or None
:rtype: Date
return self.set(self.year, self.quarter * 3 - 2, 1).first_of(
"month", day_of_week
def _last_of_quarter(self, day_of_week=None):
Modify to the last occurrence of a given day of the week
in the current quarter. If no day_of_week is provided,
modify to the last day of the quarter. Use the supplied consts
to indicate the desired day_of_week, ex. pendulum.MONDAY.
:type day_of_week: int or None
:rtype: Date
return self.set(self.year, self.quarter * 3, 1).last_of("month", day_of_week)
def _nth_of_quarter(self, nth, day_of_week):
Modify to the given occurrence of a given day of the week
in the current quarter. If the calculated occurrence is outside,
the scope of the current quarter, then return False and no
modifications are made. Use the supplied consts
to indicate the desired day_of_week, ex. pendulum.MONDAY.
:type nth: int
:type day_of_week: int or None
:rtype: Date
if nth == 1:
return self.first_of("quarter", day_of_week)
dt = self.replace(self.year, self.quarter * 3, 1)
last_month = dt.month
year = dt.year
dt = dt.first_of("quarter")
for i in range(nth - (1 if dt.day_of_week == day_of_week else 0)):
dt = dt.next(day_of_week)
if last_month < dt.month or year != dt.year:
return False
return self.set(self.year, dt.month, dt.day)
def _first_of_year(self, day_of_week=None):
Modify to the first occurrence of a given day of the week
in the current year. If no day_of_week is provided,
modify to the first day of the year. Use the supplied consts
to indicate the desired day_of_week, ex. pendulum.MONDAY.
:type day_of_week: int or None
:rtype: Date
return self.set(month=1).first_of("month", day_of_week)
def _last_of_year(self, day_of_week=None):
Modify to the last occurrence of a given day of the week
in the current year. If no day_of_week is provided,
modify to the last day of the year. Use the supplied consts
to indicate the desired day_of_week, ex. pendulum.MONDAY.
:type day_of_week: int or None
:rtype: Date
return self.set(month=MONTHS_PER_YEAR).last_of("month", day_of_week)
def _nth_of_year(self, nth, day_of_week):
Modify to the given occurrence of a given day of the week
in the current year. If the calculated occurrence is outside,
the scope of the current year, then return False and no
modifications are made. Use the supplied consts
to indicate the desired day_of_week, ex. pendulum.MONDAY.
:type nth: int
:type day_of_week: int or None
:rtype: Date
if nth == 1:
return self.first_of("year", day_of_week)
dt = self.first_of("year")
year = dt.year
for i in range(nth - (1 if dt.day_of_week == day_of_week else 0)):
dt = dt.next(day_of_week)
if year != dt.year:
return False
return self.set(self.year, dt.month, dt.day)
def average(self, dt=None):
Modify the current instance to the average
of a given instance (default now) and the current instance.
:type dt: Date or date
:rtype: Date
if dt is None:
dt = Date.today()
return self.add(days=int(self.diff(dt, False).in_days() / 2))
# Native methods override
def today(cls):
return pendulum.today().date()
def fromtimestamp(cls, t):
dt = super(Date, cls).fromtimestamp(t)
return cls(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day)
def fromordinal(cls, n):
dt = super(Date, cls).fromordinal(n)
return cls(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day)
def replace(self, year=None, month=None, day=None):
year = year if year is not None else self.year
month = month if month is not None else self.month
day = day if day is not None else self.day
return self.__class__(year, month, day)