//=================================================================// // VARIABLES //=================================================================// // Socket IO Object var socket; // UI references for jQuery var connect_status; var button_loadmodel; var button_newgame; var button_rndgame; var button_save; var button_saveas; var button_savetofile; var button_load; var button_import; var button_importwi; var button_impaidg; var button_settings; var button_format; var button_softprompt; var button_userscripts; var button_samplers; var button_mode; var button_mode_label; var button_send; var button_actmem; var button_actback; var button_actfwd; var button_actretry; var button_actwi; var game_text; var input_text; var message_text; var chat_name; var settings_menu; var format_menu; var wi_menu; var anote_menu; var anote_input; var anote_labelcur; var anote_slider; var debug_area; var popup; var popup_title; var popup_content; var popup_accept; var popup_close; var aidgpopup; var aidgpromptnum; var aidg_accept; var aidg_close; var saveaspopup; var saveasinput; var savepins; var topic; var saveas_accept; var saveas_close; var loadmodelpopup; var loadpopup; var loadcontent; var load_accept; var load_close; var sppopup; var spcontent; var sp_accept; var sp_close; var uspopup; var uscontent; var us_accept; var us_close; var nspopup; var ns_accept; var ns_close; var rspopup; var rs_accept; var rs_close; var seqselmenu; var seqselcontents; var stream_preview; var token_prob_container; var storyname = null; var memorymode = false; var memorytext = ""; var gamestarted = false; var wiscroll = 0; var editmode = false; var connected = false; var newly_loaded = true; var all_modified_chunks = new Set(); var modified_chunks = new Set(); var empty_chunks = new Set(); var gametext_bound = false; var saved_prompt = "..."; var wifolders_d = {}; var wifolders_l = []; var override_focusout = false; var sman_allow_delete = false; var sman_allow_rename = false; var allowsp = false; var remote = false; var gamestate = ""; var gamesaved = true; var modelname = null; var model = ""; var ignore_stream = false; // This is true iff [we're in macOS and the browser is Safari] or [we're in iOS] var using_webkit_patch = true; // Key states var shift_down = false; var do_clear_ent = false; // Whether or not an entry in the Userscripts menu is being dragged var us_dragging = false; // Whether or not an entry in the Samplers menu is being dragged var samplers_dragging = false; // Display vars var allowtoggle = false; var formatcount = 0; var allowedit = true; // Whether clicking on chunks will edit them // Adventure var action_mode = 0; // 0: story, 1: action var adventure = false; // Chatmode var chatmode = false; var sliders_throttle = getThrottle(200); var submit_throttle = null; //=================================================================// // METHODS //=================================================================// /** * Returns a function that will automatically wait for X ms before executing the callback * The timer is reset each time the returned function is called * Useful for methods where something is overridden too fast * @param ms milliseconds to wait before executing the callback * @return {(function(*): void)|*} function that takes the ms to wait and a callback to execute after the timer */ function getThrottle(ms) { var timer = {}; return function (id, callback) { if (timer[id]) { clearTimeout(timer[id]); } timer[id] = setTimeout(function () { callback(); delete timer[id]; }, ms); } } function reset_menus() { settings_menu.html(""); format_menu.html(""); wi_menu.html(""); } function addSetting(ob) { // Add setting block to Settings Menu if(ob.uitype == "slider"){ settings_menu.append("
\ "+ob.label+" ?"+ob.tooltip+"\
\ \
\ \
\ "+ob.min+"\
\ "+ob.max+"\
"); // Set references to HTML objects var refin = $("#"+ob.id); var reflb = $("#"+ob.id+"cur"); window["setting_"+ob.id] = refin; // Is this still needed? window["label_"+ob.id] = reflb; // Is this still needed? // Add event function to input var updateLabelColor = function () { var value = (ob.unit === "float" ? parseFloat : parseInt)(reflb.val()); if(value > ob.max || value < ob.min) { reflb.addClass("setting-value-warning"); } else { reflb.removeClass("setting-value-warning"); } } var send = function () { sliders_throttle(ob.id, function () { socket.send({'cmd': $(refin).attr('id'), 'data': $(reflb).val()}); }); } refin.on("input", function (event) { reflb.val(refin.val()); updateLabelColor(); send(); }).on("change", updateLabelColor); reflb.on("change", function (event) { var value = (ob.unit === "float" ? parseFloat : parseInt)(event.target.value); if(Number.isNaN(value) || (ob.min >= 0 && value < 0)) { event.target.value = refin.val(); return; } if (ob.unit === "float") { value = parseFloat(value.toFixed(3)); // Round to 3 decimal places to help avoid the number being too long to fit in the box } refin.val(value); reflb.val(value); updateLabelColor(); send(); }); } else if(ob.uitype == "toggle"){ settings_menu.append("
\ \ "+ob.label+" \ ?"+ob.tooltip+"\
"); // Tell Bootstrap-Toggle to render the new checkbox $("input[type=checkbox]").bootstrapToggle(); $("#"+ob.id).on("change", function () { if(allowtoggle) { socket.send({'cmd': $(this).attr('id'), 'data': $(this).prop('checked')}); } if(ob.id == "setadventure"){ setadventure($(this).prop('checked')); } }); } } function refreshTitle() { var title = gamesaved ? "" : "\u2731 "; if(storyname !== null) { title += storyname + " \u2014 "; } title += "KoboldAI Client"; if(modelname !== null) { title += " (" + modelname + ")"; } document.title = title; } function setGameSaved(state) { gamesaved = !!state; refreshTitle(); } function addFormat(ob) { // Check if we need to make a new column for this button if(formatcount == 0) { format_menu.append("
"); } // Get reference to the last child column var ref = $("#formatmenu > div").last(); // Add format block to Format Menu ref.append("
\ \ "+ob.label+" \ ?"+ob.tooltip+"\
"); // Tell Bootstrap-Toggle to render the new checkbox $("input[type=checkbox]").bootstrapToggle(); // Add event to input $("#"+ob.id).on("change", function () { if(allowtoggle) { socket.send({'cmd': $(this).attr('id'), 'data': $(this).prop('checked')}); } }); // Increment display variable formatcount++; if(formatcount == 2) { formatcount = 0; } } function addImportLine(ob) { popup_content.append("
"); $("#import"+ob.num).on("click", function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'importselect', 'data': $(this).attr('id')}); highlightImportLine($(this)); }); } function adjustWiCommentHeight(element) { element.style.height = "0px"; element.style.height = element.scrollHeight + "px"; element.parentNode.parentNode.style.height = element.scrollHeight + 90 + "px"; } function adjustWiFolderNameHeight(element) { element.style.height = "0px"; element.style.height = element.scrollHeight + "px"; element.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.height = element.scrollHeight + 19 + "px"; } function addWiLine(ob) { var current_wifolder_element = ob.folder === null ? $(".wisortable-body:not([folder-uid])").last() : $(".wisortable-body[folder-uid="+ob.folder+"]"); if(ob.init) { if(ob.selective){ current_wifolder_element.append("
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \
\ \
"); } else { current_wifolder_element.append("
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \
\ \
"); } adjustWiCommentHeight($("#wicomment"+ob.num)[0]); // Send key value to text input $("#wikey"+ob.num).val(ob.key); $("#wikeyprimary"+ob.num).val(ob.key); $("#wikeysecondary"+ob.num).val(ob.keysecondary); // Assign delete event to button $("#btn_wi"+ob.num).on("click", function () { showWiDeleteConfirm(ob.num); }); } else { // Show WI line item with form fields hidden (uninitialized) current_wifolder_element.append("
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \
\ \
"); // Assign function to expand WI item to button $("#btn_wi"+ob.num).on("click", function () { var folder = $("#wilistitem"+ob.num).parent().attr("folder-uid"); if(folder === undefined) { folder = null; } else { folder = parseInt(folder); } socket.send({'cmd': 'wiexpand', 'data': ob.num}); socket.send({'cmd': 'wiinit', 'folder': folder, 'data': ob.num}); }); } // Assign actions to other elements wientry_onfocus = function () { $("#selective-key-"+ob.num).addClass("selective-key-icon-clickthrough"); $("#constant-key-"+ob.num).addClass("constant-key-icon-clickthrough"); } wientry_onfocusout = function () { $("#selective-key-"+ob.num).removeClass("selective-key-icon-clickthrough"); $("#constant-key-"+ob.num).removeClass("constant-key-icon-clickthrough"); // Tell server about updated WI fields var selective = $("#wilistitem"+ob.num)[0].classList.contains("wilistitem-selective"); socket.send({'cmd': 'wiupdate', 'num': ob.num, 'data': { key: selective ? $("#wikeyprimary"+ob.num).val() : $("#wikey"+ob.num).val(), keysecondary: $("#wikeysecondary"+ob.num).val(), content: $("#wientry"+ob.num).val(), comment: $("#wicomment"+ob.num).val(), }}); } $("#wikey"+ob.num).on("focus", wientry_onfocus); $("#wikeyprimary"+ob.num).on("focus", wientry_onfocus); $("#wikeysecondary"+ob.num).on("focus", wientry_onfocus); $("#wientry"+ob.num).on("focus", wientry_onfocus); $("#wicomment"+ob.num).on("focus", wientry_onfocus); $("#wikey"+ob.num).on("focusout", wientry_onfocusout); $("#wikeyprimary"+ob.num).on("focusout", wientry_onfocusout); $("#wikeysecondary"+ob.num).on("focusout", wientry_onfocusout); $("#wientry"+ob.num).on("focusout", wientry_onfocusout); $("#wicomment"+ob.num).on("focusout", wientry_onfocusout); $("#btn_wican"+ob.num).on("click", function () { hideWiDeleteConfirm(ob.num); }); $("#btn_widel"+ob.num).on("click", function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'widelete', 'data': ob.uid}); }); $("#selective-key-"+ob.num).on("click", function () { var element = $("#selective-key-"+ob.num); if(element.hasClass("selective-key-icon-enabled")) { socket.send({'cmd': 'wiseloff', 'data': ob.num}); } else { socket.send({'cmd': 'wiselon', 'data': ob.num}); } }); $("#constant-key-"+ob.num).on("click", function () { var element = $("#constant-key-"+ob.num); if(element.hasClass("constant-key-icon-enabled")) { socket.send({'cmd': 'wiconstantoff', 'data': ob.num}); } else { socket.send({'cmd': 'wiconstanton', 'data': ob.num}); } }); $("#wihandle"+ob.num).off().on("mousedown", function () { wientry_onfocusout() $(".wisortable-container").addClass("wisortable-excluded"); // Prevent WI entries with extremely long comments from filling the screen and preventing scrolling $(this).parent().css("max-height", "200px").find(".wicomment").find(".form-control").css("max-height", "110px"); }).on("mouseup", function () { $(".wisortable-excluded-dynamic").removeClass("wisortable-excluded-dynamic"); $(this).parent().css("max-height", "").find(".wicomment").find(".form-control").css("max-height", ""); }); } function addWiFolder(uid, ob) { if(uid !== null) { var uninitialized = $("#wilistfoldercontainer"+null); var html = "
\ \ \ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
"; if(uninitialized.length) { $(html).insertBefore(uninitialized); } else { wi_menu.append(html); } var onfocusout = function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'wifolderupdate', 'uid': uid, 'data': { name: $("#wifoldername"+uid).val(), collapsed: !$("#btn_wifolderexpand"+uid).hasClass("folder-expanded"), }}); }; $("#wifoldergutter"+uid).on("click", function () { $(this).siblings(".wilistfolder")[0].scrollIntoView(); }); $("#btn_wifolder"+uid).on("click", function () { showWiFolderDeleteConfirm(uid); }); $("#btn_wifolderdel"+uid).on("click", function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'wifolderdelete', 'data': uid}); }); $("#btn_wifoldercan"+uid).on("click", function () { hideWiFolderDeleteConfirm(uid); }) $("#wifoldername"+uid).on("focusout", onfocusout); $("#wifolderhandle"+uid).off().on("mousedown", function () { onfocusout(); $(".wilistitem, .wisortable-dummy").addClass("wisortable-excluded-dynamic"); // Prevent WI folders with extremely long names from filling the screen and preventing scrolling $(this).parent().parent().find(".wisortable-body").addClass("hidden"); $(this).parent().css("max-height", "200px").find(".wifoldername").find(".form-control").css("max-height", "181px"); }).on("mouseup", function () { $(".wisortable-excluded-dynamic").removeClass("wisortable-excluded-dynamic"); $(this).parent().parent().find(".wisortable-body").removeClass("hidden"); $(this).parent().css("max-height", "").find(".wifoldername").find(".form-control").css("max-height", ""); }); $("#btn_wifolderexpand"+uid).on("click", function () { if($(this).hasClass("folder-expanded")) { socket.send({'cmd': 'wifoldercollapsecontent', 'data': uid}); } else { socket.send({'cmd': 'wifolderexpandcontent', 'data': uid}); } }) adjustWiFolderNameHeight($("#wifoldername"+uid)[0]); if(ob.collapsed) { setTimeout(function() { var container = $("#wilistfoldercontainer"+uid); hide([container.find(".wifoldergutter-container"), container.find(".wisortable-body")]); }, 2); } } else { wi_menu.append("
\ \ \ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
"); $("#btn_wifolder"+uid).on("click", function () { expandWiFolderLine(uid); }); } } function expandWiLine(num) { show([$("#wikey"+num), $("#wientry"+num), $("#wihandle"+num), $("#selective-key-"+num), $("#constant-key-"+num), $("#btn_wiselon"+num), $("#wicomment"+num)]); $("#wihandle"+num).removeClass("wihandle-inactive").addClass("wihandle"); $("#btn_wi"+num).html("X"); $("#btn_wi"+num).off(); $("#wilistitem"+num).removeClass("wilistitem-uninitialized").removeClass("wisortable-excluded"); $("#btn_wi"+num).on("click", function () { showWiDeleteConfirm(num); }); adjustWiCommentHeight($("#wicomment"+num)[0]); } function expandWiFolderLine(num) { socket.send({'cmd': 'wifolderinit', 'data': ''}); } function showWiDeleteConfirm(num) { hide([$("#btn_wi"+num)]); show([$("#btn_widel"+num), $("#btn_wican"+num)]); } function showWiFolderDeleteConfirm(num) { hide([$("#btn_wifolder"+num)]); show([$("#btn_wifolderdel"+num), $("#btn_wifoldercan"+num)]); } function hideWiDeleteConfirm(num) { show([$("#btn_wi"+num)]); hide([$("#btn_widel"+num), $("#btn_wican"+num)]); } function hideWiFolderDeleteConfirm(num) { show([$("#btn_wifolder"+num)]); hide([$("#btn_wifolderdel"+num), $("#btn_wifoldercan"+num)]); } function collapseWiFolderContent(uid) { hide([$("#wifoldergutter"+uid), $(".wisortable-body[folder-uid="+uid+"]")]); $("#btn_wifolderexpand"+uid).removeClass("folder-expanded"); $("#wilistfoldercontainer"+uid).removeClass("folder-expanded"); } function expandWiFolderContent(uid) { show([$("#wifoldergutter"+uid), $(".wisortable-body[folder-uid="+uid+"]")]); $("#btn_wifolderexpand"+uid).addClass("folder-expanded"); $("#wilistfoldercontainer"+uid).addClass("folder-expanded"); } function enableWiSelective(num) { hide([$("#wikey"+num)]); $("#wikeyprimary"+num).val($("#wikey"+num).val()); show([$("#wikeyprimary"+num), $("#wikeysecondary"+num)]); var element = $("#selective-key-"+num); element.addClass("selective-key-icon-enabled"); $("#wikey"+num).addClass("wilistitem-selective"); } function disableWiSelective(num) { hide([$("#wikeyprimary"+num), $("#wikeysecondary"+num)]); $("#wikey"+num).val($("#wikeyprimary"+num).val()); show([$("#wikey"+num)]); var element = $("#selective-key-"+num); element.removeClass("selective-key-icon-enabled"); $("#wikey"+num).removeClass("wilistitem-selective"); } function enableWiConstant(num) { var element = $("#constant-key-"+num); element.addClass("constant-key-icon-enabled"); $("#wikey"+num).addClass("wilistitem-constant"); } function disableWiConstant(num) { var element = $("#constant-key-"+num); element.removeClass("constant-key-icon-enabled"); $("#wikey"+num).removeClass("wilistitem-constant"); } function highlightImportLine(ref) { $("#popupcontent > div").removeClass("popuplistselected"); ref.addClass("popuplistselected"); enableButtons([popup_accept]); } function enableButtons(refs) { for(i=0; i"); } function hideWaitAnimation() { $('#waitanim').remove(); } function scrollToBottom() { setTimeout(function () { game_text.stop(true).animate({scrollTop: game_text.prop('scrollHeight')}, 500); }, 5); } function hide(refs) { for(i=0; i"+breadcrumbs[i][1]+"\\"); $("#model_breadcrumbs"+i).off("click").on("click", (function () { return function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'selectmodel', 'data': $(this).attr("name"), 'folder': $(this).attr("value")}); disableButtons([load_model_accept]); } })(i)); } if (breadcrumbs.length > 0) { $("#loadmodellistbreadcrumbs").append("
") } //If we're in the custom load menu (we need to send the path data back in that case) if(['NeoCustom', 'GPT2Custom'].includes(menu)) { $("#loadmodel"+i).off("click").on("click", (function () { return function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'selectmodel', 'data': $(this).attr("name"), 'path': $(this).attr("pretty_name")}); highlightLoadLine($(this)); } })(i)); $("#custommodelname").removeClass("hidden"); $("#custommodelname")[0].setAttribute("menu", menu); } for(i=0; i\
" //if the menu item is a link to another menu if(ar[i][3]) { html = html + "" } else { //this is a model html = html + "
" } //now let's do the delete icon if applicable if (['NeoCustom', 'GPT2Custom'].includes(menu) && !ar[i][3] && showdelete) { html = html + "" } else { html = html + "
" } html = html + "
\ " loadmodelcontent.append(html); //If this is a menu console.log(ar[i]); if(ar[i][3]) { $("#loadmodel"+i).off("click").on("click", (function () { return function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'list_model', 'data': $(this).attr("name"), 'pretty_name': $(this).attr("pretty_name")}); disableButtons([load_model_accept]); } })(i)); //Normal load } else { if (['NeoCustom', 'GPT2Custom'].includes(menu)) { $("#loadmodel"+i).off("click").on("click", (function () { return function () { $("#use_gpu_div").addClass("hidden"); $("#modelkey").addClass("hidden"); $("#modellayers").addClass("hidden"); socket.send({'cmd': 'selectmodel', 'data': $(this).attr("name"), 'path': $(this).attr("pretty_name")}); highlightLoadLine($(this)); } })(i)); } else { $("#loadmodel"+i).off("click").on("click", (function () { return function () { $("#use_gpu_div").addClass("hidden"); $("#modelkey").addClass("hidden"); $("#modellayers").addClass("hidden"); socket.send({'cmd': 'selectmodel', 'data': $(this).attr("name")}); highlightLoadLine($(this)); } })(i)); } } } } function buildLoadList(ar) { disableButtons([load_accept]); loadcontent.html(""); showLoadPopup(); var i; for(i=0; i\
\ \
\ \
\ "); $("#load"+i).on("click", function () { enableButtons([load_accept]); socket.send({'cmd': 'loadselect', 'data': $(this).attr("name")}); highlightLoadLine($(this)); }); $("#loaddelete"+i).off("click").on("click", (function (name) { return function () { if(!sman_allow_delete) { return; } $("#loadcontainerdelete-storyname").text(name); $("#btn_dsaccept").off("click").on("click", (function (name) { return function () { hide([$(".saveasoverwrite"), $(".popuperror")]); socket.send({'cmd': 'deletestory', 'data': name}); } })(name)); $("#loadcontainerdelete").removeClass("hidden").addClass("flex"); } })(ar[i].name)); $("#loadrename"+i).off("click").on("click", (function (name) { return function () { if(!sman_allow_rename) { return; } $("#newsavename").val("") $("#loadcontainerrename-storyname").text(name); var submit = (function (name) { return function () { hide([$(".saveasoverwrite"), $(".popuperror")]); socket.send({'cmd': 'renamestory', 'data': name, 'newname': $("#newsavename").val()}); } })(name); $("#btn_rensaccept").off("click").on("click", submit); $("#newsavename").off("keydown").on("keydown", function (ev) { if (ev.which == 13 && $(this).val() != "") { submit(); } }); $("#loadcontainerrename").removeClass("hidden").addClass("flex"); $("#newsavename").val(name).select(); } })(ar[i].name)); } } function buildSPList(ar) { disableButtons([sp_accept]); spcontent.html(""); showSPPopup(); ar.push({filename: '', name: "[None]"}) for(var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { var author = !ar[i].author ? '' : ar[i].author.constructor === Array ? ar[i].author.join(', ') : ar[i].author; var n_tokens = !ar[i].n_tokens || !Number.isSafeInteger(ar[i].n_tokens) || ar[i].n_tokens < 1 ? '' : "(" + ar[i].n_tokens + " tokens)"; var filename = ar[i].filename.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/(?=\r|\n)\r?\n?/g, '
'); var name = ar[i].name || ar[i].filename; name = name.length > 120 ? name.slice(0, 117) + '...' : name; name = name.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/(?=\r|\n)\r?\n?/g, '
'); var desc = ar[i].description || ''; desc = desc.length > 500 ? desc.slice(0, 497) + '...' : desc; desc = desc.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/(?=\r|\n)\r?\n?/g, '
'); spcontent.append("
" + author + "
" + n_tokens + "
"); $("#sp"+i).on("click", function () { enableButtons([sp_accept]); socket.send({'cmd': 'spselect', 'data': $(this).attr("name")}); highlightSPLine($(this)); }); } } function buildUSList(unloaded, loaded) { usunloaded.html(""); usloaded.html(""); showUSPopup(); var i; var j; var el = usunloaded; var ar = unloaded; for(j=0; j<2; j++) { for(i=0; i\
\ "); } el = usloaded; ar = loaded; } } function buildSamplerList(samplers) { samplerslist.html(""); showSamplersPopup(); var i; var samplers_lookup_table = [ "Top-k Sampling", "Top-a Sampling", "Top-p Sampling", "Tail-free Sampling", "Typical Sampling", "Temperature", ] for(i=0; i\
\ "); } } function highlightLoadLine(ref) { $("#loadlistcontent > div > div.popuplistselected").removeClass("popuplistselected"); $("#loadmodellistcontent > div > div.popuplistselected").removeClass("popuplistselected"); ref.addClass("popuplistselected"); } function highlightSPLine(ref) { $("#splistcontent > div > div.popuplistselected").removeClass("popuplistselected"); ref.addClass("popuplistselected"); } function showNewStoryPopup() { nspopup.removeClass("hidden"); nspopup.addClass("flex"); } function hideNewStoryPopup() { nspopup.removeClass("flex"); nspopup.addClass("hidden"); } function showRandomStoryPopup() { rspopup.removeClass("hidden"); rspopup.addClass("flex"); if($("#setrngpersist").prop("checked")) { $("#rngmemory").val(memorytext); } } function hideRandomStoryPopup() { rspopup.removeClass("flex"); rspopup.addClass("hidden"); } function statFlash(ref) { ref.addClass("status-flash"); setTimeout(function () { ref.addClass("colorfade"); ref.removeClass("status-flash"); setTimeout(function () { ref.removeClass("colorfade"); }, 1000); }, 50); } function updateUSStatItems(items, flash) { var stat_us = $("#stat-us"); var stat_usactive = $("#stat-usactive"); if(flash || stat_usactive.find("li").length != items.length) { statFlash(stat_us.closest(".statusicon").add("#usiconlabel")); } stat_usactive.html(""); if(items.length == 0) { stat_us.html("No userscripts active"); $("#usiconlabel").html(""); stat_us.closest(".statusicon").removeClass("active"); return; } stat_us.html("Active userscripts:"); stat_us.closest(".statusicon").addClass("active"); var i; for(i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { stat_usactive.append($("
  • "+items[i].modulename+" <"+items[i].filename+">
  • ")); } $("#usiconlabel").html(items.length); } function updateSPStatItems(items) { var stat_sp = $("#stat-sp"); var stat_spactive = $("#stat-spactive"); var key = null; var old_val = stat_spactive.html(); Object.keys(items).forEach(function(k) {key = k;}); if(key === null) { stat_sp.html("No soft prompt active"); stat_sp.closest(".statusicon").removeClass("active"); stat_spactive.html(""); } else { stat_sp.html("Active soft prompt (" + items[key].n_tokens + " tokens):"); stat_sp.closest(".statusicon").addClass("active"); stat_spactive.html((items[key].name || key)+" <"+key+">"); } if(stat_spactive.html() !== old_val) { statFlash(stat_sp.closest(".statusicon")); } } function setStartState() { enableSendBtn(); enableButtons([button_actmem, button_actwi]); disableButtons([button_actback, button_actfwd, button_actretry]); hide([wi_menu]); show([game_text, button_actmem, button_actwi, button_actback, button_actfwd, button_actretry]); hideMessage(); hideWaitAnimation(); button_actmem.html("Memory"); button_actwi.html("W Info"); hideAidgPopup(); hideSaveAsPopup(); hideLoadPopup(); hideNewStoryPopup(); hidegenseqs(); } function parsegenseqs(seqs) { seqselcontents.html(""); var i; for(i=0; i"+seqs[i][0]+"" //Now do the icon (pin/redo) if (seqs[i][1] == "redo") { text_data = text_data + "" } else if (seqs[i][1] == "pinned") { text_data = text_data + "" } else { text_data = text_data + "" } text_data = text_data + "" seqselcontents.append(text_data); //setup on-click actions $("#seqsel"+i).on("click", function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'seqsel', 'data': $(this).attr("n")}); }); //onclick for pin only if (seqs[i][1] != "redo") { $("#seqselpin"+i).on("click", function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'seqpin', 'data': $(this).attr("n")}); if ($(this).attr("style") == "color: grey") { console.log($(this).attr("style")); $(this).css({"color": "white"}); console.log($(this).attr("style")); } else { console.log($(this).attr("style")); $(this).css({"color": "grey"}); console.log($(this).attr("style")); } }); } } $('#seqselmenu').slideDown("slow"); } function hidegenseqs() { $('#seqselmenu').slideUp("slow", function() { seqselcontents.html(""); }); scrollToBottom(); } function setmodevisibility(state) { if(state){ // Enabling show([button_mode]); $("#inputrow").addClass("show_mode"); } else{ // Disabling hide([button_mode]); $("#inputrow").removeClass("show_mode"); } } function setchatnamevisibility(state) { if(state){ // Enabling show([chat_name]); } else{ // Disabling hide([chat_name]); } } function setadventure(state) { adventure = state; if(state) { game_text.addClass("adventure"); } else { game_text.removeClass("adventure"); } if(!memorymode){ setmodevisibility(state); } } function setchatmode(state) { chatmode = state; setchatnamevisibility(state); } function autofocus(event) { if(connected) { event.target.focus(); } else { event.preventDefault(); } } function sortableOnStart(event, ui) { } function sortableOnStop(event, ui) { if(ui.item.hasClass("wilistitem")) { // When a WI entry is dragged and dropped, tell the server which WI // entry was dropped and which WI entry comes immediately after the // dropped position so that the server can internally move around // the WI entries var next_sibling = ui.item.next(".wilistitem").attr("uid"); if(next_sibling === undefined) { next_sibling = ui.item.next().next().attr("uid"); } next_sibling = parseInt(next_sibling); if(Number.isNaN(next_sibling)) { $(this).sortable("cancel"); return; } socket.send({'cmd': 'wimoveitem', 'destination': next_sibling, 'data': parseInt(ui.item.attr("uid"))}); } else { // Do the same thing for WI folders var next_sibling = ui.item.next(".wisortable-container").attr("folder-uid"); if(next_sibling === undefined) { next_sibling = null; } else { next_sibling = parseInt(next_sibling); } if(Number.isNaN(next_sibling)) { $(this).sortable("cancel"); return; } socket.send({'cmd': 'wimovefolder', 'destination': next_sibling, 'data': parseInt(ui.item.attr("folder-uid"))}); } } function chunkOnTextInput(event) { // The enter key does not behave correctly in almost all non-Firefox // browsers, so we (attempt to) shim all enter keystrokes here to behave the // same as in Firefox if(event.originalEvent.data.slice(-1) === '\n') { event.preventDefault(); var s = getSelection(); // WARNING: Do not use rangy.getSelection() instead of getSelection() var r = s.getRangeAt(0); // We prefer using document.execCommand here because it works best on // mobile devices, but the other method is also here as // a fallback if(document.queryCommandSupported && document.execCommand && document.queryCommandSupported('insertHTML')) { document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, event.originalEvent.data.slice(0, -1).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/(?=\r|\n)\r?\n?/g, '
    ') + '
    |'); var t = $('#_EDITOR_SENTINEL_').contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType === 3; })[0]; } else { var t = document.createTextNode('|'); var b = document.createElement('br'); b.id = "_EDITOR_LINEBREAK_"; r.insertNode(b); r.collapse(false); r.insertNode(t); } r.selectNodeContents(t); s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); if(document.queryCommandSupported && document.execCommand && document.queryCommandSupported('forwardDelete')) { r.collapse(true); document.execCommand('forwardDelete'); } else { // deleteContents() sometimes breaks using the left // arrow key in some browsers so we prefer the // document.execCommand method r.deleteContents(); } // In Chrome and Safari the added
    will go outside of the chunks if we press // enter at the end of the story in the editor, so this is here // to put the
    back in the right place var br = $("#_EDITOR_LINEBREAK_")[0]; if(br.parentNode === game_text[0]) { var parent = br.previousSibling; if(br.previousSibling.nodeType !== 1) { parent = br.previousSibling.previousSibling; br.previousSibling.previousSibling.appendChild(br.previousSibling); } if(parent.lastChild.tagName === "BR") { parent.lastChild.remove(); // Chrome and Safari also insert an extra
    in this case for some reason so we need to remove it if(using_webkit_patch) { // Safari on iOS has a bug where it selects all text in the last chunk of the story when this happens so we collapse the selection to the end of the chunk in that case setTimeout(function() { var s = getSelection(); var r = s.getRangeAt(0); r.selectNodeContents(parent); r.collapse(false); s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); }, 2); } } br.previousSibling.appendChild(br); r.selectNodeContents(br.parentNode); s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); r.collapse(false); } br.id = ""; if(game_text[0].lastChild.tagName === "BR") { br.parentNode.appendChild(game_text[0].lastChild); } return; } } // This gets run when one or more chunks are edited. The event occurs before // the actual edits are made by the browser, so we are free to check which // nodes are selected or stop the event from occurring. function chunkOnBeforeInput(event) { // Register all selected chunks as having been modified applyChunkDeltas(getSelectedNodes()); // Fix editing across chunks and paragraphs in Firefox 93.0 and higher if(event.originalEvent.inputType === "deleteContentBackward" && document.queryCommandSupported && document.execCommand && document.queryCommandSupported('delete')) { event.preventDefault(); document.execCommand('delete'); } var s = rangy.getSelection(); if(buildChunkSetFromNodeArray(getSelectedNodes()).size === 0) { var s = rangy.getSelection(); var r = s.getRangeAt(0); if(document.queryCommandSupported && document.execCommand && document.queryCommandSupported('insertHTML')) { document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, '|'); } else { var t = document.createTextNode('|'); var b = document.createElement('span'); b.id = "_EDITOR_SENTINEL_"; b.insertNode(t); r.insertNode(b); } var sentinel = document.getElementById("_EDITOR_SENTINEL_"); if(sentinel.nextSibling && sentinel.nextSibling.tagName === "CHUNK") { r.selectNodeContents(sentinel.nextSibling); r.collapse(true); } else if(sentinel.previousSibling && sentinel.previousSibling.tagName === "CHUNK") { r.selectNodeContents(sentinel.previousSibling); r.collapse(false); } s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); sentinel.parentNode.removeChild(sentinel); } } function chunkOnKeyDown(event) { // Make escape commit the changes (Originally we had Enter here to but its not required and nicer for users if we let them type freely // You can add the following after 27 if you want it back to committing on enter : || (!event.shiftKey && event.keyCode == 13) if(event.keyCode == 27) { override_focusout = true; game_text.blur(); event.preventDefault(); return; } // Don't allow any edits if not connected to server if(!connected) { event.preventDefault(); return; } // Prevent CTRL+B, CTRL+I and CTRL+U when editing chunks if(event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) { // metaKey is macOS's command key switch(event.keyCode) { case 66: case 98: case 73: case 105: case 85: case 117: event.preventDefault(); return; } } } function downloadStory(format) { var filename_without_extension = storyname !== null ? storyname : "untitled"; var anchor = document.createElement('a'); var actionlist = $("chunk"); var actionlist_compiled = []; for(var i = 0; i < actionlist.length; i++) { actionlist_compiled.push(actionlist[i].innerText.replace(/\u00a0/g, " ")); } var last = actionlist_compiled[actionlist_compiled.length-1]; if(last && last.slice(-1) === '\n') { actionlist_compiled[actionlist_compiled.length-1] = last.slice(0, -1); } if(format == "plaintext") { var objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(actionlist_compiled, {type: "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"})); anchor.setAttribute('href', objectURL); anchor.setAttribute('download', filename_without_extension + ".txt"); anchor.click(); URL.revokeObjectURL(objectURL); return; } var wilist = $(".wilistitem"); var wilist_compiled = []; for(var i = 0; i < wilist.length; i++) { if(wilist[i].classList.contains("wilistitem-uninitialized")) { continue; } var selective = wilist[i].classList.contains("wilistitem-selective"); var folder = $("#wilistitem"+i).parent().attr("folder-uid"); if(folder === undefined) { folder = null; } else { folder = parseInt(folder); } wilist_compiled.push({ key: selective ? $("#wikeyprimary"+i).val() : $("#wikey"+i).val(), keysecondary: $("#wikeysecondary"+i).val(), content: $("#wientry"+i).val(), comment: $("#wicomment"+i).val(), folder: folder, selective: selective, constant: wilist[i].classList.contains("wilistitem-constant"), }); } var prompt = actionlist_compiled.shift(); if(prompt === undefined) { prompt = ""; } var objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([JSON.stringify({ gamestarted: gamestarted, prompt: prompt, memory: memorytext, authorsnote: $("#anoteinput").val(), anotetemplate: $("#anotetemplate").val(), actions: actionlist_compiled, worldinfo: wilist_compiled, wifolders_d: wifolders_d, wifolders_l: wifolders_l, }, null, 3)], {type: "application/json; charset=UTF-8"})); anchor.setAttribute('href', objectURL); anchor.setAttribute('download', filename_without_extension + ".json"); anchor.click(); URL.revokeObjectURL(objectURL); } function buildChunkSetFromNodeArray(nodes) { var set = new Set(); for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { node = nodes[i]; while(node !== null && node.tagName !== "CHUNK") { node = node.parentNode; } if(node === null) { continue; } set.add(node.getAttribute("n")); } return set; } function getSelectedNodes() { var range = rangy.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); // rangy is not a typo var nodes = range.getNodes([1,3]); nodes.push(range.startContainer); nodes.push(range.endContainer); return nodes } function applyChunkDeltas(nodes) { var chunks = Array.from(buildChunkSetFromNodeArray(nodes)); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { modified_chunks.add(chunks[i]); all_modified_chunks.add(chunks[i]); } setTimeout(function() { var chunks = Array.from(modified_chunks); var selected_chunks = buildChunkSetFromNodeArray(getSelectedNodes()); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { var chunk = document.getElementById("n" + chunks[i]); if(chunk && formatChunkInnerText(chunk).trim().length != 0 && chunks[i] != '0') { if(!selected_chunks.has(chunks[i])) { modified_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); socket.send({'cmd': 'inlineedit', 'chunk': chunks[i], 'data': formatChunkInnerText(chunk)}); if(submit_throttle !== null) { submit_throttle(0, _dosubmit); } } empty_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); } else { if(!selected_chunks.has(chunks[i])) { modified_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); socket.send({'cmd': 'inlineedit', 'chunk': chunks[i], 'data': formatChunkInnerText(chunk)}); if(submit_throttle !== null) { submit_throttle(0, _dosubmit); } } empty_chunks.add(chunks[i]); } } }, 2); } function syncAllModifiedChunks(including_selected_chunks=false) { var chunks = Array.from(modified_chunks); var selected_chunks = buildChunkSetFromNodeArray(getSelectedNodes()); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { if(including_selected_chunks || !selected_chunks.has(chunks[i])) { modified_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); var chunk = document.getElementById("n" + chunks[i]); var data = chunk ? formatChunkInnerText(document.getElementById("n" + chunks[i])) : ""; if(data.length == 0) { empty_chunks.add(chunks[i]); } else { empty_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); } socket.send({'cmd': 'inlineedit', 'chunk': chunks[i], 'data': data}); if(submit_throttle !== null) { submit_throttle(0, _dosubmit); } } } } function restorePrompt() { if($("#n0").length && formatChunkInnerText($("#n0")[0]).length === 0) { $("#n0").remove(); } var shadow_text = $("" + game_text.html() + ""); var detected = false; var ref = null; try { if(shadow_text.length && shadow_text[0].firstChild && (shadow_text[0].firstChild.nodeType === 3 || shadow_text[0].firstChild.tagName === "BR")) { detected = true; ref = shadow_text; } else if(game_text.length && game_text[0].firstChild && (game_text[0].firstChild.nodeType === 3 || game_text[0].firstChild.tagName === "BR")) { detected = true; ref = game_text; } } catch (e) { detected = false; } if(detected) { unbindGametext(); var text = []; while(true) { if(ref.length && ref[0].firstChild && ref[0].firstChild.nodeType === 3) { text.push(ref[0].firstChild.textContent.replace(/\u00a0/g, " ")); } else if(ref.length && ref[0].firstChild && ref[0].firstChild.tagName === "BR") { text.push("\n"); } else { break; } ref[0].removeChild(ref[0].firstChild); } text = text.join("").trim(); if(text.length) { saved_prompt = text; } game_text[0].innerHTML = ""; bindGametext(); } game_text.children().each(function() { if(this.tagName !== "CHUNK") { this.parentNode.removeChild(this); } }); if(!detected) { game_text.children().each(function() { if(this.innerText.trim().length) { saved_prompt = this.innerText.trim(); socket.send({'cmd': 'inlinedelete', 'data': this.getAttribute("n")}); if(submit_throttle !== null) { submit_throttle(0, _dosubmit); } this.parentNode.removeChild(this); return false; } socket.send({'cmd': 'inlinedelete', 'data': this.getAttribute("n")}); if(submit_throttle !== null) { submit_throttle(0, _dosubmit); } this.parentNode.removeChild(this); }); } var prompt_chunk = document.createElement("chunk"); prompt_chunk.setAttribute("n", "0"); prompt_chunk.setAttribute("id", "n0"); prompt_chunk.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); prompt_chunk.innerText = saved_prompt; unbindGametext(); game_text[0].prepend(prompt_chunk); bindGametext(); modified_chunks.delete('0'); empty_chunks.delete('0'); socket.send({'cmd': 'inlineedit', 'chunk': '0', 'data': saved_prompt}); if(submit_throttle !== null) { submit_throttle(0, _dosubmit); } } function deleteEmptyChunks() { var chunks = Array.from(empty_chunks); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { empty_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); if(chunks[i] === "0") { // Don't delete the prompt restorePrompt(); } else { socket.send({'cmd': 'inlinedelete', 'data': chunks[i]}); if(submit_throttle !== null) { submit_throttle(0, _dosubmit); } } } if(modified_chunks.has('0')) { modified_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); socket.send({'cmd': 'inlineedit', 'chunk': chunks[i], 'data': formatChunkInnerText(document.getElementById("n0"))}); if(submit_throttle !== null) { submit_throttle(0, _dosubmit); } } if(gamestarted) { saved_prompt = formatChunkInnerText($("#n0")[0]); } } function highlightEditingChunks() { var chunks = $('chunk.editing').toArray(); var selected_chunks = buildChunkSetFromNodeArray(getSelectedNodes()); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { var chunk = chunks[i]; if(!selected_chunks.has(chunks[i].getAttribute("n"))) { unbindGametext(); $(chunk).removeClass('editing'); bindGametext(); } } chunks = Array.from(selected_chunks); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { var chunk = $("#n"+chunks[i]); unbindGametext(); chunk.addClass('editing'); bindGametext(); } } function cleanupChunkWhitespace() { unbindGametext(); var chunks = Array.from(all_modified_chunks); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { var original_chunk = document.getElementById("n" + chunks[i]); if(original_chunk === null || original_chunk.innerText.trim().length === 0) { all_modified_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); modified_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); empty_chunks.add(chunks[i]); } } // Merge empty chunks with the next chunk var chunks = Array.from(empty_chunks); chunks.sort(function(e) {parseInt(e)}); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { if(chunks[i] == "0") { continue; } var original_chunk = document.getElementById("n" + chunks[i]); if(original_chunk === null) { continue; } var chunk = original_chunk.nextSibling; while(chunk) { if(chunk.tagName === "CHUNK") { break; } chunk = chunk.nextSibling; } if(chunk) { chunk.innerText = original_chunk.innerText + chunk.innerText; if(original_chunk.innerText.length != 0 && !modified_chunks.has(chunk.getAttribute("n"))) { modified_chunks.add(chunk.getAttribute("n")); } } original_chunk.innerText = ""; } // Move whitespace at the end of non-empty chunks into the beginning of the next non-empty chunk var chunks = Array.from(all_modified_chunks); chunks.sort(function(e) {parseInt(e)}); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { var original_chunk = document.getElementById("n" + chunks[i]); var chunk = original_chunk.nextSibling; while(chunk) { if(chunk.tagName === "CHUNK" && !empty_chunks.has(chunk.getAttribute("n"))) { break; } chunk = chunk.nextSibling; } var ln = original_chunk.innerText.trimEnd().length; if (chunk) { chunk.innerText = original_chunk.innerText.substring(ln) + chunk.innerText; if(ln != original_chunk.innerText.length && !modified_chunks.has(chunk.getAttribute("n"))) { modified_chunks.add(chunk.getAttribute("n")); } } original_chunk.innerText = original_chunk.innerText.substring(0, ln); } bindGametext(); } // This gets run every time the text in a chunk is edited // or a chunk is deleted function chunkOnDOMMutate(mutations, observer) { if(!gametext_bound || !allowedit) { return; } var nodes = []; for(var i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) { var mutation = mutations[i]; nodes = nodes.concat(Array.from(mutation.addedNodes), Array.from(mutation.removedNodes)); nodes.push(mutation.target); } applyChunkDeltas(nodes); } // This gets run every time you try to paste text into the editor function chunkOnPaste(event) { // Register the chunk we're pasting in as having been modified applyChunkDeltas(getSelectedNodes()); // If possible, intercept paste events into the editor in order to always // paste as plaintext if(event.originalEvent.clipboardData && document.queryCommandSupported && document.execCommand && document.queryCommandSupported('insertHTML')) { event.preventDefault(); document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, event.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text/plain').replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/(?=\r|\n)\r?\n?/g, '
    ')); } else if (event.originalEvent.clipboardData) { event.preventDefault(); var s = getSelection(); // WARNING: Do not use rangy.getSelection() instead of getSelection() var r = s.getRangeAt(0); r.deleteContents(); var nodes = Array.from($('' + event.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text/plain').replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/(?=\r|\n)\r?\n?/g, '
    ') + '
    ')[0].childNodes); for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { r.insertNode(nodes[i]); r.collapse(false); } } } // This gets run every time the caret moves in the editor function _chunkOnSelectionChange(event, do_blur_focus) { if(!gametext_bound || !allowedit || override_focusout) { override_focusout = false; return; } setTimeout(function() { syncAllModifiedChunks(); setTimeout(function() { highlightEditingChunks(); // Attempt to prevent Chromium-based browsers on Android from // scrolling away from the current selection if(do_blur_focus && !using_webkit_patch) { setTimeout(function() { game_text.blur(); game_text.focus(); }, 144); } }, 2); }, 2); } function chunkOnSelectionChange(event) { return _chunkOnSelectionChange(event, true); } function chunkOnKeyDownSelectionChange(event) { return _chunkOnSelectionChange(event, false); } // This gets run when you defocus the editor by clicking // outside of the editor or by pressing escape or tab function chunkOnFocusOut(event) { if(event !== "override" && (!gametext_bound || !allowedit || event.target !== game_text[0])) { return; } setTimeout(function() { if(document.activeElement === game_text[0] || game_text[0].contains(document.activeElement)) { return; } cleanupChunkWhitespace(); all_modified_chunks = new Set(); syncAllModifiedChunks(true); setTimeout(function() { var blurred = game_text[0] !== document.activeElement; if(blurred) { deleteEmptyChunks(); } setTimeout(function() { $("chunk").removeClass('editing'); }, 2); }, 2); }, 2); } function bindGametext() { mutation_observer.observe(game_text[0], {characterData: true, childList: true, subtree: true}); gametext_bound = true; } function unbindGametext() { mutation_observer.disconnect(); gametext_bound = false; } function beginStream() { ignore_stream = false; token_prob_container[0].innerHTML = ""; } function endStream() { // Clear stream, the real text is about to be displayed. ignore_stream = true; if (stream_preview) { stream_preview.remove(); stream_preview = null; } } function update_gpu_layers() { var gpu_layers gpu_layers = 0; for (let i=0; i < $("#gpu_count")[0].value; i++) { gpu_layers += parseInt($("#gpu_layers"+i)[0].value); $("#gpu_layers_box_"+i)[0].value=$("#gpu_layers"+i)[0].value; } if ($("#disk_layers").length > 0) { gpu_layers += parseInt($("#disk_layers")[0].value); $("#disk_layers_box")[0].value=$("#disk_layers")[0].value; } if (gpu_layers > parseInt(document.getElementById("gpu_layers_max").innerHTML)) { disableButtons([load_model_accept]); $("#gpu_layers_current").html(""+gpu_layers+"/"+ document.getElementById("gpu_layers_max").innerHTML +""); } else { enableButtons([load_model_accept]); $("#gpu_layers_current").html(gpu_layers+"/"+document.getElementById("gpu_layers_max").innerHTML); } } function RemoveAllButFirstOption(selectElement) { var i, L = selectElement.options.length - 1; for(i = L; i >= 1; i--) { selectElement.remove(i); } } function interpolateRGB(color0, color1, t) { return [ color0[0] + ((color1[0] - color0[0]) * t), color0[1] + ((color1[1] - color0[1]) * t), color0[2] + ((color1[2] - color0[2]) * t), ] } //=================================================================// // READY/RUNTIME //=================================================================// $(document).ready(function(){ // Bind UI references connect_status = $('#connectstatus'); button_loadmodel = $('#btn_loadmodel'); button_showmodel = $('#btn_showmodel'); button_newgame = $('#btn_newgame'); button_rndgame = $('#btn_rndgame'); button_save = $('#btn_save'); button_saveas = $('#btn_saveas'); button_savetofile = $('#btn_savetofile'); button_download = $('#btn_download'); button_downloadtxt= $('#btn_downloadtxt'); button_load = $('#btn_load'); button_loadfrfile = $('#btn_loadfromfile'); button_import = $("#btn_import"); button_importwi = $("#btn_importwi"); button_impaidg = $("#btn_impaidg"); button_settings = $('#btn_settings'); button_format = $('#btn_format'); button_softprompt = $("#btn_softprompt"); button_userscripts= $("#btn_userscripts"); button_samplers = $("#btn_samplers"); button_mode = $('#btnmode') button_mode_label = $('#btnmode_label') button_send = $('#btnsend'); button_actmem = $('#btn_actmem'); button_actback = $('#btn_actundo'); button_actfwd = $('#btn_actredo'); button_actretry = $('#btn_actretry'); button_actwi = $('#btn_actwi'); game_text = $('#gametext'); input_text = $('#input_text'); message_text = $('#messagefield'); chat_name = $('#chatname'); settings_menu = $("#settingsmenu"); format_menu = $('#formatmenu'); anote_menu = $('#anoterowcontainer'); debug_area = $('#debugcontainer'); wi_menu = $('#wimenu'); anote_input = $('#anoteinput'); anote_labelcur = $('#anotecur'); anote_slider = $('#anotedepth'); popup = $("#popupcontainer"); popup_title = $("#popuptitletext"); popup_content = $("#popupcontent"); popup_accept = $("#btn_popupaccept"); popup_close = $("#btn_popupclose"); aidgpopup = $("#aidgpopupcontainer"); aidgpromptnum = $("#aidgpromptnum"); aidg_accept = $("#btn_aidgpopupaccept"); aidg_close = $("#btn_aidgpopupclose"); saveaspopup = $("#saveascontainer"); saveasinput = $("#savename"); savepins = $("#savepins"); topic = $("#topic"); saveas_accept = $("#btn_saveasaccept"); saveas_close = $("#btn_saveasclose"); loadpopup = $("#loadcontainer"); loadmodelpopup = $("#loadmodelcontainer"); loadcontent = $("#loadlistcontent"); loadmodelcontent = $("#loadmodellistcontent"); load_accept = $("#btn_loadaccept"); load_close = $("#btn_loadclose"); load_model_accept = $("#btn_loadmodelaccept"); load_model_close = $("#btn_loadmodelclose"); sppopup = $("#spcontainer"); spcontent = $("#splistcontent"); sp_accept = $("#btn_spaccept"); sp_close = $("#btn_spclose"); uspopup = $("#uscontainer"); usunloaded = $("#uslistunloaded"); usloaded = $("#uslistloaded"); us_accept = $("#btn_usaccept"); us_close = $("#btn_usclose"); samplerspopup = $("#samplerscontainer"); samplerslist = $("#samplerslist"); samplers_accept = $("#btn_samplersaccept"); samplers_close = $("#btn_samplersclose"); nspopup = $("#newgamecontainer"); ns_accept = $("#btn_nsaccept"); ns_close = $("#btn_nsclose"); rspopup = $("#rndgamecontainer"); rs_accept = $("#btn_rsaccept"); rs_close = $("#btn_rsclose"); seqselmenu = $("#seqselmenu"); seqselcontents = $("#seqselcontents"); token_prob_container = $("#token_prob_container"); token_prob_menu = $("#token_prob_menu"); // Connect to SocketIO server socket = io.connect(window.document.origin, {transports: ['polling', 'websocket'], closeOnBeforeunload: false}); socket.on('load_popup', function(data){load_popup(data);}); socket.on('popup_items', function(data){popup_items(data);}); socket.on('popup_breadcrumbs', function(data){popup_breadcrumbs(data);}); socket.on('popup_edit_file', function(data){popup_edit_file(data);}); socket.on('error_popup', function(data){error_popup(data);}); socket.on('from_server', function(msg) { //console.log(msg); if(msg.cmd == "connected") { // Connected to Server Actions sman_allow_delete = msg.hasOwnProperty("smandelete") && msg.smandelete; sman_allow_rename = msg.hasOwnProperty("smanrename") && msg.smanrename; connected = true; if(msg.hasOwnProperty("modelname")) { modelname = msg.modelname; } refreshTitle(); connect_status.html("Connected to KoboldAI!"); connect_status.removeClass("color_orange"); connect_status.addClass("color_green"); // Reset Menus reset_menus(); // Set up "Allow Editing" $('body').on('input', autofocus); $('#allowediting').prop('checked', allowedit).prop('disabled', false).change().off('change').on('change', function () { if(allowtoggle) { allowedit = gamestarted && $(this).prop('checked'); game_text.attr('contenteditable', allowedit); } }); // A simple feature detection test to determine whether the user interface // is using WebKit (Safari browser's rendering engine) because WebKit // requires special treatment to work correctly with the KoboldAI editor (function() { var active_element = document.activeElement; var c = document.createElement("chunk"); var t = document.createTextNode("KoboldAI"); c.appendChild(t); game_text[0].appendChild(c); var r = rangy.createRange(); r.setStart(t, 6); r.collapse(true); var s = rangy.getSelection(); s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); game_text.blur(); game_text.focus(); using_webkit_patch = rangy.getSelection().focusOffset !== 6; c.removeChild(t); game_text[0].removeChild(c); document.activeElement.blur(); active_element.focus(); })(); $("body").addClass("connected"); } else if (msg.cmd == "streamtoken") { // Sometimes the stream_token messages will come in too late, after // we have recieved the full text. This leads to some stray tokens // appearing after the output. To combat this, we only allow tokens // to be displayed after requesting and before recieving text. if (ignore_stream) return; let streamingEnabled = $("#setoutputstreaming")[0].checked; let probabilitiesEnabled = $("#setshowprobs")[0].checked; if (!streamingEnabled && !probabilitiesEnabled) return; if (!stream_preview && streamingEnabled) { stream_preview = document.createElement("span"); game_text.append(stream_preview); } for (const token of msg.data) { if (streamingEnabled) stream_preview.innerText += token.decoded; if (probabilitiesEnabled) { // Probability display let probDiv = document.createElement("div"); probDiv.classList.add("token-probs"); let probTokenSpan = document.createElement("span"); probTokenSpan.classList.add("token-probs-header"); probTokenSpan.innerText = token.decoded.replaceAll("\n", "\\n"); probDiv.appendChild(probTokenSpan); let probTable = document.createElement("table"); let probTBody = document.createElement("tbody"); probTable.appendChild(probTBody); for (const probToken of token.probabilities) { let tr = document.createElement("tr"); let rgb = interpolateRGB( [255, 255, 255], [0, 255, 0], probToken.score ).map(Math.round); let color = `rgb(${rgb.join(", ")})`; if (probToken.decoded === token.decoded) { tr.classList.add("token-probs-final-token"); } let tds = {}; for (const property of ["tokenId", "decoded", "score"]) { let td = document.createElement("td"); td.style.color = color; tds[property] = td; tr.appendChild(td); } tds.tokenId.innerText = probToken.tokenId; tds.decoded.innerText = probToken.decoded.toString().replaceAll("\n", "\\n"); tds.score.innerText = (probToken.score * 100).toFixed(2) + "%"; probTBody.appendChild(tr); } probDiv.appendChild(probTable); token_prob_container.append(probDiv); } } scrollToBottom(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatescreen") { var _gamestarted = gamestarted; gamestarted = msg.gamestarted; if(_gamestarted != gamestarted) { action_mode = 0; changemode(); } unbindGametext(); allowedit = gamestarted && $("#allowediting").prop('checked'); game_text.attr('contenteditable', allowedit); all_modified_chunks = new Set(); modified_chunks = new Set(); empty_chunks = new Set(); game_text.html(msg.data); if(game_text[0].lastChild !== null && game_text[0].lastChild.tagName === "CHUNK") { game_text[0].lastChild.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } bindGametext(); if(gamestarted) { saved_prompt = formatChunkInnerText($("#n0")[0]); } // Scroll to bottom of text if(newly_loaded) { scrollToBottom(); } newly_loaded = false; } else if(msg.cmd == "scrolldown") { scrollToBottom(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatechunk") { hideMessage(); if (typeof submit_start !== 'undefined') { $("#runtime")[0].innerHTML = `Generation time: ${Math.round((Date.now() - submit_start)/1000)} sec`; delete submit_start; } var index = msg.data.index; var html = msg.data.html; var existingChunk = game_text.children('#n' + index); var newChunk = $(html); unbindGametext(); if (existingChunk.length > 0) { // Update existing chunk if(existingChunk[0].nextSibling === null || existingChunk[0].nextSibling.nodeType !== 1 || existingChunk[0].nextSibling.tagName !== "CHUNK") { newChunk[0].appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } existingChunk.before(newChunk); existingChunk.remove(); } else if (!empty_chunks.has(index.toString())) { // Append at the end unbindGametext(); // game_text can contain things other than chunks (stream // preview), so we use querySelector to get the last chunk. var lc = game_text[0].querySelector("chunk:last-of-type"); if(lc.tagName === "CHUNK" && lc.lastChild !== null && lc.lastChild.tagName === "BR") { lc.removeChild(lc.lastChild); } newChunk[0].appendChild(document.createElement("br")); game_text.append(newChunk); bindGametext(); } bindGametext(); hide([$('#curtain')]); } else if(msg.cmd == "removechunk") { hideMessage(); var index = msg.data; var element = game_text.children('#n' + index); if(element.length) { unbindGametext(); if( (element[0].nextSibling === null || element[0].nextSibling.nodeType !== 1 || element[0].nextSibling.tagName !== "CHUNK") && element[0].previousSibling !== null && element[0].previousSibling.tagName === "CHUNK" ) { element[0].previousSibling.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } element.remove(); // Remove the chunk bindGametext(); } hide([$('#curtain')]); } else if(msg.cmd == "setgamestate") { // Enable or Disable buttons if(msg.data == "ready") { endStream(); enableSendBtn(); enableButtons([button_actmem, button_actwi, button_actback, button_actfwd, button_actretry]); hideWaitAnimation(); gamestate = "ready"; favicon.stop_swap(); } else if(msg.data == "wait") { gamestate = "wait"; disableSendBtn(); disableButtons([button_actmem, button_actwi, button_actback, button_actfwd, button_actretry]); showWaitAnimation(); favicon.start_swap(); } else if(msg.data == "start") { setStartState(); gamestate = "ready"; favicon.stop_swap(); } } else if(msg.cmd == "allowsp") { allowsp = !!msg.data; if(allowsp) { button_softprompt.removeClass("hidden"); } else { button_softprompt.addClass("hidden"); } } else if(msg.cmd == "setstoryname") { storyname = msg.data; refreshTitle(); } else if(msg.cmd == "editmode") { // Enable or Disable edit mode if(msg.data == "true") { enterEditMode(); } else { exitEditMode(); } } else if(msg.cmd == "setinputtext") { // Set input box text for memory mode if(memorymode) { memorytext = msg.data; input_text.val(msg.data); } } else if(msg.cmd == "setmemory") { memorytext = msg.data; if(memorymode) { input_text.val(msg.data); } } else if(msg.cmd == "memmode") { // Enable or Disable memory edit mode if(msg.data == "true") { enterMemoryMode(); } else { exitMemoryMode(); } } else if(msg.cmd == "errmsg") { // Send error message errMessage(msg.data, "error"); } else if(msg.cmd == "warnmsg") { // Send warning message errMessage(msg.data, "warn"); } else if(msg.cmd == "hidemsg") { hideMessage(); } else if(msg.cmd == "texteffect") { // Apply color highlight to line of text newTextHighlight($("#n"+msg.data)) } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetemp") { // Send current temp value to input $("#settempcur").val(msg.data); $("#settemp").val(parseFloat(msg.data)).trigger("change"); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetopp") { // Send current top p value to input $("#settoppcur").val(msg.data); $("#settopp").val(parseFloat(msg.data)).trigger("change"); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetopk") { // Send current top k value to input $("#settopkcur").val(msg.data); $("#settopk").val(parseFloat(msg.data)).trigger("change"); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetfs") { // Send current tfs value to input $("#settfscur").val(msg.data); $("#settfs").val(parseFloat(msg.data)).trigger("change"); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetypical") { // Send current typical value to input $("#settypicalcur").val(msg.data); $("#settypical").val(parseFloat(msg.data)).trigger("change"); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetopa") { // Send current top a value to input $("#settopacur").val(msg.data); $("#settopa").val(parseFloat(msg.data)).trigger("change"); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatereppen") { // Send current rep pen value to input $("#setreppencur").val(msg.data); $("#setreppen").val(parseFloat(msg.data)).trigger("change"); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatereppenslope") { // Send current rep pen value to input $("#setreppenslopecur").val(msg.data); $("#setreppenslope").val(parseFloat(msg.data)).trigger("change"); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatereppenrange") { // Send current rep pen value to input $("#setreppenrangecur").val(msg.data); $("#setreppenrange").val(parseFloat(msg.data)).trigger("change"); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateoutlen") { // Send current output amt value to input $("#setoutputcur").val(msg.data); $("#setoutput").val(parseInt(msg.data)).trigger("change"); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetknmax") { // Send current max tokens value to input $("#settknmaxcur").val(msg.data); $("#settknmax").val(parseInt(msg.data)).trigger("change"); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateikgen") { // Send current max tokens value to input $("#setikgencur").val(msg.data); $("#setikgen").val(parseInt(msg.data)).trigger("change"); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltemp") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settempcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltopp") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settoppcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltopk") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settopkcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltfs") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settfscur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltypical") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settypicalcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltypical") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settopa").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelreppen") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setreppencur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelreppenslope") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setreppenslopecur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelreppenrange") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setreppenrangecur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeloutput") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setoutputcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltknmax") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settknmaxcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelikgen") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setikgencur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateanotedepth") { // Send current Author's Note depth value to input anote_slider.val(parseInt(msg.data)); anote_labelcur.html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelanotedepth") { // Update setting label with value from server anote_labelcur.html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "getanote") { // Request contents of Author's Note field var txt = anote_input.val(); socket.send({'cmd': 'anote', 'template': $("#anotetemplate").val(), 'data': txt}); } else if(msg.cmd == "setanote") { // Set contents of Author's Note field anote_input.val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setanotetemplate") { // Set contents of Author's Note Template field $("#anotetemplate").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "reset_menus") { reset_menus(); } else if(msg.cmd == "addsetting") { // Add setting controls addSetting(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "addformat") { // Add setting controls addFormat(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatefrmttriminc") { // Update toggle state $("#frmttriminc").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatefrmtrmblln") { // Update toggle state $("#frmtrmblln").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatefrmtrmspch") { // Update toggle state $("#frmtrmspch").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatefrmtadsnsp") { // Update toggle state $("#frmtadsnsp").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatesingleline") { // Update toggle state $("#singleline").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateoutputstreaming") { // Update toggle state $("#setoutputstreaming").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateshowprobs") { $("#setshowprobs").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); if(msg.data) { token_prob_menu.removeClass("hidden"); } else { token_prob_menu.addClass("hidden"); } } else if(msg.cmd == "allowtoggle") { // Allow toggle change states to propagate allowtoggle = msg.data; } else if(msg.cmd == "usstatitems") { updateUSStatItems(msg.data, msg.flash); } else if(msg.cmd == "spstatitems") { updateSPStatItems(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "popupshow") { // Show/Hide Popup popupShow(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "hidepopupdelete") { // Hide the dialog box that asks you to confirm deletion of a story $("#loadcontainerdelete").removeClass("flex").addClass("hidden"); hide([$(".saveasoverwrite"), $(".popuperror")]); } else if(msg.cmd == "hidepopuprename") { // Hide the story renaming dialog box $("#loadcontainerrename").removeClass("flex").addClass("hidden"); hide([$(".saveasoverwrite"), $(".popuperror")]); } else if(msg.cmd == "addimportline") { // Add import popup entry addImportLine(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "clearpopup") { // Clear previous contents of popup popup_content.html(""); } else if(msg.cmd == "wimode") { // Enable or Disable WI edit mode if(msg.data == "true") { enterWiMode(); } else { exitWiMode(); } } else if(msg.cmd == "wiupdate") { var selective = $("#wilistitem"+msg.num)[0].classList.contains("wilistitem-selective"); if(selective) { $("#wikeyprimary"+msg.num).val(msg.data.key); } else { $("#wikey"+msg.num).val(msg.data.key); } $("#wikeysecondary"+msg.num).val(msg.data.keysecondary); $("#wientry"+msg.num).val(msg.data.content); $("#wicomment"+msg.num).val(msg.data.comment); adjustWiCommentHeight($("#wicomment"+msg.num)[0]); } else if(msg.cmd == "wifolderupdate") { $("#wifoldername"+msg.uid).val(msg.data.name); adjustWiFolderNameHeight($("#wifoldername"+msg.uid)[0]); } else if(msg.cmd == "wiexpand") { expandWiLine(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wiexpandfolder") { expandWiFolderLine(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wifoldercollapsecontent") { collapseWiFolderContent(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wifolderexpandcontent") { expandWiFolderContent(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wiselon") { enableWiSelective(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wiseloff") { disableWiSelective(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wiconstanton") { enableWiConstant(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wiconstantoff") { disableWiConstant(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "addwiitem") { // Add WI entry to WI Menu addWiLine(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "addwifolder") { addWiFolder(msg.uid, msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wistart") { // Save scroll position for later so we can restore it later wiscroll = $("#gamescreen").scrollTop(); // Clear previous contents of WI list wi_menu.html(""); // Save wifolders_d and wifolders_l wifolders_d = msg.wifolders_d; wifolders_l = msg.wifolders_l; } else if(msg.cmd == "wifinish") { // Allow drag-and-drop rearranging of world info entries (via JQuery UI's "sortable widget") $("#gamescreen").sortable({ items: "#wimenu .wisortable-body > :not(.wisortable-excluded):not(.wisortable-excluded-dynamic), #wimenu .wisortable-container[folder-uid]:not(.wisortable-excluded):not(.wisortable-excluded-dynamic)", containment: "#wimenu", connectWith: "#wimenu .wisortable-body", handle: ".wihandle", start: sortableOnStart, stop: sortableOnStop, placeholder: "wisortable-placeholder", delay: 2, cursor: "move", tolerance: "pointer", opacity: 0.21, revert: 173, scrollSensitivity: 64, scrollSpeed: 10, }); // Restore previously-saved scroll position $("#gamescreen").scrollTop(wiscroll); } else if(msg.cmd == "requestwiitem") { // Package WI contents and send back to server returnWiList(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "saveas") { // Show Save As prompt showSaveAsPopup(); } else if(msg.cmd == "gamesaved") { setGameSaved(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "hidesaveas") { // Hide Save As prompt hideSaveAsPopup(); } else if(msg.cmd == "buildload") { // Send array of save files to load UI buildLoadList(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "buildsp") { buildSPList(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "buildus") { buildUSList(msg.data.unloaded, msg.data.loaded); } else if(msg.cmd == "buildsamplers") { buildSamplerList(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "askforoverwrite") { // Show overwrite warning show([$(".saveasoverwrite")]); } else if(msg.cmd == "popuperror") { // Show error in the current dialog box $(".popuperror").text(msg.data); show([$(".popuperror")]); } else if(msg.cmd == "genseqs") { // Parse generator sequences to UI parsegenseqs(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "hidegenseqs") { // Collapse genseqs menu hidegenseqs(); } else if(msg.cmd == "setchatname") { chat_name.val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelnumseq") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setnumseqcur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatenumseq") { // Send current max tokens value to input $("#setnumseqcur").html(msg.data); $("#setnumseq").val(parseInt(msg.data)).trigger("change"); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelwidepth") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setwidepthcur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatewidepth") { // Send current max tokens value to input $("#setwidepthcur").html(msg.data); $("#setwidepth").val(parseInt(msg.data)).trigger("change"); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateuseprompt") { // Update toggle state $("#setuseprompt").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateadventure") { // Update toggle state $("#setadventure").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); // Update adventure state setadventure(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatechatmode") { // Update toggle state $("#setchatmode").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); // Update chatmode state setchatmode(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatedynamicscan") { // Update toggle state $("#setdynamicscan").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatenopromptgen") { // Update toggle state $("#setnopromptgen").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateautosave") { // Update toggle state $("#autosave").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updaterngpersist") { // Update toggle state $("#setrngpersist").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); if(!$("#setrngpersist").prop("checked")) { $("#rngmemory").val(""); } } else if(msg.cmd == "updatenogenmod") { // Update toggle state $("#setnogenmod").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatefulldeterminism") { // Update toggle state $("#setfulldeterminism").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "runs_remotely") { remote = true; hide([button_savetofile, button_import, button_importwi]); } else if(msg.cmd == "debug_info") { $("#debuginfo").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "set_debug") { if(msg.data) { debug_area.removeClass("hidden"); } else { debug_area.addClass("hidden"); } } else if(msg.cmd == 'show_model_menu') { //console.log(msg) $("#use_gpu_div").addClass("hidden"); $("#modelkey").addClass("hidden"); $("#modellayers").addClass("hidden"); $("#oaimodel").addClass("hidden") buildLoadModelList(msg.data, msg.menu, msg.breadcrumbs, msg.showdelete); } else if(msg.cmd == 'selected_model_info') { enableButtons([load_model_accept]); $("#oaimodel").addClass("hidden") $("#oaimodel")[0].options[0].selected = true; if (msg.key) { $("#modelkey").removeClass("hidden"); $("#modelkey")[0].value = msg.key_value; //if we're in the API list, disable to load button until the model is selected (after the API Key is entered) disableButtons([load_model_accept]); } else { $("#modelkey").addClass("hidden"); } if (msg.url) { $("#modelurl").removeClass("hidden"); } else { $("#modelurl").addClass("hidden"); } if (msg.gpu) { $("#use_gpu_div").removeClass("hidden"); } else { $("#use_gpu_div").addClass("hidden"); } if (msg.breakmodel) { var html; $("#modellayers").removeClass("hidden"); html = ""; for (let i = 0; i < msg.gpu_names.length; i++) { html += "GPU " + i + " " + msg.gpu_names[i] + ": "; html += ''; html += ""; } html += "Disk cache: "; html += ''; html += ""; $("#model_layer_bars").html(html); $("#gpu_layers_max").html(msg.layer_count); $("#gpu_count")[0].value = msg.gpu_count; update_gpu_layers(); } else { $("#modellayers").addClass("hidden"); } } else if(msg.cmd == 'oai_engines') { $("#oaimodel").removeClass("hidden") enableButtons([load_model_accept]); selected_item = 0; length = $("#oaimodel")[0].options.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { $("#oaimodel")[0].options.remove(1); } msg.data.forEach(function (item, index) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = item[0]; option.text = item[1]; if(msg.online_model == item[0]) { selected_item = index+1; } $("#oaimodel")[0].appendChild(option); if(selected_item != "") { $("#oaimodel")[0].options[selected_item].selected = true; } }) } else if(msg.cmd == 'show_model_name') { $("#showmodelnamecontent").html("
    " + msg.data + "
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button.id = item[0]; button.textContent = item[1]; button.classList.add("breadcrumbitem"); button.onclick = function () { socket.emit("popup_change_folder", this.id); }; breadcrumbs.append(button); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.textContent = "\\"; breadcrumbs.append(span); } } function popup_edit_file(data) { var popup_list = document.getElementById('popup_list'); var accept = document.getElementById("popup_accept"); accept.classList.add("btn-secondary"); accept.classList.remove("btn-primary"); accept.textContent = "Save"; //first, let's clear out our existing data while (popup_list.firstChild) { popup_list.removeChild(popup_list.firstChild); } var accept = document.getElementById("popup_accept"); accept.setAttribute("selected_value", ""); accept.onclick = function () { var textarea = document.getElementById("filecontents"); socket.emit("popup_change_file", {"file": textarea.getAttribute("filename"), "data": textarea.value}); document.getElementById("popup").classList.add("hidden"); this.classList.add("hidden"); }; var textarea = document.createElement("textarea"); textarea.classList.add("fullwidth"); textarea.rows = 25; textarea.id = "filecontents" textarea.setAttribute("filename", data.file); textarea.value = data.text; textarea.onblur = function () { var accept = document.getElementById("popup_accept"); accept.classList.remove("hidden"); accept.classList.remove("btn-secondary"); accept.classList.add("btn-primary"); }; popup_list.append(textarea); } function error_popup(data) { alert(data); } function upload_file(file_box) { var fileList = file_box.files; for (file of fileList) { reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (event) { socket.emit("upload_file", {'filename': file.name, "data": event.target.result}); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); } }