//=================================================================// // VARIABLES //=================================================================// // Socket IO Object var socket; // UI references for jQuery var connect_status; var button_newgame; var button_save; var button_load; var button_import; var button_impaidg; var button_settings; var button_format; var button_send; var button_actedit; var button_actmem; var button_actback; var button_actretry; var button_delete; var button_actwi; var game_text; var input_text; var message_text; var settings_menu; var format_menu; var wi_menu; var anote_menu; var anote_input; var anote_labelcur; var anote_slider; var popup; var popup_title; var popup_content; var popup_accept; var popup_close; var aidgpopup; var aidgpromptnum; var aidg_accept; var aidg_close; // Key states var shift_down = false; var do_clear_ent = false; // Display vars var allowtoggle = false; var formatcount = 0; //=================================================================// // METHODS //=================================================================// function addSetting(ob) { // Add setting block to Settings Menu settings_menu.append("
\ "+ob.label+" ?"+ob.tooltip+"\
\ "+ob.default+"\
\ \
\ "+ob.min+"\
\ "+ob.max+"\
"); // Set references to HTML objects var refin = $("#"+ob.id); var reflb = $("#"+ob.id+"cur"); window["setting_"+ob.id] = refin; // Is this still needed? window["label_"+ob.id] = reflb; // Is this still needed? // Add event function to input refin.on("input", function () { socket.send({'cmd': $(this).attr('id'), 'data': $(this).val()}); }); } function addFormat(ob) { // Check if we need to make a new column for this button if(formatcount == 0) { format_menu.append("
"); } // Get reference to the last child column var ref = $("#formatmenu > div").last(); // Add format block to Format Menu ref.append("
\ \ "+ob.label+" \ ?"+ob.tooltip+"\
"); // Tell Bootstrap-Toggle to render the new checkbox $("input[type=checkbox]").bootstrapToggle(); // Add event to input $("#"+ob.id).on("change", function () { if(allowtoggle) { socket.send({'cmd': $(this).attr('id'), 'data': $(this).prop('checked')}); } }); // Increment display variable formatcount++; if(formatcount == 2) { formatcount = 0; } } function addImportLine(ob) { popup_content.append("
"); $("#import"+ob.num).on("click", function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'importselect', 'data': $(this).attr('id')}); highlightImportLine($(this)); }); } function addWiLine(ob) { if(ob.init) { wi_menu.append("
\ \ \ \
\ \
\ \
"); // Send key value to text input $("#wikey"+ob.num).val(ob.key); // Assign delete event to button $("#btn_wi"+ob.num).on("click", function () { showWiDeleteConfirm(ob.num); }); } else { // Show WI line item with form fields hidden (uninitialized) wi_menu.append("
\ \ \ \
\ \
\ \
"); // Assign function to expand WI item to button $("#btn_wi"+ob.num).on("click", function () { expandWiLine(ob.num); }); } // Assign actions to other elements $("#btn_wican"+ob.num).on("click", function () { hideWiDeleteConfirm(ob.num); }); $("#btn_widel"+ob.num).on("click", function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'widelete', 'data': ob.num}); }); } function expandWiLine(num) { show([$("#wikey"+num), $("#wientry"+num)]); $("#btn_wi"+num).html("X"); $("#btn_wi"+num).off(); // Tell server the WI entry was initialized socket.send({'cmd': 'wiinit', 'data': num}); $("#btn_wi"+num).on("click", function () { showWiDeleteConfirm(num); }); } function showWiDeleteConfirm(num) { hide([$("#btn_wi"+num)]); show([$("#btn_widel"+num), $("#btn_wican"+num)]); } function hideWiDeleteConfirm(num) { show([$("#btn_wi"+num)]); hide([$("#btn_widel"+num), $("#btn_wican"+num)]); } function highlightImportLine(ref) { $("#popupcontent > div").removeClass("popuplistselected"); ref.addClass("popuplistselected"); } function enableButtons(refs) { for(i=0; i"); } function hideWaitAnimation() { $('#waitanim').remove(); } function hide(refs) { for(i=0; i *', function() { editModeSelect($(this).attr("n")); }); disableSendBtn(); hide([button_actback, button_actmem, button_actretry, button_actwi]); show([button_delete]); } function exitEditMode() { // Remove class to each story chunk hideMessage(); button_actedit.html("Edit"); game_text.children('chunk').removeClass("chunkhov"); game_text.off('click', '> *'); enableSendBtn(); show([button_actback, button_actmem, button_actretry, button_actwi]); hide([button_delete]); input_text.val(""); } function editModeSelect(n) { socket.send({'cmd': 'editline', 'data': n}); } function enterMemoryMode() { showMessage("Edit the memory to be sent with each request to the AI."); button_actmem.html("Cancel"); hide([button_actback, button_actretry, button_actedit, button_delete, button_actwi]); // Display Author's Note field anote_menu.slideDown("fast"); } function exitMemoryMode() { hideMessage(); button_actmem.html("Memory"); show([button_actback, button_actretry, button_actedit, button_actwi]); input_text.val(""); // Hide Author's Note field anote_menu.slideUp("fast"); } function enterWiMode() { showMessage("World Info will be added to memory only when the key appears in submitted text or the last action."); button_actwi.html("Accept"); hide([button_actedit, button_actback, button_actmem, button_actretry, game_text]); show([wi_menu]); disableSendBtn(); } function exitWiMode() { hideMessage(); button_actwi.html("W Info"); hide([wi_menu]); show([button_actedit, button_actback, button_actmem, button_actretry, game_text]); enableSendBtn(); } function returnWiList(ar) { var list = []; var i; for(i=0; iConnected to KoboldAI Process!"); connect_status.removeClass("color_orange"); connect_status.addClass("color_green"); // Reset Menus settings_menu.html(""); format_menu.html(""); wi_menu.html(""); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatescreen") { // Send game content to Game Screen game_text.html(msg.data); // Scroll to bottom of text setTimeout(function () { $('#gamescreen').animate({scrollTop: $('#gamescreen').prop('scrollHeight')}, 1000); }, 5); } else if(msg.cmd == "setgamestate") { // Enable or Disable buttons if(msg.data == "ready") { enableSendBtn(); enableButtons([button_actedit, button_actmem, button_actwi, button_actback, button_actretry]); hideWaitAnimation(); } else if(msg.data == "wait") { disableSendBtn(); disableButtons([button_actedit, button_actmem, button_actwi, button_actback, button_actretry]); showWaitAnimation(); } else if(msg.data == "start") { enableSendBtn(); enableButtons([button_actmem, button_actwi]); disableButtons([button_actedit, button_actback, button_actretry]); hide([wi_menu, button_delete]); show([game_text, button_actedit, button_actmem, button_actwi, button_actback, button_actretry]); hideMessage(); button_actedit.html("Edit"); button_actmem.html("Memory"); button_actwi.html("W Info"); hideAidgPopup(); } } else if(msg.cmd == "editmode") { // Enable or Disable edit mode if(msg.data == "true") { enterEditMode(); } else { exitEditMode(); } } else if(msg.cmd == "setinputtext") { // Set input box text for edit mode input_text.val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "enablesubmit") { // Enables the submit button enableSendBtn(); } else if(msg.cmd == "memmode") { // Enable or Disable memory edit mode if(msg.data == "true") { enterMemoryMode(); } else { exitMemoryMode(); } } else if(msg.cmd == "errmsg") { // Send error message errMessage(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "texteffect") { // Apply color highlight to line of text newTextHighlight($("#n"+msg.data)) } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetemp") { // Send current temp value to input $("#settemp").val(parseFloat(msg.data)); $("#settempcur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetopp") { // Send current top p value to input $("#settopp").val(parseFloat(msg.data)); $("#settoppcur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatereppen") { // Send current rep pen value to input $("#setreppen").val(parseFloat(msg.data)); $("#setreppencur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateoutlen") { // Send current output amt value to input $("#setoutput").val(parseInt(msg.data)); $("#setoutputcur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetknmax") { // Send current max tokens value to input $("#settknmax").val(parseInt(msg.data)); $("#settknmaxcur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateikgen") { // Send current max tokens value to input $("#setikgen").val(parseInt(msg.data)); $("#setikgencur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltemp") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settempcur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltopp") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settoppcur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelreppen") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setreppencur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeloutput") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setoutputcur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltknmax") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settknmaxcur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelikgen") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setikgencur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateanotedepth") { // Send current Author's Note depth value to input anote_slider.val(parseInt(msg.data)); anote_labelcur.html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelanotedepth") { // Update setting label with value from server anote_labelcur.html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "getanote") { // Request contents of Author's Note field var txt = anote_input.val(); socket.send({'cmd': 'anote', 'data': txt}); } else if(msg.cmd == "setanote") { // Set contents of Author's Note field anote_input.val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "addsetting") { // Add setting controls addSetting(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "addformat") { // Add setting controls addFormat(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatefrmttriminc") { // Update toggle state $("#frmttriminc").prop('checked', msg.data).change() } else if(msg.cmd == "updatefrmtrmblln") { // Update toggle state $("#frmtrmblln").prop('checked', msg.data).change() } else if(msg.cmd == "updatefrmtrmspch") { // Update toggle state $("#frmtrmspch").prop('checked', msg.data).change() } else if(msg.cmd == "updatefrmtadsnsp") { // Update toggle state $("#frmtadsnsp").prop('checked', msg.data).change() } else if(msg.cmd == "allowtoggle") { // Allow toggle change states to propagate allowtoggle = msg.data; } else if(msg.cmd == "popupshow") { // Show/Hide Popup popupShow(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "addimportline") { // Add import popup entry addImportLine(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "clearpopup") { // Clear previous contents of popup popup_content.html(""); } else if(msg.cmd == "wimode") { // Enable or Disable WI edit mode if(msg.data == "true") { enterWiMode(); } else { exitWiMode(); } } else if(msg.cmd == "addwiitem") { // Add WI entry to WI Menu addWiLine(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "clearwi") { // Clear previous contents of WI list wi_menu.html(""); } else if(msg.cmd == "requestwiitem") { // Package WI contents and send back to server returnWiList(msg.data); } }); socket.on('disconnect', function() { connect_status.html("Lost connection..."); connect_status.removeClass("color_green"); connect_status.addClass("color_orange"); }); // Bind actions to UI buttons button_send.on("click", function(ev) { dosubmit(); }); button_actretry.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'retry', 'data': ''}); }); button_actback.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'back', 'data': ''}); }); button_actedit.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'edit', 'data': ''}); }); button_delete.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'delete', 'data': ''}); }); button_actmem.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'memory', 'data': ''}); }); button_save.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'save', 'data': ''}); }); button_load.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'load', 'data': ''}); }); button_import.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'import', 'data': ''}); }); button_newgame.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'newgame', 'data': ''}); }); button_settings.on("click", function(ev) { $('#settingsmenu').slideToggle("slow"); }); button_format.on("click", function(ev) { $('#formatmenu').slideToggle("slow"); }); popup_close.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'importcancel', 'data': ''}); }); popup_accept.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'importaccept', 'data': ''}); }); button_actwi.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'wi', 'data': ''}); }); button_impaidg.on("click", function(ev) { showAidgPopup(); }); aidg_close.on("click", function(ev) { hideAidgPopup(); }); aidg_accept.on("click", function(ev) { sendAidgImportRequest(); }); // Bind Enter button to submit input_text.keydown(function (ev) { if (ev.which == 13 && !shift_down) { do_clear_ent = true; dosubmit(); } else if(ev.which == 16) { shift_down = true; } }); // Enter to submit, but not if holding shift input_text.keyup(function (ev) { if (ev.which == 13 && do_clear_ent) { input_text.val(""); do_clear_ent = false; } else if(ev.which == 16) { shift_down = false; } }); aidgpromptnum.keydown(function (ev) { if (ev.which == 13) { sendAidgImportRequest(); } }); });