-- KoboldAI Lua 5.4 Bridge ---@param _python? table<string, any> ---@param _bridged? table<string, any> ---@return KoboldLib, KoboldCoreLib? return function(_python, _bridged) --========================================================================== -- Globally allows using a _kobold_next metamethod for "Kobold" classes only --========================================================================== local old_next = next ---@generic K, V ---@param t table<K, V> ---@param k? K ---@return K?, V? function next(t, k) local meta = getmetatable(t) return ((meta ~= nil and type(rawget(t, "_name")) == "string" and string.match(rawget(t, "_name"), "^Kobold") and type(meta._kobold_next) == "function") and meta._kobold_next or old_next)(t, k) end --========================================================================== -- General utility functions --========================================================================== ---@generic T ---@param original T ---@return T local function deepcopy(original) if type(original) == "table" then local copy = {} for k, v in old_next, original, nil do copy[k] = deepcopy(v) end setmetatable(copy, deepcopy(getmetatable(original))) return copy end return original end ---@param paths string|table<integer, string> ---@return nil local function set_require_path(paths) if type(paths) == "string" then paths = {paths} end local config = {} local i = 1 for substring in string.gmatch(package.config, "[^\n]+") do config[i] = substring i = i + 1 end local _paths = {} for i, path in ipairs(paths) do _paths[i] = path .. config[1] .. config[3] .. ".lua" .. config[2] .. path .. config[1] .. config[3] .. config[1] .. "init.lua" end package.path = table.concat(_paths, config[2]) package.cpath = "" end ---@param path string ---@param filename string ---@return string local function join_folder_and_filename(path, filename) return path .. string.match(package.config, "[^\n]+") .. filename end --========================================================================== -- _bridged preprocessing --========================================================================== local bridged = {} for k in _python.iter(_bridged) do local v = _bridged[k] bridged[k] = type(v) == "userdata" and _python.as_attrgetter(v) or v end set_require_path(bridged.lib_paths) --========================================================================== -- Wraps most functions in this file so that they restore original -- metatables prior to executing the function body --========================================================================== local wrapped = false ---@class Metatables local metatables = {} local type_map = { _nil = nil, _boolean = false, _number = 0, _string = "", _function = type, _thread = coroutine.create(function() end), } function metatables:overwrite() for k, v in pairs(type_map) do self[k] = debug.getmetatable(v) end end function metatables:restore() for k, v in pairs(type_map) do debug.setmetatable(v, self[k]) end end local metatables_original = deepcopy(metatables) metatables_original:overwrite() local metawrapper = {} ---@generic T : table ---@param t T ---@return T function metawrapper.__newindex(t, k, wrapped_func) if type(wrapped_func) == "function" then return rawset(t, k, function(...) local _needs_unwrap = false if not wrapped then metatables:overwrite() metatables_original:restore() _needs_unwrap = true wrapped = true end local r = table.pack(wrapped_func(...)) if _needs_unwrap then metatables:restore() wrapped = false end return table.unpack(r, 1, r.n) end) else return rawset(t, k, wrapped_func) end end --========================================================================== -- Modules --========================================================================== ---@class KoboldLib ---@field API_VERSION number ---@field authorsnote string ---@field authorsnotetemplate string ---@field memory string ---@field submission string ---@field model string ---@field modeltype "'readonly'"|"'api'"|"'unknown'"|"'gpt2'"|"'gpt2-medium'"|"'gpt2-large'"|"'gpt2-xl'"|"'gpt-neo-125M'"|"'gpt-neo-1.3B'"|"'gpt-neo-2.7B'"|"'gpt-j-6B'" ---@field modelbackend "'readonly'"|"'api'"|"'transformers'"|"'mtj'" ---@field is_custommodel boolean ---@field custmodpth string ---@field logits table<integer, table<integer, number>> ---@field logits_rows integer ---@field logits_cols integer ---@field generated table<integer, table<integer, integer>> ---@field generated_rows integer ---@field generated_cols integer ---@field outputs table<integer, string> ---@field num_outputs integer ---@field feedback string ---@field is_config_file_open boolean local kobold = setmetatable({API_VERSION = 1.2}, metawrapper) local KoboldLib_mt = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) local KoboldLib_getters = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) local KoboldLib_setters = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) ---@param t KoboldLib function KoboldLib_mt.__index(t, k) local getter = KoboldLib_getters[k] if getter ~= nil then return getter(t) end return rawget(t, k) end ---@param t KoboldLib function KoboldLib_mt.__newindex(t, k, v) local setter = KoboldLib_setters[k] if setter ~= nil then return setter(t, v) end return rawset(t, k, v) end ---@class KoboldCoreLib ---@field userscripts KoboldUserScriptList local koboldcore = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) local KoboldCoreLib_mt = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) local KoboldCoreLib_getters = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) local KoboldCoreLib_setters = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) ---@param t KoboldCoreLib function KoboldCoreLib_mt.__index(t, k) local getter = KoboldCoreLib_getters[k] if getter ~= nil then return getter(t, k) end return rawget(t, k) end ---@param t KoboldCoreLib function KoboldCoreLib_mt.__newindex(t, k, v) local setter = KoboldCoreLib_setters[k] if setter ~= nil then return setter(t, k, v) end return rawset(t, k, v) end ---@class KoboldBridgeLib local koboldbridge = {} koboldbridge.regeneration_required = false koboldbridge.resend_settings_required = false koboldbridge.generating = true koboldbridge.restart_sequence = nil koboldbridge.userstate = nil koboldbridge.logits = {} koboldbridge.vocab_size = 0 koboldbridge.generated = {} koboldbridge.generated_cols = 0 koboldbridge.outputs = {} koboldbridge.feedback = nil ---@type string? function koboldbridge:clear_userscript_metadata() self.logging_name = nil self.filename = nil end ---@return nil local function maybe_require_regeneration() if koboldbridge.userstate == "genmod" or koboldbridge.userstate == "outmod" then koboldbridge.regeneration_required = true end end --========================================================================== -- Userscript API: Configuration --========================================================================== local config_files = {} ---@type table<string, file*> local config_file_filename_map = {} ---@type table<file*, string> ---@return file*? local function open_and_handle_errors(...) local file, err_msg = io.open(...) if err_msg ~= nil then koboldbridge.obliterate_multiverse() error(err_msg) return end return file end ---@param file? file* local function new_close_pre(file) if file == nil then file = io.output() end local filename = config_file_filename_map[file] if filename ~= nil then config_file_filename_map[file] = nil config_files[filename] = nil end end ---@param f fun(file?: file*) local function _new_close(f) ---@param file? file* return function(file) new_close_pre(file) return f(file) end end debug.getmetatable(io.stdout).__index.close = _new_close(io.stdout.close) debug.getmetatable(io.stdout).__close = _new_close(io.stdout.close) ---@param filename string ---@return boolean local function is_config_file_open(filename) return config_files[filename] ~= nil end ---@param filename string ---@param clear? boolean ---@return file* local function get_config_file(filename, clear) if not is_config_file_open(filename) then local config_filepath = join_folder_and_filename(bridged.config_path, filename .. ".conf") open_and_handle_errors(config_filepath, "a"):close() config_files[filename] = open_and_handle_errors(config_filepath, clear and "w+b" or "r+b") config_file_filename_map[config_files[filename]] = filename end return config_files[filename] end ---@param clear? boolean ---@return file* function kobold.get_config_file(clear) return get_config_file(koboldbridge.filename, clear) end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return boolean function KoboldLib_getters.is_config_file_open(t) return is_config_file_open(koboldbridge.filename) end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@param v boolean function KoboldLib_setters.is_config_file_open(t, v) error("`KoboldLib.is_config_file_open` is a read-only attribute") end --========================================================================== -- Userscript API: World Info --========================================================================== local fields = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) ---@param t KoboldWorldInfoEntry|KoboldWorldInfoFolder|KoboldWorldInfo|KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector ---@return boolean local function check_validity(t) if not t:is_valid() then error("Attempted to use a nonexistent/deleted `"..rawget(t, "_name").."`") return false end return true end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---@class KoboldWorldInfoEntry_base ---@type table<integer, nil> local _ = {} ---@class KoboldWorldInfoEntry : KoboldWorldInfoEntry_base ---@field key string ---@field keysecondary string ---@field content string ---@field comment string ---@field folder integer ---@field num integer ---@field selective boolean ---@field constant boolean ---@field uid integer local KoboldWorldInfoEntry = setmetatable({ _name = "KoboldWorldInfoEntry", }, metawrapper) fields.KoboldWorldInfoEntry = { "key", "keysecondary", "content", "comment", "folder", "num", "selective", "constant", "uid", } local KoboldWorldInfoEntry_mt = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) local KoboldWorldInfoEntry_fieldtypes = { key = "string", keysecondary = "string", content = "string", comment = "string", selective = "boolean", constant = "boolean", } ---@return boolean function KoboldWorldInfoEntry:is_valid() return _python.as_attrgetter(bridged.vars.worldinfo_u).get(rawget(self, "_uid")) ~= nil end ---@param submission? string ---@param kwargs? table<string, any> ---@return string function KoboldWorldInfoEntry:compute_context(submission, kwargs) if not check_validity(self) then return "" elseif submission == nil then submission = kobold.submission elseif type(submission) ~= "string" then error("`compute_context` takes a string or nil as argument #1, but got a " .. type(submission)) return "" end return bridged.compute_context(submission, {self.uid}, nil, kwargs) end ---@generic K ---@param t KoboldWorldInfoEntry|KoboldWorldInfoFolder|KoboldWorldInfo|KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector ---@param k K ---@return K, any function KoboldWorldInfoEntry_mt._kobold_next(t, k) local _t = fields[rawget(t, "_name")] if _t == nil then return end return next(_t, k) end ---@param t KoboldWorldInfoEntry|KoboldWorldInfoFolder|KoboldWorldInfo|KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector ---@return function, KoboldWorldInfoEntry|KoboldWorldInfoFolder|KoboldWorldInfo|KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector, nil function KoboldWorldInfoEntry_mt.__pairs(t) return next, t, nil end ---@param t KoboldWorldInfoEntry function KoboldWorldInfoEntry_mt.__index(t, k) if not check_validity(t) then return elseif k == "uid" then return rawget(t, "_uid") elseif type(k) == "string" then return bridged.get_attr(t.uid, k) end end ---@param t KoboldWorldInfoEntry ---@return KoboldWorldInfoEntry function KoboldWorldInfoEntry_mt.__newindex(t, k, v) if not check_validity(t) then return elseif fields[rawget(t, "_name")] then if type(k) == "string" and KoboldWorldInfoEntry_fieldtypes[k] == nil then error("`"..rawget(t, "_name").."."..k.."` is a read-only attribute") return elseif type(k) == "string" and type(v) ~= KoboldWorldInfoEntry_fieldtypes[k] then error("`"..rawget(t, "_name").."."..k.."` must be a "..KoboldWorldInfoEntry_fieldtypes[k].."; you attempted to set it to a "..type(v)) return else if k ~= "comment" and not (t.selective and k == "keysecondary") then maybe_require_regeneration() end bridged.set_attr(t.uid, k, v) return t end end return rawset(t, k, v) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---@class KoboldWorldInfoFolder_base ---@type table<integer, KoboldWorldInfoEntry> local _ = {} ---@class KoboldWorldInfoFolder : KoboldWorldInfoFolder_base ---@field uid integer ---@field name string local KoboldWorldInfoFolder = setmetatable({ _name = "KoboldWorldInfoFolder", }, metawrapper) fields.KoboldWorldInfoFolder = { "uid", } local KoboldWorldInfoFolder_mt = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) ---@param u integer ---@return KoboldWorldInfoEntry? function KoboldWorldInfoFolder:finduid(u) if not check_validity(self) or type(u) ~= "number" then return end local query = _python.as_attrgetter(bridged.vars.worldinfo_u).get(u) if query == nil or (rawget(self, "_name") == "KoboldWorldInfoFolder" and self.uid ~= _python.as_attrgetter(query).get("folder")) then return end local entry = deepcopy(KoboldWorldInfoEntry) rawset(entry, "_uid", u) return entry end ---@param submission? string ---@param entries? KoboldWorldInfoEntry|table<any, KoboldWorldInfoEntry> ---@param kwargs? table<string, any> ---@return string function KoboldWorldInfoFolder:compute_context(submission, entries, kwargs) if not check_validity(self) then return "" elseif submission == nil then submission = kobold.submission elseif type(submission) ~= "string" then error("`compute_context` takes a string or nil as argument #1, but got a " .. type(submission)) return "" end local _entries if entries ~= nil then if type(entries) ~= "table" or (entries.name ~= nil and entries.name ~= "KoboldWorldInfoEntry") then error("`compute_context` takes a KoboldWorldInfoEntry, table of KoboldWorldInfoEntries or nil as argument #2, but got a " .. type(entries)) return "" elseif entries.name == "KoboldWorldInfoEntry" then _entries = {entries} else _entries = {} for k, v in pairs(entries) do if type(v) == "table" and v.name == "KoboldWorldInfoEntry" and v:is_valid() then _entries[k] = v.uid end end end end local folders if self.name == "KoboldWorldInfoFolder" then folders = {rawget(self, "_uid")} end return bridged.compute_context(submission, _entries, folders, kwargs) end ---@return boolean function KoboldWorldInfoFolder:is_valid() return _python.as_attrgetter(bridged.vars.wifolders_d).get(rawget(self, "_uid")) ~= nil end ---@param t KoboldWorldInfoFolder ---@return integer function KoboldWorldInfoFolder_mt.__len(t) if not check_validity(t) then return 0 end return math.tointeger(_python.builtins.len(_python.as_attrgetter(bridged.vars.wifolders_u).get(t.uid))) - 1 end KoboldWorldInfoFolder_mt._kobold_next = KoboldWorldInfoEntry_mt._kobold_next KoboldWorldInfoFolder_mt.__pairs = KoboldWorldInfoEntry_mt.__pairs ---@param t KoboldWorldInfoFolder|KoboldWorldInfo ---@return KoboldWorldInfoEntry? function KoboldWorldInfoFolder_mt.__index(t, k) if not check_validity(t) then return elseif rawget(t, "_name") == "KoboldWorldInfoFolder" and k == "uid" then return rawget(t, "_uid") elseif rawget(t, "_name") == "KoboldWorldInfoFolder" and k == "name" then return bridged.folder_get_attr(t.uid, k) elseif type(k) == "number" then local query = rawget(t, "_name") == "KoboldWorldInfoFolder" and _python.as_attrgetter(bridged.vars.wifolders_u).get(t.uid) or bridged.vars.worldinfo_i k = math.tointeger(k) if k == nil or k < 1 or k > #t then return end local entry = deepcopy(KoboldWorldInfoEntry) rawset(entry, "_uid", math.tointeger(query[k-1].uid)) return entry end end ---@param t KoboldWorldInfoFolder|KoboldWorldInfo ---@return KoboldWorldInfoFolder|KoboldWorldInfo function KoboldWorldInfoFolder_mt.__newindex(t, k, v) if not check_validity(t) then return elseif type(k) == "number" and math.tointeger(k) ~= nil then error("Cannot write to integer indices of `"..rawget(t, "_name").."`") elseif rawget(t, "_name") == "KoboldWorldInfoFolder" and k == "uid" then error("`"..rawget(t, "_name").."."..k.."` is a read-only attribute") elseif t == "name" then if type(v) ~= "string" then error("`"..rawget(t, "_name").."."..k.."` must be a string; you attempted to set it to a "..type(v)) return end bridged.folder_set_attr(t.uid, k, v) return t else return rawset(t, k, v) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---@class KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector_base ---@type table<integer, KoboldWorldInfoFolder> local _ = {} ---@class KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector : KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector_base local KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector = setmetatable({ _name = "KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector", }, metawrapper) local KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector_mt = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) ---@param u integer ---@return KoboldWorldInfoFolder? function KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector:finduid(u) if not check_validity(self) or type(u) ~= "number" then return end local query = _python.as_attrgetter(bridged.vars.wifolders_d).get(u) if query == nil then return end local folder = deepcopy(KoboldWorldInfoFolder) rawset(folder, "_uid", u) return folder end ---@return boolean function KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector:is_valid() return true end ---@param t KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector ---@return integer function KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector_mt.__len(t) if not check_validity(t) then return 0 end return _python.builtins.len(bridged.vars.wifolders_l) end KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector_mt._kobold_next = KoboldWorldInfoEntry_mt._kobold_next KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector_mt.__pairs = KoboldWorldInfoEntry_mt.__pairs ---@param t KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector ---@return KoboldWorldInfoFolder? function KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector_mt.__index(t, k) if not check_validity(t) or type(k) ~= "number" or math.tointeger(k) == nil or k < 1 or k > #t then return end local folder = deepcopy(KoboldWorldInfoFolder) rawset(folder, "_uid", math.tointeger(bridged.vars.wifolders_l[k-1])) return folder end ---@param t KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector ---@return KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector function KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector_mt.__newindex(t, k, v) if check_validity(t) or (type(k) == "number" and math.tointeger(k) ~= nil) then error("Cannot write to integer indices of `"..rawget(t, "_name").."`") end return rawset(t, k, v) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---@class KoboldWorldInfo : KoboldWorldInfoFolder_base local KoboldWorldInfo = setmetatable({ _name = "KoboldWorldInfo", }, metawrapper) local KoboldWorldInfo_mt = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) KoboldWorldInfo.folders = KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector KoboldWorldInfo.finduid = KoboldWorldInfoFolder.finduid KoboldWorldInfo.compute_context = KoboldWorldInfoFolder.compute_context ---@return boolean function KoboldWorldInfo:is_valid() return true end ---@param t KoboldWorldInfo ---@return integer function KoboldWorldInfo_mt.__len(t) if not check_validity(t) then return 0 end return math.tointeger(_python.builtins.len(bridged.vars.worldinfo)) - math.tointeger(_python.builtins.len(bridged.vars.wifolders_l)) - 1 end KoboldWorldInfo_mt._kobold_next = KoboldWorldInfoEntry_mt._kobold_next KoboldWorldInfo_mt.__pairs = KoboldWorldInfoEntry_mt.__pairs KoboldWorldInfo_mt.__index = KoboldWorldInfoFolder_mt.__index KoboldWorldInfo_mt.__newindex = KoboldWorldInfoFolder_mt.__newindex kobold.worldinfo = KoboldWorldInfo --========================================================================== -- Userscript API: Story chunks --========================================================================== ---@class KoboldStoryChunk ---@field num integer ---@field content string local KoboldStoryChunk = setmetatable({ _name = "KoboldStoryChunk", }, metawrapper) local KoboldStoryChunk_mt = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) local KoboldStoryChunk_fields = { num = false, content = false, } ---@generic K ---@param t KoboldStoryChunk ---@param k K ---@return K, any function KoboldStoryChunk_mt._kobold_next(t, k) k = (next(KoboldStoryChunk_fields, k)) return k, t[k] end ---@param t KoboldStoryChunk ---@return function, KoboldStoryChunk, nil function KoboldStoryChunk_mt.__pairs(t) return next, t, nil end ---@param t KoboldStoryChunk function KoboldStoryChunk_mt.__index(t, k) if k == "num" then return rawget(t, "_num") end if k == "content" then if rawget(t, "_num") == 0 then if bridged.vars.gamestarted then local prompt = koboldbridge.userstate == "genmod" and bridged.vars._prompt or bridged.vars.prompt return prompt end end local actions = koboldbridge.userstate == "genmod" and bridged.vars._actions or bridged.vars.actions return _python.as_attrgetter(actions).get(math.tointeger(rawget(t, "_num")) - 1) end end ---@param t KoboldStoryChunk function KoboldStoryChunk_mt.__newindex(t, k, v) if k == "num" then error("`"..rawget(t, "_name").."."..k.."` is a read-only attribute") return elseif k == "content" then if type(v) ~= "string" then error("`"..rawget(t, "_name").."."..k.."` must be a string; you attempted to set it to a "..type(v)) return end local _k = math.tointeger(rawget(t, "_num")) if _k == nil or _k < 0 then return elseif _k == 0 and v == "" then error("Attempted to set the prompt chunk's content to the empty string; this is not allowed") return end local actions = koboldbridge.userstate == "genmod" and bridged.vars._actions or bridged.vars.actions if _k ~= 0 and _python.as_attrgetter(actions).get(_k-1) == nil then return end bridged.set_chunk(_k, v) maybe_require_regeneration() return t end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---@class KoboldStory_base ---@type table<integer, KoboldStoryChunk> local _ = {} ---@class KoboldStory : KoboldStory_base local KoboldStory = setmetatable({ _name = "KoboldStory", }, metawrapper) local KoboldStory_mt = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) ---@return fun(): KoboldStoryChunk, table, nil function KoboldStory:forward_iter() local actions = koboldbridge.userstate == "genmod" and bridged.vars._actions or bridged.vars.actions local nxt, iterator = _python.iter(actions) local run_once = false local function f() if not bridged.vars.gamestarted then return end local chunk = deepcopy(KoboldStoryChunk) local _k if not run_once then _k = -1 run_once = true else _k = nxt(iterator) end if _k == nil then return else _k = math.tointeger(_k) + 1 end rawset(chunk, "_num", _k) return chunk end return f, {}, nil end ---@return fun(): KoboldStoryChunk, table, nil function KoboldStory:reverse_iter() local actions = koboldbridge.userstate == "genmod" and bridged.vars._actions or bridged.vars.actions local nxt, iterator = _python.iter(_python.builtins.reversed(actions)) local last_run = false local function f() if not bridged.vars.gamestarted or last_run then return end local chunk = deepcopy(KoboldStoryChunk) local _k = nxt(iterator) if _k == nil then _k = 0 last_run = true else _k = math.tointeger(_k) + 1 end rawset(chunk, "_num", _k) return chunk end return f, {}, nil end ---@param t KoboldStory function KoboldStory_mt.__pairs(t) return function() return nil end, t, nil end ---@param t KoboldStory function KoboldStory_mt.__index(t, k) if type(k) == "number" and math.tointeger(k) ~= nil then local chunk = deepcopy(KoboldStoryChunk) rawset(chunk, "_num", math.tointeger(k)) if chunk.content == nil then return nil end return chunk end end ---@param t KoboldStory function KoboldStory_mt.__newindex(t, k, v) error("`"..rawget(t, "_name").."` is a read-only class") end kobold.story = KoboldStory --========================================================================== -- Userscript API: Settings --========================================================================== ---@class KoboldSettings_base ---@type table<string, any> local _ = {} ---@class KoboldSettings : KoboldSettings_base ---@field numseqs integer ---@field genamt integer ---@field anotedepth integer ---@field settemp number ---@field settopp number ---@field settopk integer ---@field settfs number ---@field settypical number ---@field settopa number ---@field setreppen number ---@field setreppenslope number ---@field setreppenrange number ---@field settknmax integer ---@field setwidepth integer ---@field setuseprompt boolean ---@field setadventure boolean ---@field setdynamicscan boolean ---@field setnopromptgen boolean ---@field setrngpersist boolean ---@field temp number ---@field topp number ---@field topk integer ---@field top_p number ---@field top_k integer ---@field tfs number ---@field typical number ---@field topa number ---@field reppen number ---@field reppenslope number ---@field reppenrange number ---@field tknmax integer ---@field widepth integer ---@field useprompt boolean ---@field adventure boolean ---@field dynamicscan boolean ---@field nopromptgen boolean ---@field rngpersist boolean ---@field frmttriminc boolean ---@field frmtrmblln boolean ---@field frmtrmspch boolean ---@field frmtadsnsp boolean ---@field frmtsingleline boolean ---@field triminc boolean ---@field rmblln boolean ---@field rmspch boolean ---@field adsnsp boolean ---@field singleline boolean ---@field chatmode boolean ---@field chatname string local KoboldSettings = setmetatable({ _name = "KoboldSettings", }, metawrapper) local KoboldSettings_mt = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) ---@generic K ---@param t KoboldSettings ---@param k K ---@return K, any function KoboldSettings_mt._kobold_next(t, k) local v repeat k, v = next() until type(k) ~= "string" or k ~= "_name" return k, v end ---@param t KoboldSettings ---@return function, KoboldSettings, nil function KoboldSettings_mt.__pairs(t) return next, t, nil end ---@param t KoboldSettings ---@return any, boolean function KoboldSettings_mt.__index(t, k) if type(k) ~= "string" then return end if k == "genamt" or k == "output" or k == "setoutput" then return math.tointeger(bridged.get_genamt()), true elseif k == "numseqs" or k == "numseq" or k == "setnumseq" then return math.tointeger(bridged.get_numseqs()), true elseif bridged.has_setting(k) then return bridged.get_setting(k), true else return nil, false end end ---@param t KoboldSettings_base function KoboldSettings_mt.__newindex(t, k, v) if (k == "genamt" or k == "output" or k == "setoutput") and type(v) == "number" and math.tointeger(v) ~= nil and v >= 0 then bridged.set_genamt(v) koboldbridge.resend_settings_required = true elseif (k == "numseqs" or k == "numseq" or k == "setnumseq") and type(v) == "number" and math.tointeger(v) ~= nil and v >= 1 then if koboldbridge.userstate == "genmod" then error("Cannot set numseqs from a generation modifier") return end bridged.set_numseqs(v) koboldbridge.resend_settings_required = true elseif type(k) == "string" and bridged.has_setting(k) and type(v) == type(bridged.get_setting(k)) then if bridged.set_setting(k, v) == true then maybe_require_regeneration() end koboldbridge.resend_settings_required = true end return t end kobold.settings = KoboldSettings --========================================================================== -- Userscript API: Memory / Author's Note --========================================================================== ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return string function KoboldLib_getters.memory(t) return bridged.get_memory() end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@param v string ---@return KoboldLib function KoboldLib_setters.memory(t, v) if type(v) ~= "string" then error("`KoboldLib.memory` must be a string; you attempted to set it to a "..type(v)) return end maybe_require_regeneration() bridged.set_memory(v) end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return string function KoboldLib_getters.authorsnote(t) return bridged.get_authorsnote() end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@param v string ---@return KoboldLib function KoboldLib_setters.authorsnote(t, v) if type(v) ~= "string" then error("`KoboldLib.authorsnote` must be a string; you attempted to set it to a "..type(v)) return end maybe_require_regeneration() bridged.set_authorsnote(v) end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return string function KoboldLib_getters.authorsnotetemplate(t) return bridged.get_authorsnotetemplate() end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@param v string ---@return KoboldLib function KoboldLib_setters.authorsnotetemplate(t, v) if type(v) ~= "string" then error("`KoboldLib.authorsnotetemplate` must be a string; you attempted to set it to a "..type(v)) return end maybe_require_regeneration() bridged.set_authorsnotetemplate(v) end --========================================================================== -- Userscript API: User-submitted text (after applying input formatting) --========================================================================== ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return string function KoboldLib_getters.submission(t) return bridged.vars.submission end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@param v string function KoboldLib_setters.submission(t, v) if koboldbridge.userstate ~= "inmod" then error("Cannot write to `KoboldLib.submission` from outside of an input modifier") return elseif type(v) ~= "string" then error("`KoboldLib.submission` must be a string; you attempted to set it to a " .. type(v)) return elseif not bridged.vars.gamestarted and v == "" then error("`KoboldLib.submission` must not be set to the empty string when the story is empty") return end bridged.vars.submission = v end --========================================================================== -- Userscript API: Soft prompt --========================================================================== ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return string? function KoboldLib_getters.spfilename(t) return bridged.get_spfilename() end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@param v string? function KoboldLib_setters.spfilename(t, v) if v:find("/") or v:find("\\") then error("Cannot set `KoboldLib.spfilename` to a string that contains slashes") end if bridged.set_spfilename(v) then maybe_require_regeneration() end end --========================================================================== -- Userscript API: Model information --========================================================================== ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return string function KoboldLib_getters.modeltype(t) return bridged.get_modeltype() end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@param v string function KoboldLib_setters.modeltype(t, v) error("`KoboldLib.modeltype` is a read-only attribute") end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return string function KoboldLib_getters.model(t) return bridged.vars.model end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@param v string function KoboldLib_setters.model(t, v) error("`KoboldLib.model` is a read-only attribute") end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return string function KoboldLib_getters.modelbackend(t) return bridged.get_modelbackend() end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@param v string function KoboldLib_setters.modelbackend(t, v) error("`KoboldLib.modelbackend` is a read-only attribute") end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return boolean function KoboldLib_getters.is_custommodel(t) return bridged.is_custommodel() end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@param v boolean function KoboldLib_setters.is_custommodel(t, v) error("`KoboldLib.is_custommodel` is a read-only attribute") end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return string function KoboldLib_getters.custmodpth(t) return bridged.vars.custmodpth end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@param v string function KoboldLib_setters.custmodpth(t, v) error("`KoboldLib.custmodpth` is a read-only attribute") end --========================================================================== -- Userscript API: Logit Warping --========================================================================== ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return integer function KoboldLib_getters.logits_rows(t) if koboldbridge.userstate ~= "genmod" then return 0 end local backend = kobold.modelbackend if backend == "readonly" or backend == "api" then return 0 end return kobold.settings.numseqs end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return integer function KoboldLib_setters.logits_rows(t) error("`KoboldLib.logits_rows` is a read-only attribute") end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return integer function KoboldLib_getters.logits_cols(t) if koboldbridge.userstate ~= "genmod" then return 0 end local backend = kobold.modelbackend if backend == "readonly" or backend == "api" then return 0 end return math.tointeger(koboldbridge.vocab_size) end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return integer function KoboldLib_setters.logits_cols(t) error("`KoboldLib.logits_cols` is a read-only attribute") end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return table<integer, table<integer, number>> function KoboldLib_getters.logits(t) if koboldbridge.userstate ~= "genmod" then return end return koboldbridge.logits end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@param v table<integer, table<integer, number>> function KoboldLib_setters.logits(t, v) if koboldbridge.userstate ~= "genmod" then error("Cannot write to `KoboldLib.logits` from outside of a generation modifer") return elseif type(v) ~= "table" then error("`KoboldLib.logits` must be a 2D array of numbers; you attempted to set it to a " .. type(v)) return end koboldbridge.logits = v end --========================================================================== -- Userscript API: Generated Tokens --========================================================================== ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return integer function KoboldLib_getters.generated_rows(t) local backend = kobold.modelbackend if backend == "readonly" or backend == "api" then return 0 elseif koboldbridge.userstate == "outmod" then return koboldbridge.num_outputs end return kobold.settings.numseqs end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return integer function KoboldLib_setters.generated_rows(t) error("`KoboldLib.generated_rows` is a read-only attribute") end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return integer function KoboldLib_getters.generated_cols(t) if koboldbridge.userstate ~= "genmod" then return 0 end local backend = kobold.modelbackend if backend == "readonly" or backend == "api" then return 0 end return math.tointeger(koboldbridge.generated_cols) end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return integer function KoboldLib_setters.generated_cols(t) error("`KoboldLib.generated_cols` is a read-only attribute") end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return table<integer, table<integer, integer>> function KoboldLib_getters.generated(t) if koboldbridge.userstate ~= "genmod" and koboldbridge.userstate ~= "outmod" then return end local backend = kobold.modelbackend if backend == "readonly" or backend == "api" then return end return koboldbridge.generated end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@param v table<integer, table<integer, integer>> function KoboldLib_setters.generated(t, v) if koboldbridge.userstate ~= "genmod" then error("Cannot write to `KoboldLib.generated` from outside of a generation modifier") return elseif type(v) ~= "table" then error("`KoboldLib.generated` must be a 2D array of integers; you attempted to set it to a " .. type(v)) return end koboldbridge.generated = v end --========================================================================== -- Userscript API: Output --========================================================================== ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return integer function KoboldLib_getters.num_outputs(t) local model = kobold.model if model == "OAI" or model == "InferKit" then return 1 end if koboldbridge.userstate == "outmod" then return koboldbridge.num_outputs end return kobold.settings.numseqs end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return integer function KoboldLib_setters.num_outputs(t) error("`KoboldLib.num_outputs` is a read-only attribute") end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@return table<integer, string> function KoboldLib_getters.outputs(t) if koboldbridge.userstate ~= "outmod" then return end return koboldbridge.outputs end ---@param t KoboldLib ---@param v table<integer, string> function KoboldLib_setters.outputs(t, v) if koboldbridge.userstate ~= "outmod" then error("Cannot write to `KoboldLib.outputs` from outside of an output modifier") return elseif type(v) ~= "table" then error("`KoboldLib.outputs` must be a 1D array of strings; you attempted to set it to a " .. type(v)) return end koboldbridge.outputs = v end --========================================================================== -- Userscript API: Utilities --========================================================================== ---@param str string ---@return table<integer, integer> function kobold.encode(str) if type(str) ~= "string" then error("`encode` takes a string as argument, but got a " .. type(str)) return end local encoded = {} for i, token in _python.enumerate(bridged.encode(str)) do encoded[i+1] = math.tointeger(token) end return encoded end ---@param tok integer|table<integer, integer> ---@return string function kobold.decode(tok) if type(tok) ~= "number" and type(tok) ~= "table" then error("`decode` takes a number or table of numbers as argument, but got a " .. type(tok)) return end if type(tok) == "number" then tok = {tok} end local _tok = {} local _v for k, v in ipairs(tok) do _v = math.tointeger(v) if _v == nil then error "`decode` got a table with one or more non-integer values" return end _tok[k] = _v end return bridged.decode(_tok) end ---@return nil function kobold.halt_generation() koboldbridge.generating = false end ---@param sequence? integer ---@return nil function kobold.restart_generation(sequence) if sequence == nil then sequence = 0 end sequence_type = type(sequence) sequence = math.tointeger(sequence) if sequence_type ~= "number" then error("`kobold.restart_generation` takes an integer greater than or equal to 0 or nil as argument, but got a " .. sequence_type) return elseif sequence < 0 then error("`kobold.restart_generation` takes an integer greater than or equal to 0 or nil as argument, but got `" .. sequence .. "`") return end if koboldbridge.userstate ~= "outmod" then error("Can only call `kobold.restart_generation()` from an output modifier") return end koboldbridge.restart_sequence = sequence end ---@param t KoboldCoreLib ---@return string function KoboldLib_getters.feedback(t) return koboldbridge.feedback end ---@param t KoboldCoreLib ---@param v string ---@return KoboldCoreLib function KoboldLib_setters.feedback(t, v) error("`KoboldLib.feedback` is a read-only attribute") end --========================================================================== -- Core script API --========================================================================== koboldbridge.userscripts = {} ---@type table<integer, KoboldUserScriptModule> koboldbridge.userscriptmodule_filename_map = {} ---@type table<KoboldUserScriptModule, string> koboldbridge.num_userscripts = 0 koboldbridge.inmod = nil ---@type function? koboldbridge.genmod = nil ---@type function? koboldbridge.outmod = nil ---@type function? ---@class KoboldUserScript ---@field inmod? function ---@field genmod? function ---@field outmod? function ---@class KoboldCoreScript ---@field inmod? function ---@field genmod? function ---@field outmod? function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---@class KoboldUserScriptModule ---@field filename string ---@field modulename string ---@field description string ---@field is_config_file_open boolean ---@field inmod? function ---@field genmod? function ---@field outmod? function local KoboldUserScriptModule = setmetatable({ _name = "KoboldUserScriptModule", }, metawrapper) local KoboldUserScriptModule_mt = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) local KoboldUserScriptModule_fields = { filename = false, modulename = false, description = false, inmod = false, genmod = false, outmod = false, } ---@param clear? boolean ---@return file* function KoboldUserScriptModule:get_config_file(clear) return get_config_file(koboldbridge.userscriptmodule_filename_map[self], clear) end ---@generic K ---@param t KoboldUserScriptModule ---@param k K ---@return K, any function KoboldUserScriptModule_mt._kobold_next(t, k) k = (next(KoboldUserScriptModule_fields, k)) return k, t[k] end ---@param t KoboldUserScriptModule ---@return function, KoboldUserScriptModule, nil function KoboldUserScriptModule_mt.__pairs(t) return next, t, nil end ---@param t KoboldUserScriptModule function KoboldUserScriptModule_mt.__index(t, k) if type(k) == "string" and KoboldUserScriptModule_fields[k] ~= nil then return rawget(t, "_" .. k) elseif k == "is_config_file_open" then return is_config_file_open(koboldbridge.userscriptmodule_filename_map[t]) end return rawget(t, k) end ---@param t KoboldUserScriptModule function KoboldUserScriptModule_mt.__newindex(t, k, v) error("`"..rawget(t, "_name").."` is a read-only class") end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---@class KoboldUserScriptList_base ---@type table<integer, KoboldUserScriptModule> local _ = {} ---@class KoboldUserScriptList : KoboldUserScriptList_base local KoboldUserScriptList = setmetatable({ _name = "KoboldUserScriptList", }, metawrapper) local KoboldUserScriptList_mt = setmetatable({}, metawrapper) ---@param t KoboldUserScriptList ---@return integer function KoboldUserScriptList_mt.__len(t) return koboldbridge.num_userscripts end ---@param t KoboldUserScriptList ---@param k integer ---@return KoboldUserScriptModule? function KoboldUserScriptList_mt.__index(t, k) if type(k) == "number" and math.tointeger(k) ~= nil then return koboldbridge.userscripts[k] end end ---@generic K ---@param t KoboldUserScriptList ---@param k K ---@return K, any function KoboldUserScriptList_mt._kobold_next(t, k) if k == nil then k = 0 elseif type(k) ~= "number" then return nil end k = k + 1 local v = t[k] if v == nil then return nil end return v.filename, v end ---@param t KoboldUserScriptList ---@return function, KoboldUserScriptList, nil function KoboldUserScriptList_mt.__pairs(t) return next, t, nil end ---@param t KoboldUserScriptList function KoboldUserScriptList_mt.__newindex(t, k, v) error("`"..rawget(t, "_name").."` is a read-only class") end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---@param t KoboldCoreLib ---@return string function KoboldCoreLib_getters.userscripts(t) return koboldbridge.userscripts end ---@param t KoboldCoreLib ---@param v string ---@return KoboldCoreLib function KoboldCoreLib_setters.userscripts(t, v) error("`KoboldCoreLib.userscripts` is a read-only attribute") end --========================================================================== -- Sandboxing code --========================================================================== local envs = {} koboldbridge.logging_name = nil koboldbridge.filename = nil local sandbox_require_builtins = { coroutine = true, package = true, string = true, utf8 = true, table = true, math = true, io = true, os = true, debug = true, } local old_load = load local function _safe_load(_g) return function(chunk, chunkname, mode, env) if mode == nil then mode = "t" elseif mode ~= "t" then error("Calling `load` with a `mode` other than 't' is disabled for security reasons") return end if env == nil then env = _g end return old_load(chunk, chunkname, mode, env) end end local old_loadfile = loadfile local package_loaded = {} ---@type table<table, table> local old_package_searchers = package.searchers ---@param modname string ---@param env table<string, any> ---@param search_paths? string|table<integer, string> ---@return any, string? local function requirex(modname, env, search_paths) if search_paths == nil then search_paths = bridged.lib_paths end if modname == "bridge" then return function() return env.kobold, env.koboldcore end end if type(modname) == "number" then modname = tostring(modname) elseif type(modname) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 to 'require' (string expected, got "..type(modname)..")") return end if sandbox_require_builtins[modname] then return env[modname] end local allowsearch = type(modname) == "string" and string.match(modname, "[^%w._-]") == nil and string.match(modname, "%.%.") == nil if allowsearch and package_loaded[env] == nil then package_loaded[env] = {} elseif allowsearch and package_loaded[env][modname] then return package_loaded[env][modname] end local loader, path local errors = {} local n_errors = 0 set_require_path(search_paths) for k, v in ipairs(old_package_searchers) do loader, path = v(modname) if allowsearch and type(loader) == "function" then break elseif type(loader) == "string" then n_errors = n_errors + 1 errors[n_errors] = "\n\t" .. loader end end set_require_path(bridged.lib_paths) if not allowsearch or type(loader) ~= "function" then error("module '" .. modname .. "' not found:" .. table.concat(errors)) return end local f, err = old_loadfile(path, "t", env) if err ~= nil then error(err) return end local retval = (f()) package_loaded[env][modname] = retval == nil or retval return package_loaded[env][modname], path end local function _safe_require(_g) ---@param modname string ---@return any, string? return function(modname) return requirex(modname, _g) end end local old_input = io.input ---@param file? string|file* local function safe_input(file) if type(file) == "string" then error("Calling `io.input` with a string as argument is disabled for security reasons") return end return old_input(file) end local old_output = io.output ---@param file? string|file* local function safe_output(file) if type(file) == "string" then error("Calling `io.output` with a string as argument is disabled for security reasons") return end return old_output(file) end local old_lines = io.lines ---@param filename? string local function safe_lines(filename, ...) if type(filename) == "string" then error("Calling `io.lines` with a string as first argument is disabled for security reasons") return end return old_lines(filename, ...) end local function redirected_print(...) local args = table.pack(...) for i = 1, args.n do args[i] = tostring(args[i]) end bridged.print(table.concat(args, "\t")) end local function _redirected_warn() local do_warning = true local control_table = { ["@on"] = function() do_warning = true end, ["@off"] = function() do_warning = false end, } return function(...) local args = table.pack(...) if args.n == 1 and type(args[1]) == "string" and args[1]:sub(1, 1) == "@" then local f = control_table[args[1]] if f ~= nil then f() end return end if not do_warning then return end for i = 1, args.n do args[i] = tostring(args[i]) end bridged.warn(table.concat(args, "\t")) end end local sandbox_template_env = { assert = assert, connectgarbage = collectgarbage, error = error, getmetatable = getmetatable, ipairs = ipairs, load = nil, ---@type function next = next, pairs = pairs, pcall = pcall, print = nil, ---@type function rawequal = rawequal, rawget = rawget, rawlen = rawlen, rawset = rawset, select = select, setmetatable = setmetatable, tonumber = tonumber, tostring = tostring, type = type, _VERSION = _VERSION, warn = nil, ---@type function xpcall = xpcall, coroutine = { close = coroutine.close, create = coroutine.create, isyieldable = coroutine.isyieldable, resume = coroutine.resume, running = coroutine.running, status = coroutine.status, wrap = coroutine.wrap, yield = coroutine.yield, }, require = nil, ---@type function package = { config = package.config, }, string = { byte = string.byte, char = string.char, dump = string.dump, find = string.find, format = string.format, gmatch = string.gmatch, gsub = string.gsub, len = string.len, lower = string.lower, match = string.match, pack = string.pack, packsize = string.packsize, rep = string.rep, reverse = string.reverse, sub = string.sub, unpack = string.unpack, upper = string.upper, }, utf8 = { char = utf8.char, charpattern = utf8.charpattern, codes = utf8.codes, codepoint = utf8.codepoint, len = utf8.len, offset = utf8.offset, }, table = { concat = table.concat, insert = table.insert, move = table.move, pack = table.pack, remove = table.remove, sort = table.sort, unpack = table.unpack, }, math = { abs = math.abs, acos = math.acos, asin = math.asin, atan = math.atan, atan2 = math.atan2, ceil = math.ceil, cos = math.cos, cosh = math.cosh, deg = math.deg, exp = math.exp, floor = math.floor, fmod = math.fmod, frexp = math.frexp, huge = math.huge, ldexp = math.ldexp, log = math.log, log10 = math.log10, max = math.max, maxinteger = math.maxinteger, min = math.min, mininteger = math.mininteger, modf = math.modf, pi = math.pi, pow = math.pow, rad = math.rad, random = math.random, randomseed = function() warn("WARNING: math.randomseed() is not permitted; please use the mt19937ar library instead") end, sin = math.sin, sinh = math.sinh, sqrt = math.sqrt, tan = math.tan, tanh = math.tanh, tointeger = math.tointeger, type = math.type, ult = math.ult, }, io = { stdin = io.stdin, stdout = io.stdout, stderr = io.stderr, input = safe_input, output = safe_output, read = io.read, write = io.write, close = _new_close(io.close), lines = safe_lines, flush = io.flush, type = io.type, }, os = { clock = os.clock, date = os.date, difftime = os.difftime, exit = function() end, getenv = os.getenv, time = os.time, tmpname = os.tmpname, }, debug = { getinfo = debug.getinfo, gethook = debug.gethook, getmetatable = debug.getmetatable, getuservalue = debug.getuservalue, sethook = debug.sethook, setmetatable = debug.setmetatable, setuservalue = debug.setuservalue, traceback = debug.traceback, upvalueid = debug.upvalueid, }, } function koboldbridge.get_universe(universe) local env = envs[universe] if env == nil then envs[universe] = deepcopy(sandbox_template_env) env = envs[universe] envs[universe].kobold = deepcopy(kobold) if universe == 0 then envs[universe].koboldcore = deepcopy(koboldcore) end envs[universe].load = _safe_load(env) envs[universe].require = _safe_require(env) envs[universe].print = redirected_print envs[universe].warn = _redirected_warn() env._G = env end return env end function koboldbridge.obliterate_multiverse() for k, v in pairs(config_files) do pcall(v.close, v) end envs = {} koboldbridge.userscripts = {} koboldbridge.num_userscripts = 0 koboldbridge.inmod = nil koboldbridge.genmod = nil koboldbridge.outmod = nil end --========================================================================== -- API for aiserver.py --========================================================================== ---@return boolean function koboldbridge.load_userscripts(filenames, modulenames, descriptions) config_files = {} config_file_filename_map = {} koboldbridge.userscripts = {} koboldbridge.userscriptmodule_filename_map = {} koboldbridge.num_userscripts = 0 local has_genmod = false for i, filename in _python.enumerate(filenames) do bridged.load_callback(filename, modulenames[i]) koboldbridge.logging_name = modulenames[i] koboldbridge.filename = filename local f, err = old_loadfile(join_folder_and_filename(bridged.userscript_path, filename), "t", koboldbridge.get_universe(filename)) if err ~= nil then error(err) return false end ---@type KoboldUserScript local _userscript = f() koboldbridge.logging_name = nil koboldbridge.filename = nil if _userscript.genmod ~= nil then has_genmod = true end local userscript = deepcopy(KoboldUserScriptModule) rawset(userscript, "_inmod", function() koboldbridge.logging_name = modulenames[i] koboldbridge.filename = filename if _userscript.inmod ~= nil then _userscript.inmod() end koboldbridge:clear_userscript_metadata() end) rawset(userscript, "_genmod", function() koboldbridge.logging_name = modulenames[i] koboldbridge.filename = filename if _userscript.genmod ~= nil then _userscript.genmod() end koboldbridge:clear_userscript_metadata() end) rawset(userscript, "_outmod", function() koboldbridge.logging_name = modulenames[i] koboldbridge.filename = filename if _userscript.outmod ~= nil then _userscript.outmod() end koboldbridge:clear_userscript_metadata() end) rawset(userscript, "_filename", filename) rawset(userscript, "_modulename", modulenames[i]) rawset(userscript, "_description", descriptions[i]) koboldbridge.userscripts[i+1] = userscript koboldbridge.userscriptmodule_filename_map[userscript] = filename koboldbridge.num_userscripts = i + 1 end return has_genmod end ---@return nil function koboldbridge.load_corescript(filename) local f, err = old_loadfile(join_folder_and_filename(bridged.corescript_path, filename), "t", koboldbridge.get_universe(0)) if err ~= nil then error(err) return end ---@type KoboldCoreScript local corescript = f() koboldbridge.inmod = corescript.inmod koboldbridge.genmod = corescript.genmod koboldbridge.outmod = corescript.outmod end function koboldbridge.execute_inmod() local r koboldbridge:clear_userscript_metadata() koboldbridge.restart_sequence = nil koboldbridge.userstate = "inmod" koboldbridge.regeneration_required = false koboldbridge.generating = true koboldbridge.generated_cols = 0 koboldbridge.generated = {} if koboldbridge.inmod ~= nil then r = koboldbridge.inmod() end for i = 1, kobold.settings.numseqs do koboldbridge.generated[i] = {} end koboldbridge.outputs = {} for i = 1, kobold.num_outputs do koboldbridge.outputs[i] = {} end return r end ---@return any, boolean function koboldbridge.execute_genmod() local r koboldbridge:clear_userscript_metadata() koboldbridge.generating = true koboldbridge.userstate = "genmod" if koboldbridge.genmod ~= nil then local _generated = deepcopy(koboldbridge.generated) if not bridged.vars.nogenmod then r = koboldbridge.genmod() end setmetatable(koboldbridge.logits, nil) for kr, vr in old_next, koboldbridge.logits, nil do setmetatable(vr, nil) for kc, vc in old_next, vr, nil do if type(vc) ~= "number" then error("`kobold.logits` must be a 2D table of numbers, but found a non-number element at row " .. kr .. ", column " .. kc) return r end end end setmetatable(koboldbridge.generated, nil) for kr, vr in old_next, koboldbridge.generated, nil do setmetatable(vr, nil) for kc, vc in old_next, vr, nil do if math.tointeger(vc) == nil then error("`kobold.generated` must be a 2D table of integers, but found a non-integer element at row " .. kr .. ", column " .. kc) return r end vr[kc] = math.tointeger(vc) if vr[kc] ~= _generated[kr][kc] then maybe_require_regeneration() end end end end koboldbridge.generated_cols = koboldbridge.generated_cols + 1 return r end function koboldbridge.execute_outmod() local r koboldbridge:clear_userscript_metadata() koboldbridge.generating = false koboldbridge.userstate = "outmod" koboldbridge.num_outputs = kobold.settings.numseqs if koboldbridge.outmod ~= nil then local _outputs = deepcopy(koboldbridge.outputs) r = koboldbridge.outmod() setmetatable(koboldbridge.outputs, nil) for k, v in old_next, koboldbridge.outputs, nil do if type(v) ~= "string" then error("`kobold.outputs` must be a 1D array of strings, but found a non-string element at index " .. k) return r end if v ~= _outputs[k] then maybe_require_regeneration() end end end koboldbridge.userstate = nil return r end --========================================================================== -- Footer --========================================================================== metawrapper.__newindex = nil setmetatable(KoboldWorldInfoEntry, KoboldWorldInfoEntry_mt) setmetatable(KoboldWorldInfoFolder, KoboldWorldInfoFolder_mt) setmetatable(KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector, KoboldWorldInfoFolderSelector_mt) setmetatable(KoboldWorldInfo, KoboldWorldInfo_mt) setmetatable(KoboldStoryChunk, KoboldStoryChunk_mt) setmetatable(KoboldStory, KoboldStory_mt) setmetatable(KoboldSettings, KoboldSettings_mt) setmetatable(KoboldUserScriptModule, KoboldUserScriptModule_mt) setmetatable(KoboldUserScriptList, KoboldUserScriptList_mt) setmetatable(kobold, KoboldLib_mt) setmetatable(koboldcore, KoboldCoreLib_mt) return kobold, koboldcore, koboldbridge end