from threading import Timer import re import shutil import json import subprocess import tempfile import requests import os vars = None #==================================================================# # Decorator to prevent a function's actions from being run until # at least x seconds have passed without the function being called #==================================================================# def debounce(wait): def decorator(fun): def debounced(*args, **kwargs): def call_it(): fun(*args, **kwargs) try: debounced.t.cancel() except AttributeError: pass debounced.t = Timer(wait, call_it) debounced.t.start() return debounced return decorator #==================================================================# # Replace fancy quotes and apostrope's with standard ones #==================================================================# def fixquotes(txt): txt = txt.replace("“", '"') txt = txt.replace("”", '"') txt = txt.replace("’", "'") txt = txt.replace("`", "'") return txt #==================================================================# # #==================================================================# def trimincompletesentence(txt): # Cache length of text ln = len(txt) # Find last instance of punctuation (Borrowed from Clover-Edition by cloveranon) lastpunc = max(txt.rfind("."), txt.rfind("!"), txt.rfind("?")) # Is this the end of a quote? if(lastpunc < ln-1): if(txt[lastpunc+1] == '"'): lastpunc = lastpunc + 1 if(lastpunc >= 0): txt = txt[:lastpunc+1] return txt #==================================================================# # #==================================================================# def replaceblanklines(txt): txt = txt.replace("\n\n", "\n") return txt #==================================================================# # #==================================================================# def removespecialchars(txt, vars=None): if vars is None or vars.actionmode == 0: txt = re.sub(r"[#/@%<>{}+=~|\^]", "", txt) else: txt = re.sub(r"[#/@%{}+=~|\^]", "", txt) return txt #==================================================================# # If the next action follows a sentence closure, add a space #==================================================================# def addsentencespacing(txt, vars): # Get last character of last action if(len(vars.actions) > 0): if(len(vars.actions[vars.actions.get_last_key()]) > 0): action = vars.actions[vars.actions.get_last_key()] lastchar = action[-1] if len(action) else "" else: # Last action is blank, this should never happen, but # since it did let's bail out. return txt else: action = vars.prompt lastchar = action[-1] if len(action) else "" if(lastchar == "." or lastchar == "!" or lastchar == "?" or lastchar == "," or lastchar == ";" or lastchar == ":"): txt = " " + txt return txt def singlelineprocessing(txt, vars): txt = vars.regex_sl.sub('', txt) if(len(vars.actions) > 0): if(len(vars.actions[vars.actions.get_last_key()]) > 0): action = vars.actions[vars.actions.get_last_key()] lastchar = action[-1] if len(action) else "" else: # Last action is blank, this should never happen, but # since it did let's bail out. return txt else: action = vars.prompt lastchar = action[-1] if len(action) else "" if(lastchar != "\n"): txt = txt + "\n" return txt #==================================================================# # Cleans string for use in file name #==================================================================# def cleanfilename(filename): filteredcharacters = ('/','\\') filename = "".join(c for c in filename if c not in filteredcharacters).rstrip() return filename #==================================================================# # Newline substitution for fairseq models #==================================================================# def encodenewlines(txt): if(vars.newlinemode == "s"): return txt.replace('\n', "") return txt def decodenewlines(txt): if(vars.newlinemode == "s"): return txt.replace("", '\n') return txt #==================================================================# # Downloads sharded huggingface checkpoints using aria2c if possible #==================================================================# def aria2_hook(pretrained_model_name_or_path: str, force_download=True, cache_dir=None, proxies=None, resume_download=False, local_files_only=False, use_auth_token=None, user_agent=None, revision=None, mirror=None, **kwargs): import transformers import transformers.modeling_utils from huggingface_hub import HfFolder if shutil.which("aria2c") is None: # Don't do anything if aria2 is not installed return if local_files_only: # If local_files_only is true, we obviously don't need to download anything return if os.path.isdir(pretrained_model_name_or_path) or os.path.isfile(pretrained_model_name_or_path) or os.path.isfile(pretrained_model_name_or_path + ".index") or transformers.modeling_utils.is_remote_url(pretrained_model_name_or_path): return if proxies: print("WARNING: KoboldAI does not support using aria2 to download models from through a proxy. Disabling aria2 download mode.") return if use_auth_token: if isinstance(use_auth_token, str): token = use_auth_token else: token = HfFolder.get_token() if token is None: raise EnvironmentError("You specified use_auth_token=True, but a huggingface token was not found.") _cache_dir = str(cache_dir) if cache_dir is not None else transformers.TRANSFORMERS_CACHE sharded = False headers = {"user-agent": transformers.file_utils.http_user_agent(user_agent)} if use_auth_token: headers["authorization"] = f"Bearer {use_auth_token}" def is_cached(url): try: transformers.file_utils.get_from_cache(url, cache_dir=cache_dir, local_files_only=True) except FileNotFoundError: return False return True while True: # Try to get the URL of the model's pytorch_model.bin or pytorch_model.bin.index.json file try: filename = transformers.modeling_utils.WEIGHTS_INDEX_NAME if sharded else transformers.modeling_utils.WEIGHTS_NAME except AttributeError: return url = transformers.file_utils.hf_bucket_url(pretrained_model_name_or_path, filename, revision=revision, mirror=mirror) if is_cached(url) or requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True, proxies=proxies, headers=headers): break if sharded: return else: sharded = True if not sharded: # If the model has a pytorch_model.bin file, that's the only file to download filenames = [transformers.modeling_utils.WEIGHTS_NAME] else: # Otherwise download the pytorch_model.bin.index.json and then let aria2 download all the pytorch_model-#####-of-#####.bin files mentioned inside it map_filename = transformers.file_utils.cached_path(url, cache_dir=cache_dir, force_download=force_download, proxies=proxies, resume_download=resume_download, use_auth_token=use_auth_token, user_agent=user_agent) with open(map_filename) as f: map_data = json.load(f) filenames = set(map_data["weight_map"].values()) urls = [transformers.file_utils.hf_bucket_url(pretrained_model_name_or_path, n, revision=revision, mirror=mirror) for n in filenames] if not force_download: urls = [u for u in urls if not is_cached(u)] if not urls: return etags = [h.get("X-Linked-Etag") or h.get("ETag") for u in urls for h in [requests.head(u, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False, proxies=proxies, timeout=10).headers]] filenames = [transformers.file_utils.url_to_filename(u, t) for u, t in zip(urls, etags)] for n in filenames: path = os.path.join(_cache_dir, "kai-tempfile." + n + ".aria2") if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) path = os.path.join(_cache_dir, "kai-tempfile." + n) if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) if force_download: path = os.path.join(_cache_dir, n + ".json") if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) path = os.path.join(_cache_dir, n) if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) aria2_config = "\n".join(f"{u}\n out=kai-tempfile.{n}" for u, n in zip(urls, filenames)).encode() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w+b", delete=False) as f: f.write(aria2_config) f.flush() p = subprocess.Popen(["aria2c", "-x", "10", "-s", "10", "-j", "10", "--disable-ipv6", "--file-allocation=trunc", "--allow-overwrite", "--auto-file-renaming", "false", "-d", _cache_dir, "-i",, "-U", transformers.file_utils.http_user_agent(user_agent)] + (["-c"] if not force_download else []) + ([f"--header='Authorization: Bearer {token}'"] if use_auth_token else []), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) for line in p.stdout: print(line.decode(), end="", flush=True) path = try: os.remove(path) except OSError: pass for u, t, n in zip(urls, etags, filenames): os.rename(os.path.join(_cache_dir, "kai-tempfile." + n), os.path.join(_cache_dir, n)) with open(os.path.join(_cache_dir, n + ".json"), "w") as f: json.dump({"url": u, "etag": t}, f)