@echo off cd /D %~dp0 TITLE KoboldAI Uninstall Helper SET /P M=<loader.settings IF %M%==3 subst /D B: >nul IF %M%==1 subst /D K: >nul IF "%1" == "FORCE" GOTO UNINSTALL IF EXIST "Uninstall\unins000.exe" ( start Uninstall\unins000.exe exit ) ELSE ( echo This will remove all KoboldAI folders that do not contain user data. echo DO NOT CONTINUE IF KOBOLDAI IS NOT IN ITS OWN FOLDER! OTHERWISE YOUR OTHER DATA IN THIS FOLDER WILL BE DELETED AS WELL! pause set /P D=Type DELETE if you wish to continue the uninstallation: ) IF %D%==DELETE GOTO UNINSTALL exit :UNINSTALL echo Uninstallation in progress, please wait... set DM=Y attrib -h .git >nul for /d %%D in (*) do if not "%%~nxD"=="stories" if not "%%~nxD"=="userscripts" if not "%%~nxD"=="settings" if not "%%~nxD"=="softprompts" if not "%%~nxD"=="models" if not "%%~nxD"=="Uninstall" rmdir /S /Q %%~nxD for %%i in (*) do if not "%%i"=="Uninstall.bat" del /q "%%i" set /P DM=Would you like to delete the models folder? (Y/n) : IF %DM%==Y rmdir models /s /q IF %DM%==y rmdir models /s /q set DM=N set /P DM=Would you like to delete all other user folders? (y/N) : IF %DM%==Y rmdir stories userscripts settings softprompts /s /q IF %DM%==y rmdir stories userscripts settings softprompts /s /q del Uninstall.bat