@echo off cd /D %~dp0 TITLE KoboldAI Uninstall Helper SET /P M=nul IF %M%==1 subst /D K: >nul IF "%1" == "FORCE" GOTO UNINSTALL IF EXIST "Uninstall\unins000.exe" ( start Uninstall\unins000.exe exit ) ELSE ( echo This will remove all KoboldAI folders that do not contain user data pause GOTO UNINSTALL ) :UNINSTALL echo Uninstallation in progress, please wait... set DM=Y attrib -h .git >nul for /d %%D in (*) do if not "%%~nxD"=="stories" if not "%%~nxD"=="userscripts" if not "%%~nxD"=="settings" if not "%%~nxD"=="softprompts" if not "%%~nxD"=="models" if not "%%~nxD"=="Uninstall" rmdir /S /Q %%~nxD for %%i in (*) do if not "%%i"=="Uninstall.bat" del /q "%%i" set /P DM=Would you like to delete the models folder? (Y/n) : IF %DM%==Y rmdir models /s /q IF %DM%==y rmdir models /s /q set DM=N set /P DM=Would you like to delete all other user folders? (y/N) : IF %DM%==Y rmdir stories userscripts settings softprompts /s /q IF %DM%==y rmdir stories userscripts settings softprompts /s /q del Uninstall.bat