@echo off %~d0 cd %~dp0 TITLE KoboldAI - Updater SET /P M=<loader.settings IF %M%==1 GOTO drivemap IF %M%==2 GOTO subfolder IF %M%==3 GOTO drivemap_B :subfolder SET TEMP=%~DP0MINICONDA3 SET TMP=%~DP0MINICONDA3 call miniconda3\condabin\activate GOTO GIT :drivemap subst K: miniconda3 >nul SET TEMP=K:\ SET TMP=K:\ call K:\python\condabin\activate GOTO GIT :drivemap_B subst B: miniconda3 >nul SET TEMP=B:\ SET TMP=B:\ call B:\python\condabin\activate GOTO GIT :GIT ECHO 1. KoboldAI Main (The Official stable version of KoboldAI) ECHO 2. KoboldAI United (Development Version, new features but may break at any time) SET /P V=Enter your desired version or type your own GIT URL: IF %V%==1 ( SET origin=https://github.com/koboldai/koboldai-client SET branch=main ) ELSE ( IF %V%==2 ( SET origin=https://github.com/henk717/koboldai SET branch=united ) ELSE ( SET origin=%v% SET /P branch=Specify the GIT Branch: ) ) git init git remote remove origin git remote add origin %origin% git fetch --all git checkout %branch% -f git reset --hard origin/%branch% cmd /k