//=================================================================// // VARIABLES //=================================================================// // Socket IO Object var socket; // UI references for jQuery var connect_status; var button_newgame; var button_rndgame; var button_save; var button_saveas; var button_savetofile; var button_load; var button_import; var button_importwi; var button_impaidg; var button_settings; var button_format; var button_softprompt; var button_userscripts; var button_mode; var button_mode_label; var button_send; var button_actmem; var button_actback; var button_actfwd; var button_actretry; var button_actwi; var game_text; var input_text; var message_text; var chat_name; var settings_menu; var format_menu; var wi_menu; var anote_menu; var anote_input; var anote_labelcur; var anote_slider; var debug_area; var popup; var popup_title; var popup_content; var popup_accept; var popup_close; var aidgpopup; var aidgpromptnum; var aidg_accept; var aidg_close; var saveaspopup; var saveasinput; var savepins; var topic; var saveas_accept; var saveas_close; var loadpopup; var loadcontent; var load_accept; var load_close; var sppopup; var spcontent; var sp_accept; var sp_close; var uspopup; var uscontent; var us_accept; var us_close; var nspopup; var ns_accept; var ns_close; var rspopup; var rs_accept; var rs_close; var seqselmenu; var seqselcontents; var storyname = null; var memorymode = false; var memorytext = ""; var gamestarted = false; var wiscroll = 0; var editmode = false; var connected = false; var newly_loaded = true; var modified_chunks = new Set(); var empty_chunks = new Set(); var gametext_bound = false; var saved_prompt = "..."; var wifolders_d = {}; var wifolders_l = []; var override_focusout = false; var sman_allow_delete = false; var sman_allow_rename = false; var allowsp = false; var remote = false; var gamestate = ""; var gamesaved = true; var modelname = null; // This is true iff [we're in macOS and the browser is Safari] or [we're in iOS] var using_webkit_patch = true; // Key states var shift_down = false; var do_clear_ent = false; // Display vars var allowtoggle = false; var formatcount = 0; var allowedit = true; // Whether clicking on chunks will edit them // Adventure var action_mode = 0; // 0: story, 1: action var adventure = false; // Chatmode var chatmode = false; var sliders_throttle = getThrottle(200); //=================================================================// // METHODS //=================================================================// /** * Returns a function that will automatically wait for X ms before executing the callback * The timer is reset each time the returned function is called * Useful for methods where something is overridden too fast * @param ms milliseconds to wait before executing the callback * @return {(function(*): void)|*} function that takes the ms to wait and a callback to execute after the timer */ function getThrottle(ms) { var timer = {}; return function (id, callback) { if (timer[id]) { clearTimeout(timer[id]); } timer[id] = setTimeout(function () { callback(); delete timer[id]; }, ms); } } function addSetting(ob) { // Add setting block to Settings Menu if(ob.uitype == "slider"){ settings_menu.append("
\ "+ob.label+" ?"+ob.tooltip+"\
\ \
\ \
\ "+ob.min+"\
\ "+ob.max+"\
"); // Set references to HTML objects var refin = $("#"+ob.id); var reflb = $("#"+ob.id+"cur"); window["setting_"+ob.id] = refin; // Is this still needed? window["label_"+ob.id] = reflb; // Is this still needed? // Add event function to input var send = function () { var that = refin; sliders_throttle(ob.id, function () { socket.send({'cmd': $(that).attr('id'), 'data': $(that).val()}); refin.val(parseFloat($(that).val())); reflb.html($(that).val()); }); } refin.on("input", send); reflb.on("change", function (event) { var value = (ob.unit === "float" ? parseFloat : parseInt)(event.target.value); if(Number.isNaN(value) || value > ob.max || value < ob.min) { event.target.value = refin.val(); return; } refin.val(value); send(); }); } else if(ob.uitype == "toggle"){ settings_menu.append("
\ \ "+ob.label+" \ ?"+ob.tooltip+"\
"); // Tell Bootstrap-Toggle to render the new checkbox $("input[type=checkbox]").bootstrapToggle(); $("#"+ob.id).on("change", function () { if(allowtoggle) { socket.send({'cmd': $(this).attr('id'), 'data': $(this).prop('checked')}); } if(ob.id == "setadventure"){ setadventure($(this).prop('checked')); } }); } } function refreshTitle() { var title = gamesaved ? "" : "\u2731 "; if(storyname !== null) { title += storyname + " \u2014 "; } title += "KoboldAI Client"; if(modelname !== null) { title += " (" + modelname + ")"; } document.title = title; } function setGameSaved(state) { gamesaved = !!state; refreshTitle(); } function addFormat(ob) { // Check if we need to make a new column for this button if(formatcount == 0) { format_menu.append("
"); } // Get reference to the last child column var ref = $("#formatmenu > div").last(); // Add format block to Format Menu ref.append("
\ \ "+ob.label+" \ ?"+ob.tooltip+"\
"); // Tell Bootstrap-Toggle to render the new checkbox $("input[type=checkbox]").bootstrapToggle(); // Add event to input $("#"+ob.id).on("change", function () { if(allowtoggle) { socket.send({'cmd': $(this).attr('id'), 'data': $(this).prop('checked')}); } }); // Increment display variable formatcount++; if(formatcount == 2) { formatcount = 0; } } function addImportLine(ob) { popup_content.append("
"); $("#import"+ob.num).on("click", function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'importselect', 'data': $(this).attr('id')}); highlightImportLine($(this)); }); } function adjustWiCommentHeight(element) { element.style.height = "0px"; element.style.height = element.scrollHeight + "px"; element.parentNode.parentNode.style.height = element.scrollHeight + 90 + "px"; } function adjustWiFolderNameHeight(element) { element.style.height = "0px"; element.style.height = element.scrollHeight + "px"; element.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.height = element.scrollHeight + 19 + "px"; } function addWiLine(ob) { var current_wifolder_element = ob.folder === null ? $(".wisortable-body:not([folder-uid])").last() : $(".wisortable-body[folder-uid="+ob.folder+"]"); if(ob.init) { if(ob.selective){ current_wifolder_element.append("
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \
\ \
"); } else { current_wifolder_element.append("
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \
\ \
"); } adjustWiCommentHeight($("#wicomment"+ob.num)[0]); // Send key value to text input $("#wikey"+ob.num).val(ob.key); $("#wikeyprimary"+ob.num).val(ob.key); $("#wikeysecondary"+ob.num).val(ob.keysecondary); // Assign delete event to button $("#btn_wi"+ob.num).on("click", function () { showWiDeleteConfirm(ob.num); }); } else { // Show WI line item with form fields hidden (uninitialized) current_wifolder_element.append("
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \
\ \
"); // Assign function to expand WI item to button $("#btn_wi"+ob.num).on("click", function () { var folder = $("#wilistitem"+ob.num).parent().attr("folder-uid"); if(folder === undefined) { folder = null; } else { folder = parseInt(folder); } socket.send({'cmd': 'wiexpand', 'data': ob.num}); socket.send({'cmd': 'wiinit', 'folder': folder, 'data': ob.num}); }); } // Assign actions to other elements wientry_onfocus = function () { $("#selective-key-"+ob.num).addClass("selective-key-icon-clickthrough"); $("#constant-key-"+ob.num).addClass("constant-key-icon-clickthrough"); } wientry_onfocusout = function () { $("#selective-key-"+ob.num).removeClass("selective-key-icon-clickthrough"); $("#constant-key-"+ob.num).removeClass("constant-key-icon-clickthrough"); // Tell server about updated WI fields var selective = $("#wilistitem"+ob.num)[0].classList.contains("wilistitem-selective"); socket.send({'cmd': 'wiupdate', 'num': ob.num, 'data': { key: selective ? $("#wikeyprimary"+ob.num).val() : $("#wikey"+ob.num).val(), keysecondary: $("#wikeysecondary"+ob.num).val(), content: $("#wientry"+ob.num).val(), comment: $("#wicomment"+ob.num).val(), }}); } $("#wikey"+ob.num).on("focus", wientry_onfocus); $("#wikeyprimary"+ob.num).on("focus", wientry_onfocus); $("#wikeysecondary"+ob.num).on("focus", wientry_onfocus); $("#wientry"+ob.num).on("focus", wientry_onfocus); $("#wicomment"+ob.num).on("focus", wientry_onfocus); $("#wikey"+ob.num).on("focusout", wientry_onfocusout); $("#wikeyprimary"+ob.num).on("focusout", wientry_onfocusout); $("#wikeysecondary"+ob.num).on("focusout", wientry_onfocusout); $("#wientry"+ob.num).on("focusout", wientry_onfocusout); $("#wicomment"+ob.num).on("focusout", wientry_onfocusout); $("#btn_wican"+ob.num).on("click", function () { hideWiDeleteConfirm(ob.num); }); $("#btn_widel"+ob.num).on("click", function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'widelete', 'data': ob.uid}); }); $("#selective-key-"+ob.num).on("click", function () { var element = $("#selective-key-"+ob.num); if(element.hasClass("selective-key-icon-enabled")) { socket.send({'cmd': 'wiseloff', 'data': ob.num}); } else { socket.send({'cmd': 'wiselon', 'data': ob.num}); } }); $("#constant-key-"+ob.num).on("click", function () { var element = $("#constant-key-"+ob.num); if(element.hasClass("constant-key-icon-enabled")) { socket.send({'cmd': 'wiconstantoff', 'data': ob.num}); } else { socket.send({'cmd': 'wiconstanton', 'data': ob.num}); } }); $("#wihandle"+ob.num).off().on("mousedown", function () { wientry_onfocusout() $(".wisortable-container").addClass("wisortable-excluded"); // Prevent WI entries with extremely long comments from filling the screen and preventing scrolling $(this).parent().css("max-height", "200px").find(".wicomment").find(".form-control").css("max-height", "110px"); }).on("mouseup", function () { $(".wisortable-excluded-dynamic").removeClass("wisortable-excluded-dynamic"); $(this).parent().css("max-height", "").find(".wicomment").find(".form-control").css("max-height", ""); }); } function addWiFolder(uid, ob) { if(uid !== null) { var uninitialized = $("#wilistfoldercontainer"+null); var html = "
\ \ \ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
"; if(uninitialized.length) { $(html).insertBefore(uninitialized); } else { wi_menu.append(html); } var onfocusout = function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'wifolderupdate', 'uid': uid, 'data': { name: $("#wifoldername"+uid).val(), collapsed: !$("#btn_wifolderexpand"+uid).hasClass("folder-expanded"), }}); }; $("#wifoldergutter"+uid).on("click", function () { $(this).siblings(".wilistfolder")[0].scrollIntoView(); }); $("#btn_wifolder"+uid).on("click", function () { showWiFolderDeleteConfirm(uid); }); $("#btn_wifolderdel"+uid).on("click", function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'wifolderdelete', 'data': uid}); }); $("#btn_wifoldercan"+uid).on("click", function () { hideWiFolderDeleteConfirm(uid); }) $("#wifoldername"+uid).on("focusout", onfocusout); $("#wifolderhandle"+uid).off().on("mousedown", function () { onfocusout(); $(".wilistitem, .wisortable-dummy").addClass("wisortable-excluded-dynamic"); // Prevent WI folders with extremely long names from filling the screen and preventing scrolling $(this).parent().parent().find(".wisortable-body").addClass("hidden"); $(this).parent().css("max-height", "200px").find(".wifoldername").find(".form-control").css("max-height", "181px"); }).on("mouseup", function () { $(".wisortable-excluded-dynamic").removeClass("wisortable-excluded-dynamic"); $(this).parent().parent().find(".wisortable-body").removeClass("hidden"); $(this).parent().css("max-height", "").find(".wifoldername").find(".form-control").css("max-height", ""); }); $("#btn_wifolderexpand"+uid).on("click", function () { if($(this).hasClass("folder-expanded")) { socket.send({'cmd': 'wifoldercollapsecontent', 'data': uid}); } else { socket.send({'cmd': 'wifolderexpandcontent', 'data': uid}); } }) adjustWiFolderNameHeight($("#wifoldername"+uid)[0]); if(ob.collapsed) { setTimeout(function() { var container = $("#wilistfoldercontainer"+uid); hide([container.find(".wifoldergutter-container"), container.find(".wisortable-body")]); }, 2); } } else { wi_menu.append("
\ \ \ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
"); $("#btn_wifolder"+uid).on("click", function () { expandWiFolderLine(uid); }); } } function expandWiLine(num) { show([$("#wikey"+num), $("#wientry"+num), $("#wihandle"+num), $("#selective-key-"+num), $("#constant-key-"+num), $("#btn_wiselon"+num), $("#wicomment"+num)]); $("#wihandle"+num).removeClass("wihandle-inactive").addClass("wihandle"); $("#btn_wi"+num).html("X"); $("#btn_wi"+num).off(); $("#wilistitem"+num).removeClass("wilistitem-uninitialized").removeClass("wisortable-excluded"); $("#btn_wi"+num).on("click", function () { showWiDeleteConfirm(num); }); adjustWiCommentHeight($("#wicomment"+num)[0]); } function expandWiFolderLine(num) { socket.send({'cmd': 'wifolderinit', 'data': ''}); } function showWiDeleteConfirm(num) { hide([$("#btn_wi"+num)]); show([$("#btn_widel"+num), $("#btn_wican"+num)]); } function showWiFolderDeleteConfirm(num) { hide([$("#btn_wifolder"+num)]); show([$("#btn_wifolderdel"+num), $("#btn_wifoldercan"+num)]); } function hideWiDeleteConfirm(num) { show([$("#btn_wi"+num)]); hide([$("#btn_widel"+num), $("#btn_wican"+num)]); } function hideWiFolderDeleteConfirm(num) { show([$("#btn_wifolder"+num)]); hide([$("#btn_wifolderdel"+num), $("#btn_wifoldercan"+num)]); } function collapseWiFolderContent(uid) { hide([$("#wifoldergutter"+uid), $(".wisortable-body[folder-uid="+uid+"]")]); $("#btn_wifolderexpand"+uid).removeClass("folder-expanded"); $("#wilistfoldercontainer"+uid).removeClass("folder-expanded"); } function expandWiFolderContent(uid) { show([$("#wifoldergutter"+uid), $(".wisortable-body[folder-uid="+uid+"]")]); $("#btn_wifolderexpand"+uid).addClass("folder-expanded"); $("#wilistfoldercontainer"+uid).addClass("folder-expanded"); } function enableWiSelective(num) { hide([$("#wikey"+num)]); $("#wikeyprimary"+num).val($("#wikey"+num).val()); show([$("#wikeyprimary"+num), $("#wikeysecondary"+num)]); var element = $("#selective-key-"+num); element.addClass("selective-key-icon-enabled"); $("#wikey"+num).addClass("wilistitem-selective"); } function disableWiSelective(num) { hide([$("#wikeyprimary"+num), $("#wikeysecondary"+num)]); $("#wikey"+num).val($("#wikeyprimary"+num).val()); show([$("#wikey"+num)]); var element = $("#selective-key-"+num); element.removeClass("selective-key-icon-enabled"); $("#wikey"+num).removeClass("wilistitem-selective"); } function enableWiConstant(num) { var element = $("#constant-key-"+num); element.addClass("constant-key-icon-enabled"); $("#wikey"+num).addClass("wilistitem-constant"); } function disableWiConstant(num) { var element = $("#constant-key-"+num); element.removeClass("constant-key-icon-enabled"); $("#wikey"+num).removeClass("wilistitem-constant"); } function highlightImportLine(ref) { $("#popupcontent > div").removeClass("popuplistselected"); ref.addClass("popuplistselected"); enableButtons([popup_accept]); } function enableButtons(refs) { for(i=0; i"); } function hideWaitAnimation() { $('#waitanim').remove(); } function scrollToBottom() { setTimeout(function () { game_text.stop(true).animate({scrollTop: game_text.prop('scrollHeight')}, 500); }, 5); } function hide(refs) { for(i=0; i\
\ \
\ \
\ "); $("#load"+i).on("click", function () { enableButtons([load_accept]); socket.send({'cmd': 'loadselect', 'data': $(this).attr("name")}); highlightLoadLine($(this)); }); $("#loaddelete"+i).off("click").on("click", (function (name) { return function () { if(!sman_allow_delete) { return; } $("#loadcontainerdelete-storyname").text(name); $("#btn_dsaccept").off("click").on("click", (function (name) { return function () { hide([$(".saveasoverwrite"), $(".popuperror")]); socket.send({'cmd': 'deletestory', 'data': name}); } })(name)); $("#loadcontainerdelete").removeClass("hidden").addClass("flex"); } })(ar[i].name)); $("#loadrename"+i).off("click").on("click", (function (name) { return function () { if(!sman_allow_rename) { return; } $("#newsavename").val("") $("#loadcontainerrename-storyname").text(name); var submit = (function (name) { return function () { hide([$(".saveasoverwrite"), $(".popuperror")]); socket.send({'cmd': 'renamestory', 'data': name, 'newname': $("#newsavename").val()}); } })(name); $("#btn_rensaccept").off("click").on("click", submit); $("#newsavename").off("keydown").on("keydown", function (ev) { if (ev.which == 13 && $(this).val() != "") { submit(); } }); $("#loadcontainerrename").removeClass("hidden").addClass("flex"); $("#newsavename").val(name).select(); } })(ar[i].name)); } } function buildSPList(ar) { disableButtons([sp_accept]); spcontent.html(""); showSPPopup(); ar.push({filename: '', name: "[None]"}) for(var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { var author = !ar[i].author ? '' : ar[i].author.constructor === Array ? ar[i].author.join(', ') : ar[i].author; var n_tokens = !ar[i].n_tokens || !Number.isSafeInteger(ar[i].n_tokens) || ar[i].n_tokens < 1 ? '' : "(" + ar[i].n_tokens + " tokens)"; var filename = ar[i].filename.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/(?=\r|\n)\r?\n?/g, '
'); var name = ar[i].name || ar[i].filename; name = name.length > 120 ? name.slice(0, 117) + '...' : name; name = name.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/(?=\r|\n)\r?\n?/g, '
'); var desc = ar[i].description || ''; desc = desc.length > 500 ? desc.slice(0, 497) + '...' : desc; desc = desc.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/(?=\r|\n)\r?\n?/g, '
'); spcontent.append("
" + author + "
" + n_tokens + "
"); $("#sp"+i).on("click", function () { enableButtons([sp_accept]); socket.send({'cmd': 'spselect', 'data': $(this).attr("name")}); highlightSPLine($(this)); }); } } function buildUSList(unloaded, loaded) { usunloaded.html(""); usloaded.html(""); showUSPopup(); var i; var j; var el = usunloaded; var ar = unloaded; for(j=0; j<2; j++) { for(i=0; i\
\ "); } el = usloaded; ar = loaded; } } function highlightLoadLine(ref) { $("#loadlistcontent > div > div.popuplistselected").removeClass("popuplistselected"); ref.addClass("popuplistselected"); } function highlightSPLine(ref) { $("#splistcontent > div > div.popuplistselected").removeClass("popuplistselected"); ref.addClass("popuplistselected"); } function showNewStoryPopup() { nspopup.removeClass("hidden"); nspopup.addClass("flex"); } function hideNewStoryPopup() { nspopup.removeClass("flex"); nspopup.addClass("hidden"); } function showRandomStoryPopup() { rspopup.removeClass("hidden"); rspopup.addClass("flex"); if($("#setrngpersist").prop("checked")) { $("#rngmemory").val(memorytext); } } function hideRandomStoryPopup() { rspopup.removeClass("flex"); rspopup.addClass("hidden"); } function statFlash(ref) { ref.addClass("status-flash"); setTimeout(function () { ref.addClass("colorfade"); ref.removeClass("status-flash"); setTimeout(function () { ref.removeClass("colorfade"); }, 1000); }, 50); } function updateUSStatItems(items, flash) { var stat_us = $("#stat-us"); var stat_usactive = $("#stat-usactive"); if(flash || stat_usactive.find("li").length != items.length) { statFlash(stat_us.closest(".statusicon").add("#usiconlabel")); } stat_usactive.html(""); if(items.length == 0) { stat_us.html("No userscripts active"); $("#usiconlabel").html(""); stat_us.closest(".statusicon").removeClass("active"); return; } stat_us.html("Active userscripts:"); stat_us.closest(".statusicon").addClass("active"); var i; for(i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { stat_usactive.append($("
  • "+items[i].modulename+" <"+items[i].filename+">
  • ")); } $("#usiconlabel").html(items.length); } function updateSPStatItems(items) { var stat_sp = $("#stat-sp"); var stat_spactive = $("#stat-spactive"); var key = null; var old_val = stat_spactive.html(); Object.keys(items).forEach(function(k) {key = k;}); if(key === null) { stat_sp.html("No soft prompt active"); stat_sp.closest(".statusicon").removeClass("active"); stat_spactive.html(""); } else { stat_sp.html("Active soft prompt (" + items[key].n_tokens + " tokens):"); stat_sp.closest(".statusicon").addClass("active"); stat_spactive.html((items[key].name || key)+" <"+key+">"); } if(stat_spactive.html() !== old_val) { statFlash(stat_sp.closest(".statusicon")); } } function setStartState() { enableSendBtn(); enableButtons([button_actmem, button_actwi]); disableButtons([button_actback, button_actfwd, button_actretry]); hide([wi_menu]); show([game_text, button_actmem, button_actwi, button_actback, button_actfwd, button_actretry]); hideMessage(); hideWaitAnimation(); button_actmem.html("Memory"); button_actwi.html("W Info"); hideAidgPopup(); hideSaveAsPopup(); hideLoadPopup(); hideNewStoryPopup(); hidegenseqs(); } function parsegenseqs(seqs) { seqselcontents.html(""); var i; for(i=0; i"+seqs[i][0]+"" //Now do the icon (pin/redo) if (seqs[i][1] == "redo") { text_data = text_data + "" } else if (seqs[i][1] == "pinned") { text_data = text_data + "" } else { text_data = text_data + "" } text_data = text_data + "" seqselcontents.append(text_data); //setup on-click actions $("#seqsel"+i).on("click", function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'seqsel', 'data': $(this).attr("n")}); }); //onclick for pin only if (seqs[i][1] != "redo") { $("#seqselpin"+i).on("click", function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'seqpin', 'data': $(this).attr("n")}); if ($(this).attr("style") == "color: grey") { console.log($(this).attr("style")); $(this).css({"color": "white"}); console.log($(this).attr("style")); } else { console.log($(this).attr("style")); $(this).css({"color": "grey"}); console.log($(this).attr("style")); } }); } } $('#seqselmenu').slideDown("slow"); } function hidegenseqs() { $('#seqselmenu').slideUp("slow", function() { seqselcontents.html(""); }); scrollToBottom(); } function setmodevisibility(state) { if(state){ // Enabling show([button_mode]); $("#inputrow").addClass("show_mode"); } else{ // Disabling hide([button_mode]); $("#inputrow").removeClass("show_mode"); } } function setchatnamevisibility(state) { if(state){ // Enabling show([chat_name]); } else{ // Disabling hide([chat_name]); } } function setadventure(state) { adventure = state; if(state) { game_text.addClass("adventure"); } else { game_text.removeClass("adventure"); } if(!memorymode){ setmodevisibility(state); } } function setchatmode(state) { chatmode = state; setchatnamevisibility(state); } function autofocus(event) { if(connected) { event.target.focus(); } else { event.preventDefault(); } } function sortableOnStart(event, ui) { } function sortableOnStop(event, ui) { if(ui.item.hasClass("wilistitem")) { // When a WI entry is dragged and dropped, tell the server which WI // entry was dropped and which WI entry comes immediately after the // dropped position so that the server can internally move around // the WI entries var next_sibling = ui.item.next(".wilistitem").attr("uid"); if(next_sibling === undefined) { next_sibling = ui.item.next().next().attr("uid"); } next_sibling = parseInt(next_sibling); if(Number.isNaN(next_sibling)) { $(this).sortable("cancel"); return; } socket.send({'cmd': 'wimoveitem', 'destination': next_sibling, 'data': parseInt(ui.item.attr("uid"))}); } else { // Do the same thing for WI folders var next_sibling = ui.item.next(".wisortable-container").attr("folder-uid"); if(next_sibling === undefined) { next_sibling = null; } else { next_sibling = parseInt(next_sibling); } if(Number.isNaN(next_sibling)) { $(this).sortable("cancel"); return; } socket.send({'cmd': 'wimovefolder', 'destination': next_sibling, 'data': parseInt(ui.item.attr("folder-uid"))}); } } function chunkOnTextInput(event) { // The enter key does not behave correctly in almost all non-Firefox // browsers, so we (attempt to) shim all enter keystrokes here to behave the // same as in Firefox if(event.originalEvent.data.slice(-1) === '\n') { event.preventDefault(); var s = getSelection(); // WARNING: Do not use rangy.getSelection() instead of getSelection() var r = s.getRangeAt(0); // We prefer using document.execCommand here because it works best on // mobile devices, but the other method is also here as // a fallback if(document.queryCommandSupported && document.execCommand && document.queryCommandSupported('insertHTML')) { document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, event.originalEvent.data.slice(0, -1).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/(?=\r|\n)\r?\n?/g, '
    ') + '
    |'); var t = $('#_EDITOR_SENTINEL_').contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType === 3; })[0]; } else { var t = document.createTextNode('|'); var b = document.createElement('br'); b.id = "_EDITOR_LINEBREAK_"; r.insertNode(b); r.collapse(false); r.insertNode(t); } r.selectNodeContents(t); s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); if(document.queryCommandSupported && document.execCommand && document.queryCommandSupported('forwardDelete')) { r.collapse(true); document.execCommand('forwardDelete'); } else { // deleteContents() sometimes breaks using the left // arrow key in some browsers so we prefer the // document.execCommand method r.deleteContents(); } // In Chrome the added
    will go outside of the chunks if we press // enter at the end of the story in the editor, so this is here // to put the
    back in the right place var br = $("#_EDITOR_LINEBREAK_")[0]; if(br.parentNode === game_text[0]) { if(br.previousSibling.nodeType !== 1) { br.previousSibling.previousSibling.appendChild(br.previousSibling); } br.previousSibling.appendChild(br); r.selectNodeContents(br.parentNode); s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); r.collapse(false); } br.id = ""; if(game_text[0].lastChild.tagName === "BR") { br.parentNode.appendChild(game_text[0].lastChild); } return; } } // This gets run when one or more chunks are edited. The event occurs before // the actual edits are made by the browser, so we are free to check which // nodes are selected or stop the event from occurring. function chunkOnBeforeInput(event) { // Register all selected chunks as having been modified applyChunkDeltas(getSelectedNodes()); // Fix editing across chunks and paragraphs in Firefox 93.0 and higher if(event.originalEvent.inputType === "deleteContentBackward" && document.queryCommandSupported && document.execCommand && document.queryCommandSupported('delete')) { event.preventDefault(); document.execCommand('delete'); } var s = rangy.getSelection(); if(buildChunkSetFromNodeArray(getSelectedNodes()).size === 0) { var s = rangy.getSelection(); var r = s.getRangeAt(0); if(document.queryCommandSupported && document.execCommand && document.queryCommandSupported('insertHTML')) { document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, '|'); } else { var t = document.createTextNode('|'); var b = document.createElement('span'); b.id = "_EDITOR_SENTINEL_"; b.insertNode(t); r.insertNode(b); } var sentinel = document.getElementById("_EDITOR_SENTINEL_"); if(sentinel.nextSibling && sentinel.nextSibling.tagName === "CHUNK") { r.selectNodeContents(sentinel.nextSibling); r.collapse(true); } else if(sentinel.previousSibling && sentinel.previousSibling.tagName === "CHUNK") { r.selectNodeContents(sentinel.previousSibling); r.collapse(false); } s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); sentinel.parentNode.removeChild(sentinel); } } function chunkOnKeyDown(event) { // Make escape commit the changes (Originally we had Enter here to but its not required and nicer for users if we let them type freely // You can add the following after 27 if you want it back to committing on enter : || (!event.shiftKey && event.keyCode == 13) if(event.keyCode == 27) { override_focusout = true; game_text.blur(); event.preventDefault(); return; } // Don't allow any edits if not connected to server if(!connected) { event.preventDefault(); return; } // Prevent CTRL+B, CTRL+I and CTRL+U when editing chunks if(event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) { // metaKey is macOS's command key switch(event.keyCode) { case 66: case 98: case 73: case 105: case 85: case 117: event.preventDefault(); return; } } } function downloadStory(format) { var filename_without_extension = storyname !== null ? storyname : "untitled"; var anchor = document.createElement('a'); var actionlist = $("chunk"); var actionlist_compiled = []; for(var i = 0; i < actionlist.length; i++) { actionlist_compiled.push(actionlist[i].innerText.replace(/\u00a0/g, " ")); } var last = actionlist_compiled[actionlist_compiled.length-1]; if(last && last.slice(-1) === '\n') { actionlist_compiled[actionlist_compiled.length-1] = last.slice(0, -1); } if(format == "plaintext") { var objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(actionlist_compiled, {type: "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"})); anchor.setAttribute('href', objectURL); anchor.setAttribute('download', filename_without_extension + ".txt"); anchor.click(); URL.revokeObjectURL(objectURL); return; } var wilist = $(".wilistitem"); var wilist_compiled = []; for(var i = 0; i < wilist.length; i++) { if(wilist[i].classList.contains("wilistitem-uninitialized")) { continue; } var selective = wilist[i].classList.contains("wilistitem-selective"); var folder = $("#wilistitem"+i).parent().attr("folder-uid"); if(folder === undefined) { folder = null; } else { folder = parseInt(folder); } wilist_compiled.push({ key: selective ? $("#wikeyprimary"+i).val() : $("#wikey"+i).val(), keysecondary: $("#wikeysecondary"+i).val(), content: $("#wientry"+i).val(), comment: $("#wicomment"+i).val(), folder: folder, selective: selective, constant: wilist[i].classList.contains("wilistitem-constant"), }); } var prompt = actionlist_compiled.shift(); if(prompt === undefined) { prompt = ""; } var objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([JSON.stringify({ gamestarted: gamestarted, prompt: prompt, memory: memorytext, authorsnote: $("#anoteinput").val(), anotetemplate: $("#anotetemplate").val(), actions: actionlist_compiled, worldinfo: wilist_compiled, wifolders_d: wifolders_d, wifolders_l: wifolders_l, }, null, 3)], {type: "application/json; charset=UTF-8"})); anchor.setAttribute('href', objectURL); anchor.setAttribute('download', filename_without_extension + ".json"); anchor.click(); URL.revokeObjectURL(objectURL); } function buildChunkSetFromNodeArray(nodes) { var set = new Set(); for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { node = nodes[i]; while(node !== null && node.tagName !== "CHUNK") { node = node.parentNode; } if(node === null) { continue; } set.add(node.getAttribute("n")); } return set; } function getSelectedNodes() { var range = rangy.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); // rangy is not a typo var nodes = range.getNodes([1,3]); nodes.push(range.startContainer); nodes.push(range.endContainer); return nodes } function applyChunkDeltas(nodes) { var chunks = Array.from(buildChunkSetFromNodeArray(nodes)); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { modified_chunks.add(chunks[i]); } setTimeout(function() { var chunks = Array.from(modified_chunks); var selected_chunks = buildChunkSetFromNodeArray(getSelectedNodes()); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { var chunk = document.getElementById("n" + chunks[i]); if(chunk && formatChunkInnerText(chunk).length != 0 && chunks[i] != '0') { if(!selected_chunks.has(chunks[i])) { modified_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); socket.send({'cmd': 'inlineedit', 'chunk': chunks[i], 'data': formatChunkInnerText(chunk)}); } empty_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); } else { if(!selected_chunks.has(chunks[i])) { modified_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); socket.send({'cmd': 'inlineedit', 'chunk': chunks[i], 'data': ''}); } empty_chunks.add(chunks[i]); } } }, 2); } function syncAllModifiedChunks(including_selected_chunks=false) { var chunks = Array.from(modified_chunks); var selected_chunks = buildChunkSetFromNodeArray(getSelectedNodes()); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { if(including_selected_chunks || !selected_chunks.has(chunks[i])) { modified_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); var chunk = document.getElementById("n" + chunks[i]); var data = chunk ? formatChunkInnerText(document.getElementById("n" + chunks[i])) : ""; if(data.length == 0) { empty_chunks.add(chunks[i]); } else { empty_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); } socket.send({'cmd': 'inlineedit', 'chunk': chunks[i], 'data': data}); } } } function restorePrompt() { if($("#n0").length && formatChunkInnerText($("#n0")[0]).length === 0) { $("#n0").remove(); } var shadow_text = $("" + game_text.html() + ""); var detected = false; var ref = null; try { if(shadow_text.length && shadow_text[0].firstChild && (shadow_text[0].firstChild.nodeType === 3 || shadow_text[0].firstChild.tagName === "BR")) { detected = true; ref = shadow_text; } else if(game_text.length && game_text[0].firstChild && (game_text[0].firstChild.nodeType === 3 || game_text[0].firstChild.tagName === "BR")) { detected = true; ref = game_text; } } catch (e) { detected = false; } if(detected) { unbindGametext(); var text = []; while(true) { if(ref.length && ref[0].firstChild && ref[0].firstChild.nodeType === 3) { text.push(ref[0].firstChild.textContent.replace(/\u00a0/g, " ")); } else if(ref.length && ref[0].firstChild && ref[0].firstChild.tagName === "BR") { text.push("\n"); } else { break; } ref[0].removeChild(ref[0].firstChild); } text = text.join("").trim(); if(text.length) { saved_prompt = text; } game_text[0].innerHTML = ""; bindGametext(); } game_text.children().each(function() { if(this.tagName !== "CHUNK") { this.parentNode.removeChild(this); } }); if(!detected) { game_text.children().each(function() { if(this.innerText.trim().length) { saved_prompt = this.innerText.trim(); socket.send({'cmd': 'inlinedelete', 'data': this.getAttribute("n")}); this.parentNode.removeChild(this); return false; } socket.send({'cmd': 'inlinedelete', 'data': this.getAttribute("n")}); this.parentNode.removeChild(this); }); } var prompt_chunk = document.createElement("chunk"); prompt_chunk.setAttribute("n", "0"); prompt_chunk.setAttribute("id", "n0"); prompt_chunk.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); prompt_chunk.innerText = saved_prompt; unbindGametext(); game_text[0].prepend(prompt_chunk); bindGametext(); modified_chunks.delete('0'); empty_chunks.delete('0'); socket.send({'cmd': 'inlineedit', 'chunk': '0', 'data': saved_prompt}); } function deleteEmptyChunks() { var chunks = Array.from(empty_chunks); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { empty_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); if(chunks[i] === "0") { // Don't delete the prompt restorePrompt(); } else { socket.send({'cmd': 'inlinedelete', 'data': chunks[i]}); } } if(modified_chunks.has('0')) { modified_chunks.delete(chunks[i]); socket.send({'cmd': 'inlineedit', 'chunk': chunks[i], 'data': formatChunkInnerText(document.getElementById("n0"))}); } saved_prompt = formatChunkInnerText($("#n0")[0]); } function highlightEditingChunks() { var chunks = $('chunk.editing').toArray(); var selected_chunks = buildChunkSetFromNodeArray(getSelectedNodes()); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { var chunk = chunks[i]; if(!selected_chunks.has(chunks[i].getAttribute("n"))) { unbindGametext(); $(chunk).removeClass('editing'); bindGametext(); } } chunks = Array.from(selected_chunks); for(var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { var chunk = $("#n"+chunks[i]); unbindGametext(); chunk.addClass('editing'); bindGametext(); } } // This gets run every time the text in a chunk is edited // or a chunk is deleted function chunkOnDOMMutate(mutations, observer) { if(!gametext_bound || !allowedit) { return; } var nodes = []; for(var i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) { var mutation = mutations[i]; nodes = nodes.concat(Array.from(mutation.addedNodes), Array.from(mutation.removedNodes)); nodes.push(mutation.target); } applyChunkDeltas(nodes); } // This gets run every time you try to paste text into the editor function chunkOnPaste(event) { // Register the chunk we're pasting in as having been modified applyChunkDeltas(getSelectedNodes()); // If possible, intercept paste events into the editor in order to always // paste as plaintext if(event.originalEvent.clipboardData && document.queryCommandSupported && document.execCommand && document.queryCommandSupported('insertHTML')) { event.preventDefault(); document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, event.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text/plain').replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/(?=\r|\n)\r?\n?/g, '
    ')); } else if (event.originalEvent.clipboardData) { event.preventDefault(); var s = getSelection(); // WARNING: Do not use rangy.getSelection() instead of getSelection() var r = s.getRangeAt(0); r.deleteContents(); var nodes = Array.from($('' + event.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text/plain').replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/(?=\r|\n)\r?\n?/g, '
    ') + '
    ')[0].childNodes); for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { r.insertNode(nodes[i]); r.collapse(false); } } } // This gets run every time the caret moves in the editor function _chunkOnSelectionChange(event, do_blur_focus) { if(!gametext_bound || !allowedit || override_focusout) { override_focusout = false; return; } setTimeout(function() { syncAllModifiedChunks(); setTimeout(function() { highlightEditingChunks(); // Attempt to prevent Chromium-based browsers on Android from // scrolling away from the current selection if(do_blur_focus && !using_webkit_patch) { setTimeout(function() { game_text.blur(); game_text.focus(); }, 144); } }, 2); }, 2); } function chunkOnSelectionChange(event) { return _chunkOnSelectionChange(event, true); } function chunkOnKeyDownSelectionChange(event) { return _chunkOnSelectionChange(event, false); } // This gets run when you defocus the editor by clicking // outside of the editor or by pressing escape or tab function chunkOnFocusOut(event) { if(!gametext_bound || !allowedit || event.target !== game_text[0]) { return; } setTimeout(function() { if(document.activeElement === game_text[0] || game_text[0].contains(document.activeElement)) { return; } syncAllModifiedChunks(true); setTimeout(function() { var blurred = game_text[0] !== document.activeElement; if(blurred) { deleteEmptyChunks(); } setTimeout(function() { $("chunk").removeClass('editing'); }, 2); }, 2); }, 2); } function bindGametext() { mutation_observer.observe(game_text[0], {characterData: true, childList: true, subtree: true}); gametext_bound = true; } function unbindGametext() { mutation_observer.disconnect(); gametext_bound = false; } //=================================================================// // READY/RUNTIME //=================================================================// $(document).ready(function(){ // Bind UI references connect_status = $('#connectstatus'); button_newgame = $('#btn_newgame'); button_rndgame = $('#btn_rndgame'); button_save = $('#btn_save'); button_saveas = $('#btn_saveas'); button_savetofile = $('#btn_savetofile'); button_download = $('#btn_download'); button_downloadtxt= $('#btn_downloadtxt'); button_load = $('#btn_load'); button_loadfrfile = $('#btn_loadfromfile'); button_import = $("#btn_import"); button_importwi = $("#btn_importwi"); button_impaidg = $("#btn_impaidg"); button_settings = $('#btn_settings'); button_format = $('#btn_format'); button_softprompt = $("#btn_softprompt"); button_userscripts= $("#btn_userscripts"); button_mode = $('#btnmode') button_mode_label = $('#btnmode_label') button_send = $('#btnsend'); button_actmem = $('#btn_actmem'); button_actback = $('#btn_actundo'); button_actfwd = $('#btn_actredo'); button_actretry = $('#btn_actretry'); button_actwi = $('#btn_actwi'); game_text = $('#gametext'); input_text = $('#input_text'); message_text = $('#messagefield'); chat_name = $('#chatname'); settings_menu = $("#settingsmenu"); format_menu = $('#formatmenu'); anote_menu = $('#anoterowcontainer'); debug_area = $('#debugcontainer'); wi_menu = $('#wimenu'); anote_input = $('#anoteinput'); anote_labelcur = $('#anotecur'); anote_slider = $('#anotedepth'); popup = $("#popupcontainer"); popup_title = $("#popuptitletext"); popup_content = $("#popupcontent"); popup_accept = $("#btn_popupaccept"); popup_close = $("#btn_popupclose"); aidgpopup = $("#aidgpopupcontainer"); aidgpromptnum = $("#aidgpromptnum"); aidg_accept = $("#btn_aidgpopupaccept"); aidg_close = $("#btn_aidgpopupclose"); saveaspopup = $("#saveascontainer"); saveasinput = $("#savename"); savepins = $("#savepins"); topic = $("#topic"); saveas_accept = $("#btn_saveasaccept"); saveas_close = $("#btn_saveasclose"); loadpopup = $("#loadcontainer"); loadcontent = $("#loadlistcontent"); load_accept = $("#btn_loadaccept"); load_close = $("#btn_loadclose"); sppopup = $("#spcontainer"); spcontent = $("#splistcontent"); sp_accept = $("#btn_spaccept"); sp_close = $("#btn_spclose"); uspopup = $("#uscontainer"); usunloaded = $("#uslistunloaded"); usloaded = $("#uslistloaded"); us_accept = $("#btn_usaccept"); us_close = $("#btn_usclose"); nspopup = $("#newgamecontainer"); ns_accept = $("#btn_nsaccept"); ns_close = $("#btn_nsclose"); rspopup = $("#rndgamecontainer"); rs_accept = $("#btn_rsaccept"); rs_close = $("#btn_rsclose"); seqselmenu = $("#seqselmenu"); seqselcontents = $("#seqselcontents"); // Connect to SocketIO server socket = io.connect(window.document.origin, {transports: ['polling', 'websocket'], closeOnBeforeunload: false}); socket.on('from_server', function(msg) { if(msg.cmd == "connected") { // Connected to Server Actions sman_allow_delete = msg.hasOwnProperty("smandelete") && msg.smandelete; sman_allow_rename = msg.hasOwnProperty("smanrename") && msg.smanrename; connected = true; if(msg.hasOwnProperty("modelname")) { modelname = msg.modelname; } refreshTitle(); connect_status.html("Connected to KoboldAI Process!"); connect_status.removeClass("color_orange"); connect_status.addClass("color_green"); // Reset Menus settings_menu.html(""); format_menu.html(""); wi_menu.html(""); // Set up "Allow Editing" $('body').on('input', autofocus); $('#allowediting').prop('checked', allowedit).prop('disabled', false).change().off('change').on('change', function () { if(allowtoggle) { allowedit = gamestarted && $(this).prop('checked'); game_text.attr('contenteditable', allowedit); } }); // A simple feature detection test to determine whether the user interface // is using WebKit (Safari browser's rendering engine) because WebKit // requires special treatment to work correctly with the KoboldAI editor (function() { var active_element = document.activeElement; var c = document.createElement("chunk"); var t = document.createTextNode("KoboldAI"); c.appendChild(t); game_text[0].appendChild(c); var r = rangy.createRange(); r.setStart(t, 6); r.collapse(true); var s = rangy.getSelection(); s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); game_text.blur(); game_text.focus(); using_webkit_patch = rangy.getSelection().focusOffset !== 6; c.removeChild(t); game_text[0].removeChild(c); document.activeElement.blur(); active_element.focus(); })(); $("body").addClass("connected"); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatescreen") { var _gamestarted = gamestarted; gamestarted = msg.gamestarted; if(_gamestarted != gamestarted) { action_mode = 0; changemode(); } unbindGametext(); allowedit = gamestarted && $("#allowediting").prop('checked'); game_text.attr('contenteditable', allowedit); modified_chunks = new Set(); empty_chunks = new Set(); game_text.html(msg.data); if(game_text[0].lastChild !== null && game_text[0].lastChild.tagName === "CHUNK") { game_text[0].lastChild.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } bindGametext(); if(gamestarted) { saved_prompt = formatChunkInnerText($("#n0")[0]); } // Scroll to bottom of text if(newly_loaded) { scrollToBottom(); } newly_loaded = false; } else if(msg.cmd == "scrolldown") { scrollToBottom(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatechunk") { hideMessage(); var index = msg.data.index; var html = msg.data.html; var existingChunk = game_text.children('#n' + index); var newChunk = $(html); unbindGametext(); if (existingChunk.length > 0) { // Update existing chunk if(existingChunk[0].nextSibling === null || existingChunk[0].nextSibling.nodeType !== 1 || existingChunk[0].nextSibling.tagName !== "CHUNK") { newChunk[0].appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } existingChunk.before(newChunk); existingChunk.remove(); } else if (!empty_chunks.has(index.toString())) { // Append at the end unbindGametext(); var lc = game_text[0].lastChild; if(lc.tagName === "CHUNK" && lc.lastChild !== null && lc.lastChild.tagName === "BR") { lc.removeChild(lc.lastChild); } newChunk[0].appendChild(document.createElement("br")); game_text.append(newChunk); bindGametext(); } bindGametext(); hide([$('#curtain')]); } else if(msg.cmd == "removechunk") { hideMessage(); var index = msg.data; var element = game_text.children('#n' + index); if(element.length) { unbindGametext(); if((element[0].nextSibling === null || element[0].nextSibling.nodeType !== 1 || element[0].nextSibling.tagName !== "CHUNK") && element[0].previousSibling !== null && element[0].previousSibling.tagName === "CHUNK") { element[0].previousSibling.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } element.remove(); // Remove the chunk bindGametext(); } hide([$('#curtain')]); } else if(msg.cmd == "setgamestate") { // Enable or Disable buttons if(msg.data == "ready") { enableSendBtn(); enableButtons([button_actmem, button_actwi, button_actback, button_actfwd, button_actretry]); hideWaitAnimation(); gamestate = "ready"; } else if(msg.data == "wait") { gamestate = "wait"; disableSendBtn(); disableButtons([button_actmem, button_actwi, button_actback, button_actfwd, button_actretry]); showWaitAnimation(); } else if(msg.data == "start") { setStartState(); gamestate = "ready"; } } else if(msg.cmd == "allowsp") { allowsp = !!msg.data; if(allowsp) { button_softprompt.removeClass("hidden"); } else { button_softprompt.addClass("hidden"); } } else if(msg.cmd == "setstoryname") { storyname = msg.data; refreshTitle(); } else if(msg.cmd == "editmode") { // Enable or Disable edit mode if(msg.data == "true") { enterEditMode(); } else { exitEditMode(); } } else if(msg.cmd == "setinputtext") { // Set input box text for memory mode if(memorymode) { memorytext = msg.data; input_text.val(msg.data); } } else if(msg.cmd == "setmemory") { memorytext = msg.data; if(memorymode) { input_text.val(msg.data); } } else if(msg.cmd == "memmode") { // Enable or Disable memory edit mode if(msg.data == "true") { enterMemoryMode(); } else { exitMemoryMode(); } } else if(msg.cmd == "errmsg") { // Send error message errMessage(msg.data, "error"); } else if(msg.cmd == "warnmsg") { // Send warning message errMessage(msg.data, "warn"); } else if(msg.cmd == "hidemsg") { hideMessage(); } else if(msg.cmd == "texteffect") { // Apply color highlight to line of text newTextHighlight($("#n"+msg.data)) } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetemp") { // Send current temp value to input $("#settemp").val(parseFloat(msg.data)); $("#settempcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetopp") { // Send current top p value to input $("#settopp").val(parseFloat(msg.data)); $("#settoppcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetopk") { // Send current top k value to input $("#settopk").val(parseFloat(msg.data)); $("#settopkcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetfs") { // Send current tfs value to input $("#settfs").val(parseFloat(msg.data)); $("#settfscur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetypical") { // Send current typical value to input $("#settypical").val(parseFloat(msg.data)); $("#settypicalcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatereppen") { // Send current rep pen value to input $("#setreppen").val(parseFloat(msg.data)); $("#setreppencur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatereppenslope") { // Send current rep pen value to input $("#setreppenslope").val(parseFloat(msg.data)); $("#setreppenslopecur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatereppenrange") { // Send current rep pen value to input $("#setreppenrange").val(parseFloat(msg.data)); $("#setreppenrangecur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateoutlen") { // Send current output amt value to input $("#setoutput").val(parseInt(msg.data)); $("#setoutputcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatetknmax") { // Send current max tokens value to input $("#settknmax").val(parseInt(msg.data)); $("#settknmaxcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateikgen") { // Send current max tokens value to input $("#setikgen").val(parseInt(msg.data)); $("#setikgencur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltemp") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settempcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltopp") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settoppcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltopk") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settopkcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltfs") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settfscur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltypical") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settypicalcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelreppen") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setreppencur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelreppenslope") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setreppenslopecur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelreppenrange") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setreppenrangecur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeloutput") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setoutputcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabeltknmax") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#settknmaxcur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelikgen") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setikgencur").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateanotedepth") { // Send current Author's Note depth value to input anote_slider.val(parseInt(msg.data)); anote_labelcur.html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelanotedepth") { // Update setting label with value from server anote_labelcur.html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "getanote") { // Request contents of Author's Note field var txt = anote_input.val(); socket.send({'cmd': 'anote', 'template': $("#anotetemplate").val(), 'data': txt}); } else if(msg.cmd == "setanote") { // Set contents of Author's Note field anote_input.val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setanotetemplate") { // Set contents of Author's Note Template field $("#anotetemplate").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "addsetting") { // Add setting controls addSetting(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "addformat") { // Add setting controls addFormat(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatefrmttriminc") { // Update toggle state $("#frmttriminc").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatefrmtrmblln") { // Update toggle state $("#frmtrmblln").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatefrmtrmspch") { // Update toggle state $("#frmtrmspch").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatefrmtadsnsp") { // Update toggle state $("#frmtadsnsp").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatesingleline") { // Update toggle state $("#singleline").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "allowtoggle") { // Allow toggle change states to propagate allowtoggle = msg.data; } else if(msg.cmd == "usstatitems") { updateUSStatItems(msg.data, msg.flash); } else if(msg.cmd == "spstatitems") { updateSPStatItems(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "popupshow") { // Show/Hide Popup popupShow(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "hidepopupdelete") { // Hide the dialog box that asks you to confirm deletion of a story $("#loadcontainerdelete").removeClass("flex").addClass("hidden"); hide([$(".saveasoverwrite"), $(".popuperror")]); } else if(msg.cmd == "hidepopuprename") { // Hide the story renaming dialog box $("#loadcontainerrename").removeClass("flex").addClass("hidden"); hide([$(".saveasoverwrite"), $(".popuperror")]); } else if(msg.cmd == "addimportline") { // Add import popup entry addImportLine(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "clearpopup") { // Clear previous contents of popup popup_content.html(""); } else if(msg.cmd == "wimode") { // Enable or Disable WI edit mode if(msg.data == "true") { enterWiMode(); } else { exitWiMode(); } } else if(msg.cmd == "wiupdate") { var selective = $("#wilistitem"+msg.num)[0].classList.contains("wilistitem-selective"); if(selective) { $("#wikeyprimary"+msg.num).val(msg.data.key); } else { $("#wikey"+msg.num).val(msg.data.key); } $("#wikeysecondary"+msg.num).val(msg.data.keysecondary); $("#wientry"+msg.num).val(msg.data.content); $("#wicomment"+msg.num).val(msg.data.comment); adjustWiCommentHeight($("#wicomment"+msg.num)[0]); } else if(msg.cmd == "wifolderupdate") { $("#wifoldername"+msg.uid).val(msg.data.name); adjustWiFolderNameHeight($("#wifoldername"+msg.uid)[0]); } else if(msg.cmd == "wiexpand") { expandWiLine(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wiexpandfolder") { expandWiFolderLine(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wifoldercollapsecontent") { collapseWiFolderContent(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wifolderexpandcontent") { expandWiFolderContent(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wiselon") { enableWiSelective(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wiseloff") { disableWiSelective(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wiconstanton") { enableWiConstant(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wiconstantoff") { disableWiConstant(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "addwiitem") { // Add WI entry to WI Menu addWiLine(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "addwifolder") { addWiFolder(msg.uid, msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "wistart") { // Save scroll position for later so we can restore it later wiscroll = $("#gamescreen").scrollTop(); // Clear previous contents of WI list wi_menu.html(""); // Save wifolders_d and wifolders_l wifolders_d = msg.wifolders_d; wifolders_l = msg.wifolders_l; } else if(msg.cmd == "wifinish") { // Allow drag-and-drop rearranging of world info entries (via JQuery UI's "sortable widget") $("#gamescreen").sortable({ items: "#wimenu .wisortable-body > :not(.wisortable-excluded):not(.wisortable-excluded-dynamic), #wimenu .wisortable-container[folder-uid]:not(.wisortable-excluded):not(.wisortable-excluded-dynamic)", containment: "#wimenu", connectWith: "#wimenu .wisortable-body", handle: ".wihandle", start: sortableOnStart, stop: sortableOnStop, placeholder: "wisortable-placeholder", delay: 2, cursor: "move", tolerance: "pointer", opacity: 0.21, revert: 173, scrollSensitivity: 64, scrollSpeed: 10, }); // Restore previously-saved scroll position $("#gamescreen").scrollTop(wiscroll); } else if(msg.cmd == "requestwiitem") { // Package WI contents and send back to server returnWiList(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "saveas") { // Show Save As prompt showSaveAsPopup(); } else if(msg.cmd == "gamesaved") { setGameSaved(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "hidesaveas") { // Hide Save As prompt hideSaveAsPopup(); } else if(msg.cmd == "buildload") { // Send array of save files to load UI buildLoadList(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "buildsp") { buildSPList(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "buildus") { buildUSList(msg.data.unloaded, msg.data.loaded); } else if(msg.cmd == "askforoverwrite") { // Show overwrite warning show([$(".saveasoverwrite")]); } else if(msg.cmd == "popuperror") { // Show error in the current dialog box $(".popuperror").text(msg.data); show([$(".popuperror")]); } else if(msg.cmd == "genseqs") { // Parse generator sequences to UI parsegenseqs(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "hidegenseqs") { // Collapse genseqs menu hidegenseqs(); } else if(msg.cmd == "setchatname") { chat_name.val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelnumseq") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setnumseqcur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatenumseq") { // Send current max tokens value to input $("#setnumseq").val(parseInt(msg.data)); $("#setnumseqcur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "setlabelwidepth") { // Update setting label with value from server $("#setwidepthcur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatewidepth") { // Send current max tokens value to input $("#setwidepth").val(parseInt(msg.data)); $("#setwidepthcur").html(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateuseprompt") { // Update toggle state $("#setuseprompt").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateadventure") { // Update toggle state $("#setadventure").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); // Update adventure state setadventure(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatechatmode") { // Update toggle state $("#setchatmode").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); // Update chatmode state setchatmode(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatedynamicscan") { // Update toggle state $("#setdynamicscan").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updatenopromptgen") { // Update toggle state $("#setnopromptgen").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updateautosave") { // Update toggle state $("#autosave").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "updaterngpersist") { // Update toggle state $("#setrngpersist").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); if(!$("#setrngpersist").prop("checked")) { $("#rngmemory").val(""); } } else if(msg.cmd == "updatenogenmod") { // Update toggle state $("#setnogenmod").prop('checked', msg.data).change(); } else if(msg.cmd == "runs_remotely") { remote = true; hide([button_savetofile, button_import, button_importwi]); } else if(msg.cmd == "debug_info") { $("#debuginfo").val(msg.data); } else if(msg.cmd == "set_debug") { if(msg.data) { debug_area.removeClass("hidden"); } else { debug_area.addClass("hidden"); } } }); socket.on('disconnect', function() { connected = false; $("body").removeClass("connected"); connect_status.html("Lost connection..."); connect_status.removeClass("color_green"); connect_status.addClass("color_orange"); updateUSStatItems([], false); updateSPStatItems({}); }); // Register editing events game_text.on('textInput', chunkOnTextInput ).on('beforeinput', chunkOnBeforeInput ).on('keydown', chunkOnKeyDown ).on('paste', chunkOnPaste ).on('click', chunkOnSelectionChange ).on('keydown', chunkOnKeyDownSelectionChange ).on('focusout', chunkOnFocusOut ); mutation_observer = new MutationObserver(chunkOnDOMMutate); // This is required for the editor to work correctly in Firefox on desktop // because the gods of HTML and JavaScript say so $(document.body).on('focusin', function(event) { setTimeout(function() { if(document.activeElement !== game_text[0] && game_text[0].contains(document.activeElement)) { game_text[0].focus(); } }, 2); }); // Make the userscripts menu sortable var us_sortable_settings = { placeholder: "ussortable-placeholder", delay: 2, cursor: "move", tolerance: "pointer", opacity: 0.21, revert: 173, scrollSensitivity: 64, scrollSpeed: 10, } $(usunloaded).sortable($.extend({ connectWith: "#uslistloaded", }, us_sortable_settings)); $(usloaded).sortable($.extend({ connectWith: "#uslistunloaded", }, us_sortable_settings)); // Bind actions to UI buttons button_send.on("click", function(ev) { dosubmit(); }); button_mode.on("click", function(ev) { changemode(); }); button_actretry.on("click", function(ev) { hideMessage(); socket.send({'cmd': 'retry', 'chatname': chatmode ? chat_name.val() : undefined, 'data': ''}); hidegenseqs(); }); button_actback.on("click", function(ev) { hideMessage(); socket.send({'cmd': 'back', 'data': ''}); hidegenseqs(); }); button_actfwd.on("click", function(ev) { hideMessage(); //hidegenseqs(); socket.send({'cmd': 'redo', 'data': ''}); }); button_actmem.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'memory', 'data': ''}); }); button_savetofile.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'savetofile', 'data': ''}); }); button_loadfrfile.on("click", function(ev) { if(remote) { $("#remote-save-select").click(); } else { socket.send({'cmd': 'loadfromfile', 'data': ''}); } }); $("#remote-save-select").on("change", function() { var reader = new FileReader(); var file = $("#remote-save-select")[0].files[0]; reader.addEventListener("load", function(response) { socket.send({'cmd': 'loadfromstring', 'filename': file.name, 'data': response.target.result}); }, false); reader.readAsText(file); }); button_import.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'import', 'data': ''}); }); button_importwi.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'importwi', 'data': ''}); }); button_settings.on("click", function(ev) { $('#settingsmenu').slideToggle("slow"); }); button_format.on("click", function(ev) { $('#formatmenu').slideToggle("slow"); }); popup_close.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'importcancel', 'data': ''}); }); popup_accept.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'importaccept', 'data': ''}); }); button_actwi.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'wi', 'data': ''}); }); button_impaidg.on("click", function(ev) { if(connected) { showAidgPopup(); } }); aidg_close.on("click", function(ev) { hideAidgPopup(); }); aidg_accept.on("click", function(ev) { sendAidgImportRequest(); }); button_save.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'saverequest', 'data': ''}); }); button_saveas.on("click", function(ev) { if(connected) { showSaveAsPopup(); } }); saveas_close.on("click", function(ev) { hideSaveAsPopup(); socket.send({'cmd': 'clearoverwrite', 'data': ''}); }); saveas_accept.on("click", function(ev) { sendSaveAsRequest(); }); button_download.on("click", function(ev) { downloadStory('json'); }); button_downloadtxt.on("click", function(ev) { if(connected) { downloadStory('plaintext'); } }); button_load.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'loadlistrequest', 'data': ''}); }); button_softprompt.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'splistrequest', 'data': ''}); }); button_userscripts.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'uslistrequest', 'data': ''}); }); load_close.on("click", function(ev) { hideLoadPopup(); }); load_accept.on("click", function(ev) { hideMessage(); newly_loaded = true; socket.send({'cmd': 'loadrequest', 'data': ''}); hideLoadPopup(); }); sp_close.on("click", function(ev) { hideSPPopup(); }); sp_accept.on("click", function(ev) { hideMessage(); socket.send({'cmd': 'sprequest', 'data': ''}); hideSPPopup(); }); us_close.on("click", function(ev) { socket.send({'cmd': 'usloaded', 'data': usloaded.find(".uslistitem").map(function() { return $(this).attr("name"); }).toArray()}); hideUSPopup(); }); us_accept.on("click", function(ev) { hideMessage(); socket.send({'cmd': 'usloaded', 'data': usloaded.find(".uslistitem").map(function() { return $(this).attr("name"); }).toArray()}); socket.send({'cmd': 'usload', 'data': ''}); hideUSPopup(); }); button_newgame.on("click", function(ev) { if(connected) { showNewStoryPopup(); } }); ns_accept.on("click", function(ev) { hideMessage(); socket.send({'cmd': 'newgame', 'data': ''}); hideNewStoryPopup(); }); ns_close.on("click", function(ev) { hideNewStoryPopup(); }); $("#btn_dsclose").on("click", function () { $("#loadcontainerdelete").removeClass("flex").addClass("hidden"); hide([$(".saveasoverwrite"), $(".popuperror")]); }); $("#newsavename").on("input", function (ev) { if($(this).val() == "") { disableButtons([$("#btn_rensaccept")]); } else { enableButtons([$("#btn_rensaccept")]); } hide([$(".saveasoverwrite"), $(".popuperror")]); }); $("#btn_rensclose").on("click", function () { $("#loadcontainerrename").removeClass("flex").addClass("hidden"); hide([$(".saveasoverwrite"), $(".popuperror")]); }); button_rndgame.on("click", function(ev) { if(connected) { showRandomStoryPopup(); } }); rs_accept.on("click", function(ev) { hideMessage(); socket.send({'cmd': 'rndgame', 'memory': $("#rngmemory").val(), 'data': topic.val()}); hideRandomStoryPopup(); }); rs_close.on("click", function(ev) { hideRandomStoryPopup(); }); anote_slider.on("input", function () { socket.send({'cmd': 'anotedepth', 'data': $(this).val()}); }); // Dynamically change vertical size of world info "Comment" text box wi_menu.on("input", ".wicomment > textarea", function () { adjustWiCommentHeight(this); }); // Dynamically change vertical size of world info folder name text box wi_menu.on("input", ".wifoldername > div > textarea", function () { adjustWiFolderNameHeight(this); }); saveasinput.on("input", function () { if(saveasinput.val() == "") { disableButtons([saveas_accept]); } else { enableButtons([saveas_accept]); } hide([$(".saveasoverwrite"), $(".popuperror")]); }); // Bind Enter button to submit input_text.keydown(function (ev) { if (ev.which == 13 && !shift_down) { do_clear_ent = true; dosubmit(true); } else if(ev.which == 16) { shift_down = true; } }); // Enter to submit, but not if holding shift input_text.keyup(function (ev) { if (ev.which == 13 && do_clear_ent) { input_text.val(""); do_clear_ent = false; } else if(ev.which == 16) { shift_down = false; } }); aidgpromptnum.keydown(function (ev) { if (ev.which == 13) { sendAidgImportRequest(); } }); saveasinput.keydown(function (ev) { if (ev.which == 13 && saveasinput.val() != "") { sendSaveAsRequest(); } }); $([input_text, anote_input, $("#gamescreen")]).map($.fn.toArray).on("input", function() { setGameSaved(false); }); $(window).on("beforeunload", function() { if(!gamesaved) { return true; } }); });