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@echo off
title KoboldAI Runtime Installer (MicroMamba)
echo Please choose one of the following transformers options
echo 1. Finetuneanon Transformers (Best for GPU users)
echo 2. Official Transformers (Best for CPU users)
echo Errors? Rerun this as admin so it can add the needed LongPathsEnabled registery tweak.
echo Installer failed or crashed? Run it again so it can continue.
echo Only Windows 10 and higher officially supported, older Windows installations can't handle the paths.
SET /P B=Type the number of the desired option and then press ENTER:
Reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" /v "LongPathsEnabled" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f 2>nul
cd %~dp0
if exist miniconda3\ (
echo Delete existing installation?
echo This is required if you are switching modes, or if you get dependency errors in the game.
echo 1. Yes
echo 2. No
SET /P D=Type the number of the desired option and then press ENTER:
) ELSE (
SET D=Workaround
IF %D%==1 rmdir /s /q miniconda3
echo Which installation mode would you like?
echo 1. Temporary Drive Letter (Mounts the folder as drive K:, more stable and portable)
echo 2. Subfolder (Traditional method, can't run in folder paths that contain spaces)
SET /P M=Type the number of the desired option and then press ENTER:
IF %M%==1 GOTO drivemap
IF %M%==2 GOTO subfolder
ECHO Incorrect choice
echo 1 > loader.settings
subst K: /D >nul
mkdir miniconda3
subst K: miniconda3
copy umamba.exe K:\umamba.exe
cd K:
umamba.exe create -r K:\python\ -n base
IF %B%==1 umamba.exe install --no-shortcuts -r K:\python\ -n base -f "%~dp0\environments\finetuneanon.yml" -y
IF %B%==2 umamba.exe install --no-shortcuts -r K:\python\ -n base -f "%~dp0\environments\huggingface.yml" -y
umamba.exe -r K:\ clean -a -y
subst K: /d
echo 2 > loader.settings
umamba.exe create -r miniconda3\ -n base
IF %B%==1 umamba.exe install --no-shortcuts -r miniconda3 -n base -f environments\finetuneanon.yml -y
IF %B%==2 umamba.exe install --no-shortcuts -r miniconda3 -n base -f environments\huggingface.yml -y
umamba.exe clean -a -y