
387 lines
14 KiB

namespace AzuraCast\Radio\Backend;
class LiquidSoap extends BackendAbstract
public function read()
* Write configuration from Station object to the external service.
* @return bool
public function write()
$settings = (array)$this->station->backend_config;
$playlist_path = $this->station->getRadioPlaylistsDir();
$config_path = $this->station->getRadioConfigDir();
$ls_config = [
'# WARNING! This file is automatically generated by AzuraCast.',
'# Do not update it directly!',
'set("init.daemon", false)',
'set("init.daemon.pidfile.path","' . $config_path . '/")',
'set("log.file.path","' . $config_path . '/liquidsoap.log")',
'set("server.telnet.bind_addr","'.(APP_INSIDE_DOCKER ? '' : '').'")',
'set("server.telnet.port", ' . $this->_getTelnetPort() . ')',
'# AutoDJ Next Song Script',
'def azuracast_next_song() =',
' uri = get_process_lines("wget -qO- '.$this->_getApiUrl('/api/internal/'.$this->station->id.'/nextsong').'")',
' uri = list.hd(uri)',
' log("AzuraCast Raw Response: #{uri}")',
' request.create(uri)',
'# DJ Authentication',
'def dj_auth(user,password) =',
' log("Authenticating DJ: #{user}")',
' ret = get_process_lines("wget -qO- '.$this->_getApiUrl('/api/internal/'.$this->station->id.'/auth', ['dj_user' => '#{user}', 'dj_password' => '#{password}']).'")',
' ret = list.hd(ret)',
' bool_of_string(ret)',
'live_enabled = ref false',
'def live_connected(header) =',
' log("DJ Source connected!")',
' live_enabled := true',
'def live_disconnected() =',
' log("DJ Source disconnected!")',
' live_enabled := false',
// Clear out existing playlists directory.
$current_playlists = array_diff(scandir($playlist_path), ['..', '.']);
foreach ($current_playlists as $list) {
@unlink($playlist_path . '/' . $list);
// Set up playlists using older format as a fallback.
$ls_config[] = '# Fallback Playlists';
$playlists_by_type = [];
$playlists = [];
foreach ($this->station->playlists as $playlist_raw) {
/** @var \Entity\StationPlaylist $playlist_raw */
if (!$playlist_raw->is_enabled) {
$playlist_file_contents = $playlist_raw->export('m3u', true);
$playlist = $playlist_raw->toArray($this->di['em']);
$playlist['var_name'] = 'playlist_' . $playlist_raw->getShortName();
$playlist['file_path'] = $playlist_path . '/' . $playlist['var_name'] . '.m3u';
file_put_contents($playlist['file_path'], $playlist_file_contents);
$ls_config[] = $playlist['var_name'] . ' = playlist(reload_mode="watch","' . $playlist['file_path'] . '")';
$playlist_type = $playlist['type'] ?: 'default';
$playlists_by_type[$playlist_type][] = $playlist;
$playlists[] = $playlist;
if (empty($playlists_by_type['default'])) {
if (count($playlists) > 0) {
$this->log('LiquidSoap will not start until at least one playlist is set as the "Default" type.',
return false;
$ls_config[] = '';
// Create fallback playlist based on all default playlists.
$playlist_weights = [];
$playlist_vars = [];
foreach ($playlists_by_type['default'] as $playlist) {
$playlist_weights[] = $playlist['weight'];
$playlist_vars[] = $playlist['var_name'];
$ls_config[] = 'playlists = random(weights=[' . implode(', ', $playlist_weights) . '], [' . implode(', ',
$playlist_vars) . ']);';
$ls_config[] = 'dynamic = request.dynamic(id="azuracast_next_song", azuracast_next_song)';
$ls_config[] = 'dynamic = cue_cut(id="azuracast_next_song_cued", dynamic)';
$ls_config[] = 'radio = fallback(track_sensitive = false, [dynamic, playlists, blank(duration=2.)])';
$ls_config[] = '';
// Add harbor live.
$harbor_params = [
$ls_config[] = 'live = audio_to_stereo(input.harbor('.implode(', ', $harbor_params).'))';
$ls_config[] = 'ignore(output.dummy(live, fallible=true))';
$ls_config[] = 'live = fallback(track_sensitive=false, [live, blank(duration=2.)])';
$ls_config[] = '';
$ls_config[] = 'radio = switch(id="live_switch", track_sensitive=false, [({!live_enabled}, live), ({true}, radio)])';
$ls_config[] = '';
// Crossfading
$crossfade = (int)($settings['crossfade'] ?? 2);
if ($crossfade > 0) {
$start_next = round($crossfade * 1.5);
$ls_config[] = '# Crossfading';
$ls_config[] = 'radio = crossfade(start_next=' . $start_next . '.,fade_out=' . $crossfade . '.,fade_in=' . $crossfade . '.,radio)';
$ls_config[] = '';
if (!empty($settings['custom_config'])) {
$ls_config[] = '# Custom Configuration (Specified in Station Profile)';
$ls_config[] = $settings['custom_config'];
$ls_config[] = '';
$ls_config[] = '# Outbound Broadcast';
// Configure the outbound broadcast.
$fe_settings = (array)$this->station->frontend_config;
$broadcast_port = $fe_settings['port'];
$broadcast_source_pw = $fe_settings['source_pw'];
$settings_repo = $this->di['em']->getRepository('Entity\Settings');
$base_url = $settings_repo->getSetting('base_url', 'localhost');
switch ($this->station->frontend_type) {
case 'remote':
$this->log(_('You cannot use an AutoDJ with a remote frontend. Please change the frontend type or update the backend to be "Disabled".'),
return false;
case 'shoutcast2':
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->station->mounts as $mount_row) {
if (!$mount_row->enable_autodj) {
$format = strtolower($mount_row->autodj_format ?: 'mp3');
$bitrate = $mount_row->autodj_bitrate ?: 128;
if ($format == 'aac') {
$output_format = '%fdkaac(channels=2, samplerate=44100, bitrate='.(int)$bitrate.', afterburner=true, aot="mpeg4_he_aac_v2", transmux="adts", sbr_mode=true)';
} else {
$output_format = '%mp3.cbr(samplerate=44100,stereo=true,bitrate=' . (int)$bitrate . ')';
$output_params = [
$output_format, // Required output format (%mp3 etc)
'id="radio_out_' . $i . '"',
'host = "localhost"',
'port = ' . ($broadcast_port),
'password = "' . $broadcast_source_pw . ':#'.$i.'"',
'name = "' . $this->_cleanUpString($this->station->name) . '"',
'url = "' . $this->_cleanUpString($this->station->url ?: $base_url) . '"',
'public = '.(($mount_row->is_public) ? 'true' : 'false'),
'radio', // Required
$ls_config[] = 'output.shoutcast(' . implode(', ', $output_params) . ')';
case 'icecast':
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->station->mounts as $mount_row) {
if (!$mount_row->enable_autodj) {
$format = strtolower($mount_row->autodj_format ?: 'mp3');
$bitrate = $mount_row->autodj_bitrate ?: 128;
if ($format == 'ogg') {
$output_format = '%vorbis.cbr(samplerate=44100, channels=2, bitrate=' . (int)$bitrate . ')';
} else {
$output_format = '%mp3.cbr(samplerate=44100,stereo=true,bitrate=' . (int)$bitrate . ')';
if (!empty($output_format)) {
$output_params = [
$output_format, // Required output format (%mp3 or %ogg)
'id="radio_out_' . $i . '"',
'host = "localhost"',
'port = ' . $broadcast_port,
'password = "' . $broadcast_source_pw . '"',
'name = "' . $this->_cleanUpString($this->station->name) . '"',
'description = "' . $this->_cleanUpString($this->station->description) . '"',
'url = "' . $this->_cleanUpString($this->station->url ?: $base_url) . '"',
'mount = "' . $mount_row->name . '"',
'public = '.(($mount_row->is_public) ? 'true' : 'false'),
'radio', // Required
$ls_config[] = 'output.icecast(' . implode(', ', $output_params) . ')';
$ls_config_contents = implode("\n", $ls_config);
$ls_config_path = $config_path . '/liquidsoap.liq';
file_put_contents($ls_config_path, $ls_config_contents);
return true;
protected function _getApiUrl($endpoint, $params = [])
$params = (array)$params;
$params['api_auth'] = $this->_getApiPassword();
$base_url = (APP_INSIDE_DOCKER) ? 'http://nginx' : 'http://localhost';
return $base_url.$endpoint.'?'.http_build_query($params);
protected function _cleanUpString($string)
return str_replace(['"', "\n", "\r"], ['\'', '', ''], $string);
protected function _getTime($time_code)
$hours = floor($time_code / 100);
$mins = $time_code % 100;
$system_time_zone = \App\Utilities::get_system_time_zone();
$system_tz = new \DateTimeZone($system_time_zone);
$system_dt = new \DateTime('now', $system_tz);
$system_offset = $system_tz->getOffset($system_dt);
$app_tz = new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get());
$app_dt = new \DateTime('now', $app_tz);
$app_offset = $app_tz->getOffset($app_dt);
$offset = $system_offset - $app_offset;
$offset_hours = floor($offset / 3600);
$hours += $offset_hours;
$hours = $hours % 24;
if ($hours < 0) {
$hours += 24;
return $hours . 'h' . $mins . 'm';
* Generate a stream-unique API password.
* @return string
public function _getApiPassword()
$be_settings = (array)$this->station->backend_config;
if (empty($be_settings['api_password'])) {
$be_settings['api_password'] = bin2hex(random_bytes(50));
$em = $this->di['em'];
$this->station->backend_config = $be_settings;
return $be_settings['api_password'];
* Validate the API password used for internal API authentication.
* @param $password
* @return bool
public function validateApiPassword($password)
return hash_equals($password, $this->_getApiPassword());
public function getCommand()
$user_base = realpath(APP_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/..');
$config_path = $this->station->getRadioConfigDir() . '/liquidsoap.liq';
return $user_base.'/.opam/system/bin/liquidsoap --errors-as-warnings ' . $config_path;
public function skip()
return $this->command('radio_out_1.skip');
public function command($command_str)
$fp = stream_socket_client('tcp://'.(APP_INSIDE_DOCKER ? 'stations' : 'localhost').':' . $this->_getTelnetPort(), $errno, $errstr, 20);
if (!$fp) {
throw new \App\Exception('Telnet failure: ' . $errstr . ' (' . $errno . ')');
fwrite($fp, str_replace(["\\'", '&amp;'], ["'", '&'], urldecode($command_str)) . "\nquit\n");
$response = [];
while (!feof($fp)) {
$response[] = trim(fgets($fp, 1024));
return $response;
public function getStreamPort()
return (8000 + (($this->station->id - 1) * 10) + 5);
protected function _getTelnetPort()
return (8000 + (($this->station->id - 1) * 10) + 4);
* Static Functions
public static function isInstalled()
$user_base = realpath(APP_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/..');
return (APP_INSIDE_DOCKER || file_exists($user_base.'/.opam/system/bin/liquidsoap'));