
517 lines
18 KiB

namespace App\Controller\Api\Stations\Files;
use App\Container\EntityManagerAwareTrait;
use App\Controller\Api\Traits\CanSortResults;
use App\Controller\Api\Traits\HasMediaSearch;
use App\Controller\SingleActionInterface;
use App\Entity\Api\FileList;
use App\Entity\Api\FileListMedia;
use App\Entity\Station;
use App\Entity\StationMedia;
use App\Entity\StationPlaylist;
use App\Flysystem\StationFilesystems;
use App\Http\Response;
use App\Http\RouterInterface;
use App\Http\ServerRequest;
use App\Media\MimeType;
use App\Paginator;
use App\Utilities\Strings;
use App\Utilities\Types;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Order;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
use League\Flysystem\StorageAttributes;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccessorInterface;
final class ListAction implements SingleActionInterface
use CanSortResults;
use EntityManagerAwareTrait;
use HasMediaSearch;
public function __construct(
private readonly CacheInterface $cache,
private readonly StationFilesystems $stationFilesystems
) {
public function __invoke(
ServerRequest $request,
Response $response,
array $params
): ResponseInterface {
$router = $request->getRouter();
$station = $request->getStation();
$storageLocation = $station->getMediaStorageLocation();
$fs = $this->stationFilesystems->getMediaFilesystem($station);
$currentDir = Types::string($request->getParam('currentDirectory'));
$searchPhraseFull = Types::stringOrNull($request->getParam('searchPhrase'), true);
$isSearch = null !== $searchPhraseFull;
[$searchPhrase, $playlist, $special] = $this->parseSearchQuery(
$searchPhraseFull ?? ''
$cacheKeyParts = [
(!empty($currentDir)) ? 'dir_' . rawurlencode($currentDir) : 'root',
if ($isSearch) {
$cacheKeyParts[] = 'search_' . rawurlencode($searchPhraseFull);
$cacheKey = implode('.', $cacheKeyParts);
$flushCache = Types::bool($request->getParam('flushCache'), false, true);
if (!$flushCache && $this->cache->has($cacheKey)) {
/** @var array<int, FileList> $result */
$result = $this->cache->get($cacheKey);
} else {
$pathLike = (empty($currentDir))
? '%'
: $currentDir . '/%';
$mediaQueryBuilder = $this->em->createQueryBuilder()
->from(StationMedia::class, 'sm')
->where('sm.storage_location = :storageLocation')
->andWhere('sm.path LIKE :path')
->setParameter('storageLocation', $station->getMediaStorageLocation())
->setParameter('path', $pathLike);
$foldersInDirQuery = $this->em->createQuery(
SELECT spf, sp
FROM App\Entity\StationPlaylistFolder spf
JOIN spf.playlist sp
WHERE spf.station = :station
AND spf.path LIKE :path
)->setParameter('station', $station)
->setParameter('path', $pathLike);
$unprocessableMediaQuery = $this->em->createQuery(
FROM App\Entity\UnprocessableMedia upm
WHERE upm.storage_location = :storageLocation
AND upm.path LIKE :path
)->setParameter('storageLocation', $storageLocation)
->setParameter('path', $pathLike);
// Apply searching
if ($isSearch) {
if ('unprocessable' === $special) {
$mediaQueryBuilder = null;
$unprocessableMediaRaw = $unprocessableMediaQuery->toIterable(
} else {
if ('duplicates' === $special) {
SELECT sm2.song_id FROM
App\Entity\StationMedia sm2
WHERE sm2.storage_location = :storageLocation
GROUP BY sm2.song_id
} elseif ('unassigned' === $special) {
' NOT IN (SELECT spm2.media_id FROM App\Entity\StationPlaylistMedia spm2)'
} elseif (null !== $playlist) {
' IN (SELECT spm2.media_id FROM App\Entity\StationPlaylistMedia spm2 '
. 'WHERE spm2.playlist = :playlist)'
)->setParameter('playlist', $playlist);
if (!empty($searchPhrase)) {
'(sm.title LIKE :query OR sm.artist LIKE :query OR sm.path LIKE :query)'
)->setParameter('query', '%' . $searchPhrase . '%');
$unprocessableMediaRaw = [];
$foldersInDirRaw = [];
} else {
// Avoid loading subfolder media.
$mediaQueryBuilder->andWhere('sm.path NOT LIKE :pathWithSubfolders')
->setParameter('pathWithSubfolders', $pathLike . '/%');
$foldersInDirRaw = $foldersInDirQuery->getArrayResult();
$unprocessableMediaRaw = $unprocessableMediaQuery->toIterable(
// Process all database results.
$mediaInDir = $this->processMediaInDir($station, $mediaQueryBuilder);
$foldersInDir = [];
foreach ($foldersInDirRaw as $folderRow) {
if (!isset($foldersInDir[$folderRow['path']])) {
$foldersInDir[$folderRow['path']] = [
'playlists' => [],
$foldersInDir[$folderRow['path']]['playlists'][] = [
'id' => $folderRow['playlist']['id'],
'name' => $folderRow['playlist']['name'],
'short_name' => StationPlaylist::generateShortName(
$unprocessableMedia = [];
foreach ($unprocessableMediaRaw as $unprocessableRow) {
$unprocessableMedia[$unprocessableRow['path']] = $unprocessableRow['error'];
if ($isSearch) {
if ('unprocessable' === $special) {
/** @var string[] $files */
$files = array_keys($unprocessableMedia);
} else {
/** @var string[] $files */
$files = array_keys($mediaInDir);
} else {
$files = $fs->listContents($currentDir, false)->filter(
fn(StorageAttributes $attributes) => !StationFilesystems::isDotFile($attributes->path())
$result = [];
foreach ($files as $file) {
$row = new FileList();
if ($file instanceof StorageAttributes) {
$row->path = $file->path();
$row->timestamp = $file->lastModified() ?? 0;
$row->is_dir = $file->isDir();
} else {
$row->path = $file;
$row->timestamp = $fs->lastModified($file);
$row->is_dir = false;
$row->size = ($row->is_dir) ? 0 : $fs->fileSize($row->path);
$shortname = ($isSearch)
? $row->path
: basename($row->path);
$maxLength = 60;
if (mb_strlen($shortname) > $maxLength) {
$shortname = mb_substr($shortname, 0, $maxLength - 15) . '...' . mb_substr($shortname, -12);
$row->path_short = $shortname;
$row->media = new FileListMedia();
if (isset($mediaInDir[$row->path])) {
$row->media = $mediaInDir[$row->path]['media'];
$row->text = $row->media->text;
$row->playlists = (array)$mediaInDir[$row->path]['playlists'];
} elseif ($row->is_dir) {
$row->text = __('Directory');
if (isset($foldersInDir[$row->path])) {
$row->playlists = (array)$foldersInDir[$row->path]['playlists'];
} elseif (isset($unprocessableMedia[$row->path])) {
$row->text = sprintf(
__('File Not Processed: %s'),
} elseif (MimeType::isPathImage($row->path)) {
$row->is_cover_art = true;
$row->text = __('Cover Art');
} else {
$row->text = __('File Processing');
$result[] = $row;
$this->cache->set($cacheKey, $result, 300);
// Apply sorting
[$sort, $sortOrder] = $this->getSortFromRequest($request);
$propertyAccessor = self::getPropertyAccessor();
static fn(FileList $a, FileList $b) => self::sortRows(
$paginator = Paginator::fromArray($result, $request);
// Add processor-intensive data for just this page.
$stationId = $station->getIdRequired();
static fn(FileList $row) => self::postProcessRow($row, $router, $stationId)
return $paginator->write($response);
private function processMediaInDir(
Station $station,
?QueryBuilder $qb = null
): array {
if (null === $qb) {
return [];
/** @var array<array{
* id: int,
* unique_id: string,
* song_id: string,
* path: string,
* artist: string | null,
* title: string | null,
* album: string | null,
* genre: string | null,
* isrc: string | null,
* length: string,
* length_text: string,
* art_updated_at: int
* }> $mediaInDirRaw
$mediaInDirRaw = $qb->getQuery()->getScalarResult();
$mediaIds = array_column($mediaInDirRaw, 'id');
// Fetch custom fields for all shown media.
$customFieldsRaw = $this->em->createQuery(
SELECT smcf.media_id, smcf.field_id, smcf.value
FROM App\Entity\StationMediaCustomField smcf
WHERE smcf.media_id IN (:ids)
)->setParameter('ids', $mediaIds)
$customFields = [];
foreach ($customFieldsRaw as $row) {
$customFields[$row['media_id']] ??= [];
$customFields[$row['media_id']][$row['field_id']] = $row['value'];
// Fetch playlists for all shown media.
/** @var array<array{
* media_id: int,
* playlist_id: int,
* name: string
* }> $allPlaylistsRaw
$allPlaylistsRaw = $this->em->createQuery(
SELECT spm.media_id, spm.playlist_id,
FROM App\Entity\StationPlaylistMedia spm
JOIN spm.playlist sp
WHERE sp.station = :station AND spm.media_id IN (:ids)
)->setParameter('station', $station)
->setParameter('ids', $mediaIds)
$allPlaylists = [];
foreach ($allPlaylistsRaw as $row) {
$allPlaylists[$row['media_id']] ??= [];
$allPlaylists[$row['media_id']][$row['playlist_id']] = $row['name'];
$mediaInDir = [];
foreach ($mediaInDirRaw as $row) {
$id = $row['id'];
$media = new FileListMedia();
$media->id = $row['song_id'];
$media->title = $row['title'];
$media->artist = $row['artist'];
$media->text = ($media->artist ?? '') . ' - ' . ($media->title ?? '');
$media->album = $row['album'];
$media->genre = $row['genre'];
$media->isrc = $row['isrc'];
$media->length = Types::int($row['length']);
$media->length_text = $row['length_text'];
$media->is_playable = ($media->length !== 0);
$media->media_id = $id;
$media->unique_id = $row['unique_id'];
$media->art_updated_at = $row['art_updated_at'];
$media->custom_fields = $customFields[$id] ?? [];
$playlists = [];
foreach ($allPlaylists[$id] ?? [] as $playlistId => $playlistName) {
if (isset($playlists[$playlistId])) {
} else {
$playlists[$playlistId] = [
'id' => $playlistId,
'name' => $playlistName,
'short_name' => StationPlaylist::generateShortName($playlistName),
'count' => 1,
$mediaInDir[$row['path']] = [
'media' => $media,
'playlists' => array_values($playlists),
return $mediaInDir;
private static function sortRows(
FileList $a,
FileList $b,
PropertyAccessorInterface $propertyAccessor,
?string $searchPhrase = null,
?string $sort = null,
Order $sortOrder = Order::Ascending
): int {
if ('special:duplicates' === $searchPhrase) {
return $a->media->id <=> $b->media->id;
$isDirComp = $b->is_dir <=> $a->is_dir;
if (0 !== $isDirComp) {
return $isDirComp;
if (!$sort) {
$aVal = $a->path;
$bVal = $b->path;
return (Order::Ascending === $sortOrder) ? $aVal <=> $bVal : $bVal <=> $aVal;
return self::sortByDotNotation($a, $b, $propertyAccessor, $sort, $sortOrder);
private static function postProcessRow(
FileList $row,
RouterInterface $router,
int $stationId
): FileList {
if (null !== $row->media->media_id) {
$routeParams = [
'station_id' => $stationId,
'media_id' => $row->media->unique_id,
if (0 !== $row->media->art_updated_at) {
$routeParams['timestamp'] = $row->media->art_updated_at;
$row->media->art = $router->named(
routeParams: $routeParams
$row->media->links = [
'play' => $router->named(
['station_id' => $stationId, 'id' => $row->media->media_id],
'edit' => $router->named(
['station_id' => $stationId, 'id' => $row->media->media_id],
'art' => $router->named(
'station_id' => $stationId,
'media_id' => $row->media->media_id,
'waveform' => $router->named(
'station_id' => $stationId,
'media_id' => $row->media->unique_id,
'timestamp' => $row->media->art_updated_at,
$row->links = [
'download' => $router->named(
['station_id' => $stationId],
['file' => $row->path]
'rename' => $router->named(
['station_id' => $stationId],
['file' => $row->path]
return $row;