
768 lines
26 KiB

namespace App\Radio;
use App\Entity;
use App\Event\Radio\AnnotateNextSong;
use App\Event\Radio\BuildQueue;
use App\EventDispatcher;
use App\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use App\Lock\LockManager;
use Cake\Chronos\Chronos;
use DateTimeZone;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
class AutoDJ implements EventSubscriberInterface
protected Adapters $adapters;
protected EntityManagerInterface $em;
protected Entity\Repository\SongRepository $songRepo;
protected Entity\Repository\SongHistoryRepository $songHistoryRepo;
protected Entity\Repository\StationPlaylistMediaRepository $spmRepo;
protected Entity\Repository\StationStreamerRepository $streamerRepo;
protected Entity\Repository\StationRequestRepository $requestRepo;
protected EventDispatcher $dispatcher;
protected Filesystem $filesystem;
protected Logger $logger;
protected LockManager $lockManager;
public function __construct(
Adapters $adapters,
EntityManagerInterface $em,
Entity\Repository\SongRepository $songRepo,
Entity\Repository\SongHistoryRepository $songHistoryRepo,
Entity\Repository\StationPlaylistMediaRepository $spmRepo,
Entity\Repository\StationStreamerRepository $streamerRepo,
Entity\Repository\StationRequestRepository $requestRepo,
EventDispatcher $dispatcher,
Filesystem $filesystem,
Logger $logger,
LockManager $lockManager
) {
$this->adapters = $adapters;
$this->em = $em;
$this->songRepo = $songRepo;
$this->songHistoryRepo = $songHistoryRepo;
$this->spmRepo = $spmRepo;
$this->streamerRepo = $streamerRepo;
$this->requestRepo = $requestRepo;
$this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;
$this->filesystem = $filesystem;
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->lockManager = $lockManager;
* @return array
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
AnnotateNextSong::class => [
['defaultAnnotationHandler', 0],
BuildQueue::class => [
['getNextSongFromRequests', 5],
['calculateNextSong', 0],
* Pulls the next song from the AutoDJ, dispatches the AnnotateNextSong event and returns the built result.
* @param Entity\Station $station
* @param bool $as_autodj
* @return string
public function annotateNextSong(Entity\Station $station, $as_autodj = false): string
$sh = $this->songHistoryRepo->getNextInQueue($station);
$event = new AnnotateNextSong($station, $sh);
return $event->buildAnnotations();
* Event Handler function for the AnnotateNextSong event.
* @param AnnotateNextSong $event
public function defaultAnnotationHandler(AnnotateNextSong $event): void
$sh = $event->getNextSong();
if ($sh instanceof Entity\SongHistory) {
// The "get next song" function is only called when a streamer is not live
$media = $sh->getMedia();
if ($media instanceof Entity\StationMedia) {
$fs = $this->filesystem->getForStation($event->getStation());
$media_path = $fs->getFullPath($media->getPathUri());
$backend = $this->adapters->getBackendAdapter($event->getStation());
$playlist = $sh->getPlaylist();
if ($playlist instanceof Entity\StationPlaylist) {
'playlist_id' => $playlist->getId(),
// Handle "Jingle mode" by sending the same metadata as the previous song.
if ($playlist->isJingle()) {
$np = $event->getStation()->getNowplaying();
if ($np instanceof Entity\Api\NowPlaying) {
'title' => $np->now_playing->song->title,
'artist' => $np->now_playing->song->artist,
'playlist_id' => null,
'media_id' => null,
'jingle_mode' => 'true',
} elseif (!empty($sh->getAutodjCustomUri())) {
$custom_uri = $sh->getAutodjCustomUri();
if ($sh->getDuration()) {
'length' => $sh->getDuration(),
} elseif (null !== $sh) {
public function buildQueue(Entity\Station $station): void
$this->logger->pushProcessor(function ($record) use ($station) {
$record['extra']['station'] = [
'id' => $station->getId(),
'name' => $station->getName(),
return $record;
// Determine the "now" time for the queue.
$stationTz = new DateTimeZone($station->getTimezone());
$currentSong = $this->songHistoryRepo->getCurrent($station);
if ($currentSong instanceof Entity\SongHistory) {
$nowTimestamp = $currentSong->getTimestampStart() + ($currentSong->getDuration() ?? 1);
$now = Chronos::createFromTimestamp($nowTimestamp, $stationTz);
} else {
$now = Chronos::now($stationTz);
// Adjust "now" time from current queue.
$backendOptions = $station->getBackendConfig();
$maxQueueLength = $backendOptions->getAutoDjQueueLength();
$upcomingQueue = $this->songHistoryRepo->getUpcomingQueue($station);
$queueLength = count($upcomingQueue);
foreach ($upcomingQueue as $queueRow) {
$duration = $queueRow->getDuration() ?? 1;
$now = $now->addSeconds($duration);
if ($queueLength >= $maxQueueLength) {
$this->logger->debug('AutoDJ queue is already at current max length (' . $maxQueueLength . ').');
// Build the remainder of the queue.
while ($queueLength < $maxQueueLength) {
$this->logger->debug('Adding to station queue.', [
'now' => (string)$now,
$event = new BuildQueue($station, $now);
$queueRow = $event->getNextSong();
if ($queueRow instanceof Entity\SongHistory) {
$duration = $queueRow->getDuration() ?? 1;
$now = $now->addSeconds($duration);
* Determine the next-playing song for this station based on its playlist rotation rules.
* @param BuildQueue $event
public function calculateNextSong(BuildQueue $event): void
$this->logger->info('AzuraCast AutoDJ is calculating the next song to play...');
$station = $event->getStation();
$now = $event->getNow();
$song_history_count = 15;
// Pull all active, non-empty playlists and sort by type.
$has_any_valid_playlists = false;
$playlists_by_type = [];
foreach ($station->getPlaylists() as $playlist) {
/** @var Entity\StationPlaylist $playlist */
if ($playlist->isPlayable()) {
$has_any_valid_playlists = true;
$type = $playlist->getType();
if (Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_ONCE_PER_X_SONGS === $type) {
$song_history_count = max($song_history_count, $playlist->getPlayPerSongs());
$subType = ($playlist->getScheduleItems()->count() > 0) ? 'scheduled' : 'unscheduled';
$playlists_by_type[$type . '_' . $subType][$playlist->getId()] = $playlist;
if (!$has_any_valid_playlists) {
$this->logger->error('No valid playlists detected. Skipping AutoDJ calculations.');
// Pull all recent cued songs for easy referencing below.
$cued_song_history = $this->em->createQuery(/** @lang DQL */ 'SELECT sh, s
FROM App\Entity\SongHistory sh JOIN s
WHERE sh.station_id = :station_id
AND (sh.timestamp_cued != 0 AND sh.timestamp_cued IS NOT NULL)
AND sh.timestamp_cued >= :threshold
ORDER BY sh.timestamp_cued DESC')
->setParameter('station_id', $station->getId())
->setParameter('threshold', $now->subDay()->getTimestamp())
$logSongHistory = [];
foreach ($cued_song_history as $row) {
$logSongHistory[] = [
'song' => $row['song']['text'],
'cued_at' => (string)(Chronos::createFromTimestamp($row['timestamp_cued'], $now->getTimezone())),
'duration' => $row['duration'],
'sent_to_autodj' => $row['sent_to_autodj'],
$this->logger->debug('AutoDJ recent song playback history', [
'history' => $logSongHistory,
// Types of playlists that should play, sorted by priority.
$typesToPlay = [
Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_ONCE_PER_HOUR . '_scheduled',
Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_ONCE_PER_HOUR . '_unscheduled',
Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_ONCE_PER_X_SONGS . '_scheduled',
Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_ONCE_PER_X_SONGS . '_unscheduled',
Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_ONCE_PER_X_MINUTES . '_scheduled',
Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_ONCE_PER_X_MINUTES . '_unscheduled',
Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_DEFAULT . '_scheduled',
Entity\StationPlaylist::TYPE_DEFAULT . '_unscheduled',
foreach ($typesToPlay as $type) {
if (empty($playlists_by_type[$type])) {
$log_playlists = [];
$eligible_playlists = [];
foreach ($playlists_by_type[$type] as $playlist_id => $playlist) {
/** @var Entity\StationPlaylist $playlist */
if ($playlist->shouldPlayNow($now, $cued_song_history)) {
$eligible_playlists[$playlist_id] = $playlist->getWeight();
$log_playlists[] = [
'id' => $playlist->getId(),
'name' => $playlist->getName(),
'weight' => $playlist->getWeight(),
if (empty($eligible_playlists)) {
'%d playable playlist(s) of type "%s" found.',
), ['playlists' => $log_playlists]);
// Shuffle playlists by weight.
// Loop through the playlists and attempt to play them with no duplicates first,
// then loop through them again while allowing duplicates.
foreach ([false, true] as $allowDuplicates) {
foreach ($eligible_playlists as $playlist_id => $weight) {
$playlist = $playlists_by_type[$type][$playlist_id];
if ($event->setNextSong($this->playSongFromPlaylist(
))) {
$this->logger->info('Playable track found and registered.', [
'next_song' => (string)$event,
$this->logger->error('No playable tracks were found.');
* Apply a weighted shuffle to the given array in the form:
* [ key1 => weight1, key2 => weight2 ]
* Based on:
* @param array $array
protected function weightedShuffle(array &$array): void
$arr = $array;
$max = 1.0 / mt_getrandmax();
array_walk($arr, function (&$v, $k) use ($max) {
$v = (mt_rand() * $max) ** (1.0 / $v);
array_walk($arr, function (&$v, $k) use ($array) {
$v = $array[$k];
$array = $arr;
* Given a specified (sequential or shuffled) playlist, choose a song from the playlist to play and return it.
* @param Entity\StationPlaylist $playlist
* @param array $recentSongHistory
* @param Chronos $now
* @param bool $allowDuplicates Whether to return a media ID even if duplicates can't be prevented.
* @return Entity\SongHistory|null
protected function playSongFromPlaylist(
Entity\StationPlaylist $playlist,
array $recentSongHistory,
Chronos $now,
bool $allowDuplicates = false
): ?Entity\SongHistory {
$media_to_play = $this->getQueuedSong($playlist, $recentSongHistory, $allowDuplicates);
if ($media_to_play instanceof Entity\StationMedia) {
$spm = $media_to_play->getItemForPlaylist($playlist);
// Log in history
$sh = new Entity\SongHistory($media_to_play->getSong(), $playlist->getStation());
return $sh;
if (is_array($media_to_play)) {
[$media_uri, $media_duration] = $media_to_play;
$sh = new Entity\SongHistory($this->songRepo->getOrCreate([
'text' => 'Remote Playlist URL',
]), $playlist->getStation());
return $sh;
return null;
* @param Entity\StationPlaylist $playlist
* @param array $recentSongHistory
* @param bool $allowDuplicates Whether to return a media ID even if duplicates can't be prevented.
* @return Entity\StationMedia|array|null
protected function getQueuedSong(
Entity\StationPlaylist $playlist,
array $recentSongHistory,
bool $allowDuplicates = false
) {
if (Entity\StationPlaylist::SOURCE_REMOTE_URL === $playlist->getSource()) {
return $this->playRemoteUrl($playlist);
switch ($playlist->getOrder()) {
case Entity\StationPlaylist::ORDER_RANDOM:
$mediaQueue = $this->spmRepo->getPlayableMedia($playlist);
$mediaId = $this->preventDuplicates($mediaQueue, $recentSongHistory, $allowDuplicates);
case Entity\StationPlaylist::ORDER_SEQUENTIAL:
$mediaQueue = $playlist->getQueue();
if (empty($mediaQueue)) {
$mediaQueue = $this->spmRepo->getPlayableMedia($playlist);
$media_arr = array_shift($mediaQueue);
$mediaId = $media_arr['id'];
case Entity\StationPlaylist::ORDER_SHUFFLE:
$media_queue_cached = $playlist->getQueue();
if (empty($media_queue_cached)) {
$mediaQueue = $this->spmRepo->getPlayableMedia($playlist);
} else {
// Rekey the media queue because redis won't always properly store keys.
$mediaQueue = [];
foreach ($media_queue_cached as $media) {
$mediaQueue[$media['id']] = $media;
if ($playlist->getAvoidDuplicates()) {
if ($allowDuplicates) {
$mediaId = $this->preventDuplicates($mediaQueue, $recentSongHistory, false);
if (null === $mediaId) {
$this->logger->warning('Duplicate prevention yielded no playable song; resetting song queue.');
// Pull the entire shuffled playlist if a duplicate title can't be avoided.
$mediaQueue = $this->spmRepo->getPlayableMedia($playlist);
$mediaId = $this->preventDuplicates($mediaQueue, $recentSongHistory, true);
} else {
$mediaId = $this->preventDuplicates($mediaQueue, $recentSongHistory, false);
} else {
$mediaId = array_key_first($mediaQueue);
if (null !== $mediaId) {
// Save the modified cache, sans the now-missing entry.
if (!$mediaId) {
$this->logger->warning(sprintf('Playlist "%s" did not return a playable track.', $playlist->getName()), [
'playlist_id' => $playlist->getId(),
'playlist_order' => $playlist->getOrder(),
'allow_duplicates' => $allowDuplicates,
return null;
return $this->em->find(Entity\StationMedia::class, $mediaId);
protected function playRemoteUrl(Entity\StationPlaylist $playlist): ?array
$remote_type = $playlist->getRemoteType() ?? Entity\StationPlaylist::REMOTE_TYPE_STREAM;
// Handle a raw stream URL of possibly indeterminate length.
if (Entity\StationPlaylist::REMOTE_TYPE_STREAM === $remote_type) {
// Annotate a hard-coded "duration" parameter to avoid infinite play for scheduled playlists.
$duration = $playlist->getScheduleDuration();
return [$playlist->getRemoteUrl(), $duration];
// Handle a remote playlist containing songs or streams.
$media_queue = $playlist->getQueue();
if (empty($media_queue)) {
$playlist_raw = file_get_contents($playlist->getRemoteUrl());
$media_queue = PlaylistParser::getSongs($playlist_raw);
if (!empty($media_queue)) {
$media_id = array_shift($media_queue);
} else {
$media_id = null;
// Save the modified cache, sans the now-missing entry.
return ($media_id)
? [$media_id, 0]
: null;
* @param array $eligibleMedia
* @param array $playedMedia
* @param bool $allowDuplicates Whether to return a media ID even if duplicates can't be prevented.
* @return int|null
protected function preventDuplicates(
array $eligibleMedia = [],
array $playedMedia = [],
bool $allowDuplicates = false
): ?int {
if (empty($eligibleMedia)) {
$this->logger->debug('Eligible song queue is empty!');
return null;
$latestSongIdsPlayed = [];
$playedTracks = [];
foreach ($playedMedia as $history) {
$playedTracks[] = [
'artist' => $history['song']['artist'],
'title' => $history['song']['title'],
$songId = $history['song']['id'];
if (!isset($latestSongIdsPlayed[$songId])) {
$latestSongIdsPlayed[$songId] = $history['timestamp_cued'];
$eligibleTracks = [];
foreach ($eligibleMedia as $media) {
$songId = $media['song_id'];
if (isset($latestSongIdsPlayed[$songId])) {
$eligibleTracks[$media['id']] = [
'artist' => $media['song']['artist'],
'title' => $media['song']['title'],
$mediaId = self::getDistinctTrack($eligibleTracks, $playedTracks);
if (null !== $mediaId) {
$this->logger->info('Found track that avoids duplicate title and artist.',
['media_id' => $mediaId]);
return $mediaId;
if ($allowDuplicates) {
// If we reach this point, there's no way to avoid a duplicate title.
$mediaIdsByTimePlayed = [];
// For each piece of eligible media, get its latest played timestamp.
foreach ($eligibleMedia as $media) {
$songId = $media['song_id'];
$mediaIdsByTimePlayed[$media['id']] = $latestSongIdsPlayed[$songId] ?? 0;
// Pull the lowest value, which corresponds to the least recently played song.
// More efficient way of getting first key.
foreach ($mediaIdsByTimePlayed as $mediaId => $unused) {
$this->logger->warning('No way to avoid same title OR same artist; using least recently played song.',
['media_id' => $mediaId]);
return $mediaId;
return null;
* @param BuildQueue $event
public function getNextSongFromRequests(BuildQueue $event): void
$now = $event->getNow();
$request = $this->requestRepo->getNextPlayableRequest($event->getStation(), $now);
if (null === $request) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('Queueing next song from request ID %d.', $request->getId()));
// Log in history
$sh = new Entity\SongHistory($request->getTrack()->getSong(), $request->getStation());
* Given an array of eligible tracks, return the first ID that doesn't have a duplicate artist/
* title with any of the previously played tracks.
* Both should be in the form of an array, i.e.:
* [ 'id' => ['artist' => 'Foo', 'title' => 'Fighters'] ]
* @param array $eligibleTracks
* @param array $playedTracks
* @return int|string|null
public static function getDistinctTrack(array $eligibleTracks, array $playedTracks)
$artistSeparators = [
', ',
' feat ',
' feat. ',
' & ',
$dividerString = chr(7);
$artists = [];
$titles = [];
foreach ($playedTracks as $song) {
$title = trim($song['title']);
$titles[$title] = $title;
$artistParts = explode($dividerString, str_replace($artistSeparators, $dividerString, $song['artist']));
foreach ($artistParts as $artist) {
$artist = trim($artist);
if (!empty($artist)) {
$artists[$artist] = $artist;
$eligibleTracksWithoutSameTitle = [];
foreach ($eligibleTracks as $trackId => $song) {
// Avoid all direct title matches.
$title = trim($song['title']);
if (isset($titles[$title])) {
// Attempt to avoid an artist match, if possible.
$artist = trim($song['artist']);
$artistMatchFound = false;
if (!empty($artist)) {
$artistParts = explode($dividerString, str_replace($artistSeparators, $dividerString, $artist));
foreach ($artistParts as $artist) {
$artist = trim($artist);
if (empty($artist)) {
if (isset($artists[$artist])) {
$artistMatchFound = true;
if (!$artistMatchFound) {
return $trackId;
$eligibleTracksWithoutSameTitle[$trackId] = $song;
foreach ($eligibleTracksWithoutSameTitle as $trackId => $song) {
return $trackId;
return null;