# # Golang dependencies build step # FROM golang:1.19-bullseye AS go-dependencies RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends openssl git RUN go install github.com/jwilder/dockerize@v0.6.1 RUN go install github.com/aptible/supercronic@v0.2.1 RUN go install github.com/centrifugal/centrifugo/v4@v4.1.2 # # MariaDB dependencies build step # FROM mariadb:10.9-jammy AS mariadb # # Final build image # FROM ubuntu:jammy AS pre-final ENV TZ="UTC" # Add Go dependencies COPY --from=go-dependencies /go/bin/dockerize /usr/local/bin COPY --from=go-dependencies /go/bin/supercronic /usr/local/bin/supercronic COPY --from=go-dependencies /go/bin/centrifugo /usr/local/bin/centrifugo # Add MariaDB dependencies COPY --from=mariadb /usr/local/bin/healthcheck.sh /usr/local/bin/db_healthcheck.sh COPY --from=mariadb /usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh /usr/local/bin/db_entrypoint.sh # Run base build process COPY ./util/docker/common /bd_build/ RUN bash /bd_build/prepare.sh \ && bash /bd_build/add_user.sh \ && bash /bd_build/cleanup.sh \ && rm -rf /bd_build # Build each set of dependencies in their own step for cacheability. COPY ./util/docker/supervisor /bd_build/supervisor/ RUN bash /bd_build/supervisor/setup.sh \ && rm -rf /bd_build/supervisor COPY ./util/docker/stations /bd_build/stations/ RUN bash /bd_build/stations/setup.sh \ && rm -rf /bd_build/stations COPY ./util/docker/web /bd_build/web/ RUN bash /bd_build/web/setup.sh \ && rm -rf /bd_build/web COPY ./util/docker/mariadb /bd_build/mariadb/ RUN bash /bd_build/mariadb/setup.sh \ && rm -rf /bd_build/mariadb COPY ./util/docker/redis /bd_build/redis/ RUN bash /bd_build/redis/setup.sh \ && rm -rf /bd_build/redis RUN rm -rf /bd_build VOLUME ["/var/azuracast/stations", "/var/azuracast/uploads", "/var/azuracast/backups", "/var/azuracast/sftpgo/persist", "/var/azuracast/servers/shoutcast2"] # # Final build (Just environment vars and squishing the FS) # FROM ubuntu:jammy AS final COPY --from=pre-final / / USER azuracast WORKDIR /var/azuracast/www COPY --chown=azuracast:azuracast \ ./composer.json \ ./composer.lock \ ./ RUN composer install \ --no-dev \ --no-ansi \ --no-autoloader \ --no-interaction COPY --chown=azuracast:azuracast \ ./bin \ ./config \ ./plugins \ ./src \ ./templates \ ./translations/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo \ ./web \ ./ RUN composer dump-autoload --optimize --classmap-authoritative \ && touch /var/azuracast/.docker USER root EXPOSE 80 2022 EXPOSE 8000-8999 # Sensible default environment variables. ENV TZ="UTC" \ LANG="en_US.UTF-8" \ PATH="${PATH}:/var/azuracast/servers/shoutcast2" \ DOCKER_IS_STANDALONE="true" \ APPLICATION_ENV="production" \ MYSQL_HOST="localhost" \ MYSQL_PORT=3306 \ MYSQL_USER="azuracast" \ MYSQL_PASSWORD="azur4c457" \ MYSQL_DATABASE="azuracast" \ ENABLE_REDIS="true" \ REDIS_HOST="localhost" \ REDIS_PORT=6379 \ REDIS_DB=1 \ NGINX_RADIO_PORTS="default" \ NGINX_WEBDJ_PORTS="default" \ PREFER_RELEASE_BUILDS="false" \ COMPOSER_PLUGIN_MODE="false" \ ADDITIONAL_MEDIA_SYNC_WORKER_COUNT=0 \ PROFILING_EXTENSION_ENABLED=0 \ PROFILING_EXTENSION_ALWAYS_ON=0 \ PROFILING_EXTENSION_HTTP_KEY=dev \ PROFILING_EXTENSION_HTTP_IP_WHITELIST=* \ ENABLE_WEB_UPDATER="true" # Entrypoint and default command ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "--", "/usr/local/bin/my_init"] CMD ["--no-main-command"]