[ ['addDefaultMiddleware', 1], ['addDefaultRoutes', 0], ], ]; } protected $routes_path; public function __construct($routes_path) { $this->routes_path = $routes_path; } public function addDefaultMiddleware(BuildRoutes $event) { $app = $event->getApp(); // Get the current user entity object and assign it into the request if it exists. $app->add(\App\Middleware\GetCurrentUser::class); // Inject the application router into the request object. $app->add(\App\Middleware\EnableRouter::class); // Inject the session manager into the request object. $app->add(\App\Middleware\EnableSession::class); // Check HTTPS setting and enforce Content Security Policy accordingly. $app->add(\App\Middleware\EnforceSecurity::class); // Remove trailing slash from all URLs when routing. $app->add(\App\Middleware\RemoveSlashes::class); } public function addDefaultRoutes(BuildRoutes $event) { call_user_func(include($this->routes_path), $event->getApp()); } }