hasCommand($station)) { $program_name = $this->getProgramName($station); try { $this->supervisor->signalProcess($program_name, 'HUP'); $this->logger->info( 'Adapter "' . static::class . '" reloaded.', ['station_id' => $station->getId(), 'station_name' => $station->getName()] ); } catch (SupervisorLibException $e) { $this->handleSupervisorException($e, $program_name, $station); } } } public function getNowPlaying(Entity\Station $station, bool $includeClients = true): Result { $feConfig = $station->getFrontendConfig(); $radioPort = $feConfig->getPort(); $baseUrl = $this->environment->getLocalUri() ->withPort($radioPort); $npAdapter = $this->adapterFactory->getIcecastAdapter($baseUrl); $npAdapter->setAdminPassword($feConfig->getAdminPassword()); $defaultResult = Result::blank(); $otherResults = []; foreach ($station->getMounts() as $mount) { try { $result = $npAdapter->getNowPlaying($mount->getName(), $includeClients); if (!empty($result->clients)) { foreach ($result->clients as $client) { $client->mount = 'local_' . $mount->getId(); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logger->error(sprintf('NowPlaying adapter error: %s', $e->getMessage())); $result = Result::blank(); } $mount->setListenersTotal($result->listeners->total); $mount->setListenersUnique($result->listeners->unique ?? 0); $this->em->persist($mount); if ($mount->getIsDefault()) { $defaultResult = $result; } else { $otherResults[] = $result; } } $this->em->flush(); foreach ($otherResults as $otherResult) { $defaultResult = $defaultResult->merge($otherResult); } return $defaultResult; } public function getConfigurationPath(Entity\Station $station): ?string { return $station->getRadioConfigDir() . '/icecast.xml'; } public function getCurrentConfiguration(Entity\Station $station): ?string { $frontendConfig = $station->getFrontendConfig(); $configDir = $station->getRadioConfigDir(); $settings = $this->settingsRepo->readSettings(); $settingsBaseUrl = $settings->getBaseUrl() ?: ''; $baseUrl = Utilities\Urls::getUri($settingsBaseUrl) ?? new Uri('http://localhost'); [$certPath, $certKey] = Acme::getCertificatePaths(); $config = [ 'location' => 'AzuraCast', 'admin' => 'icemaster@localhost', 'hostname' => $baseUrl->getHost(), 'limits' => [ 'clients' => $frontendConfig->getMaxListeners() ?? 2500, 'sources' => $station->getMounts()->count(), 'queue-size' => 524288, 'client-timeout' => 30, 'header-timeout' => 15, 'source-timeout' => 10, 'burst-size' => 65535, ], 'authentication' => [ 'source-password' => $frontendConfig->getSourcePassword(), 'relay-password' => $frontendConfig->getRelayPassword(), 'admin-user' => 'admin', 'admin-password' => $frontendConfig->getAdminPassword(), ], 'listen-socket' => [ 'port' => $frontendConfig->getPort(), ], 'mount' => [], 'fileserve' => 1, 'paths' => [ 'basedir' => '/usr/local/share/icecast', 'logdir' => $configDir, 'webroot' => '/usr/local/share/icecast/web', 'adminroot' => '/usr/local/share/icecast/admin', 'pidfile' => $configDir . '/icecast.pid', 'alias' => [ [ '@source' => '/', '@dest' => '/status.xsl', ], ], 'ssl-private-key' => $certKey, 'ssl-certificate' => $certPath, // phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength 'ssl-allowed-ciphers' => 'ECDH+AESGCM:DH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:DH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:DH+AES:RSA+AESGCM:RSA+AES:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS', // phpcs:enable 'deny-ip' => $this->writeIpBansFile($station), 'deny-agents' => $this->writeUserAgentBansFile($station), 'x-forwarded-for' => '', ], 'logging' => [ 'accesslog' => 'icecast_access.log', 'errorlog' => '/dev/stderr', 'loglevel' => $this->environment->isProduction() ? self::LOGLEVEL_WARN : self::LOGLEVEL_INFO, 'logsize' => 10000, ], 'security' => [ 'chroot' => 0, ], ]; foreach ($station->getMounts() as $mount_row) { /** @var Entity\StationMount $mount_row */ $mount = [ '@type' => 'normal', 'mount-name' => $mount_row->getName(), 'charset' => 'UTF8', 'stream-name' => $station->getName(), ]; if (!empty($station->getDescription())) { $mount['stream-description'] = $station->getDescription(); } if (!empty($station->getUrl())) { $mount['stream-url'] = $station->getUrl(); } if (!empty($station->getGenre())) { $mount['genre'] = $station->getGenre(); } if (!$mount_row->getIsVisibleOnPublicPages()) { $mount['hidden'] = 1; } if (!empty($mount_row->getIntroPath())) { $introPath = $mount_row->getIntroPath(); // The intro path is appended to webroot, hence the 5 ../es. Amazingly, this works! $mount['intro'] = '../../../../../' . $station->getRadioConfigDir() . '/' . $introPath; } if (!empty($mount_row->getFallbackMount())) { $mount['fallback-mount'] = $mount_row->getFallbackMount(); $mount['fallback-override'] = 1; } elseif ($mount_row->getEnableAutodj()) { $autoDjFormat = $mount_row->getAutodjFormatEnum() ?? StreamFormats::default(); $autoDjBitrate = $mount_row->getAutodjBitrate(); $mount['fallback-mount'] = '/fallback-[' . $autoDjBitrate . '].' . $autoDjFormat->getExtension(); $mount['fallback-override'] = 1; } if ($mount_row->getMaxListenerDuration()) { $mount['max-listener-duration'] = $mount_row->getMaxListenerDuration(); } $mountFrontendConfig = trim($mount_row->getFrontendConfig() ?? ''); if (!empty($mountFrontendConfig)) { $mount_conf = $this->processCustomConfig($mountFrontendConfig); if (false !== $mount_conf) { $mount = Utilities\Arrays::arrayMergeRecursiveDistinct($mount, $mount_conf); } } $mountRelayUri = $mount_row->getRelayUrlAsUri(); if (null !== $mountRelayUri) { $config['relay'][] = [ 'server' => $mountRelayUri->getHost(), 'port' => $mountRelayUri->getPort(), 'mount' => $mountRelayUri->getPath(), 'local-mount' => $mount_row->getName(), ]; } $bannedCountries = $station->getFrontendConfig()->getBannedCountries() ?? []; if (!empty($bannedCountries)) { $mountAuthenticationUrl = $this->environment->getInternalUri() ->withPath('/api/internal/' . $station->getIdRequired() . '/listener-auth') ->withQuery( http_build_query([ 'api_auth' => $station->getAdapterApiKey(), ]) ); $mount['authentication'][] = [ '@type' => 'url', 'option' => [ [ '@name' => 'listener_add', '@value' => (string)$mountAuthenticationUrl, ], [ '@name' => 'auth_header', '@value' => 'icecast-auth-user: 1', ], ], ]; } $config['mount'][] = $mount; } $customConfig = trim($frontendConfig->getCustomConfiguration() ?? ''); if (!empty($customConfig)) { $customConfParsed = $this->processCustomConfig($customConfig); if (false !== $customConfParsed) { // Special handling for aliases. if (isset($customConfParsed['paths']['alias'])) { $alias = (array)$customConfParsed['paths']['alias']; if (!is_numeric(key($alias))) { $alias = [$alias]; } $customConfParsed['paths']['alias'] = $alias; } $config = Utilities\Arrays::arrayMergeRecursiveDistinct($config, $customConfParsed); } } $configString = Writer::toString($config, 'icecast'); // Strip the first line (the XML charset) return substr($configString, strpos($configString, "\n") + 1); } public function getCommand(Entity\Station $station): ?string { if ($binary = $this->getBinary()) { return $binary . ' -c ' . $this->getConfigurationPath($station); } return null; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getBinary(): ?string { $new_path = '/usr/local/bin/icecast'; $legacy_path = '/usr/bin/icecast2'; if ($this->environment->isDocker() || file_exists($new_path)) { return $new_path; } if (file_exists($legacy_path)) { return $legacy_path; } return null; } public function getAdminUrl(Entity\Station $station, UriInterface $base_url = null): UriInterface { $public_url = $this->getPublicUrl($station, $base_url); return $public_url ->withPath($public_url->getPath() . '/admin.html'); } }