app_unique_identifier)) { throw new RuntimeException('Application Unique ID not generated yet.'); } return $this->app_unique_identifier; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Site Base URL", example: ""), ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected ?string $base_url = ''; public function getBaseUrl(): ?string { return $this->base_url; } public function getBaseUrlAsUri(): ?UriInterface { return Urls::getUri($this->base_url); } public function setBaseUrl(?string $baseUrl): void { if (null === $baseUrl) { $this->base_url = null; return; } // Filter the base URL to avoid trailing slashes and other problems. $baseUri = new Uri($baseUrl); if ('' === $baseUri->getScheme()) { $baseUri = $baseUri->withScheme('http'); } if ('/' === $baseUri->getPath()) { $baseUri = $baseUri->withPath(''); } if (Uri::isDefaultPort($baseUri)) { $baseUri = $baseUri->withPort(null); } $this->base_url = $this->truncateNullableString((string)$baseUri); } #[ OA\Property(description: "AzuraCast Instance Name", example: "My AzuraCast Instance"), ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected ?string $instance_name = null; public function getInstanceName(): ?string { return $this->instance_name; } public function setInstanceName(?string $instanceName): void { $this->instance_name = $this->truncateNullableString($instanceName); } #[ OA\Property(description: "Prefer Browser URL (If Available)", example: "false"), ORM\Column, Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected bool $prefer_browser_url = true; public function getPreferBrowserUrl(): bool { return $this->prefer_browser_url; } public function setPreferBrowserUrl(bool $preferBrowserUrl): void { $this->prefer_browser_url = $preferBrowserUrl; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Use Web Proxy for Radio", example: "false"), ORM\Column, Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected bool $use_radio_proxy = true; public function getUseRadioProxy(): bool { return $this->use_radio_proxy; } public function setUseRadioProxy(bool $useRadioProxy): void { $this->use_radio_proxy = $useRadioProxy; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Days of Playback History to Keep"), ORM\Column(type: 'smallint'), Assert\Choice([0, 14, 30, 60, 365, 730]), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected int $history_keep_days = Entity\SongHistory::DEFAULT_DAYS_TO_KEEP; public function getHistoryKeepDays(): int { return $this->history_keep_days; } public function setHistoryKeepDays(int $historyKeepDays): void { $this->history_keep_days = $this->truncateSmallInt($historyKeepDays); } #[ OA\Property(description: "Always Use HTTPS", example: "false"), ORM\Column, Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected bool $always_use_ssl = false; public function getAlwaysUseSsl(): bool { return $this->always_use_ssl; } public function setAlwaysUseSsl(bool $alwaysUseSsl): void { $this->always_use_ssl = $alwaysUseSsl; } #[ OA\Property(description: "API 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header", example: "*"), ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected ?string $api_access_control = ''; public function getApiAccessControl(): string { return $this->api_access_control ?? ''; } public function setApiAccessControl(?string $apiAccessControl): void { $this->api_access_control = $this->truncateNullableString($apiAccessControl); } #[ OA\Property(description: "Whether to use Websockets for Now Playing data updates.", example: "false"), ORM\Column, Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected bool $enable_websockets = false; public function getEnableWebsockets(): bool { return $this->enable_websockets; } public function setEnableWebsockets(bool $enableWebsockets): void { $this->enable_websockets = $enableWebsockets; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Listener Analytics Collection"), ORM\Column(length: 50, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected ?string $analytics = null; public function getAnalytics(): string { return $this->analytics ?? Entity\Enums\AnalyticsLevel::default()->value; } public function getAnalyticsEnum(): Entity\Enums\AnalyticsLevel { return Entity\Enums\AnalyticsLevel::tryFrom($this->analytics ?? '') ?? Entity\Enums\AnalyticsLevel::default(); } public function isAnalyticsEnabled(): bool { return Entity\Enums\AnalyticsLevel::None !== $this->getAnalyticsEnum(); } public function setAnalytics(?string $analytics): void { if (null !== $analytics && null === Entity\Enums\AnalyticsLevel::tryFrom($analytics)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid analytics level.'); } $this->analytics = $analytics; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Check for Updates and Announcements", example: "true"), ORM\Column, Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected bool $check_for_updates = true; public function getCheckForUpdates(): bool { return $this->check_for_updates; } public function setCheckForUpdates(bool $checkForUpdates): void { $this->check_for_updates = $checkForUpdates; } /** * @var mixed[]|null */ #[ OA\Property(description: "Results of the latest update check.", example: ""), ORM\Column(type: 'json', nullable: true), Attributes\AuditIgnore ] protected ?array $update_results = null; /** * @return mixed[]|null */ public function getUpdateResults(): ?array { return $this->update_results; } public function setUpdateResults(?array $updateResults): void { $this->update_results = $updateResults; } #[ OA\Property( description: "The UNIX timestamp when updates were last checked.", example: OpenApi::SAMPLE_TIMESTAMP ), ORM\Column, Attributes\AuditIgnore ] protected int $update_last_run = 0; public function getUpdateLastRun(): int { return $this->update_last_run; } public function setUpdateLastRun(int $updateLastRun): void { $this->update_last_run = $updateLastRun; } public function updateUpdateLastRun(): void { $this->setUpdateLastRun(time()); } #[ OA\Property(description: "Base Theme for Public Pages", example: "light"), ORM\Column(length: 50, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_BRANDING) ] protected ?string $public_theme = null; public function getPublicTheme(): string { return $this->getPublicThemeEnum()->value; } public function getPublicThemeEnum(): SupportedThemes { return SupportedThemes::tryFrom($this->public_theme ?? '') ?? SupportedThemes::default(); } public function setPublicTheme(?string $publicTheme): void { if (null !== $publicTheme && null === SupportedThemes::tryFrom($publicTheme)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported theme specified.'); } $this->public_theme = $publicTheme; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Hide Album Art on Public Pages", example: "false"), ORM\Column, Groups(self::GROUP_BRANDING) ] protected bool $hide_album_art = false; public function getHideAlbumArt(): bool { return $this->hide_album_art; } public function setHideAlbumArt(bool $hideAlbumArt): void { $this->hide_album_art = $hideAlbumArt; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Homepage Redirect URL", example: ""), ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_BRANDING) ] protected ?string $homepage_redirect_url = null; public function getHomepageRedirectUrl(): ?string { return $this->homepage_redirect_url; } public function getHomepageRedirectUrlAsUri(): ?UriInterface { return Urls::getUri($this->homepage_redirect_url); } public function setHomepageRedirectUrl(?string $homepageRedirectUrl): void { $this->homepage_redirect_url = $this->truncateNullableString($homepageRedirectUrl); } #[ OA\Property(description: "Default Album Art URL", example: ""), ORM\Column(nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_BRANDING) ] protected ?string $default_album_art_url = null; public function getDefaultAlbumArtUrl(): ?string { return $this->default_album_art_url; } public function getDefaultAlbumArtUrlAsUri(): ?UriInterface { return Urls::getUri($this->default_album_art_url); } public function setDefaultAlbumArtUrl(?string $defaultAlbumArtUrl): void { $this->default_album_art_url = $this->truncateNullableString($defaultAlbumArtUrl); } #[ OA\Property( description: "Attempt to fetch album art from external sources when processing media.", example: "false" ), ORM\Column, Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected bool $use_external_album_art_when_processing_media = false; public function getUseExternalAlbumArtWhenProcessingMedia(): bool { return $this->use_external_album_art_when_processing_media; } public function setUseExternalAlbumArtWhenProcessingMedia(bool $useExternalAlbumArtWhenProcessingMedia): void { $this->use_external_album_art_when_processing_media = $useExternalAlbumArtWhenProcessingMedia; } #[ OA\Property( description: "Attempt to fetch album art from external sources in API requests.", example: "false" ), ORM\Column, Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected bool $use_external_album_art_in_apis = false; public function getUseExternalAlbumArtInApis(): bool { return $this->use_external_album_art_in_apis; } public function setUseExternalAlbumArtInApis(bool $useExternalAlbumArtInApis): void { $this->use_external_album_art_in_apis = $useExternalAlbumArtInApis; } #[ OA\Property( description: "An API key to connect to services, if provided.", example: "SAMPLE-API-KEY" ), ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected ?string $last_fm_api_key = null; public function getLastFmApiKey(): ?string { return $this->last_fm_api_key; } public function setLastFmApiKey(?string $lastFmApiKey): void { $lastFmApiKey = trim($lastFmApiKey ?? ''); $lastFmApiKey = (!empty($lastFmApiKey)) ? $lastFmApiKey : null; $this->last_fm_api_key = $this->truncateNullableString($lastFmApiKey); } #[ OA\Property(description: "Hide AzuraCast Branding on Public Pages", example: "false"), ORM\Column, Groups(self::GROUP_BRANDING) ] protected bool $hide_product_name = false; public function getHideProductName(): bool { return $this->hide_product_name; } public function setHideProductName(bool $hideProductName): void { $this->hide_product_name = $hideProductName; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Custom CSS for Public Pages", example: ""), ORM\Column(type: 'text', nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_BRANDING) ] protected ?string $public_custom_css = null; public function getPublicCustomCss(): ?string { return $this->public_custom_css; } public function setPublicCustomCss(?string $publicCustomCss): void { $this->public_custom_css = $publicCustomCss; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Custom JS for Public Pages", example: ""), ORM\Column(type: 'text', nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_BRANDING) ] protected ?string $public_custom_js = null; public function getPublicCustomJs(): ?string { return $this->public_custom_js; } public function setPublicCustomJs(?string $publicCustomJs): void { $this->public_custom_js = $publicCustomJs; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Custom CSS for Internal Pages", example: ""), ORM\Column(type: 'text', nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_BRANDING) ] protected ?string $internal_custom_css = null; public function getInternalCustomCss(): ?string { return $this->internal_custom_css; } public function setInternalCustomCss(?string $internalCustomCss): void { $this->internal_custom_css = $internalCustomCss; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Whether backup is enabled.", example: "false"), ORM\Column, Groups(self::GROUP_BACKUP) ] protected bool $backup_enabled = false; public function getBackupEnabled(): bool { return $this->backup_enabled; } public function setBackupEnabled(bool $backupEnabled): void { $this->backup_enabled = $backupEnabled; } #[ OA\Property( description: "The timecode (i.e. 400 for 4:00AM) when automated backups should run.", example: 400 ), ORM\Column(length: 4, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_BACKUP) ] protected ?string $backup_time_code = null; public function getBackupTimeCode(): ?string { return $this->backup_time_code; } public function setBackupTimeCode(?string $backupTimeCode): void { $this->backup_time_code = $backupTimeCode; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Whether to exclude media in automated backups.", example: "false"), ORM\Column, Groups(self::GROUP_BACKUP) ] protected bool $backup_exclude_media = false; public function getBackupExcludeMedia(): bool { return $this->backup_exclude_media; } public function setBackupExcludeMedia(bool $backupExcludeMedia): void { $this->backup_exclude_media = $backupExcludeMedia; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Number of backups to keep, or infinite if zero/null.", example: 2), ORM\Column(type: 'smallint'), Groups(self::GROUP_BACKUP) ] protected int $backup_keep_copies = 0; public function getBackupKeepCopies(): int { return $this->backup_keep_copies; } public function setBackupKeepCopies(int $backupKeepCopies): void { $this->backup_keep_copies = $this->truncateSmallInt($backupKeepCopies); } #[ OA\Property(description: "The storage location ID for automated backups.", example: 1), ORM\Column(nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_BACKUP) ] protected ?int $backup_storage_location = null; public function getBackupStorageLocation(): ?int { return $this->backup_storage_location; } public function setBackupStorageLocation(?int $backupStorageLocation): void { $this->backup_storage_location = $backupStorageLocation; } #[ OA\Property(description: "The output format for the automated backup.", example: 'zip'), ORM\Column(nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_BACKUP) ] protected ?string $backup_format = null; public function getBackupFormat(): ?string { return $this->backup_format; } public function setBackupFormat(?string $backup_format): void { $this->backup_format = $backup_format; } #[ OA\Property( description: "The UNIX timestamp when automated backup was last run.", example: OpenApi::SAMPLE_TIMESTAMP ), ORM\Column, Attributes\AuditIgnore, Groups(self::GROUP_BACKUP) ] protected int $backup_last_run = 0; public function getBackupLastRun(): int { return $this->backup_last_run; } public function setBackupLastRun(int $backupLastRun): void { $this->backup_last_run = $backupLastRun; } public function updateBackupLastRun(): void { $this->setBackupLastRun(time()); } #[ OA\Property(description: "The output of the latest automated backup task.", example: ""), ORM\Column(type: 'text', nullable: true), Attributes\AuditIgnore, Groups(self::GROUP_BACKUP) ] protected ?string $backup_last_output = null; public function getBackupLastOutput(): ?string { return $this->backup_last_output; } public function setBackupLastOutput(?string $backupLastOutput): void { $this->backup_last_output = $backupLastOutput; } #[ OA\Property( description: "The UNIX timestamp when setup was last completed.", example: OpenApi::SAMPLE_TIMESTAMP ), ORM\Column ] protected int $setup_complete_time = 0; public function getSetupCompleteTime(): int { return $this->setup_complete_time; } public function isSetupComplete(): bool { return (0 !== $this->setup_complete_time); } public function setSetupCompleteTime(int $setupCompleteTime): void { $this->setup_complete_time = $setupCompleteTime; } public function updateSetupComplete(): void { $this->setSetupCompleteTime(time()); } #[ OA\Property(description: "Temporarily disable all sync tasks.", example: "false"), ORM\Column, Attributes\AuditIgnore ] protected bool $sync_disabled = false; public function getSyncDisabled(): bool { return $this->sync_disabled; } public function setSyncDisabled(bool $sync_disabled): void { $this->sync_disabled = $sync_disabled; } #[ OA\Property( description: "The last run timestamp for the unified sync task.", example: OpenApi::SAMPLE_TIMESTAMP ), ORM\Column, Attributes\AuditIgnore ] protected int $sync_last_run = 0; public function updateSyncLastRun(): void { $this->sync_last_run = time(); } public function getSyncLastRun(): int { return $this->sync_last_run; } #[ OA\Property(description: "This installation's external IP.", example: ""), ORM\Column(length: 45, nullable: true), Attributes\AuditIgnore ] protected ?string $external_ip = null; public function getExternalIp(): ?string { return $this->external_ip; } public function setExternalIp(?string $externalIp): void { $this->external_ip = $externalIp; } #[ OA\Property(description: "The license key for the Maxmind Geolite download.", example: ""), ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GEO_IP) ] protected ?string $geolite_license_key = null; public function getGeoliteLicenseKey(): ?string { return (null === $this->geolite_license_key) ? null : trim($this->geolite_license_key); } public function setGeoliteLicenseKey(?string $geoliteLicenseKey): void { $this->geolite_license_key = $geoliteLicenseKey; } #[ OA\Property( description: "The UNIX timestamp when the Maxmind Geolite was last downloaded.", example: OpenApi::SAMPLE_TIMESTAMP ), ORM\Column, Attributes\AuditIgnore, Groups(self::GROUP_GEO_IP) ] protected int $geolite_last_run = 0; public function getGeoliteLastRun(): int { return $this->geolite_last_run; } public function setGeoliteLastRun(int $geoliteLastRun): void { $this->geolite_last_run = $geoliteLastRun; } public function updateGeoliteLastRun(): void { $this->setGeoliteLastRun(time()); } #[ OA\Property( description: "Whether to enable 'advanced' functionality in the system that is intended for power users.", example: false ), ORM\Column, Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected bool $enable_advanced_features = false; public function getEnableAdvancedFeatures(): bool { return $this->enable_advanced_features; } public function setEnableAdvancedFeatures(bool $enableAdvancedFeatures): void { $this->enable_advanced_features = $enableAdvancedFeatures; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Enable e-mail delivery across the application.", example: "true"), ORM\Column, Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected bool $mail_enabled = false; public function getMailEnabled(): bool { return $this->mail_enabled; } public function setMailEnabled(bool $mailEnabled): void { $this->mail_enabled = $mailEnabled; } #[ OA\Property(description: "The name of the sender of system e-mails.", example: "AzuraCast"), ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected ?string $mail_sender_name = ''; public function getMailSenderName(): string { return $this->mail_sender_name ?? ''; } public function setMailSenderName(?string $mailSenderName): void { $this->mail_sender_name = $mailSenderName; } #[ OA\Property( description: "The e-mail address of the sender of system e-mails.", example: "" ), ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected ?string $mail_sender_email = ''; public function getMailSenderEmail(): string { return $this->mail_sender_email ?? ''; } public function setMailSenderEmail(?string $mailSenderEmail): void { $this->mail_sender_email = $mailSenderEmail; } #[ OA\Property(description: "The host to send outbound SMTP mail.", example: ""), ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected ?string $mail_smtp_host = ''; public function getMailSmtpHost(): string { return $this->mail_smtp_host ?? ''; } public function setMailSmtpHost(?string $mailSmtpHost): void { $this->mail_smtp_host = $mailSmtpHost; } #[ OA\Property(description: "The port for sending outbound SMTP mail.", example: 465), ORM\Column(type: 'smallint'), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected int $mail_smtp_port = 0; public function getMailSmtpPort(): int { return $this->mail_smtp_port; } public function setMailSmtpPort(int $mailSmtpPort): void { $this->mail_smtp_port = $this->truncateSmallInt($mailSmtpPort); } #[ OA\Property(description: "The username when connecting to SMTP mail.", example: "username"), ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected ?string $mail_smtp_username = ''; public function getMailSmtpUsername(): string { return $this->mail_smtp_username ?? ''; } public function setMailSmtpUsername(?string $mailSmtpUsername): void { $this->mail_smtp_username = $this->truncateNullableString($mailSmtpUsername); } #[ OA\Property(description: "The password when connecting to SMTP mail.", example: "password"), ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected ?string $mail_smtp_password = ''; public function getMailSmtpPassword(): string { return $this->mail_smtp_password ?? ''; } public function setMailSmtpPassword(?string $mailSmtpPassword): void { $this->mail_smtp_password = $mailSmtpPassword; } #[ OA\Property(description: "Whether to use a secure (TLS) connection when sending SMTP mail.", example: "true"), ORM\Column, Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected bool $mail_smtp_secure = true; public function getMailSmtpSecure(): bool { return $this->mail_smtp_secure; } public function setMailSmtpSecure(bool $mailSmtpSecure): void { $this->mail_smtp_secure = $mailSmtpSecure; } #[ OA\Property(description: "The external avatar service to use when fetching avatars.", example: "libravatar"), ORM\Column(length: 25, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected ?string $avatar_service = null; public function getAvatarService(): string { return $this->avatar_service ?? Avatar::DEFAULT_SERVICE; } public function setAvatarService(?string $avatarService): void { $this->avatar_service = $this->truncateNullableString($avatarService, 25); } #[ OA\Property(description: "The default avatar URL.", example: ""), ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected ?string $avatar_default_url = null; public function getAvatarDefaultUrl(): string { return $this->avatar_default_url ?? Avatar::DEFAULT_AVATAR; } public function setAvatarDefaultUrl(?string $avatarDefaultUrl): void { $this->avatar_default_url = $avatarDefaultUrl; } #[ OA\Property(description: "ACME (LetsEncrypt) e-mail address.", example: ""), ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected ?string $acme_email = null; public function getAcmeEmail(): ?string { return $this->acme_email; } public function setAcmeEmail(?string $acme_email): void { $this->acme_email = $acme_email; } #[ OA\Property(description: "ACME (LetsEncrypt) domain name(s).", example: ""), ORM\Column(length: 255, nullable: true), Groups(self::GROUP_GENERAL) ] protected ?string $acme_domains = null; public function getAcmeDomains(): ?string { return $this->acme_domains; } public function setAcmeDomains(?string $acme_domains): void { $this->acme_domains = $acme_domains; } public function __toString(): string { return 'Settings'; } }