Commit Graph

101 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece f3b8c2692c
Remove remnants of moment.js 2021-09-16 07:28:38 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 480f0ed8a7
Update to FullCalendar 5; remove Moment from all Vue components. 2021-09-15 18:48:30 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece f05bd5c067
Remove moment from Media, add Webcaster deps back. 2021-09-15 14:47:53 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 62fa8c5eca
Move more components to be fully Vue-managed. 2021-09-15 14:12:45 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 07490f98b9
Remove MomentJS from lots of places; replace with modern Luxon library. 2021-09-15 07:23:33 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 061547bc1f
Internalize codemirror, slight restructure on new Vue components. 2021-09-14 15:52:34 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece e408420ecb
Remove fancybox and other deps now required from within Vue. 2021-09-14 11:41:43 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 72bc85f4ca
Massive Vue Overhaul
Includes the following major changes:
 - Restructure the Vue application into more logical folder structure
 - Create per-page entrypoint scripts that define Vue dependencies, removing this job from the asset manager
 - Implement vuex and use it to manage cross-component communication (i.e. for the audio player)
 - Add new "~" alias for the "/frontend/vue" folder to greatly simplify imports
2021-09-14 09:32:54 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece e0dc46dd56
Remove bootgrid from assets. 2021-09-14 09:31:10 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 5b958e154c
Make Audit Log a Vue component and remove jQuery Bootgrid. 2021-09-13 04:15:26 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 737f3d40ab
Update performance report to be a Vue component. 2021-09-12 09:34:37 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece ea805bd8c5
Move station playback timeline to Vue. 2021-09-11 18:09:50 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 8272aa5ef9
Update to Webpack 5 and redesign build process. 2021-09-11 15:46:31 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece c94e2edf19
Move requests report into Vue component. 2021-09-06 04:06:31 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 9bbae3d6b6
Switch to only defining CSRF token on pages that use API calls. 2021-08-28 18:09:24 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 5a2f1a42e5
Add CSRF token to all internal session-authenticated API requests. 2021-08-27 18:45:25 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 75257caee2
Vuetify remote relays. 2021-08-12 08:24:58 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 7750fa6be8
User-Uploaded Custom Assets (#4437) 2021-07-30 01:20:14 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 5cbacd5df6
System-Wide Strict Types (#4405) 2021-07-19 00:53:45 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 97e373a5c0
Fixes #4394 -- Ensure full Moment library is included in Vue components. 2021-07-11 16:06:56 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece ef7989fcfd
Implement PHP Docker Installer (#4377) 2021-07-08 15:03:54 -05:00
Vaalyn 328caf3987
Add schedule embed widget for embedding the stations playlist schedule view into websites (#4323) 2021-06-20 20:58:02 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 77c8d56827
Move Mount management to Vue; abstract common EditModal functionality. 2021-06-12 02:04:27 -05:00
Vaalyn 1a04f9791f
Implement Podcasting Support
Co-authored-by: Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece <>
Co-authored-by: Mitch <>
2021-05-24 23:29:07 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece f09f5e617a
Switch to CSS media query to avoid unstyled content flash. 2021-05-04 12:32:32 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 974c9b39bf
Make the various "Overview" reports into API calls and convert page to Vue. 2021-05-03 10:40:21 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 98b696e06e
#4110 -- Fix Listeners report if using "prefer browser" theme. 2021-05-02 14:41:39 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece d88b296f8b
Fixes #4107, Fixes #4098 -- Fix error with locales in Vue components. 2021-05-01 10:16:05 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 1cf0119c29
Simplify notifications; avoid inline JS in main templates. 2021-04-29 18:28:54 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece ca8b0984ec
Stylesheet updates
- Merge dark and light CSS into a single generated CSS file with different body classes
 - Optimize CSS generation for production instances
2021-04-29 04:24:11 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece fb617bf09f
#4025 -- Once again assign global variable to Vue components. 2021-04-15 22:50:09 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 3419e58d83
Make daily average/unique listeners start zoomed in (and then be pannable for older data). 2021-03-31 00:36:35 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece da50621f91
Revert font changes; implement play/stop change in old Material font. 2021-03-21 10:26:23 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 68b971a571
Icon changes
- Switch to two-tone Material icon library
 - Implement shared Vue common icon component
 - Switch instances of "pause" to "stop"
2021-03-19 08:30:50 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece d7c51ea00f
Add history embed and simplify vue rendering in templates. 2021-03-17 02:20:12 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece a79e00c1c4
Vue component reorganization
Put components into folders related to their section of the site (with the same paths as the controllers/route names).
2021-03-16 07:25:29 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 489511ba4a
Improve usability of zxcvbn password strength meter. 2021-02-27 21:27:40 -06:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece c24f5dfc69
Implement SMTP Mail Delivery and Self-Service Password Reset (#3848) 2021-02-27 20:50:45 -06:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 85e9905af8
Make Station Queue view a Vue component. 2021-02-09 13:57:25 -06:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 8f4ba82c58
Add fancybox back to media manager. 2021-01-11 20:57:03 -06:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 7862c6d515
Dashboard Overhaul (#3651) 2021-01-10 20:41:58 -06:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 5727f12b6f
Settings refactor part 1: Rename App\Settings to App\Environment.
Previously AzuraCast had two very similar `$settings` variables, one that was from environment and the other from the database. This refactor distinguishes the two much more clearly.
2020-12-02 22:18:06 -06:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 13b66eca7e
Fix "Advanced" saying "Undefined", make it translatable too. 2020-11-17 20:28:44 -06:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 8c730b3d41
Remove Chosen JS library, replace with Select2. 2020-11-17 19:13:08 -06:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 6de636f475
Unified Filesystem Overhaul (#3341)
This migration adds "Storage Locations", managed via a new System Administration panel, that can hold Station Media data, live broadcast recordings, and backups. These storage locations can be local (as they are by default) or remote via any S3-compatible service.
2020-11-09 21:06:48 -06:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 909ea2b786
Make the Station Profile a standalone compiled Vue component. 2020-10-16 04:08:58 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece fb4f7de2df
Make the public radio player a Vue component. 2020-10-15 05:01:32 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece 6458ac4953
#3219 -- Add dark theme for sweetalerts. 2020-10-07 22:35:54 -05:00
Limon Monte daf6e09bb9
Switch from SweetAlert to SweetAlert2 (#3239) 2020-10-07 03:09:01 -05:00
Buster "Silver Eagle" Neece ffa6d6b4fc
Auto-load most Vue component deps from Webpack manifest. 2020-07-15 03:00:17 -05:00