mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 01:30:10 +01:00
222 lines
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222 lines
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""" ================================= |
| This file is part of |
| staticoso |
| Just a simple Static Site Generator |
| |
| Licensed under the AGPLv3 license |
| Copyright (C) 2022, OctoSpacc |
| ================================= """
from base64 import b64encode
from Modules.Globals import *
from Modules.HTML import *
from Modules.Utils import *
JournalHeadings = ('h2','h3','h4','h5')
JournalTitleDecorators = {'(':')', '[':']', '{':'}'}
#JournalStyles = {
# "Default": {},
# "details": {}
HTMLSectionTitleLine = '<h{Index} class="SectionHeading staticoso-SectionHeading"><span class="SectionLink staticoso-SectionLink"><a href="#{DashTitle}"><span>»</span></a> </span><span class="SectionTitle staticoso-SectionTitle" id="{DashTitle}">{Title}</span></h{Index}>'
PugSectionTitleLine = "{Start}{Heading}.SectionHeading.staticoso-SectionHeading #[span.SectionLink.staticoso-SectionLink #[a(href='#{DashTitle}') #[span »]] ]#[span#{DashTitle}.SectionTitle.staticoso-SectionTitle {Rest}]"
CategoryPageTemplate = """\
// Title: {Name}
// Type: Page
// Index: True
# {Name}
RedirectPageTemplate = """\
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
<link rel="canonical" href="{SiteDomain}/{DestURL}"/>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url='{DestURL}'"/>
<p><a href="{DestURL}">{StrClick}</a> {StrRedirect}.</p>
HTMLCommentsBlock = '<br><h3>{StrComments}</h3><a href="{URL}" rel="noopener" target="_blank">{StrOpen} <span class="twa twa-↗️"><span>↗️</span></span></a>'
def DashifyTitle(Title:str, Done:list=[]):
return UndupeStr(DashifyStr(Title.lstrip(' ').rstrip(' ')), Done, '-')
# Generate HTML tree list (nested list) from our internal metaformat, such as:
# :Item 1 \\ <li>Item 1<ul>
# .:Item 2 ============\\ <li>Item 2<ul>
# ..:Item 3 ============// <li>Item 3</li></ul></li></ul></li>
# :Item 4 // <li>Item 4</li>
def GenHTMLTreeList(MetaList:str, Type:str='ul', Class:str=""):
HTML = ''
Lines = MetaList.splitlines()
CurDepth, NextDepth, PrevDepth = 0, 0, 0
for i,e in enumerate(Lines):
CurDepth = e.find(':')
NextDepth = Lines[i+1].find(':') if i+1 < len(Lines) else 0
HTML += '\n<li>' + e[CurDepth+1:]
if NextDepth == CurDepth:
HTML += '</li>'
elif NextDepth > CurDepth:
HTML += f'\n<{Type}>' * (NextDepth - CurDepth)
elif NextDepth < CurDepth:
HTML += f'</li>\n</{Type}>' * (CurDepth - NextDepth) + '</li>'
PrevDepth = CurDepth
return f'<{Type} class="staticoso-TreeList {Class}">{HTML}\n</{Type}>'
def MakeLinkableTitle(Line:str, Title:str, DashTitle:str, Type:str):
if Type == 'md':
Index = Title.split(' ')[0].count('#')
return HTMLSectionTitleLine.format(
elif Type == 'pug':
Index = Line.find('h')
return PugSectionTitleLine.format(
def GetTitle(FileName:str, Meta:dict, Titles:list, Prefer:str='MetaTitle', BlogName:str=None):
if Prefer == 'BodyTitle':
Title = Titles[0].lstrip('#') if Titles else Meta['Title'] if Meta['Title'] else FileName
elif Prefer == 'MetaTitle':
Title = Meta['Title'] if Meta['Title'] else Titles[0].lstrip('#') if Titles else FileName
elif Prefer == 'HTMLTitle':
Title = Meta['HTMLTitle'] if Meta['HTMLTitle'] else Meta['Title'] if Meta['Title'] else Titles[0].lstrip('#') if Titles else FileName
if Meta['Type'] == 'Post' and BlogName and 'Blog' in Meta['Categories']:
Title += ' - ' + BlogName
return Title
def GetDescription(Meta:dict, BodyDescription:str, Prefer:str='MetaDescription'):
if Prefer == 'BodyDescription':
Description = BodyDescription if BodyDescription else Meta['Description'] if Meta['Description'] else ''
elif Prefer == 'MetaDescription':
Description = Meta['Description'] if Meta['Description'] else BodyDescription if BodyDescription else ''
return Description
def GetImage(Meta:dict, BodyImage:str, Prefer:str='MetaImage'):
if Prefer == 'BodyImage':
Image = BodyImage if BodyImage else Meta['Image'] if Meta['Image'] else ''
elif Prefer == 'MetaImage':
Image = Meta['Image'] if Meta['Image'] else BodyImage if BodyImage else ''
return Image
def MakeContentHeader(Meta:dict, Locale:dict, Categories:str=''):
Header = ''
for e in ['CreatedOn', 'EditedOn']:
if Meta[e]:
Header += f'<span class="staticoso-ContentHeader-{e}" id="staticoso-ContentHeader-{e}"><span class="staticoso-Label">{Locale[e]}</span>: <span class="staticoso-Value">{Meta[e]}</span></span><br>'
if Categories:
Header += f'<span class="staticoso-ContentHeader-Categories" id="staticoso-ContentHeader-Categories"><span class="staticoso-Label">{Locale["Categories"]}</span>:<span class="staticoso-Value">{Categories.removesuffix(" ")}</span></span><br>'
if Meta['Index'].lower() in PageIndexStrNeg:
Header += f'<span class="staticoso-ContentHeader-Index" id="staticoso-ContentHeader-Index"><span class="staticoso-Value">{Locale["Unlisted"]}</span></span><br>'
return f'<p>{Header}</p>'
def MakeCategoryLine(File:str, Meta:dict):
Categories = ''
for Cat in Meta['Categories']:
Categories += f' <a href="{GetPathLevels(File)}Categories/{Cat}.html">{html.escape(Cat)}</a> '
return Categories
def MakeListTitle(File:str, Meta:dict, Titles:list, Prefer:str, BlogName:str, PathPrefix:str=''):
Title = GetTitle(File.split('/')[-1], Meta, Titles, Prefer, BlogName).lstrip().rstrip()
Link = False if Meta['Index'] == 'Unlinked' else True
if Link:
Href = f'{PathPrefix}{StripExt(File)}.html'
Title = f'<a href="{Href}">{Title}</a>'
# Title = f'<span class="staticoso-ListItem-Plain">{Title}</span>'
if Meta['Type'] == 'Post':
CreatedOn = Meta['CreatedOn'] if Meta['CreatedOn'] else '?'
Title = f"<span>[<time>{CreatedOn}</time>]</span> {Title}"
return Title
def FormatTitles(Titles:list, Flatten=False):
# TODO: Somehow titles written in Pug can end up here and don't work, they should be handled
List, DashyTitles = '', []
for t in Titles:
n = 0 if Flatten else t.split(' ')[0].count('#')
Level = '.' * (n-1) + ':'
Title = MkSoup(t.lstrip('#')).get_text()
DashyTitle = DashifyTitle(Title, DashyTitles)
DashyTitles += [DashyTitle]
List += f'{Level}<a href="#{DashyTitle}">{html.escape(Title)}</a>\n'
return GenHTMLTreeList(List)
# Clean up a generic HTML tree such that it's compliant with the HTML Journal standard
# (https://m15o.ichi.city/site/subscribing-to-a-journal-page.html);
# basis is: find an element with the JournalBody attr., and group its direct children as <article>s
def MakeHTMLJournal(Flags, Locale, FilePath, HTML):
Soup, Journal, Entries = MkSoup(HTML), '', []
for t in Soup.find_all(attrs={"htmljournal":True}):
#JournalStyle = JournalStyles[t.attrs["journalstyle"]] if 'journalstyle' in t.attrs and t.attrs["journalstyle"] in JournalStyles else JournalStyles['Default']
for c in t.children: # Entries, some might be entirely grouped in their own element but others could not, use headings as separators
for ct in MkSoup(str(c)).find_all():
# Transform (almost, for now I reserve some) any heading into h2 and remove any attributes
if ct.name in JournalHeadings:
Title = ct.text.strip().removeprefix('»').strip()
Chr0 = Title[0]
# Remove leading symbols before date
if Chr0 in JournalTitleDecorators.keys():
Idx = Title.find(JournalTitleDecorators[Chr0])
Title = Title[1:Idx] + ' - ' + Title[Idx+2:]
if Journal:
Journal += '\n</article><br>\n'
Journal += f'\n<article>\n<h2>{Title}</h2>\n'
elif ct.name == 'p': # We should handle any type to preserve <details> and things
Journal += str(ct)
FileName = FilePath.split('/')[-1]
URL = f'{Flags["SiteDomain"]}/{StripExt(FilePath)}.Journal.html'
Redirect = f"""<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url='./{FileName}'">""" if Flags["JournalRedirect"] else ''
# Instead of copying stuff from the full page, for now we use dedicated title, header, footer, and pagination
Title = t.attrs['journaltitle'] if 'journaltitle' in t.attrs else f'"{StripExt(FileName)}" Journal - {Flags["SiteName"]}' if Flags["SiteName"] else f'"{StripExt(FileName)}" Journal'
FeedLink = f"""<a title="Journal Atom Feed" href="https://journal.miso.town/atom?url={URL}" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img width="88" height="31" alt="Journal Atom Feed" title="Journal Atom Feed" src="data:image/png;base64,{b64encode(ReadFile(staticosoBaseDir()+'Assets/ThirdParty/Feed-88x31.png', 'rb')).decode()}"></a>""" if Flags['SiteDomain'] else ''
Header = t.attrs['journalheader'] if 'journalheader' in t.attrs else f"""\
<a title="Valid HTML Journal" href="https://journal.miso.town" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img alt="Valid HTML Journal" title="Valid HTML Journal" width="88" height="31" src="data:image/png;base64,{b64encode(ReadFile(staticosoBaseDir()+'Assets/ThirdParty/Valid-HTML-Journal-88x31.png', 'rb')).decode()}"></a>
Journal = f"""\
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
<link rel="canonical" href="{URL}"/>
<header id="Header">
<div id="staticoso-LinkToFooter"><b>[<big><a href="#Footer"><span class="twa twa-⬇️"><span>⬇️</span></span> Footer</a></big>]</b></div>
<footer id="Footer">
<div id="staticoso-LinkToHeader"><b>[<big><a href="#Header"><span class="twa twa-⬆️"><span>⬆️</span></span> Header</a></big>]</b></div>
{t.attrs["journalfooter"] if "journalfooter" in t.attrs else ""}
return Journal