mirror of https://gitlab.com/octtspacc/staticoso
295 lines
9.8 KiB
295 lines
9.8 KiB
""" ================================== |
| This file is part of |
| staticoso |
| Just a simple Static Site Generator |
| |
| Licensed under the AGPLv3 license |
| Copyright (C) 2022-2023, OctoSpacc |
| ================================== """
from Modules.Config import *
from Modules.Elements import *
from Modules.HTML import *
from Modules.Markdown import *
from Modules.Utils import *
# Menu styles:
# - Simple: Default, Flat, Line
# - Others: Excerpt, Image, Preview (Excerpt + Image), Full
def GetHTMLPagesList(Flags:dict, Pages:list, PathPrefix:str, CallbackFile=None, Unite=[], Type=None, Limit=None, PathFilter='', Category=None, For='Menu', MenuStyle='Default', ShowPaths=True):
f = NameSpace(Flags)
Flatten, SingleLine, DoneCount, PrevDepth = False, False, 0, 0
if MenuStyle == 'Flat':
Flatten = True
elif MenuStyle == 'Line':
ShowPaths, SingleLine = False, True
List, ToPop, LastParent = '', [], []
IndexPages = Pages.copy()
for e in IndexPages:
if e[3]['Index'].lower() in PageIndexStrNeg:
for i,e in enumerate(IndexPages):
if Type and e[3]['Type'] != Type:
ToPop += [i]
ToPop = RevSort(ToPop)
for i in ToPop:
if Type == 'Page':
IndexPages = OrderPages(IndexPages)
for i,e in enumerate(Unite):
if e:
IndexPages.insert(i, [e, None, None, {'Type':Type, 'Index':'True', 'Order':'Unite'}])
for File, Content, Titles, Meta in IndexPages:
# Allow for the virtual "Pages/" prefix to be used in path filtering
TmpPathFilter = PathFilter
if TmpPathFilter.startswith('Pages/'):
TmpPathFilter = TmpPathFilter[len('Pages/'):]
if File.startswith('Posts/'):
if (not Type or (Meta['Type'] == Type and CanIndex(Meta['Index'], For))) and (not Category or Category in Meta['Categories']) and File.startswith(TmpPathFilter) and File != CallbackFile and (not Limit or Limit > DoneCount):
Depth = (File.count('/') + 1) if Meta['Order'] != 'Unite' else 1
# Folder names are handled here
if Depth > 1 and Meta['Order'] != 'Unite':
CurParent = File.split('/')[:-1]
for i,s in enumerate(CurParent):
if LastParent != CurParent and ShowPaths:
LastParent = CurParent
Levels = '.' * ((Depth-2+i) if not Flatten else 0) + ':'
# If search node endswith index, it's a page; else, it's a folder
if StripExt(File).endswith('index'):
Title = MakeListTitle(File, Meta, Titles, 'HTMLTitle', f.BlogName, PathPrefix)
DoneCount += 1
Title = CurParent[Depth-2+i]
if SingleLine:
List += f' <span>{Title}</span> '
List += f'{Levels}<span>{Title}</span>\n'
# Pages with any other path
if not (Depth > 1 and StripExt(File).split('/')[-1] == 'index'):
Levels = '.' * ((Depth-1) if not Flatten else 0) + ':'
DoneCount += 1
if Meta['Order'] == 'Unite':
Title = markdown(MarkdownHTMLEscape(File, f.MarkdownExts), extensions=f.MarkdownExts).removeprefix('<p>').removesuffix('<p>')
Title = MakeListTitle(File, Meta, Titles, 'HTMLTitle', f.BlogName, PathPrefix)
if SingleLine:
List += ' <span>' + Title + '</span> '
List += Levels + Title + '\n'
if MenuStyle in ('Default', 'Flat'):
return GenHTMLTreeList(List, Class="staticoso-PagesList")
elif MenuStyle in ('Line', 'Excerpt', 'Image', 'Preview', 'Full'):
return List
def CheckHTMLCommentLine(Line:str):
if Line.startswith('<!--'):
Line = Line[4:].lstrip()
if Line.endswith('-->'):
return Line
return None
def TemplatePreprocessor(Text:str):
Meta, MetaDefault = '', {
'MenuStyle': 'Default'}
for l in Text.splitlines():
ll = l.lstrip().rstrip()
lll = CheckHTMLCommentLine(ll)
if lll:
if lll.startswith('%'):
Meta += lll[1:-3].lstrip().rstrip() + '\n'
Meta = dict(ReadConf(LoadConfStr('[Meta]\n' + Meta), 'Meta'))
for i in MetaDefault:
if not i in Meta:
return Meta
def FindPreprocLine(Line:str, Meta, Macros):
Changed = False
Line = Line.lstrip().rstrip()
lll = CheckHTMLCommentLine(Line)
if Line.startswith('//') or lll: # Find preprocessor lines
lll = Line[2:].lstrip()
if lll.startswith('%'):
Meta += lll[1:].lstrip() + '\n'
Changed = True
elif lll.startswith('$'):
Macros += lll[1:].lstrip() + '\n'
Changed = True
#if ll.startswith('<!--') and not ll.endswith('-->'): # Find comment and code blocks
# IgnoreBlocksStart += [l]
return (Meta, Macros, Changed)
def PagePreprocessor(Flags:dict, Page:list, SiteTemplate, GlobalMacros, LightRun:bool=False):
CategoryUncategorized = Flags['CategoriesUncategorized']
Path, TempPath, Type, Content = Page
File = ReadFile(Path) if not Content else Content
Path = Path.lower()
Content, Titles, DashyTitles, HTMLTitlesFound, Macros, Meta, MetaDefault = '', [], [], False, '', '', {
'Template': SiteTemplate,
'Head': '',
'Style': '',
'Type': Type,
'Index': 'Unspecified',
'Feed': 'True',
'Title': '',
'HTMLTitle': '',
'Description': '',
'Image': '',
'Macros': {},
'Categories': [],
'URLs': [],
'CreatedOn': '',
'UpdatedOn': '',
'EditedOn': '',
'Order': None,
'Language': None,
'Downsync': None}
# Find all positions of '<!--', '-->', add them in a list=[[pos0,pos1,line0,line1],...]
for l in File.splitlines():
ll = l.lstrip().rstrip()
Meta, Macros, Changed = FindPreprocLine(ll, Meta, Macros)
if not Changed: # Find headings
#if line in ignore block:
# continue
Headings = ('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6')
#if Path.endswith(FileExtensions['HTML']):
# if ll[1:].startswith(Headings):
# if ll[3:].startswith((" class='NoTitle", ' class="NoTitle')):
# Content += l + '\n'
# elif ll.replace(' ', ' ').startswith('// %'):
# pass
# else:
# Title = '#'*int(ll[2]) + ' ' + ll[4:]
# DashTitle = DashifyTitle(Title.lstrip('#'), DashyTitles)
# DashyTitles += [DashTitle]
# Titles += [Title]
# Content += MakeLinkableTitle(l, Title, DashTitle, 'pug') + '\n'
# else:
# Content += l + '\n'
if Path.endswith(FileExtensions['HTML']) and not HTMLTitlesFound:
Soup = MkSoup(File)
Tags = Soup.find_all()
for t in Tags:
if t.name in Headings:
Title = '#'*int(t.name[1]) + ' ' + str(t.text)
DashTitle = DashifyTitle(Title.lstrip('#'), DashyTitles)
DashyTitles += [DashTitle]
Titles += [Title]
t.replace_with(MakeLinkableTitle(None, Title, DashTitle, 'md'))
HTMLTitlesFound = True
Content = ''
TmpContent = str(Soup.prettify(formatter=None))
for cl in TmpContent.splitlines():
_, _, IsMetaLine = FindPreprocLine(cl, Meta, Macros)
if not IsMetaLine:
Content += cl + '\n'
elif Path.endswith(FileExtensions['Markdown']):
lsuffix = ''
if ll.startswith(('-', '+', '*')):
lsuffix += ll[0]
ll = ll[1:].lstrip()
if ll.startswith('#') or (ll.startswith('<') and ll[1:].startswith(Headings)):
if ll.startswith('#'):
Title = ll
elif ll.startswith('<'):
if ll[3:].startswith((" class='NoTitle", ' class="NoTitle')):
Content += l + '\n'
Title = '#'*int(ll[2]) + ' ' + ll[4:]
DashTitle = DashifyTitle(MkSoup(Title.lstrip('#')).get_text(), DashyTitles)
DashyTitles += [DashTitle]
Titles += [Title]
Title = MakeLinkableTitle(None, Title, DashTitle, 'md')
# I can't remember why I put this but it was needed
Title = Title.replace('> </', '> </').replace(' </', '</')
Content += lsuffix + Title + '\n'
Content += l + '\n'
elif Path.endswith('.pug'):
if ll.startswith(Headings):
if ll[2:].startswith(("(class='NoTitle", '(class="NoTitle')):
Content += l + '\n'
Title = '#'*int(ll[1]) + ll[3:]
DashTitle = DashifyTitle(Title.lstrip('#'), DashyTitles)
DashyTitles += [DashTitle]
Titles += [Title]
# TODO: We should handle headers that for any reason already have parenthesis
if ll[2:] == '(':
Content += l + '\n'
Content += MakeLinkableTitle(l, Title, DashTitle, 'pug') + '\n'
Content += l + '\n'
elif Path.endswith('.txt'):
Content += l + '\n'
Meta = dict(ReadConf(LoadConfStr('[Meta]\n' + Meta), 'Meta'))
for i in MetaDefault:
if i in Meta:
# TODO: Handle strings with spaces but wrapped in quotes
if i == 'Categories':
Categories = Meta['Categories'].split(' ')
Meta['Categories'] = []
for j in Categories:
Meta['Categories'] += [j]
elif i == 'URLs':
URLs = Meta['URLs'].split(' ')
Meta['URLs'] = []
for j in URLs:
Meta['URLs'] += [j]
if Meta['UpdatedOn']:
Meta['EditedOn'] = Meta['UpdatedOn']
if Meta['Index'].lower() in ('default', 'unspecified', 'categories'):
if not Meta['Categories']:
Meta['Categories'] = [CategoryUncategorized]
if Meta['Type'].lower() == 'page':
Meta['Index'] = 'Categories'
elif Meta['Type'].lower() == 'post':
Meta['Index'] = 'True'
if GlobalMacros:
Meta['Macros'].update(ReadConf(LoadConfStr('[Macros]\n' + Macros), 'Macros'))
return [TempPath, Content, Titles, Meta]
def PagePostprocessor(FileType, Text:str, Meta:dict):
for e in Meta['Macros']:
Text = ReplWithEsc(Text, f"[: {e} :]", f"[:{e}:]")
return Text
def OrderPages(Old:list):
New, NoOrder, Max = [], [], 0
for i,e in enumerate(Old):
Curr = e[3]['Order']
if Curr:
if int(Curr) > Max:
Max = int(Curr)
NoOrder += [e]
New = [None] * (Max+1)
for i,e in enumerate(Old):
Curr = e[3]['Order']
if Curr:
New[int(Curr)] = e
while None in New:
return New + NoOrder
def CanIndex(Index:str, For:str):
if Index.lower() in PageIndexStrNeg:
return False
elif Index.lower() in PageIndexStrPos:
return True
return True if Index == For else False