
280 lines
8.6 KiB

""" ================================== |
| This file is part of |
| staticoso |
| Just a simple Static Site Generator |
| |
| Licensed under the AGPLv3 license |
| Copyright (C) 2022-2023, OctoSpacc |
| ================================== """
import json, os, subprocess
from datetime import datetime
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from pathlib import Path
from types import SimpleNamespace
from Modules.Globals import *
def SureList(e):
return e if type(e) == list else [e]
# Get base directory path of the staticoso program
def staticosoBaseDir():
return f"{os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))}/../../"
def staticosoNameVersion():
Version ='sh', '-c', 'git log | head -n 1'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode().strip()
Version = ' v.' + Version.split(' ')[1][:8] if Version else ''
return f'staticoso{Version}'
def InSystemPath(Exec:str):
return'sh', '-c', f'which {Exec}'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode().strip()
def ReadFile(p:str, m:str='r'):
with open(p, m) as f:
except Exception:
logging.error(f"Error reading file {p}")
return None
def WriteFile(p, c, m='w'):
with open(p, m) as f:
return f.write(c)
except Exception:
logging.error(f"[E] Error writing file {p}")
return False
def AnyCaseGlob(Glob:str):
New = ''
for c in Glob:
New += '[%s%s]' % (c.lower(), c.upper()) if c.isalpha() else c
return New
def FileToStr(File:str, Truncate:str=''):
return str(File)[len(Truncate):]
# With shutil.copytree copy only folder struct, no files;
def IgnoreFiles(Dir:str, Files:list):
return [f for f in Files if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(Dir, f))]
def LoadFromDir(Dir:str, Matchs:list):
Contents = {}
Matchs = SureList(Matchs)
for Match in Matchs:
for File in Path(Dir).rglob(AnyCaseGlob(Match)):
if os.path.isfile(File):
Name = str(File)[len(Dir)+1:]
Contents.update({Name: ReadFile(File)})
return Contents
def mkdirps(Dir:str):
return Path(Dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
def StripExt(Path:str):
return ".".join(Path.split('.')[:-1])
def UndupeStr(Str, Known, Split):
while Str in Known:
Sections = Str.split(Split)
Sections[-1] = str(int(Sections[-1]) + 1)
except ValueError:
Sections[-1] = Sections[-1] + str(Split) + '2'
Str = Split.join(Sections)
return Str
def DashifyStr(s:str, Limit:int=32):
Str = ''
for c in s[:Limit].replace('\n','-').replace('\t','-').replace(' ','-'):
if c.lower() in '0123456789qwfpbjluyarstgmneiozxcdvkh-':
Str += c
return '-' + Str
def GetPathLevels(Path:str, AsNum:bool=False, Add:int=0, Sub:int=0):
n = Path.count('/') + Add - Sub
return n if AsNum else '../' * n
def FindAllIndex(Str:str, Sub:str):
i = Str.find(Sub)
while i != -1:
yield i
i = Str.find(Sub, i+1)
# Find all occurrences of substrings wrapped inside some characters
def StrFindWrapped(Str:str, Left:str, Right:str):
Res = []
Start = Str.find(Left)
while Start != -1:
Start = Start + len(Left)
Str = Str[Start:]
Stop = Str.find(Right)
if Stop != -1:
Res += [Str[:Stop]]
Start = Str.find(Left)
return Res
# Replace substrings in a string, except when an escape char is prepended
def ReplWithEsc(Str:str, Find:str, Repl:str, Html:bool=True, Esc:str='\\'):
New = ''
Sects = Str.split(Find)
# Every time a substring is found
for i,e in enumerate(Sects):
# If it's the first split, append it directly to the New string
if i == 0:
New += e
# Wrapping parts of the escaped substrings in HTML tags is done to avoid multiple calls of this function nullifying escaping
elif i > 0:
# If prev. split ends with 2 times the escape (escaping of the escape)
if Sects[i-1].endswith(Esc*2):
Wrap1 = f'<span>{New[-1]}</span>' if Html else New[-1]
Wrap2 = f'<span>{New[-2]}</span>' if Html else New[-2]
New = New[:-3] + Wrap2 + Wrap1
New += Repl + e
# If prev. split ends with 1 time the escape (escaping of the substring)
elif Sects[i-1].endswith(Esc):
New = New[:-1]
Wrap1 = f'<span>{Find[0]}</span>' if Html else Find[0]
New += Wrap1 + Find[1:] + e
# If no escape char
New += Repl + e
return New
def DictReplWithEsc(Str:str, Dict:dict, Esc:str='\\'):
for Item in Dict:
Str = ReplWithEsc(Str, Item, Dict[Item], Esc='\\')
return Str
def WrapDictReplWithEsc(Str:str, Dict:dict, Wraps:list=[], Esc:str='\\'):
NewDict = {}
for Item in Dict:
for Wrap in Wraps:
NewDict.update({f'{Wrap[0]}{Item}{Wrap[1]}': Dict[Item]})
return DictReplWithEsc(Str, NewDict, Esc)
def NumsFromFileName(Path:str):
Name = Path.split('/')[-1]
Split = len(Name)
for i,e in enumerate(Name):
if e.lower() in 'qwfpbjluyarstgmneiozxcdvkh':
return Name[:i]
return Path
def RevSort(List:list):
return List
def FileNameDateSort(Old): # TODO: Test this for files not starting with date, and dated folders
New = []
if Old:
New.insert(0, Old[0])
for i,e in enumerate(Old):
if i == 0:
Done = False
for j,f in enumerate(New):
if NumsFromFileName(e) != e and NumsFromFileName(f) != f and NumsFromFileName(e) < NumsFromFileName(f):
New.insert(j, e)
Done = True
if not Done:
New += [e]
return New
def FirstRealItem(List):
return next(e for e in List if e)
def GetFullDate(Date):
if not Date:
return None
return datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(Date, '%Y-%m-%d'), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M+00:00')
def LoadLocale(Lang:str):
Lang = Lang + '.json'
Folder = f'{staticosoBaseDir()}Locale/'
File = ReadFile(Folder + Lang)
if File:
return json.loads(File)
return json.loads(ReadFile(Folder + 'en.json'))
def IsLightRun(File, LimitFiles):
return False if LimitFiles == False or File in LimitFiles else True
def NameSpace(From):
return SimpleNamespace(**From)
def PrintProcPercentDots(Proc:dict, DivMult=1):
Div = 5 * DivMult # 100/5 = 20 chars
Num, Count = Proc['Num'], Proc['Count']
if int(((Num/Count)*100)/Div) != int((((Num+1)/Count)*100)/Div):
os.system('printf "="') # Using sys shell since for some reason print() without newline breaks here (doesn't print everytime)
return True
return False
def MultiProcFuncWrap(Args:dict):
return Args['Process']['Func'](Args)
def DoMultiProc(Func, ArgsCollection:list, Threads:int=cpu_count(), Progress:bool=False):
FinalArgsCollection = []
for Index, Args in enumerate(ArgsCollection):
FinalArgsCollection[Index].update({"Process": {"Func": Func, "Num": Index, "Count": len(ArgsCollection)}})
Results = []
if Progress:
os.system('printf "["') # Using system print because (see PrintProcPercentDots())
with Pool(Threads) as MultiprocPool:
Results = if Progress else Func, FinalArgsCollection)
if Progress:
os.system('printf "]\n"') # Newline after percentage dots
return Results
# Execute a function, whose output is compared to one input argument, as long as the output is different from the previous cycle; the moment it's equal, return
def WhileFuncResultChanges(Func, Args:dict, ResultKey:str):
Result = Args[ResultKey]
while True:
ResultOld = Result
Args.update({ResultKey: Result})
Result = Func(**Args)
if ResultOld == Result:
return Result
# Ellipsize text if it isn't already, optionally writing over the last chars instead of appending
def TryEllipsizeText(Text:str, Overwrite:bool=False, Ellipses:str='...'):
if not Text.endswith(Ellipses):
if Overwrite:
Text = Text[:-len(Ellipses)] + Ellipses
# Append normally
Text += Ellipses
return Text
# Limit the length of a text, and account for if paragraphs should be sliced or entirely deleted to fit the limit
def LimitText(Text:str, MaxChars:int, SliceParagraphs:bool=False, ParagraphSep:str='\n'):
New = ''
Paras = Text.split(ParagraphSep)
if not Paras:
return ''
# The first paragraph; must always be present, ellipsized if needed
New = Paras[0]
if len(New) > MaxChars:
New = TryEllipsizeText(New[:MaxChars], Overwrite=True)
# Add a newline to the first paragraph if it wasn't ellipsized
New += ParagraphSep
# All other paragraphs
for Par in Paras[1:]:
# If adding this paragraph to the new text would go over the limit, and we are allowed to slice, append and ellipsize it
if len(New + Par) > MaxChars:
if SliceParagraphs:
New = TryEllipsizeText(New[:MaxChars], Overwrite=True)
# If we still are whitin the limit, just append the paragraph
New += Par + ParagraphSep
return New.strip()