""" ================================= | | This file is part of | | staticoso | | Just a simple Static Site Generator | | | | Licensed under the AGPLv3 license | | Copyright (C) 2022, OctoSpacc | | ================================= """ from datetime import datetime from Libs.bs4 import BeautifulSoup from Modules.Config import * from Modules.HTML import * from Modules.Markdown import * from Modules.Pug import * from Modules.Utils import * HTMLSectionTitleLine = '» {Title}' #PugSectionTitleLine = "{Line[:Index]}{Line[Index:Index+2]}.SectionHeading #[span.SectionLink #[a(href='#{DashTitle}') #[span »]] ]#[span#{DashTitle}.SectionTitle {Line[Index+2:]}]" CategoryPageTemplate = """\ // Title: {Name} // Type: Page // Index: True # {Name}
""" def DashifyTitle(Title, Done=[]): return UndupeStr(DashifyStr(Title.lstrip(' ').rstrip(' ')), Done, '-') def MakeLinkableTitle(Line, Title, DashTitle, Type): if Type == 'md': Index = Title.split(' ')[0].count('#') return HTMLSectionTitleLine.format( Index=Index, DashTitle=DashTitle, Title=Title[Index+1:]) elif Type == 'pug': Index = Line.find('h') return f"{Line[:Index]}{Line[Index:Index+2]}.SectionHeading #[span.SectionLink #[a(href='#{DashTitle}') #[span »]] ]#[span#{DashTitle}.SectionTitle {Line[Index+2:]}]" def GetTitle(FileName, Meta, Titles, Prefer='MetaTitle', BlogName=None): if Prefer == 'BodyTitle': Title = Titles[0].lstrip('#') if Titles else Meta['Title'] if Meta['Title'] else FileName elif Prefer == 'MetaTitle': Title = Meta['Title'] if Meta['Title'] else Titles[0].lstrip('#') if Titles else FileName elif Prefer == 'HTMLTitle': Title = Meta['HTMLTitle'] if Meta['HTMLTitle'] else Meta['Title'] if Meta['Title'] else Titles[0].lstrip('#') if Titles else FileName if BlogName and 'Blog' in Meta['Categories']: Title += ' - ' + BlogName return Title def GetDescription(Meta, BodyDescription, Prefer='MetaDescription'): if Prefer == 'BodyDescription': Description = BodyDescription if BodyDescription else Meta['Description'] if Meta['Description'] else '' elif Prefer == 'MetaDescription': Description = Meta['Description'] if Meta['Description'] else BodyDescription if BodyDescription else '' return Description def GetImage(Meta, BodyImage, Prefer='MetaImage'): if Prefer == 'BodyImage': Image = BodyImage if BodyImage else Meta['Image'] if Meta['Image'] else '' elif Prefer == 'MetaImage': Image = Meta['Image'] if Meta['Image'] else BodyImage if BodyImage else '' return Image def MakeContentHeader(Meta, Locale, Categories=''): Header = '' for i in ['CreatedOn', 'EditedOn']: if Meta[i]: Header += f"{Locale[i]}: {Meta[i]} \n" if Categories: Header += f"{Locale['Categories']}: {Categories} \n" return markdown(Header.rstrip()) def MakeCategoryLine(File, Meta): Categories = '' if Meta['Categories']: for i in Meta['Categories']: Categories += f" [{i}]({GetPathLevels(File)}Categories/{i}.html) " return Categories def GetHTMLPagesList(Pages, BlogName, SiteRoot, PathPrefix, Unite=[], Type='Page', Category=None, For='Menu', MarkdownExts=(), MenuStyle='Default'): ShowPaths, Flatten, SingleLine = True, False, False if MenuStyle == 'Flat': Flatten = True elif MenuStyle == 'Line': ShowPaths, SingleLine = False, True List, ToPop, LastParent = '', [], [] IndexPages = Pages.copy() for e in IndexPages: if e[3]['Index'] == 'False' or e[3]['Index'] == 'None': IndexPages.remove(e) for i,e in enumerate(IndexPages): if e[3]['Type'] != Type: ToPop += [i] ToPop = RevSort(ToPop) for i in ToPop: IndexPages.pop(i) if Type == 'Page': IndexPages = OrderPages(IndexPages) for i,e in enumerate(Unite): if e: IndexPages.insert(i,[e,None,None,{'Type':Type,'Index':'True','Order':'Unite'}]) for File, Content, Titles, Meta in IndexPages: if Meta['Type'] == Type and CanIndex(Meta['Index'], For) and (not Category or Category in Meta['Categories']): Depth = (File.count('/') + 1) if Meta['Order'] != 'Unite' else 1 if Depth > 1 and Meta['Order'] != 'Unite': # Folder names are handled here CurParent = File.split('/')[:-1] for i,s in enumerate(CurParent): if LastParent != CurParent and ShowPaths: LastParent = CurParent Levels = '- ' * ((Depth-1+i) if not Flatten else 1) # Folders with else without an index file if StripExt(File).endswith('index'): Title = MakeListTitle(File, Meta, Titles, 'HTMLTitle', SiteRoot, BlogName, PathPrefix) else: Title = CurParent[Depth-2+i] if SingleLine: List += ' ' + Title + ' ' else: List += Levels + Title + '\n' if not (Depth > 1 and StripExt(File).split('/')[-1] == 'index'): Levels = '- ' * (Depth if not Flatten else 1) if Meta['Order'] == 'Unite': Title = File else: Title = MakeListTitle(File, Meta, Titles, 'HTMLTitle', SiteRoot, BlogName, PathPrefix) if SingleLine: List += ' ' + Title + ' ' else: List += Levels + Title + '\n' return markdown(MarkdownHTMLEscape(List, MarkdownExts), extensions=MarkdownExts) def TemplatePreprocessor(Text): Meta, MetaDefault = '', { 'MenuStyle': 'Default'} for l in Text.splitlines(): ll = l.lstrip() if ll.startswith(''): Meta += lll[1:-3].lstrip().rstrip() + '\n' Meta = dict(ReadConf(LoadConfStr('[Meta]\n' + Meta), 'Meta')) for i in MetaDefault: if not i in Meta: Meta.update({i:MetaDefault[i]}) return Meta def PagePreprocessor(Path, Type, SiteTemplate, SiteRoot, GlobalMacros, CategoryUncategorized, LightRun=False): File = ReadFile(Path) Path = Path.lower() Content, Titles, DashyTitles, HTMLTitlesFound, Macros, Meta, MetaDefault = '', [], [], False, '', '', { 'Template': SiteTemplate, 'Style': '', 'Type': Type, 'Index': 'Unspecified', 'Feed': 'True', 'Title': '', 'HTMLTitle': '', 'Description': '', 'Image': '', 'Macros': {}, 'Categories': [], 'CreatedOn': '', 'EditedOn': '', 'Order': None} for l in File.splitlines(): ll = l.lstrip() if ll.startswith('//'): lll = ll[2:].lstrip() if lll.startswith('%'): Meta += lll[1:].lstrip() + '\n' elif lll.startswith('$'): Macros += lll[1:].lstrip() + '\n' else: Headings = ('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6') if Path.endswith(FileExtensions['HTML']) and not HTMLTitlesFound: Soup = BeautifulSoup(File, 'html.parser') Tags = Soup.find_all() for t in Tags: if t.name in Headings: Title = '#'*int(t.name[1]) + ' ' + str(t.text) DashTitle = DashifyTitle(Title.lstrip('#'), DashyTitles) DashyTitles += [DashTitle] Titles += [Title] t.replace_with(MakeLinkableTitle(None, Title, DashTitle, 'md')) Content = str(Soup.prettify(formatter=None)) HTMLTitlesFound = True elif Path.endswith(FileExtensions['Markdown']): if ll.startswith('#') or (ll.startswith('<') and ll[1:].startswith(Headings)): if ll.startswith('#'): Title = ll #Index = Title.split(' ')[0].count('#') elif ll.startswith('<'): #Index = int(ll[2]) Title = '#'*h + str(ll[3:]) DashTitle = DashifyTitle(MkSoup(Title.lstrip('#')).get_text(), DashyTitles) DashyTitles += [DashTitle] Titles += [Title] Title = MakeLinkableTitle(None, Title, DashTitle, 'md') Title = Title.replace('> Max: Max = int(Curr) else: NoOrder += [e] New = [None] * (Max+1) for i,e in enumerate(Old): Curr = e[3]['Order'] if Curr: New[int(Curr)] = e while None in New: New.remove(None) return New + NoOrder def CanIndex(Index, For): if Index in ('False', 'None'): return False elif Index in ('True', 'All', 'Unlinked'): return True else: return True if Index == For else False def PatchHTML(File, HTML, StaticPartsText, DynamicParts, DynamicPartsText, HTMLPagesList, PagePath, Content, Titles, Meta, SiteRoot, SiteName, BlogName, FolderRoots, Categories, SiteLang, Locale, LightRun): HTMLTitles = FormatTitles(Titles) BodyDescription, BodyImage = '', '' if not File.lower().endswith('.txt'): Soup = BeautifulSoup(Content, 'html.parser') if not BodyDescription and Soup.p: BodyDescription = Soup.p.get_text()[:150].replace('\n', ' ').replace('"', "'") + '...' if not BodyImage and Soup.img and Soup.img['src']: BodyImage = Soup.img['src'] #Content = SquareFnrefs(Content) Content = AddToTagStartEnd(Content, '', '[', ']') Title = GetTitle(File.split('/')[-1], Meta, Titles, 'MetaTitle', BlogName) Description = GetDescription(Meta, BodyDescription, 'MetaDescription') Image = GetImage(Meta, BodyImage, 'MetaImage') for Line in HTML.splitlines(): Line = Line.lstrip().rstrip() if Line.startswith('[staticoso:DynamicPart:') and Line.endswith(']'): Path = Line[len('[staticoso:DynamicPart:'):-1] Section = Path.split('/')[-1] if Section in DynamicParts: Part = DynamicParts[Section] Text = '' if type(Part) == list: for e in Part: Text += DynamicPartsText[f"{Path}/{e}"] + '\n' elif type(Part) == str: Text = DynamicPartsText[f"{Path}/{Part}"] else: Text = '' HTML = ReplWithEsc(HTML, f"[staticoso:DynamicPart:{Path}]", Text) for e in StaticPartsText: HTML = ReplWithEsc(HTML, f"[staticoso:StaticPart:{e}]", StaticPartsText[e]) if LightRun: HTML = None else: HTML = DictReplWithEsc( HTML, { '[staticoso:Site:Menu]': HTMLPagesList, '[staticoso:Page:Lang]': SiteLang, '[staticoso:Page:Chapters]': HTMLTitles, '[staticoso:Page:Title]': Title, '[staticoso:Page:Description]': Description, '[staticoso:Page:Image]': Image, '[staticoso:Page:Path]': PagePath, '[staticoso:Page:Style]': Meta['Style'], '[staticoso:Page:Content]': Content, '[staticoso:Page:ContentInfo]': MakeContentHeader(Meta, Locale, MakeCategoryLine(File, Meta)), '[staticoso:BuildTime]': datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), '[staticoso:Site:Name]': SiteName, '[staticoso:Site:AbsoluteRoot]': SiteRoot, '[staticoso:Site:RelativeRoot]': GetPathLevels(PagePath) }) for e in Meta['Macros']: HTML = ReplWithEsc(HTML, f"[:{e}:]", Meta['Macros'][e]) for e in FolderRoots: HTML = ReplWithEsc(HTML, f"[staticoso:Folder:{e}:AbsoluteRoot]", FolderRoots[e]) for e in Categories: HTML = ReplWithEsc(HTML, f"[staticoso:Category:{e}]", Categories[e]) HTML = ReplWithEsc(HTML, f"[staticoso:Category:{e}]", Categories[e]) # TODO: Clean this doubling? ContentHTML = Content ContentHTML = DictReplWithEsc( ContentHTML, { '[staticoso:Page:Title]': Title, '[staticoso:Page:Description]': Description, '[staticoso:Site:Name]': SiteName, '[staticoso:Site:AbsoluteRoot]': SiteRoot, '[staticoso:Site:RelativeRoot]': GetPathLevels(PagePath) }) for e in Meta['Macros']: ContentHTML = ReplWithEsc(ContentHTML, f"[:{e}:]", Meta['Macros'][e]) for e in FolderRoots: ContentHTML = ReplWithEsc(ContentHTML, f"[staticoso:Folder:{e}:AbsoluteRoot]", FolderRoots[e]) for e in Categories: ContentHTML = ReplWithEsc(ContentHTML, f"[staticoso:Category:{e}]", Categories[e]) ContentHTML = ReplWithEsc(ContentHTML, f"[staticoso:Category:{e}]", Categories[e]) return HTML, ContentHTML, Description, Image def MakeSite(OutputDir, LimitFiles, TemplatesText, StaticPartsText, DynamicParts, DynamicPartsText, ConfMenu, GlobalMacros, SiteName, BlogName, SiteTagline, SiteTemplate, SiteDomain, SiteRoot, FolderRoots, SiteLang, Locale, Minify, MinifyKeepComments, NoScripts, ImgAltToTitle, ImgTitleToAlt, Sorting, MarkdownExts, AutoCategories, CategoryUncategorized): PagesPaths, PostsPaths, Pages, MadePages, Categories = [], [], [], [], {} for Ext in FileExtensions['Pages']: for File in Path('Pages').rglob(f"*.{Ext}"): PagesPaths += [FileToStr(File, 'Pages/')] for File in Path('Posts').rglob(f"*.{Ext}"): PostsPaths += [FileToStr(File, 'Posts/')] PagesPaths = FileNameDateSort(PagesPaths) if Sorting['Pages'] == 'Inverse': PagesPaths.reverse() PostsPaths = FileNameDateSort(PostsPaths) if Sorting['Posts'] == 'Inverse': PostsPaths.reverse() print("[I] Preprocessing Source Pages") for Type in ['Page', 'Post']: if Type == 'Page': Files = PagesPaths PathPrefix = '' elif Type == 'Post': Files = PostsPaths PathPrefix = 'Posts/' for File in Files: TempPath = f"{PathPrefix}{File}" LightRun = False if LimitFiles == False or TempPath in LimitFiles else True Content, Titles, Meta = PagePreprocessor(f"{Type}s/{File}", Type, SiteTemplate, SiteRoot, GlobalMacros, CategoryUncategorized, LightRun=LightRun) Pages += [[TempPath, Content, Titles, Meta]] for Cat in Meta['Categories']: Categories.update({Cat:''}) PugCompileList(OutputDir, Pages, LimitFiles) if Categories: print("[I] Generating Category Lists") for Cat in Categories: for Type in ('Page', 'Post'): Categories[Cat] += GetHTMLPagesList( Pages=Pages, BlogName=BlogName, SiteRoot=SiteRoot, PathPrefix=GetPathLevels('Categories/'), Type=Type, Category=Cat, For='Categories', MarkdownExts=MarkdownExts, MenuStyle='Flat') if AutoCategories: Dir = f"{OutputDir}/Categories" for Cat in Categories: Exists = False for File in Path(Dir).rglob(str(Cat)+'.*'): Exists = True break if not Exists: File = f"Categories/{Cat}.md" FilePath = f"{OutputDir}/{File}" WriteFile(FilePath, CategoryPageTemplate.format(Title=Cat)) Content, Titles, Meta = PagePreprocessor(FilePath, 'Page', SiteTemplate, SiteRoot, GlobalMacros, CategoryUncategorized, LightRun=LightRun) Pages += [[File, Content, Titles, Meta]] for i,e in enumerate(ConfMenu): for File, Content, Titles, Meta in Pages: File = StripExt(File)+'.html' if e == File: ConfMenu[i] = None print("[I] Writing Pages") for File, Content, Titles, Meta in Pages: LightRun = False if LimitFiles == False or File in LimitFiles else True PagePath = f"{OutputDir}/{StripExt(File)}.html" if File.lower().endswith(FileExtensions['Markdown']): Content = markdown(PagePostprocessor('md', Content, Meta), extensions=MarkdownExts) elif File.lower().endswith(('.pug')): Content = PagePostprocessor('pug', ReadFile(PagePath), Meta) elif File.lower().endswith(('.txt')): Content = '
' + html.escape(Content) + '
' elif File.lower().endswith(FileExtensions['HTML']): Content = ReadFile(PagePath) if LightRun: HTMLPagesList = None else: TemplateMeta = TemplatePreprocessor(TemplatesText[Meta['Template']]) HTMLPagesList = GetHTMLPagesList( Pages=Pages, BlogName=BlogName, SiteRoot=SiteRoot, PathPrefix=GetPathLevels(File), Unite=ConfMenu, Type='Page', For='Menu', MarkdownExts=MarkdownExts, MenuStyle=TemplateMeta['MenuStyle']) HTML, ContentHTML, Description, Image = PatchHTML( File=File, HTML=TemplatesText[Meta['Template']], StaticPartsText=StaticPartsText, DynamicParts=DynamicParts, DynamicPartsText=DynamicPartsText, HTMLPagesList=HTMLPagesList, PagePath=PagePath[len(f"{OutputDir}/"):], Content=Content, Titles=Titles, Meta=Meta, SiteRoot=SiteRoot, SiteName=SiteName, BlogName=BlogName, FolderRoots=FolderRoots, Categories=Categories, SiteLang=SiteLang, Locale=Locale, LightRun=LightRun) if Minify: if not LightRun: HTML = DoMinifyHTML(HTML, MinifyKeepComments) ContentHTML = DoMinifyHTML(ContentHTML, MinifyKeepComments) if NoScripts: if not LightRun: HTML = StripTags(HTML, ['script']) ContentHTML = StripTags(ContentHTML, ['script']) if ImgAltToTitle or ImgTitleToAlt: if not LightRun: HTML = WriteImgAltAndTitle(HTML, ImgAltToTitle, ImgTitleToAlt) ContentHTML = WriteImgAltAndTitle(ContentHTML, ImgAltToTitle, ImgTitleToAlt) if LightRun: SlimHTML = None else: SlimHTML = HTMLPagesList + ContentHTML if not LightRun: WriteFile(PagePath, HTML) MadePages += [[File, Content, Titles, Meta, ContentHTML, SlimHTML, Description, Image]] return MadePages