""" ================================== | | This file is part of | | staticoso | | Just a simple Static Site Generator | | | | Licensed under the AGPLv3 license | | Copyright (C) 2022-2023, OctoSpacc | | ================================== """ import html import warnings from Libs import htmlmin from Libs.bs4 import BeautifulSoup from Modules.Utils import * # Suppress useless bs4 warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='The input looks more like a filename than markup.') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='The soupsieve package is not installed.') def MkSoup(Html:str): return BeautifulSoup(Html, 'html.parser') def StripAttrs(Html:str): Soup = MkSoup(Html) Tags = Soup.find_all() for t in Tags: if 'href' not in t.attrs and 'src' not in t.attrs: t.attrs = {} return str(Soup) def StripTags(Html:str, ToStrip:list): # Remove desired tags from the HTML Soup = MkSoup(Html) Tags = Soup.find_all() for t in Tags: if t.name in ToStrip: t.replace_with('') return str(Soup) def DoHTMLFixPre(Html:str): if not ("
" in Html or "
			New = MkSoup(str(t).replace('\n', '', 1))
	return str(Soup)

def WriteImgAltAndTitle(HTML, AltToTitle, TitleToAlt): # Adds alt or title attr. to  which only have one of them
	Soup = MkSoup(HTML)
	Tags = Soup.find_all('img')
	for t in Tags:
		if AltToTitle and 'alt' in t.attrs and 'title' not in t.attrs:
			t.attrs.update({'title': t.attrs['alt']})
		elif TitleToAlt and 'title' in t.attrs and 'alt' not in t.attrs:
		    t.attrs.update({'alt': t.attrs['title']})
	return str(Soup)

def AddToTagStartEnd(HTML, MatchStart, MatchEnd, AddStart, AddEnd): # This doesn't handle nested tags
	StartPos, DidStart, DidEnd = None, 0, 0
	for i,e in enumerate(HTML):
		FilterStart = HTML[i:i+len(MatchStart)]
		FilterEnd = HTML[i:i+len(MatchEnd)]
		if DidStart == 0 and FilterStart == MatchStart:
			StartPos = i
			if AddStart:
				HTML = HTML[:i] + AddStart + HTML[i:]
				DidStart = 2
		if DidEnd == 0 and FilterEnd == MatchEnd and StartPos and i > StartPos:
			StartPos = None
			if AddEnd:
				HTML = HTML[:i+len(MatchEnd)] + AddEnd + HTML[i+len(MatchEnd):]
				DidEnd = 2
		if DidStart > 0:
			DidStart -= 1
		if DidEnd > 0:
			DidEnd -= 1
	return HTML

def SquareFnrefs(Html:str): # Different combinations of formatting for Soup .prettify, .encode, .decode break different page elements, don't use this for now
	Soup = MkSoup(Html)
	Tags = Soup.find_all('sup')
	for t in Tags:
		if 'id' in t.attrs and t.attrs['id'].startswith('fnref:'):
			s = t.find('a')
	return str(Soup.prettify(formatter=None))

def DoMinifyHTML(Html:str, KeepComments:bool):
	return htmlmin.minify(
		remove_comments=not KeepComments,