#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ ================================= | | staticoso | | Just a simple Static Site Generator | | | | Licensed under the AGPLv3 license | | Copyright (C) 2022, OctoSpacc | | ================================= """ import argparse import os import shutil from ast import literal_eval from markdown import Markdown from pathlib import Path def ReadFile(p): try: with open(p, 'r') as f: return f.read() except Exception: print("Error reading file {}".format(p)) return None def WriteFile(p, c): try: with open(p, 'w') as f: f.write(c) return True except Exception: print("Error writing file {}".format(p)) return False def StripExt(Path): return ".".join(Path.split('.')[:-1]) def ResetPublic(): try: shutil.rmtree('public') except FileNotFoundError: pass def GetLevels(Path, Sub=0, AsNum=False): n = Path.count('/') return n if AsNum else '../' * n def GetDeepest(Paths): Deepest = 0 for p in Paths: l = GetLevels(p, True) if l > Deepest: Deepest = l print(Deepest) return Deepest def GetRelative(Path, Levels): print(Path, Levels) #return GetLevels(Path, Levels) return '../' * Levels def DashifyStr(s, Limit=32): Str, lc = '', Limit for c in s[:Limit].replace(' ','-').replace(' ','-'): if c.lower() in '0123456789qwfpbjluyarstgmneiozxcdvkh-': Str += c return '-' + Str def GetTitle(Meta, Titles, Prefer='MetaTitle'): if Prefer == 'Title': Title = Titles[0].lstrip('#') if Titles else Meta['Title'] if Meta['Title'] else 'Untitled' elif Prefer == 'MetaTitle': Title = Meta['Title'] if Meta['Title'] else Titles[0].lstrip('#') if Titles else 'Untitled' elif Prefer == 'HTMLTitle': Title = Meta['HTMLTitle'] if Meta['HTMLTitle'] else Meta['Title'] if Meta['Title'] else Titles[0].lstrip('#') if Titles else 'Untitled' if Meta['Type'] == 'Post': # TODO: This hardcodes my blog name, bad, will fix asap Title += ' - blogoctt' return Title def GetDescription(Meta, Prefer='MetaDescription'): if Prefer == 'Description': Description = Meta['Description'] elif Prefer == 'MetaDescription': Description = Meta['Description'] return Description def GetTitleIdLine(Line, Title, Type): DashTitle = DashifyStr(Title.lstrip('#')) if Type == 'md': Index = Title.split(' ')[0].count('#') return '{}'.format(Index, DashTitle, Title[Index+1:], Index) elif Type == 'pug': NewLine = '' Index = Line.find('h') NewLine += Line[:Index] NewLine += "{}(id='{}')".format(Line[Index:Index+2], DashTitle) NewLine += Line[Index+2:] return NewLine def MakeListTitle(File, Meta, Titles, Prefer, SiteRoot, CurLevels, PathPrefix=''): print(PathPrefix) Title = GetTitle(Meta, Titles, Prefer) Link = False if Meta['Index'] == 'Unlinked' else True if Link: Title = '[{}]({})'.format( Title, '{}{}.html'.format(PathPrefix, StripExt(File))) #(GetRelative(File, CurLevels), StripExt(File))) if Meta['Type'] == 'Post' and Meta['CreatedOn']: Title = '[{}] {}'.format( Meta['CreatedOn'], Title) return Title def FormatTitles(Titles): MDTitles = '' for t in Titles: n = t.split(' ')[0].count('#') Heading = '- ' * n Title = t.lstrip('#') Title = '[{}](#{})'.format(Title, DashifyStr(Title)) MDTitles += Heading + Title + '\n' return Markdown().convert(MDTitles) def LoadFromDir(Dir, Rglob): Contents = {} for File in Path(Dir).rglob(Rglob): File = str(File)[len(Dir)+1:] Contents.update({File: ReadFile('{}/{}'.format(Dir, File))}) return Contents def PreProcessor(Path, SiteRoot): File = ReadFile(Path) Content, Titles, Meta = '', [], { 'Template': 'Standard.html', 'Style': '', 'Type': 'Page', 'Index': 'True', 'Title': '', 'HTMLTitle': '', 'Description': '', 'Image': '', 'Categories': [], 'CreatedOn': '', 'EditedOn': '', 'Order': None} for l in File.splitlines(): ls = l.lstrip() if ls.startswith('// '): lss = ls[3:] for Item in ('Template', 'Type', 'Index', 'Title', 'HTMLTitle', 'Description', 'Image', 'CreatedOn', 'EditedOn'): ItemText = '{}: '.format(Item) if lss.startswith(ItemText): Meta[Item] = lss[len(ItemText):] if lss.startswith('Categories: '): for i in lss[len('Categories: '):].split(' '): Meta['Categories'] += [i] elif lss.startswith('Background: '): Meta['Style'] += "#MainBox{Background:" + lss[len('Background: '):] + ";} " elif lss.startswith('Style: '): Meta['Style'] += lss[len('Style: '):] + ' ' elif lss.startswith('Order: '): Meta['Order'] = int(lss[len('Order: '):]) else: if Path.endswith('.md'): if ls.startswith('#'): Titles += [l] Content += GetTitleIdLine(l, ls, 'md') + '\n' else: Content += l + '\n' elif Path.endswith('.pug'): if ls.startswith(('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6')): if ls[2:].startswith(("(class='NoTitle", '(class="NoTitle')): Content += l + '\n' else: Title = '#'*int(ls[1]) + str(ls[3:]) Titles += [Title] # We should handle headers that for any reason already have parenthesis if ls[2:] == '(': Content += l + '\n' else: Content += GetTitleIdLine(l, Title, 'pug') + '\n' else: Content += l + '\n' return Content, Titles, Meta def PugCompileList(Pages): # Pug-cli seems to shit itself with folder paths as input, so we pass ALL the files as arguments Paths = '' for File, Content, Titles, Meta in Pages: if File.endswith('.pug'): Path = 'public/{}'.format(File) WriteFile(Path, Content) Paths += '"{}" '.format(Path) os.system('pug -P {} > /dev/null'.format(Paths)) def MakeContentHeader(Meta): Header = '' if Meta['Type'] == 'Post': # TODO: Fix the hardcoded italian if Meta['CreatedOn'] and Meta['EditedOn']: Header += "Creato in data {} \nModificato in data {} \n".format(Meta['CreatedOn'], Meta['EditedOn']) elif Meta['CreatedOn'] and not Meta['EditedOn']: Header += "Creato in data {} \n".format(Meta['CreatedOn']) elif Meta['EditedOn'] and not Meta['CreatedOn']: Header += "Modificato in data {} \n".format(Meta['EditedOn']) return Markdown().convert(Header) def PatchHTML(Template, PartsText, ContextParts, ContextPartsText, HTMLPagesList, PagePath, Content, Titles, Meta, SiteRoot, FolderRoots, Categories): print(PagePath) HTMLTitles = FormatTitles(Titles) for Line in Template.splitlines(): Line = Line.lstrip().rstrip() if Line.startswith('[HTML:ContextPart:') and Line.endswith(']'): Path = Line[len('[HTML:ContextPart:'):-1] Section = Path.split('/')[-1] if Section in ContextParts: Part = ContextParts[Section] Text = '' if type(Part) == list: for i in Part: Text += ContextPartsText['{}/{}'.format(Path, i)] + '\n' elif type(Part) == str: Text = ContextPartsText['{}/{}'.format(Path, Part)] else: Text = '' Template = Template.replace('[HTML:ContextPart:{}]'.format(Path), Text) for i in PartsText: Template = Template.replace('[HTML:Part:{}]'.format(i), PartsText[i]) Template = Template.replace('[HTML:Page:LeftBox]', HTMLPagesList) Template = Template.replace('[HTML:Page:RightBox]', HTMLTitles) Template = Template.replace('[HTML:Page:Title]', GetTitle(Meta, Titles, 'MetaTitle')) Template = Template.replace('[HTML:Page:Description]', GetDescription(Meta, 'MetaDescription')) Template = Template.replace('[HTML:Page:Path]', PagePath) Template = Template.replace('[HTML:Page:Style]', Meta['Style']) Template = Template.replace('[HTML:Page:Content]', Content) Template = Template.replace('[HTML:Page:ContentHeader]', MakeContentHeader(Meta)) Template = Template.replace('[HTML:Site:AbsoluteRoot]', SiteRoot) Template = Template.replace('[HTML:Site:RelativeRoot]', GetLevels(PagePath)) for i in FolderRoots: Template = Template.replace('[HTML:Folder:{}:AbsoluteRoot]'.format(i), FolderRoots[i]) for i in Categories: Template = Template.replace('[HTML:Category:{}]'.format(i), Categories[i]) return Template def FileToStr(File, Truncate=''): return str(File)[len(Truncate):] def OrderPages(Old): New = [] Max = 0 for i,e in enumerate(Old): Curr = e[3]['Order'] if Curr > Max: Max = Curr for i in range(Max+1): New += [[]] for i,e in enumerate(Old): New[e[3]['Order']] = e while [] in New: New.remove([]) return New def GetHTMLPagesList(Pages, SiteRoot, CurLevels, PathPrefix, Type='Page', Category=None): List = '' ToPop = [] LastParent = [] IndexPages = Pages.copy() for e in IndexPages: if e[3]['Index'] == 'False' or e[3]['Index'] == 'None': IndexPages.remove(e) for i,e in enumerate(IndexPages): if e[3]['Type'] != Type: ToPop += [i] ToPop.sort() ToPop.reverse() for i in ToPop: IndexPages.pop(i) if Type == 'Page': IndexPages = OrderPages(IndexPages) for File, Content, Titles, Meta in IndexPages: if Meta['Type'] == Type and (Meta['Index'] != 'False' or Meta['Index'] != 'None') and GetTitle(Meta, Titles, Prefer='HTMLTitle') != 'Untitled' and (not Category or Category in Meta['Categories']): n = File.count('/') + 1 if n > 1: CurParent = File.split('/')[:-1] for i,s in enumerate(CurParent): if LastParent != CurParent: LastParent = CurParent Levels = '- ' * (n-1+i) if File[:-3].endswith('index.'): Title = MakeListTitle(File, Meta, Titles, 'HTMLTitle', SiteRoot, CurLevels, PathPrefix) else: Title = CurParent[n-2+i] List += Levels + Title + '\n' if not (n > 1 and File[:-3].endswith('index.')): Levels = '- ' * n Title = MakeListTitle(File, Meta, Titles, 'HTMLTitle', SiteRoot, CurLevels, PathPrefix) List += Levels + Title + '\n' return Markdown().convert(List) def DelTmp(): for File in Path('public').rglob('*.pug'): os.remove(File) for File in Path('public').rglob('*.md'): os.remove(File) def MakeSite(TemplatesText, PartsText, ContextParts, ContextPartsText, SiteRoot, FolderRoots): Files = [] Pages = [] Categories = {} for File in Path('Pages').rglob('*.pug'): Files += [FileToStr(File, 'Pages/')] for File in Path('Pages').rglob('*.md'): Files += [FileToStr(File, 'Pages/')] Files.sort() Files.reverse() for File in Files: Content, Titles, Meta = PreProcessor('Pages/{}'.format(File), SiteRoot) Pages += [[File, Content, Titles, Meta]] for Category in Meta['Categories']: Categories.update({Category:''}) PugCompileList(Pages) print(Files) for Category in Categories: Categories[Category] = GetHTMLPagesList(Pages, SiteRoot, 0, '../../', 'Post', Category) for File, Content, Titles, Meta in Pages: CurLevels = GetLevels(File, 0, True) PathPrefix = GetLevels(File) print(PathPrefix) print(File, CurLevels) HTMLPagesList = GetHTMLPagesList(Pages, SiteRoot, CurLevels, PathPrefix, 'Page') PagePath = 'public/{}.html'.format(StripExt(File)) if File.endswith('.md'): Content = Markdown().convert(Content) elif File.endswith('.pug'): Content = ReadFile(PagePath) Template = TemplatesText[Meta['Template']] Template = Template.replace( '[HTML:Site:AbsoluteRoot]', SiteRoot) Template = Template.replace( '[HTML:Site:RelativeRoot]', GetLevels(File)) WriteFile( PagePath, PatchHTML( Template, PartsText, ContextParts, ContextPartsText, HTMLPagesList, PagePath[len('public/'):], Content, Titles, Meta, SiteRoot, FolderRoots, Categories)) DelTmp() def Main(Args): ResetPublic() shutil.copytree('Pages', 'public') MakeSite( LoadFromDir('Templates', '*.html'), LoadFromDir('Parts', '*.html'), literal_eval(Args.ContextParts) if Args.ContextParts else {}, LoadFromDir('ContextParts', '*.html'), Args.SiteRoot if Args.SiteRoot else '/', literal_eval(Args.FolderRoots) if Args.FolderRoots else {}) os.system("cp -R Assets/* public/") if __name__ == '__main__': Parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() Parser.add_argument('--SiteRoot', type=str) Parser.add_argument('--FolderRoots', type=str) Parser.add_argument('--ContextParts', type=str) Args = Parser.parse_args() Main(Args)