""" ================================= | | This file is part of | | staticoso | | Just a simple Static Site Generator | | | | Licensed under the AGPLv3 license | | Copyright (C) 2022, OctoSpacc | | ================================= """ # TODO: Either switch feed generation lib, or rewrite the 'lxml' module, so that no modules have to be compiled and the program is 100% portable from Libs.feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator from Modules.Utils import * def MakeFeed(CategoryFilter, Pages, SiteName, SiteTagline, SiteDomain, MaxEntries, Lang, FullSite=False, Minify=False): Feed = FeedGenerator() Link = SiteDomain if SiteDomain else ' ' Feed.id(Link) Feed.title(SiteName if SiteName else ' ') Feed.link(href=Link, rel='alternate') Feed.description(SiteTagline if SiteTagline else ' ') if SiteDomain: Feed.logo(SiteDomain + '/favicon.png') Feed.language(Lang) DoPages = [] for e in Pages: if FullSite or (not FullSite and MaxEntries != 0 and e[3]['Type'] == 'Post'): # No entry limit if site feed DoPages += [e] MaxEntries -= 1 DoPages.reverse() for File, Content, Titles, Meta, ContentHTML, SlimHTML, Description, Image in DoPages: if FullSite or (not FullSite and Meta['Type'] == 'Post' and (not CategoryFilter or (CategoryFilter and (CategoryFilter in Meta['Categories'] or CategoryFilter == '*')))): Entry = Feed.add_entry() File = '{}.html'.format(StripExt(File)) Content = ReadFile('public/'+File) Link = SiteDomain + '/' + File if SiteDomain else ' ' CreatedOn = GetFullDate(Meta['CreatedOn']) EditedOn = GetFullDate(Meta['EditedOn']) Entry.id(Link) Entry.title(Meta['Title'] if Meta['Title'] else Titles[0].lstrip('#') if Titles else 'Untitled') Entry.description(Description) Entry.link(href=Link, rel='alternate') if not FullSite: # Avoid making an enormous site feed file... Entry.content(ContentHTML, type='html') if CreatedOn: Entry.pubDate(CreatedOn) EditedOn = EditedOn if EditedOn else CreatedOn if CreatedOn and not EditedOn else '1970-01-01T00:00+00:00' Entry.updated(EditedOn) if not os.path.exists('public/feed'): os.mkdir('public/feed') if FullSite: FeedType = 'site.' else: FeedType = '' Feed.atom_file('public/feed/' + FeedType + 'atom.xml', pretty=(not Minify)) Feed.rss_file('public/feed/' + FeedType + 'rss.xml', pretty=(not Minify))