""" ================================= | | This file is part of | | staticoso | | Just a simple Static Site Generator | | | | Licensed under the AGPLv3 license | | Copyright (C) 2022, OctoSpacc | | ================================= """ import time from Libs.bs4 import BeautifulSoup from Libs.dateutil.parser import parse as date_parse from Libs.mastodon import Mastodon from Modules.Utils import * def MastodonGetSession(InstanceURL, Token): return Mastodon( api_base_url=InstanceURL, access_token=Token) def MastodonGetMyID(Session): return Session.me()['id'] def MastodonGetPostsFromUserID(Session, UserID): return Session.account_statuses( UserID, exclude_replies=True) def MastodonDoPost(Session, Text, Lang=None, Visibility='public'): if Text: return Session.status_post( Text, language=Lang, visibility=Visibility) def MastodonGetLinkFromPost(Post, Domain=None): Parse = BeautifulSoup(Post['content'], 'html.parser') if Parse.a: Link = Parse.find_all('a')[-1]['href'] if not Domain or (Domain and Link.startswith(Domain)): return { 'Post': Post['uri'], 'Link': Link} return None def MastodonGetAllLinkPosts(Session, Domain=None): Posts = [] for p in MastodonGetPostsFromUserID(Session, MastodonGetMyID(Session)): Post = MastodonGetLinkFromPost(p, Domain) if Post: Posts += [Post] return Posts # TODO: Set a limit/cooldown on how many new posts at a time can be posted, or ignore posts older than date X.. otherwise if someone starts using this after having written 100 blog posts, bad things will happen def MastodonShare(InstanceURL, Token, TypeFilter, CategoryFilter, HoursLimit, Pages, SiteDomain, SiteLang, Locale): Session = MastodonGetSession(InstanceURL, Token) Posts = MastodonGetAllLinkPosts(Session, SiteDomain) Pages.sort() for File, Content, Titles, Meta, ContentHTML, SlimHTML, Description, Image in Pages: if (not TypeFilter or (TypeFilter and (Meta['Type'] == TypeFilter or TypeFilter == '*'))) and (not CategoryFilter or (CategoryFilter and (CategoryFilter in Meta['Categories'] or CategoryFilter == '*'))): Desc = '' Parse = BeautifulSoup(ContentHTML, 'html.parser') Paragraphs = Parse.p.get_text().split('\n') Read = '...' + Locale['ReadFullPost'] + ':\n' URL = '{}/{}.html'.format(SiteDomain, StripExt(File)) for p in Paragraphs: if p and len(Read+Desc+p)+25 < 500: Desc += p + '\n\n' else: if Desc: break else: Desc = p[:500-25-5-len(Read)] + '...' DoPost = True for p in Posts: if p['Link'] == URL: DoPost = False break if DoPost and (not HoursLimit or (Meta['Created on'] and time.time() - time.mktime(date_parse(Meta['Created on']).timetuple()) < 60*60*HoursLimit)): time.sleep(5) Post = MastodonGetLinkFromPost( Post=MastodonDoPost( Session, Text=Desc+Read+URL, Lang=SiteLang), Domain=SiteDomain) if Post: Posts += [Post] return Posts