
202 lines
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
:root {
--staticoso-HtmlSearch-ColorMatchWord: yellow;
/*--staticoso-HtmlSearch-ColorMatchBlock: orange;*/
<style class="staticoso-HtmlSearch-Style"></style>
<input class="staticoso-HtmlSearch-Input"/>
<div class="staticoso-HtmlSearch-Pages">
var SearchInput = document.querySelector('.staticoso-HtmlSearch-Input');
var SearchStyle = document.querySelector('.staticoso-HtmlSearch-Style');
var SelectPage = '.staticoso-HtmlSearch-Page';
var SelectHref = '.staticoso-HtmlSearch-Href';
var SelectBase = `${SelectPage}s > ${SelectPage}`;
// <> + some personal
var BlockElems = ['address', 'article', 'aside', 'blockquote', 'details', 'dialog', 'dd', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'li', 'main', 'nav', 'ol', 'p', 'pre', 'section', 'table', 'ul', /**/ 'iframe', 'video', 'label'/*, 'span', 'i'*/];
// <>
function TextNodesUnder(El) {
var n, a = [], walk = document.createTreeWalker(El, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
while (n = walk.nextNode()) a.push(n);
return a;
function StripExcessSpace(Txt) {
return Txt
.replaceAll('\n', ' ')
.replaceAll('\t', ' ')
.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); // Replace all multiple spaces with 1
// Make a CSS string emulating the :where selector, for old browsers
function CssWhere(Base, Where) {
var Style = '';
Where.forEach(function(Tgt) {
Style += `${Base} ${Tgt},`;
return Style.slice(0, -1);
// Get all needed elements under our class, infinitely nested, and set their textContent as data attribute
function PatchHtml() {
// Block elements, just add the attribute
document.querySelectorAll(CssWhere(SelectBase, BlockElems)).forEach(function(El) {
El.dataset.staticosoHtmlsearchBlock = StripExcessSpace(El.textContent.toLowerCase());
// Text nodes, we have to wrap each into a new real element and delete the original node
TextNodesUnder(document.querySelector(`${SelectPage}s`)).forEach(function(El) {
var ElNew = document.createElement('span');
StripExcessSpace(El.textContent).split(' ').forEach(function(Word) {
var ElWord;
[Word, ' '].forEach(function(Str) {
ElWord = document.createElement('span');
ElWord.innerHTML = Str;
ElWord.dataset.staticosoHtmlsearchWord = Str.toLowerCase();
// Delete any illegal elements that got out of their supposed div due to bad HTML
document.querySelectorAll(`${SelectPage}s > *:not(${SelectPage})`).forEach(function(El) {
// Check if any child of a node is actually visible
function HasVisibleChild(El) {
var Childs = El.children;
for (var i = 0; i < Childs.length; i++) {
// If at least one child is CSS-displayed and has non-void content
if (getComputedStyle(Childs[i]).display != 'none' && Childs[i].textContent.trim()) {
return true;
return false;
function CreateSearchAnchors() {
// Create anchors redirecting to the pages that are displayed
document.querySelectorAll(SelectBase).forEach(function(Page) {
var Href = Page.dataset.staticosoHtmlsearchHref;
if (HasVisibleChild(Page)) {
if (!Page.parentNode.querySelector(`${SelectHref}[href="${Href}"]`)) {
var ElHref = document.createElement('a');
ElHref.className = SelectHref.slice(1);
ElHref.innerHTML = Page.dataset.staticosoHtmlsearchName || Href;
ElHref.href = Href;
Page.parentNode.insertBefore(ElHref, Page);
} else {
Page.parentNode.querySelectorAll(`${SelectHref}[href="${Href}"]`).forEach(function(ElHref) {
// Create anchors redirecting to the pages that are displayed
// First delete old links
document.querySelectorAll(`${SelectPage}s > ${SelectHref}`).forEach(function(Link) {
// Then for all visible blocks check their parents to see if the links exist, if not [re]create them
// Go page by page to skip cycles when we can
var Pages = document.querySelectorAll(SelectBase);
for (var i = 0; i < Pages.length; i++) {
//document.querySelectorAll(SelectBase).forEach(function(Page) {
var Page = Pages[i];
var Blocks = Page.querySelector/*All*/(`*[data-staticoso-htmlsearch-block*="${Query}"]`);
//for (var i = 0; i < Blocks.length; i++) {
if (Blocks) {
var Href = Page.dataset.staticosoHtmlsearchHref;
if (!Page.parentNode.querySelector(`${SelectHref}[href="${Href}"]`)) {
var Link = document.createElement('a');
Link.className = SelectHref.slice(1);
Link.innerHTML = Page.dataset.staticosoHtmlsearchName || Href;
Link.href = Href;
Page.parentNode.insertBefore(Link, Page);
document.querySelectorAll(`${SelectBase} *[data-staticoso-htmlsearch-block*="${Query}"]`).forEach(function(Block) {
var Page = Block.closest('.staticoso-HtmlSearch-Page');
var Href = Page.dataset.staticosoHtmlsearchHref;
if (!Page.parentNode.querySelector(`${SelectHref}[href="${Href}"]`)) {
var Link = document.createElement('a');
Link.className = SelectHref.slice(1);
Link.innerHTML = Page.dataset.staticosoHtmlsearchName || Href;
Link.href = Href;
Page.parentNode.insertBefore(Link, Page);
// NOTE: This lags so baaad but I've not found a better solution for now, and I want the search to be continuos, without clicking a button :(
// Every time the search query is modified, reset our CSS that does all the content filtering
function SetSearch() {
var Query = StripExcessSpace(SearchInput.value.toLowerCase());
var WordStrictStyle = '';
var WordLooseStyle = '';
// Reset the style CSS to hide everything by default
SearchStyle.innerHTML = `
/* ${SelectBase} { cursor: pointer; } */
${SelectBase} *[data-staticoso-htmlsearch-block] { display: none; }
// For every word in the search query, add a CSS selector
// Strict selection (=)
Query.split(' ').forEach(function(Token) {
WordStrictStyle += `${SelectBase} *[data-staticoso-htmlsearch-word="${Token}"],`;
WordStrictStyle = `${WordStrictStyle.trim().slice(0, -1)}{ background: var(--staticoso-HtmlSearch-ColorMatchWord); }`;
// Loose selection (*=)
Query.split(' ').forEach(function(Token) {
WordLooseStyle += `${SelectBase} *[data-staticoso-htmlsearch-word*="${Token}"],`;
WordLooseStyle = `${WordLooseStyle.trim().slice(0, -1)}{ border: 2px dotted gray; }`;
// Set the style for the above tokens, then unhide needed blocks
//SearchStyle.innerHTML = `
// ${SearchStyle.innerHTML.trim().slice(0, -1)} { background: var(--staticoso-HtmlSearch-ColorMatchWord); }
SearchStyle.innerHTML += `
${SelectBase} *[data-staticoso-htmlsearch-block*="${Query}"] { display: revert; }
['onchange', 'oninput', 'onpaste'].forEach(function(Ev) {
SearchInput[Ev] = SetSearch;
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