
120 lines
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2022-08-30 21:10:45 +02:00
""" ================================= |
| This file is part of |
| staticoso |
| Just a simple Static Site Generator |
| |
| Licensed under the AGPLv3 license |
| Copyright (C) 2022, OctoSpacc |
| ================================= """
from Modules.HTML import *
from Modules.Utils import *
HTMLSectionTitleLine = '<h{Index} class="SectionHeading staticoso-SectionHeading"><span class="SectionLink staticoso-SectionLink"><a href="#{DashTitle}"><span>»</span></a> </span><span class="SectionTitle staticoso-SectionTitle" id="{DashTitle}">{Title}</span></h{Index}>'
PugSectionTitleLine = "{Start}{Heading}.SectionHeading.staticoso-SectionHeading #[span.SectionLink.staticoso-SectionLink #[a(href='#{DashTitle}') #[span »]] ]#[span#{DashTitle}.SectionTitle.staticoso-SectionTitle {Rest}]"
2022-08-30 21:10:45 +02:00
CategoryPageTemplate = """\
// Title: {Name}
// Type: Page
// Index: True
# {Name}
2022-08-30 21:10:45 +02:00
RedirectPageTemplate = """\
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="canonical" href="{SiteDomain}/{DestURL}">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url='{DestURL}'">
<p><a href="{DestURL}">{StrClick}</a> {StrRedirect}.</p>
HTMLCommentsBlock = '<br><h3>{StrComments}</h3><a href="{URL}" rel="noopener" target="_blank">{StrOpen} ↗️</a>'
2022-08-30 21:10:45 +02:00
def DashifyTitle(Title, Done=[]):
return UndupeStr(DashifyStr(Title.lstrip(' ').rstrip(' ')), Done, '-')
def MakeLinkableTitle(Line, Title, DashTitle, Type):
if Type == 'md':
Index = Title.split(' ')[0].count('#')
return HTMLSectionTitleLine.format(
elif Type == 'pug':
Index = Line.find('h')
return PugSectionTitleLine.format(
2022-08-30 21:10:45 +02:00
def GetTitle(FileName, Meta, Titles, Prefer='MetaTitle', BlogName=None):
if Prefer == 'BodyTitle':
Title = Titles[0].lstrip('#') if Titles else Meta['Title'] if Meta['Title'] else FileName
elif Prefer == 'MetaTitle':
Title = Meta['Title'] if Meta['Title'] else Titles[0].lstrip('#') if Titles else FileName
elif Prefer == 'HTMLTitle':
Title = Meta['HTMLTitle'] if Meta['HTMLTitle'] else Meta['Title'] if Meta['Title'] else Titles[0].lstrip('#') if Titles else FileName
if BlogName and 'Blog' in Meta['Categories']:
Title += ' - ' + BlogName
return Title
def GetDescription(Meta, BodyDescription, Prefer='MetaDescription'):
if Prefer == 'BodyDescription':
Description = BodyDescription if BodyDescription else Meta['Description'] if Meta['Description'] else ''
elif Prefer == 'MetaDescription':
Description = Meta['Description'] if Meta['Description'] else BodyDescription if BodyDescription else ''
return Description
def GetImage(Meta, BodyImage, Prefer='MetaImage'):
if Prefer == 'BodyImage':
Image = BodyImage if BodyImage else Meta['Image'] if Meta['Image'] else ''
elif Prefer == 'MetaImage':
Image = Meta['Image'] if Meta['Image'] else BodyImage if BodyImage else ''
return Image
def MakeContentHeader(Meta, Locale, Categories=''):
Header = ''
2022-10-19 11:27:51 +02:00
for e in ['CreatedOn', 'EditedOn']:
if Meta[e]:
Header += f'<span class="staticoso-ContentHeader-{e}"><span class="staticoso-Label">{Locale[e]}</span>: <span class="staticoso-Value">{Meta[e]}</span></span><br>'
2022-08-30 21:10:45 +02:00
if Categories:
2022-10-19 11:27:51 +02:00
Header += f'<span class="staticoso-ContentHeader-Categories"><span class="staticoso-Label">{Locale["Categories"]}</span>:<span class="staticoso-Value">{Categories.removesuffix(" ")}</span></span><br>'
2022-08-30 21:10:45 +02:00
return f'<p>{Header}</p>'
def MakeCategoryLine(File, Meta):
Categories = ''
for Cat in Meta['Categories']:
Categories += f' <a href="{GetPathLevels(File)}Categories/{Cat}.html">{html.escape(Cat)}</a> '
2022-08-30 21:10:45 +02:00
return Categories
def MakeListTitle(File, Meta, Titles, Prefer, SiteRoot, BlogName, PathPrefix=''):
Title = GetTitle(File.split('/')[-1], Meta, Titles, Prefer, BlogName).lstrip().rstrip()
2022-08-30 21:10:45 +02:00
Link = False if Meta['Index'] == 'Unlinked' else True
if Link:
Href = f'{PathPrefix}{StripExt(File)}.html'
Title = f'<a href="{Href}">{Title}</a>'
2022-08-30 21:10:45 +02:00
if Meta['Type'] == 'Post':
CreatedOn = Meta['CreatedOn'] if Meta['CreatedOn'] else '?'
Title = f"[{CreatedOn}] {Title}"
return Title
def FormatTitles(Titles, Flatten=False):
# TODO: Somehow titles written in Pug can end up here and don't work, they should be handled
HTMLTitles, DashyTitles = '', []
for t in Titles:
n = 0 if Flatten else t.split(' ')[0].count('#')
Title = MkSoup(t.lstrip('#')).get_text()
DashyTitle = DashifyTitle(Title, DashyTitles)
DashyTitles += [DashyTitle]
Start = '<ul><li>' * (n - 1)
End = '</li></ul>' * (n - 1)
HTMLTitles += f'<li>{Start}<a href="#{DashyTitle}">{html.escape(Title)}</a>{End}</li>'
return f'<ul>{HTMLTitles}</ul>'