Don't yet mind the fact that there is no CSS at all, and only one single page. Still a heavy WIP :)
## Input Files
### Templates and Parts
For templates and parts files, currently only HTML is supported.
### Pages and Posts
For pages and posts files, many formats are supported as input:
- Markdown (Suffixes: `.md`)
- Pug (through pug-cli) (Suffixes: `.pug`)
Some are planned for support, but some bugs have to be fixed fist:
- HTML (Suffixes: `.htm`, `.html`)
- Plain text (Suffixes: `.txt`)
## Site folder Structure
A typical staticoso site folder looks like this:
-`Assets/`: Contains files that will be just copied as they are in the root of the output folder.
-`Pages/`: Contains website pages.
-`Posts/`: Contains website posts, which differ for some things from pages.
-`Templates/`: Contains base HTML pages to be used as templates for compiling all the pages.
-`StaticParts/`: Contains HTML snippets that can be included statically in HTML templates.
-`DynamicParts/`: Contains HTML snippets that can be included dynamically, via configuration flags, in HTML templates.
-`Site.ini`: Specifies some configuration flags.
## Configuration Flags
Many configuration flags are available.
They can be specified from the `Site.ini` file, under the `[Site]` section, or as command-line arguments.
CLI arguments, if specified, always take priority over the INI values.
In the INI file, flags are specified as they are, separated by new lines. In
_Note: Some flags are currently CLI-only, while others are file-only. This will be soon fixed._
-`SiteName`: The name of your site.
-`BlogName`: The name of the blog section of your site.
-`SiteTagline`: The tagline or motto of your site.
-`SiteRoot`: The root path of your site on your server. Defaults to `/`.
-`SiteDomain`: Domain of your website, for use for feeds and sitemaps.
-`SiteLang`: The language of your site. Will be used for choosing certain strings. Defaults to `en`.
-`SiteTemplate`: Name of the template file to use for the site. Defaults to `Default.html`.
-`Minify`: Whether or not to minify the output HTML. Defaults to `False`.
-`NoScripts`: Whether or not to strip out `<script>` tags from the output HTML. Defaults to `False`.
-`Sorting`: -
-`GemtextOut`: Whether or not to output a Gemtext conversion of the site. Requires html2gmi. Defaults to `False`.
-`GemtextHeader`: A string to optionally include at the top of every Gemtext file.
-`SitemapOut`: Whether or not to create sitemap files. Defaults to `True`.
-`FeedEntries`: Max number of pages to include in feed files. A value of `0` disables feed generation, while `-1` equals no limit. Defaults to `10`.
-`FolderRoots`: -
-`DynamicParts`: -
-`MarkdownExts`: -
-`MastodonURL`: URL of a Mastodon instance to use for notifying of new posts and creating comment links. Leave blank to disable Mastodon.
-`MastodonToken`: Application token of a Mastodon account to use for notifying of new posts and creating comment links. Leave blank to disable Mastodon.
-`FeedCategoryFilter`: -
-`ActivityPubTypeFilter`: -
-`ActivityPubHoursLimit`: -
-`AutoCategories`: Whether or not to automatically create pages in the `Categories/` directory of your site. Defaults to `False`.